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22x04 - Vengeance on Varos - part 2

Posted: 11/10/04 07:05
by bunniefuu


Part Two

Original Air Date: 26 January 1985
Running time: 44:43

PERI: You animals! What have you done to the Doctor?

CHIEF: Show her.

PERI: No, I don't believe it. He can't be dead.

GOVERNOR: I'm afraid he is.

PERI: You did it. You k*lled him.

GOVERNOR: Not really. He had an hallucination that he was lost in a desert. His mind thought he was dying of thirst.

SIL: His body agreed, so die they did.

PERI: What is that thing?

CHIEF: Show some respect.

GOVERNOR: Now, tell me, the dead intruder was called the Doctor?

CHIEF: So who are you?

SIL: Answer. Answer. Answer!

ARAK: Why do they keep showing that stiff?

ETTA: They know what they're doing.


ARAK: What?

ETTA: He moved!

ARAK: Reflex.

ETTA: Maybe he isn't fully dead.

ARAK: Then he soon will be. Here comes the acid bath.

ETTA: Oh, I hate this bit.

ARAK: They always do that. It's to show the acid's highly corrosive.

ETTA: Shut up.

CHIEF: Who are you?

PERI: You wouldn't believe me.

SIL: You agents of Amorb are!

PERI: I don't know what that is or even what he says.

GOVERNOR: Sil's language transposer has an eccentric communication circuit. But, don't tell him, it's my only amusement.

CHIEF: Don't upset the Galatron delegate, please. We need that agreement to sell the zeiton ore to his company.

GOVERNOR: On the starvation rate he offers us?

CHIEF: Who else will buy our only asset?

GOVERNOR: Why not find other mining companies who will refine zeiton ore on better terms? Who will pay the seven credits per unit I ask? Why not Amorb?

SIL: Never!

CHIEF: The people of Varos have voted to accept Sil's final terms. You as Governor must impose their will or suffer death by7 default.

GOVERNOR: After I extract the truth about this girl and her companion, the Doctor. Come.

DOCTOR: I had the most peculiar dream

DOCTOR: You'll forgive me if I don't join you.

GOVERNOR: What's the matter? Oh, you grieve for his death. I forget that people do.

PERI: You don't?

GOVERNOR: I did once, but now death is my only friend, my constant and loving companion. Can you feel his, his cold presence?

PERI: I don't want to, thanks.

GOVERNOR: You should. Your life is even more at risk than mine.

CHIEF: The Doctor, he's escaped.

GOVERNOR: How? He's dead.

CHIEF: Not dead. He was just pretending to be.

PERI: He's alive?

CHIEF: And running.


CHIEF: Good?

GOVERNOR: Recapture him, and we bargain this girl's life for information from our Doctor friend.

PERI: And I thought you were a bit better than these other brutes.

GOVERNOR: I'm sorry.

DOCTOR: I thought you were my mirror image until I realised that I wasn't holding a g*n.

QUILLAM: Who are you?

DOCTOR: A student of science, much interested in primitive nuclear technology.

QUILLAM: The mask. Remove it.

QUILLAM: I've seen you on the screens. You've returned from the dead.

DOCTOR: A waste of effort. I assume there will be something novel by way of spectacle to mark my return to that state?

QUILLAM: I should think something might be arranged. Let's have a little word with the executioners. They're always on the lookout for fresh material.

DOCTOR: After you.

QUILLAM: I don't think so.

SIL: Why is she on Varos?

GOVERNOR: She won't say.

SIL: Are you employed agent of other mining companies, you and that man who was dead?


SIL: Liar! You belong to Amorb, you lying liar.

GOVERNOR: Why should she belong to Amorb? Well?

PERI: I'm from another time, another century. Nearly three centuries before you were born, I lived in another world. I had an idea you wouldn't believe me.

GOVERNOR: You were right.

CHIEF: Give her to the rehabilitators. A disturbance of her molecular structure will bring out the truth.

SIL: Put her into the reshapement chamber. Watch her change into beast or bird.


GOVERNOR: Why are you here, Peri? Tell me, please.

PERI: All right. Our TARDIS, that box thing outside, is, if you like, a ship of time, a sort of spacecraft. Well, I don't understand the technical stuff, but the Doctor said we must have this special metal to fix the bearings or something, so we had to come here. That's just what we did.

SIL: She's laughing at us, all over the face.

PERI: It's the truth!

GOVERNOR: No matter. Once again, we've captured the mysterious Doctor. Quillam came across him at Prison Control.

CHIEF: He'd have liked that, sir.

GOVERNOR: Yes. How long is it since we rigged a primitive execution, Chief?

CHIEF: Not since after the Outer Dome sabotage trial.

GOVERNOR: Hmm. I think it's time we staged another.

CHIEF: They're always most enjoyable, aren't they, sir.

PERI: What kind of people are you?

ARAK: What're you doing?

ETTA: My viewers report.

ARAK: I'm not on it, am I? I was tired. Reports. Spying. Working men should be

ETTA: Yes? Yes? Go on.

ARAK: Er, not taken seriously for the rubbish they may have spoken earlier on.

DOCTOR: All very traditional. The whole ghastly ritual to be played out.

JONDAR: Four nooses.

DOCTOR: No need to ask for whom.

JONDAR: But there's only three of us.

ARETA: A spare. They're very thorough.

DOCTOR: A fourth noose for Peri is a more likely explanation. But why isn't she in here with us?

JONDAR: Plenty of other prisoners the authorities would be happy to rid themselves of.

DOCTOR: Why are they so anxious to eliminate you?

JONDAR: Because I was curious. I used to maintain the surface shuttle cars. One day I was required to deliver the cars to the dome where the Chief Officer lives. I was never allowed in. Security was excessive, even for Varos. That day my curiosity became too much. I hid inside a car, went inside to where the elite live. Luxury, richness, wealth. I didn't see much, but enough to know that a giant deception had been played against all of our people except for the favoured, the very favoured, few. I pretended I'd seen nothing.

ARETA: The suspicion that perhaps he had was enough to bring him to the Dome of Punishment as fodder for their displays of cruelty and v*olence.

JONDAR: Areta is my wife. They condemned her, too.

DOCTOR: Without trial.

JONDAR: Secret trial.

ARETA: It's the same thing.

DOCTOR: Hello.

JAILER: Your appeal has been turned down. I'm sorry.

DOCTOR: So would I have been, if I'd asked for one.

DOCTOR: Do you always get the priest parts?

PRIEST: We are gathered here today in the sight of the great Video to ask forgiveness and make atonement for three amongst us who have transgressed the laws of Varos.

PERI: Doctor, I'm sorry. I've tried everything. They just won't believe the truth.

DOCTOR: Truth is a very flexible commodity here on Varos, Peri. As long as things appear truthful, that's all that matters.

GOVERNOR: Enlighten us as to the truth about your visit, please, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Why, to help Varos realise the wealth of its potential, what else?

SIL: How, by eating rocks? k*ll him! Execute them!

CHIEF: He must have listened to the rebel Jondar and believed his lies.

GOVERNOR: Yes, yes. What is the staging plan, Chief?

CHIEF: The men to hang. The women, I would suggest, be given to reshapement and cell mutation experiment, the results to be exhibited as a warning to women who support their men in acts of violation against the regulations of Varos. I'm sorry you'll be denied the sight of the ladies turning into, well, who knows what. A serpent? A griffin? A new admixture of fish and fowl?

GOVERNOR: Anything to add, Doctor? Anything which might persuade me to halt the sequence of events?

DOCTOR: One request.

CHIEF: One last request? Yes?


DOCTOR: Who is he? Why is he here?

SIL: What interest can my presence matter?

GOVERNOR: The delegate from the Galatron Mining Corporation is here to negotiate our yearly review of market price for the ore of Varos.

DOCTOR: Zeiton ore? Zeiton-7?


DOCTOR: I see. Thank you.

GOVERNOR: Is that all you wish to know?

DOCTOR: For the moment.

SIL: That's all you have, Doctor.

CHIEF: Take the women away.

PERI: Doctor, do something!

ARETA: Jondar! Jondar!

PRIEST: In the name of the great Video and of Varos, who gave his name to our planet, accept the lives of these humble deviants in recompense for their sins. We pray that you will continue to look benignly down upon your devoted servants.

GOVERNOR: Anything to say, Doctor? Anything which may yet save your lives?

DOCTOR: Sorry?

GOVERNOR: So am I. All right.


GOVERNOR: I knew it. Hold on broadcast. No sound or vision.

DOCTOR: My death will prevent Varos from ever progressing out of the reach of extortion of such as the Galatron Mining Company. Our deaths will send any hope for this planet back into the pit of fear and misery, which has for so long been the lot of its people.

SIL: Pull the lever! Stretch them out of this life!

DOCTOR: Wait! I came to this planet because I needed a new source of energy supply. My TARDIS depends for its function upon a rare and precious mineral of Varos. Zeiton-7. I can show you new prosperity.

SIL: Destroy them now!

GOVERNOR: I will give the order for execution.

SIL: k*ll! k*ll! k*ll!

GOVERNOR: I trust you are unharmed, Doctor?

DOCTOR: Do you often employ the noose trick?

GOVERNOR: As a means of eliciting true information, it has often been successful. You suspected our bluff?

DOCTOR: I noticed your cameras weren't broadcasting. A real execution would have been broadcast.

GOVERNOR: Ah, yes. What I have to discover now is the truth of your statements made from the scaffold.

DOCTOR: I will discuss nothing, reveal nothing, until I have proof that Peri and Areta have been released unharmed from the cell mutation experiment.

SIL: He has nothing to reveal. He is lying. An Amorb agent who wishes only to usurp our worthy Galatron contracts by rashful promises.

GOVERNOR: Until I can hear what each of you has to say or offer, the matter rests without decision. Should the Doctor be lying, he will find the next noose about his neck will sever his head from his spinal column. But should he be accurate in his appraisal of the potential worth of our zeiton ore, I shall want to know, Sil, why you and your company have been duping Varos these many generations.

SIL: How dare I be spoken to like this! I will reject all offers!

GOVERNOR: That releases me from my people's decision to accept them. Thank you.

SIL: Pargh!

QUILLAM: Preparation complete. To your posts.

PERI: How long will the process last?

ARETA: I heard them say it was a matter for initial experiment.

PERI: Anything could happen to us just for their amusement.

ARETA: Oh, something's happening to my arms.

PERI: Mine feel strange too. My skin. Oh no!

SIL: Intolerable all of this Doctor being allowed to live!

CHIEF: The Governor likes and may believe him. Zeiton-7 has brought your company great wealth. You have miscalculated events. For the sake of a few miserable extra credits you may have lost the source of all our wealth and power!

SIL: Listen to me. I have plans to take charge of this planet of Varos. I have put in a request to have a Galatron occupation force to speed to this sector. A little time is all we need, Chief.

CHIEF: The Doctor will tell him the true value of zeiton!

SIL: Only if his women are released unharmed. Have you done that?

CHIEF: Not yet.

SIL: Then let us observe the experiment of the tissue transmogrifier. I am interested in science. I do not wish to impede its progress.

SIL: Doctor's friend is feathered. The other one, she's almost attractive now. How long before permanent result ensues?

CHIEF: I'm not exactly certain. It's not too long, I would think.

SIL: Perhaps I'll keep them in my dome as pretty-pretty pets.

QUILLAM: It is too advanced.

DOCTOR: Well, where are they?

GOVERNOR: There's a problem.


GOVERNOR: Something they call a transmogrifier was at too advanced a stage.

CHIEF: We were unable to reverse the transmutation of your lovely ladies.

DOCTOR: There was plenty of time to halt the experiment.

GOVERNOR: I gave explicit orders that the process be halted.

CHIEF: Too late. Sorry.

JONDAR: I'll k*ll him.

DOCTOR: Who controls the transmutation experiment?

GOVERNOR: Mister Quillam, our technical director and principal devisor of programmes.

QUILLAM: And controller of all that happens in the People's Dome of Punishment and Correction.

JONDAR: Areta! Do something!

GOVERNOR: It's probably too late.

DOCTOR: Only probably.

QUILLAM: It is an unstable process. Even I am not quite certain as to how it works exactly.

DOCTOR: That beam that radiates, what source of energy is it derived from?

QUILLAM: The nuclear bombardment beams release all the power latent in the recipient's mind. If the changelings see themselves as unworthy, they can become serpentine or reptilian. She, for instance, must wish to fly away from trouble as would a bird.

GOVERNOR: It's an offshoot of our mining research technology. We found our miners growing fur and claws, the better, they thought, to dig with.

DOCTOR: How can the process be reversed?

QUILLAM: Who knows? We don't require such findings here.

DOCTOR: And you call yourself a research scientist?

QUILLAM: Certainly. Which is why this trial must continue. An experiment like this has never been so advanced or so successful before.

DOCTOR: Turn off the machine. They might still be restored to normality.

GOVERNOR: Mister Quillam, I make formal request.

QUILLAM: I am Section Controller, a permanent position. No one orders me. Certainly not a transient Governor in the twilight of his reign.

DOCTOR: Who decides the authority of command?

GOVERNOR: The regulations hand it to the Officer Guard by long tradition.

DOCTOR: But it can be changed?

QUILLAM: Not by him.

GOVERNOR: You have held your position for too long, Mister Quillam. That becomes ever more obvious.

QUILLAM: No one has the nerve or the will to wrest it from me, Mister Governor, sir.

DOCTOR: Do you still experiment on your own person?

QUILLAM: Not any more. Why?

DOCTOR: But in the past you exposed yourself to much danger, I think.

QUILLAM: Yes. Why do you ask? How do you know?

DOCTOR: Your mask.

JONDAR: Hold it!

DOCTOR: g*n. Thank you.

DOCTOR: Turn off the transmutation process.

QUILLAM: Take your choice. There must be a hundred switches to choose from, if it's a switch that controls the bombardment beams.

JONDAR: Doctor, can you decide which?

DOCTOR: No time.

DOCTOR: You, out.

DOCTOR: That won't be necessary. Keys. Thank you. Out.

DOCTOR: We must have stopped the process before the final transformation was complete. Without final phase bombardment, their bodily metabolism is reasserting itself. The guards must return soon. You said there's supposed to be an escape exit?

JONDAR: On the other side of the dome, but to reach it from here is impossible.

DOCTOR: Not now. The odds are unpredictable. With the Control centre damaged we may yet have an outside chance. We must move on.

JONDAR: What, leave them here?

DOCTOR: No, take them with us.

DOCTOR: Peri! Peri, can you hear me?

JONDAR: Areta! Areta!

DOCTOR: Can you move, Peri? Try! You are Peri. Peri.

PERI: Peri?

DOCTOR: I am the Doctor and you are Peri. Perpugilliam Brown.

PERI: Peri.

DOCTOR: It's a question of re-imprinting their identities, of establishing again who they are.

JONDAR: Wake up, Areta. Come on!

DOCTOR: Can you walk, Peri? Come on, try.

PERI: I thought I could fly.

DOCTOR: Yes, but walking is all that's required for now. Come on, Peri. Walk.

ARAK: What is going on? Boring scenes for hours, now this. Somebody wants sh**ting.

ETTA: They know what they're doing.

ARAK: They don't know what's what any more than you or that Governor do. It's rubbish. Gibberish. You'd watch anything, you would.

ETTA: I wouldn't watch you.

QUILLAM: There's no control. All maintenance reports confirm the attack damaged a large number of operating circuits. The effects are impossible to control.

CHIEF: Why not shut off all the power?

QUILLAM: And allow every prisoner in the dome to escape, including this Doctor? Oh no, I want them delivered to me.

CHIEF: The screens are still showing scenes from the Punishment Dome.

QUILLAM: And they'll continue to do so. It's the only way we have of assessing the effects of the damage done.

CHIEF: But all of Varos can witness the confusion.

QUILLAM: All they'll see is spectacle. Bizarre happenings, strange sights, and think we've organised them. They'll see rebels surprised and overcome, and they'll be entertained long enough to allow us to repair the damage here and regain control.

CHIEF: This Doctor must be eliminated. He smells the truth of things.

QUILLAM: The dome will take care of him.

PERI: Doctor?

DOCTOR: Cover me. I'll get the girls.

DOCTOR: Areta! Where's Peri? Where's Peri gone, Areta?

DOCTOR: Quick, Jondar!

ARAK: That's more like it.

ETTA: I thought he was dead.

ARAK: No. Pay attention.

SIL: My insulted person can stand no more! Either you sign the newly agreed price for the zeiton ore, or I will leave you and the Varosian to starve on this miserablest of planets, with nothing to eat except unsold zeitony.

GOVERNOR: You are in no position to thr*aten me now.

CHIEF: Found wandering near Prison Control. I brought her here to display as evidence before the people.

GOVERNOR: I will decide when and if I broadcast.

CHIEF: Not any more.

CHIEF: The regulations have a clause for just the situation that we are in now. At the end of every Governor's term there comes a time of disapproval, where the people tire of his incompetence. The wish to vote him down.

GOVERNOR: The wish to see all the cells of his body destroyed.

CHIEF: When the final vote is avoided, the Chief Officer is empowered to insist on a final vote. You must accept full responsibility for failing to quell the prison rebellion led by this woman and her companion, the Doctor. Prepare for your final broadcast, Governor.

DOCTOR: We must find Peri.

JONDAR: She could be anywhere.

GOVERNOR: Here we will die, as have so many Governors. The Chief will broadcast first. Anything I say after that will seem like bluster and lies.

PERI: Can I speak? Can I say what I know?

GOVERNOR: The ramblings of someone deranged by the transmogrification process.

PERI: But I'm fine now.

GOVERNOR: We have no hope.

PERI: How long?

GOVERNOR: As soon as the Chief assembles the Officer Guard. The regulations insist that the twelve most senior officers place their names in hazard. The Chief draws a name and the unlucky winner is brought in here and forced to govern.

PERI: In fear of suffering the same death

GOVERNOR: Yes. The theory being that a man scared for his life will find solutions to this planet's problems, except the poor unfortunate will discover there are no popular solutions to the difficulties he will find waiting for him here.

PERI: It's crazy. Cruel.

GOVERNOR: It's Varos. Maldak, isn't it?

MALDAK: Yes, sir.

GOVERNOR: Put your g*n down. I have no intention of trying to escape.

MALDAK: Can't do that, sir.

GOVERNOR: Weren't you elected to the Officer Guard when my name was drawn as Governor?

MALDAK: Correct, sir.

GOVERNOR: Might I ask one favour? Let the girl go free.

MALDAK: I can't do that, sir.

GOVERNOR: You know that soon I will be destroyed. Soon a new Governor will be elected.

MALDAK: That is the custom, sir.

GOVERNOR: What if the name they draw is yours? You've witnessed how impossible the system is. You're an intelligent man. The regulations are archaic, distorted, unworkable. Even if you're not chosen, an enquiry will be called. New Governors always have enquiries. It was you, wasn't it, who showed the Doctor and the rebel Jondar where the women were held c*ptive.

MALDAK: I couldn't help that, sir.

GOVERNOR: They'll say you should have resisted.

MALDAK: Just what is it that you want?

GOVERNOR: For you to turn your back, let us go, find the Doctor who has words and perhaps knowledge which might bring salvation to everyone, except the Chief and his cronies.

MALDAK: No, sir, I can't do that.


MALDAK: No, sir. I'm sorry.

GOVERNOR: At least, when the vote goes against me, and the human cell disintegrator beams pour down, k*ll Peri, please, to spare her from the rehabilitators.

GOVERNOR: I tried. We will die together.

JONDAR: It's no good.

DOCTOR: Where are we?

JONDAR: I don't know.

DOCTOR: I wonder why we've been allowed to progress so far into the dome without being apprehended?

ARETA: This whole place is cracking up. The guards must be as confused as we are.

JONDAR: I think we're into what they call the endgame. Not many trialists reach this stage.

DOCTOR: Could that be where the escape exit would be?

JONDAR: Presumably.

DOCTOR: What are we waiting for? I must be cautious. From now on, I believe the mind games and jolly tricks are over. What we're entering now could be the area of most dangerous ordeal.

CHIEF (on screen): This is a forced vote. I have explained my actions. The Governor must now explain his, and then you, my fellow Varosians, must use your vote and decide.

GOVERNOR (on screen): I have addressed you many times, and you have seen other Governors approach the ultimate crisis point of their regime. The time of forced vote now is upon me. I am not afraid to die.

ARAK: Good.

ETTA: Hey!

GOVERNOR: Your system is wrong. We sell ourselves cheaply for nothing to such as Sil and his like. I see my words mean nothing, that you all wish the harsh system of Varos to continue. So be it.

PERI: Isn't there anything I can do?


ETTA: No! You've messed up the whole system. They'll be coming round for you. Voting twice, and using someone else's voting box? Both criminal offences.

PERI: We must find the Doctor.

MALDAK: He's in the End Zone.

GOVERNOR: He must be seeking the safe exit.

PERI: Well, let's go there, then.

GOVERNOR: Not that way. There has to be another route.

MALDAK: There is. The ventilation ducting.

GOVERNOR: There's an outlet here.

MALDAK: I once spent eight days down there searching for escaped prisoners. I know it only too well.

PERI: Come on, then.

DOCTOR: No! Be gone. You are shadows, insubstantial ghosts. We are real, you are not.

DOCTOR: I think perhaps we should try another route.

SIL: Where is Governor? Why is he still at life and liberty? Why is everything no longer as it was?

CHIEF: We are still the power.

SIL: Why not you both prove it?

ARETA: What did he die from?

DOCTOR: I don't know. His neck's swollen as if to burst. Poison, perhaps?

JONDAR: Did he take it, or been given it?

ARETA: Doctor!

JONDAR: Fellow prisoners.

DOCTOR: This is no time for speeches, Jondar.

ARETA: What shall we do?


DOCTOR: Stop, Areta!

DOCTOR: If you value your lives, don't touch those tendrils. In, but don't allow one touch.

JONDAR: What do they want? Why do they want us?

DOCTOR: I noticed a pile of bones back there. I think we were on their dinner menu.

JONDAR: Shush. Patrol car.

ARETA: We're trapped.

JONDAR: What do we do?

DOCTOR: The best we can. Do you think you could attach this string to that clump of vines without k*lling yourself?

QUILLAM: I see you have a keen interest in the flora of Varos, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Just a passing fancy.

CHIEF: It'll pass faster than you think. k*ll them!

QUILLAM: Wait. This man has insulted me. He must suffer for my humiliation.

CHIEF: This is no time for revenge. k*ll them quickly!

QUILLAM: And deprive Varos of an example of how traitors are dealt with? The cameras are still functioning. Let the show begin. I want to hear them scream till I am deaf with pleasure. To see their limbs twist in excruciating agony. Ultimately their blood must gush and flow along the gutters of Varos. The whole planet must delight in their t*rture and death.

DOCTOR: An excellent scenario. Not mad about the part.

QUILLAM: Proceed!


DOCTOR: Let's get away from here.

DOCTOR: Stay where you are! Don't move!

PERI: What is it?

DOCTOR: Poison. One touch and ...

PERI: Poison ivy?

DOCTOR: Something like that.

DOCTOR: It'd give you a very nasty rash.

PERI: Oh, Doctor.

SIL: Plenipotentiary Sil to Galatron Occupation Force Commander. Urgent need for instant invasion of planet Varos to consolidate our interest. React immediately!

SIL: Water me. I must look my best to assume the emperorship of this primitive planet.

SIL: Gently, gently. Take extreme care with my person if you wish to retain your skins. Ah, that's better. Mirror, mirror, mirror. Come on, mirror! Mirror! Oh yes, I will wear the mantle of power so, so handsomely.

SIL: Ah, there you are. I called you here to inform you that a force of invasion is about to land.

DOCTOR: Really? From where?

SIL: My home planet. From Thoros Beta. You had innumerable chances to settle with me, Governor. Now your people will work for me. I will be Governor of Governors. I will be Viceroy of Varos. The confirmation of my colonisation force.

GOVERNOR: Report of zeiton-7 traces found on asteroid Biosculptor. Invasion of Varos cancelled.

SIL: Argh!

DOCTOR: The ways of the ruler are fraught with uncertainty, are they not, Sil?

SIL: Certainly. Certainly.

GOVERNOR: There's more. New supplies of zeiton-7 required urgently. Start shipments immediately. Pay any price asked by Varosians. Well, shall we commence negotiations from a reasonable base?

SIL: Of what? Of what?

GOVERNOR: Twenty credits per unit.

SIL: Twenty? Twenty? Argh!

DOCTOR: I think he needs more than water, Peri, eh?

PERI: Like cyanide.

DOCTOR: Oh come, Peri, where's your sense of justice?

PERI: What about that transmogrifier thing he put me in?

DOCTOR: I think we'll leave the Varosians to work out their own idea of justice, Peri.

GOVERNOR: I'm very grateful, Doctor. Varos is grateful. Is there nothing we can offer you in return?

DOCTOR: Well, er, a little zeiton-7 would be quite useful, not to say essential.

GOVERNOR: You shall have as much as you need. Maldak will arrange it.

DOCTOR: Thank you. Goodbye.

GOVERNOR: Ah, goodbye. Goodbye.

PERI: Goodbye.

SIL: You can't leave me here!

DOCTOR: Now you see me.

SIL: Argh!

GOVERNOR (on screen): And that, fellow citizens of Varos, is my vowed intention. For without justice and peace and tolerance, we have no future. I know you will all work as hard as I shall for a glorious tomorrow. Thank you for allowing me into your homes. Thank you.

ARAK: No more executions, t*rture, nothing.

ETTA: It's all changed. We're free.

ARAK: Are we?

ETTA: Yes.

ARAK: What shall we do?

ETTA: Dunno.

DOCTOR: The orthoganal readings haven't altered. Good. Splendid new elements on linings on the orbital transmission, thanks to the Governor's generous supply of zeiton-7. Still, now the whole of Varos knows it's more precious than gold, you can understand their generosity, I suppose.

PERI: Doctor, you're sure the TARDIS will function properly?

DOCTOR: Oh yes, absolutely. Disappointed?

PERI: You think I'm crazy?

DOCTOR: You all right?

PERI: Apart from the residual side effects of fowl pest, I feel fine.

DOCTOR: As long as you stay away from millet and cuttlefish.

The Doctor
Colin Baker

Nicola Bryant

Martin Jarvis

Nabil Shaban

Nicolas Chagrin

Jason Connery

Chief Officer
Forbes Collins

Stephen Yardley

Sheila Reid

Geraldine Alexander

Graham Cull

Owen Teale

Keith Skinner

Hugh Martin

John Nathan-Turner

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Philip Martin

Ron Jones

Tony Snoaden

Anne Hardinge

Incidental Music
Jonathan Gibbs

Assistant Floor Manager
Sophie Neville

Cecile Hay-Arthur
Dorka Nieradzik

Production Assistant
Jane Whittaker
Pat Greenland

Production Associate
Sue Anstruther

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Dennis Channon

Studio Sound
Andy Stacey

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Charles Jeanes