06x15 - Whatever Happened to the Class of '56?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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06x15 - Whatever Happened to the Class of '56?

Post by bunniefuu »

All right, now, the next
and most important
item on the agenda

Is whether
the hero township grange

Wants to go along
with the national
grange's proposal

To set up a nationwide

That would deal directly
with the manufacturers

And cut out the middleman
and the retailers.

Them greedy vultures.
They buy low from
the manufacturers,

And they turn around
and sell high to us,

And they set
any price they want.

All right, that's exactly
what the national grange
wants to change.

Now, they feel with
a nationwide co-op,

The farmers can save
a great deal of money
on their purchases.

Now, hold up, charles.
You sure this thing
is going to work?

I mean,
these retailers got

A powerful
of their own,

And they ain't
gonna allow us just
to step up there

And put them
out of business.

And the manufacturers,
they ain't gonna want
to deal with us either

Because it'll make
the retailers mad

And they'll lose
their accounts.

I don't know.
I can't see it working.

Yeah. Well, the fact
of the matter is, it
already has in kansas.

Now, the grangers there
set up separate contracts

With some
of the manufacturers,

The ones that were
willing to go along.

Apparently, both sides
have made out very well.

You got some
for instances?

You bet I do, jonathan.

All right. Retailers were
charging $275 for reapers.

That's about what
you're paying, right?

-Yeah. Right now.

Charles: all right. The
grange got them for $175.

All right. Wagons
were selling for $150,

The grange got
them for $90.


Threshers costing $300,

The grange got them
for $200.

[Man whistles]

Hey, I want to save
that kind of money.
I think we all do.

All right.
Let's make it official.

All those in favor
of going along

With the national
grange's proposal

To set up
a nationwide co-op say aye.

Men: aye!

Charles: all those opposed?

All right, pretty obvious
the ayes have it.

Now, the last thing we
have to decide is who
we're going to send

To the regional
convention in milwaukee
to represent our grange.

Jonathan: I don't
think there's any
question about that.

All those in favor of
sending charles ingalls
to represent us say aye.

Men: aye!

Hi, everybody.

Laura and albert:
hi, pa.

Caroline: charles.

Caroline, guess who's
going to milwaukee.

No need to guess,
you are.

That's right,
and so are you.

Oh, charles. Oh,
you know I'd love
to, but I can't.

Oh, yes, you can because
the grange is going to
pick up all the expenses.

You know albert and half-pint
can take care of everything
while we're gone.

Well, sure we can, ma.
We've done it before.

Oh, what
about grace when
they're in school?

I have already
made arrangements
with the garveys.

When the children
go to school, they're
going to drop grace off,

And alice will
take care of her for
the rest of the day.

All taken care of.
Oops, wait a second.

Got a letter
for you right here
from dillon hyde.

Dillon hyde?

I haven't seen him
since the day he
went to college.

Who's dillon hyde, ma?

Oh, just the grand
master of the national
grange, that's all.

He was the richest
boy in concord,

Or rather,
his father was.

Handsome, too.

All the girls
had eyes for him.

You, too, ma?

Oh, no, laura,
your father was
much handsomer.

I only had eyes for him.

Oh, charles.

It's an invitation.

What kind of invitation?

To the 25th
reunion party

Of the class of
1856 in milwaukee,

The last night
of the grange

Oh, it will be
such fun to see
all my old friends!

Then you are going to go?

Oh, I wouldn't
miss it now
for the world!

Ah, here you are,
mrs. Foster.

Your change, 35 cents.

Thank you,

Yes, you have
a real nice day.

Thank you.

Oh, caroline, I'm
so sorry to have
kept you waiting.

That's perfectly
all right.

I just got here.

Oh, well, now
that you are here,

What can I do for you?

I have a list.

Uh-huh, oh, good.

Oh, my, caroline.
[Clicks tongue]

You have such
fine handwriting.

I do admire people
with a fine hand.

You know, mrs. Foster
was just in,

And she was mentioning

What a fine hand
dillon hyde has.

Dillon hyde?

Uh-huh, yes.

Apparently, he wrote
to somebody here
in walnut grove,

And she mentioned
the fact

That he has a way
with a pen.


Yes. Of course,
she didn't tell me

Who the letter
was to or anything.

It was to me.


Oh, my!


Well, what did he say?

I mean, why on
earth would he
be writing to you?

Oh, well, we went
to school together.

He was writing to
invite charles and me

To our 25th
class reunion.

Oh, how exciting!

My, aren't you excited?

Well, yes, as a matter
of fact, I am.

What are you gonna wear?

Oh, I don't know.

I wanted so much
to make a new dress,

But there just
isn't time.

Oh, caroline, caroline.

store-bought for
an occasion such as this.

Well, it's easier
said than done.

Oh, nonsense.


We can work
something out.

Now, come over here and see
what we just got in.

You wait right here.
Don't touch anything.

There. Aren't
these lovely?

Oh, they are.
They're lovely!


Oh, but i--

Oh, caroline,
now, no buts.

After all,
you're going to be
representing walnut grove.

And, as I said before,
we can work something out.

After all, your
credit's good here.

Oh, they do come
dear, don't they?

Oh, now, don't pay
any attention
to the price tag.

I tell you what, I'll
let you have it for
half the price, huh?


My dear, you owe
it to yourself.

Oh, I can guarantee you

That I will be
dressed to the nines

When I have
my 25th reunion.





What? What's funny?


[Both laughing]

What is it, huh?

Nothing, really.
I'm sorry.

Oh, that's all right.


It's just when
you mentioned

Not having had...

Your 25th reunion...


I couldn't
help thinking

How old you were
when you graduated.

[Glass shatters]

oh, oh, no!

Oh, oh.
It's all right.

It's an accident.

It's all right.

Mm-hmm, well, you know,
that little accident

Will just have to
go on your bill,

And therefore I'm
afraid it's impossible

To extend you any
credit for a dress.


Will you, for
heaven's sake,

Stop that
infernal laughing?

I suppose you
think it's funny.

You know, you have
no more credit.

Of course it does.

I'm sorry. Good day!

Good day!

You know what you are?


You're senile!

[Caroline laughs]

All aboard!
All aboard!

Now, don't you two
worry about a thing.

Me and alice will look
after them young'uns.

We can't thank you
and alice enough.

Yes, you can.

Charles, you get them
co-ops to start.

Got it.

Caroline, you just
have a great old time.

Oh, we will.

Here we go!

Thanks for everything.

-Bye, now.

Can you believe
it, charles?

25 Years.

Yes, I can believe it.

I can't believe that's
the 10th time you said that.

It just doesn't
seem possible.

Oh, where did
they all go?


Just looking at you
makes it hard to believe.

You haven't
changed a bit.

Thank you,
kind sir.

You're welcome.

I don't believe it,
but I love it.

And I love you.

You know, you're
even more handsome

Than you were
25 years ago.

What I think we have
here is a mutual
admiration society.

it's just
so exciting.

I wonder if dillon's
changed much.

I doubt it.

He's probably as big a pain
in the butt as he ever was.

[Whistle blows]


Show mr. Hawkins
to room 312.

All right.

[Indistinct chatter]

Yes, sir?

Yeah, we have

Mr. And mrs. Ingalls.

One moment.

From walnut grove,

Yeah, that's us.

Would you be good enough
to sign the register,
mr. Ingalls?


Man: caroline quiner!





I'd know you
anywhere, caroline.

You ain't changed
a bit!

Oh, yes, I have, arnie,

And I'm
caroline ingalls now.

You remember charles.

Charles, you remember
arnie cupps.

Well, how am I going
to forget arnie?

We got in enough trouble
together, didn't we?

How you doing, arnie?

Charles, things
just couldn't
be any better.

Real good to
see you again.

How's hattie?

Absolutely tiptop.
She's going to be
tickled pink

When she finds
out you're here,

Wish I could stay
and visit with you,

But I got a real
important business

Closing a deal
to sell 500 acres
of my land. Ha ha!

Can't wait
for that reunion!

Oh, beg
your pardon.

See you, arnie!

Hattie simpson...

Well, she was
my best friend
at school.

Well, he hasn't changed.


Room 702.

Have a nice day.

-Thanks very much.
-Thank you.

Follow me,

Arnie cupps was voted
most likely to succeed.

Sounds like he did.

Step right
in, please.

Uh, don't you
have any stairs?

Certainly, sir,
but your room is
on the seventh floor.

Yeah, I know. We'll walk.

Oh, come on,
It'll be fun.

All the newest
have them.

Caroline, if you want
to get into a little room

That's just hanging
by that little, bitty
rope, you can do it.

I'm going to walk.

We'll meet you

Thank you.

It's really
a nice room.

Yeah, pretty fancy.

Hey, take
a look at this.

Somebody sent
us a bottle
of champagne.


Yeah, card's
addressed to us.

This is
from france.


"Dear caroline,

Dillon hyde."

There's just
"welcome, caroline"?

Hope he's not
too disappointed

When he finds
out I'm here.

Charles, he's just
trying to be nice.

[Knock on door]

Wouldn't drink
this stuff anyway.

For you
and mrs. Ingalls, sir.

Thank you. Here.
It's compliments
of dillon hyde.

He's just trying
to be nice.

-Thank you, sir.
-You bet.

Very funny.

What is it?

Let's see, "mr. And mrs.
Thaddeus m. Sawyer

"Request the pleasure
of your company at a...


[Caroline laughs]

I think it's
supposed to be...


Well, why don't
they spell it that way?

All right, "soiree,
5 to 9 p.m. This date
in the gold room."

Well, I wonder
who mr. And mrs.
Thaddeus sawyer are.

Must have figured
you'd ask that.

They wrote right down
here at the bottom--

amy phillips?"

Amy phillips! Of course!

She was the smartest
pupil in school.

I remember she had
a terrible crush on you.

-Oh, really?

She did? I don't
remember that.

All I can remember
about her, she was
a whiz with the books,

And she was
so darn skinny,

A lot of the boys
used to call her
string bean amy.

Well, do you want to go?

It's up to you.

Yes, I do.

All right. I'll
go down the hall
and take a bath.

Caroline: I wonder
what I should wear.

I don't think you
have to wear anything.


Well, it says right
at the bottom of
the invitation,

"Dress optional."




messieurs, champagne.

-Not for me.
-The good old bubbly.

I never drink
anything else.

And the beer you ordered,
monsieur platz.

[European accent]
you are sure
this is platz beer?

Oui. Certainement,
monsieur platz.

Jacob won't drink anything
except his own product.

Und why not?
It is the best.

When you drink platz
beer, you're always
full of good cheer.


Woman: charles ingalls!


I'd know you

You, too,

-I'm sorry. I don't--
-you don't recognize me?

I'm afraid
I don't.

Amy phillips.

-Amy phillips!
-None other.

Oh, I'm sorry. You
just look so different.

Well, small wonder.
It's been 25 years.

I'm so glad
you could come,
both of you.

I want you to
meet my husband
and say hello

To some very good
friends of yours.

I just stuck a foot
in each wheelbarrow.



I want you to meet
charles ingalls and
his wife caroline.

Charles, it's
a pleasure, sir.

And, caroline,
you can't imagine
how happy amy was

When she learned
you were coming
to milwaukee.

And this is
winthrop morgan.

-Mr. Morgan.
-Ingalls, mrs. Ingalls.

Amy: and I'm sure
you remember hattie
and arnie cupps.

Charles: oh, sure,
we ran into arnie
earlier today.

Hattie, how are you?

Hattie, oh.

It's been
so long.

Too long, caroline.

And, caroline,
you remember
florence garner,

Don't you?

Now mrs. Jacob

Florence, it's so
good to see you.

Thank you.

Man: caroline.

How wonderful
to see you!

And prettier
than ever.

Caroline: oh,
dillon, it's nice
to see you, too.

Charles, it's
dillon hyde.


Nice to see you,
charlie boy.

Come on. Say hello
to the little woman.

Excuse us, please.

"Charlie boy."

[Woman laughing]

Edith ross...


Married a midget.


Clementina, here's
caroline quiner.






Oh! Ha ha!


Ha ha! Oh!

Caroline quiner!

Well, it's ingalls now.

Help me do my homework,
caroline, please.


I could never
that algebra.

I don't
even know what
algebra means.


Uh, why don't
we go out
on the terrace

And get a breath
of fresh air?

Edith ross...

Married a midget.

Thaddeus: and as the owner
of sawyer corporation,

Which is one of the biggest

Farm machinery
in the country,

I am very concerned
about what happens
at this convention.

Arnie: so am i,
mr. Sawyer.

As the owner of
15,000 acres,

Growing wheat and corn
and running cattle,

I use a lot of
heavy machinery.

How big is
your spread, charles?

What, mine? Uh...

About 160 acres.

How can you make
a decent living with
such a small place?

We manage quite
nicely, mrs. Platz.

I called my farm
the willows,

2,000 Acres of prime
river-bottom land.

It's so rich,
you could grow
rocks in it,

If you had
a mind to.

Dillon, could I
talk to you a sec?

Uh...um, all
right, arnie.

Don't go away.
I'll be right back.

What is it, arnie?

Kind of embarrassing,

I feel like a hick.

Some slicker
stole my wallet.

Could you lend me
100 bucks, just till
the bank opens?

Yeah, no
problem, arnie.

Much obliged.

Ingalls, if you'll
just listen to reason.

There's a matter of
the existing contracts
between the manufacturers--

If you'll excuse
me, morgan.

Just excuse
me, please.

Hi. I feel like
a fish out of water.

Can we step
out of here?

Oh, but, charles--

Nobody's going to
miss us, believe me.

They're all inside
telling each other
how rich they are.

Well, I wanted
to talk to hattie.

Well, there'll be
plenty of time for that.

We're going to
be here for 3 more
days. Come on.

All right.
But we should say good
night to our hosts.

Anything to get away
from all this pomp
and circumstance.


Glad you could
make it, senator.

Wouldn't dare
not to, thad,

Not with your

And the opportunity
to flirt with your
beautiful wife.

Uh, with your
of course.

Well, you certainly have
my permission, senator.

Ah, I see the
governor's here.

Excuse me
a moment.

There's something
I have to tell him

About the new
farm bill.

The flirting will
begin right after,
I promise you.

Oh, we've
come to say
good night and--

Oh, you're not
leaving so soon!

The fun's
just beginning!

Well, we've had
a long trip.

Well, if you're
tired, charlie boy.

Maybe caroline
would like to stay.

I'm tired, too.

Oh, well, then how about
coming over to my place

Tomorrow afternoon,
stay for supper?

Oh, I'd like
to. Wouldn't
you, charles?

I'd like to,
but the convention.

Dillon: after
the convention.

They only have
a morning session,

And business
before pleasure.

Oh, I don't know.

Amy: oh, please come.

We'll be there, too,
it will give us all
a chance to talk.

I won't take no
for an answer.

All right.
We'll be glad to.

Dillon: good,
I'll send a carriage
about 2:00?

Fine. Good
night, then.

-Good night.
-Good night.

And bring your
riding clothes.

I've got some
of the best
riding horses

This side
of arabia.

I can't get over

Well, she never
was very smart,

But she was
always as pretty
as a picture

And slim and...

And graceful
as a gazelle.


I thought dillon
looked well.

Did you?


What is wrong
with you?

Ah, I'm fine.
I'm just tired, I guess.

This is more
than just tired.

You haven't said
a word since we
left the party.

Oh, it's just...

I mean, life,
being married to me,
hasn't been very easy.

Well, just look at
everybody else.

Everybody seems
to be doing so well.


Really. Arnie cupps
has got 15,000 acres,

And dillon...

Honest, if you were
married to dillon hyde,

You'd have everything.


I'm not in love
with dillon hyde.


And I have


And the children.

You sure?

Very sure.

Good, because I
think dillon hyde's
a pain in the butt.


[Both laughing]

Mmm! That was
a nice breakfast.

I suppose, what
there was of it.

There's a letter
for you.

It's another

Oh, good.
It's not.

They're having
a pre-convention meeting

Of the minnesota grange
this morning at 9:00.

It's from that
winthrop morgan, fellow
we met last night.

What does he do?

I don't know.
Something to do
with the grange.

By the way he talks,
I don't think he
much agrees with us.

I should be
on my way.

Got any plans?

Yes, I'm going sightseeing
with hattie simpson.

Oh, there.
Now I'm doing it.

Hattie cupps, I mean.

Give her my best.
Have a good time.

Oh, charles.

Don't forget, we're
going to the hydes'
this afternoon.

How could I forget?


Morgan: so, what
I'm asking is
for the farmers

To vote against this scheme
for a national co-operative.

Arnie: you ain't given
us any good reason
yet why we should.

Well, I've already given
you the best reason.

It's impractical,
it won't work.

Charles: that
isn't the official
grange position.

Who do you
represent, anyway?

The farmers'
best interests.

Can you be
a little more
specific than that?

Well, actually,
I represent

The national farm machinery
retailers association.

We've been

Morgan: now, wait
a minute. Wait a minute!

Hear me out. I've got
a proposition for you!

Now, let's listen.
That's what we're
here for.

Charles is right.
It won't cost us

[Men murmuring]

Morgan: now...

The retailers are prepared
to offer the farmers

A 10% discount on all
the machinery they buy.

Bull. You can
mark up the price
as much as you want,

Then say you're
taking off 10%.

Morgan: now,
don't be stupid!

Even if you could get
some of the manufacturers
to go along with you,

Which you can't,

The co-ops won't work.

Why not?

Because the retailers
are prepared

To undersell the grange,

Even if it means
taking a loss.

You can't keep
that up for long.

It will put you
out of business.

No, it won't.

We've got a lot
more resources
than the farmers.

Oh, sure...

We'll take
the loss for a time,

But we've got a lot more
resources than the farmers,

And since most of
you farmers are poor,

You won't stick together.

You're going to go where
the price is cheapest,

And that will break the
grange co-op organization.

-Not this time!

Charles: not this time,
because we are going
to stick together!

Men: yeah!

Arnie: together,

[Men chanting "together"]

Welcome to the willows,

You, too, charlie.

It's charles.

But you're not
wearing riding togs.

Oh, no, I
don't ride...

At least not that
kind of a horse.

What about you,

It's still charles,
and these are
my riding clothes.

They're also my
walking clothes,

And when they get
all worn-out,

They're going to be
my working clothes.

Well, do you feel up
to that much horse?

I'm sure he can.
I'll ride with
you, charles.

Oh, amy, I think
it's a little too
much horse for him.

Well, I think
I can decide.

Be right back.

Caroline, how about
taking a ride with
me in the carriage?

I'd like to show you
around the willows.

Oh. Well...

I won't take no
for an answer.

all right.


Charles: I think
those horses are happy
to take a breather.

Have a seat.

All right.
Don't mind
if I do.

I've, uh, thought about
you over the years...



Yes, I was always
interested in you,

Always wondered
what became of you.

Well, now you know.

I'm a farmer, and
I've got 5 children.

How about you?
Any family?


No children.

Not really much
of a marriage either.

Thad is wed
to his business

More than he is
to me these days.

I envy you...

Caroline most of all.

You have nice hands...

Gentle but strong.

I like that.

So strong.

That's from
shoveling manure.

I think
the horses have
had enough rest.

I'll cinch up
your saddle.



Well, what do you think
of the willows so far?

Oh, it's
very lovely.

Do you, uh, ever
get up to milwaukee?


I haven't been
here since...

Since my folks went
through on their way
to the big woods.

Aw, that's too bad.


Well, I'd like to
show you the high spots.

I'm sure charles
would like it,

But he really doesn't
have much free time.

Well, i, uh...

Wasn't really talking
about charles.

I'd, uh...like to show
you the high spots,

Just, you know,
the two of us.

You wouldn't have to
worry about train fare

Or a place to stay.

You know, dillon,
charles was right.

You are a pain
in the butt.

Come on.

I tell you,
I didn't care much
for that food today.

Everything with
a foreign name,

All kinds of funny
sauces on it,

You never know
what you're eating.

Did you like it?

Not really.


Just one more day,

Last session
of the convention,

Class reunion,

Then back to some
good home cooking.

And digging out
the stumps, right?



Come on. What's
the matter? Why so silent?


Hey, come on. What?

Oh, charles!

Shh, shh, shh, shh.


It's them, isn't it?


What's happened
to them?

I don't know.

They're all so...

So different from
what I expected.

Just kind of
makes you wonder.

What happens
to people?

And could it
happen to us?

Oh, I mean,
they're all...

Rich and successful,

None of them
seems very happy

With what
they've got...

Except maybe
hattie and arnie.

Proving, I'd say,

A body can be happier
living in one room
with someone they love

Than in a palace with
someone they don't.

That's never going
to happen to us...

Because I love you.

I mean, I
really love you.

And without you,
I'm nothing.

You hear me?

I'm a farmer,
and I love it,

And I'm a father,
and I love it...

And best of all,
I'm married to
caroline ingalls,

And I love her.

I love you, baby.

And I know it's
the spur of the moment,

But I'm going to pop
the question.


Will you marry me?

I thought you'd
never ask.

[Men cheering]

Arnie: hey, hey, morgan!
Can I buy you a beer?

You won't be
celebrating for long.

You won't be
celebrating at all.

So you voted
for the co-ops
despite the odds?

The odds are all
on our side, mr. Sawyer.

See, we may not be rich
and powerful like you,

Not one by one,
but together we are.

That's why we're
going to beat you.

Come on, charles.

That reunion party
tonight should be
a wingding!


They'll be coming
running back, you'll see.

Inside of a month, they'll
be coming running back.

We'll see to it. I--

Good day, morgan.

Ah, that is
sehr gut!

more platz.

You know,
jacob provided all
the beer for the party...

Free of charge.

I like to be

[Jacob laughs]

Not really.

Free advertising.

I never liked
your beer, jacob.

Mind if I cut
in, charlie boy?

As a matter of fact,
dillon, I do.

When your partner
is asked politely
for a dance,

I believe it
is etiquette

To honor
the request.

I never said I
had etiquette.

Why don't you dance
with your own wife?


You are making
a fool of yourself.

I was just
having fun.

Dillon, platz
had to leave.
I hope you don't mind.

Sit down
and stay down!

Take it easy, dillon.

Well, you
take whatever
you can get.

What do you mean?

I mean...

Where's the $100
you borrowed
from me, huh?

The banks have
been open for two days.

It slipped my
mind, dillon.

More like you thought
it had slipped mine.

Please, dillon,
I'm sorry.

I'll pay you
back. I promise.

I just didn't think
things would be
so expensive here.

He's a four-flusher,
you know.

All this
bragging about
owning 15,000 acres,

Well, I checked.

All he's got is
a measly 50 acres
of rock and scrub.

You don't have
to worry about
your money, dillon.

I never reneged on a debt
in my life. I'll pay
you back every penny.

How? You're just
a poor dirt farmer.

You're nothing!

[Woman screams]

[Music stops]

You son of a--

All right.
Leave him alone.

Who do you think
you're talking
to, charlie?

Watch what
you're taking
hold of, dillon.

I've been working
hard for 25 years.

Got you, arnie.

You're scared
of him.

Dillon hyde
is scared

Of a poor
dirt farmer.

-Shut up!
-Make me.

You're nothing.


You're rich...

You're very rich,

But what good
is it?

What good is
all your money?

You and me...

We've got nothing.

We're nothing!

The name's charles,

Driver, next farm
on the right, please.

You bet.


we're home.


Whoa, whoa.

Here you are.


Much obliged.

My pleasure.





I want to tell you,
if that's not successful,
I don't know what is.
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