06x19 - May We Make Them Proud: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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06x19 - May We Make Them Proud: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

I think you've
done enough for today.

I'm almost through.

Listen, listen,
I said that's enough.

You're gonna need
a good night's sleep

If we're gonna go
to tracy tomorrow.

Why am I going?

Because it's a long trip
when you're going by yourself.

I'm gonna need
some company.

I thought you liked
riding along with me,
just the two of us.

Well, I wanted
to be with mary

You were with mary today.

She's gonna be
taken care of.

But I wanted to.
I wanted to!

Hey. Come here.

I wanted to.


Ah, son, it's all right.

I want to help you,

But you got to talk
to me.

You have to tell me
what's wrong.

Come on, why are you
carrying on like this.

I don't know.

I don't know.
I just can't help it.

But you don't know why?

Tell me the truth.
You sure?


All right.

I still want you
to go with me
as a favor to me.

It's a long ride
when I'm just talking
to myself.

What do you say?

All right.

Ok, you get
to bed now, then.

We're gonna leave
first thing in the morning.

Good night, pa.

Good night, son.

Land sakes, charles.

I don't know when
these rising prices

Are gonna stop.

Can you
imagine paying
56 cents for an ax?

Even the family bible
is up to $1.10.

It'll get to where
a body won't be able

To afford to read
the good book.

Well, there you go.

Got 'er tallied up.

I owe you $3.10
difference, charles.

Hey, charles...

-I owe you $3.10.

Better check
my figures.

Figures look fine.

Oh, that's
unusual for me.

Cipherin' never was
my strong suit.

I'll, uh, box that
order up for you.

Nice looking
little r*fle, ain't it?

Yeah, it sure is.

The new piper.

The best boys' r*fle
'round for small game.

How much?



Come on in here
a sec.

Yes, sir?

Here, take a look
at this.

That's a new piper.
The best boys' r*fle around.

Put a lot of game
on the table

With a r*fle like that.

Look, you've been doing
real well in school.

You deserve a present.
I'm gonna get that
for you.


Just deduct this r*fle
from what you owe me,

-All right?
-All right.

-My son and I are gonna
go huntin' together.

[Music box plays
brahms' lullaby]


Yeah, son?

If it's not
too expensive,

I'd sure like to have

This music box
that's playing.

You mean--you mean
instead of the r*fle?

Yes, sir.

I'd like to give it
as a present to mary.

Please, pa?

You sure that's
what you want to do?

Yes, sir.

Herb, how much
is the music box?


Just deduct it,
would you?

Thank you, pa.

[Music box
continues playing]

[Carriages rattling]

[Birds chirping,
chickens clucking]

Hi. How was
the trip?

Uh, just fine.

Got everything
we needed.

Laura's with mary.

I didn't want to leave
till you got back.

Andrew's inside.


Yeah, it's
getting worse.

I'll see what I can do.


Why don't you
stay here?

I was going
into town anyway.

I have a surprise
for mary.

All right.

Thanks. See ya.

[Wind whistling]

That talk you had
must have worked.

the first sign
of a smile

I've seen
in a long time.

I'm afraid I can't
take credit for it.

He's been smiling
like that

Ever since he got
that present for mary.

He up in the loft.


hey, come on.

It's all right.

It's gonna be
all right.

I'm scared.


It's--it's not like
he's my pa.


drinking more and...

And he's mean. He...

He's so mean

sometimes it just scares me.

I-i'm afraid
to go home and...

I can't leave him alone.

I don't know
what to do.


Now, listen,
you stay here.

I'll take a ride
over there

And talk to your pa.

Maybe I should go.

No, no.
You just stay here.

You have
a little supper
and then

We'll wait and see,


Now, you
stay strong,
too, huh?

Your pa's gonna
need you, all right?




Why don't you
try and get yourself
some rest.

You look like
you could use it.


I won't be long.



Pa and me went
to tracy today.

I saw something
in the general store

I thought
you might like.

So, here.

Mary, please open it.

I know
you'll like it.

Please open it.

I'll open it.

I know you'll like it.

it'll make you laugh.

It'll make you
smile again.

Everything will be
the way it was.


You listen now.

[Playing brahms' lullaby]

I know it's
your favorite.

Do you like it?

Please say
you like it, mary.


Please say
you like it, mary.

Please say you like it.

My baby!

My baby!

My baby!

Aaah! My baby!

My baby!

My baby!

My baby!

My baby.

-I didn't mean it!
-my baby!

-I didn't mean it!
-My baby!

-My baby!
-It was an accident!

-Aaah! My baby!
-Oh, I didn't mean it!

-my baby!

I didn't mean it!

Mary: my baby!

My baby!

-[Albert sobs]
-aaah! My baby!


Mary: my baby!
My baby!

My baby!

[Music box playing]
mary: my baby!

My baby! My baby!

-Nellie, get dr. Baker.
-My baby!

My baby.

My baby.

My baby.

Look at that picture.

It was taken the day
we got married.

We had to hop to
the justice of
the peace, we did.

Got married in
a funny little office,

Paint peeling
off the ceiling.


After we'd said
our "I dos," uh,

He banged his gavel
onto the table

And all those pieces
of paint--

Paint were falling.

Like snow.


Alice and me were
standing there,

Laughing and...

Picking pieces of paint
out of each other's hair

And laughing and...

we did a lot of laughing.

what are you
doing here, charles?

Just thought
I'd stop by.

Well, that's nice.

But I'm fine.

Well, your son's not.

Get out of here,

No, jonathan.

I didn't invite you here.

So it'd be best
if you left now.

Not till we talk.

I don't want
to hurt you, charles.


Why not? 'Cause
I'm your friend?

Andy's your son.
You don't seem
to mind hurting him.

I--i just don't seem
to know what I'm doing.

Ohh, dear god.

am I supposed to
forget her?

Oh, no.

Dear god, no,
never forget her.


You know,
time doesn't
make you forget...

Not somebody
you loved.

You're gonna
remember alice and...

[Gulps, sobs]

And I'm gonna
remember my grandson.

But we're gonna
live on...

And we gotta...

Try to live in a way...

That will
make them proud.

We gotta try.


Oh, dear god.


I can't!

-You can.
-I can't.

You can--if you really
love alice, you can.

-[Muffled] I can't.
-Yes, you can.

And he's not just
your son,

He's a living part
of alice,

A part of
the woman you love.

When you hurt him,
you hurt alice,

And you hurt yourself.

Ohh, dear god,

I keep thinking
this is just
a horrible dream,

And I'm gonna
wake up

And alice is
gonna be here.

-Well, if she was here...
-Oh! Ah.

What do you think
she'd say to you?

What do you think
she'd say to you? Huh?

I--i don't know.

she'd say
"jonathan garvey,

What in god's name
is wrong with you?"

That's what she'd say.

She'd say,
"what's wrong with you,
man I love?"

"What's wrong with you?"

That's what
she'd say to you,
isn't it, friend?

Isn't it?

-Wouldn't she?

She would.

She would.

oh, dear god,
she would.



Will you give me a ride
over to your place?

I want to talk
to my son.

[Jonathan sobbing]

you bet I will.



what's wrong?

-It's mary.
-What happened?

She got
real upset.

Doc baker's
with her.

Pa, she talked.

She talked.


She's coming out of it.

She was asleep
so long, i...

It wasn't the medicine
I gave her.

She was drained,



We're right here.

My baby's dead.


There was--
there was a fire.

It was the music.

I heard the music.

The music box
that albert gave you?

Albert--where is he?

Oh, probably home.

He ran out.


It frightened him
a little.

You were pretty violent
when I got here, young lady.

He--he kept saying
something to me, like...

"It was an accident."

"I didn't mean it."

H-he kept--
he kept saying it.

He probably didn't know
what he was saying.
What accident?


Did you say
a smokin' pipe
started that fire?


Well, I didn't
say anything.

I didn't think
of it, really.

But I went down
in the basement
that day,

And albert was there
with clay mays.

I shooed 'em out,

Caroline, you stay here
with mary.

I'll see if the boy
went home.

[Door opens and closes]

Would you like
some more coffee,
mr. Garvey?

No. No, thank you,
laura. I've had enough.

[Carriage approaching]

They're back.

How is she, pa?

She's fine.
Is albert here?

No. I thought
he went back
and was with you.

What's wrong,

I don't know.
I may need some help.

-You got it.
-Come on, then.

Andrew, plan
on spendin'
the night here.

-All right, son?
-Yes, sir.

Bye, pa.

Bye, son.

[Knock on door]


Hank, I'm sorry
to bother you
at this late hour,

But it's kind of

I'd like
to talk to clay
if I could.

At thi hour,

Well, like I said,
it's important.

All right.
Come in.

Thank you.

Clay. Hey, boy,
wake up. Wake up.

Mr. Ingalls is here,
and he wants to talk to you.

Come on. Come on.

He's still
half asleep.

Clay, I want you
to listen to me.

I'm gonna ask you
a question. I want you

To give me
an honest answer,
all right?

The day of the fire,

You and albert were
down in the cellar,
weren't you?

Hester-sue saw you.

What were you doin'?

It's all right, son.
Just tell me the truth.

Answer mr. Ingalls, boy.


We was smokin'.

I snitched
mr. Potts' pipe...

And we was smokin'.

Sorry about the hour.



Where could
he have gone?

I don't know.

City, maybe?

He was raised there.

That could be.

Well...no tellin'.

He could come walkin'
right through that door
at any time.



Jeremy quinn,
the boy's real father.

If he's gonna
go to anybody,
he'd go to him.

Now, charles...

You know that albert
wants to be here
with you.

Well, you said yourself
that the boy's real pa

Doesn't even
want him around.

Well, it's no matter.
It's still his real father.

But at least
it's a chance.

Does he know
where his pa lives?

He could find out.

Judge adams in--
in redwood city has
all that information.

Albert would know that.

He's a smart boy.
He'd know that.

5:10. Sun will be up
in an hour.
I'll get started.

I'll go with you.

Good mornin'.

Oh, good morning.
May I help you?

Yeah. I came
to see judge adams?

Well, y-you won't
be able to

At this hour
of the morning.


Well, he won't be in
for another hour or so.

Uh, you can wait for him
in his office if you'd like.

It's, uh--

Oh, the last door,
end of the hallway.

-I know.

Uh, may I help you?

[Door squeaks]

Ok, will you both
please fill these out?

Take your time,
and make sure
they're legible.

Here you go, judge.

Ohh, thank you,

Ohh, my head.

Jason, the next time
my colleagues
give a party in my honor,

You remind me
how I felt this morning.

yeah, I'll do that,

Pick you up at 5:00?

That will be fine,

[Clicks tongue]

judge adams?

Judge, I don't know
if you remember me.

Yes. Uh,
wasn't it?

Yeah, that's right.
You handled
an adoption for me.

Yes, yes. Uh,
could we talk
up in my office?

I have some
medicine there

That I need


Oh, judge adams,

Later, miss cornell.


Have a seat,

Be right with you.



They're happy events.


man of the year.

Well, now...

What can I do
for you?

Judge, albert--
the boy I adopted--
has run away.

The circumstances
are complicated

And has nothing to do
with how he's been
getting along with us.

We're grasping at straws.
We thought
he might have come here

Tryin' to find
his real father.

Well, we...we do have
that information, but...

Isn't there
any other place
he could have headed?

There could be.
This just seems
the most likely.

it's my observation
with runaways

That they usually
head back to their old
stompin' grounds.

Well, I can't believe
he'd go all the way
to the mountain.

Well, he might just,
mr. Ingalls.

You know, these
young people can do
lots of things

Once they put
their mind to it.

What do you think?

I think it's

We can go back
partway, anyway,

And ask around,
see if anybody's
seen him.

All right.
We'll come back this way
and check with you,

In case
he's come here.

I'll take care of it.

Thank you.

And if he comes,

I'll keep him
at my place.


He's guilty.


Here's your lunch,

Oh...i don't think
I can even
look at it today.

Oh. Bad night?

No--wonderful night,

Bad day after.

I'll just
leave it here

In case you change
your mind.

Oh, thank you.

If I'd have known
you were feelin'

I never would have
let that little boy
in your office.

I hope he didn't
bother you.

What little boy?

Uh, the little
dark-haired fellow.
Didn't you see him?

When was he here?

Early this morning.

I want you to
send someone
over to my home

And have jason
come over here
on the double.

what's wrong?

Now, now, quickly,
just do as I say.

Yes, sir.

[Birds chirping]

[Door squeaks]

Mr. Quinn?

[Door squeaks]

Mr. Quinn?

Mr. Quinn!

Team's rested,

All right.

Leg botherin'
you again?

Yeah. It's...
This morning dampness,
I guess.

Next town's garland.
We'll stop
and call nellie

In case he showed up
at home.

Yeah. Right.

[Carriage approaching]


You wouldn't be
a mr. Ingalls
by any chance,

-Would you?
-Yes, sir, I am.

Well, judge adams sent me
lookin' for you.

He give me this note.

Jonathan, you know
the way to olney?

What is it,

The boy's there.

Well, any message
for the judge?

You bet.
Tell him thanks.

Hyah! Git!




Hyah! Hyah!


[Horse whinnies]

Charles: hyah! Git!

Giddy-up! Giddy-up!
Git! Come on!




I'll check the barn.


Jonathan: charles!


my boy's jacket.

I found it in the barn--

Grave marker over there
marked "j. Quinn."

Let's split up
and start looking.

Charles: albert!


No, that's enough!
That's enough!

Let go of me!
Let go of me!

Stop, son!
No more running!

Stop! That's enough!


You don't

Yes, I do. I know,
and your pa knows, too.

Clay told us.

Then you know.

It was all my fault.

It was nobody's fault.

But it is.

-It is!

Now, listen to me.

You're blaming yourself
for what happened,

Just like my blaming god
for what happened,

And we're both wrong.

And all this running--

It's just hurting them
that love you the most,

And adding more pain
to what they've already got.

You understand that, boy?

I can't go back!

Yes, you can.

You can if you love your folks
the way you say you do.

[Albert sniffs]


I thought my life
was over, too,

But it ain't.

You gotta go on living.

You gotta hold the memory
of the one you love and...

Try to make them proud.

That's what
I'm gonna try and do.

What about you?


[Sobbing, sniffing]

I love you, son!

I love you.

I love you.

* ...and behold thee

* On

* Thy throne

* Rock of ages

* Cleft

* For me

* Let me

* Hide myself

* In thee

Thank you, mrs. Terhune.

That concludes
our regular service
for the day.

Adam kendall has a few words
he'd like to say to you all.



As some of you may know,

I was back east last week
in new york.

I spent some time
with my father,

Told him about the tragedy
we had had.

You'd all have to know

The way my father was
in the past

To realize what
a miracle it is

When I tell you
that he's asked

To be allowed to finance

The rebuilding
of the blind school.

Believe me,
I will never again

Look at any man
on the face of the earth

And say that
he'll never change.

My father did
make one request--

That he be allowed
to name the new school,

And he sent this plaque
back with me.

Mary. Jonathan.


We dedicate
this school...

In memory of
alice garvey...

And adam charles
holbrook kendall.

And may
we make them proud.

[Birds chirping,
wind whistling]
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