06x18 - May We Make Them Proud: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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06x18 - May We Make Them Proud: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Nels: willie,
get down from there!

Get down from there!

You want to break
your neck?

[Harriet laughing]

Oh, yes, it is exciting.

Why, my school's
just growing
by leaps and bounds!

It certainly is,
mrs. Olsen.

When will they start
building the addition?

Oh! Well, uh,
next week, I believe.

Oh, adam! Oh, adam!

Adam? Ha ha!

Adam: yes, mrs. Olsen?

Oh! It just
amazes me
he's always able

To recognize
my voice,
even in a crowd.

Some voices are
easier than others.

Oh, yes! Oh, miss wilder
was wanting to know

About the new edition.
When do you start?

A lot will depend
on how we do today.

If everything goes well,
a week or two.

Ah, my, my.

Oh, just think.
It's going to be...

Twice as large.

My goodness!
I will--

I will have to get
a larger plaque,
don't you think?

Well, I think that--

Nels! Nels!

Charles, you better
try some of this chili.

Alice made it extra hot.

Oh, I'll have to come
back for seconds

If I've got
any room left.

-Ha ha ha!
-Getting enough to eat?

-I think
we're getting our share.

Do you need
any help in there?

No, you finish
up what's
on your plate.

We might use
some help

With the dessert
trays, though.

-All right.
-We'll be in later.

Charles, isn't it great

The way the whole town
is pulling together on this?

It's fantastic.

Garlic and vinegar.
That's the only medicine
worth a hoot.

Well, I'm glad everybody
doesn't feel the same way.

I'd soon be without a job.

Look at my teeth.
Just look at me.

70 Years old

And I've got all
my teeth in my head.

That's from chewing
strong garlic.

Strong, ain't they?

If they're as strong
as your breath,

You ought to be able
to chew down
a tree, harlan.

Well, smelling good
ain't got
a thing to do

With feeling good.
Now wait--

Where's my pipe?

I'm sure I placed it
right here.

I got it.
It's full of
tobacco, too.

I don't know
if I want to try it, clay.

I smoked pa's pipe once,
and I got awful sick.

Of course you did.
It wasn't a clay pipe.

Clay pipes
are good for you.

Everybody knows that.


Oh, sh**t, it's out.

Got any matches?


Well, come on.
We'll get some inside.

We can smoke it
down in the basement.

Nobody will see us

Give me the matches.


[Coughs] oh, boy,
that's good.

Here, go ahead,
take it.

I don't know.

Oh, you gotta learn.
Women like a man
that smokes a pipe.


I don't know.
They just do.

Makes him look
Now go ahead.

Take it
before it goes out.



It's even worse
than p-pa's.

[Albert coughing]

Who's down there?

Who's there?

Uh, it's just us,

Albert, what are you
doing down here?

Uh, we were hiding
from carrie.

She's been
pestering us, you know.

I know. But she won't be
pestering you anymore

Because they're
serving dessert.

And you'd better
get up there and dig in

Before it's all gone.

Oh. Ok. We'll be
right up there.

Come on, clay.


That cough sounds bad.

Well, that's the last
one, praise the lord.

Oh, amen!

I'll put
the kettle on.

Would you like
a cup of tea before
jonathan gets here?

Oh, that sounds good.

I am so tired.

Adam and mary must
have the children
all to bed now.

I think
I'll go up and see

If they'd like
to join us.

Hmm, I'll come along.

We can lean
on each other.

Ha ha ha! All right.

Oh, my.

I can't wait till
the new rooms are built.

Me, neither. You know,
james, you snore.

I do not!

I'm not deaf, you know.

I know.
You're blind.

Hey, you two.
It's late.

Some of the kids would
like to get some sleep.

Well, I don't snore.

Well, the only way
you can prove that
is to fall asleep.

Yes, sir.

Ok, whose turn is it
for prayers?


Dear lord,

Thank you for all
your blessings,

And thank you
for all the folks

In walnut grove that
helped us today,

And I know you'll do
something bad

To the folks
that didn't help.


Yes, sir?

Prayers are for
thanking the lord,

Not for telling him
to punish people.

I was telling him
to do nothing.

I just said
I knew he would.

Finish the prayer, james.

Yes, sir.

Do what you think
is best, lord.

God bless all our
loved ones. Amen.

All: amen.

You should've prayed
that you wouldn't snore.

Get to sleep!

Hester-sue: heh! Adam?

Alice and I were about
to have a cup of tea,

And I was wondering
if you and mary

Might want to join us.

She's in
with the baby.
I'll go ask her.

All right.

Oh, what strong little
fingers you have.

You know
you're squishing me.

do you know that? Huh?

Adam, this little
boy of yours
is gonna be a strong one.

Just feel his grip.

Oh, don't you
go hurting
your mother now.

You want to wrestle,
you do it with me.

You weren't fooling.
He has got a grip.

Must take after
his mommy.


We're having tea
Do you want some?

In a few minutes.
I gotta change
our son first.

All right.

See you, muscles.

Are you talking
to him or me?

Both! See you

[Door closes]

Don't you go listening
to your father.

I don't have big muscles.

No, I don't.

You want your music?

Huh? Ok.

[Playing brahms' lullaby]



James, wake up!


You were snoring already,
that's what.

I can't help it.

go blow your nose.

What for?

So's you can
breathe through it

Instead of your mouth.

Go on.

All right.

Can't wait
'til I'm grown up

And I have my own bedroom.

Snore anytime I feel like it.

[Blows nose]

Well, if we can just keep
growing at this rate,

Pretty soon we'll
be able to give

Every child
in the township
proper schooling.

And lord knows how big
mrs. Olsen's plaque
will be by then.

About as big as
the statue of liberty.

Alice, you'd better
drink your tea.

Oh! Ha! Land sakes,
I was falling asleep.

Ha ha ha!
Where's that
husband of yours?

Probably in the middle
of a game of checkers
with andy.

Those two can play
for hours.

Do you smell something?

I can't smell anything
but chili.

No. Smoke it smells like.

Oh, I'd better
check that kettle.

I don't know
if I took it off
the stove or not.

Oh, good lord.

Woman, where is your mind?

You know you got a good nose
on you, adam.

I left the kettle on the stove
and the water was
all boiled out.

I knew I smelled

I still smell
it, only it's
stronger now.

Land sakes,
I smell it, too!

Oh! Adam! Adam!

Oh, my god! Water!
We need buckets.

It's too late.
Get the children!

Mary, come on!
There's a fire.

We have to get
the kids out.

[All coughing]

Hold hands,
children. Come on,
don't be afraid.

Don't let go.

Adam: come on, kids
everybody wake up. Come on.

Mary: it's all right,
it's all right.
Everybody hold hands.

Come on!

Just stay together.

[Baby crying]

The baby!

No, no, no, I'll get
the baby. You go ahead.

James: let me out!
Somebody let me out!

Please let me out!

Can you hear me?
Let me out!

-Let me out!

James! James, get
away from the door!

James, get away
from the door.

Get away
from the door!


Ugh! Oh!

[Baby wailing]

Go on, james. Stay
close to the walls.

[Baby wailing]


[Baby screaming]

[Mrs. Garvey screaming]

Oh! [Gasping]

[Children coughing]

Help me! Help!


Where were you?

Where were you?

I couldn't get out.
Mrs. Garvey got me.

Where is she?

Where is she?

I don't know.
She sent me ahead.


Alice! Alice!


[Wood cracking
and falling]

[Glass shatters]

Oh, my god! The baby!


Where's alice
and the baby?

Mary: hester-sue,
where are they?!


Somebody help me!
Oh, please!

Where's my baby?

[Sobbing] my baby!

My...baby! My baby!

Adam. Adam, adam!

Let me go!

-No, no, no!
-Let me go!

It's too late!
It's too late!


Let me drive you home now.

Mary, please.

There's nothing you can--

No, not without
my baby.


No, ma.

I have the baby.

Mary: let me have him.

I want to hold him, pa.

They're gonna put him
in the ground.

I need to hold him.

[Humming brahms' lullaby]

I'll see about getting
something from the doc
to help her sleep.


Charles: doc?

This is it, I think.

It started down here
with this.

A pipe?

A stupid pipe?

for...some reason

Just threw it away.

I was wondering
if I could have

Some sleeping powders
for mary.


She doesn't even cry.

She just sits.


The gates will open
and then...

Just be time.

I'll get you
those powders.

They gave us some rooms
at the hotel

For adam and mary,

Good. Did you find
enough families

To take in the rest
of the children?

Yeah. And we'll notify
starting tomorrow,

Make arrangements
to get them home.

What chance is there
to rebuild?

A school this size,
it'll take years.

Yeah, I suppose.

I'll meet you
at the hotel.

I've got to get
jonathan over there...

So the men can take
the body away.

Want some help?

It'll be all right.

I'll see you there.


There's a room for you
and andrew at the hotel.

Why don't you...

Get over there
and take a rest?

I can't leave alice.

She'll be fine.

I don't want her
in a pine box.

She'd have wanted
something pretty...


Whatever you say,

Promise me, doc.

No pine box.
Something pretty.

I promise.

Would you like
some coffee, pa?

Yeah, thank you.

Tomorrow morning,
I want you
to take carrie

Down by the creek
and play with her
down there.

Try to keep
the house as quiet
as possible

So your ma
can get some rest.

Yes, sir.

not till 11:00.

Oh, albert,
do me a favor.

Close the shutters
by carrie's bed.

I don't want
the sunlight

To wake your mother
in the morning.

Sure, pa.

Why, pa?

I keep asking myself why.

I don't know why,

I do know how.

Dr. Baker said
he found a pipe

Down in
the basement.

That's where
the fire started.

Laura: a pipe?


Somebody was down
there smoking it,

And for some reason
he just threw it

Why would anyone
be smoking a pipe
in the basement?

It couldn't have been
anyone from the school.

I don't think
we'll ever know
who it was.

Get the shutters

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, i--i think
I'm gonna go to bed now.


Yes, sir?

Make sure
you're real quiet

In the morning,
all right?

I will be, pa.

Charles, voice-over:
dr. Baker said
he found a pipe

Down in the basement.
That's where
the fire started.

Laura, voice-over:
a pipe?


Somebody was down there
smoking it...

And for some reason
they just threw it away.

[Breathing heavily]


I'm right here,
darling, I'm right here.

This isn't our bed.

We're at nellie's,

At--at nellie's?

Why are we
at nellie's?

Adam, why are we
at nellie's?

The fire.

What are you
talking about?

where's the baby?

Uh, doc baker left
some medicine for you.

I don't want
any medicine!

I want our baby.
Now where is he?

Well, here,
just drink this.

Adam, stop it!

Where's our baby?
I want the baby!
Now bring him to me!


There was a fire.

Our baby's gone.

He's gone!

That's a lie!
You're lying!

-Mary! Mary, please!
-You're lying!

You're lying!


Let me go! You're lying!
You're lying!

Lie! Lie, lie, lie!

Lie, lie, lie!

What's wrong?

Nellie, go get
doc baker!

-Now! Go!


Very good.

We're leaving
in a few minutes.

You best go inside
and clean up.

Ok, pa.
Come on, carrie.


Best be getting
cleaned up, too, son.

I don't want
to go, pa.

I don't want to go.

Albert, I know
how you feel.

Please don't make me
go, pa. I can't go.

Please don't
make me.

I don't want to go.
I can't.

I can't.

Please don't.

All right.

All right, you stay here.

Doctor, how's mary
this morning?

I'd like to talk to you
about that

Before you go on up.

Girls, you wait
in the wagon.

What's happened?

Mary's had
a breakdown of sorts.

She beat her hands
through a window
last night.

Now, I stitched her up.
Physically she's fine.

Thank god.

I want to
prepare you.

She won't go
to the funeral.

But she has to.

Charles, she doesn't
believe her baby's dead.


The mind is
a complicated instrument.

I don't have
any explanation.

I don't know how long
she'll keep it up.

All I do know
is that right now

She believes her child
is alive

And we're all lying
to her.

Oh! I'll go to her.

She may not talk
to you.

She hasn't spoken
since last night.

I'm not even sure
she'll hear what you say.

She doesn't
respond to anything.



Ahem. It's time
to get ready now, dear.

I'll help you.

brahms' lullaby]

I'll stay here
with mary.

You all
go ahead.

[Humming continues]


Reverend alden:
and I heard a great voice

Out of heaven say,

the tabernacle of god.

"It is with man,

"And he will
dwell with him,

"And they shall be
his people.

"God himself shall be
with them,

"And god will wipe away
all tears from their eyes,

"And there shall be
no more death,

"Neither sorrow nor crying.

"Neither shall there be
any more pain

For these former things
are passed away."


Laura, voice-over:
the next few weeks were spent

Getting the children
back to their parents.

Some of the orphaned blind
were taken in by neighbors,

But only on a temporary basis.

I love you,
hester sue.

I love you, too, darling.

I love you.

Watch your step.


Well, that's the last
of them.


Uh, hester sue,
would you mind

Keeping an eye
on mary for me?

I have to go out
to the folks' place.

You need a ride?

Uh, no, the doc
said he'd drop me off.

Now that the kids
are all taken care of,

I have to make some
decisions about mary.

Well, you take
all the time you need.

I'll be with her.

Thank you.

[Knock on door]

I'll get it, ma.

Oh, thank you.

Hi, adam. Ma, it's adam.

come on in.

Is charles here?

No, he had to
take a shipment
to mankato.

He made jonathan
go with him.

He thought
the, uh, work
would do him good.

Oh, he'll be back
this afternoon.

Could we talk a while?

Certainly. Sit down.

You want
a cup of coffee?

Thank you.

Ma, would you like albert
and I to go for a walk?

No. It's family.
It concerns all of us.

There you go.

Thank you.

It's been 2 weeks now,

And there's
just no change.

She hasn't spoken.
She just keeps
humming that lullaby.

I can't stand seeing her
like this anymore.

So I telephoned
my father yesterday

And asked if I could
take her to new york.

He said that I could.


I suppose
a change might help.

Uh, getting her away

From the...tragedy.

No, no, it's more
than that.

There's doctors there.

Men who--they specialize
in just this type of thing.

When will you go?

I'll be going
at the end of the week

To try and get things
settled there

And see if I can find
a teaching job.

My father's already
looking into it for me.

Oh. I wish you could
go together.

try to understand.

I need some--

I need a few days

For myself...

To try and get
my strength back.

It's so hard
for me sometimes

Trying to--

Trying to--

And trying and trying--

Adam, I do.

I understand.

I'm sorry.

Everything is going
to be all right.

Now don't you worry.

We'll take care of
mary at nellie's.

There won't be any time

When there isn't
someone there with her.

All right?

Thank you.

Why don't you come
to church with us
this sunday?

It helps,
believe me.

Thank god that
he let my wife die?

That's what
he did, ain't it?

That's what he done
for me--let her die!

You want me
to praise him?


No. You want to
believe in him,

That's all right
for you,

But not for me.

You believe
and you know it.

I don't want to.

I don't want to believe.

It's easier if I don't.

Because if there
is a god, charles,

That means he let
your grandson die,

And he let my alice die.

I don't want to
believe in a god
that would do that.

Why is god

It was
just something
that happened.

Because he could
stop it, charles.

I read about all
the miracles in the bible.

If he could perform
them miracles,

Then why didn't
he perform one
the other night?

Why didn't he stop it?

Tell me, charles, why?

I don't know.

If I did know,
I'd be god.

I still wish adam
would've waited
a little while

Before making this decision.

Well, he felt he had
to do something.

Yeah, I know.

Just don't see much use
in taking mary

To see one of those,

What'd he call them?

Uh, psych--


It doesn't make sense
to me,

I mean, just to sit
and talk to somebody.

It'd be different
if he prescribed medicine
or something.

something new.

It's worth a try.

It's a waste
of time and money.

I'm surprised
you'd go along with it.

You just
don't want them
going back east.

Why don't you
admit it?

Well, do you?

What I want...

And what's good
for mary

Are two
different things.

You're right.

How's albert today?


About the same.

He's anxious to help
with mary, but...

He seems...

So close to tears
all the time.

I'll have a talk
with him tomorrow.

Seems like
a waste of time.


Well, what good's
it gonna do

Just to talk
to him?

I mean, if you
were gonna give him
some medicine

Or something like that,

Then I could understand.

Remind me never
to argue with you.

I will.


Ready for school, boy?

Yes, sir.

You best be going.

I got time.

Want any breakfast?


Just some eggs
or something.

I ain't hungry.

Going to work today?


I think it'd be
good for you to.

Don't tell me
what'd be good for me!

I'm the pa here,
and I do the talking!

Now just go on to school!

Yes, sir.


Oh, hi, ma.

Hi. Where's laura?

She's taking a test.

I told her
I'd watch mary.

All right.

There's some apple juice
here by the bed.

She'll take some if you
hold the glass for her.

I'll be back
in about 3 hours.

I'll have your supper
waiting on the stove.

Oh, and dr. Baker's
over playing pinochle

At the feed and seed
with mr. Dawson
if you need him.



Yes, ma'am?

Did you hear me?

About what?

Oh! Dr. Baker's over
playing pinochle

With mr. Dawson
at the feed and seed
if you need him.


Are you feeling
all right?


I guess I was
just daydreaming.


I'll be back
as soon as I can.

[Breathes deeply]

I know how much you like
elizabeth barrett browning.

I brought you a copy

Of the sonnets
from the portuguese.

I thought I might
read you a little

If you wanted me to.

"I thought once
how theocritus had sung

"Of the sweet years,

"The dear
and wished-for years,

"Who each one
in a gracious hand appears

To bear a gift
for mortals old or young."

brahms' lullaby]
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