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02x19 - Changes: Part 3

Posted: 02/15/22 06:20
by bunniefuu
[theme song]

♪ Maybe the world is blind

♪ Or just a little unkind

♪ Don't know

♪ Seems you can't be sure

♪ Of anything anymore

♪ Although

♪ You may be lonely and then

♪ One day you're smilin' again

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ I see the girl
who turns my world around ♪

♪ Standing there

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ Her spirit's lifting me
right off the ground ♪

♪ What's gonna be?

♪ Guess we'll just wait
and see ♪♪

Punky: So far
on "Punky Brewster..."


I'll be right there.

Henry, what's the matter?

That fire truck was for me.
My studio's on fire.


[indistinct chatter on radio]

[Punky gasps]

Everything is ruined.


With the studio gone,
we ran out of money.

Henry worried so much,
he got a bleeding ulcer.

Just when things were
looking bad, they got worse.

Madam, I am Simon Chillings

from the Department of Children
and Family Services.

Sir, I am deeply sorry
about your misfortune,

but in cases like this,
the guidelines are quite clear.

You cannot demonstrate
that the child will receive

adequate support. Not only that,
but your own health

is in question.

I'm afraid I have no choice
in the matter.

I am herewith removing
Punky Brewster

from your custody.

Where will I live?

- Fenster Hall.
- No!

[indistinct chatter]

At Fenster Hall,
I met my new roommates.

Liz and her little sister,


and Weezie.

Weezie's a TV addict.

Her mother was the same way.

She named Weezie after George's
wife on "The Jeffersons."

I even have a brother
named Magnum.

I'm considering placing Punky
with other foster parents.

Well, unconsider it.

That little girl and that
old man love each other.

- I'm getting out of here.
- You can't do that.

[sighs] Watch me.

Sooner I get my life together,
the sooner I get Punky back.

Henry, Mike's here with me.

He just talked to Mr. Chillings
and he said

as soon as you get out
of the hospital

and reopen your studio,
I get to come home with you.

I'm taking out a loan
and opening a new studio.

So don't worry,
you and I will be...




And now Part of Changes.

[indistinct chatter]

Tough luck
about your foster dad.


Have you heard anything yet?

Well, Mike called this morning

and Henry had a operation
last night

and now
he's in the intensive restroom.

At least the worst part is over.

I saw this "Trapper John" once
where a woman was in recovery

and they gave her
the wrong medicine.

- Did she die?
- Worse.

She got amnesia
and fell in love with Gonzo.

Well, Mrs. Johnson
is watching out for Henry.

She won't let him
get the wrong medicine.

- She's a nurse.
- Doesn't matter.

It was a nurse
who caused Senator Wilson

to have a heart attack
on "General Hospital."

His nurse?

Well, actually, she was
pretending to be a nurse.

She was really a mafia princess.

I never go to a hospital.

My Uncle Bernie died in one.

Oh, Henry...

please get well.


Holy macanoli!

[all cheering]

I may barf.

Punky, are you okay?

Yeah, I guess.

The kids in this establishment
seem so rough.

What's the matter?

Are we makin' you nervous,
Lady Clairol?

Excuse me, but I was having
a private conversation.

Then don't have it in my room.

Uh, uh, w-- why don't
I introduce everybody?

I didn't see your name
written on the door.

Oh, yeah? Want me to carve it
on your forehead?


Liz, this is Margaux.

I ain't interested
in your dumb friend.

Shows how much you know.

I'm her dumb friend.
Margaux's the smart one.

Allen, Cherie,
this is Millie and Weezie.

Like on "The Jeffersons?"

- Somethin' wrong with that?
- No.

It's just sort of weird
being named after a TV person.

Better than bein' named
after a fruit.

Uh, now that we're all friends,

why don't you guys
just stay over on that side

and we'll finish our little
visit over on this side?

Fine by me.

Millie, open the window
before Goldilocks' perfume

sets off the smoke alarm.

Boy, sure good to see you guys.

I just wish they'd let me go
and see Henry.

I miss him so bad.


"The kind, grandfatherly
guidance of Henry Warnimont

has caused Punky to blossom

into a shining example
of happy girlhood."

Who wrote this?
Barbara Cartland?

No, Punky's last case worker.

And it shows
how touched everyone is

by their special relationship.

And it's on the basis
of that relationship

that I'm asking you to let Punky
go visit Henry in the hospital.

I can't allow it.

It would only serve to prolong
her emotional dependency on him.

Well, what's wrong with that?

It will make it all the more
difficult for Punky

when I place her
in a new foster home.


Don't act so surprised.
You agreed to this yesterday.

- I agreed to no such thing.
- Oh, no?

Well, according to my notes,
our conversation was as follows

and I quote...

Chillings: "But I warn you,

if for any reason
Mr. Warnimont is unable

to recover financially
or physically,

I will not hesitate

to place Punky
in a new foster home."

Fulton: "Okay, it's a deal."

It's all here, black and white.

Notes? You took notes.

Of course not.

[sighs] My secretary
transcribed the tapes.

You taped our conversation?

[laughs] You'll never find it.

I did it merely
for historical record.

After all, I do want my memoirs
to be accurate.


[sighs] Yes, it's been in the
back of my mind for days now.

I'm calling it "Welfare Warrior:

The Life And Times
Of Simon P. Chillings."

In hard cover.


I bet Hollywood will be
clamoring over the movie rights.

- You think so?
- Yeah.

It'd be a great vehicle
for Pee Wee Herman, huh?

Don't worry.
You are gonna visit Henry.

- How?
- We came with a backup plan.

But to pull it off,
we're gonna need their help.


Why should we help you?

Because this could be
the best trick

that was ever played
on Mr. Chillings.

Oh, she said that
just like Ethel Mertz.

- Count me in.
- Yay.

Me too.
That sounds like good fun.

- Can I do something?
- Anna, come back here.

No, Liz, I like Punky.
I wanna help her.

- Yeah.
- Okay, fine.

Go ahead with your stupid plan.

You can count me out.

- Huddle!
- Oh, yeah!

[indistinct chatter]

[indistinct chatter]

Punky: You guys, do you really
think this is gonna work?

- It can.
- Yes.

- Oh, my gosh.
- There.

Okay, girls, it's now or never.

Holy macanoli!

Peasant. [laughs]

You guys look great.

As mommy always says,
I'm just naturally perfect.

I don't sound like that.

I beg to differ,ma petite.

You can't hurt my feelings.
I've got Punky Power!


I don't sound like that.

Oh, yes, you do.

You guys are amazing.

You've really switched places.

Hey, they did that once
on "Double Trouble."

This is life imitating art.

I never wore jeans
without a designer label.

Being you is harder
than I thought.

How can you stand wearing
these dresses?

They're so drafty.

Hey, guys, somebody's coming.

Okay, guys, we gotta get goin'.

I'm sorry, Punky,
but Mr. Chillings still won't

let you go with us to visit
Henry. You see, he...

Punky, what are you doin'?

Gosharoo, what do you mean?

N-- no time for chatter. Ta-ta!

- Hold it, Punky.
- I'm not going anywhere.

Not you, Punky. You, Punky.

Hey, look,
the joke's over, girls,

so change your clothes back.

But, Mike, it's the only way
I'll get to see Henry.

I know, but rules are rules
and I'm not about to break 'em.

Besides, Mr. Chillings isn't
dumb enough to fall for this.

Sorry, kids,
visiting hours are over.

Fulton, it's time for you and
these other children to leave.

Give me a minute, Simon. I was
explaining something to Punky.

No need.
I, not you, am in charge here.

Any explanation to Punky
will come from me.

- But, Simon--
- No buts. Rules are rules.

Now take those three children
and run along.

These three children?

Yes, those three children.

This little girl
is staying right here.

Whatever you say, Simon.

Like I was telling the kids,
rules are rules

and I'm not about to break 'em.

Let's go.


Hold it.

You're not going anywhere,
young lady.

- I'm not?
- No.

Not without your coat.
It's cold outside.


Mike: Freezing.
It's chilly out there.

- Frostbite.
- Yeah.

Merci, monsieur.

- Bye.


Bye, Margaux.

Hey, guys,
watch me trick Mrs. Johnson.

Oh. [all laughing]

Bonjour,Madam Johnson.

Hi, Punky.

How'd you know it was me?

Well, it takes more than fancy
talk and fancy dress

to keep me from recognizing
one of my favorite people.


Besides, I'm the one
who bought that wig.

Grandma, can I have some money?

I'm gonna go down
to the gift shop

and get a present
for Mr. Warnimont.

Sure, honey.

- Thanks.
- Can I have some money too?

Well, I suppose so.

What are you buyin' Henry?

Nothin'. I just didn't
have any money.

You still don't.
Get out of here.

Mrs. Johnson,
could I go in and see Henry?

Well, you didn't
get all this dolled up

not to see him, did you, honey?


[chuckles] Well, he can only
have one visitor at a time.

You have to be real quiet.

Okay, I will. Here.


Mike: Betty, how is Henry?

Betty: Well, he made it
through the surgery,

but he's not gonna be alright
until he stops all his worrying.

Mike: I hear that.

Betty: Of course,
Punky's coming back home again

will lift his spirits.

Mike: Betty, Punky may not
be coming back home.

Betty: What?

Mike: Chillings is placing her
with new foster parents.

Betty: Lord, that's all
Henry needs in his condition

is another fight
with Chillings over Punky.

Now if that happens,
he'll never get out of here.

I'm sorry, Henry.

I'm so, so sorry.

Punky, I'd like to give you...

Well, it's sort
of a personality test.

Why would you wanna test
my personality?

Everyone will tell you
that I'm scintillating.

[laughs] Humor me, won't you?

Punky, what does this
look like to you?

Give me your first impression.

It's a diamond, a baguette,
about carats.

[clicks tongue] But there's
a tiny flaw in the center.

That's odd. The usual response
is teddy bear.

Uh, how about this one?

A Picasso painting
from his Cubist period.

Most kids say hotdog.

And this one.

A Rolls Royce hood ornament.

You actually know
what a Rolls Royce hood ornament

looks like?

Doesn't everyone?

[sighs] There is no need
to continue.

Your answers support
the gut feeling

I've had about you
from the beginning.

What's that?

That you would be better off
in another foster home.

What? I don't want
another foster home.

I wanna be with Henry
and Cherie and Allen

and especially my hero, Margaux.

Now calm down, Punky.

[knock on door]

Come in.

- Hi, Simon.
- Fulton, back again?

Don't you have a place
of your own?

Uh, sorry to interrupt, Simon,
but, uh,

I wanted to apologize
about my behavior earlier today.

You see, I really lost my cool.

Well, I'm glad you've finally
come to your senses.

Fulton, I just think
that you and I see Punky

as two different girls.

I know I do.

Oh, Mr. Chillings,
I found your glasses.

I'll get it.

[Mike coughs]

It's cold outside.

- Here you are.
- Oh.

Oh. Oh, oh.

Thank you, my dear.

Well, Punky, I gotta go.

I'll come back tomorrow
and see you, okay?

- Bye, Mike.
- Bye-bye.

And, uh, Simon,

I just wanna thank you
for being you.

No need.
I've already done that.

[both laughing]


[sighs] Now, Punky,
where were we?

Uh, I forget.


Uh, did it have something
to do with this hot dog?

Unh-unh-unh, too late
to change your answers now.

No, my mind is made up.

Tomorrow I'm going to place you
in a new foster home.



Punky, I may have found the
perfect foster parents for you.

Would you like to know
their names?

No, thanks.

If I can't have Henry,
I don't care who they are.


Open up, Henry.

You gotta eat
this nice hot oatmeal.

Get that bilge away from me.

No, sir,
this is doctor's orders.

Mmm, smells delicious.

- Open up.
- No.

Here comes the airplane
headin' for the hangar.

Get out of here.

Well, at least you're acting
like your cranky old self again.

Look out, world,
Henry Warnimont's back.

You bet he is. As soon as
the doctor lets me out of here,

I'm going to the bank,
get a loan

and start my business
over again.

Warnimont Studio's gonna be
bigger and better than ever.

That's the spirit.

And Punky will come home with me
where she belongs.

Uh, uh, Henry, about Punky...

What about her?

Uh, she came by yesterday
to see you.

Look, she left you
a little note.

Oh, what a sweetheart.

Punky: Dear Henry,

it makes me so sad
to see you like this,

especially when I know
it's mostly all my fault.

If you weren't so worried
about taking care of me,

your ulcer
would have never exploded.

Henry, you've always been
so good to me.

When no one else in the whole
world would help me,

you took me in.

And now look
what I've done to you.

But don't worry,
tomorrow Mr. Chillings

is gonna find me
new foster parents.

I don't wanna be
with anybody else,

but I guess it's the best thing
for everybody.

I will always remember
and love you.

Your ex-foster daughter...


Punky: Next week
on "Punky Brewster..."

- She is truly charming.
- We'll take her.

I don't want you to put Punky
with anyone else.

I've just placed Punky
with new foster parents.

Miss Punky Brewster.

[instrumental music]

[theme music]