05x02 - As Long as We're Together: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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05x02 - As Long as We're Together: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Remember what
Mr. Nash said to me

when I had to say good-bye
to Mary at the Burton school?

He said,
"make it brief.

Long good-byes
are only painful."

Lordy, Mary,
you'd never believe how big it is.

It sounds big.

What's all
the music?

It's coming
from the saloon,

just like the one we saw
once in gold country.

Pa's not
going to like it.

Woman: Why is she
in my kitchen?

You don't need a kitchen to
make biscuits like these.

You need
a blacksmith's shop!

Woman: I quit!

There will be no more food.
I just quit!


Mrs. Ingalls,
get them biscuits ready.

Follow me. I'll tell you
about the rest of your duties.

Charles: Good luck.

Where you going?

What business
is it of yours?

Why don't you just
go over to the bar

and get yourself
a drink?

I don't want a drink.
I want some sleep.

I don't want
any trouble.

Well, then you get
your hand off me.

Charles: Caroline?

In the kitchen.
Where else would I be?

Got customers
out here.

Oh, now, if they think I'm
going to serve

more than 3 meals a day,

they've got
another think coming.

Alice: Table for
3, please, miss.

Driver, the bags!


Fast enough
for you, dear?

Oh, shut up.
Let go of me!

Standish, how come
you always win?

Never gamble with
the son of a gambler.

Albert: Fire! Fire!

The winoka school
is burning down!

Hey, come on.
Let's watch it!

Young man,
what are you doing?

Uh, I'm working
for the church, ma'am.

Gambling's a sin.

Oh. Yes, of course.

We know that Leonardo da Vinci
painted "the last supper."

Now, who were
the guests of Jesus?

Peter and John.

Right, sue.

10 more to go.

Boy: Thomas.

Right, Thomas.

I know that because
my name's Thomas.

Mary: Who else?

Second girl: Simon.

Right. Who else?

Oh, Mrs. Ingalls.

Mr. Ames, I'd like you to meet
a very dear friend of ours

from walnut grove...
Alice garvey.

How do you do?

And this is
her son Andy.

my pleasure.

I'll tell Mary you're here.

No. I really don't
have time to visit.

I just wanted to find
out where the school is.

It's time we got
the children enrolled.

there isn't a regular school...

a private one.

Caroline: In a town this size?
Well, that's hard to believe.

Ha ha! The town
council is made up

of wealthy

They send their children
to the winoka school.

It's private
and, uh...



Well, that settles
that, doesn't it?

I'm afraid so.

Is Adam here?

Oh, yes. He's in
the supply room.

Thank you.

We'll let you get back
to your work.

I won't be a minute.


Mrs. Ingalls.

You know, um...

Monday is Mary's


Well, we're planning a little
surprise party for her.

Oh, she'll love it.

It'll have to be
after 7:00.

It takes me that long to
finish with the supper sitting.

That way, we can have the
dining room all to ourselves.

I'll keep the secret.

I'll just tell Mary I want
to stop by for a visit.

Fine. See you
in church tomorrow.


What a shame.
No school.

Not funny,

No, ma'am.

Well, we'll just have
to teach at home.

We've both
done it before.

Well, what bothers me is the
rest of the children in town.

There must be some
poor folks who'd like

to have their children
get an education...

Parents who can't read
and write themselves.

Well, apparently the town
council doesn't care.

Well, we do.

There must be
something we can do.

We're both teachers.

All we need is
a schoolroom.

Well, you have more than
enough to handle at the hotel.

I'll take care
of the teaching.

I don't do anything in
that room all day anyway.

All we have to do is
find a schoolroom.

When I'm finished with the noon
meal, we can check around.

Well, I'll start right away,
and I'll meet you back at the hotel.

- Ok.
- Ok!

Come on, Andrew.

Good luck.

There you are.

Ma'am, we're
ready to order.

This is the pretty lady I told you
about, Mr. Standish.

My pleasure, ma'am.

What do you have
you think I might like?

You have
your menu.

I know, but we're going to
be eating in here a lot and...

Charles: I'll
take this order.

The lady will take
the order, Ingalls.

That's her job.

I noticed the windows
out front.

When was the last time
you washed them?

This morning.

Standish: Well, I want
you to wash them again.

Don't be in such
a hurry next time.

Man: Why you
standing there?

You work for
Mr. Standish.

He gave you an order.

Charles, please.

Jonathan was awfully
quiet at supper tonight.

He's worried he hasn't
gotten a job yet.

He will. It's only
been a few days.

You were pretty
quiet yourself.

I suppose.

Because of
standish today?

We need the money.

Am I supposed
to like it,

being humiliated
in front of my wife?

How's a man
supposed to get

any thinking done
with that noise going on?

It could be worse.

The olesons have to sleep
in the same building.

We had some
good news today.

Alice got
the stable livery owner

to give us part of the
barn for a schoolroom.

She'll make the announcement
in church tomorrow.

really great news.

My children will go
to school in a stable.

That's really
good news.

Charles Ingalls...

Look at me.

People who take advantage of
others just demean themselves.

They deserve our pity,

not our anger.

And there's
another thing...

Look at me.

You were the one who said you
could be happy in the city

if we were
all together.


We're all together.

Well, if we're going to have
all this free entertainment,

then I think we should
just take advantage of it.

May I have
the pleasure?

You certainly may.

Hey! Don't touch that!

Pa, come quick!

Pa, hurry!

Get off me!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
All right, all right!

That's enough.
That's enough.

Give me
those papers.

He's got
some money, too.

All right.
Let me have it.

Come on.

Got yourself a little
bit of trouble,

didn't you, son?

I didn't do anything.

You didn't do anything?

Suppose you explain to me how you
got my newspapers and my money.

Well, I was just
buying a newspaper.

I was counting
the money

to see if you had change for a
50-cent piece that my pa gave me,

and, well, that's when what's-her-face
yelled, and it scared me.

I see.

Well, suppose you show
what's-her-face and me

that 50-cent piece you
wanted to make change for.

Yeah... um...
It's right...

Oh, no.

What's the matter?

I must have
dropped it.

Oh, my pa's going
to skin me alive.

He give me that 50-cent
piece to get him a paper.

It was just
an accident, wasn't it?

Oh, he don't care.

He's going
to whip me good.

Charles: Well,
I'll tell you what.

I hate to see a fellow
get a whipping

for just having
an accident like that.

Why don't I just
go along with you,

and we'll talk to your pa
about it and explain it to him?

Uh... no, no.
No need for that.

Wouldn't do no good.

I don't mind.
Worth a try. Come on.

Uh, but you can't.

Uh... you had the measles?

The measles?


No, no, I haven't
had the measles.

Now, what does that
have to do with it?

I was afraid
of that.

My pa's got them
real bad.

He's, uh...

Uh... qua-qua...

- Quarantined?
- Quarantined, yeah.

Oh, that's a shame.


Just have to face
up to it alone.

I'll see you.

Uh... I don't want you to have
any more accidents around here.

You get my meaning?

Yes, sir.

All right, go on.

Did you ever hear anyone
make up an excuse like that?

Mm-hmm, yeah... You.

I got to wash
the windows.

Harriet: My birds
seem more dainty.

Oh, um... Mrs. Oleson.


Will Nellie and Willie
be starting tomorrow?

Starting what?

School. Alice made
the announcement...

Oh, ho ho ho!
Mrs. Ingalls,

I have no intention
of letting my children

go to school
in a barn. Ha ha ha!

Well, Harriet,
the children need education.

It may not
be ideal...

They are going to
go to school, nels...

The winoka school.

The what?

You heard me.
Thank you anyway, Mrs. Ingalls.

Excuse me.

Do you realize how
expensive it would be

to enroll these children
in a private school?

Of course I do.

Well, then you realize
we can't afford it.

Nels, not in front
of the children.

What difference does it make
where I say it? It's the truth.

Nellie and Willie,
we'll see you in the room.

You don't have to
argue about school.

- We don't have to go to one.
- Hee hee!

To the room!

Yes, ma'am.

How dare you make those
children think that we're poor!

Harriet, we're not
going to starve,

but we're not rich.

Well, the children are
used to being rich.

Well, they're going to have to
get used to being not so rich.

Well, if you loved them,
you would send them to the school.

Well, I've got
a life insurance policy.

If I k*lled myself, then
you'd have enough money

to enroll them
in the private school.


Would you do that for us?

Of course not!

Oh, I should have known!

For one moment there,
I felt so close to you!

Now, you listen to me.

I'm doing
the best I can.

If you want to send them
to a private school,

then you pay for it.

Oh, how?

Get a job.

All right, I will!

Get a job!

All right, I will.

You will not!

I will!

You're the one who wanted me to
take a job in the first place.

A decent job
in a decent place.

Well, you work here.

I have to.

Well, so do I,

and will you stop yelling
in front of the children!

Oh, what's the use?

Impossible man!

Mother, maybe
father's right.

I mean, you said how
embarrassing it must be

for Mrs. Ingalls
being a waitress.

I'm not a waitress!

Waitresses serve food.

Yeah. Ma just
serves whiskey.

Harriet: Yes.

Well, reverend Alden
always said

whiskey was
the drink of the devil.

Oh, Nellie,
that's nonsense.

Even Dr. Baker prescribed
alcohol for some of his patients.

There sure is a lot of
sick people downstairs.

I have to go
to work now,

and I want the lights
out at 9:00... sharp!

- Yes, mother.
- Yes'm.

I guess we're going
to have to tell

the kids at school
that ma's a nurse.

Ok, lady, go to work.

Six more, Fred.

- They're coming up.
- Ok.

- Josie?
- Yeah?

This is Harriet.
Show her what to do.

You bet.

You just watch me for
a few minutes, sweetie,

and you'll catch on
right away.

Uh, you see, most of
the money is made from tips.


So, the better you look,
the more the tips.

If you don't mind
my saying so,

you could sure use
a little makeup

on those crow's-feet
of yours.

I beg your pardon.
Heh heh.

These are not


Yes, really.

They're laugh lines.

Honey, nothing's
that funny.

Everybody asleep?

Laura's working
on a surprise for Mary.

It's a braille card.

Braille. How in the world
did she learn to do that?

Adam loaned her a book.

I'll be darned.
That's good.

We got to get Mary
a present tomorrow.

I've got about
a dollar saved in tips.

You're not going to get much
in the city for a dollar.

I could ask standish
for an advance.

Don't if you don't
want to.

You worried
about my pride?

No. Your pride
is real, not false.

Well, we're doing
a good job here.

He ought to give us
an advance.

I'll ask him
in the morning.

You shop for
the noon meal.

I wonder
what she needs.

Aw, you're starting
to sound like me.

The heck with what she needs.
Just get her something she'd love.

All right, I will.

I can't wait for my birthday.
I know just what I want.

Oh? You always say
you never want anything.

Well, I do this year.


The biggest pair of
earmuffs in the world.


Ha ha ha!
It's awful here!

Ha ha ha!

Hey, nels.

Ah, good morning,

I wish I could sleep
in the morning.

It's the only time
this place is quiet.

Oh, I know
what you mean.

You really take things for granted
when you live in the country.

That you do. Hey, listen,
we're having a surprise birthday party

for Mary tonight
after supper,

and we wondered
if you could join us.

Be kind of nice having all
the old neighbors together.

We wouldn't miss that
for the world.

- Great. We'll count on seeing you there.
- Right.

- Is standish up in the office?
- No, no.

He's back behind the
bar counting the liquor.

Ok. Thanks a lot.
See you tonight.


Mr. Standish.

Ingalls, what is it?

I know I'm supposed to be
paid every other week,

but today is my daughter's
16th birthday, and...

You're supposed to be
paid every other week,

and that's when
you'll be paid.

Well, we've already worked a week,
and I'm not asking for a full wage.

I just want enough
money to be able to buy...

I've already
answered you.

Now, let me finish
what I'm doing.

- Hi, Albert.
- Hello.

Your pa give you a whipping,
or was he too sick?

You'll never know.

I'm just kidding.
I looked for you in church yesterday.

I don't go to church.

You believe in god,
don't you?

He never did
nothing for me.

Maybe you weren't

I'm trying to work.

Yeah. He's
trying to work.

You want to play push and shove,
you picked the wrong person.

It's a good thing
you're a girl.

Don't let that
stop you.

Well, I got my
school clothes on.

Me, too.

your penny.

I'll see you

I'll be here!

He's a pain.

Yeah. His pa's
Mr. Standish.

He owns the town.

Hey, we're starting
school today.

That's why I was looking
for you in church yesterday.

Yeah, I heard
about it.

Aren't you going?


I don't need school.

I got to work.

You real poor?

No. I make out
just fine.

Just don't need
school, that's all.

My folks think school
is awful important.

Hmm. My folks don't.

Hello, Laura.

How do you like
our new uniforms?

We got them just
this morning.

We go to the winoka
school, you know.

So? We go to school.

I know...
In a barn.

Don't you think
it's kind of funny,

children going to
study in a stable?

No funnier than a jackass
going to study in a school.

Ha! That's
a good one, Laura!

We'll be late,

I wish I was going
to school with you.

I hate wearing this tie!


I'm coming!

Well, I got to go.

Are you sure you won't change
your mind about school?

Nope. Besides, me and my pa
are going to go fishing today.

I love fishing.

If you ever go
on a Saturday,

I'd sure like
to join you.


My pa and me,
we like to fish alone.

Oh. Well, see you.


Are you a hungry girl?

You'll eat soon.

Charles, I know just what we
can get Mary for her birthday.

A Mrs. Carroll
came in this morning,

and she was
wearing a hat.

Well, Charles, it was just about
the loveliest thing I ever saw.

I asked her
where she got it,

and it turns out
she has a store in town.

Her hats are expensive,

but she was so nice,
she said she'd give me a discount.

Isn't that wonderful?

That's wonderful.

Did you see
Mr. Standish yet?

No, I didn't have a chance
to see him yet this morning.

Well, the hat will cost
about $4.00 or $5.00.

I know it's high,

but they do sell
for much more.

Well, that's no problem.
I'll get the money from him.

There's no hurry.

I'm just going to finish
up here and feed the baby.

She's been
so good today.

You know, she doesn't mind the
noise in the kitchen one bit.

That's good.

Well, look, I'll get over
there and get the money.

Grace, your sister's
going to be so surprised.

Don't get much call
for fiddles in the city.

It's a country item.

I know, but that's
a fine violin.

Don't tell me
my business, young man.

I've had pawnshops
for 40 years.





$5.00 outright sale.
Take it or leave it.

All right.
I'll take it.

Good. I'll get you
your money.

Hey, you!

I'll get him.

All right, son.
Let's go.

Come on. I went easy
with you the first time.

This time, I can't.

Come on out.

We're going to
go tell your father.

Give me one more chance.

Uh-uh. No more chances.
Now, it's for your own good.

The sooner we get
to your place,

the sooner you're going
to get it over with.

This is my place.


This is where I live.

What, did you
run away from home?


What's your name?


Albert what?

Just Albert.
I'm a bastard.

Hey, now, what kind
of talk is that?

Uh, that's when they don't
know who your pa is.

I know what the word
means. I don't like it.

Me neither.

That was what they called
me back at the home...

That and a whole bunch
of other things.

That's why I ran away.

When did you run away?


About 3 years now.

3 years? You've been living
in this place for 3 years?

Oh, sometimes here,
sometimes other places.

I do all right.

I work a little bit,
shining shoes.

I make my way.

If you make your way,
then why do you steal?

I needed a light.

I've been
using candles, see?

But they're not
bright enough to read.

I like reading.

Where's this place
you ran away from?

Can't tell you.

Why not?

Because you'll
send me back,

and I ain't going back.

Well, I could take you to the sheriff.
You know that?

There's a law
against stealing.

Anything's better
than going back.

You do what
you think is right.

All right, come on. Give me the lamp.
I'll take it back.

Couldn't you just say
you didn't find me

and then I could
keep the lamp?


All right.

Hey, mister?

Thanks for not sending
me to the sheriff.

Got it. Here you go.

You caught him.

No. No, I didn't catch him,
but I got the lamp back.

Much obliged.

Little thief ought
to get a thrashing.

Here's your $5.00.

Thank you.

Say, how much is
that lamp?

A dollar.

I'll take it. Thanks.

Charles: There you go.
You need a lamp to read by.

We're having a birthday
party tonight at the hotel.

You want some cake and milk,
you're welcome to join us...

About 7:00.

Here you go. He'd
only advance me $4.00.

Oh, that's fine.

I made some more
in tips this morning.

Oh, good.

Did he mind giving you
the advance?

No, no, not at all.
It was fine.

Maybe he's not
so bad after all.

You know, there's good
in everyone.

I suppose.

I put the baby down
for a nap.

I won't be long.

It's all right.

Good in everyone!

Find anything?

No. A couple of guys
looking for salesmen,

but I guess
I just ain't the type.

You'll find something.

I sure hope so.

Will we see you
at the party tonight?

Oh, yeah. I wouldn't
miss it for anything.

Guess I better
get going.

Good luck.

Thank you.

Come in.

You all ready?

Just putting on
my shoes.

Hey, when we see
my folks tonight,

don't say anything
about my birthday,

just in case
they forgot. I mean,

what with just getting
settled in and all,

they just may have.

You're probably right.

They didn't say
anything to me.

I'm ready.

See if my tie's


You look beautiful.

Thank you, sir.

16 years old, huh?

You'd best be getting
married soon, young lady,

or they'll be calling
you a spinster.

Maybe some handsome
gentleman will ask me.

Well, I'm sure
he will...

Once he gets
his nerve up.

Let's go,
birthday girl.

Charles: Come on.
Everybody in here.

Oh, my!

All right. Now,
everybody's going to stay in here.

Don't make a sound
till I get them seated.

Then out with a big "surprise"
and a "happy birthday."

I'll wait for them
in the lobby.


Mrs. Oleson: Oh, my.

What a funny
little cake.


Huh? Oh! Well,
what I meant was,

what a...
Quaint little cake.

be quiet.

Caroline: I know it's hard for
you, Mrs. Oleson,

but you won't have
to be quiet for long.

Hey, glover, look what that blind
schoolteacher's got with him.

Come on.

Excuse me, friend.

Didn't see you coming.

You probably
don't know it, boy,

but that's a good-looking
woman there.

If you'll excuse us,
we're late.

Just wanted to
introduce myself is all.

My name's Harlan,

Hey, glover,

she's blind, too.

Even a guy as ugly as you
got a chance with her.

Ha ha ha!

Will you please let us go?

Just trying to be
a good neighbor.

Just trying to help the young
lady get where she's going.

Charles: Harlan!

Adam, I want you and Mary to
go in the hotel, all right?

I'll be in in a minute.

Pa, you come
with us.

I'll be in in a minute.
It's all right.

Come on, Mary.

That's a fine-looking
little blind girl

you got there,


Ok, everybody.

Here they come.
Shh! Now, be quiet.

Ma! Ma!

Mary, Mary? What's
wrong? What is it?

pa's outside with some men.

I asked him to come
in, but he wouldn't.

Ma, I'm afraid.

Nels, come on.
The rest of you stay here.


Lord have mercy, Charles.
What hit you?

It was... Harlan.

Is that the guy
from the saloon?


Clean him up.


I think you two just beat
up on a friend of mine.

That's right.

Why don't you move along
before you have trouble, too?

You're the bouncer
here, ain't you?

Why don't you
get to bouncing?

You ain't
gonna bother

my friend and his family
anymore, are you?


That's good.
I know you're a man of your word.

- Hey, you there.
- Now, look, you're a friend of his...

Don't try
and be no hero.

Take it easy. Take it
easy. You live here?


Got a job?


Want to make
$40 a month?

Replace Harlan.
Start tomorrow.

All right.

Queens over 10s.

Are you all
right, Charles?

Yeah. I feel great.

What happened
in there, anyway?

Well, nothing.

I think
I got me a job.

You what?

Uh... I'll tell
you later.

We got a party to go to.
Can you walk?

You bet I can walk.
Just give me a hand.

Come on.

Caroline: This frosting
smells wonderful.

Something's wrong.
Why aren't they back?

Well, there's
nothing wrong.

Now, Jonathan told us
to wait inside,

and that's what
we're going to do.

There. You see?
It must be them.

Is everything all right?

Everything is fine.


Shh! I'm sorry
I'm late.

Come on. Sit down.

All right.

Mary: Pa, I was so
afraid you'd gotten

into a fight
with those two men.

You don't have
to worry about me.

I'm a farmer,
not a fighter.

Jonathan: You can
say that again.

Mary wants to open
her presents.

Let's get to opening.

I have to
be honest. I...

I know what's
in the package.

Ma and I talked
it over, and...

Well, I...

I hope you
understand, pa.

I know what you
were trying to do.

But the greatest present
you could give me...

Is to be able to hear
you play this fiddle

on my birthday.

It always has been.

I love you, pa.

pass it to pa.

I love you, too,

Uh... let's... let's
light the candles.

Laura: There.
They're all lit.

Hey, hold it
one second, now.

Don't make that wish yet.

Come on in.
You join us, boy.

Come on.

There you go.
Have a seat right here.

Everybody, I'd like you to meet a
friend of mine. His name is Albert.

All: Hi, Albert.

I spent a little time
at Albert's place today.

I thought I'd return
the favor to him.

Caroline: You're
just in time, Albert.

Mary's going
to make a wish.

Laura: Oh! I almost
forgot my card.

It's in braille.

Laura: Uh-huh.

Adam loaned me a book
and a braille writer.

"Dear Mary...

"You know I'm
not good at words

the way
you are, but..."

"I just wanted
you to know

how much I love you."

"I don't think
I ever told you that."

"I guess kids just don't
say it to each other."

"Well, you're 16 now..."

"So you're not
a kid anymore..."

"So I can say it."

"You're the best sister
in the whole world."

"Love, Laura."

I love you.

Hey, you two don't stop that
hugging and kissing,

you're going to have nothing
but wax for icing on that cake.

Now, make your wish.

I love you.

I don't... I don't have
anything to wish for.

I have everything
in the world

right here in this room.

God bless you all.

When can we cut
the cake? I'm hungry!

Oh, Willie!
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