06x08 - The Return of Mr. Edwards

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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06x08 - The Return of Mr. Edwards

Post by bunniefuu »

Isaiah: * now old dan tucker
was a mighty good man *

* Washed his face
in a fryin' pan *

* Combed his hair
with a wagon wheel *

* And died with
a toothache in his heel *

* Get out the way
for old dan tucker *

* He's too late
to get his supper *

* Supper's over,
and dinner's cookin' *

* Old dan tucker
just stands there lookin' *


Yes, sir?

That's only
the fourth load

Out of here
this morning.
What's the holdup?

It's easier to drive
mules than men.
I'm doing my best.

Dad-burn it.
I want to finish
this job up in 2 weeks.

Why don't you
go down there

And push
them a little,
thr*aten them?

Good idea.

thr*aten them?

Tell them if they
don't start working,

You'll start

Good thing
for you, shorty,
that you're short.





Hi there, button.
What are you
doing here?

You forgot.

Never. Never!

What was I
supposed to

We were going to
have lunch together.
I made sandwiches.

Oh, dag-nab it!

Listen, I'd love to,
darling, but, uh...

You got to
keep working.

Here, here, now.
None of them
long faces, now.

The sooner I get
done working,

The sooner
we can head off

To walnut grove,


We're going to have us
a whole month's vacation
with them ingalls.

That's worth missing
lunch for, ain't it?

I can't wait.

Well, me, neither.

Tell you what.
Why don't you
give me

One of these
wonderful sandwiches
you made up here,

And I'll eat it
while we're working,
all right?

That's apple butter.
I love it!

Tell your mama
I'll be home
by dark, all right?

Bye, darling.

Man: timber!



Alicia, run!

Alicia, run!


[Crickets chirping]

"I just don't know
what to do.

"I'm at a loss
as to how to help him.

"He's just given up.

"I guess you're tired
of reading about
my troubles.

"My best
to your family,

And write soon.
Love, grace."

It's hard
to believe.

It seems like
only yesterday

He came banging
through the door
on christmas,

All covered
with icicles,

His pockets filled
with presents
for all of us.

From the letter,
it sounds as if
his mind

Is more crippled
than his body.

Well, if you
could have known
him, adam...

The kind
of man he was.

He was a mountain man.
He could do anything.

Now he's...

And mary used to
be able to see.

Now she can't.


He'll come out
of it in time.

loves him so.

If anyone can
help him, she can.

I'm not so sure
about that.

What makes you
say that?

Well, take mary.
Heaven knows
you both love her,

But when she
lost her sight,

It took an outsider
to help her.

it's too hard

For loved ones
to be firm enough.

Adam's right, pa.

I wanted you both
to feel sorry
for me.

And we did.

do you think you
could do without me

For a week or so?

Albert could take
care of the farm,

And I'm sure
jonathan could
find someone

To replace me
at the mill.

We'll do just fine.

It'll take me
2 or 3 days
to work things out.

Why don't you
write to grace
and tell her

I'll be there
to see her
as soon as I can.

Charles, what about
taking laura with you?

No, I don't
think so.

She and mr. Edwards
were so close.

If anyone can lift
his spirits, she can.

I'm just afraid it would
be too hard on her,

Seeing him like that.

She can
handle it, pa.

All right.

All right,
we'll both go.

Shorty: afternoon,
mrs. Edwards.

Hap and I was to town,
so I brought your mail.

Grace: thank you,

Shorty: you'll
give him my best.

thank you. I will.

We got some mail.

Tell shorty
to stop coming by.

He's just trying
to be helpful.

But I don't need
his help--his
or anybody else's.

Maybe you don't,
but I do.

Besides, he's
keeping the mill
going for you.

I ain't
asked him to.

A letter came
from the ingalls.

Charles and laura
are coming
for a visit.

Did you ask them
to come?

No, I didn't.

I just wrote them
about what happened.


Well, because,
isaiah, they were
expecting us.

I had to
let them know
why we couldn't go.

Didn't tell me
you were writing.

I didn't think
I had to.

You might have known
that would bring them.

Maybe I did.

Lord knows,
I can't cope

With what you're
doing to yourself.

I ain't asked you to.

Isaiah, please
don't do this to me.

You've turned
karl away,

And you're
making alicia
feel miserable.

I don't know
what to do anymore.

I told you
what to do.

I will not leave you.

Go on. Get out
of here. Go on.

I can't stand
to see you crying.
Now, go on! Get out!


When they get here,
you send them away.

Tell them I don't
want to see them.

I won't do that.

I won't have them
seeing me like this.
Did you hear me?

I won't have them
seeing me like this!



They're here!

- Hi, laura.
- Hi.

Hey, you
can't be alicia.

She was just
a little bitty thing
last time I saw her.

- I'm her.
- All of you?

All of me.

Hey, grace.

Good to see you.

I brought you
a present.

Here. I made it

Thank you
so much, laura.

Can I open it
now, ma?

Why don't you
take laura
into your room

And show her
where she can
put her things.

You can open it
in there.

Okay, come on.

I can't tell you
how happy I am
to see you, charles.


It's all right.
You let it all out.

[Door creaks]

Charles: I always said you
looked best hind end up.

You're looking well.

I'm feeling good.

How's the family?

Everybody's fine.
Laura's with me.

She's upstairs
with alicia.

You got
quite a place here.

Why'd you come,

I wanted to see you.

Besides, someone had
to bring the wagon
load here.

What load?

From all the folks
in walnut grove.

Get well gifts,
things like that.


Little charity,

Come on, it's
not charity,
and you know it.

They care about you.

Good lord, man,
I came a long way
to see you.

Good. Good.
You come to see me?

Don't want to
disappoint you,
all right?

Take a look.

Show you
how I get around.

Here you go.

No, leave it.
I don't want it.

I said leave it!

Now you watch this.


All right,
leave me be.

Now, you want to
see me, you watch.

I can crawl all over.

What do you
want, a race?

Come on,
I'll race you.

On your mark,
get set, go.

I won.

Now you can go
back home

And tell everybody
how good I crawl.

Now, go on.
Get out of here.

I said get out!

Laura's going to be in
to visit you soon.

I'll ask you not to
put on that act for her.

The stitches maybe
aren't as fine
as they should be.

Mary's better
at that, even now,

But the color
suits you.

It's beautiful.
Thank you ever
so much, laura.

Come on. Let's go
show your pa.

Why not?

He doesn't like me
to go in his room.

I don't like
going in, either.

Well, sick people
need visitors.

It cheers them up.

Not pa.

He doesn't like me
to look at him.

He shouts at me.

It scares me being
with him, laura.

It'll be all right.

Maybe he blames me.

If I hadn't been
out there--

He doesn't
blame you,

And it wasn't
your fault.


Let's go show your pa
your brand-new pinafore.

Maybe later.

You sure? I'm going
to go see him now.

Okay. I'll be right back.

[Door creaks]

If you were
a gentleman,
you'd say hello.

Well, if you was a lady,
you'd have knocked.

Turn around there, miss.

I reckon
I'm decent now.

Here. Come on now.

What are you trying to do,
strangle me to death?

Just set right there.
Let me take a look at you.

Well, you're, uh...

Looking pretty good,

You, too.

I was afraid
you'd be real sick.

Well...i reckon you're
all the medicine I needed.

Always had a soft spot
for funny-faced half-pints.

Shh. Don't you tell
mary or carrie about that.

Or grace.

little grace.

I almost forgot...
Little grace.

Look at you there,
still wearing them braids.

When are you going to
put your hair up?

Hey, wait a minute
here now.

Wait just a minute.

You got yourself
a beau.

You got a beau
sparking you?

Huh? Do you?

I found you out,
didn't i, huh?

Anybody special?

Not really.

special as you.

Well, I've always been
kind of a modest man,

But you got to admit,
there ain't many like me.

I can still spit.

You can?

Well, now, I hope
you learned something
from me besides that.

Hey, you remember
our first christmas?

Huh? Heh!

Me setting there
shivering in
my long johns.

After you walked
all that way
in the snow,

Just to bring us
our christmas

Lookie here now, uh...

You seen me
in my long johns,

You seen me
in my nightie.

I think
that's enough.

I'm getting
kind of tired.

See you later.

I feel much better
seeing you now

Because I know
you're going to
get better.


Isaiah, why don't we
get you dressed for supper?

Did you ask him
to do that?

No. He wanted to.

See, grace? That's
what you need...

A whole man,
not me.

That smells good.
I'm starving.

Soon as I give
isaiah his tray,
we can start.

[Knocks softly]

supper's ready.


[Knocks softly]


He's got
something propped up
against the door.

Open up, isaiah.
Supper's ready.

Isaiah, please.

Come on.
If he won't eat,
he won't eat.

We won't have him
spoiling supper
for the rest of us.

Here. Sit down.

[Glass shatters]

he throws things.

Maybe I could
talk to him.

[Furniture sliding]

Dear god, he's fallen.

Well, now, what
I'd like to know

Is how come you're
eating without me.

Won't you set a place
for me, grace?

Don't think I'd let
company show up here

Without me joining
them, did you?


You know, I got
to smelling this
inside there.

I tell you, it got
my juices running
like crazy.

Grace: well, just
say the blessing,
and then we'll start.

Oh, well, charles there,
he's a sometimes preacher.

Why don't you
do it, charles?

All right.

Dear lord, thank you
for all your blessings

And for good friends.

May we be deserving.


Well, now, it sure
beats eating alone.

What are you staring
at over there?

You didn't expect
I was going to spend

The rest of my life
in bed, did you?

Boy, it sure
is good.

Mmm...i'm glad
you like it.

You know what?
I think I'm getting
my appetite back.

You know what
I got a taste for?

I got me
a taste for some
real good venison.

You still do
any hunting,
do you, charles?

No, not much. Hunting's
not too good around
walnut grove anymore.

Reason for that
is there's too much
civilization around there.

Tell you what,
the hunting's real
good around here.

Maybe I'll take
a day off,

See if I can find
something in my sights.

Not without me,
you ain't.

Isaiah, you're
barely out of bed

all these weeks,

And you're talking
about going hunting?

Ain't that
just like a woman?

I tell you,
she's been after me.

She's been
nagging at me,

"Get up.
Stir your stump,"

And the minute
I want to,

She turns right
around and says no.

I didn't say no.

I reckon I can still
set me a horse.

See, what I'll do is
I'll let the horse
do all the work

And get me up
to game country.

Then all I got
to do is find
a deer trail,

Then just hunker
down in the bushes,

Don't you see?

Just set there
and wait

For some big old
buck to come to me.

What do you say,
charles? That idea
appeal to you?

I'd sure like to
see you trying.

What, you don't think
I can do it?

Listen here.

There ain't
nothing in this
whole wide world

I can't do once
I set my mind to it.

Can I go with you, pa?

Isaiah: now listen,
hunting ain't for
squeamish females.

I wasn't squeamish
in my whole life.

Please? I won't
get in the way.

Females are always
in the way.

Pa, can I go,

All right, you can go.

It's a bad idea.
Bad idea.

You're not going
to want to eat
my camp cooking,

And I'm not going to
eat your camp cooking,
so let her come.

I just wish everybody
would stop talking

And eat the food
that's in front of them
while it's still hot.

Yes, dear.

Can't wait
to get up in
them mountains,

Get the smell
of them woods.

Well, now,
come on, alicia.

Eat your supper there
and quit talking.

Lookie there--grinny
must have broke down.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Isaiah: * I come to town
the other night *

* To hear the noise
and see the fight *

* Watchman, he was
running around *

* Sayin' old dan tucker
come to town *

* Get out the way
for old dan tucker *

* He's too late
to get his supper *

* Supper's over,
and dinner's cookin' *

* Old dan tucker
just stands there lookin' *

* Hoo

* Old dan tucker
fine old man *

* Washed his face
in a fryin' pan *

* Combed his hair
with a wagon wheel *

* And died with
a toothache in his heel *

* Get out the way
for old dan tucker *

* He's too late
to get his supper *

* Supper's over,
and dinner's cookin' *

* Old dan tucker
just stands there lookin' *

[Crickets chirping]

asleep already.

I figured you'd be
pretty tuckered out by now.

No. Must be the good
mountain air.

You know,
this used to be
an indian trail.

Years ago,
a sioux named
seize a black crow

Showed it to me.

You look around here
on some of these rocks,

You'll find some
of their paintings.

Some say that they're
signs that it's good
hunting ground.

Others say that
the pictures make
the deer curious,

And they come up
real close
to get a look

And get
within bow shot.

That sounds a little
far-fetched to me.

Ah, maybe.

Maybe so.

Learned a lot from
seize a black crow.

He was
quite a fellow.

Dead now.

Blackie couldn't
hunt no more,

So one day he just
up and took off,

Went off
in the woods to die.

I reckon because
he felt useless.

Well, got
a big day tomorrow,

So better
get some sleep.

Good night, charles.

Good night.

[Charles loading r*fles]

Sun's up,
and so are we.

You're all ready.
Why didn't you wake me?

Because it takes
a prince to wake up
sleeping beauty.

I'll be ready
in a minute.

Now wait a minute.
Your pa and I
are going alone.

When we get back,
we want

A great big giant
rib-sticking breakfast
waiting for us.

Pa, can't I go
with you?

We'll be going again
late this afternoon.

You can come
with us then.


Wait a minute.
No complaining here.

You're the one
who wanted to come
on this trip.

Now get to cooking.

He's right.
We'll see you
in a little while.

No matter where they are
or what they're doing,

Women always end up
in the kitchen.

Fresh spoor.
Pretty big buck,

Judging by
where he rubbed
on the tree.

We're downwind
of him.

Yeah. I'll just
hunker down here.

Why don't you
circle on ahead?

What with all the noise
you were making,

You ought to scare him
right back here.

All right.



What in god's name
are you doing?

Leave me be.

Go on back to camp.
Let me die.

So that's what this
was all about.

You make it look
like an accident.

Then I go back,
and I tell grace
that you tripped.

You name me
a better way.

All right, we're
going back home now.


We're going
back home,

And I'm not going
to say anything
about this.

I'm not going back.

I'll tie you
to the horse
if I have to.

Charles, please...

Look, I'm half a man.

I don't want to spend
the rest of my life

Being a burden
to grace.

Please! Let me
do it my way.


Hi, pa. Did you
get anything?

Breaking camp.
Going back.

mr. Edwards?

Not far.
Now do as I say

And don't ask
any questions.

Get the gear
packed and loaded
on the horses.

Is he hurt?


I don't want to
talk about it now.

Just see the horses
are ready when I
get him back here.


Charles: edwards!

Going to hide your tracks
in the river, huh?

You're more of a fool
than I thought you were.

Come on.

We're going back.


Stop it!
Stop it!

What are you
doing here?

I told you
to stay in camp.

No, you didn't.

Well, I'm
telling you now.

Pa, what's wrong?
Why are you fighting?

She ought to hear
that from you.

Got no right
to interfere.

I'm bent on it,

And I'm
going to do it--

Here and now
or after you go.

If I do it that way,

It's going to be
harder on grace.

Now give me that r*fle
and get out of here.

All right, you're so bent
on dying, I won't stop you,

But I won't be
a part of it either.

No g*n. We'll just
leave you here.

You want to die,
you do it without
any help from me.

Come on.

- Pa, no!
- Come on.

Mr. Edwards, come
with us, please!

- Half-pint, stop it!
- No!

Stop it!

Now go back to camp.

I'm sorry I had to
slap you back there.

I was having
so much trouble
with edwards,

I didn't want
you falling
apart on me.

I want you to take
the horses back
to the road head

And wait
for me there.

Then you're not
going to leave him?

No, I'm not
going to leave him.

Pa, I was so scared.

I know.

I'm still scared,
because I don't know
what I'm going to do.

Well, we can put him
on the horse

And make him
go back.

And then what?

Tell grace to watch
him every minute

Because he's set
on dying?

No, that's the only
thing he's right about.

It'd be 1,000 times
worse to her and alicia.

What are you
going to do?

I really don't know.

I better get back to him,
I don't want to leave
him alone too long.

Now, you go to the
road head, you make
camp and wait.

Yes, sir.

I'll pray for him.

I sent laura
back to the road.

Why'd you come back?

I don't know.

What are you
going to do,

Just sit there
and wait to die

Like that old indian
friend of yours?

It's the only choice
you gave me,

You know,
I was talking
to some fellow

A couple
of months back...

From albany,
new york.

He said they got
a new invention there.

It's called
the electric chair.

Supposed to be more
humane than hanging.

Isn't that something?

They got something
like that for folks
that don't want to die.

They ain't got nothing
for folks that do.

You want to be
humane, charles?

Then leave me
that r*fle and go.

I'm afraid
I can't do that.

I'll see if I can
find me some supper.

Help him, lord.

Give him
a reason to live.

He's given up
on himself,

And I just don't know
what to do.

Please show me the way.


You're safe today,
big fellow.

Hey, go on. Git.

[Rock splashes]

"Show me the way."

"Show me the way."


Charles: edwards!


Over here!

God almighty, man,
what happened?

Looks like we
got that hunting
accident after all.

I should have
left you the r*fle.

Here. Let me
take a look.

No. I'm gut-shot.
I got to have a doctor.

Get to laura.

I can't make that,
not without a horse.

You have to.

Go on. Get going.

Please, get going!

Isaiah: laura!

Mr. Edwards!

What's wrong?

There's been
an accident.

You're going to
have to ride
for the doctor.

Pa? Is it pa?

I don't know
how it happened.

Charles: that's right,
you don't.


Pa, you're
bleeding bad.

No, no.
I'm all right.

I must have got some
of that buck's blood
on me, I guess.

You mean
you ain't shot?

Don't sound
so disappointed.

I'm supposed to be
your friend, remember?

God almighty, man,
I thought you were dying.

I almost k*lled
myself getting back
here to save you.

I thought
k*lling yourself

Was your idea
in the first place.

I was having a hard time
keeping up with you.

You move pretty good
when you're thinking

About somebody
besides yourself.


Soon as your pa
rests up,

We'll head back home.

Like I say, I got
a taste for venison.

Isaiah: * old dan tucker
fine old man *

* Washed his face
in a frying pan *

* Combed his hair
with a wagon wheel *

* Died with a toothache
in his heel *

* Get out the way
for old dan tucker *

* He's too late
to get his supper *

* Supper's over,
and dinner's cookin' *

* Old dan tucker
just stands there lookin' *

I'll walk from here.

You know, ingalls...

One of these days,
I'm going to tell you
what I think of you.

Grace: isaiah.

It's almost
like a miracle,
isn't it, pa?

Not almost, half-pint.

Not almost.

Tck tck.
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