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07x15 - Make a Joyful Noise

Posted: 02/15/22 09:12
by bunniefuu
I won't be having
use for this anymore.

You can get rid of that
old relic you've been using.

Yeah, and I
appreciate it.

You're leaving
so sudden like,

I still can't get
used to the idea.

Yeah. It's been
coming on for a while.

No. My farming days
are over.

This last crop failure
finally did it.

Anybody can have
a bad year.

Well, I'm not saying
I couldn't make it

If I tried real hard.

Well, it's just me
all by myself, no family.

What am I breaking
my back for?

Well, if you
put it that way,

I guess it
does make sense.

Yeah. Got to be
real lonesome.

Walnut grove has
been good to me, though.

I can't deny that,

But I got to get out
in the world more,

Do more things,
see more people,

Maybe lay down
some roots of my own.

Well, you picked
the right town
for it.

Sleepy eye is just
growing like crazy,

And you got a lot
of good friends there.

Yeah. Jonathan says
he'll have

All the work
I can handle.

We'll see how
that turns out.

You've been a good
friend, charles.

You, too.

Going to miss you
around here, joe.

Say good-bye to
the family for me.

I'll do that.
Good luck.

When you get
into sleepy eye,
say hi to mary.

I'll do that.


Joe! Joe kagan!

Ha ha!
Good to see you.

Same here.
How was your trip?

Not bad.

Say, you
weren't joking

About how much work
there is.

And more coming
all the time.

I could sure
use your help.

Well, we best start
with an empty wagon.

I'll give you
a hand.

Got a loft up there
we can store this stuff in.



That's good, gideon.

Thank you, ma'am.

Let's make our lists
as long as we can

Before question
and answers, all right?


The boston tea party
was a very interesting

I know you'd like it.

Why don't you go sit
with gideon,

And he could help you.

I don't want
any help.

Well, why not?

I mean, we're friends,
aren't we?

I don't want
any friends either.

Timothy, why do you
suppose it is you're here?

It's all a mistake.


I'm not blind
like everybody else.

I'm going to see again,

And my parents are
gonna be back to get me.

But until they do,
you have to work

Like the rest of them.

No, I don't.

I told you,
I'm not blind
like everybody else.

I'm going to see again,

So I don't have to
learn this stuff.

Well, you can't
just sit there.

You want to do something.

I want to be
left alone

'Til my mother
and father come back
to get me,

That's all.

All right, if you've finished
your lists,

We'll go on with questions
and answers.

[Door opens and closes]

I am absolutely
at the end
of my patience.

What's wrong?

Timothy warren.

Ever since that child
has been here,

He's had a wall
built up around him

Joshua himself
couldn't penetrate.

You mean, he still
won't cooperate?

Not one bit.

He has this idea
in his head

That he's not blind
like the rest of them.

He's gonna see one day,

And he's just waiting
for the miracle to happen.

Well, we've
had children

With that problem
here before.

Not like
old timothy warren,
we haven't.

If only adam
were here,

He'd know how
to get through.

Joe: delivery for
hester-sue terhune.


Joe kagan.

good to see you again.

What a wonderful

What are you
doing here
in sleepy eye?

Oh, I'm working
with jonathan.

You mean

That is, until I can
stake my claim,

You might say.

I'm so glad.

Aren't you,


You mind signing
for these books?

Oh, yes.

I just can't
get over it.

What about
your farm?

Sold it off.

You want this
put anyplace speci--

No. Just leave
it right here.

Say, I noticed

One of your window
panes is broken.

Be glad to come back
and fix it for you.

No. That's quite all right.
You may leave it right--

Would you, joe?
No trouble.

The fact is,

With both adam
and houston gone,

Not a day passes
when something
doesn't need fixing.

Well, I'm gonna
spend all my time
making deliveries.

You have hester-sue
to make up a list.

I'll see that
things get fixed.

Thank you, joe.

My pleasure.

I'll be seeing
you, then...

Real soon.

[Door closes]

I've got
another class.

Joe kagan's making you
a little nervous, huh?

Of course not.

Ha ha ha! Oh, really?

He's the last person
I expected to see.
That's all.

You know, if my memory
serves me,

You were pretty sweet
on him once.

Now, now.
Tell the truth.

Mary, there's one
thing I don't need,

And that's a man
like joe kagan.


Well, how can
he be expected
to take care of me

When he can't even
take care of himself?

You heard him.

He's gone
and sold his farm,
the one thing he had,

And that's the way he's
been all of his life,

Never sticking
to one thing

Long enough
to make it work.

But you're still
attracted to him,
aren't you?

I've got
work to do.

Hee hee hee!

That you, timothy?

Who is it?

What are you
asking who
it is for

When you're
not blind

Like the rest
of us?

What do you want?

You forgot something.
That's all.

braille book.

I don't need it.

Pick it up.

Pick it up.
Pick it up.


Come on.
Get away from him.
Get away from him.

Come on.
Get off of him.

Come here.

Are you ok,
young fella?

what's the
meaning of this?

Well, what's
the meaning
of all this?

Joe: seems there was
a difference of opinion.

Timothy, what--

All right.

I want to see
you two

In my office
first thing
in the morning.

In the meantime,
you go upstairs to your room.

Take this book.

Guess I really don't
need an explanation.

It's that
timothy warren.

That boy has upset
this whole school.

I don't understand him.
He has no feelings.

Oh, hester-sue,
everybody feels.

Some folks just have
a tougher time
showing it, is all.

But I've tried
so hard,

And I can't get
through to him.

Well, the boy
has probably got

A lot of emotion
bottled up inside.

It'll take time.

Yeah. I suppose.

You look real nice.

Thank you.

Nice enough to ask
out to dinner,

Maybe get your mind
off a few problems.

Well, not tonight.

I mean, I have
someplace to go,

And I am late.

Some other time.


Can I tell
you something?

Like I said, joe,
I'm already late.

Look. It's important.

You know, all the while
since you left walnut grove,

My mind has been stuck
on thinking about you,

And it come to me real clear
how you're the woman I want,

The only one,
so when my crops failed,

I figured that was
as good a reason as any

To pack up
and come here.

Now listen, joe.

I'm not gonna
listen to any more
of your nonsense.

Just so you know.

And just
so you'll know,

There's just one chance
in a thousand

I'd even consider
taking up

With the likes
of you.

Ha! Them is
steep odds.

[Knock on door]

Good evening,

Good evening,
my dear.

I would like to have
you meet joe kagan.

He helps around here.

Joe, this is
hertzell lundy.

Nice to meet you.


We're running
a little bit
behind schedule.

I'm ready.
Shall we?

Bye, joey.


[Both laughing]

Whoa there.


Watch your step now.

All right.
Thank you.

It's been a lovely
evening, hertzell.

Just one of many
ahead of us, my dear,

Just one of many.

We're going to have
a marvelous life together,

You and i.

Remember, I haven't
made up my mind yet.

Yes. I know it's
a difficult decision,

Having to give up
one's career,

Yet I'm confident
that you'll see

That I have
far more to offer.

Yes, but
give me time.

Of course.

Good night.

Good night,

Oh. Good night,
my dear.



I thought I'd
freshen things up in here.

Yeah? I don't
know what you up to,

But it's highly

Don't mind me.

Just go on
what you have to do.

Joe, I am not
amused by it.

Oh, come on.

What could be wrong
with doing a little
late-night painting?

nothing, joe,

And you stay there
as long as you want to.

I'm already up on top
of this scaffold.

Stay there.
Hear? Bye.

You get away
from the door.

Don't get me wrong.

I just want to have
a little conversation,

That's all.

A conversation
at this hour?


There's, uh, something
I have to find out.

Like what?

Are you...
about that fellow?

As a matter of fact,
he has asked me
to marry him.

Ha ha. You're not
considering it, are you?

Well, yes,
I'm considering it.

I mean, hertzell has
a lot to offer.

Like what?

Well, like a fine home.


And security.


Well, like I say,
he has a lot to offer.

Must have
a lot of money.

Hertzell is
very successful.



What does he do?

What, for a living?

Of course,
for a living.

Well, hertzell
is, uh...

Well, go on, go on,
go on, go on.

I think this
has gone far enough,

And for
your information,

I will be in
the guest bedroom

With the doors locked.

[Door slams]


Well, well.
We meet again.

Who's that?
Joe kagan.

I pulled a couple fellas
off you the other day.

I remember.

Hey, shouldn't you
be in class?

That's none of
your business.

That may be true,

But you should be
learning your braille,

And then you can
at least read a book.

I can already read
the regular way,

And my sight
is gonna come back.

Well, if that's true,
I guess you're right,

But there's one thing
you surely need to learn.

What's that?

How to defend

They don't
teach that here.

Didn't you know
I used to be a fighter?

I can give
you a few tips.

No, thanks.

Well, you think
about it.


* Hold me

* In thy vow

* Amen

* Bread of heaven

* Feed me till I want

* No more

* Bread of heaven

* Feed me till I want

* No more

Ahh, very nice.

Very nice.
Now let's try it again.

Excuse me.
I got a delivery--




Ha ha ha!

You run a
funeral parlor?

I do.

Ha ha ha!

Now, look here.

Ha ha ha!

Why are you

I just never

Well, it's kind of
hard to explain.

Look. I got
a delivery to make.

I'll bring
the wagon around...

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

A funeral

Oh, ha ha ha!

Of all
the doggone
things to do.

Ha ha ha!

No wonder
she wouldn't
tell me.

Ha ha ha!

* The gospel train
is comin' *

* I hear it
just ahead *

* I hear the wheels
a-rollin' *

* And rumblin'
through the land *

* Get on board,
little children *

* Get on board,
little children *

* Get on board,
little children *

* There's room
for many a-more *

* Get on board,
little children *

* Get on board,
little children *

* Get on board,
little children *

* There's room
for many a-more *

* Get on board

Oh, that's

And I'm so
proud of you.

Now, that's
all we're gonna
do today,

But we'll start
our other songs
tomorrow, ok?

Timothy, I'd like to talk
to you for a moment.

I know you have
a beautiful singing voice.

You were soloist
in your church choir.

Who told you that?

Your parents...when
they brought you here.

They were so sure
you'd want to sing with us.

Well, I don't.

I'm trying
to help you, timothy.

You can already tell
that I don't
want any.

Then help me.

Maybe you could tell me
what I could do for you.

Absolutely nothing.
May I be excused?

No. You may not.

Now, you think you're better
than the other students,

But you're not.

There are things
expected of them,

And there are
things expected of you,

And starting tomorrow,
you will no longer

Be coddled around
in this school.

You will come
in this classroom

And open your mouth

And sing just like
the other students.

No, I won't.
Yes, you will.

Listen. You may be
able to force me
to be here,

But you can't
force me to sing
or anything else.



Is something wrong?

I can't get
through to him, mary.


Yes, timothy.

I feel like
such a failure.

You know, I feel if I can't
get through to one child,

If I can't make
one child understand,

Then maybe I'm not
getting through
to any of them.

Hester-sue, you're
a fine teacher,
and you know it.

No. I thought I was,
but maybe I'm not.

Maybe I should just...
Forget about it.


Hester-sue, I think
you're making too
much out of this.

Am i?

Well, I don't.

No. I think I should
just marry hertzell

And forget
about teaching.

Do you love

Can you honestly
say you do?

Well, no...

I mean not--

Not now, but it will
come in time,

And I would be
a good wife.

No woman can be
a good wife

To a man she
doesn't love.

But, mary, I said

All of that
will come in time.

It's joe,
isn't it?

What are you
talking about?

I think he's
the one you love,

And you just
won't admit it.


I'm your friend,

And I love you.

If you can't
admit that to me--

Just admit it.

You love joe kagan.

All right.

I love him...

But it doesn't matter...

Because I loved
someone else once, too,

And I married him.

He was
a lot like joe.

He was fun,
full of laughs...

But he
was shifty, too,

And he couldn't
keep a job.

He didn't
want to work,

And the money he made,
he would drink,

And I worked every kind
of job you can think of,

And he drank that, too.

Then when he could
no longer face me,

He ran away
with another woman,

And I still
loved him.

I almost had to
dig that love

Out of my heart
with a knife, mary.

I mean,
do you think--

Do you think
that I want to go
through that again?

It's just that joe
isn't anything like that.

Yes. That's
what I thought

About my first
husband, too,

Until it was
too late.

No. I know
what I'm gonna do.

I've made up
my mind,

And I'm gonna
marry hertzell

And have a life with
someone that I can respect.

I'm gonna stay
here with you

Until you can find
someone to replace me.

Joe: hello?

Mary: in here.

Good afternoon.

Hi, joe.

I don't mean
to disturb you.

No, no.
It's all right.

I'm looking
for timothy.

What for?

Oh, not much.
Is it all right?


Well, send him down
to the cellar.

All right.

[Door opens and closes]

I better go find him.

Timothy, the idea is,

If you can locate
the shoulder,

Like here,

Then you know exactly
where the head is.

Right here.

You want to
take a swipe at it?


That's because you're not
mad enough about anything yet.

Now just imagine
those two fellas

That roughed you up
coming at you again

Or anybody else.

Who are you
most mad at?


There must be


Now take a punch.
Maybe it'll come to you.

Come on.
Try one by yourself.

Just one. Go on.

That's it.

If there's anger
in you,

It starts coming out
the second you hit the bag.

Now go on.
Try again.


Now feel it.

Feel it.

Now, what this bag is
are all the things

And people crowding in
and hurting you,

Just moving in,

Moving in...

And just never
letting you be,

Just crowding
in on you,

Just crowding in on you.


Always figuring
you'll just take it,

Not do anything
about it,

But this time,
they might be wrong.

Maybe you
won't take it.

Fight back, timothy.
Fight back!

Hit the bag!
Go on! Go on!

It's happening.
Again. Again!

Again! Again! Again!

Again! Again!

Again! Again!

Again! Again!

Again! Again!

Again! Again!

Again! Again!

Again! Again!

Again! Again!



You don't care.

Why did you
let me go blind?

Why didn't you
do something?

Why did you
leave me here?

Come back
and get me.

I'm all alone.

I'm all alone.

That's good.

That's good.

You let it out.

You let
it all out.


what's going on?

It's all right.

is all right.


Would you please
explain what happened?

What's happened is,

The boy is learning
how to fight back.

He's learned how to let
his feelings out.

You don't fool me for
one minute, joe kagan.

Of all
the irresponsible--

Using that poor child
to get my attention.

Get your attention?

Well, ain't you

Lady, this ain't
got nothing

To do with you,

If you'll
excuse me, i--

I got work to do.

* Go tell it on
the mountain *

* That jesus christ
is born *

* Why don't you
go tell it on the mountains *

* Over the hills
and everywhere? *

* Go tell it on
the mountain *

* That jesus christ
is born *

Hey, timothy.

There's a verse in here
I'd like for you to sing,

And it goes
something like this.

* When I was
a sinner *

* I sinned both
night and day *

* Asked my lord
to help me *

* And he showed
me the way *

Would you like
to hear it again?

Come on.
Try it once, just once.



Yes, ma'am.

I want you
to take the pitch pipe,

Give them a note,

And sing, "every time
I feel the spirit."

Yes, ma'am.
You're the leader,
all right?

I'll be right back.

Mary, do you know
where timothy warren is?


Well, I've
looked everywhere.

Well, he couldn't
have left the school.

Did you try
the cellar?

No. As a matter
of fact, I didn't.

And jab
with your left

Until you know just where
the shoulder is.

Now wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

That's not a jab.

Let me show you.
Pull your hand back.


Try it again.

Ah. That's good.

Now, the head should
be a dead ringer.

Ah! Ha ha!
That's good.


Timothy, what are
you doing down here?

Oh, it was
my idea.

Go back upstairs
to choir practice...

And I want you
to leave timothy alone.

But I'm getting
through to the boy.

By teaching him

That's right,
against a sack of grain

Instead of
against himself.

He's got a world of
pain to let through,

And it's happening.

I've dealt with the needs
of blind children

For many years,
mr. Kagan,

And I don't require you
to teach me my job.




I'm surprised
to see you.

Yes. I have something
to tell you.

Oh, I'm almost
afraid to guess.

You've decided.


You've accepted my
proposal for marriage?

Yes, but I want it
to be right away.

Of course.

Oh, you've made me
the happiest of men.

I'll leave
you here.

There's so
much to do.

Well, since I
amuse you so,

Perhaps you'd like
to be the first
to hear the news.

You'll hear wedding
bells this saturday,
my friend.

Yes. That's right.

is marrying me.

What? No laughter?

You don't find
this funny?

Ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha! Ahem.

Look. Maybe it's none
of my business,

But don't you think you're
making a big mistake?

Oh, hertzell
told you?

Yeah. He did.
you're right.

It's none of
your business.

Look, hester-sue.

Just because
you don't want me

Don't mean you
have to marry him.

Listen. I don't plan
to discuss it
with you anymore.

Look. I care
about you, is all.

You should have
what you want in life.

All right. It's not me.
I accept that.

Well, just don't
lie to yourself.

Don't settle for somebody
you know you don't want.

Are you finished?

By and by, the right man
will come along.

Have you finished?

It sure does
look like it.

Best of luck
to you, anyway.

Thank you.
I mean it.

I think I know
you do.


How long you
been there?

Not long.

I suppose you heard me
talking to hester-sue,

And I guess you couldn't
make head nor tail,

Of what we were
talking about, could you?

Not much.

It's just that you
sounded real sad.

Yeah. That's true.

I care an awful lot
about that woman.

Then why don't
you marry her?

Because she's marrying
somebody else.


Because she's giving up,
sort of like you, timothy.

Maybe you can
help her, too.

No. She thinks
I'm a failure.

There's not much I can do
to change her opinion.

Guess I'll be
moving on.

Is there anything
that I can do to help?

No, not anything
I can think of.

See you later.


I sure don't think
you're a failure.


Thanks, timothy.

I hope you're making
the right decision.

Even if I never ran
into hester-sue again,

I just
couldn't stay here
knowing she's married.

I can
understand that.

Too bad, too.

Kind of had my heart
set on the place,

But I guess I just
have to keep on going

things work out.

I hope they do, joe.
I hope they do.

Thanks, jonathan.



I made some coffee.
Would you like some?

Oh, no, thank you.

I'm gonna turn in

As soon as I finish
this letter to adam.

Did you tell him
about my wedding?


You know, it's not gonna
be a big affair,

But I hope you'll
stand with me.

Is something wrong?

I--i won't be
at the wedding.


I'm sorry,

I truly am.

But why?

If you won't let
the children attend,

Then I won't
be there, either.

Is that
the only reason?


Mary, do you feel

My marrying hertzell
is that wrong?

Yes. I do.

Then I guess
we've already said

there is to say.

Well, good night.

Good night.

Mary, I hope
you'll reconsider.

It wouldn't feel
right without you.

Would you like one?

Here's one for you.

Play something.

I'll just go see
what's keeping her.

[Organ playing]

Ha ha ha!

You're gonna be
so beautiful.

[Knock on door]


Don't you know
it's bad luck

To see the bride
before the wedding?

We're almost ready
to begin.

Now, you know how I feel
about being on time.

Don't worry about it.
[Door slams]

You better
hurry up, girl.

That man
is gonna need
some smelling salts.

Listen. Would you go
and check

And see if mary
made it here?

Mary? Again?

Please, freda.

She told you
she ain't coming.

Why can't you
believe her?

Well, maybe she
changed her mind.


Ohh, all right.

[Church bell ringing]

Which way
you heading, joe?

East, maybe even
cross the mississippi.

Let me know when
you get settled, will you?

I will.

You've been a good
friend, jonathan.

I'll miss you, joe.

Did you say
good-bye to mary?

Yeah. She asked me
to stop by
on my way out.

The kids have got
some kind of
a special good-bye.

Travel safely.

[Organ playing]

Don't stop.
Keep playing.

Anything special?

I don't care.
Just keep playing.

As you wish.

[Organ playing]

[Knocks on door]

[Door opens]

What do you
mean, "yes"?

We're falling
behind schedule.

The guests are
getting impatient.

We'll be ready in
a few more minutes.

Now, it don't make sense
to wait any longer.

She just ain't coming.

Well, I guess
you're right.

Now, ain't you
a sight?

Come on. Cheer up.
You're getting married.

It's me, mary.

All the children are
in the classroom,

Except for timothy.


He's been acting up
worse than ever

Since he heard
you were leaving.

Well, where is he?

He's in the cellar.

Come on.
I'll see what
I can do.

Come on.

Hey, there,
young fella.

How come
you're not upstairs
with everybody else?

Because I'm not.

Hmm, well, now,
there's a good reason.

Heh heh heh.

Don't you want to
say good-bye to me?


Why not?

I finally make one friend
who understands--

Understanding cuts
two ways, timothy.

I just
can't stay here

With hester-sue
getting married.

But I need you.

I have to make it
without hester-sue,

And you have to
make it without me.

I can't.
Sure, you can.

You just don't care
about letting me down.

You're letting
yourself down.

There are plenty
of good reasons

For you
to like this place.

Like what?

The other children,
mrs. Kendall.

I'm going up now
to say good-bye.

You coming?

Good-bye, son.

I'll miss you.


[Door opens and closes]

* Every time I feel the spirit

* Movin' in my heart

* I will pray

* Every time I feel the spirit

* Movin' in my heart

* Movin' in my heart

* Movin' in my heart

* I will pray

Ha ha ha!

That's just

Well, thank you.

We've been working
really hard on this one.

All right, class.

[Plays "d"]

* Go tell it on
the mountain *

* Over the hills
and everywhere *

* Go tell it on
the mountains *

* That jesus christ
is born *

* Why don't you go tell it
on the mountains *

* Over the hills
and everywhere? *

* Go tell it on
the mountain *

* That jesus christ
is born *

* when I was
a sinner *

* I sinned both
nights and day *

* I asked my lord
to help me *

* And he showed
me the way *

* Why don't you go tell it
on the mountain... *

If only hester-sue
could hear this.

Maybe she should.

Oh, sure. Why not?

Look. Don't stop
singing, anybody.

We are going
to a wedding.

Repeat after me.

Repeat after--

With this ring,
I thee wed.

With this--

Ah, the ring.

With this ring,
I thee--


I'm sorry.

With this ring,
I thee wed.

Bless, o lord,
this ring.

He that gives it
and she that wears it

Will be joined together
in the spirit of holy matrimony.

Children: * that jesus
christ is born *

* Why don't you go tell it
on the mountains *

* Over the hills
and everywhere? *

* Go tell it on
the mountain *

* That jesus christ
is born *

* When I was
a sinner *

* I sinned both
nights and day *

* I asked my lord
to help me *

* And he showed
me the way *

* Why don't you go tell it
on the mountains *

* Over the hills
and everywhere? *

* Go tell it on
the mountains *

* That jesus christ...

What is the meaning
of this?

* Go tell it on
the mountains *

* Over the hills
and everywhere... *

What is the meaning
of this?

Get these children
out of here.

You have
no right to disturb
this ceremony.

Get them out
fo here.

Do you
understand me?

Will you hush?
I mean, it's all right.

No. It's not
all right,

Not on my
wedding day.

I won't
tolerate it.

You're forgetting

It's my
wedding day, too,

And the children
will stay.

No, they won't.

Yes, they will and
continue to sing.

* Go tell it on
the mountains *

* Over the hills
and everywhere... *

Then it's either
them or me.

You can't
have both.



I never liked
ultimatums, anyway.

Shall we go,
mr. Kagan?

my pleasure.

Does this mean
we're engaged?

Well, I guess
I'll have to see

How you work out.

* Go tell it on
the mountains *

* Over the hills
and everywhere *

* Go tell it on
the mountains *

* That jesus christ
is born *

* Why don't you go tell it
on the mountains *

* Over the hills
and everywhere? *

Just a minute.

* Go tell it on
the mountains *

* That jesus christ
is born *

* When I was
a sinner *

* I sinned both
nights and day *

* I asked my lord
to help me *

* And he showed
me the way *

* Why don't you go tell it
on the mountains *

* That jesus christ
is born? *