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07x08 - Dearest Albert, I'll Miss You

Posted: 02/15/22 08:23
by bunniefuu
All right, everybody.

Now, I've written the word
"pen pal" on the blackboard.

Does anybody know
what it means?

Laura: Willie. Willie: It's a
friend that lives in a pen like a pig.


I thought
it was funny.

I didn't.

does anyone know the proper meaning?


It's someone you write to,
and they write back.

It's usually someone
that lives far away
that you don't see.

It gives you
a chance to learn

about different people
and different places.

these boxes on my desk contain letters

from schoolchildren
in Minneapolis.

One contains letters
from the younger children,

and one contains some
for the older students.

Now, I thought it would
make your writing assignment

a little more fun if you
had a new friend to write to.

Now, I'll check the papers
for punctuation and spelling.

How does that sound?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Good. Carrie, you pass out the
letters to the younger students.

you pass out the other ones.

Now, you each
pick a letter.

It'll contain an introduction
from your new pen pal.

Now, these letters have
been graded by their teacher,

so I expect you to
do your best work.

After all, in a way,
you'll be

walnut grove.

All right,
you may open your letters now

and read them.

Girl, voice-over:
"Dear new friend,

"my name is Leslie barton.

"I am 13 years old,

"and I attend Harley school
in Minneapolis."

Charles, what's
a m*rder of crows?

Oh, it means
a whole bunch...

Covey of quail
or a flock of sheep.

Land sakes,

why would somebody
call it a m*rder?

Probably a farmer after
they ruined his corn crop.

I'm ready
for bed.

All right,
you sleep tight.

Pa, will you tell me a story?

Well, I thought since you were sleeping up in
the loft, you were too big to hear stories.

No, I'm not,

I'm still

All right, I'll tell you
a short one.

Thanks, pa.

Carrie: Don't make it any shorter
than the one you told baby grace.

Charles: Hey, don't be telling your
pa how long to make the stories, now.

Just get in bed.

About time you were getting to bed,
too, son.

just give me a little more time, pa.

I have to finish
this letter.

All right. Now, what will it be?

How about "giant the bear"?

- What, "giant" again?
- Yeah, I love him.

All right,
"giant" it is.

Once upon a time,

there was a little,
tiny bear named giant.

He was only
one inch tall,

but he was the strongest
bear in the world.

Carrie: And the
nicest, too.

Ah, that, he is.

And he lived on my
shoulder under my hair,

where people couldn't see
him because he was shy.

Who's telling
this story, anyway?

You are.

All right, then.

One morning,
Carrie was sitting on pa's wagon

waiting for him to come
out and drive her to school.

Giant was just half-awake,

he was sitting on her shoulder
underneath her hair,

when all of a sudden,
along came a Bumblebee

and stung
one of the horses.

Well, boom!
The minute that happened,

the horses
were off and running,

and nobody
was at the reins.

Well, Carrie started yelling,
"pa, help me! Help me, pa!"

But by the time pa
ran out of the house,

it was too late,
and the wagon was roaring up the road.

What did giant do?

Well, I'm getting
to that part.

Carrie: Giant heard
Carrie yelling like that.

He peeked out to see
what was going on.

Well, the minute he saw
what was happening,

he knew what he had to do,
and quick as a flash,

he jumped off her shoulder
onto the wagon seat,

and then he jumped off
onto the horse,

and he grabbed that big,
old horse by the ears,

and he started to pull.

Well, that horse didn't know
what was going on,

but he knew darn right well
that something

was going to pull his ears off
if he didn't stop,

so, sure enough,
he slowed down and came to a stop.

Quick as a wink, giant jumped
off the horse, onto the wagon seat,

and hopped back up
onto her shoulder

and hid underneath her hair
so her pa wouldn't see him.

Carrie: Because
Carrie promised giant

she wouldn't tell
anybody about him.

That's right.

I hope
I'll stay little

so you'll always
tell me a story, pa.

Well, I'll always tell you a story
as long as you want to hear one,

and as long as you go
to sleep right after I finish.

Have a good

You might as well
turn your light out.

You're not going to
get any work done

staring off into
space like that.

I just thought of something to write about.

Give me a few
more minutes, pa.

All right, 10 minutes,
and then you're in bed.

- Okay.
- Good night.

Good night.

I'm going to finish reading your letters

over the lunch hour.

We'll discuss them

Laura: You may go to lunch for an hour,

Albert could you stay here for a moment,

Could you stand up?

You may sit down.

I was just checking to see
if you'd grown overnight.

from the first line in your letter,

you are 6 feet,
1 inch tall.

- I can explain...
- And you're the fastest

and tallest and most
popular boy in walnut grove.

- If you'll just let me...
- And obviously the bravest,

as only yesterday you saved
your sister's life

by leaping onto the
back of a runaway horse,

and you practically
tore his ears off

trying to get him
to stop?

Now, will you just
listen for a minute

and stop sounding
like a sister?

Go ahead.

All right.

I mean, this girl
writes to me,

and I can tell
she's real popular.

She even says so.

She's a good student
and a great dancer.

Well, I mean,
what was I supposed to write to her about,

that I caught
catfish yesterday?

I mean,
who wants to read stuff that's dull?

How do you know
she'd find it dull?

I think it's dull.

It's got to sound
dull to her.

Albert: Besides,
who is it hurting?

I mean, it's just like
pa telling US stories

when we were little.

Would you have liked it if he
would've sat on the edge of your bed

and say, "once upon a time,
I plowed the field all day,

"and I got smelly,
and I bathed in the creek,

"ate my supper,
and went to bed"?

but this isn't a fairy tale. It's a letter.

And I still say,
who is it hurting?

How's my spelling?


And my punctuation?


I thought that's what the
whole assignment was about.

Would you like me
to read this out loud

in front
of the whole class?

No. Would you like it
if someone read your mail

and you didn't
want them to?

All right.

Go and have
some lunch.

Photographer: Oh,
that looks beautiful.

This will only
take a minute now.

There we are.

Photographer: Now,
hold very still.

All right now.

Well, that was fine,
my dear.

We'll have these
pictures for you tomorrow.

Thank you.

Photographer: Just take
me a minute to pack this up.

The mail came. There's a
letter for you from walnut grove.

Let me
see it.

It's from
a boy there.

I didn't write much that
would interest a boy.

Oh, mother,
he's over 6 feet tall.

How old is he?

He's just my age.

Good heavens,
he must be related to Paul bunyan.

I have to answer
the letter right away.

Mrs. Barton: Your French
tutor is coming in 15 minutes.

Give her a cup of tea. I shan't
be more than half an hour.

The pictures
will be ready tomorrow,

so I can send one
with the letter.

Well, what's
the young man's name?

Albert. Albert Ingalls,
and he sounds wonderful.

Shall I just bill you,
Mrs. Barton?

Yes, thank you.

- Good day.
- Good day.

- Mildred.
- Yes, ma'am.

Would you serve
tea and cakes

on the terrace
at 3:00?

Yes, ma'am.
For how many?

Just miss laroche
and myself.

My daughter is a bit busy letter-writing,
it seems.

Leslie, voice-over:
"Dear Albert,

"I cannot tell you how thrilled
I was to receive your letter.

"I have never written
to a young gentleman before,

"and, quite honestly,
I felt my first letter

"would be read by a girl
and, therefore, was written

"with a girl in mind.

"I am very pleased that
it did not put you off.

"We have much more
in common than you know.

"I, too, am very tall
and very athletic.

"I captain the basketball
team at our school

"and play lawn tennis
with some of the best."

Captain of the team.

Captain of the team.


Can I borrow
your football?

I promised some
of the kids we'd play.

Well, let me
play, too.

You wouldn't
want to.

It's Timmy and some
of the other little fellows.

What do you want
to play with them for?

Well, I'm not
really playing,

just sort of coaching them,
to be nice.

But you said they're all a pain.

I know,
but you know what the good book says...

"be kind to
your fellow man."

I don't think
it meant little kids.

Come on, let me
borrow it.

I'll bring it back
in the morning.

All right,
but don't forget.

I won't.
Thanks, Willie.

- Okay, let's go.
- You promised to play with US an hour afterwards.

I promise. I promise.
Now come on.

All righty, boys.

Now, hold
your breath

and don't move.

hold still.

That's it, boys.

All right. Are we going to play,

Yeah, just let me
pay Mr. Mcginnis.

All right.

Here's your 25 cents, sir.

- Thanks.
- Yeah, thank you, Albert.

I didn't know the team was so small.

Mr. Mcginnis: Ain't there any bigger
boys over at school who want to play?

Um... afraid not.

But they'll surprise you.
They're quick, really.

I'll pick up
my picture tomorrow.

- Yeah, all right.
- Thanks.

Albert: All right, team,
let's get to practice.

Land sakes, they
better be quick.

If anybody catches them,
they'll get k*lled.

"Dear Leslie,

"I received your letter
and photograph yesterday,

"and, quite honestly,

"I think you're the most
beautiful girl I've ever seen.

"I hope you do not think
I'm too forward in saying that,

"but I feel I must
be honest with you.

"I'm enclosing the only
photograph of myself that I have.

"It is our team

"I am the captain.

"I'm the tall
fellow in the center

"holding the football."


What is it, Carrie?
I'm trying to write a letter.

I can't sleep

because I got a
splinter in my finger.

let me see it.

It's right there.

I don't
really see it.

Why don't you
tell ma about it?

Because she uses
a needle

and burns it
over a candle,

and it scares me.

Well, it is sticking out
a little bit.

I'll see
if I can get it.

Here, hold still.

There it is.

You got it, and it
didn't even hurt.


I'll have this light
turned down in a little bit.

"I hope you can write to me
about your plans for the future.

"My main interest
is medicine,

"as I intend to be
a doctor someday.

"I had an interesting case
this evening.

"My sister's hand was pierced
by a large piece of wood.

"It was very difficult
and very painful."

Dr. Marx:
Do you feel it now?

Leslie: Yes.
Dr. Marx: Mm-hmm.

Dr. Marx: And now?
Leslie: Yes.

Dr. Marx: Leslie, I'm going to
jab you a little harder this time.

It may hurt a bit
right here.

That hurt!
That really hurt!

I'm sorry.

There won't
be any more, uh...

Poking at you today.

I seem to be getting
more feeling each time.

Seems to be.

Nurse, would you ask Mrs.
Barton to come in, please?

Leslie, you can wait
in my outer office.


Thank you,

Leslie: He really hurt me this time,

the feeling is
getting stronger.

Mrs. Barton: That's wonderful,
dear. I'll just be a minute.

Sit down,
Mrs. Barton.

Mrs. Barton,

it's been over two years
since the accident.

there's the most wonderful improvement...

Dr. Marx:
No, no, no, please!

This time,
let me finish.

I have allowed you
to keep this...

This hope alive
in your daughter.

Once a month,

for over two years,

we go through
this same ritual.

This... this...

Mrs. Barton,

it is not fair to you, it's not fair to
your daughter, it's not fair to me.

I'm a doctor.

I can only do what
is medically possible.

I'm just
a human being.

I cannot
perform a miracle.

That's what
your daughter needs.

Dr. Marx:
I beg you.

I beg you to be
honest with her.

Be honest with her
so that...

So that she can be
honest with herself...

And go on
with her life.

We won't be needing
an appointment next month.

Thank you, doctor.

I was beginning
to worry, mother.

It's late.

I lost track
of time.

Were you shopping?

No, I went
to church.


I'm almost finished
with my letter.

I think it's the longest
one I've ever written.

Every time I think
I'm about finished,

I find something
else I want to say.

Have you written anything
about your accident?

Leslie: No.

Don't you think
you should?

I don't know.

I really haven't
thought about it.

Besides, there's so many
other things I want to write about.

Like what?

Just things.

Like the things you wrote
in your last letter?

I, uh...

I saw it on your desk.

I know I shouldn't
have looked at it,

but I did.

I wish you hadn't.

I know.

Captain of
the basketball team?

in the school ballet?

Well, I did
those things,

- you did.
- And I'll do them again.

I'm getting better
all the time,

- and by the time I see Dr. Marx...
- no.

You won't be seeing
Dr. Marx next month.

Why not?

Why not, mother?

We've got
to stop pretending,

both of US.

You're not
getting better.

I am.

The feeling,
it was stronger than ever today.

Mrs. Barton: You want to feel something,
but you don't.

- I do!
- You don't!

I've known it
from the beginning,

Dr. Marx has known it
from the beginning,

and so have you.

In the name of god,
stop pretending.

There are so many
things you can do

with your life.

So many things.

Mrs. Barton:
But you won't do them

if you keep waiting
for a miracle to happen.

Just live
your life as it is.

Don't keep waiting
for it to be as it was.

"I have begun rehearsals
for "swan lake."

"The dancing is exhausting,
but I'm enjoying it.

"It's a shame
we live so far apart,

"as I would love to have you
see when I perform."

I know it sounds
strange, mother,

but I love Albert.

Leslie: And I think in a way,
he loves me.

I can be honest with myself
and I will be,

but I can't be honest
with him.

I need him to love me,

even if it only is

Do you understand?


I'll come to bed soon,
I want to finish my letter.

Your, uh...

Aunt linwood wrote and
asked if we could come

to St. Louis
for the holidays.

I thought it might be
fun for a few months.

It would be,
I'm sure.

Well, I'll...

I'll call her.

Good night, dear.

"Is not frisk
a fine, grateful fellow?

"And does he not
deserve a share

"of Harry's breakfast,

"whether he begs
for it or not?

"And little Harry will remember
from the events of this day

"that kindness,
even though shown to a dog,

"will always
be rewarded,

"and that ill nature
and bad temper

"are connected with nothing
but pain and disgrace ."

That was very good, Timmy.

Now, class, I'd like you all
to read silently for a while.

Albert, I want to
talk to you outside.

I know what you're going to say,
and I'm sorry.

Well, "sorry" is not
good enough.

Now, you don't like me
to talk to you

like a sister,
so I'm not going to.

I'm talking to you
as a teacher.

You've been daydreaming
in class,

you're late almost
once a week,

and I'm not going to let you get
away with it because I'm your sister.

I know,
and I'm not asking for any favors.

If you want to punish me,
punish me.

I not going
to punish you.

I just want
to know why.

You haven't even been doing
your letter-writing assignments.

Yes, I have.

Well, then why haven't
you handed them in?

I mailed them.

I can't grade them
until I've looked at them.

I know.

Well, then why haven't
you turned them in?

they're personal.

How personal
can they be?

You haven't
even met the girl.

I love her.

Albert, that's the silliest
thing I've ever heard.

Maybe to you,
but not to me,

so, don't
make fun of me!

You mean that.

Yes, I do.

I don't understand
any more than you do.

It's like that
"cyrano de bergerac"

where the girl falls
in love with the letter.

With me,
it's even worse.

I fell in love
with a picture, too.

I don't know why I'm
telling you all this.

How's a teacher
supposed to understand?

Well, I'm your sister,
too, remember?


All right.

Now, I'm going to expect a
separate writing assignment

for you to make up
for the letters,

and if you're late
one more time,

I'm just going to
have to send you home.

All right?

All right.

Back inside.


Pass me some more
bread, son.

- Here you go, pa.
- Thank you.

Carrie: Albert was
late for school today.

You always have to tell,
don't you?

Well, you were.

you do plenty of bad stuff.

Albert: I don't tell on you.
Carrie: I do not.

And I suppose you didn't keep
calling Timmy a poo-poo today.

Charles: All right,
that's enough.

Albert: Well,
she's such a tattletale.

Why were you
late for school?


He was reading
a letter, that's why.

Will you be quiet?

Carrie, that's enough.
I'm talking to your brother.

Yes, sir.

Right, now,
why were you late?

I was reading a letter,
but I talked to Laura

and everything
is all right.

I hope you're not
taking advantage

because Laura
is your sister.

No, ma'am.
I won't be late again.

See to it
that you're not.

Some more coffee?

No, must get out to the barn,
finish that cabinet.

Promised the barishes
I'd have it done

before I left
for Minneapolis.

Caroline: I wish someone
else could go for a change.

I wish I could, too,
but it's expected.

Caroline: I'll keep
the coffee hot.

Thank you, darling.

When's pa going?

Caroline: Oh,
next week. He'll just be gone a few days.

I'm finished.
May I be excused?

Yes. Do you
have homework?

Albert: Yes,
ma'am. I just want to ask pa something.

All right,
then right to the books?

I'll be right in.

Need any help,

Hmm? No,
son. Thank you. I'm almost done.

Bet it sure must be interesting
going to a grange meeting.


Sometimes it's
downright dull.

There's a lot of
long-winded farmers.

I suppose.

I'd sure like to go sometime,

Maybe you
will someday.

How about next week?

Next week?

You got a few
problems, there.

First, you're in school,
secondly, you're too young,

and thirdly, it
costs money to go.

Well, school
is no problem.

It'd be
a project.

I'd write a report
to the class.

Kids do it
all the time.

And I must be
old enough.

You say I have to
do the work of a man,

and I do,
don't I?

That, you do.
You got me, there.

That still leaves thirdly,
and there's nothing we can do about it.

No, sir.

You best get on
to bed, now.

Yes, sir.

You would take me
if it didn't

cost you anything,
wouldn't you, pa?

You bet
I would, son.

Good night.

Good night.

Conductor: I tell you, Charles,
I don't know where it's going to end.

More and more
passengers every day.

Charles: Nothing wrong
with business being good.

Conductor: I suppose,
but I'd rather be hauling straight freight.

See that,
did you?

What's that?

It's another one
trying to hop a freight.

As if I didn't
have enough troubles

without chasing bums
off my trains.

All right,
I got you. Come along.

Conductor: Another young one,
kids from bad homes.

Fathers beat them,
they run off to the city

to try to start over.

I feel sorry
for you, lad,

but railroad policy says
I got to turn you over

to the station

Conductor: It's the parents of the
children who should be punished,

not the young ones.

Harlan, what's going
to happen to the boy?

Oh, they'll keep
him locked up,

try to find
his parents,

if his father's
not lying somewhere

in a gutter with
a jug in his hand.

Yeah, well,
I doubt that.

I mean, maybe the boy has got
another reason for going to Minneapolis.

I wanted
to be with my pa.

There, you see?

He left home
without me.

Conductor: I ask you,
Charles, what kind of a man

would do that
to a son?

I don't know.

Harlan, if I
buy the boy a ticket,

would you
let it pass?

Conductor: Certainly.
Charles: How much?

Well, for a youngin,
half-fare, dollar even.

There you go.

Come along, boy.

May god bless you,

- Pa, I can expl...
- Not now.

I'm too angry
to talk to you.

And don't
call me pa.

How did you get
to the train station?

On the stagecoach.

Albert, I was
on the stagecoach.

I didn't say in it,
I said on it.

Got on
the back of it.

So, you snuck a ride
on the stage?

Yes, sir.

Pa, I'm sorry, but
I just had to go.

I had to.

Don't tell me that the grange
means so much to you.

I don't care about
the grange meeting.

Well, then
what is it?

I'm in love.

You're what?

I've been writing to this girl,

and she's been
writing to me.

And I don't know
how it happened,

but I
fell in love.

I mean, I think about her
all the time,

and then I got to feeling
guilty about what I did.

What do you mean,
"what you did"?

I lied to her.

In my letters, trying to make
myself look more important and such,

and now she's
going away.

I just got
to see her.

I have to be
honest with her

and see if she'll
like me just for me.

Couldn't you have just
come to me and told me this?

I was too embarrassed, I guess.

I felt funny telling you
I loved somebody...

A girl, I mean.


You ever feel
this way with your pa?

My pa didn't even know
I was in love till he saw me

walking down the aisle
in my wedding clothes.

Albert: I don't feel so bad,

Well, you should.

Sneaking on the stage,
trying to sneak on the train.

Couldn't you just have written
her a letter and told her everything?

Well, I couldn't,
not in a letter.

There's just some things
you have to face up to.

Like they say,
"look them in the eye."

All right, I understand
a little bit better, now.

I don't think it's right,
but I understand it.


First thing we'll do when we get
to Minneapolis is wire your ma.

She's going to be
worried to death about you.

I left a note for her
at Nellie's,

said I'd be with you.

I thought you didn't
believe in letters,

thought everything
had to be eye to eye.

Well, I guess
not everything.

Can I call you pa


But not in front
of the conductor.

Well, this is it.

All right,
I'll wait for you out here.

No more than 15 minutes, though.

I got to be in
that first session.

- Yes, sir.
- Good luck.


Oh, Mrs. Barton?

That's correct.

I'm Albert,

Albert Ingalls.

I've been writing
to your daughter.

Oh, yes,
of course.

Well, won't you
come in?

sit down.

I'm sorry I didn't recognize
you from your picture.

It's all right.

You were probably
expecting someone larger.

No, it's just that,
from your letters...

I mean,
what my daughter has told me, I...

I know,
that's one of the reasons why I'm here.

I had to see her
and be honest.

Well, Leslie won't
be back until 4:00.

Oh, well,
I can come back.

I have to go to the
grange meeting with my pa.

Well, perhaps you
better call first,

just to be sure.

Now, I'll just
jot down the number.

Albert: I bet she's doing
real well in the ballet.

In the ballet?

Albert: Yeah,
doing that "swan lake."

We don't get that kind of
dancing in walnut grove.

I'd sure like to see it
while I'm here.

Well, I think you better
talk to Leslie about that.

Here you are.

Thank you.

I'll see you
to the door.

As I said,
any time after 4:00.

I'd be much obliged
if you didn't say anything

about me till
I got to see her.


Thank you,

- Good-bye.
- Good-bye.

It'll be
the boy again.

I can't keep telling
him you're not back yet.

- Tell him I'm asleep.
- Leslie!

Tell him I'm exhausted
from the ballet

and that we're leaving for
St. Louis early in the morning.

Tell him I'll
write him from there.

In the name of god,
tell him!


Yes, Albert.

Oh, I'm
terribly sorry.

Leslie is so exhausted from the ballet,

she came in late and
fell right off to sleep.

Mrs. Barton:
Yes, I know,

but we're going to St.
Louis in the morning.

No, no, no,
I... I understand,

but we're leaving
very early.

Well, perhaps
another time.

I know it's a long way.

Mrs. Barton: But look,
Leslie will write to you

as soon as she
gets to St. Louis.

Of course
I will.


What did he say?

He said to have
a nice trip.

He'll miss you.

I'll finish

Is she not home yet?

Yeah, she's home.

Her ma said she was
tired and went to bed.

Oh, well, you'll see
her in the morning.

They're leaving
for St. Louis.

Too early for visitors.

She'll write me.

I'm sorry, son.

Her ma told her how little I was,
that's what.

She said she wouldn't,
but she did.

I bet they had a good,
old laugh over it, too.

Oh, come on,
now. You don't know that.

Oh, pa,
of course I do.

She could have
seen me otherwise.

I came all this way just
to be honest with her.

Well, I learned
my lesson.

I hate her, now.

Oh, come on. You don't hate her,
and you know it.

I do, too!

I've got a good mind to go
over there and tell her so,

so high and mighty,

living in a big house,

dancing in a ballet.

She thinks she's
really something.

She don't mean beans to me,
and I hate her.

I know how you feel.

No, you don't.

I wrote things
to her,

oh, not any
made-up things,

but true things about
how I felt about her,

and she doesn't
even see me.

I mean, what kind of person
just doesn't love you

just because you're not as
tall as you said you were?

I don't know.

I don't know what I'm crying about,

She's not so much,

her and her ballet.

I bet she would look
funny at a barn dance

hopping around
on her toes.

I bet she would.

Albert: Bet she can't
even square-dance.

Probably not.

Folks shouldn't
hurt people like that,

and I want
to tell her so.

Can we go over there in
the morning before the train?

I thought you said
she wouldn't see you.

I'll wait
till she comes out.

It will make me
feel better, pa.

All right.


I'll go wash up, now.


Albert, it's
a quarter after.

15 minutes, we're
going to have to go,

or we'll
miss the train.


That must be
their coach.

here they come.

This won't take
but a minute.


Pa, that's her.

That's Leslie.

That's why.

That's why she
didn't want to see me.

I'll be right back.



Just stopped by on
my way to the train.

I'm glad I got
to see you, though.

I sure was mad
at you last night.

I'm sorry.

No, it's all right.

Taught me
a good lesson.

From now on,
I'm going to be honest about myself.

Albert: It taught me something else,

and that's that some folks
love different from others.

I mean, I'm not blaming you
about not caring about me

after you found out I wasn't
the big hero of walnut grove.

It's not your fault you didn't care
enough about me in the first place,

but I still
love you,

and I would,
no matter what

because that's what
really loving is.

If you still want to write
to me, I'd sure like it.

You don't have to say
you love me if you don't.

Just be honest.

Have a good trip.

I love you,
Leslie barton.


That letter you've
been asking about?

- It came.
- Thank you, Ms. Foster.

Ms. Foster:
You're welcome.

you go ahead.

You better
not be late.

I won't be.
Go on.

Leslie, voice-over:
"My dearest Albert,

"this is the longest letter
I have ever written

"because there are so many
things I must tell you.

"You asked me
to be honest with you,

"and I will be from now on.

"Let me start with...

"I miss you,

"and I love you,
Albert Ingalls."