01x01 - Punky Finds a Home: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Punky Brewster". Aired: September 16, 1984 to March 1986.*
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Follows Punky and her dog, Brandon who have been abandoned by her parents.
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01x01 - Punky Finds a Home: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme song]

♪ Maybe the world is blind

♪ Or just a little unkind

♪ Don't know

♪ Seems you can't be sure

♪ Of anything anymore

♪ Although

♪ You maybe lonely

♪ And then one day
you're smiling again ♪

♪ Every time

♪ I turn around

♪ I see the girl that turns
my world around ♪

♪ Standing there

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ Her spirit's lifting me
right off the ground ♪

♪ Every time

♪ I turn around

♪ What's gonna be?

♪ Guess we'll just wait
and see ♪♪

[siren wailing]

[vehicle honking]

[instrumental music]

Well, Brandon,

another day, another dollar.

[knocking on door]

- Hi, Punky.
- Hi, Cherie.



[knocking on door]


You in there, fat-butt?


Mrs. Johnson, stop yelling!

You're not only waking the dead,

you're making them glad
they're dead.

Henry, there might be somebody
in that apartment.

I thought I heard a noise
in there yesterday.

It's vacant.

Well, somebody could have
broke in, you know?

[inhales sharply]

A tramp.

Escaped convict.

A sex maniac...

just waiting
to grab a voluptuous woman.

You're safe.

You know what, Punky?
You're my idol.

I am?

Yeah. Just think.

You got your own apartment.

You can stay up
as late as you want

and you don't have
to go to school.

You're the youngest grown-up
I know.

Thanks, Cherie...

but you've got something
I don't.


A family.

Just my grandmom.

And she snores
like a buzz saw.

[imitates snoring]

And another thing.

That dryer downstairs
is still busted.

Do you know
I had to hang a clothes line

from my window
over to the telephone pole?

And the local hoodlums been
spray painting their initials

on my underwear.

You could spray paint a novel
on your underwear.


Alright, alright.

I'll get the dryer fixed.



[instrumental music]

♪ She's a maniac
maniac on the floor ♪

♪ And she's dancing like
she's never danced before ♪♪

Uh, oh.

Who are you?

I'm Punky Brewster.

And who are you?

I'm the manager
of this building,

Henry Warnimont.

Nice to meet ya, Hank.

I'm not a Hank.

I'm a Henry.

What are you doing here?

My husband and I

are looking for an apartment.

- Okay, cut the charade--
- Stop!

It's only fair to warn you

that this is an attack dog.

If you get near me,
he'll chew you to pieces.

Give me a break.
That dog couldn't chew soup.

Now, let's get back to you.

Did you run away from home?

Don't clam up on me, young lady.
Answer the question.

You'll never make me say
anything I don't wanna,

even if you shove my head
in a nut cr*cker

and make me eat lima beans.

You hungry?

- Depends.
- On what?

- Why you're asking?
- I'm just asking.

- How come?
- I'm curious.

- How come?
- Because I am.

- How come?
- Mm...

Sic 'em!

Look, I'm going to fix myself
some dinner.

You can join me if you want to.

[instrumental music]

Well, Brandon,

we've gotta trust somebody

- You want milk or juice?
- What kind of juice?

I got green juice
and I got brown juice.

- What's the difference?
- Two weeks.

- I'll have milk, please.
- You want me to fix you a meal?

- You can cook?
- I'm an expert.


Did you take these pictures?

That's my job.
I'm a photographer.

- I like them. You know why?
- Why?

You can look at the people
and tell how they feel.

Well, like I said, it's my job.

You must care a lot
about people.


All I need in this world
is my camera.

That's kind of sad.

What do you know?
You're just a child.

You haven't even learned
how to match your shoes yet.

I have two different feet.

Why shouldn't I wear
two different shoes?


Where's your family, Punky?

My father walked out on us.

- Where's your mother?
- I don't know.

You don't know?

A couple of weeks ago
my mom said

we were all going on a trip.

So we piled up in our car
and drove here to Chicago.

Mom parked the car at
a shopping center and went in.


She never came back.


Maybe my mom
just forgot about me.

People forget things, right?

But one day
she'll come back for me

and we'll live happily
ever after

in a big mansion
with bunk beds.

Have you been living in that
empty apartment all this time?

Yeah. By the way, the dryer
downstairs is busted.

Well, I'm going to call
the police

so they can track down
your mother.

We can't have a little girl
living in an empty apartment.

And you certainly
cannot stay here.

So I'll call
a detective friend of mine

and tell him that you're...



Why me?

[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]

All set.

Smile, Agnes.

[camera clicks]

Oh, Henry,

you're an absolute hunk.

Every time I look at you,
I get, I get the sweats.

don't say things like that.

I know
what's holding you back.

I've been married five times

and all five of those bozos

up and died on me,

but I swear,

they all went

with smiles on their faces.


Thank you, Agnes.
It'll be ready Thursday.


And when will you be ready?

I'm sorry, Agnes,

but you are much too much woman
for me.

Okay. Okay.

[clears throat]

But it's your loss.

[telephone ringing]


Gene? About time
you called back.

Have you found
Punky's mother yet?


You're a lousy detective, Gene.

Couldn't find a moose
in a phone booth.

Try your computer search system.

If you can't locate the woman
by the end of the day,

then I'll bring Punky to you.


Bye, Gene.

Hospitals, hospitals.

- Hi, Henry!
- Oh!

What do you want?

I bought you
two bona fide customers.


And remember now,

we are sophisticated ladies.

[instrumental music]

I don't have time for this.
I'm running a business here.

Well, I hate to tell you
the news, Henry,

but ain't nobody in here but us.

I'm trying to track down
Punky's mother.

Now, I want you all
to vacate the premises.

Henry, we're not asking
for a freebie.

We're paying customers.

Here. Is a quarter enough?

A quarter? No.


I'll give you my Mr. T. whistle.

I'm not gonna take
your Mr. T. whistle.


I'll just take one picture.

[instrumental music]


Tsk. Oh...



Okay, the dishes are done.

Hey, Brandon,
how's the floor polishing

coming along?

You missed a few spots,
but you did good

considering you're a dog.

I know
house cleaning's hard work,

but if we're gonna stay
with Henry

until my mom comes back,

we're gonna have to earn
our keep.

Okay? Okay.

Well, let's see.

I think everything in here
is clean.

Oops, I forgot to wash
that window.

[water sloshing]

Okay, that's done.

- Hey, Henry.
- Hm...


The dryer is still busted.

And here's what happens

when I have to hang
my clothes outside.

"Julio ' ."

I see, Julio knows
your breast size.

- Hey, Henry.
- Yes?

- Did you find Punky's mother?
- Not a trace.

So I'm gonna turn Punky over

to the Department of Children
and Family Services.

Well, maybe they could fix it
where Punky could live with you.

That's a good one.

Punky living with me.


You're serious?

But it's impossible.
It would never work out.

Punky's so young,
bubbly, full of life.

I'm old, tired
and full of prunes.

Now, look, Henry.

You're all alone in this world
and so is that little girl.

Now, it's none of my business,

but I think you two would
be good for each other.

♪ She's a maniac
maniac on the floor ♪

♪ And she's dancing
like she's never danced before ♪

♪ She's a maniac
maniac on the floor ♪

♪ And she's dusting like ♪

[door shuts]

Hi, Henry!

What in the world possessed you
to clean up my apartment?

- What's wrong with it?
- What's wrong with it?

I'll tell you
what's wrong with it.

It's neat,
orderly, organized. Ugh.

Henry, there's a moldy,
half-eaten pizza

under the couch. Sick!


You washed my pipes?

They were filthy inside.

They are supposed to be
filthy inside.

They are pipes.
Now they're ruined!

The vein on your forehead
is throbbing.

There was a lot of stuff
laying around,

so I put most of it...



in there.

Sit down, Punky.

[telephone ringing]


No, Agnes, I do not wish to go

break dancing tonight.

I'll see you Thursday.


Now look here, Punky.

Hold it.
What's that doing there?

Punky: I found it buried
in the back of a closet.

It's a great picture.

Nobody looks at this picture.

- Nobody.
- Who is it?

My wife, Claudia.

She died
a year after we were married.

She's beautiful.

You must miss her a lot.

My mom used to say,

"It's good to be reminded
of the people you love."

It hurts
to look at her picture.

Punky: Can I ask you something?
- What?

If you never let yourself
feel sad,

how can you ever feel happy?

Never mind.
The subject's closed.

We were talking
about you, anyway.

It's obvious you want
to stick around for a while.

But why here with me?

I like you.

You do?

I know.

I must be nuts.

I think,
underneath your grumpiness is...

more grumpiness,

but underneath
the bottom grumpiness...

is a good guy.

Well, sorta.

I'm too old and set in my ways
to have a child around.

I'm sorry. You can't stay.


[instrumental music]

- Bye.
- Hold it.

You'll stay here tonight,

then tomorrow morning
I'll take you down

to the Department of Children
and Family Services.

What'll happen to me there?

They'll find you a foster home.

But I don't even know
the Fosters.


I'm leaving.

Henry: Hold it.

You know,
I must be a terrible person.

First my father leaves

and my mother ditches me.

Now you're trying
to get rid of me.

Nobody wants me around.

Well, that's okay

'cause I don't need anybody.

I can take care of myself.

Punky, come back here!


[rain splattering]

[thunder rumbling]

[instrumental music]

[thunder rumbling]

[thunder rumbling]

[music continues]

[thunder rumbling]

Hi, Henry.


I thought it out.

I'm gonna give you
one more chance.

I was out for three and
a half hours looking for you.

Where have you been?

Right here.
It was raining outside.

I'm surprised
you went out looking for me.

You said
you didn't care about people.

- Go to bed!
- Okay.

[rain splattering]

do I have to leave tomorrow?

Are you taking me down
to the service department

for children?

I have to,
but I'll try and arrange it

so you can stay here
until we find your mother.

Thanks, Henry. Night!


Sweet dreams.

[door shuts]


Henry: Quiet!


Uh, God, it's me.

Punky... Brewster!

Could you please
help me find my mom

and really quick?

And in the meantime,
thanks for sending me Henry.

When he takes me down to the
service department for children,

will you give me a sign

that everything's
gonna be alright?

[thunder rumbling]

Is that a yes or no?

[instrumental music]

[theme music]

[music continues]
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