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01x11 - Bye Bye, My

Posted: 02/14/22 07:20
by bunniefuu
[theme music]

♪ Maybe the world is blind

♪ Or just a little unkind

♪ Don't know

♪ Seems you can't be sure

♪ Of anything anymore

♪ Although

♪ You may be lonely and then

♪ One day you're smiling again

♪ Every time

♪ I turn around

♪ I see the girl
who turns my world around ♪

♪ Standing there

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ Her spirit's lifting me
right off the ground ♪

♪ What's gonna be

♪ Guess we'll just wait
and see ♪♪

[dog barks]

[instrumental music]

Now, come out,
wherever you are.

Stop hiding,
you naughty girl.

[knocking on door]

Punky, are you ready for...

Well, I love what you've done
with the place.

I'm trying to find My.

Your what?

- Not my what, my My.
- Oh, your doll.

Punky, couldn't you have
given her a decent name?

She does have a decent name.

Her name is My.

"My" is not a name.

Betsy Wetsy is a name.

Henry, she was the first doll
I ever had.

And I wanted everybody
to know she was mine.

So, I called her "My."


Now, into bed.

I can't sleep without My.

She needs me
to hug her at night.

I'm sure you'll both survive.

Now hop in.

Wait a minute,
here's your doll.

At least, most of it.

Oh, My, you've lost
your head again.

Henry, we have to find it.


Brandon, stop that!
You'll give her a headache.


Your face is dripping
with dog germs.

Henry, looks like you're
going to have to put on

My's head again.

Punky, this doll has had it.

She's been
to the dolly hospital.

She's had four
major head glues.

I think the kindest thing
is to pull the plug

and send her
to the dolly funeral home.

Don't say that,
you'll hurt her feelings.

The doll has no head.

Hurt feeling is the least
of its problem.

Henry, will you fix her,
just one more time?


I don't have time right now.

Maybe next week.

Henry, how would you like
if your head fell off

and the doctor said,

"Sorry, I don't have time
to put it on right now?"

"Maybe next week."

I'd understand
how busy he was,

and I'd bring
my head back a week later.



I'll fix it tomorrow.

Thanks, Henry.

Sweet dreams.

[door closes]

Goodnight, My.

What did you say?

Oh, don't worry,
dolls can't get rabies.

[instrumental music]

Are you ready,
Dr. Anderson?

Yup, my hands are sterile.

Are you sure you know
what you're doing?

Don't worry.

Have you put the patient
to sleep yet?

She will be, just as soon
she counts backwards from ten.

She's under.

Alright, it's time to operate.

- Ready, Dr. Brewster?
- Ready.

- You ready, Dr. Johnson?
- Ready.

Ready, Nurse Brandon?

Here we go. Scissors.

- Scissors.
- Yeah.

- Kleenex.
- Kleenex.

No, not her, me.

No, my nose.

[blowing nose]


Next time,
I get to be the surgeon.

Okay, here comes
the tricky part.



[instrumental music]

There, I'm done.

Give me that head.

And you call yourself a doctor?

Big deal, I wanna be
a fireman anyways.

You kids,
wait for me in the lobby.

I'll be right down,
and we gonna walk to school.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Henry, we tried the operation.

It was a failure.

Will you fix My?

Maybe tonight.

I have so much work
at the studio.

I'm in over my head.

At least, you have a head
to be in over.

Alright, I'll fix it.

And I'll leave it right here
on the recovery couch.

Together with my bill.

Thanks, Henry.

[Henry sighs]

What are you looking at?



Eddie, will you fix
those lights once and for all?

I'm working on it,
Mr. Warnimont.


Henry, that doll is a mess.

Why don't you buy
Punky some new toys?

I did.

I got her that
wonderful encyclopedia.

And all the hours
she spent playing with it.

Well, maybe I could
buy her a new doll.

Oh, she'd love it, Henry.

And I'd be amazed.

Why is that?

'Cause you the cheapest man
I know.

The last time you took a dollar
bill out of your wallet,

it crumbled
when it hit the light.


before I go to work, you want me
to call an electrician?

No need for that,
Mr. Warnimont.

I think I finally
got this baby under control.

Come on,
let's check her out.

[electricity crackling]

Take it easy, Mr. Warnimont,
take it easy.

Don't blow a fuse.

Okay, okay,
I'll fix this fuse box.

Good, and I'll get you
a pale of water to stand in.

Thanks, chief.

Hey, what are you doing?

Well, I've decided
to buy Punky a new doll.

She won't even miss this
beat up old thing.

[instrumental music]

Mrs. Johnson:
Wait for me upstairs.

Punky: Okay.
Cherie: Okay.

Mrs. Johnson: And stop running.

- Okay.
- Cherie: Okay.

"First determine whether
your current

is AC or DC."

Well, since we're nowhere near
Washington, it must be AC.

Hey, Eddie,
have you seen my doll?

Oh, yeah, Mr. Warnimont
took care of it this morning.

Good. Why didn't he
leave her on the couch?

Because he threw it down
the trash chute.


Come on, let's go down
to the basement and get her.

No, wait, it's too late.

They already
picked up today's trash.

Mrs. Johnson, something
awful has happened.

Henry threw away my doll.

He what?

I swear that man belongs
in the bonehead hall of fame.

Boy, some doctor he is.

I think it's time that me and
Henry have a little talk.

There's no doubt about it.

Henry is knee deep
in Bandini now.

Yeah, but I bet
I'll feel a lot better

when he sees
how I fixed his light.


[instrumental music]


I'm Estelle Miller.


Do you take pictures
of children?

Children, adults,
dogs, parrots, goats,

geraniums, if it breathes,
I'll sh**t it.


I'd like to ask you about
photographing my children.

How many do you have?

Four hundred and thirty two.

Have you considered
separate beds?

I happen to be the principle
of the rd Street

elementary school.

I'd like you
to give me some estimates

about photographing
my students.

Well, let's see.


Four hundred and thirty two price.

Comes to...

Five thousand dollars.

Miss Miller, have I told you
how much I love that outfit?

It's simply stunning.

And so are you.

Stop kissing up.

You'll have to earn
this gig on merit.

My merit as a photographer,
speaks for itself.

Not bad.

But our previous photographer,

Joe Kluger was good too.

Unfortunately, he was cranky,
a very grumpy man.

What I'm looking for is somebody
who's really great with kids.

Well, fortunately,
you've come to the right man.

I'm known as Mr. Warmth,
Mr. Kindness.

Mr. Uncle Henry.

Ask anyone.

You know how some people
have a way with animals?

Dogs come to them,
birds land on their shoulder.

Well, I'm that way
with children.

I can walk down the street
and half a dozen wee tykes

will surround me.

Or else they'll run
alongside the car,

and say, "Please, stop and play
with us, Mr. Uncle Henry."

It's a knack.
I guess I was born with it.

In fact, I have an eight
year old daughter myself,

who thinks the sun rises
and sets on me.


Right, here she is now.

What can I do for you, honey?

You've k*lled my best friend.

[dramatic music]

I made a mistake.

This is not my daughter.

I never saw her
in my life.

Why are you so angry?

What did Mr. Uncle Henry do?

He took my favorite doll, and
stuffed it in the trash chute.


You threw away
her favorite doll?



Uh, but let me explain.

I think I've heard
quite enough.

Miss Miller, who will take
your school pictures?

Joe Kluger.

He may be cranky

but at least he's never
snuffed a doll.

Please, wait, I haven't told you
how much I like your shoes.

How could you do this?

You just blew a five thousand
dollar account.

And you broke my heart.

A broken heart is one thing,
but five thousand dollars

is a massive coronary.

Who told you about this?

Someone who will
remain nameless.

Was it a tall skinny idiot?

No, it wasn't Eddie.

I'll k*ll him.

Sure, why not,
you're getting good at it.


There was a very good reason,
why I threw away your doll.

I knew, you wouldn't
need it anymore

as soon as you saw this.

What's that?

This is Wondering Wilma.

The jet-setting, wonder doll.



And that's not all.

This doll speaks
five languages.

[speaking in foreign language]


Isn't she great?

Are you kidding?

I can't understand
a word that doll says.

No problem.

They've thought
of everything.

Wilma comes with her own
teeny-weeney foreign dictionary.

Henry, the only doll I want

is lying somewhere
in a heap of garbage.

Her head's on one side,
her body's on the other.

And what's in between?

Grunge and gunk.

[instrumental music]

You just don't understand.

My was very important to me.

And nothing will
ever replace her.

[dramatic music]

[speaking in foreign language]


- Hi, Henry.
- Hello, Mrs. Johnson.

Thanks for watching Punky.
I'm sorry I woke you up.

Oh, I wasn't sleeping.

I was just reading
this article on eyelid care.

It says, "You should keep your
eyes closed whenever possible."

That way, they last longer.

Right now, the only thing
my eyelids need is sleep.

So, how'd it go at the dump?

It was an all factory nightmare.

Imagine, searching for one
little doll and its head...

in the mountain of refuse,
of this,

of this great metropolis

as the stench engulfed me.

I found myself grateful
for one thing.

What's that?

That this is the windy city.

Did you find Punky's doll?

Right here.

Oh, good.

I know it was rough, Henry.

But you did the right thing.

Thank you.

Come on, honey, wake up.

It's time to go to sleep.

[instrumental music]




Honey, I've been
out of the dump.

Did you have to bring
it back with you?

I was looking for your doll.

You were?

Yes, and I found it.

You did?

I sure did.

But her head was still loose.

So I took her to the finest
dolly plastic surgeon

in the world.

The one that fixed up
Ken and Barbie

when they had
their yachting accident.

Where is she?

Right in here.

Straight from
the recovery room.

And we're gonna be the first
ones to see her.

I'll take the bandages off

so we can see
what a good job he did.


Isn't that a great job?

He put her head back
on perfectly.

Look, the stitches
didn't even leave a scar.

That's not My.

Sure it is,
sure it is.

How are you My?

She said, "Fine."

No, she didn't.

She said that she just
came back from the toy store.

No, she didn't.

This is My, really.

Just before the operation,
My looked up at me and said...


if I don't come out
of this looking the same,

tell Punky, it's me."

Come on, Henry,
that's a different doll.


The truth is,
I did look for your doll.

I looked as hard as I could,
but I just couldn't find her.

So, I went to every toy store in
town that was open and finally

I found a doll, that was exactly
the same kind as My

and I thought, that you'd
like her just as much.

She may look the same,
but she's just not My.

Why is that beat up old doll
so important to you?

Because my mom gave her to me.


Now, my mom's gone.

So is My.

[instrumental music]


I never meant to hurt you.

I'm sorry I threw away your doll
and if I could undo it, I would

but I can't.

I just hope that, uh,
someday you'll forgive me.



I forgive you.

[instrumental music]

Punky: Henry.


I just hope,
you'll forgive me.

For what, dear?

Throwing your favorite pipe
down the trash chute.

I forgive you.

You need a name.

I know.

I'll name you after
the person who found you.


What did you say?

Oh, okay, Henry Ada.

Brandon, I want you
to meet my new doll.

Henry Ada.

Henry Ada,
this is Brandon.

Brandon, this is Henry Ada.




[theme music]

[music continues]