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02x22 - Accidents Happen

Posted: 02/15/22 06:21
by bunniefuu
[theme song]

♪ Maybe the world is blind

♪ Or just a little unkind

♪ Don't know

♪ Seems you can't be sure

♪ Of anything anymore

♪ Although

♪ You may be lonely and then

♪ One day you're smilin' again

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ I see the girl
who turns my world around♪

♪ Standing there

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ Her spirit's lifting me
right off the ground ♪

♪ What's gonna be?

♪ Guess we'll just wait
and see ♪♪

♪ How much is that doggie
in the window? ♪

♪ The one with the waggly tail

♪ How much is that doggie
in the window? ♪

♪ I do hope
that doggie's for sale ♪♪

Punky: Dear dairy...

Dear diary.

Long time no see.

How are you doin'?

That's good. Me too.

Sorry I haven't written
for a while,

but a few we...

a few we...

a few weeks ago,
something happened

that made me real sad.

Henry said for me to write
my feelings in a journal,

but since I don't know
what a journal is,

I'll use my diary instead.

Anyway, what made me so sad

was that
the Space Shuttle blew up.

It bothered me
especially a lot because...

Well, maybe I should start
from the beginning.

Few days before it happened,
I was home after school.

I was showing Brandon
my latest card trick.

Okay, Brandon, pick a card.

Any card you want.

Okay, now don't show me
which card you picked.

Okay, now put it back
in the deck.

Oh, alright,
I'll put it back for you.

Now I'm gonna show you
which card you picked.



three of spades?


Wonder how I knew
which card was yours?


It was the only one
with doggy slobber on it.

You should learn this trick,

It might get you a date
with that lady beagle

you're always barking about.

[clicks tongue]

- Hello, Punky.
- Hello, Henry.

- Guess what.
- What?

This Friday is gonna be
Career Day at school.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- Isn't that awesome?
- The awesomest.


You know, I have a present

that I wanted to give you
for a long time

and I think this is the perfect
occasion for it.

Ooh, I love presents!

Tell me what it is.
No, don't tell me.

Just let me look.
No, I can't look, just tell me.

No, you can't tell me,
just let me look--

Hold it!

I'll tell you and show you
at the same time.



Ah, it's your very own camera!

It's the first camera
I ever used.

Looks like the first camera
anybody ever used.

[clears throat] Oh, but I've
kept it in mint condition.

It still takes perfect pictures.

You can use it for Career Day.

Look, Henry, I know you want me
to follow your foot shoes,

but I'm really not interested
in photography.

- You're not?
- Unh-unh.

- No interest at all?
- Nope.

- None?
- Zip.

I'm really sorry, Henry.

No big deal.

I've always known
what I wanna be when I grow up.

In fact, I better get started
on making my outfit

for Career Day. [hiccups]

You know, Punky,
there are a lot of children

in this world who would jump
at the chance

to take over
a thriving business.

I bet you're right.

Want me to ask around school
and get you a list of names?

Never mind.

Not right now, Brandon.
I've got a million things to do.

- Try it on Henry.
- Try what?

Oh, Brandon is trying
to learn a magic trick.

[scoffs] That's the silliest
thing I've ever heard.

Henry, don't say that
in front of him.

It may hurt his feelings.

Come on, pick a card,
any card you want.

No peeking.

That's amazing.

Good boy.

Brandon, would you be interested
in photography?

[bell rings]

Mike: Settle down.

Okay, I see we have a lot
of interesting careers today.

We have a fireman...

and a ballerina.


And we have a doctor.

And, Freddie,
what are you supposed to be?

Freddie: I'm a jewel thief.

Unfortunately, Freddie, that
will be a very short career.

Jimmy, read him his rights.


Cherie, you wanna come up
and tell the class

about your occupation?


I wanna be an architect.

I've wanted to be an architect
ever since last night at : .

But I still couldn't come up
with an occupation.

This is Cherievale.
It's a modern community

with people of all races,
color and religion

who could pay me real high rent.


Very nice, Cherie.

Class, let's hear it
for the Frank Lloyd Wright

of the fourth grade.
Give it up.

[cheering and applauding]

Okay, let's see who's next.

Uh, Allen.

I wanna be Rambo!

Uh, Allen,
Rambo is not a career.

It is for Sylvester Stallone.

You see, Allen,

Sylvester Stallone
is a movie actor.

He doesn't just play Rambo,
he did all those "Rocky" movies.

- He was Rocky too?
- And III and IV.

Wow. Rambo and Rocky?

That guy can play anything.

My turn.

Let me guess, Margaux,
you wanna be

a heavy machinery operator.

No, my ultimate career
is to be the lady

who shows up the prizes
on a game show.

My idol is Vanna White
on "Wheel Of Fortune."

No one points like Vanna.

Mike, will you read
these cards for me?

I'll try.


You'll find
your dream come true...

when you wake up in this
brand-new four-poster bed

by Sleep Away."

All: Ooh!

"And you'll really rise
and shine

when you put on this
glittering diamond ring

from Kotowski Jewelers.

Uh, don't go near the water with
it unless you're in your new

cruise white ski boat."



- Ooh!
- Wow!

Sit, boy.

Me and my dog, Brandon,
want to be astronauts.

All: Wow!

We wanna be like Buzz Aldrin
who walked on the moon

and Sally Ride,
the first woman in space.

We wanna explore outer space,

discover new planets
and ride Halley's Comet.


Brandon wants to be
the first dog on Mars.

I just hope
they have fire hydrants there.



I've wanted to be an astronaut
ever since I was a kid.

Whenever I look out
my window at night,

I think, "Boy, I wonder
what's up there in outer space."

Well, someday
I'm gonna find out.

Someday I'm gonna touch
the other side of the sky.

Mike, I want to be
a astronaut too.

- Same here!
- Me too.

- Me too.
- Yeah!

Tell you what.

Next week the Space Shuttle
is goin' up again.

Now I have a very special
interest in this flight

because a lady teacher
will be on board.

- Really?
- Wow.

That's right.
The first teacher in space.

Now since several of you are
interested in being astronauts,

I'm gonna bring my television

and we can all watch
the launch together.

Would you like that?



Punky, why aren't you in school?

They sent us home.


Oh, honey.

What's the matter?

We were watching
the Space Shuttle takeoff and...


It exploded.

The shuttle exploded?

- Yeah.
- Are you sure?


Please, Henry,
don't turn on the TV.

I don't wanna see it again.

Well, alright,

but I do think we should talk
about it, okay?

I still can't believe it.

When it was time
for the countdown...

the whole class counted along.

Then it took off,
we all cheered

because it was so exciting
and beautiful, you know.

I remember thinking, "Boy,
I wish it was me up there."

Then all of a sudden,
there was a big flash

and smoke
went in all directions.


[sniffles] Mike turned off
the TV.

Some kids started to cry.

I was one of them.

- I just couldn't stop.
- Oh.

Oh, honey, I understand.

It's okay.

Mike cried too.

Then he asked us all
to hold hands,

say a prayer
for the astronauts.

Why did it happen, Henry?

I-- I don't know, honey.
It's hard to understand.

Sometimes bad things happen
to good people.


Guys, we all watched
something scary

on TV yesterday, didn't we?

All: Yeah.

Now what do you think about it
and how do you feel?

I kept thinking
this can't be happening.

It-- it isn't real.

Me too. I kept hoping
they'd go to a commercial.

When they came back,
the astronauts would be saved

by Mr. T.

But that didn't happen, did it?

What do you think
about the astronauts?

I think they were real brave.

- Were they explorers?
- Uh-huh.

- Yeah.
- Yeah, they sure were.

Were they tryin' to do
a good thing?

- They sure were.
- Yeah.

They didn't get to finish
their mission, did they?

- No.
- They didn't.

But they did get started
on their way.

Now is that a good thing?

- Yeah.
- Sure.

Should we be proud of them?

- Yeah, sure.
- Yes.

Mike, are they gonna stop
the space program?

- I don't think so.
- My dad says they should.

He says they shouldn't send
people up in space anymore.

Well, that's an understandable
first reaction, Allen,

but I think
that most people will realize

how important it is for us
to keep exploring space.

Maybe, but the next time they
decide to send a teacher up...

I don't know if that person
would wanna go.

I would. If they asked me,
I would go in a second.

What about you, Punky?

Well, it's always
been my dream.

- But, Punky, it's dangerous.
- I know, but--

I sure don't wanna be
an astronaut.

- Me neither.
- I never wanted to be one.

Well, I do.

After what happened
to the shuttle?

Punky, you're crazy.

- You sure are.
- I would never go.

Betty: Now hold it still.

Henry: It itches.

- Why don't you use a dummy?
- I am.

- Now hold still.
- Ah, it itches.

- I'm almost finished, Henry.
- Ah!

If you don't hold still,
I might accidently

stick you with one of these...

- Ow!
- Pins.


Betty, it's still in me.
Pull it out, pull it out.

And I will
if you just hold still.

[groans] Ow!

Oh, Betty, that hurt.

Oh, for goodness sake, Henry,
be a man.

[doorbell rings]

Oh, no!
[Betty laughing]

I'll never forgive you
for this.

- Hey, Betty.
- Hi, Mike.

- Come on in.
- Alright.

- Hello.
- Hello.

Uh, Betty Johnson,
meet Buzz Aldrin.

Buzz, Betty. Betty, Buzz.

It's a pleasure to meet you.

Buzz Aldrin, the astronaut?

- That's right.
- Get out of here.


The guy who walked on the moon?

- That's right.
- Get out of here.

Betty, where's Punky?

Oh, she's upstairs with Cherie.
I'll get her.

Are you really Buzz Aldrin,
the astronaut?

- That's right.
- Get out of here!

- Ah, Betty, please.
- Ah, I'm goin'.


Henry: Betty,
who is at the door?

Uh, Buzz, have a seat.
I'll be right back, okay?

- Okay.
- Relax.

Uh, Henry, it's me, Mike.

Listen, I brought somebody...

Ooh, I'm sorry, ma'am, but,
I'm looking for Henry Warnimont.

Very funny, Mike.

Buzz Aldrin was in town

visiting from the University
of North Dakota.

He was givin' a lecture
on the Space Studies Program.

I told him about Punky,
he came right over.

Buzz Aldrin is here
in my apartment?

As a matter of fact, he's
sitting right on your couch.

Get out of here.

- Really.
- Really?

- Yeah.
- Come on.



[clears throat] M-- Mr. Aldrin,
I-- I'm Henry Warnimont,

Punky's father.

May I have a picture
taken with you?

Uh, certainly.

Oh, alright, uh...



Say dress.

Oh, I-- I'm sorry.
I wasn't expecting you.

Uh, I mean,
I-- I forgot that, um...

Excuse me, Mr. Buzz.

Why didn't you stop me?

- Wow.
- Are you Punky?


Are you sure
you're really Buzz Aldrin?

- I sure am.
- Get out of here.

I'm sorry,
I just didn't recognize you

without your spacesuit.

Well, I would have brought it,
but it's at the dry cleaners.

I spilled Tang on it.

[Punky chuckles]

Are you sure
you really came here to see me?

I sure did.

Your teacher tells me
you'd like to be an astronaut?

Yeah, but you know,

because of what happened
to the Space Shuttle,

my friends think
I'm out of my gourd.

A lot of kids
at my elementary school

used to laugh at me
for wanting to fly to the moon

and be part
of the space program.

Wait a minute, they didn't have
the space program way back then.

Maybe that's why they laughed.


But this is the way
I look at it.

Astronauts are explorers
and all through history,

people have thought
that explorers

are a little off their rocker.

like Christopher Columbus.

People told him
that the Earth was flat

and if he sailed too far,
he'd fall off the edge.

That's right,
but he went anyway.

He just took lots of rope.

Punky, I have something for you.

You do?

Ooh! [squeals]

Young Astronauts?

Yes, it's an organization
for children

who are interested in math,
science, NASA and outer space.

- And you know what?
- What?

I helped start
the very first chapter

at Viking Elementary
in Grand Forks, North Dakota.

Wait till I tell Mike
about this.

He said all the Vikings
were extinct.

Wait till he hears
they're living in North Dakota.

Punky, would you like to join
the Young Astronaut program?

You bet.

Just fill this out
and mail it in.


Uh, can I have one
for my partner too?

[laughs] Sure.

Oh, thank you.

Meeting Buzz Aldrin
was awesome.

I mean, it overwhelmed me.

It must have done
the same thing to Henry

'cause he didn't come out
of the kitchen all night.

Anyway, I still feel bad
about the shuttle,

but I'm gonna be an astronaut

no matter how scary
it might be.

Henry says you gotta take risk

when you're doing something
that nobody's ever done before.

And here's something
I realized all by myself.

If is a word
smack in the middle of life.

Isn't that deep?

Well, I guess I'll say goodbye
for now, dear diary.

Hang loose and don't take
any wooden nickels.

Your pal, Punky.

[instrumental music]


Someday, Brandon,

someday you and I
are gonna go to the stars.

[theme music]