01x03 - Punky Finds a Home: Part 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Punky Brewster". Aired: September 16, 1984 to March 1986.*
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Follows Punky and her dog, Brandon who have been abandoned by her parents.
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01x03 - Punky Finds a Home: Part 3

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music]

♪ Maybe the world is blind

♪ Or just a little unkind

♪ Don't know

♪ Seems you can't be sure

♪ Of anything anymore

♪ Although

♪ You maybe lonely and then

♪ One day you're smiling again

♪ Every time

♪ I turn around

♪ I see the girl
who turns my world around ♪

♪ Standing there

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ Her spirit's lifting me
right off the ground ♪

♪ Every time

♪ I turn around

♪ What's gonna be?

♪ Guess we'll just
wait and see ♪♪

Punky: So far
on "Punky Brewster..."

Where's your family, Punky?

My father walked out on us.

Where's your mother?

Mom parks the car at
a shopping center and went in...

- Yes?
- She never came back.

You'll stay here tonight,

then tomorrow morning
I'll take you down

to the Department of Children
and Family Services.

What'll happen to me there?

They'll find you a foster home.

But I don't even know
the Fosters.

Punky, while we're
looking for your mom

I'd like you to come with me
to a place called Fenster Hall.

Punky: So they took me away
from Henry.

At Fenster Hall,
I met Lisa and Mary.

I hate to tell you this, kid,

but you never gonna
get to see that old guy again.

Suppose I were willing to take
custody of Punky,

what would you say?

I'd have to say that,

in my opinion,

Punky would be better off
with someone else.

I've gotta bust out of here.

Run, Punky! Run!

So long, Fenster!

Punky Brewster is goin' home!

Punky: Now, part three
of "Punky Finds a Home."

[instrumental music]

I don't understand,

why can't I be
Punky's foster parent?

Give me one good reason.

You've never raised a child,
you're not married,

and you're too old.

I only asked for one.

Obviously, Mr. Warnimont,

we both want
what is best for Punky.

And through the DCFS,
I can provide her

a place in a family
with a father and a mother.

Yeah, well,
mothers aren't everything.

I know, I had one.

Look... considering the trauma

Punky has already experienced,

wouldn't you wanna
see her in a family

where she has
a fighting chance to grow up

like any other little girl?

Yes, well...

I never thought of it
quite that way.

I guess, you're right.

Punky would be
better off without me.

Hi, Henry!


Brandon, am I glad to see you?

Punky, what're you doing here?

I went over the wall, Henry.

Boy, would I like to see Randi's
face when she finds out.

It might look
something like that.


Punky, you shouldn't have
left the center.

What kind of irresponsible place
allows children

to run wild in the street, huh?
Answer me?

Uh, Mr. Warnimont...

Fenster Hall is a modern
and enlightened facility.

We do not put locks
on the doors, it's not a prison.

Yes, it is, Henry.

They chained us up
and put us in a dungeon

with mice and dragons.

Randi: Punky?

They made us eat spiders
for lunch.

Now, Punky, that's not true,
and you know it.

Okay, they gave us milk
and a sandwich for lunch.

The spiders were for dessert.

Ah! What was that?

A b*mb.

Sounded like it came
from the basement.


I'm okay. No problem.

Don't worry, I'll live.

What's the good news?

Well, the good news is,

I've been making some headway
with you dryer.

But first, I had to find out
if it was electric or gas.

It's gas.

Do me a favor,
find him a foster home.

Well, it's obvious
Eddie means well.

And it's obvious
you're angry I said that.

So, I'll just go
into the kitchen

where I'll be a little less...

obvious and...

Well, as long as home,
I guess I'll unpack my stuffs.

Now, what did you want to
talk about, Henry?

I wanted to talk to you
about your home.

Ms. Mitchell and I
were trying to decide

where the best possible home
for you would be.

That's easy. With you.

But I've never
raised a child before.

So, neither have I.

We'll figure it out together.

Yes, but there's
also my age to consider.

I'm getting along in years.

But that's good,
the older you get,

the wiser you get.

You must be the wisest man
in the whole world.

Believe it or not, I was
actually born in this century.

Look, I think
you're a wonderful,

remarkable sweet little girl,

and I want to do
what's right for you.

That's why I think
you'd be better off

with younger,
more experienced parents.

[instrumental music]

Your understand what I'm saying?

Yeah, I understand.

You don't want me.

That's not what I'm saying.

Henry, you're my friend.

- Will you answer me something?
- Sure.

Why doesn't anyone want me?

What's wrong with me?

Nothing's wrong with you.

But you don't want me,
neither did my mom.

That's why she ditched me.

Punky, you yourself said
she forgot.

It's been a long time.

She should've remembered by now.


she don't wanna remember.

Punky, don't say that.

We don't know
what happened to your mother.

I think we should wait
till we find her,

and then we'll ask her
to tell us what happened, okay?

- Okay.
- Good.

Does that mean that I can stay
here until they find my mother?

I'm sorry, honey.

Well, I'm not your
foster parent,

and it doesn't look like
they're gonna let me be.


Punky, look at me...

Whoever gets you
is a very lucky person.

I know because
you changed my life.

Before I met you,
I was asleep inside.

You woke me up.

You made me feel happy...




Ms. Mitchell,
Punky wants to be with me,

I want to be with Punky.

I'm going to court
to get custody.

I'm not going to give up
without a fight!

Way to go, Henry!

You should've never
gone back to that old guy.

You were free.

You could've gone over
the border into Canada.

Are you crazy?

They have Mounties up there.

They always get their kid.

You guys, I'm happy
I went back to Henry.

Found out that
he really does want me.

Nothing's gonna stop us
from being together.

Punky, there are some people
here who wanna meet you.

- Who?
- Petersons.

They wanna be
your foster parents.

[instrumental music]

Jim and Joyce Peterson,
this is Punky Brewster.

- Hi, Punky.
- Hi.

We're very happy to meet you.

I don't think
you're gonna like me.

Well, why, Punky?

Well, you see, I'm at the age

where I'm starting
to lose my teeth.

Milk dribbles down my mouth
and across my chin.

It's gross-a-roo!


Oh, I don't think
we would mind that.

No, of course not,
the same thing happens

to Joyce from time to time.

I bet you hate dogs, I have one.

- We love dogs.
- We love dogs.

I have a snake, too.

- Snake?
- Snake?

Great big one,

and it hasn't eaten
in over a year.

She doesn't have a snake.

That's it.
Punky, stop this.

You're not giving
the Petersons a chance.

I gotta be honest with you.

I've already got somebody
that wants me.

- His name's Henry.
- I see.

But there's lots of
other kids here, like Mary.

Uh, yeah, we know about Mary.

Uh, she's the one
that doesn't talk.

Oh, she talks alright.
Come on, I'll show you.

Mary, these are the Petersons,
you wanna say hi?

Hi, Mary.

Once she gets going,
you can't shut her up.

Mary, the Petersons say that

that's the prettiest doll
they've ever seen.

Her name's Gretchen.


She's pretty.

You're pretty too.

You know, Mary, I have
a pretty doll like that at home.

Would you like to see it?

I sure would.

Well, why don't we go
into my office?

Bye, Punky. Thanks.

Piece of cake.

Punky, we'll talk
about this later.

I gotta hand it to you, kid.

That was pretty slick.

Lisa, maybe if they try
to set me with somebody else

I'll try to get them
to take you.

Forget it.

The odds of somebody
wanting a kid as old as me

are a million to one.

Well, maybe someday,
you'll beat the odds.

Face it, kid.

They'll never find me
a foster parents.

And they'll never let you
live with old picklepuss.

[instrumental music]

Be seated.

All rise.

This court is now in session,

the Honorable
William J. Murphy presiding.

Bailiff: Case number - J,

the temporary custody hearing
of Penelope Brewster.

Excuse me, sir?

Who said that?

I did.

Can I come a little closer?


Is that why
they call him Bay-lift?

Anyway, Your Honor,
about the name, Penelope.

- Well, what about it?
- I hate it.

I'd like to be called Punky.

Very well, the court shall
refer to you as Punky.

Hey, you're good.

The State may begin.

Your Honor, this child
was left in a shopping center

by her mother
who never returned.

The child then found
a vacant apartment

where she lived
until she was discovered

by the manager,
Henry Warnimort.


Mr. Warnimont now seeks
temporary custody.

Henry's the guy over there,
he looks like

he'd make a great father.

Uh, Ms. Randi Mitchell

has been handling this case

for the Department of
Children and Family Services

and will now give her report.

Your Honor, a diligent search
has been made

for Punky's mother
with no success.

We tried to find emergency
foster parents for her,

[Punky whistling]
but that didn't work out.


In any event,
she has repeatedly said that

she would prefer
to be with Mr. Warnimont

and he has said that he would be
willing to accept guardianship.

So, it is the opinion
of the DCFS,

the child would be
better serve under him...

I'm sorry.

Then, uh...

Then remain
in a county facility.

Yay! Alright.


Your Honor, I'm looking
at this report here

and I don't like what I see.

Ms. Mitchell,
isn't Mr. Warnimont

a single, childless elderly man?

Hey, I'm right here,
why don't you ask me?

Well, now that I'm looking at
you all I have to ask is

are you single and childless?

Yes, I am.

But, as the French say...

[speaking in foreign language]

What does that mean?

The best wines
are the wines that are aged.

Mr. Warnimont, I think we'd all
be interested to know

just how old you are?

- Isn't there in the report?
- Yes.

But tell us, tell the court.

The court can't read?

Is this belligerence
I'm hearing, Mr. Warnimont?

Easy, Henry.

Love your robe, nice fabric.

- I'm years old.
- Sixty years old.

And how would you
describe your health?


In fact, at the last checkup,
my doctor said

that I have the body
of a year old.

And when was your last checkup?

Twenty years ago.

I've never been sick a day
in my life.

I'm as healthy as a horse.

Show me a horse
that's years old,

and I'll show you glue.


Now, let's move on
to, uh, living space.

Your apartment, it's not exactly

the size of Buckingham Palace,
is it?

No, but then,
I didn't come down here

to take custody
of Prince Andrew.

I would like the record
to show that

that was said
in a sarcastic manner.

Do we need her?

Let me address
a more important issue.

Mr. Warnimont, how long
have you known this child?

Three days.

Three days, Your Honor.

Three days! How could he have
formed a close bond with her

in just three days?

Your Honor,
I can assure the State

that a strong relationship
has developed between them.

Ms. Mitchell, how long
have you work for the DCFS?

Well, um, three months.

Three months, Your Honor.

How could we trust
the judgment of a woman

who's been with the department
for only three months?

You know something, lady?

You've managed
to get on my nerves

in just three minutes.

Let the record show that

that was said
in a threatening manner.

Ms. Mitchell,
I think you've made

a very serious mistake here.

- You-- you do?
- Yes.

It's obvious that you've
become emotionally involved

in this case.

Your job is to look
at the overall picture,

but you have flagrantly ignored
the standard regulations,

and guidelines established
for the selection

of appropriate foster parents.

Well, I think flagrantly
is rather... harsh.

Your Honor, I think
we've gone over this enough.

Normally, the State
will go along

with recommendations
made by the DCFS,

but in this case,

we have severe objections.

I'm afraid
I'm inclined to agree, so--

Wait a minute.
Don't you care what I think?

Of course, sweetheart,

but there are certain
considerations in this case

that are too complicated
for you to understand right now.

Ms. Mitchell...

because so many
of the guidelines we follow

are not being met,

I'm going to rule that

she be returned to the DCFS

until an adequate home
can be found for her.

Your Honor,
I respectfully request

that you take back
your judgment.

Take back my judgment?

But nobody
takes back their judgment,

not even umpires.

His decision has been made,

and you are wasting more
of our valuable time.

Oh, put a lid on it, Lois.

Your Honor, I have evidence

that I think has a bearing
on this case.

It's a letter Punky gave me
to give to Mr. Warnimont

in case he was denied custody.

And with the court's indulgence,

I'd like her to read it now.

Okay, go ahead.

- Randi, but it's private.
- Yes, I know.

But this is important.

"Dear Henry,

if you read this,

it's 'cause they wouldn't
let me stay with you.

I was afraid that
maybe after a while

you might forget
what I look like.

So, I drew you a picture of me."

This is what I look like
from the back.

"I wanna thank you
for being so nice to me.

I was thinking,

is it kind of weird,

how you were all alone,

and I was all alone

and out of this
whole big city,

we found each other?

Well, I want you to know that

I'll never ever, ever,
ever forget you.

I love you. Punky."

I love you too.

You know, you were right before

when you said
I was emotionally involved.

But aren't emotions important?

We're not here to put
two inanimate objects together.

This isn't to decide whether
an end table goes with a couch.

These are real people.

And I feel that
it is part of my job

to see the people who wanna
be together get to be together

and frankly,
I think Punky Brewster

and Henry Warnimont
should be together.


Now, Ms. Mitchell,
your argument is persuasive.

Still the guidelines
are not being met.

This is a highly unusual case.


Mr. Warnimont,

are you prepared to go through
the licensing procedures

to become a foster parent?

Yes, I am.

I'm hereby remanding custody
of Punky Brewster

to Mr. Henry Warnimont.


Brandon, I'm home for good.

Look what he did?

He's just hungry.

Have you been feeding him?

He looks thinner.

Wait till he inhales.

This dog's eating me
out of house and furniture.

I was thinking, now that
we're gonna be staying together,

there's some things
we're gonna need.


Yeah, you see,

Brandon needs a new ball

and I need some new toys,
and a swing set.

A swing set?

Oh, don't worry,
I won't hog it all.

You can use it too.

I know, I'll make a list.


Stay calm.

[inhales sharply]
You'll work it out.

By the way, do you have
any plans this afternoon?

- No.
- Then let's go to Disney World.

I think it's in Florida,

[instrumental music]

[theme music]
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