06x14 - The Werewolf of Walnut Grove

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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06x14 - The Werewolf of Walnut Grove

Post by bunniefuu »

Well, it looks
pretty good...
On paper.

I want it
10 feet taller.

10 Feet taller?

That's going to be
a mighty big silo,
mr. Slater.

This is a mighty
big farm, jenkins,

Twice the size
of the one I sold
back in wisconsin.

I plan to have
a lot of animals,

Going to need
a lot of silo.

Whatever you say,
mr. Slater.

Got another
load for you.

-Well, good, keep them coming.
-Where do you want it?

Oh, right here's good.
Mann, help ingalls
unload this lumber.

Hurry up,

-Yes, dear.

Pick these things
up for me in town,
will you?

Boy, come on.
Get to school!

Why do I have
to wear these sissy
clothes, anyway?

Because it's
your first day
of school,

And I want you
to make a good


Why do I have
to go to school?

Why can't I stay
home and work
with you?

For the hundredth
and last time,

It's what
your mother

But I love farming.

I hate school.

Mrs. Slater:
nowadays, it takes more
than a strong back

To run a farm this size.

It's big business,

And you're going
to finish school.

Come on, boy,
you heard your
mother, get going.

I wish you'd
have talked to him
about behavior.

your idea,

You handle it.
I'm busy running
a farm.

Mr. Slater:
hey, jenkins.

Mr. Slater: I want tongue
and groove all the way around.
It's got to be absolutely right.

yes, sir.

Now, bartholomew,
I don't want to keep
fussing at you,

But I don't want you
getting thrown out
of this school,

So, you just
mind your manners
and behave yourself,

And don't
go starting
any trouble.

Come on, dukes.

I hope you
do better here

Than in your
last school,


Bart, if you prefer.
You may take a seat.



I want to sit
there, shorty.

But I'm
sitting here.

I can fix

You can sit
here, bart.

I like sitting in
the back of the room
better, anyway.

I need
the whole seat.

I'm too big to sit
with someone else.

Oh, go fly
a kite.

[Children laughing]

What's going on?

Uh, nothing,
ms. Wilder.

I was just
going to go
sit with willie.

Ms. Wilder:
all right,

Ms. Wilder:
now that we're
all seated,

I want to announce
two class projects.

[Children moan]


* Sounds of
the rude world *

* Heard in a day

Good morning.

Oh, well, hello,
mrs. Slater,

Our best
and our nicest

Oh, thank you.

How's your new house
coming along?

Oh, just fine,
mrs. Oleson,

And I can't thank you
and mr. Oleson enough

For all the help
you gave me

In furnishing it
from scratch.

Well, it was
my pleasure.

What can I do
for you today?

Well, I'd like to find
some drapery material.

You know,
it took us so long
to get settled in

That I completely
forgot about them.

Yes, of course.

Well, you have
so many wonderful

I have just
the thing for you.

Oh, wait until
you see this.

It is the very
latest fashion.

Oh, dear.
Oh, no, no.

What will they
think of next?

No, it's
absolutely awful.


Yes, I know.

-Nels picked it out.

And I just love
to show it
to customers

As a little

Harriet, are you still
trying to sell that awful
material you ordered?


We do love to have
our little jokes
around here.

Now, are there
any questions?

Uh, what can you
write about
the sky?

Ms. Wilder:
well, for instance,

You could write
about the influence

Of the moon
on the earth.

What influence?

Ms. Wilder:
well, for instance, its
effects on the ocean tides.

And then, of course,
there are its reported
effects on people.

You mean like
making them

[Children laughing]

Or more seriously,

It is said that
many people's
minds go awry

At the full
of the moon.

That is the derivation
of the world lunatic--

From the latin word
for moon, "luna."


[Children laugh]

Ms. Wilder:
from the earliest of times,
there have been writings

Alleging that
some people's bodies

Are also

As in the case
of men turning
into werewolves

At the full
of the moon.

Are there
really werewolves,
ms. Wilder?

Ms. Wilder:
well, that is a question,

I don't believe so.

On the other hand,
there are books,

Such as this one--


Written by the reverend
sabine baring-gould in 1865,

The same man,

Who wrote
that famous hymn,

christian soldier *

Ms. Wilder:
you are welcome to use
the book as a reference.

Very well,

On to the
other project.

Clarence tilson
does marvelous work

In papier-mache,

And he has
kindly offered

To give the class
a demonstration
of his technique.

if you please.

is french

For a special
kind of paper

Here are
some things
you can make--

An owl, a clown,
a kangaroo.

A purple kangaroo--

Ms. Wilder:
isn't it wonderful?

use anything
you like,

Using different
kinds of breadths.

You just dip
the strips of paper
into the paste--

It's a mixture
of flour and water--

And then you wrap it
around your mold.

Ms. Wilder:
why don't one of you
try it?

Perhaps our
new student,



You don't have
to drown it.

Ms. Wilder:
oh! What are you

I'm making a midget.

Ms. Wilder:
clarence! Oh!

Clarence, go outside
and clean yourself up.

And you, young man,

Go outside with him
and wash your hands,

And apologize.

Young man,
I will ask

If you gave him
a proper apology

When he returns
to class.

Hey, you did
pretty good
with that, uh,

papier stuff.

How about making
me some animal

For my class

Make your own.

I'll give
you 50 cents.



All right, I'll
double it--$1.00.

-A dollar?

Well, all right.

You got
yourself a deal.

good. Oh--

When we go
back inside,

You tell
ms. Wilder
I apologized.

But you didn't.

You just
tell her that.

All right.

hey, laura!

Hey, laura,
I'll carry
your books.

-No, thanks.
-Ah, come on.

No, give me my
books. Stop it!

Leave her alone,

Don't call me

Don't call me


stop it!

Leave him alone!

[Children yelling]

Almanzo: hold on.
Boy: come on, albert.

Keep your
nose out
of this.

You proud of
fighting with
a girl?

I wasn't
fighting her.
It's him.

Well, now, hold on.
He's half your size.

You're not.

all right, now, kids,
fight's all over.

You all right,

Yeah, I'm fine.


Oh, you better
get something
on that eye.

Looks like
it's going to be
a real beauty.

We will.
Thanks, manly.

-Come on.

I'm going to get you,

Albert, no.
Come on, come on.

wasn't manly wonderful
coming to my rescue--

Our rescue?

Albert: I didn't
need any rescue.

Oh, sure you didn't.

You were just going
to keep hitting his
fist with your eye

Till he cried "uncle."

Very funny.

What are you going
to tell pa about that eye?

It's getting
bigger and blacker
every minute.

I'll tell him I fell.

You're going to
tell him a lie?

It's not a lie.

I did fall,
after he hit me.

That's the truth,
isn't it?

Not the whole truth.

Well, who says you
have to tell the whole
truth all the time?

As long as you don't
tell a bold-faced lie.

Boy, albert, you
sure know how to
twist things around.

I don't want pa
thinking I can't
fight my own battles.

Well, you can't.

Leastways not with
that big gorilla.

Oh, well, I'll think
of something.

If I don't
have the brawn,

I'll just have
to use my brains.

You better think
of something fast

Before bartholomew
knocks your brains out.

Have a good day,

You too, eliza.

Mr. Slater:

You hit my boy

Oh, it was self--
mr. Slater.

He swung on me

Isn't what he
told me.

He said you
started the fight
for no reason.

No, I don't
start fights,
mr. Slater.

Your boy
was beating up on
little albert ingalls,

I stepped in
to stop it,
and he went for me.

Children fight
among themselves.

No reason
for an adult
to interfere.

No, I don't
think so, mr. Slater.

Not when one of those
children is bigger
than most grown men.

I discipline
my own child
as I see fit.

Well, you best
get to it, then.

Now, you watch
your mouth, boy.

My son
minds at home,

And it's up to his
teacher to see that
he minds at school.

And if you can't,
ms. Wilder,

Maybe the school
board can find
someone who can.

[Children yelling]

That's enough!

Albert, would you
come up and solve
the problem, please?

Yes, ms. Wilder.

Ms. Wilder:


[Object hits floor]

-Ms. Wilder.
-Not now, clarence.

You're so quick,

How do you
do it?

Just comes
easy, ma'am.

A gift.

You may
take your seat.


What's the matter,

A tack.

Somebody put it
on my seat.

it was bartholomew.

That's what I was trying
to tell you, miss--

Ms. Wilder:

I've asked you
over and over

Not to do
such things.

Your continued
disturbances are not
fair to the others,

Who are trying
to concentrate.

Now, I am afraid
I'm going to have
to punish you.

Stand in the corner.

My pa ain't going
to like this.

Ms. Wilder: isn't.

Stand in
the corner.

Pick up my chair.

Pick it up

Pick it up, or--

or what?

You'll expel me?

I don't think so.

Today, I'd like
to introduce

To the more

I'm sorry.

I'm not feeling
well today.

Class dismissed.

Am I dismissed, too,
ms. Wilder?


Have a nice day.


Well, you're
home early.

ms. Wilder
dismissed us.

What happened?

In two words,

He kicked over
ms. Wilder's chair
on purpose.

And then he
talked back
to her.

I think
she was crying.

She's afraid
of him.

You watch your sister.

I'm going to speak
to your father about this.


Ms. Wilder.


Mr. Ingalls.
I'm sorry,

I must look
a sight.

I'm not feeling
very well today.

That's all right,
I know what happened.


I'm not one
to admit defeat,
mr. Ingalls,

But I simply
can't cope with
that slater boy.

I can't enforce

And learning has
come to a complete

Hey, now, come on.
Try to take it easy.

Have you talked
to the boy's father?


Well, to be
honest, no.

Mr. Slater said
if I couldn't
handle the boy,

He'd see that
someone was brought
in who could.

He threatened you,

Yes, I guess you
could call it that.

That's just what
a teacher needs--
a parent who believes

His child
can do no wrong.

I'm going to have
a talk with him.

Mr. Ingalls.

I need this job.

I understand that,

But your students
need an education.

Don't worry,
I'll let you know
what happens.

Mr. Slater: ingalls,
I told you, I'm a busy man.

I can't spend the day
sitting in a classroom
watching my son.

And I told you
what happened. Certainly
you can't excuse that.

Oh, I know what you
told me, and I know
what my boy told me.

Look, she asked him
to stand in the corner.
She was upset.

She got up, knocked
her chair over and
got embarrassed,

So, she blamed my son.
It's as simple as that.

That's what
he told you.
You believe him?

I'm certainly going
to believe my son
over a stranger.

Ingalls, I told you,
I'm a busy man.
If you'll excuse me.

Well, if his father's
not going to do anything
about it, I will.

Now, someone's got
to take a stick
to that boy,

And I'm just
the one to do it.

I agree with you,
almanzo, but it's
not your right.

I still say
we leave it up to
the school board.

No. I realize
you're trying to
help, mr. Ingalls,

But I've just
got to try to get
through to him.

And how do you
propose to do that?

I don't know.

Bart: going to school
is lots of fun.

From laughing,
we have gained a ton.

We laugh until
we have a pain

At lazy, lousy
eliza jane.

See you in school,
eliza jane.


That does it.

Almanzo james,
not that way.

Mr. Ingalls,
let's have that
school board meeting.


It's time to get
ready to go
to the meeting.

I'll need your vote
so we can prevent

The expulsion of
bartholomew slater.

Well, I think he
should be expelled,

And that's how
I'm going to vote.

You've taken
a leave of
your senses?

No, dear.

You mean to tell me
you're going to vote
against your wife?

That's correct.

Very well.

You leave me
no choice.

In all fairness,
I can no longer
allow you

To be a member
of the school


You heard me.

As president of the school
board, I am removing you.

I shall appoint someone else
who is more reasonable,

Who agrees with me.

Where are you going to find an
idiot that will agree with you?

oh! May I remind
you gentlemen

That mr. Slater has
pledged a considerable
amount of money

For the school
fund drive?

Now, if we
expel his son,

He most
won't give it.

And the school
most certainly
needs the money.

It most
certainly does.

And if we don't expel
bartholomew slater,
there won't be any school.

He's the
rotten apple
in the barrel.

Mrs. Oleson:
and his father is
the cream in our coffee,

And he will
probably take

His business

Mrs. Oleson:
and that includes
the mill, mr. Ingalls.

That is his privilege,
mrs. Oleson.

I don't see why
we have to sacrifice
principle for profit.

-i agree.

Well, if ms. Wilder
can't control
her class,

Perhaps we should
find another teacher
who can.

Madam chairman,
I call for
the vote.

Mrs. Oleson:
oh, yes, of course.

After all, we can't
sit around here all day

And slander that poor,
defenseless boy.

All right,
all in favor of
the expulsion,

Please, raise
their hands.

Those against.

Well, I guess
we have, uh,

Reached what is
called a stalemate,
here, gentlemen.

Bartholomew slater
will remain
in school.

Gee, that's rotten.

I sure feel awful
for ms. Wilder.


And if ms. Wilder's
leaving walnut grove,

That means manly
will be leaving,

We got to do something
to stop bartholomew

And keep ms. Wilder
in walnut grove.

We sure do.

The only problem
is bartholomew

Is too big
and strong
for us to handle.

I know.

Let me sleep
on it.

Maybe I'll come up
with something
in the morning.

Hiya, manly.

Hiya, beth.

I heard that
your sister,

Ms. Wilder,
is leaving.

That's right.

Does that mean
you'll be going,

Afraid so.

Well, why do you
have to go?

Well, I don't
want to, beth,

But my sister's
all alone,

And I feel
a responsibility.


I'll miss you.

I'll miss you,
too, beth.

You will?

Sure will.


I think I better get
this order delivered.

See you.

[Clicks tongue]


Laura, look!

I got it.

You've got what?

Look, ms. Wilder's
book on werewolves.

So what?

So, if bartholomew
is scared enough,

He wouldn't act bad
to ms. Wilder,

-So, ms. Wilder will
stay on teaching, right?

-But bartholomew is too big
for us to scare, right?

-Because we're just kids, right?

-But I wonder...

If he might not
be scared
by a werewolf.

A werewolf?
What werewolf?

Me. Come on.

A werewolf?


what on earth is that?

The school

Caroline: well,
I thought you were doing
an astronomy project.

I changed my mind.
We're making a rock.

Uh, I thought ms. Wilder
said it was supposed
to be artistic.

Well, we're just trying
to make something
artistic and practical.

and practical.


Just one

What use would
anyone possibly

For a papier-mache
rock that size?

I'll think
of one.

I see.

It's real good,
Real good.

Thanks. Now, what
about my dollar?

What dollar?

The dollar you
promised to me.

I didn't promise
you nothing.

You did.

We made a deal.

You did--i didn't.

Now, what you going to do?
Go tell ms. Wilder?

Ha, I already
got rid of her.

Real good,
Real good.

How does it look?

I think it
looks great.

But does it
look real?

Well, kind of.

But it's going to look
really real at night.

I just hope
we can get him

Oh, we will.
We have to.


-Put some right there.


That's a nice
boulder you made.

I told you,

It's going to look
really real.

what's the matter
with you?

Oh, that bartholomew.

He promised me a dollar
if I did his paper-mache
project for him.

I did, but now,
he won't pay me.

I was going to buy ma
a birthday present
with that dollar.

now, I can't.

Bet you'd like to get even
with him, wouldn't you?

I sure would.

But how?

Funny you should ask that.


Follow me.

[Harmonica playing]

I will be leaving
this school

the class

Are turned in
and graded.

Bet I get an "a."
I did a real good

My pa said so.

-[Plays harmonica]
-i will miss all of you
very much...

Or should I say,
I will miss
some of you.

Ms. Wilder: I see no use
in trying to teach in
unteachable circumstances,

So, I will dismiss
you all until tomorrow.

[Harmonica playing]

I apologize,
not only for myself,

But for the school
board, which
allowed themselves

To be bullied
by a wealthy fool.

You watch what you
say about my pa.

How did you know
I was talking
about your father?

Was it the word
"wealthy" or
the word "fool"?

[Children laugh]

Class dismissed.

Is he back
there yet?

no, not yet.

Where could
he be?

Here he comes.

Ok, take
the soap chips.
Put them in.

Come on.

Oh, that's

I know.
Just eat it,
hurry up.

Hurry up!


You thought
ms. Wilder was pretty
funny, didn't you?

I sure did.

I'm not talking
to you, I'm talking
to shorty.

I told you I was
going to get you,

And now's the time.


You sure picked
a bad time
to get him.

What's the matter
with him?

and grunting]

Looks like he's
throwing a fit.

Never mind.

Just leave
him alone.

Albert, it's ok,
it's ok. Easy, boy.

Yeah, because
if you get
him mad--

He don't
like you,

after what you did
to ms. Wilder--

He loves her.

He loves her
more than anything
in the whole world.

He'd even
die for her.


Laura: calm down.
Albert, albert!

Or k*ll.

k*ll? What are we
talking about?

[Albert growling]

Maybe he's got
the rabies.

Better take him
home, laura, fast,

-Before he turns in--
-you're right.

Come on, albert.
Let's go.

You know what's wrong
with him, don't you?

No, I don't.

You see, i--i can't
tell you. It's--

You tell me.

All right.

It's the terrible
secret of the
ingalls family.


the full moon.


So, you heard
what ms. Wilder

Was saying about
didn't you?

Well, albert
turns into a werewolf
at the full moon.

Ah, what are you
trying to do,
pull my leg?


Last month,
the day after
the full moon,

Albert the werewolf
tried to k*ll me

Just because I was
walking across
the ingalls' land.

Ah, there ain't
no werewolves
in minnesota.

maybe not home-grown,

But no one knows
where his real pa
comes from,

Maybe even transylvania.

Well, where's that?

In europe,
the balkan mountains.

They got whole packs
of werewolves.

Ah, I don't believe
any of that stuff.

Neither did i,
till I saw albert.

Then, I borrowed
ms. Wilder's book
for my project.

Here, read it
for yourself.

You believe
this bull?

I've seen

You're a liar!

I swear.

Laura chains him
in the barn when
the moon's full.

He'll be
there tonight.

If you're so brave,
why don't you go
and see?

What for?

-You scared?

I'll bet you
a dollar
you won't go.

You got a bet,

And if you
don't pay me,

I'll bust
your face.

This dad-burned thing,
I can never fix it right.

I'll fix it, pa.

Oh, thank you,

You about ready,

Soon as I give gracie
her bottle.

-There you go.
-Oh, thank you, honey.

Ma, I said
I'd feed her.

It'll only
take me
a few minutes.

Now, you know
it's going to take
longer than that.

Now, don't worry, you and pa
just have a nice dinner
at the garvey's.

All right, dear,
thank you.

Carrie, now, you go to sleep
when your sister tells you,
no arguments.

We won't be late.

ok, have a nice time.

-We will, thank you, dear.
-Thank you.

Albert, come on.

Here, you
feed grace.

You said
you would.

You want to stay up
a half an hour

I'll feed

-Got everything?

-Ok, come on.
-Where are you going?

We'll just be out in the barn.
You stay in the house.

Here, eat.

Come on,
grace, eat.


Grace, eat.

Come on, grace.

Grace, eat.
Come on.

Grace, eat.
Come on.

come on,
or I'll tell.

There's nobody
here to tell.

stop wiggling,

I'm almost through.

Let me see.


Albert, if I didn't
know it was you--

Scary, huh?

Scary? Ha,
you sure are.

You better put
these chains on.

They're going to be
here any minute.





He's in

How do you

Laura told
me so.

We'll see.

What are
you two
doing here?

We want to
see albert.

I warned him,

I don't believe
he's no werewolf.

Clarence, you told
him the ingalls'

He made me.

[Albert howls]

Are you sure
you want to see him?

Yeah, I'm sure
I want to see him.

[Albert growls]

Ok, I've got him
chained in the barn,

But I'm not responsible
if anything happens.

[Albert howls]

[Albert growls]

Good luck.

[Albert howls]


Look at him, laura--
he's worse than ever.

Must be you, bart,
because he hates you.

[Albert growls]

lord help us, he's
breaking his chains!

he's loose!
Run for your life!

[Albert growls]

Don't! Don't!

make him stop!

There's only
one thing that can
stop him now,

And that's
if you do
what he wants.

-I'll do it!

you're going to behave
in school from now on.

I'll do it!
I'll do it!

And you're
going to apologize
to ms. Wilder

And be nice to her.

I'll do it.
I'll do it.
I'll do anything.

And you're going to
tell her you're sorry
for breaking her chair.


Laura, you better
come inside!

Get in
the house,

but grace won't eat.

And albert, what are
you doing with that
paper rock you made?


Carrie: I'll play catch
with you while laura
goes to feed the baby.

You better, laura,
or I'll tell mom

You used up all the glue
on albert's face.

Can't you take a joke?


-Go ok?
-Yeah, everything went fine.

I told pa that you
had to leave early

Because you were
carrying the boulder,
and carrie didn't tell.

I said
I wouldn't.

You also said you
weren't going to
come out of the house

Last night,
but you did.

It wasn't
my fault.

It was

It just
work out.

It was silly
to try.

Well, at least you tried.
Nobody else did.


Well, I guess
there's just not much
a person can do alone.

That's it!

-What's it?

Why are we alone?

There are lots
of kids at school
who like ms. Wilder

And don't
want her to go.


Sew the buttons
on your shirt.

Come on, we got to
get to school
before bartholomew.

Laura, wait up.

laura, wait up!

Boy: hey, albert,
what's that supposed to be?

Albert: what does it
look like it is?
It's a rock!

Boy: hey!
Albert: I'll throw it on you.

Boy: why didn't you make
something good, like a cast
or something?

Albert: this is good.
Boy: oh, yeah?

[Bell rings]

Willie: ain't nowhere
near time for school.

shut up,

Come here,
all of you.

come up

See my brother's

Bartholomew slater
did that,

And we're losing
a good teacher

Because of the same

Ain't nothing
anybody could do,

He's too big!

There isn't anything
that any one can do,

But there's plenty
that all of us can do.

all of us?

yeah, all of us.

This is
our school--

Us, the children,

And it's up to us to see
that it's a good school
where we can learn.

If the school board
can't do that,

Then we're just
going to have to
do it ourselves.

Here he comes, now.

Do we
stick together,
or don't we?


Whoa, there.

You get home
right after
school, you hear?

Yes, pa.

I promised
your ma, now.
Get to school.

All right.

mrs. Oleson.

Oh, good morning,
mr. Slater.

Uh, I'll be
right with you.

Now, is there
anything else
for you?

thank you.

All right.
Add that up.

You will be
paying cash,
I take it.

We will.

That's $1.77.

Nice-looking eye
you got there,

Bartholomew, last
night, you made
some promises,

And I expect you
to keep them.

Oh, you do?


You're going to
behave in school,

And you're
going to apologize
to ms. Wilder.

And who's going to make me?

[Children yelling]

Oh, my heavens.

Leave them be,

Now, you, too!

That's my boy
they're beating up on!

You're the one
who told me

Grownups should let
kids handle things
on their own.

Well, they're
all just kids.

I--i would
just like
to say

I'm sorry for
how bad I've
been in class.

And I apologize
and promise
to be good

As long as you'll
stay on here
as teacher.

I don't know
what to say.

say "yes!"

All right.

[All cheering]
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