01x04 - Punky Gets Her Own Room/Lost and Found

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Punky Brewster". Aired: September 16, 1984 to March 1986.*
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Follows Punky and her dog, Brandon who have been abandoned by her parents.
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01x04 - Punky Gets Her Own Room/Lost and Found

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music]

♪ Maybe the world is blind

♪ Or just a little unkind

♪ Don't know

♪ Seems you can't be sure

♪ Of anything anymore

♪ Although

♪ You maybe lonely and then

♪ One day you're smiling again

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ I see the girl
that turns my world around ♪

♪ Standing there

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ Her spirit's lifting me
right off the ground ♪

♪ What's gonna be?

♪ Guess we'll just wait
and see ♪♪


[instrumental music]

Henry, we're out of
cereal and milk.

Punky, whatever happened to

"Good morning.
How are you today?"

Good morning. How are you today?

We're still out of cereal
and milk.

Henry, we have to go shopping.

Oh, Punky, not the market.

I was there just last month.

The crowds, the noises...

- The money.
- I know...

Why don't you give me the money,
and I'll go shopping for you?

I'll get my hat.

[instrumental music]


What's wrong?

This cart has its wheel jammed.

Oh, I can fix that.

What did you do?

I gave it a gumectomy.

Wanna sit in the little seat?

Henry, that's for babies.

Oh, I'm sorry.

- But can I drive the cart?
- No.

- Why not?
- That's for grown-ups.

Driving a shopping cart is an
important responsibility.

You have to be extremely...


[instrumental music]

- Am I being careful enough?
- Yeah.

Woman on PA:
Attention shoppers.

We have a special
in the meat department.

A $ . a pound
for ground chuck.

Henry, is that meat
from a cow named Chuck?

[chuckles] No.

Ground chuck
is hamburger meat.

And at those prices,
there's no bargain.

I remember when I could get
pounds for $ . .

Looks at these soap powders.

Every one of them says,
new and improved.

What's the matter with that?

I like it better
when they were old and cheap.

We're on a strict budget.

We can't afford to go over it.

What's a budget?

It's how much money
we're allowed to spend.

Is that like an allowance?

Sort of.

When am I gonna start getting
my allowance?

When you're .

But by then, I'll be working
and making my own money.


[instrumental music]

Can we buy these pretty little
bottles of fruit punch?

No, it's cheaper to buy
this big, ugly bottle.


[instrumental music]

Let's see.

Which cereal should I get?

Sugar O's, Sugar-Bits,

or Sugar-Beasties?

I'll get Sugar-Beasties.

'Cause it has
a free gift inside.

Ugh. With all that sugar,
you better hope that

the free gift
is a set of false teeth.

Uh, please, Henry, can I have
some Sugar-Beasties?

You can have a little box.

But the bigger ones are cheaper.

You said so yourself.

Come on, let's hurry it up.

I wanna get out of here before

this food reaches
its expiration date.

[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]


[music continues]

[music continues]

[instrumental music]

Henry, did you remember
to get the peaches?

I wouldn't buy
what this store calls fruit.

I remember, when I was a boy,

the fruit and produce-man
would come by

with this cart
chuck full of produce,

fresh from the farm

and he'd sing.

♪ Strawberries

♪ Blueberries

Woman on PA:
Attention, shoppers.

Please, no singing in the store.

Honestly, Henry,
I could just die.

Hello, Henry.

Hello, Bud. How's everything?

Ah, there's never a dull moment.

Hey, listen, Henry, I'm gonna
cut up a fresh side of beef,

you wanna pick out
a couple of nice steaks?


Say, that meat isn't from
a cow named Chuck, is it?

Never mind.

[instrumental music]

May I try some of your delicious
free pizza, please?

Little girl, didn't I
just give you a piece?

Uh, that could've been
my twin sister.

For you. Here you go.



[dramatic music]



Has anyone seen a grumpy old man
that never smiles?

Attention, Henry.

If you hear me,
throw some food up in the air.

Little girl...

can I help you find somebody?

No, he would've answered
if he was here.

Maybe he went outside.

[music continues]

Well, Brandon...

Looks like we've been
dumped again.

[melancholic music]

You know, Brandon,
I'm pretty good at packing.

I guess, it's 'cause
I've had so much practice.

Punky, what're you doing here?

I'm packing my stuff.

Don't worry, I'll be out of your
hair in a minute.

What're you talking about?

I looked all over
that supermarket for you.

The pizza lady said,
the only little girls she saw

were a couple of twins.

You were really looking for me?

You weren't trying to ditch me?

Ditch you?

Is that what you thought?

My mom left me
at a shopping center.

So, I thought
you did the same thing.

Punky, just because something
happens to you once

doesn't mean it's going to
happen again, okay?

You were saying
how expensive everything was.

So, I was afraid
you didn't want me anymore,

'cause I cost too much to feed.

Punky, I complain about prices
for one simple reason.

- What's that?
- I'm a cheapskate.

It was nothing to do with you.

Punky, I'll tell you
something right now.

I'll never ever leave you.

Repeat after me.

- I, Henry Warnimont...
- "I, Henry Warnimont..."

will never leave Punky

"will never leave
Punky Brewster..."

- And if I do...
- "And if I do..."

I'll eat a horny toad.

"I'll eat a horny toad."

[theme music]

♪ Maybe the world is blind

♪ Or just a little unkind

♪ Don't know

♪ You maybe lonely and then

♪ One day you're smiling again

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ I see the girl
that turns my world around ♪

♪ Standing there

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ Her spirit's lifting me
right off the ground ♪

♪ What's gonna be?

♪ Guess we'll just wait
and see ♪♪


[instrumental music]

Gee, Punky, how did you learn
to move like that?

From watching Brandon.

That's what he does
when he has...



Come on, help me
fold these blankets.

Gee, I sure wish
I had my own bedroom.


A bedroom has a bed.

This is a couch room.

Maybe I could ask Henry
for a study.

Forget it.

Nobody could get him
to give that room up.

Well, I'm not nobody,
I'm Punky Brewster.

[instrumental music]

[clicking tongue]

What's wrong?

Henry, I'm worried about you.

You spend too much time
in this little, stuffy room.

You've got to go outside
and play in the fresh air.

Punky, I enjoy
being in this room.

I can read...

listen to good music,

or just look out of the window
at my favorite tree.

It's fun, watching a tree?

When I first moved into
this building

and became the apartment

I had my choice
of all the apartments.

Do you know
why I picked this one?

Because of this particular room.

I really...
I really love this room.

- Can I have it?
- What?

Henry, I'm the only kid I know
who doesn't have her own room.

You are new to the area.

You don't know that many
children yet.

Brandon loves this room.

When he comes in here, I mean...

When he what?

Well, he doesn't
actually come in.

He peeks his head
through the door,

and I can just hear
his little doggie brain saying,

"Boy, I sure wish
I could go in there."

Sorry. Off limits.

Oh, please, Henry.

Tell you what, Punky.

Maybe this could be
your bedroom.

Really? Yippee!

- But...
- But what?

It's gonna take more than a day.

It's gonna take a lot of money,
time, and effort

to change the study
in to a bedroom.

And we don't wanna rush
in to anything, do we?

We don't?


This is something
that has to be carefully

thought out and planned,

because we want this room
to be the best bedroom

that any little girl
could possibly have.

I just hope I get it
while I'm still a little girl.

See you tonight,
when I come back from work.

How'd it go, Punky?
Did you get the room?

Well, not for a real long while.

Because Henry said
it's gonna take too much

time, money, and effort
to change it.



Oh, no. I suddenly
have the feelin'

I'm not gonna live to be nine.

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

[camera clicks]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[music continues]

Great work, guys.

Can you imagine Henry's face
when he sees what we've done?

[dramatic music]

What's the matter, Henry?
Don't you like it?

This room would blind a Smurf.

There're too many colors.


Look at the bed,
Eddie fixed that for me.

It's a old flower cart.

Watch this.

I sleep like this all night.


And then, in the morning,

I just...


Hold it.

- You painted my antique trunk?
- Yeah!


I thought green was too much.

The whole room is too much.

You shouldn't have changed
this room, young lady.

I thought you'd like it.

I want everything in here

changed back to exactly
the way it was.


[instrumental music]

You know, Henry,
I was hoping

that you and me could be
sort of like a real family.

I was hoping that I could
feel like I belonged here.

But how can I,
if everything in this

whole place belongs to you?

Come here, Punky.

Now, I'm gonna
tell you something.

I'm going to say it once...

and only once.

- You're right.
- What?

You're right, and I'm wrong.

You do need your own place.

A room of your own.

And when I see
how you've taken my study,

and painted it with these bright

and colorful colors...

it just makes me want to cry.

Are you telling me
that I get to keep this room?



Oh. Wow!

Oh. Wow!

Wow. Oh.

Wowie. Wow.

Thanks, Henry.

Hey, Mr. Warnimont.

- Yes, Eddie!
- No. Out here.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't have
left Punky holding the bag.

I'm the one you should blame.

After all,
I was the responsible adult.


I have to tell you something
that's very difficult for me.

You did...

a real good job.




Eddie: I'm okay.
Luckily, I landed on my head.

Henry, this part is going to
be for you, and only you.

I won't let anybody else
sit on it.

Not even Brandon.


That's very nice, Punky.

Thank you.


Right now, I think...

I'll go rolling to my
easy chair

and try to unwind.

Punky: Oh-oh!






Henry: Punky!

[instrumental music]

[theme music]
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