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07x04 - Fight Team Fight!

Posted: 02/15/22 08:19
by bunniefuu
Woman: Pete,
it's getting late.

I'll be right there.

You know, I think
I like my study here

better than I did
the one in Boston.

Look, ma.

Oh, why, Dan, that's
just wonderful.

It's cap. Can you
recognize him?

I certainly can.

Pete, our son has
quite a talent.

Too bad it doesn't
extend to football.

Dan: Dad,
I'm getting better.

After all, the boys
at those academies

were there because of
their playing skills.

It's no disgrace that
Dan couldn't compete.

So you've said
on numerous occasions.

It's true.

I say it's
a matter of attitude.

Always has been,
always will be.

Maybe moving back to Minnesota
will help the boy. Maybe not.

Dad, I'm going
to try, honest.

Well, that's all
I can ask.

You won't be growing up
here like I did.

We'd have
to be poor for that.

You're going to be mixing in with plain,
hard-working people,

just like I did.

Maybe it'll
toughen you up.

Yes, sir.

Come on, now. Eat your
breakfast. We don't want to be late.

Albert: 16!




Albert: Yay!

that boy has the makings of a fine player.

Can't disagree
with that.


Come over here, son.

I'd like you to meet
Mr. Ellerbee and his son, Daniel.

Oh, nice
to meet you.

That was a good
run you just made.

Oh, thank you.

Dan here is
starting school today.

He plays some
football, too.

are you going to join our team?

Yeah, if
it's all right.

Sure! We can use you. Come on.

Harriet: Nels!

Come on. The meeting's ready
to start. Come, put your coat on.

Come on!

Coming, dear!

Nels: And I'm
happy to report

that there's more than
enough money in the treasury

to cover the cost
of the new textbooks.

So, I'll send
the order in today.

Now, I realize that we
have to adjourn pretty soon

so Laura can get on
with her classes,

but I would just like to
take this opportunity

to welcome back
a native son.

Pete ellerbee, there,
left these parts years ago

to become one of the great
heroes of college football.

I can attest
to that myself,

because I was
playing for Princeton

when Pete... "big rock,"
they called him...

Was making rutgers
a great power.

I was only third string,
so I rarely had to face him myself,

but, oh, I can tell you,
the team was pretty nervous

any time they knew they
had to face "big rock."

Well, anyway,
Pete, welcome home.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

When I decided to retire from a
successful business back east,

there was one place
I wanted to come,

and that's right here,
where my roots are.

Nels oleson has been awfully
generous with his compliments,

and I want to
thank him. Nels.

Life has been
very good to me

but never so much as those 4
glorious years playing at rutgers.

You know, football is
more than just a game.

It's something that shapes a man's
character and builds his confidence...

Maybe no more than
other life experiences

but certainly
among the very best.

My wife and son and I want to
become a part of walnut grove

in any way we can,

and I'm thinking maybe I could
make a special contribution

by helping mold the fine
young men in this town

into a championship
football team.

You mean that?

Pete: Well,
I'd be honored.

Well, that's
the most remarkable...

Well, speaking for myself,
I'm ready to step down immediately.

Oh, no, nels. I didn't
mean that you should...

Nels: I insist on it.

Why, to have someone like
you, a man of your stature,

coaching our little team...

Why, that's an opportunity
that we couldn't even dream of

in the normal course
of things.

Oh, I should say!

Oh, Mr. Ellerbee.

We accept your
most generous offer.

Well, thank you.
Thank you very much.

I think coach ellerbee
deserves a round of applause.

Harriet: Yay!

On to victory!

Gentlemen, I can't
promise you a championship.

What I can promise you
is to teach you how to win,

and that's the hardest,
grueling work you'll ever know.

If you've got it in you,
you can become a winner,

but only if winning becomes the
most important thing in your life.

That's right. I said,
the most important.

You have to become
totally dedicated,

totally committed,
and totally fit.

If any of you
can't handle that,

you can leave right now.

All right. Do you
want to be winners?

Boys, quietly:

I want to hear that louder.
Do you want to be winners?


- Louder!
- Yeah!

I want to hear that louder.
Do you want to be winners?


All right! Let's go to work!

Pete: All right, boys.
Let's get a move on.

I only want to see air
under your feet.

Keep up with Albert.
Come on. Let's move it!

Faster! 10 more laps!

Come on. Drive those legs.
Dig in there.

Drive those legs.
Drive them!

Next! Come on, now.
Drive those legs.

You're kicking
the ball too low.

I'm sorry, dad.

The ball has to hang
high and long

so your team can get
downfield. Didn't I teach you that?

- Yes, sir.
- Well, then do it.

Or do you think because
you're an ellerbee,

it makes you special?


You're wrong. It does.

It means you have to work
twice as hard as anybody else.

Is that clear?

- Yes, sir.
- All right.

Ok, fellows, we're going
to try that play again,

and this time, I want you
to put some muscle in it.

Let's go!

Pete: Let's move out!

They're as raw as I'll
ever hope to work with,

but we're making headway.

Did I tell you our first game
is with last year's champions?

Yes, I believe
you did.

Well, it depends on how they
improve between now and then.

What they don't have yet
is the right, uh, spirit.

But if we do well against the champions,
even beat them,

that ought to do it,
right, son?

I suppose.

Pete: What do you
mean, "I suppose"?

Come on, come on.
You can speak up.

You sure?

Well, I've been working
you hard enough.

You deserve that
at least.

Well, except
for Albert, dad,

nobody's that good.

And some of the guys
are really bad,

Willie oleson.

You're right.

Willie oleson has a lot of
improving ahead of him,

but I don't think the
team's in that much trouble.

Well, I guess you'd know
more about that than I would,

but it just
seems like that

even I play better
than most of them.

You're playing
better period.

That's why the other boys
don't seem up to your standards.


Now, don't go getting
a swelled head.

This is what you needed... to be in a
situation where people don't run over you.

Confidence. That's
all you needed.

And you're getting it.

Yeah. I think I am.

Is that all you're
going to eat?

Just so tired,
I lost my appetite.

Maybe you should
go to bed.

I think I will.

Good night.

Good night.

Son, don't be late for
tomorrow's practice.

I won't. Good night.

Good night, dear.

Oh, that was nice.

What was?

Complimenting Dan.

I hope I didn't
overdo it.


He needs your approval
so very much.

Well, if he deserves it,
he'll get it. Simple as that.

It does worry me how
tired Dan's been looking.

All the boys are tired.
That's part of the training.

Once they toughen up,
they won't be tired.

Hey, Albert?

Yeah, pa?

Make sure you get those feed
sacks unloaded before dark.

Oh, yeah.

You look awful.

I'm done in.

Practice was
tough, huh?

I guess.

It's just sort of hard
to take care of chores,

do my homework,
and practice football.

I can see that.

You know, pa,

I think it was real nice
of Mr. Ellerbee

to offer
to coach US and all,

but to tell you the truth,
I'd just rather have Mr. Oleson back.

You're kidding me.
How come?

Well, I used to like
football a lot.

Now it's just
a lot of hard work.

Then why do it?

Well, I can't
let the team down.

Well, I guess you can't,
if that's the way you see it.

Just make sure you're not
letting yourself down, huh?


I'll take care
of the feed sacks.

You go on in and
wash up for supper.

Thanks, pa.

You're welcome.

Every single member
of that football team

is going to fail
if this keeps up.

I mean, look
at these papers!

My best students,
even Albert,

can't complete the simplest
homework assignment.

Have you
talked to them?

of course I have,

but it's always
the same answer.

They're too tired
from football practice.

What are you
going to do?

I don't know...


- Are you all right?
- Albert!

On this series of downs,
I want you to hit the line quicker.

Come on! Move it!
Get in here.

No, Willie.
I'm not all right.

- Mr. Ellerbee?
- Yes?

Look, I know you've
been counting on me

to help win our game
against redwood falls.

I'm counting on everybody,

I'm sorry. I don't want to play anymore.

Would you mind
telling me why?

Because it doesn't leave
room for anything else.

I'm so tired out,
I can't do my homework or my chores.

Every day, I come out here to
get knocked around and jumped on,

and I don't know why.

Then I think definitely
you shouldn't be playing.

If you don't know why
you want to play football,

why play it?

The other boys seem to
know why they're playing it.

They want to learn something
courageous and difficult

and do it well.

They want to be part
of a winning team.

And a winning team is something
where every man does his best

so as not to let
the others down.

Football is a basic
lesson in life.

It's a fundamental step
to becoming a man.

If you can succeed in it,
you can succeed in anything.

Without that knowledge,
your talent isn't enough,

and sooner or later,
you'll let the team down. Why?

Because you don't have
what it takes to be a competitor.

You don't have the courage.

You don't have
the team spirit.

You don't
have the determination.

So in the long run, we'll be doing
better without you than with you.

All right, gentlemen,
let's try that formation again.

Hallett, you're
the new quarterback.

All right.
Let's go!

Hallett: Hike.

- Mr. Ellerbee?
- All right. Come on.

I want to see that offensive
line blocking harder than that!

Mr. Ellerbee.

I think we've said everything
there is to say, Albert.

But I've
changed my mind.

The decision is final,
Albert. Now, go home.

But I never thought about
the game the way you said.

I didn't know it was
supposed to mean so much.

Well, it does.

Please. Can't you give
me another chance?

I can't give you
another chance, son.

It's up to you.

You can't pretend to want to
play football. You have to know it.

If you can search yourself
and really know it,

then maybe you can find
a place on this team.

Can you do it?

Yes, sir.

Can you honestly tell me

you're willing to give
your all to this team?


Because I won't take anything
less. Not from you, not from anybody.

Mr. Ellerbee,
I swear it.

I'll work hard, and
I won't complain.

I won't quit.

All right. Get out on that
field and play football.

Yes, sir!

Break. Go.



4! Hike!

It was probably the most
amazing run of my career.

I caught the ball
in my own end zone,

and it looked like I was
barely going to get out.

Half the Cornell team
was ready to Bury me.

So, in a purely
desperate move,

I lateraled
to my fullback.

He ran about 10 yards
and lateraled back to me.

Suddenly, I was
in the clear.

104-yard run
for a touchdown.

Oh, my! That is
just so amazing!

Well, after that,
we kept it on as a special play.

Mostly, fundamentals
work best.

You know,
grinding out the yardage by brute strength.

But every now and then,
we'd bring out our old lateral play.

By the way, I'm teaching
our boys to use it.

Sort of
a secret w*apon.

With the size of some of those
fellows on the redwood falls team,

I think we'll need it.

Well, size isn't
everything, nels.

Maybe our boys will
surprise everybody.

You sure got Albert
all fired up.

I've never seen
such a change.

Nels: You know, I noticed
that with Willie, too.


it's just something that happens in time.

Sort of like
what happens in w*r.


That's right.

New soldiers in the
beginning usually resent

the hardship of
training and discipline.

Then with the first sign
of battle on the horizon,

they see that only by depending
on each other can they win.

Hmm, that's a most
unusual comparison.

Not really.

Any group effort
with an element of danger

brings people closer together
and instills a team spirit.

That's what happened
to Albert, Willie,

and even my own son,
I might add.

They have a team spirit,
and they really want to win.

Football played properly,
Mrs. Ingalls, is a w*r.

I think nels, here,
knows what I'm talking about.

Those games we had at
Princeton really were a battle,

weren't they, nels?

Nels: Yes, indeed.

I remember my junior
year. It was...

Oh, Pete,
I wish I could have seen you run over nels!

Caroline: It was
a wonderful meal.

Well, we'll
do it again.

Oh, yes, and next
time, at our house.


Charles: It's a date,
then. Good night.

Nels: Good night,
Pete. Good night, Sandra.

Caroline: Sorry.

Harriet: Oh,
excuse me. I'm sorry.

See you at the first
football game.

Charles: We'll be there!
Hope we win it!

It was a pleasant
evening, I would say.

I don't think they were too
thrilled with that w*r analogy.

Well, it happens
to be true.

And that touchdown
story? Ha ha!

What about it?

Oh, lord knows I've heard
you tell it a hundred times.

And over the years,
it's kind of grown,

with more yardage
and... ha ha!

That's just the way
it happened.

Pete, I'm only
joking with you.

Where's your
sense of humor?

I don't see
anything humorous

about a man's wife
calling him a liar.

I wasn't
doing that.

That game
was so long ago,

nobody could remember
the exact details.

I remember it like
it was yesterday.

Let's forget it.

This obsession of
yours with football

is getting a little
out of control, I think.

What's that
supposed to mean?

It's taken over.
That's what I mean,

blown out of
all proportion.

It's not
even a game anymore.

It's like you said...
A w*r,

and you're the
commanding general.

If that's the way you
see it, I can't help that.

Oh, look,
if you were the only one involved,

I wouldn't say
a thing about this.

This is Dan
I'm worried about

and what this
could do to him.

What it could do to him is
make him a fine football player,

maybe even a great one.

Every day,
he shows improvement.

Of course he does,
because it's the only thing he can do

to win
your approval!

Can't you see that
Dan hates football?

That's a lie.

Oh, he hates it,
and he always has!

The only reason
he keeps trying

is because you
want it so much.

You don't even care
what he wants.

How can you say that?

The whole reason for
coming here was for Dan.

No. It was for you

in the hope that by making
Dan a big fish in a small pond,

he'd get over his fears and
learn to play well enough

so that by the time
he's college age,

Dan can enter rutgers and
carry on the great legend

of Pete ellerbee,
football hero!

I'm warning you.

No, Pete.
I have to warn you.

If you keep pushing Dan
to do something

he hasn't any talent
or desire for,

the boy is going to end up
hurt in more ways than one.

I'm going to bed.

Oh, Pete!


22! 16! Hike!

All right.
That's better.

Let's try it again.

couldn't we just rest for a few minutes?

I don't understand
you people.

Your game's
getting better,

but you still don't
have any stamina.

Same old problem.

Uh, miss Wilder...

She won't ease up on the
homework assignments.

She won't go easy even on me,
and I'm her own brother.

She says she'll fail anybody
who doesn't keep up.

All right. Rest up.

I think I'll have a little
talk with Mrs. Wilder.

Pete: Mrs. Wilder?

Mr. Ellerbee.

Sorry to disturb you.

Oh, that's all right. Just
trying to get a head start

on grading
these test papers.

Meaning the teacher has as
much homework as the students?

More, much more.

Well, you seem to be
a dedicated professional.

That's commendable.

Thank you.
I guess I am.

I won't keep you. There's something
I've been meaning to discuss.


I think you know how hard
the football team's been working

preparing for its
first game this weekend.

Yes, I'm aware
of that.

They've made remarkable progress,
all things considered,

except in one area.

And I'm hoping you might
be able to help out there.

Well, if I can.
What area is that?

- Sleep.
- Sleep?

They all seem to be
suffering from the lack of it,

and the reason given
seems to be you.

Too much homework.

Well, that is
a coincidence.


We seem to have
identical problems.

My students,
the ones on your team, claim

that they can't do their
homework assignments properly

because of you.

They're just too exhausted
from football practice.

I can understand you
might look at it that way,

but the truth is,
for what they're facing on Saturday,

they couldn't get
enough practice.

I see that.

And from what they're
facing in the way of grades

at the end
of this term,

they couldn't get
enough study time.

You mean you'd
actually fail them?

No. They'd do
the failing.

Like you,
I can only teach them the best that I can

and grade the resulting
tests accordingly.

All I'm asking is that you
cut down on their homework

during football season.

Mr. Ellerbee,
the students are in this school to learn,

not to play football.

Football is an
extracurricular activity.

Now, it only seems
logical to me

that if my homework assignments
are too difficult for them

because of
football activities,

then football practice should be cut down,
not homework.

I see.

Then you're not
sympathetic with my problem.

No, I'm not.

Thanks for your time,
Mrs. Wilder.

All right.
On your feet!

Got another hour
of scrimmage!

Let's move out there!

Let's go!

When I say "let's go,"
I mean let's go.

I was just trying
to finish history.

Not during
football practice.

Now, I want you to get out there,
and I want you to hit hard.

Yes, sir.

How are the practices
coming along?

Oh, they'll be ready by
Saturday. I guarantee it.

Albert: 16!



Boy: You all right?

Hey, coach!
Albert's hurt!

What is it, son?

Can you sit up?

Where does it hurt?

My side.

We best get him over
to doc baker.

no ribs broken.

Does that mean I can
still play football?

I said no ribs
were broken,

not that you couldn't have a
slight fracture in one of them.

Doc's right. No use
taking any chances.


But I'd know
that if I did.

Honest. It hardly
hurts at all.

Baker: I can only
give you my opinion.

The rest is up
to your father.

We won't stand much
chance without Albert.

Albert: Pa, please.

It means so much
to the team.

I'll be all right.

Albert, I'm sorry. No.

Pete: Doc,
what about if you tape him up real good?

I could do that. It's
bound to be painful.

But it's not.

Really, it isn't.

Please, pa.
I have to play.

Don't worry. If he has
any pain during the game,

I'll take him
right out.

Well, it's against my
better judgment, but...

All right. Go ahead.

I'll tape him up.


You feel well enough
to feed the stock?

Sure. I told you
I was fine.

All right. I'll unhitch
the horses, then.

Pete, just look at
the size of them!

How can you even think of
allowing Dan to face them?

Sandra, I told
you before,

I'll keep the boy out
of most of the game.

I'll only put him in to kick,
and that's all.

Just remember,
any little bit of pain you have,

you're coming out.

Come on, pa.
I'll be fine.

Well, this is it.

Good luck.

The visiting team will
call it in the air.


Walnut grove
will receive.

I can hardly wait.

Referee: Ok,
take your positions.

Oh, my goodness! Oh,
my Willie! They're crushing Willie!

You let him play
in this game! I told you!

You're the one who
wanted to buy the uniforms

so he could play.

Well, but... well!

Oh, shut up!

Oh, for heaven's sake!
We're not going to win!

That's ok.


Willie, go in there for Clark,
and tell Albert I want to see him.

Hey, Albert, coach
wants to see you.

Yeah, coach?

Albert, what's
wrong with you?

You're not giving 100%,
and you know it.

I'm trying to, coach,
but I hurt.

You better
take me out.

Take you out?
Listen to me.

Do you think
you're the only boy

that ever played this
game with an injury?

Of course you're hurting,
but this is football.

That's part
of the game.

I used to play a whole season in pain,
but I didn't quit.

I didn't ask
to be taken out,

because I knew my
teammates depended on me.

We can win this,

We can win it,
but not without you.

Now, use your pain. They
hurt you. You hurt them.

Now, come on,
son. Let's get in there and beat them.

Come on. Let's go.

Must be all right.
He's going back in.

Hey, kid, you guys play
like a bunch of girls.

Ha ha!

All right.
We've taken enough.

The hike goes
to Willie.

- Me?
- Yeah, you.

Lateral play,
left end. Let's go!

All right, now, boys,
let's show them how to play football!

Willie: 16!

24! Hike!

Go, Albert!

- Go, Albert!
- Go, Albert!

You got it! Go! Go!

You did it, Albert!
That's it! You did it!

Come on, son. Come on.
We need that extra point.

Now, get in there.


24! Hike!

That's it! That's it! Attaboy!
Now we got a football team!

Walnut grove's ball!

That bit of luck's
going to cost you.

Pete: All right, boys. Now,
let's move it down the field!

Come on. Let's
move that ball!

Albert: 24!



Don't worry. Pete will
take him out now.

Pete: On your feet,

Come on. Get mean.
On your feet.

Man: Yay!

I'll get him out.

I want you to take my boy out of there.

- What?
- Take him out.

Just when we're in
a position to score?

All right. You don't
take him out, I will.

Charles: Time-out.

Come on, son.
Come with me.

Pa, we can win.

Maybe you can, but they're
going to have to do it without you.

Come on.

Boy: Taking
him out?

Let me take a look.

There's no doubt
about it this time.

Two ribs broken,
possibly more.

What kind of man
are you?

Let's get him over
to my office.

Right, doc.
Come on, son.


I want you to take
over as quarterback.


We've got this last
chance to win the game.

But, dad, I'm
not good enough.

You're the best
we have left.

Oh, dad, I...

I want you to make
me proud of you.

You want me to be proud of you,
don't you?

- Yes, sir.
- Then show them.

Show them you're
Pete ellerbee's boy.

Ok, come on.

Don't send him
in there.

He'll only be in
a couple of minutes.

I don't care.
You promised.

I didn't promise you
anything. Stop interfering.

If you don't want to watch the game,
then go.

Ok, Dan, let's go.
Here we go, boys.

Dan: 24! Hike!

I wonder what's

Just relax. Let the doc
bandage you up.

You're a lucky boy.

You could have shoved one of
those broken ribs right through a lung.

What would have
happened then?

Well, it's hard to say,

but you should have
come out of that game

when you started
hurting real bad.

I wanted to.

Then why didn't you?

The way Mr. Ellerbee

I don't know.

Makes me want to forget
everything but winning.

Winning's the only
thing that's important.

Baker: Well, winning's fine,
but it ain't worth much

when you're not around
for the victory party.

You mean, it could
have been that bad?

I mean, god give you pain to make
you quit whatever it is you're doing.

It's kind of a signal.

If a person don't heed it,

then he's going to get
himself into a heap of trouble.

There you are.

The less he moves
around, the better.

Thank you, doctor.

There you go.

Is winning that
important to Mr. Ellerbee?

I'm afraid it is.

Can I watch the rest
of the game?

I think we've had
enough of that today.

Please, ma.

No matter what,
it still is my team.

What do you say, doctor?

It'll be all right.

Can't be but a few
minutes, anyway.


Pete: Hey, Danny!

Come over here!

We've got time enough
for two plays.

- Are you listening to me?
- Yes, sir.

All right. You can win this
game. It's up to you now.

You can do it. I want you
to fake the lateral this time

and run up the middle.

They'll be playing
Willie to run wide.

Remember, make me proud.
Now, get in there. Come on.

Pete: Here we go.
Come on. Let's go.

Pete: Ok! Come on.



6! Hike!

Run, Dan! Run!

He almost made it.

You still got a chance.
He's down to the 5.

All right,
boys! This is it. The last play!

Now, come on. Here we go!
We can win this game!

Let's get them!

Man: Come on, boys.
Here we go.

You got nothing to be ashamed
of. You played a good game.

Albert: Great game.
Really good!

I wish I could have
played... what happened?

Pete: Team, over here.
Team, over here.

Albert: We were so close.

We could have won it.
Just by that much...

Pete: All right.
Quiet down.

I said, quiet.

No game you lose
is a good game.

You could have won that game,
but you didn't want it bad enough.

Well, I'm going to fix that.

I'm going to work you boys
so hard this week,

you'll think this game
was a picnic.

Sure you don't
want some soup?

I'll bring it up.

I don't want
to play anymore.

I never wanted to play
in the first place.

I know.

I did my best
today. I did.

I can't be what
he wants me to be.

I want him to
love me, but I...


It's all right.

He's gone off to sleep.

I would have won today if I
hadn't lost that Ingalls boy.

We were that close.

You lost
Dan today, too.

He doesn't want to
play football anymore.

Oh, don't be silly. He just
has a few bumps and bruises.

He'll be all right.

He just needs to
toughen up, that's all.

That's not
what he needs.

Well, I think his coach would know
more about that than his mother.

He doesn't need
a coach.

He needs a father!

He needs a man to hold him
and to love him once in a while.

you make a sissy out of him if you want to.

I'm going to
make him a man.

I don't believe
I'm hearing this!

What does it take to
make you understand?

It's you that doesn't understand,
and you never will.

Oh, what am I supposed to understand,
that this makes a man?

Or these? Or these?

Sandra, stop it.

I said, "stop it"!

Hurting people doesn't
make you a man!

Knowing how to
love them does!

If the boy doesn't want to play football,
he doesn't have to.

He was only in today
because the Ingalls boy got hurt.

Now, there's
a football player.

I could make something
out of that boy.

He's got guts.


I could make something
out of that boy.

All right. Get your
shoulders into it.

That's it. Now
let's run it again.

Hi, Mr. Ellerbee.

Well, well. You're a welcome
sight. How are your ribs?

Oh, still real sore,

but the doctor says they'll be
good as new in a month or so.

Good. Good. Might mean you'll
be able to play in the last game,

maybe the last two.

No, sir,
I don't think so.

Well, it depends on what your doctor says,
of course.

Not even then.

That's what I
came to tell you.


Yes, sir.

I don't mean to say
I didn't appreciate playing.

All the things you
taught me... team spirit,

needing to win,
not giving up.

They're all true,
you know, Albert.

I guess they are,

but you see,
sir. I plan to grow up to be a doctor,

not a football player,

and I do need
my studies.

And I just can't afford all
the time it takes to practice.

You mean,
football isn't important enough to you?

Not that important.

It's just a game to me,

and games are fun.

used to be fun.

Maybe we lost all but one game last year,
but it was still fun.

Mr. Ellerbee, playing
this way just isn't fun.

Well, good luck
with the team.

All right.
Practice is over.

You've had
enough for today.

Willie: Coach,
where are you going?

I'm going home
to talk to my son.

Laura, voice-over: Mr. Ellerbee
cut the practice sessions

in half the rest
of the season,

and my students'
grades improved.

The walnut grove
football team

finished with a record
of 2 wins and 6 losses,

but they had fun.