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01x16 - Henry Falls in Love: Part 2

Posted: 02/14/22 07:24
by bunniefuu
[theme song]

♪ Maybe the world is blind

♪ Or just a little unkind

♪ Don't know

♪ Seems you can't be sure

♪ Of anything anymore

♪ Although

♪ You may be lonely and then

♪ One day you're smiling again

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ I see the girl
who turns my world around ♪

♪ Standing there

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ Her spirit's lifting me
right off the ground ♪

♪ What's gonna be

♪ Guess we'll just wait

♪ And see ♪


Punky: Last week
on "Punky Brewster..."

Henry ran into
his high school sweetheart.

- Maggie!
- Henry!

Come on, Henry. Admit it,
she pops your cork.

Henry and Maggie are in love.

See, if Henry and Maggie
get married

then we'll be a family
of a dad and a mom.

Here are your menus.

"Veal Pajamas?"

Punky: I made this romantic
evening for Henry and Maggie.

Will you marry me?

Yes, Henry, I will.

Punky: We were gonna be
a real family until...

I have the perfect solution.

I know a marvelous boarding
school in Switzerland.

Henry: Boarding school?
Absolutely not.

I want Punky with me.

Looks like it's time for us
to hit the road again.

Nothing should stop Henry
and Maggie from getting married.

Last time, it was Pearl Harbor,

this time,
it won't be Punky Brewster.

Punky: And now, part two
of "Henry falls in love."

[instrumental music]



Cherie. Down here.

What took you so long?

Well, I couldn't sneak out
'til grandma fell asleep.

But she conked right out
when Merv Griffin came on.

Well, thanks for coming down.

So what happened? Did Henry
ask Maggie to marry him?

- Yeah.
- Alright!

Whoa, Cherie, whoa.

Let me tell you the bad news.

Henry and Maggie
got in a big fight.

What about?


Maggie wants to put me
in a boarding school

so she and Henry can travel
around the world.

Henry got mad
and said he couldn't

'cause he had to stay here
and take care of me.


I don't want Henry
to lose Maggie

and as long as I'm around,
they'll never get married.

So, I gotta split.

Where are you gonna go?


West? Why West?

'Cause I wanna buy a wanch.

I mean, I wanna buy a ranch.

I'm pretty sure I can afford it.

I got eight dollars saved.

Is eight dollars enough?

Sure. You always can buy things
cheaper if you pay cash.

Punky, I'll never see you again.

Sure, you will.

You can come down to my ranch

and we'll punch cows together.

I've never punched cows.

Do they punch back?

Of course not.

Punching them doesn't
make them mad,

that's how you get milk
out of them.

Oh. Sounds great.

Cherie, will you keep an eye
on Henry while I'm gone?

He's got a tricky ball gladder.

If he doesn't eat right,
he may get ball stones.

Okay, I'll watch out for him.


I want you to have my favoritest
thing in the world,

next to Brandon, my dog.

Wow, your skate key.

Thanks, Punky.

I don't have anything
to give you.


Here. I was eating this cupcake
when you called.

I haven't got
to the cream filling yet.

Well... thanks.

I gotta go now.

You're the best friend
any girl ever had.

So are you, Punky.
I'm really gonna miss you.

I'm gonna miss you too.



- See ya.
- So long.


[instrumental music]


Henry, don't wake her up.

- I can't wake her up.
- Why not?

Because she's not here.

- Look. There's a note.
- What does it say?

It says, "There is a note
in the toy chest."

Punky: Dear Henry,
I don't wanna stand in the way

of you and Maggie
getting married.

With me gone,
you don't have to argue

about boarding school anymore.

The rest of this note
is in the closet.

Now that I'm gone, you guys can
travel all over the world.

France, China...

even New Jersey.

I hope you and Maggie are
very happy together.

And, Henry?

as a foster dad,

on a scale of one to ten,

you are a ten thousand.

I'll always love you...


- Where could she have gone?
- I don't know.

- Maybe there's another note.
- Don't be silly.

If there was another note,
she would've left a note.

Oh, Henry, this is all my fault.

- No, it's my fault.
- No, it's my fault.


This isn't anyone's fault.

Maggie... there's something
you don't know.

Before Punky came to me,
she was abandoned by her mother.

Oh, no.

Now I understand

why you don't want to send her
to boarding school.

She hasn't been gone long.
Maybe I can catch her.

[dramatic music]

Maggie, would you mind
staying here

in case Punky calls
or comes back?

Of course not,
and I'll phone her friends

and find out if anybody's
heard from her.

Thanks. Whatever we do,
we shouldn't panic.

Henry, that's my coat.

Well, what's it doing on me?

[instrumental music]

[dramatic music]

Come on, Brandon.

[music continues]


[music continues]

[Punky sighs]

Oh, Brandon, I'm sorry.

I didn't know
it was gonna be this cold.

I wish Henry would have fallen
in love in July.

Boy, I am so tired.

I've gotta take a little nap.

[instrumental music]


Hey, neat-a-roo.
It's sort of like a house.

Thanks, Brandon.

Maybe we shouldn't go in.

Remember what happened
to Goldilocks?


You're right, Brandon.

The only bears in Chicago
are football players.


Anybody home?

Brandon, it's nice
and warm in here.

We're gonna be snug
as a bug in a rug.

Hold it. A great place like this
has to belong to somebody.

What if that somebody
catches us here?


[dramatic music]

[instrumental music]



And don't try anything, buster.
I know carrotootty.

That's karate.

I know that too.

Relax, kid, I'm not a weirdo.

Oh, yeah? Well, weirdoes never
look like weirdoes.

That's what makes them weirdoes.

Hey, you know, it's dangerous
for a little girl

to be out alone
in the streets at night.

What's your name anyway?

What's yours?

I asked you first.

I asked you second.

So you tell me first
and I'll tell you second.

At the same time. Go.

- Zack.
- Punky.

You're Pack?

You're Zunky?

I'm Punky.

I'm Zack.

Is this your place?


It's really great.


Decorations, compliments
from Mr. Goodwrench.

You've got everything
you need... right here.

Hey, get your feet
off my kitchen.

I gotta eat here.


What are you cooking?

My usual.

I dump four packets
of Cup-a-Soup here

and presto, I got pot o'soup.

Do you need dessert?

Got half a cupcake.

Punky, welcome to dinner.

[instrumental music]

Thank you, Mrs. Kramer.

And you'll let us know
if you hear anything.



- Is she back?
- Ah!

No, dear.

Maggie, this is a sick world
we live in.

I asked a dozen people
if they had seen Punky.

I told them she was lost
in a blizzard.

They just looked at me
and laughed.

Sick. Sick!



[knocking on door]

Excuse me for barging in,
but it's about Punky.

- Have you seen her?
- No.

But Cherie knows something.
I can tell.

She got that Tweety Bird look
in her eye.

Tweety Bird?

That's right.

I used to have a beautiful,

Tweety Bird plate.

I kept it sitting out on
my what-not shelf.

The one in the corner,
not the one behind the sofa.

What does this
have to do with Punky?

I'm getting to that.

So, one day I come home

and my Tweety Bird plate is not
on the what-not.

It had flew the coop.

So I say to Cherie,

"What happened
to my Tweety Bird plate?"

And what do you think she said?

- What?
- Nothing.

She just looked at me
with the same look

she has on her face now.

And behind her back,
she was holding the only thing

that was left of that plate.

A piece of Tweety's tail.


if you know
something about Punky, tell us.

If I tell you,
are you gonna spank her?

- No.
- Are you gonna spank me?


Just tell us.

Where did she go?

Well, alright.

She went...


[instrumental music]

So, how'd you, uh, come up
with a name like "Brandon?"

I named him after the guy
who played Superman's father.

Marlo Brandon.


That's Marlon Brando.

It is?

Shh. Don't tell the...


Oh. Okay.

So, what's the story behind, uh,
you and Superman's father here?

We ran away from home.

Well, I figured.

But, uh, what was the problem?

I was in the way.


Did you have to sleep
in a teeny room

with a bunch
of smelly brothers and sisters?

No. I had my own room.

It was really neat.

Then your dad probably yelled
at you all the time, right?

No. Henry is the nicest,
sweetest man in the whole world.

I left because he wants
to get married.

I get it. She's a mean,
old bag who hates you.

No, she's nice and pretty

and very rich and likes
to buy me lots of neat things.

Let me get this straight.

Your dad's the nicest guy
in the world,

and the woman
he wants to marry is rich

and likes to buy you
nice things?

- Yeah.
- And you ran away from home?

- Yeah.
- What are you? Nuts?

You just don't understand.

Henry won't get married
'cause he's stuck with me.

That is the worst reason
I've ever heard

for running away from home.

Well, what's a good reason?

I can give you a hundred.

From personal experience.

You ran away from home, too?

No, I'm just here on
the junkyard exchange program.

Why did you run away from home?

'Cause bad things were happening
at my house.

What kind of things?

Just bad things.

Things I don't wanna
talk about right now, okay?

Anyway, I can't go home.

But you can.

No, I can't.

Henry says,
"When you make up your bed,

you have to lie in it."


Speaking of bed,
aren't you tired?

- No.
- I am too. I'm pooped.

Listen, kid. Your old man
must be real worried about you.

So why don't you just
tell me where you live

and I'll take you home.

[instrumental music]

I wish you could talk.


Mm, something smells good.
What is it?

It's one
of the international cocoas.

It's their Swiss Mocha
harvest blend.

All the rich,
classy people drink it.

- You want some?
- Sure.


Thanks, Zack, for everything.

A place to sleep, the cocoa.

You're a real good friend.

And nobody would ever
think of looking for me here.



Young lady, I should take you
over my knee.

But, first, I wanna hold you
in my arms.

What are you guys doing here?

What do you think
we're doing here?

You got eloped and came
to tell me the good news.

No. We are here
to take you home.

Thank you for calling us, Zack.

What? You called them? How
did you know my phone number?

Brandon told me.

He did?

I knew he was smart,
but not that smart.

[Zack chuckles]

Your number's on his dog tag.

So I just got on the horn
to Henry

and gave him directions here.

Ah, some directions.

"Turn right
to the burned out Studebaker,

hang a left to
the Olds Cutlass,

and look behind the pile
of Pintos."

I drove right past the Pintos.

Ah, most people do.

Zack, I don't understand.

Why did you rat on me?

Hey, I did you a favor.

You shouldn't have run away.

But you ran away
and you've got a great life.

Think again, kid.

This might seem like a great
life after one night,

but try being out here
for six months.


It's tough being all alone.

One time I got real sick,

and there was no one
to take care of me.

I'll tell you
something else too.

A lot of people will take
advantage of runaways.

I've gotten robbed and beat up.

Most nights,
I go to sleep hungry.


Look, Punky.

Be grateful, you have a choice
about going home

because I don't.

Believe me, I would trade places
with you in a second.


Let's go home.

But I'll just be in the way.

Of what?

You and Maggie getting married.


Maggie and I now agree,

you should not
go to a boarding school.

Yippee! Does that mean
you guys are getting married?

- No.
- No.

You're not?

Honey, Henry and I have
several differences

that need to be resolved.

Things that have nothing
to do with you.

So we've decided
not to jump into marriage.

That's right.

Now, maybe things will
work out for us,

or maybe I'll have
other lady friends.

- What?
- Or not.

But no matter what happens

I don't want you to run away
ever again.


Okay. I'm sorry, Henry.

I'll never run away ever again.

Way to go, short stuff.

- Thank you, Zack.
- Ah, forget it.

Zack, why don't you go home?

Don't you think your parents
might be worried?

The only thing
that they're worried about

is that I might come back.

Why don't you give 'em a call?
You might be surprised.

Yeah. Maybe sometime.

How about right now?
I have a phone in my limo.

You have a limo?

Yeah! A Rollers Royce!

I guess I wouldn't mind
making a call from there.

And then maybe after,
we could take your car

for a little spin, huh?


And we could stop at a place
called Fenster Hall

that's a shelter

where you could get a warm meal
and decent place to sleep.

That sounds okay.

I bet I'd be the first kid

to show up in a Rolls, huh?

There's only one way
to find out.

Can I drive us there?

Do you know how to drive?

There's only one way
to find out.

[instrumental music]

Well, Punky, ready to go home?



Home is where the heart is.

You know what I think?

What's that?

I think home is where Henry is.

Come on, Brandon.

[instrumental music]

[theme music]

[music continues]