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07x22 - The Lost Ones: Part 2

Posted: 02/15/22 09:21
by bunniefuu

Come on,
slow that wagon down.


Tongue's broke!
We're running loose! Jump!

-I said jump, sarah!

-No! No!


No! No!


-Aah! No!
-Come on! Jump!



[Both scream]

Well, there's no denying
they're beautiful

It wouldn't surprise me
if they both found a home,

In time.

How much time?

Oh, that's impossible
to say.

Uh, sometimes
only a few weeks.

And sometimes

Even years.

Gentlemen, I hate
to tell you this.

The fact is,
they can't stay here.

Charles: why not?

We simply don't
have the room.

Well, what's gonna
happen to them?

Well, this is
not to say that we can't
be of assistance.

I'm sure the state
facility outside

Minneapolis can
place them.

[Engine chugging]

I want you to know
that I understand

About your not being
able to take us in.

Uh, well,
I hope you do.

I mean, you have
your own family.

But you took
real good care of us.

We thank you.

Look, if you...

If you need anything,
you just write to me,
all right?

Yes, sir.


Good-bye, son.

Charles: I overheard what
you were telling him
about orphanages.

You didn't make them
sound so bad.

Albert: I had to say
something to make him
feel better...

Always being
bossed around
by people

Who don't
seem to care.

It's always too
hot or too cold.

Always feeling like
you never get
enough to eat.

Mmm, but the worst
is the fighting.

What fighting?


[Train whistle blowing]

[Steam hisses]

[Brakes hissing]

[Brakes scrape]

Do you realize
what this is doing
to my schedule?

It'll just
take a minute.

Now, I want you
to listen to me.
I've been thinking--

What if you two
come with me
to walnut grove?

Yes! Oh, yes!

Hey now, hold on.
This is not permanent.

You just stay with us
long enough till we can
find you a proper home.

What if you can't?

Well, then, I'm gonna have to
take you on to the orphanage.

But at least it's a chance.
What do you say?

We'll go with you.

All right, come on!

[Bell on door rings]
mrs. Oleson:
caroline! Is that you?

Yes, it is!

Oh, you have
a phone call!

Long distance.
It's charles.


Thank you.




Hello, darling.

Where are you?

In sleepy eye.

Oh, i--i thought you
were going to leave

As soon as you got
the children off
on the train.

Well, i--i was,
but, uh...

been a change.

What is it?

Well, it's--
it's just

What is?

Well, I thought
the children might
have a better chance

Of finding
a good home
in walnut grove.

Now, i--i know
it's a lot to ask.

Uh, it's gonna be
a little crowded
for everybody. But,

It's only
gonna be for
a short time,

Until we find
them a home.

Caroline, they're
wonderful children.

What time
will you be home?


When will you be here?
I've got to get organized,
you know.

They'll need beds,

We'll be there
this evening,
before dark.

we'll be ready!

I love you.

I love you, too.



My, my, my.
What was that
all about?

Beds? What was that?

We're gonna have
company for a while.


In your house?
Oh, my goodness
sakes alive.

Hardly holds your
family as it is.


Well, some people
take up more room
than others.

I best get
to the kitchen.

I'll be leaving
a few hours
early today.


[Birds chirping]

There we go. Uhh.

Did you find some?

Well, the olesons
had a bunch
in stock,

No charge.

Obviously you
dealt with mr. Oleson.

-Ha ha.
-That's a guess.
Heh heh!

Oh, this will
make things
much easier.

That's good.

Pa sure didn't
give you
much notice, did he?

Oh, well, that's just
the way it turned out.

Sure is gonna be crowded
up in that loft.

we'll manage.

How long are they
gonna stay, ma?

Oh, heh heh.
We're not
really sure.

Did you feed the
chickens yet?

-No, ma.
-Well, you better get to it.

-Yes, ma'am.
-All right.

[Chickens clucking]

[Wagon approaching]

Ma! Ma!

They're here!

[Wind whistling]

hi, ma.

Ha ha ha!

Welcome home.

this is james.

Hello, james.

And this is cassandra.

Welcome to our home.


What in the world...

Oh, it's all right.

It's all right.


She looks like ma.

I almost thought
you were.


Poor child.

She's asleep now.

Thanks, carrie.
See you in the morning.

Good night.
Good night, james.

Good night.

I guess it's all
coming back to her...

I mean, how
everything happened.

Yeah. She'll be
all right.

She'll be just fine.

We both will.

I almost forgot...

What it was like
to feel...



Yeah, you are.

I'm awful tired.

I think I'll get
some sleep now.

-Good night.

Good night.

It might not
be easy

Finding a family
to adopt them.

I know.

I'll see
reverend alden

Maybe he can help.

I can't get over
that child.

She never took
her eyes off me.

It's kind of...
Eerie, really,

Thinking that
she's seeing her mother

When she
looks at me.


Uh, I think
that's over now.

I think she's
had a shock.

Thanks for
taking this on
like you did.

Uhh, I just didn't
want any other way.

There wasn't
any other way.

[Both sigh]

[Wagon rolling]

[Child screaming]

[Birds chirping]

Well, I can certainly
ask around.

There's new families
coming in all the time.

And I try to meet
most of them

If they're in
a reasonable distance
to church.

I'd appreciate it,

Must be terribly crowded
on you out there.

Well, it is for
carrie and albert.

But they haven't
complained so far.

Heh. Rising to
the occasion, are they?

Uh, you might
say that.

I think they want
the children

To make as good
adjustment as possible.

You think they will?

Well, I hope so.
I think a normal routine
can be good for them.

I'm gonna
start 'em in
school tomorrow.

Oh, that's
a good idea.

I'll let you know,
charles, the moment
I find out anything.

I appreciate it.


[School bell ringing]

[Children chattering]

[Birds chirping
and wind whistling]

Good morning.
You made it
just on time.

It's a lot of folks
to get dressed
in a small space. Heh.

I understand.

James, you can
sit with albert.

And cassandra,
you can sit
with carrie.

Come on, james.

Come on, cassandra.
I'll walk you in.

We're gonna play games
and have fun.

Don't you
want to come?

You all
go on ahead.

Cassandra can
spend the day with me.

Come along.

Two steak
and eggs, rare.

The stew's right there.

Cassandra, there's some
stove wood outside.

Would you go
get some for me?

[Children playing]

You can put
the wood right here
in the woodbin.

Those children
surely do

Make a lot of noise
at lunchtime.

You know,
you were smart

Not to go to school
with james.

My daughter's
a very hard teacher.

You'll see tonight.

James is gonna have
a lot of homework.

I'll help him
with it, though.

You'll be
the lucky one.

You'll be sleeping

While james and I
are working
on his studies.

I bet he isn't
through till--
oh, 8:00-8:30.

I love it, though.

I used to be
a teacher.

And I just love
to help children
with their homework.

Yes, indeed.

James and I
will be spending

A lot of evenings

I want homework.


I want homework!

Well, if you
want homework,

You're going to have
to go to school.

Two more steak
and eggs, rare.

Mrs. Ingalls, the
steaks are burning!

Who cares?

[Laughing and screaming]

Laura: as the weeks passed,

James and cassandra
became more and more

A part of the family.

"They'll find
a home soon," pa said.

But we all knew
the longer it took,

The more difficult
it would be for everyone.

Who would
like more cake?

Mm, caroline,
I'm stuffed.

I will.

Me, too.

Could i?

Of course.

We've got some
hungry little bodies here.

[Caroline giggles]

five days in a row,

Willie oleson
had to stand in the corner.

Well, that's nowhere
near his record.

So he must like it.

No, he just
can't help it.

I got an "a"
on a test

Caroline: did you?

Well, that's
a hard thing to do.

Our daughter's
pretty tough on grades.

I really
like her.

I never used
to have fun at school.

Well, school can't
all be fun, you know.

Yeah, but
lots of it is.

Mrs. Ingalls,
may I have another
piece of cake?

[Wagon approaches]

[Horse snorts]

Hm. We've got company.

Well, reverend.


How are you?
Good to see you.

I'd like you to meet
mr. And mrs. Tomkins.

-Nice to meet you.
-Mr. Tomkins.


Didn't you buy
some lumber at my place?

On a few occasions.

Right, I thought so.

the tomkins'

Would like to see
the cooper children.

Oh. Uh...

For adoption?


Why don't you
come on in the house.

Thank you.


Didn't mean
to interrupt supper.

Oh, no, that's all right.
We're mostly finished.

Reverend: good evening,
caroline, children.

-Mr. And mrs. Tomkins,

This is my wife

And the children,
albert and baby grace

And carrie.

And that's james
and cassandra cooper.


How old are you,


Isn't that strange?

Our little girl died
a little over a year ago.

She'd have been
just your age.

Had almost the same
color hair, too.

Reverend: children,
mr. And mrs. Tomkins

Might consider adopting you.

Would you like that?

Yes, sir.

The truth is,

We was just talking
about adopting
a little girl.

But seeing as they're
brother and sister,

I guess we'd have
to make the exception.



We'll be talking
about it and let you

-Thank you.
-Good night.

I'll see
you out.

Charles, I'll let you know
the moment I find out anything.

Oh, thank you,

He's not the friendliest
sort of fellow, is he?

It's just his way.

His wife's
a good woman.

Well, he doesn't seem
too keen on adopting

Both the children,

Tomkins: reverend?

Can we talk to you
for a minute?

Charles, mr. Tomkins
just told me

He would like
to adopt both children.

I thought he said
he wanted

To take some time
and think about it.

He told me just now.

He'd like to have them
on saturday.

Well, sa--uh, saturday,
that's awful soon.

There'd be no time
to get the papers ready.

Papers can wait.

Charles, the sooner you make
this break, the better.

I've seen you
in church together.

The way the young ones are
with you and caroline.

Believe me, charles,
the sooner the better.

Yeah, you're right.


what is it?

Well, the tomkins' want
to adopt both children.

And they...

They'd like
to have them
on saturday.

I'll tell them.

[Cattle mooing]


The children will
be out in a while.

No rush.


Do you think we're doing
the right thing?

We're doing what
we said we'd do.

We found them
a home.

I know,
but it's obvious

The children
don't want to go
with the tomkins'.

That's to be

They've been
living with us,
they're used to us.

It's more than just
being used to us.

They've come
to love this family.

what do you
expect me to do?

I mean, we can barely
make ends meet now.

I can't afford
to take care
of two more young 'uns.


I don't want
to hear any more
about it!

This isn't easy
for me either.

Finish with the horses.
I'll get their bags.

Oh, caroline.

I was beginning
to worry.

You were so late.

I know.
I'm sorry.


Well, did you get
those children
packed off?

Yes, they've gone
to their new home.

Ah, well.

That must be
quite a relief.
Ha ha.

I don't know
how you do it.

Well, of course,
you farm folks

Are used to living
in cramped, small
quarters, but...

Still, four children
in that loft?

Not to mention
the baby downstairs.
Tsk tsk tsk.

We managed quite nicely.

Oh, well, I'm sure
that you did.

But still, it must
be quite a relief,
huh? Ha ha.

I mean, it's bad
enough to have
to take care

Of one's own

But who would want
to be burdened
with somebody else's?

I would.


I'm sorry, mrs. Oleson,
I just don't feel well today.

Well, who's gonna do
the cooking?

They should
be here soon.

I can hardly wait.

They're part
of this family now.

Not to me!


I'm your family.

How come you never
asked me

About taking in a couple
of no-good orphan kids?

You watch
your tongue, boy!

Oh, please, seth,
try to understand.

I need that
little girl.

Your sister and i,
we did everything

You and your pa,
you work together.

I'm here all alone.

Please, seth.

I'm gonna teach
that boy some
respect for his--

Isaiah, no!

Give him time.
It's not easy for him.

[Wagon approaches]

They're here!

Welcome to your
new home, children.

Thank you,

Thank you.

I was telling james here

He'd have an older brother
to play with.

Yes. Seth.

He's inside getting
his room straight.

Can we offer you
a refreshment,
mr. Ingalls?

No, thank you.
I'd best be getting back.

Thank you for bringing
the children, then.

Come along,

There's one thing,
mr. Tomkins.

This is what little money
the parents had.

It belongs to you now.

Thanks just the
same, but we can't
be takin' any money.

But it's theirs--

We're a humble
family, mr. Ingalls,
not poor.

Well, mr. Tomkins,
I didn't mean--

You put that
in the bank
for 'em

For when
they're growed.

All right,
I'll do that.

This isn't
you know.

I expect you
to come to our place
and visit.

We can?

Sure you can.

Be disappointed
if you didn't.

You be good now.

We will.

Tell carrie
I'll miss her.

Beth, get the children
in the house now.

Come along, children,
let's go inside.

Mr. Ingalls.

I'd appreciate it
if you wouldn't come

To visit the children
for a while.

It'd just make the break
that much harder for them.

I understand
your concern, but--

They're my
children now.

I expect you'll
abide by my wishes.

Good day, sir.

That's lydia.

That's my
little girl.

It was taken
just two months
before she fell sick.

Seth, get
out here!

This is your
brother seth.

Let's show them
where they'll sleep.

Of course.
This way.

This was
lydia's room.

The extra bed
makes it a little

But it should suit
your needs.

Yes, ma'am.

You won't be needing it
for much more than sleeping.

No one leads
a soft life here.

We rise an hour
before dawn.

You'll both be doing
a good day of choring

Before school and after.

Hard work is no stranger
to god-fearing folk.

Come along, beth.

Put your
things away
and then wash.

Laura: as the weeks passed,
I noticed a great change

In james and cassandra

They became more and more
withdrawn in my class.

They were never allowed
to come see ma and pa.

Something was wrong
in their new home,

But they would never
said a word about it.

I want you
to review

five and six
for tomorrow.

There will be
another test.

[Students groan]

Class dismissed.

Willie, get your
bat and ball.

All right.
I'll be right back.

James, cassandra,

Could I see you two
for a moment,

Yes, ma'am?

I'm sorry
to say this.

But you both failed
yesterday's test.

Now, I know
how bright
you both are,

But lately...

Can you tell me
what's wrong?

I don't know.

Well, homework's kinda hard
to get done.

Well, is there anything
preventing you from it?

We're supposed
to do it before

I guess we're
just too tired.

why are you
so tired?

It's our fault.

We'll have to try

All right.

But I have
to tell you this.

If your grades
don't improve,

You're both going
to fail this semester.

I'd hate to see
that happen.

You will try harder,
won't you?

All right.
You may go now.

Oh, james. You want
to play some ball?

I can't. I have
to get home.

Oh. Well, I never see you
anymore, except in school.

Well, see,
mr. Tomkins,

He gets awful mad
if we're late
for chores.

Just for
a few minutes.

I can't.

We should've
told mrs. Wilder

About how
he works us.

No, she'd
say something.

He'd get mad
at us for telling.

I don't care.

Well, I do.

And you should, too.

Whether we like it or not,
he's our pa now.

We have to do
what he says.

I don't want
him to be our pa.

It's better than going
to an orphanage.

That's where we'd end up
if he tells us to go.

I want to be
with mrs. Ingalls.

Will you stop?

We can't be.
If they wanted us,

They'd have kept us.

Tomkins is all we've got.

I don't want us to be late.

We're not going
back there.


that's where.

Why not?

no reason to.

We're gonna
fail anyway.

He'll make us go.

We won't
tell him.

Go fishing,
rest for chores.

At least we'll be
by ourselves

With nobody
bossing us
all the time.

aren't you hungry,

No, ma'am.

Are you sick?

Just tired.

If you're done,
go fetch water
for the dishes.

I'll get it.

Didn't ask you.

Fetching water
is woman's work.

Isaiah, the child
is tuckered out.
She's been--

You wanted
them young 'uns,
you got 'em.

But as long
as they're in my house,
they'll do as I say.

Go fetch that water.

Sold six horses today.

Got a good price
for them.

There was a dollar
paper money in here.

It's gone.

Did you use it, woman,
without asking?

No, isaiah.
I wouldn't do that.


No, I didn't take
nothing, pa. Look.

You swear?

Yeah, I swear.

How come you
think it's me?

What about him?

My pa taught me
not to steal.

Empty your
pockets, then.

Your pa taught you
not to steal,
did he?

Taught you how
to lie, though,
didn't he?

Didn't he?


No, I'm not lying!

Boy, I'm going to
teach you a lesson.

What's wrong?

Stay in here.

What is he doing?

He's gonna give him
a whipping,
just like he deserves.

[Whip lashing]

-Hiya, darling.
-Hi, pa.

I have to
talk to you.

-It's james and cassandra.

Boy, still no
improvement, huh?

Oh, more than that.

They never even
showed up
for school today.

I'm really worried.

I mean, the tomkins'
would have left word

If they were sick.

Maybe I ought
to ride on out there.

I'd like to go
with you.


How you feeling?

I'm all right.

Still hurting bad?

Just inside.

Hating gives
you a pain.

Seth took that money
for sure.

I told you,
didn't i?

Well, I hate him
and I don't
even have a pain.

We're going
to run away.


We're going
to run away.

Remember what
albert told us?

He did it.
He went to the city,
and he made it.

Yeah, but
stealing and such.

So? Mr. Tomkins
thinks I steal.

Why shouldn't i,

It'll make him
right for once.

Say, you know
that old money jar
of his

Is getting
pretty full.

And I heard him
tell the mrs.
Last night

He was gonna sell
the two cows.

And when he does,

I'm gonna take
that old money jar

And we'll
run away.

What if
he catches us?

He won't.

I'm scared.

You have to
do what I say.

I'm the oldest,
you understand?

It's getting late.
We'd best get back.

He knows now.

He knows
we've been lying.

He'll whip us
for sure
this time.

What do we do?

Money or no,
we got to run away

Oh, james.

Hey, listen, we've
got each other.

And I can work.
You'll see.

I'm scared.

Me, too.

But I'm more
scared of him

Than I am about
what's out there.

Me, too.

Come on, then.

Make that three eggs
this morning, darlin'.
I'm starving.

Charles ingalls,
you better watch
that waistline.

Well, I didn't have
a snack last night.

That's why
I'm so hungry
this morning.

-Oh, you didn't snack?

Then why
is the cookie jar empty,

And the milk can
half full?

Those kids.


There's not much
I can do about
the cookie jar,

But I'll have
the milk can full
in a few minutes.

[Knock on door]

Don't tell me other folks
get up as early
as we do.

Just make those

Ah, mr. Ingalls.

Mr. Tomkins,

I'm sorry
to bother you this early,

But we're looking
for the young 'uns

They didn't come home
last night.

Oh, no.

You haven't
seen them then?

No, we haven't.

Did you find out where
they went yesterday?

No. I thought they
was in school,

Until mr. Ingalls
and mrs. Wilder
told me different.

They probably
run off.

What makes
you say that?

Afraid of a whipping,

I had to give the boy
a good one
the other night.

Why? What for?


Not james.
He wouldn't do that.

Mr. Ingalls, he did
and he lied about it.

The same way he lied
about being in school.

Oh, he's a bad one.

He needs a belt
to straighten him out.

Well, I don't agree with you.
But it's not really
important now.

I'll get adam and almanzo,
and we'll start looking.

Thank you.

I'll be at my place
in case you find 'em.

Well, you're not
gonna look for them?

They come back or not,
it's up to them.

I give 'em a good home,
they don't appreciate it.


I've got to get back
to work.

I'll saddle up
the horse.

Are we lost?

I don't think so.

But we better stay
off the road
for a while.

How far do we
have to go?

I don't know
for sure.

Till we get
to the city.

I'm hungry.

We'll find some
berries or something.

I'm cold, too.

Yeah, I know.

Just keep moving.
It'll warm you up.

Come on.

Why don't we split up?

Meet at clark's fort.

All right.
Anybody finds them,

Fire two sh*ts.

Good enough.

Maybe we
should go back.

No. We'll get
to a road soon.

We have to.

But I'm afraid.

Look, as long as
we're together,

Nothing's gonna

Come on.


My leg!
I think it's broken!

-What do we do?
-I don't know.

I've got to go back.

No, you can't!

I have to.
They'll never
find us here.

You could die!

Cassandra, no!


More coffee?

No, thank you.

No, not for me.

There's no point
in you both waiting,

You know. There's
nothing we can do.

-Mom, I want to stay.
-Me, too.

The thought of
those children

Spending another
night out there

Ma, don't.

They'll be found.

Never should
have let them go
to the tomkins'.

We knew
it was wrong.

Ma, stop blaming yourself.

They had
to find a home.

I know.

Mr. Ingalls!

Mr. Ingalls!



Thank god
you're all right.

It's james. He's hurt.

His a trap.

It's all right.
We'll get him.

We'll get him.
Come with me.


Oh, we were
so worried.

How's james?

Doc baker's putting
a splint on his leg
right now.


He cried real hard.

Oh, it must have
been terrible.

Is mr. Tomkins gonna
whip james again

For running away?

No, cassandra,
he's not going
to whip him anymore.

-You can come in now.
-Thanks, doc.


Does it still hurt?

Not as bad
as before.

That pain will be gone
in a day or two.

A boy your age,
you'll be up

Running around as usual

In five, maybe six weeks.

Just don't put any pressure
on it until I say so.

Yes, sir.

I can make him
a crutch


Well, you two,
it looks like we ought
to be getting home.

Mr. Tomkins...

He's going to be
awful mad.

Well, I suppose he is,

But that shouldn't
matter much to us.

When I say home,

I mean our place.

I mean, I want you
to come live with us.

Isn't that right,

That's right.

That's right.

It's gonna be
pretty darn crowded,

But that's just the way
it's going to be.

Gee, mr. Ingalls.


Come on,
let's go home.

so james and cassandra

Came to live
with ma and pa

And albert and carrie
and baby grace.

The little house would
be very full...

Of love.