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01x19 - Punky Brewster's Workout

Posted: 02/14/22 07:25
by bunniefuu
[theme song]

♪ Maybe the world is blind

♪ Or just a little unkind

♪ Don't know

♪ Seems you can't be sure

♪ Of anything anymore

♪ Although

♪ You may be lonely and then

♪ One day you're smilin' again

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ I see the girl that turns
my world around ♪

♪ Standing there

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ Her spirit's lifting me
right off the ground ♪

♪ What's gonna be

♪ Guess we'll just wait

♪ And see ♪

[dog barks]

[instrumental music]

Hello! Everybody on the set.

Lights, camera, action!

Henry, what in the world?

Holy Macanoli! A movie camera.

Henry: Better than that!

A video camera.
It goes with my new VCR.

VCR? What's that?

You know, Cherie, it's a video
castanet recorder.

Henry: Video cassette recorder.

Yeah, that's what I said.

Henry: Okay, Mrs. Johnson,
let's have a big smile.

Unh-unh, don't point
that thing at me.

A camera adds ten pounds to me.

Henry: I planned ahead.
This is a wide-angle lens.

I've caught the real you.

Well, you're gonna catch
a right hook

if you don't
turn that thing off!


You don't want videos,

I can hook this baby up
to the TV

and we can record
any programs we want.

Henry, I'm proud of you.

I do believe this is
the first time

you've shelled out money for
something that is actually fun!

This isn't fun.

This is business.

Nowadays, a photographer
needs video equipment.

People don't just want
photographs of their weddings,

they want a video tape
of the whole shebang.

- Can I try it?
Henry: Hold it!

This is complicated
and delicate equipment.

It should never be touched
by children.

But, Henry...

Under no circumstances

are you, Punky Brewster,

to touch this machine.

But, Henry...

For that matter, I don't even
want you near it.

Okay, Henry.
I won't go near it.

[instrumental music]

Punky: And there's
a zoom lens, too.

Allen: We need a zoom lens
to see it.

Allen, Henry says I can't even
go near it.

Punky, this is ridiculous!

You're a prisoner
in your own home.

Maybe we could go over
and look at it.

- Yeah!
- Oh!

Hold it!

But we can't touch it.

Not even you?

I'm the main person
that can't touch it.

Punky, I wanna be on TV.

We could all be on TV.

- Yeah.
- Yeah!

We could, but we can't.

This is for Henry's work.

He's gonna take it to weddings,

and tape the whole shebagangs.

All: Okay!

But it sure would be fun
to make a video.

"A Day In The Life
Of Margaux Kremer."

Can't you see it?

No. I'm not allowed
to see horror films.


Besides, if we were gonna
make a film,

which we're not,
but if we were,

this is my place, my camera.

The star of the show
should be me.

But I can sing, dance,

and I'm as cute as a button.

What can Punky do?

She can knock your block off.

Good point.

So, Punky, what kind of video
would you like to star in?

I really like Jane Fonda's
exercise tape.

Maybe we can make one
for kids.

- Wow!
- What a great idea?

"Punky Brewster's Workout."

- Alright!
- Yeah!

I can direct it.
And you guys can be in it.

- Yeah, come on!
- Yeah, that's terrific!

Too bad we can't do it.

All: Yeah.

Of course, Henry won't be home
until : .

All: Yeah?

But it would be wrong to do it.

All: Yeah.

Let's go for it!

All: Yeah!


Allen: Hey, Punky, hurry up!

Margaux: Yeah, we want
to see our video.

Punky: I'm rewinding.
Hold your horses.

- Okay, here it is.
Allen: Alright, here we are!

Cherie: Quiet, quiet.
Allen: Alright.

[Allen giggles]

[dramatic music]

Hi, kids.

Punky Brewster,
here with a children's guide

to physical fitness.

Exercise with me

and you'll all have Punky Power!

But first, I'd like to introduce
my assistants.

This is Cherie.

She's shy.

This is Margaux.

She's not.

That's Margaux Kramer
with a K.

Look for my exercise tape.
It'll be coming out soon.

But, until then,

we'll do my tape.

Now, to start off, we have to
loosen all our muscles.

Let's shake.


All: Allen!

Allen: Sorry,
it looked like fun.

Okay. Now we're all shook up.

It's time to start our first
aerobic exercise.

[instrumental music]

To start off,
let's try running in place.

[upbeat music]

If you get bored of that,

you can try running
around the place.


Oh, Brandon!


You know, everybody loves
in-between meal snacks.

But the trouble is, they can
turn you into a little lardo.

But, if you exercise
while you're eating,

you'll keep the lard off.

All: Watch this!

[instrumental music]

Try this exercise
with chocolate.

I think you'll like it.

Hey, Allen, get a close-up
of this!

Punky: Not that close.

Allen: I'll get it.
I'll get it.

[music continues]

What's aerobi-homework you ask?

Good question.

It's a way to jazz up

your boring math problems.

Let's see.

Four times three is...

One, two, three, four.

Five, six, seven, eight.

Nine, ten, eleven, twelve.

All: Four times three is twelve.

See, aerobi-homework
is no sweat!

[phone rings]

Even answering the phone
could be a healthy exercise.


- Henry?
Allen: Oh-oh!

Oh, Henry, we're just fine.

We're doing our homework. Bye.

Allen, he was on the phone.
Not in the apartment.

Allen: Sorry, I panicked.

[instrumental music]

Punky: You know, my dog,
Brandon, is in great shape.

And I figured out why.

It's because he walks
on four legs all the time.

Let's try it.


Boy! I'm exhausted.

I'm dog tired.

No wonder your tongue hangs out
all the time, Brandon.

Punky: Another pet
we can learn from

is Cherie's fish, Slugger.

Have you ever seen a guppy
with a double chin?

Of course not.

That's because they exercise

their little guppy faces.

Girls! Okay, are you ready?

- Guppy, guppy, guppy...
- Guppy, guppy, guppy...

I refuse to make a fish face.

Fine, then you can go home.

- Guppy, guppy, guppy...
- Guppy, guppy, guppy...

Well, my lips are shot.

I guess that about wraps up
for today.

And remember, kids...

All: You won't be chunky

if you workout with Punky!

[dramatic music]



All: Alright, Brandon!

- You did a good job.
- Whoa!

That was terrific!

You know, watching that made me
realize something about myself.

- What?
- I'm incredibly beautiful.

Cherie, you made
a great guppy face.

Thanks, Allen.

Wow! My first fish kiss.

Hey, Punky, let's make
another movie!

- Yeah!
- No, we can't.

Henry will be back soon.

If he catches me with his stuff,
I'll be history.

Come on, Punky. We've got time
for one more.

Allen, give me that camera.

- Come on!
- Wait, we still got time for--


[dramatic music]

[instrumental music]

The lens is cracked.

Punky, you're dead meat.

I knew we never should have
played with it.

Maybe we can get it fixed
before Henry finds out.

- Yeah.
- Yeah!

I've got four dollars
and eight cents.

How about you guys?

My grandma's gonna give me

Great! When?

Next Christmas.


Sorry, all my money's
in T-bills.

I guess the right thing to do
is tell Henry the truth.

Isn't there some wrong thing
we could try first?

Maybe Henry will understand
when we explain it to him.

All: We?


All: Bye!

Well, Brandon, looks like
it's just you and me.

[dramatic music]

Oh, thanks, Brandon.

Hello, Punky!

- How was your day?
- Hunky-dory, Henry.

You did the laundry?

Yeah, and before that, I washed
and dried the morning dishes.

Before that, I vacuumed
the whole place.

Honestly, Henry, I think
this apartment is where

old dust balls go to die.

You did all these tasks

No, I wore an apron.

What I mean is, why did you do
all these chores?

Look, I thought today should be
Henry's Appreciation Day.

- Really?
- Yup.

Alright, Punky.
What's the catch?

What are you up to?

Up to?

Did you flunk a spelling test?

Did you lose the milk money?

You must've done
something wrong.

Boy, Henry, that hurts!

Here, I spend my whole afternoon

doing nice things for you

and you think I did
something wrong?

Well, that's a fine
"How do you do?"

I'm sorry, Punky.

It's such a wonderful surprise.

Just to prove to you
how grateful I am,

I'll spend the rest
of the afternoon

taking pictures of you
with my new video camera.

That's what you think.


I said, don't you think
I look like a mess

after doing all this
house work?

On the contrary,
I think you look adorable.

I'm afraid, Henry.

Oh, come on.
Let me sh**t you.

Please don't use the word
"sh**t you."

I'll be ready in a second.

Just let me move...


Oh, for heaven's sake!

I don't believe this.
I cracked the lens.

You did?

How could I have been
so careless?

Is the camera ruined?

- No.
- Oh, good.

But I'll have to buy a new lens,

and that'll cost
a small fortune.

Oh, bad.

What a clumsy idiot!

Don't be so hard
on yourself, Henry.

Accidents happen.

Believe me, I know.

Well, Punky,

I already spent more than
I could afford

when I bought this gear.

And now just because
of my clumsiness,

I'm gonna have to break down
and agree to photograph

Mrs. Wopperman's Pekinese.

It's like looking at a rat
with hair.

Dogs can't help how they look.

I was talking about
Mrs. Wopperman.


Punky, you know what really
makes me feel foolish?


I ordered you to stay away
from this equipment,

and who ends up breaking it?


Henry, could I help you
pay for a new lens?

Aww. No thanks, honey.

I broke the lens. I'll have to
pay for a new one.

But thanks for the offer.

You know what you are, Punky?


You're the best daughter
a father could ever have.

[mellow music]

Brandon, don't look at me
like that.

I know I'm a worm.

I'm lower than the lowest low.

You didn't have to agree
with me.

Look at it this way.

Henry thinks
he broke the camera.

And I got away with it.

Even a worm deserves
to get lucky once in a while.

I know. I know.

I should tell Henry the truth.

But on the other hand, what
he doesn't know won't hurt him.

I know. I know.

I don't buy that either.

If I tell Henry the truth,

then he'll really lower
the boom on me.

Okay, Brandon.

You win.

I'll call Henry in here
and spill the beans.

Here goes.

[whispers] Henry, Henry,
I broke your camera.

He must not care.
See how well he took it?

Well, goodnight, Brandon.

You're getting on my nerves,

[exhales] I know. I know.

It's time to finally come clean.

Wish me luck.

Henry, Henry!

Punky, why aren't you asleep?

I can't sleep.
I've got auntziety.

Aunt who?


My stomach is nervous.

My head itches.

I've got auntziety.

[sighs] Oh!


Yeah, that's what I said.

You sure it's not the flu?

There's a lot of that
going around.

Nope, what I catched

I didn't catch from anybody.

I definitely gave it to myself.


Would you like to talk about it?



Have you ever had a bottle of
shampoo with a bubble in it?


I've lived a long time.

Well, you know how if you

turn the bottle of shampoo
upside down,

the bubble's gonna flow
to the top...

and if you turn it to its side,

it's gonna flow to the top, too?


Is there any point to all this?

Yes. That's what's going on
in my stomach.

You drank shampoo?

No. It just feels like
one of those bubbles.

Except this bubble talks to me.

A talking bubble?

What does it say?

It says...

"Fess up, Punky.
Tell Henry the truth."

What truth?


You didn't break your camera,
I did.

You did?

Yes. I disobeyed you.

And I was playing with it,
and I broke it.

I feel terrible.

And I'm really sorry.

Is there anything else
you want to say?

Let me check my bubble.

No, that's it.

You know, Punky,

that talking bubble
inside of you

is a very special friend.

It's your conscience.

And when it starts talking,
you better listen to it,

because it's telling you
the difference

between right and wrong.

Punky, I'm proud of you.

- You are?
- Yes.

If you hadn't confessed, you
might've gotten away with this

and that would've been wrong.

That's what my bubble said.

However, you did disobey me,

and for that
you have to be punished.

My bubble didn't say
anything about that.

Since you've shown me

that you're grown up enough
to tell the truth,

I think you're grown up enough
to choose your own punishment.

Oh, okay.

How about this?
No TV for an hour.

Don't you think
it's a little light?

Oh, okay, I suppose.

How about this?

I've to swim across
Lake Michigan

with tractor tires
tied to my ankles.

That sounds a little
too excessive.


How about this?

I've to do extra chores
to help pay for the new lens.

That sounds reasonable.

Boy, do I feel better now.

So do I.

You see, Punky, a few minutes
before you called me in here,

I found out that
you'd been playing

with my new video camera.

And I was wondering

if you had broken the lens
and not me.

How did you find out
I was playing with it?

Never mind.

Right now, it's time for you
to go to sleep.

- Goodnight.
- Goodnight, Henry.

Oh, Punky,
do I have a double chin?


Well, I don't wanna get one.

I'd better do some guppy faces.

[instrumental music]

[theme music]