06x16 - Darkness Is My Friend

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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06x16 - Darkness Is My Friend

Post by bunniefuu »

All right.
Let's go.

Well, I still don't
understand why my
train has to be used.

Well, it's plain
as day. Just like
the order says--

Use the fastest
means of conveyance
at hand.

So, like it or not,
you're it.

What kind of assurance
do I have these men
won't cause any trouble?

Well, I'm leaving
two men in the
caboose with them,

And there's two more
plus myself in
the passenger car.

Remember, we're
only going as far
as sleepy eye.

Then, we'll put them
in another
prison wagon

And take them
the remainder
of the way.

I don't think
they'll be any
problem to you.

[Whistle blowing]

Adam, we'd better
think about leaving.

The wagon is due
any minute.

I'll be
right there.

You know I wish
you could come
with us.

I wish
I could go, too,

But somebody's got
to look after the school
and little adam.

With ma and hester sue
and mrs. Oleson, you'll
have plenty of company.

Besides, the state board
wants to see you, not me.

Well, I just thought
that if they saw
how pretty you were,

They'd just
give us the money,

And we wouldn't
have to go through
all this business

Of getting
the school

Adam kendall,
you know how much
it will mean to everyone

To get this school

And I want you to go
to redwood falls and set
that school board straight.

Yes, sir.
I'll miss you, sir.

I love you, sir.

And you,
too, sir.

Adam and mary--

Um, time to go.

Yes, sir.

I love you.

Are they coming?

Yeah. I wonder
where harriet is.

I told her
precisely 9:00.

always late.

Harriet: woo-hoo!

Speak of
the devil.

[Both laugh]

Here I am!
Right on time. Oh!

Come along, nels.
Come along. Hurry!

Nels: I'm doing
the best I can.

Oh, well, it's
your own fault

For letting doc baker
have the buckboard.

Here I am!

Well, I thought--
I thought maybe
I was going

To be late,
but I'm not.

Oh! Oh.

Caroline: mrs. Oleson,
what do you plan on
doing with that trunk?

I plan on taking
that trunk with me.

Mrs. Ingalls,
may I remind you

Of the importance
of this occasion?

After all,
we have to make
a good impression,

So, I chose all
the appropriate

But, mrs. Oleson,
we're going
to request aid,

Not to show
how affluent
the community is.

Mrs. Terhune,

May I remind you
who is responsible
for all of this?

Nels: help!

Oh! Oh! Oh!


Aah! My clothes!

[All laughing]

I'll see if they
need any help.

Oh! Good grief.
Good grief!

Nels, what
do you think
you're doing?

Oh, I just thought
I'd roll down the
hill for a while.

Oh, very funny. Oh!

Just look at
my clothes!
They're filthy.

Pick out the clean ones.
You got enough here
for 6 months.

Well, I need
my trunk!

Nels: so does
an elephant.


Oh, shut up
and pick out
your clothes!

Charles: he fell all
the way down the hill.

The clothes are
all over the place!


There you go.


Laura: pa, is it all right
if I spend the night
with mary?

It's all right
with me if it's
ok with mary.

That's fine,

I have never known
such a clumsy man
in my entire life.

Oh! All right.
I'm ready.

Oh, my god,
what I go through
for charity.

Mrs. Ingalls:
you're too, too kind.

Oh, I know.
All right.

Come on, driver.
I said I'm ready.
Let's go!

Charles: have
a nice trip.
Good luck.

Harriet: oh, for
heaven's sake!




pa, we got
to go to school.

All right.
Come here, baby.

See you


Oh, and, pa, I'll
cook tonight if you
take care of grace.

-Got a deal.

-Have a good day.

Come on. Let's
go feed our babies.

You got
your cuppie?

Hey, jailer.

How's about
unhitching us

So we can get
some sleep?

Oh, nothing doing.
You just--

Now listen--
all we're asking

Is that you unhitch
our hands

So we can
stretch out,
that's all.

Besides, that r*fle
you got there

Guarantees we ain't
going to give you
no problem.

Ha ha!



[Whistle blowing]

All right, big man.
Unlock these irons.

I can't. I don't
have a key.

What do you mean,
you ain't got
the key?

The key to the iron
is in the wagon

at the spur line.

You give me them keys,
or I break your neck.

I don't have them!

All right.
Say good-bye.

You're going to die.

All right!
All right.

[Whistle blowing]


Abel, you going
to be all right?

Ugh. I don't know.

It's--it's bleeding
pretty bad.

How we going to
get off this train?

We can't jump now,
not with abel's bad leg.

I know! I know!
Let me think!

You going to be
all right, abel.

It's going be
all right, boy.

You're fine.

[Whistle blowing]

20 Years,
a perfect record.

It's hard
to believe.

it's not, really.

Just a matter
of knowing
your prisoners.

Ah, they--
they look tough,
but they're not.

I just let them
know who's
boss right off,

And then,
from then on,
it's a breeze.

Very good sandwich.

I just can't imagine
anyone putting
the fear of god

Into the brandywines.

but why?

Yeah, because of
that reward
out for them

Because of
their reputation?


Don't think
nothing of it.

Once they're caught,
the rats turn into mice.

You got another


Hey, I want to apologize
for objecting to having

The prisoners on my train.

Oh, I understand.

How were you to know
who was, uh, running
things, right?


I'll get you
that other sandwich.

Oh, and another
pickle, huh?

[Whistle blows]


Are you sure
you know what
you're doing?

Sure, I know
what I'm doing.

Women always
make such a fuss
over cooking.

The pork chops
are almost done,

And the potatoes
are in the oven.

We got a pretty
good storm
brewing out there.

You sure you don't
want me to drive you

To the blind school,

No, thanks, pa.
I'll walk.

I love the smell
of the air just
before a storm.

Carrie: grace's diapers
need changing.

Oh, albert?

I do the cooking,

You do the changing.

I remember.

Well, I can see
that everything's
under control here.

See everybody
in the morning.


Charles: bye, honey.

Smells good, if I
do say so myself.


what was that?

No! It must have been
the potatoes.

You know, your ma always
punches holes in them
before she bakes them.

Oh, I know, but this
way, they come out

Just like one great, big
piece of popcorn.

Sounds good.

Oh, it is. It is.

Oh, no.

Oh, no, what?

Oh...no, i--

I think we'll have
mashed potatoes

They go much better
with the gravy.

Oh, you made
gravy, eh?

Yep, sure did.


Girl: mrs. Kendall?

what's wrong?

I'm scared.

Oh, it's all right.
There's nothing
to be frightened of.

The noise is just...

God moving his
furniture around.

Say a little prayer
that he finishes

Now, you sleep
well, ok?


Good night.

[Baby fussing]


Aw, it's ok.
It's just a little

Don't be afraid.


That's my boy.

[Knocking on door]

Laura: mary!

Ugh! Just a second.

Mary, you know,
it's raining out here.

I know. Sorry, but...

The lock's stuck.

Well, if you didn't
want me to stay,

Why didn't you
say so?

I'm sorry, but
the lock got stuck.

I don't lock it
when adam's here.

It must have gotten
rusty or something.

That's ok.
I was only kidding,

Oh, I'm so
glad I could
spend the night.

Me, too.

We're going to have
so much fun.

We're going to talk
and stay up as late
as we want.

It'll be just like
when we were little.

Right. Adam junior
and all the other children

Are tucked away
for the night,

So it'll be just
the two of us.

Come on. Let's see
what we can get
to nibble on.

Oh, boy. Food.

You know, albert
cooked supper

Albert did?

He looked so funny
in ma's apron!



Jake, we got
to find abel
a doctor.

He's lost a lot
of blood, and it's
bleeding again.

Yeah, I know.

How are we going to find
anything in this storm,
let alone a doctor?

The sign back there
said "walnut grove."

It can't be too far.

You think they
have a doctor
back there?

I don't know.

There's only
one way
to find out.

Give me a hand.

Oh. Thank you, son.

I thought we
were going to have
chops and potatoes.

We are.

Oh, we're going
to have soup first.

That's very nice.

No, we aren't.

That's not soup.

This isn't soup?

Albert: no.

What is it?

Chops and potatoes.

[Grace cries]

What's the matter
with grace?

She just tasted it.

Albert, do me a favor.

When you grow up,
you get married,

And you have children,
don't cook for them.

You're going to have
a disciplinary problem.

-How's that?
-Because when children are bad,

One of the things
you thr*aten them with
is sending them to bed

Without their supper.
In the case of your cooking,

Sending them to bed
without supper
would be a reward.


Your mother wouldn't
approve of this,

But I think I'm going
to make us all some
popcorn for supper.

How's that?

Come here, bandit boy.

Here you go, boy.

There's plenty
left over for you.



Oh, mary, if you
could have seen
albert's face

When carrie
dirty diapers!

Of course, pa
didn't actually
jump for joy

At the news,

Poor grace. She
may never be
the same again.

Poor little kid.
Ha ha!

You know, it sure
is nice to sit
and talk like this.

So many things
have happened
to both of us.

I know.

You know
something, mary?
It's funny.

When I try to

The only things I do
remember are the crazy--

Crazy things?


Like the time we
tried to sell all those
bottles of medicine

To buy reverend alden
a birthday gift,

And I got all dressed up
in that smelly sackcloth
and acted so pitiful.

How could I ever forget?

Ah, ha ha.

What about the time
we went camping
with the olesons?

Do you
remember that?

Do i? I thought
we'd never get out
of that river.

Boy, were we lucky.

Ah, have you told
almanzo about any
of your adventures?

Of course not.

I don't want him

I'm some kind
of a tomboy
or something.


-Who is it?

It's all right.
It's just me.

Oh, mr. Oleson.

I'm sorry. I didn't
mean to frighten
you like that.

Oh, that's ok,
mr. Oleson.

You just
surprised us,
that's all.

Well, as a matter
of fact, I came up here

To see if everything
was all right.

I didn't know that
laura was keeping you
company tonight.

everything's fine.
Thank you.

Well, I guess I'll
get back, then.

Nellie's cooking up
some pies for tomorrow.

Really? I thought
she didn't like to cook.

She doesn't. I saw her
put the apples in
without peeling them.

I had to leave.

We'll remember
not to order
the apple pie.

Right. Well, have
a nice evening.

Thank you.

You be sure and lock
this door after me.

I'll do it
right now.

Thank you for caring,
mr. Oleson.

It's all right.

He's such a nice man.

Yeah. I feel
so sorry for him.

You mean his wife?

And nellie.
Let's not forget

[Knock on door]

Shh! I hope he
didn't hear anything.

Nah. He
couldn't have.
Not in this storm.


-Mr. Oles--

Mary: who is it?

what is it?

I'll do the asking
and the telling
around here.

Who else is here?

I'm talking to you!

J-just some

Some blind

If you lie to me,
I'll k*ll you.

she's not lying.

We got a man hurt bad.
Needs a bed.

You heard me. Move!

All right.
Come on! Come on!


You go with her.

-How's he doing, jed?
-Well, he's going to need a doc,

And that's
all there is to it.

You say there's
just a bunch of
blind kids here?

Mary: yes, in
the next bedroom,

But they can't
do anything.

Please don't
hurt them.

Blind kids, huh?

So that's what
this place is--

A school for
blind kids, huh?

Yes, sir...

And my sister
is their

Is that so?

You got a doc
in this town?

All right.
You go fetch him
and bring him here.

Tell him your
sister's real sick.

Yes, sir.

Now, you
listen closely.

If you let on to anybody
that we're here,

You won't never see
your sister alive again.

I promise.
No one will know.


[Baby fussing]

Cute little kid.
Whose is it?

Mary: he's my son.

Your son?

your husband?

He's gone.
He's on a trip.

Don't you lie
to me.

I'm not!


Jed, take
teacher here

And go lock up
them kids.

All right.
Let's move.

Is that you,
mrs. Kendall?

Yes, kimmy.

When is god going
to stop moving
his furniture?

Soon, kim.
Very soon.

Can I sleep
in your room?


You're a big girl.

Make sure you stay
in your own bed,
all right?

Kim: yes, ma'am.

Mrs. Kendall?

Are you all right?

I'm fine, kim.
Good night.


Dr. Baker!

Dr. Baker!

[Nellie singing scales shrilly]

[Knock on door]

Laura! Come in here.
What are you doing
out in this storm?

I was looking
for dr. Baker.

I thought maybe
he'd be over here.

Oh, no. He's over
at annie pearson's
farm having supper.

As a matter of fact,
I lent him my buggy.

He's probably
caught in the storm.

Is something wrong?

Wrong? No. No. Uh...

Mary just kind of got
a little stomachache
after you left.

I thought maybe
dr. Baker might have

I could give her.

If you'd like,
I'll go with you,
see if I can do anything.

Oh, no! No.
Really, it's ok.

She'll probably
be over it
by tomorrow, anyway.

Just a minute.

You give her
some of this.
It's seltzer powder.

Maybe it'll help.

Ok. Thanks,
mr. Oleson.

Be careful.

[Nellie continues singing]

"...and helped
poor, needy ones.

"They cluster
all about.

"The goblins will
get y if you
don't watch out."

-good night.

-Good night.
-Sweet dreams.

Can I have
a cup of coffee?

All right. You can
have half a cup,
and the rest milk.


Laura: pa! Pa!

What's wrong?
What's wrong?

They got mary,
and they told me
to get dr. Baker.

All right! Now,
slow down, slow down.
Now, what is it?

3 Men with g*ns came
to the blind school.

One of them's
hurt bad in the leg,

And they told me
to get dr. Baker.

I didn't know
what to do!

Pa, they said
if I told anybody
they were at the school,

I'd never see mary
alive again.

Have you ever seen
these 3 men before?

No. I'm sure they're not
from around here

Because they didn't
know whether we had
a doctor or not.

I'm so scared, pa.

It's going to be
all right.

Albert, you stay here
with your sisters.

Albert: what are you
going to do, pa?

I don't know just yet,

But one of them
needs a doctor.

All right.
I got it. Let's go.


[Knocking on door]

What took you
so long, girl?

I had to look
for doc baker.

He was having supper
outside of town.

Must have been
a long way
outside of town.

I had to go back to my
office and get my bag.

What's this all about?

You get upstairs.
Go on, both of you.

Go on in there.

Girl here says
she found a doc
outside of town.

You do exactly
as I said?

If you mean did she
say anything about you,
the answer's "no."

she made a good excuse
to get me here.

What's your name, doc?

Dr. Baker.
Dr. Hiram baker.

Well, hiram...

My cousin abel's
got a leg full of lead.

You take it out quick,

And nobody gets hurt.

I'll do my best.


Come on, doc.
Get on with it.

I need all the lamps
in the place brought
in here.

Lamps? What for?

because I've got to
operate on this man.

I'm going to need
all the light I can get.

One mistake, and
you're going to watch
him bleed to death

In front of your eyes.
Now, get the lamps.

All right.

Jed, you and the girl
go down and bring all
the lamps up here.

Can I help you,

No, mary.
You did just fine.

I'll take over
from here.

Nellie, off-key:
* where the deer
and the antelope play *

* Where never
is heard *

* A discouraging
word *

Nellie, the water
is hot.

Wouldn't you
like some tea?

Oh, no, father.

Mother says never
to drink any hot liquids
after singing.

about blistering
the vocal cords.

Better your cords
than my ears.

What was that,

I said you better
take care of your
chords, my dear.

Oh, I will.
Would you like
to hear another song?

No! I--i mean--

[Knock on door]
dr. Baker: nels?

Oh. Doc baker.

Nellie: I wonder what
he's doing here this late.

Probably heard you
singing and thought
somebody was dying.

Come on in, doc!
Thank goodness. Can I
get you a cup of tea?

Oh, I'd love one.
It's miserable
out there.

Well, I hope you didn't
come over here just
to return the buggy.

You could have
waited till tomorrow
morning, you know.

Oh, it was just as easy
to do it tonight.

I'm soaked to the bone.

[Nellie singing]

By the way, laura
was by earlier.

She was looking
for you.

Oh? Something wrong
at the house?

No, it was mary.
She--laura was spending
the night with her,

And she got
a stomachache
or something.

I gave her some
seltzer powder.

Oh. Well, uh,
soon as I have my tea,

I'll go on out there
before I turn in.

* home on the range

* Where the deer
and the ant-- *


Uh, could I
get you something
for your throat?

These are the last
two lamps, doctor.

Thank you, laura.
That's fine.

Here. Start
tying him up.

Hold on, there.
Why are you
tying him up?

The ether's only going
to last a certain
length of time.

I don't want him
waking up while
I'm cutting on him.

Just tie him down.

Tie him up, jed.

[Knock on door]

You did
tell someone!

No, I didn't!
I swear.

You expecting


All right. Whoever
it is, you better
get rid of them fast.

Jed, you keep them
covered and quiet.

Doc, you just
keep working.
Come on.

Keep working, doc.

Who--who is it?

It's doc baker,

Why, you--


Jed. Jed!

The guy's
a fake, jed!


Did you hear me,

Dr. Baker:
what's happening
in there, mary?

Half-pint, now, lock
the door and put out
all the lamps.

Don't open it
no matter
what you hear.

-just do what I tell you!

Hold it, jake!


No. You throw down
the g*n,

Or else this
pretty little face

Ain't going to be
so pretty no more.

Mary: help me, pa!

Pa, is it?

Well, pa...

What's it
going to be?

You shouldn't have
come here, pa.

I'm going to
have to k*ll you.

Pa, run!


[Abel groans]


[Floorboard creaks]

[Doorknob squeaks]


Kim: mrs. Kendall!

Mrs. Kendall,
what is it?
What is it?



Pa, are you
all right?


Hey, little lady.

I'm going to find you
soon enough.

You come out,
and I won't hurt you.

Come on.

You come out, now.

Do you hear me?
I said get out here!

[Metal clangs]



[Doorknob rattles]


Mary: [sobbing]

Aah! Aah!

Hold on! Mary!

It's me. It's me.

It's me. It's pa.
It's me. It's pa.


It's all right.

It's all right. Shh.

It's all right.

It's all right.

It's all right.

It's all right.

Laura: pa!


She's ok.

It's all right, now.

Everything's all right.

I tied
the other one up.

Good. I'll take care
of this one.

You go check on the doc.
He's by the front door.

Adam junior
slept through
all of it.

I'll go
to the children.

All right.

Dr. Baker?

Dr. Baker, are you
all right?

Dr. Baker?


Dr. Baker?

Are you
all right?

I think so.

I'll tell you
one thing--

That's the last time
I ever make
a house call.

Kim: mrs. Kendall?

We were so scared.

Mary: oh, it's
all right, kim.

It's all right, now.

The storm's over.

I still don't
understand it.

I can't understand
why the school board
would turn you down.

Adam: well, they were
very cordial about it,

But the answer
was a very firm "no."

Caroline: they said
we could try again
next year.

Next year? We
need the money now.

We'll just have
to tighten our belts
a little tighter.

Besides, what
you've been through,

Nothing else
seems important.

Amen to that.

We'll survive.

Man: mr. Ingalls?


Uh, we're all set to go, now.

How do you want
the bank draft made out?

Bank draft?
What bank draft?

Well, there's
a $1,000 reward

For the recapture
of the brandywines.

Do you want me
to just make it out
to charles ingalls?

No. Make it out
to the harriet oleson
institute for the blind.


Come on. Get!
Come around.

Come around.
Get up!
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