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06x13 - Agua Mala

Posted: 02/11/22 17:48
by bunniefuu

Evan! Where are you?

Evan! Evan!

Evan! Evan, hurry, please! Nothing's coming out!

Our lead story: Tropical Storm LeRoy has been upgraded to Hurricane LeRoy.

The entire Gulf Coast...


Mom, is Dad gonna be all right?

Mom! What about Dad? Mom! What about Dad?!

We need water, Evan. Right now!

Mom! Just do as I say, Evan!

Come help me. Help me pull the washer out.

Please, Evan, just help me.

Mom, Lenny’s back here! Evan, let the cat alone!

OK, now unplug the machine.

Unplug the machine.

Pull that hose out of the wall.

I'm gonna pull. I need you to get behind the machine and push.

I want you to push. We're gonna tip the washing machine over.

We need to dump the water out. All right, honey, push!

Push! Push, Evan!

Push, Evan! Are you pushing?

Evan! Evan, answer me!




Let him go! Let go of him!

Let go of him! Let him go!

Let him go!

Hi. This is Fox Mulder. Leave a message after the beep.

Agent Mulder, this is Arthur Dales calling from Florida.

I don't know if you're watching the news, but we're in for a hell of a blow in the next 24.

I've been through hurricanes - been through the alphabet - but I got a distress call from my neighbour down the road that set my teeth on edge.

You don't have much time to get to the airport, but if you're the X-Files man you say you are, you better get your butt in gear.

Collier County emergency response team advises residents to stay off the roads and either wait out the storm in a secure location or at the emergency shelter.

Hurricane LeRoy remains some 20 miles off the Gulf Coast. sending high winds and up to six inches of rain onto coastal communities.

It has not yet unleashed its potential heavy destruction on a very nervous populace from Naples to Fort Myers.

Hurricane LeRoy is predicted to make landfall in the next three to four hours.

We'll be coming back to you in a few minutes...

No sign of anything amiss at the residence on the spit.

Place is all boarded up tight. Over.

Roger that. Maybe the occupants have evacuated. Over.

That's the Shipleys. But a neighbour called and says they couldn't have gone far without their only vehicle, which is still in the carport out here. Over.

That sounds like a real mystery, don't it? It sure does, you dumb fathead.

It couldn't be that all the planes out were fully loaded, huh?

There's a reason people don't head out into hurricanes.

The hurricane's 20 miles offshore.

Mr Dales, can we come in? Come in!

Who's this? Special Agent Dana Scully.

Scully? She's my partner.

Don't get too comfortable. You're gonna want to get right back out there.

Out where?

Did you tell her what I told you?

Yes. But she's not the type that's easily persuaded.

Is that so?

He means I don't hear a story about a sea monster and automatically assume it's the Lord's gospel truth.

Why did you bring her here?

She knows your reputation, your early work on the X-Files, and she has a knack for getting to the bottom of things.

Apparently, so does Mr Dales.

It's a good thing I have a reputation. Otherwise, how could it be impugned?

Look, I'm sure that there is good reason for your alarm.

I listened to the message you left about your friends.

Shipleys. A young couple with their son. Live on the end of the sand spit.

Sara called me in a panic.

She said that some thing in the house had grabbed Jack, her husband.

In the bathroom, you said? Yeah, of all places.

It was your description that caused Agent Scully's... dubiousness.

No, not my description. No, that was Sara's.

She said... that it had tentacles wrapped around her husband's neck and choking him.

And you have no reason to doubt Ms Shipley's report?

No. Both she and Jack are marine biologists.

Well, at least they were.

I fear the worst.

She's missing, too?

Uh-huh. Yeah.

I spoke to the local constabulary, but they're about as helpful as a fart in a windstorm.

I would've gone out there myself but for my bad hip.

It's not a night that anybody should be out in.

Well, I don't see that there's a choice...

..if anyone wants to get to the bottom of all this.

What is it that brought you out here in the first place, Mr Dales?

I came down for the weather.

Don't sneer at the mysteries of the deep, young lady.

The bottom of the ocean is as deep and dark as the imagination.


Mrs Shipley?

Least it looks like they had the time and presence of mind to prepare for the hurricane.

The place is boarded up from the inside. It makes you wonder how they got out.


Mrs Shipley?

Mulder? There's no sign of life.

There's something on the drainpipe. I can't get it off.

I don't know if I'm gonna need my g*n or a harpoon here.

How the hell did a cat get in the washing machine?

Maybe he was taking a dip after he finished boarding up the windows.

Where do you think this leads to? To the bathroom.

Dales told me the wife told him that the husband was grabbed from the bathroom.

Mr Shipley? Gimme a hand, will ya?

Well, howdy do!

Yeah, right like that.

Keep your hands up there where I can see 'em.

Now, who are you and what the hell are you doin'?

Yeah, nice and slow.

You can put the g*n down. We're FBI.

Don't all the nuts roll down to Florida?

We're Agents Scully and Mulder. I'll show you...

This is Deputy Greer. I'm out at the Sandspit Road.

I've got two suspects at the Shipley residence. B and E, possible foul play. Over.

We're out here like you. We're...

No backup units available. Roger that.

You're under arrest. We're looking for the Shipleys.

You have the right to remain silent. Dales called us.

Anything you say can and will be used against you.

You have the right to a lawyer.

That name mean anything to you? Arthur Dales?

I know Dales. All right.

I got a call from him too. Drunk. What's new?

What else would we be doing out here on a night like this?

You could be looters. For all I know, you could be part of the Manson family.

I know you're gonna k*ll me. No, but I'd like to.


The FBI? For real?

I'll be in the car.

I gotta at least make out a report.

No, not before you help me finish what you interrupted.

Yes, sir. May I have my g*n, please?

Thank you.

Come on.

Yeah. No... Thank you.

No one in the bathroom. The deputy helped me pull off the plywood.

No sign of anything, except more slime in the bathtub and 3" of water on the floor.

It's like somebody left the taps running before they boarded up the door.

Great. They're threatening to close the airport. I think we'd better get out of here.

Aren't you curious what happened to them? Yes, I'm curious, but I'm also suspicious.

I think that Mr Dales's story is fueled by more than his imagination and no deeper than the bottom of a highball.

Don't dismiss him so easily. He discovered the X-Files 40 years ago.

He's seen things I've only read about.

Because sea monsters can only be read about. Because they don't exist.

If the sea is where life began, where our ancestors first walked ashore, then who's to say what new life may be developing in its uncharted depths?

You know what? Maybe you are a member of the Manson family.

Look, there is nothing more for us to do here.

There's nothing a local law enforcement can't do for us.

People are missing. There's nowhere else to look.

I've done my duty for Mr Dales, for my conscience.

I mean, haven't you?

Well, we should at least tell him that we're giving up.

Shouldn't we?

Sea monsters, FBI agents... I'm the one who could use a drink.

Howdy do, folks. You'll have to turn around, find someplace dry to spend the night.

What's the problem? The road's washed out up ahead.

This is an emergency.

I understand but unless your car has wings, you can't get through on this road.

What about the airport? Is there another route?

Airport? Not tonight. This hurricane's really bearing down on us.

We got trees, power lines down all over the place.

You folks shouldn't be out here. Drive to the first safe place you can find.

Sir, it's important that we evacuate the area.

We're FBI agents, and we need to get to where we're going.

Don't all the nuts roll downhill to Florida.

I'd be happy to show you my ID. Thank you. Appreciate the concern.

Mulder. That was just one "howdy do" over the line.

Car 54, please report back to base.

Yeah, this is Car 54. I'm over at Nance Road. Over.

We're askin' all mobile units to stay off the roads due to extreme weather conditions forecast for the next four hours, including a flash-flood warning now in effect for Collier County. Over.

10-4. Gonna make a quick stop-in at the Breakers condo complex.

Looks like some folks are stranded without power. Over.

Deputy Greer, County Sheriff! If you're home, please answer the door.

If you can hear me, but you can't answer the door, call 911, tell 'em you need help!


Deputy Greer, County Sheriff!

If you're home, answer the door!

If you can hear me but can't answer the door, call 911! Tell 'em you need help!


Hello? Somebody here?




The good thing about zero visibility, Scully: it can't get any worse.

Is this the Collier County Sheriff?

Yes. No, hi. We're driving on, uh...

Nance Road. N-a-n-c-e Road.

Nance Road.

No, it isn't very smart, is it?

No... Yes, that would be much appreciated.

He's gonna guide us to the nearest emergency shelter.

Not a moment too soon.



No service.

You know, Scully, some day... we're gonna look back on this and laugh.

And we'll just think of it as man pitted against the forces of nature.

Think of it as a test of our mettle.

I don't need my mettle tested.

What was that? I think that was a tree branch.

Debris is starting to fly. We have to pull over and wait out the storm away from the trees.

We can't dodge trees in a parked car. At least this way we're a moving target.

We don't know where we are and we don't know where we're going.

There's somebody. I think he's about to give us directions.

Who says there's never a cop when you need one?

Mulder, isn't that...? Forrest Gump.


Hello? Anybody...?

Mulder, he's here.

Can you talk to me?

Having trouble breathing?

This man needs a trach or he's gonna die real soon.

I've heard of passing the time, but... ouch.

All right, I need you to hold his head real steady.

Deputy, just try and relax.


Here we go.

Looks like he was att*cked or stung. What are those?

I don't know, but he's having a reaction which is affecting his autonomic response.

Whatever it was, I think it came through the plumbing, through the toilet.

We need a medevac unit as soon as possible.

If it's in the plumbing, I gotta make sure nobody else is in here.

This is Special Agent Dana Scully with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

I need a medevac unit out here ASAP.

I have an officer in need of emergency medical assistance.

State your name again, ma'am. Dana Scully. I'm a doctor...

Scully! Oh, God...

..for a sheriff‘s deputy who is injured.

You have a deputy down?

I have a deputy who's been att*cked by something as yet unidentified.

Unidentified? My ass! What is his condition, ma'am?

His vitals are weak and he's in shock. I need him taken to a hospital right away.

Excuse me, sir. Is everything OK in your apartment?

Uh, yeah, yeah. It's all good.

You need some help... with your television?

I thought I heard voices. Thank God. We thought nobody was coming.

Are you the doctors? No. You need medical help?

Yeah. We called 911 but no one came and everyone else is already evacuated.

We don't have a car. Then the phone died.

Who's "we"? Who are you talking about? My wife and I.

She’s pregnant, a week past her due date.

I hope one of you has a car. You don't know this man, Mister...?

Uh, Suarez. Walter Suarez.

Uh, no. He's not with you?

I'll put it back. Yeah. Everything in your pockets too.

She's right over here. Right this way.

Angela? This is Mister, um... Mulder.

Stay there, Mrs Suarez. We'll make sure your baby makes it safely.

Well, thank you, but I'm not in labour. And my name is not Suarez.

It's Villareal. He tells people I'm his wife.

Like he's so macho.

Walter, Angela, you'll have to leave your apartment and come downstairs with me.

Why? You got a car? Oh.

Walter here doesn't have a car - not to mention a job.

Right now I just wanna get you someplace safe.

From what?

I don't know, but it may have injured a sheriff's deputy.

Who? Where? In the managers apartment.

It could be in the complex's plumbing. In the plumbing?

That's great. I have to go to the bathroom about every ten seconds.

Kid's gonna be a fighter.

Anybody else in the complex? No one.

Oh, there's George. George?

Yeah. George Vincent. He lives on the first floor.

I asked him for help, but he just yells "go away!"

He never listens to no one. He'll wanna listen to me.


Better go. It's for you.

Mr Vincent! George Vincent!

Quit banging on the damn door!

I'm a federal agent. I'm asking you to open the door.

You ask away. Then go away!

Mr Vincent, your life may be in danger if you refuse to leave your apartment.

You may be in danger if you refuse to quit harassing me.

I'm armed and I'm within my rights.

Great, but you may not be armed for what it is I'm talking about.

What the hell are you talking about? Hm?

It don't matter. I'm armed against it. The junta, Cuba and Castro.

I'm not gonna cede my home to no revolutionaries without a fight.

You got anything else you wanna throw at me? Bring it on.

All the nuts roll down to Florida.

He's had some foreign organism released into his body.

His condition's worsening. I can see that.

What the hell was chewing on his neck? I don't know.

It may have been a waterborne parasite.

You see what happens when you live in a dump?

Where's Harry?

I don't know who Harry is. The slumlord who owns this place.

He may have evacuated. Harry?

Right. And I'm giving birth to the Christ child.

Harry's legs hardly work. He uses those crutches.

He don't have no car. Nobody likes him cos he never lifts a finger on this rat-trap.

Scully, can I talk to you for a second? Yeah.

Now, who are you? Nobody.

Nobody? Well, it is so nice to be surrounded by so many great men.

We gotta leave as soon as possible. We can't.

Put the deputy in his car and take him to the hospital.

They won't even chance sending a rescue vehicle at this time.

The roads are impassable, and I don't know if the deputy is movable.

You mean we're stuck here? At least until the weather breaks.

Federal agents. Fascists!

Bent on trampling the rights of the common man! No need for them, no!

v*olence in pursuit of freedom is no vice.

I don't think these wounds are bites or stings.

There's something in here under the skin.


Mulder, what's his temperature?

Either he's got no temperature, or he's about to spontaneously combust.

You're not far off. It's 106.

OK, someone fill the tub with cold water and find as much ice as they can in the freezer.

But that thing is in the plumbing.

It may be, but unless we get his temperature down, he won't survive this.

Now get moving.

I need a container. Mulder, lift him up. We have to get him into the tub.

Mr Vincent?

Drop your w*apon!

Put it down!

It's gonna take a whole lot more than this to k*ll whatever it is I just saw.

I don't know what it was, but it came out of there.

You didn't see it?

I caught it out of the corner of my eye, but it swooped down at me. I...

All that happened is a sewage pipe burst. No, this thing came at me.

That's the 4" tie-in to the second floor.

Whatever it is, it didn't just rip through the ceiling.

It ripped right through the pipe. Where did it go?

It must still be in the building. Probably in the outflow system.

Maybe it'll just flow back out.

Or come up through the can and grab you by the nugs.

Someone's already got him by the nugs.

Look, whatever this thing is, there's no evidence yet that it's gonna k*ll anybody.

What about the man in the tub?

The man in the tub may very well be saved if he can last out this storm.

In fact, we may all be safe if we just remain calm.

Remain calm? I gotta pee so bad, my back teeth are swimming.


How is he? He's good.

Supertanker coming through. Angela, you can't go in there.

My bladder is pressing against your unborn child, Walter.

He'll have a head like a tortilla. This thing is in the plumbing!

The volume alone could push it right back out to sea.

Scully, that's how this thing is here.

The hurricane is sitting offshore, dredging up God knows what.

This thing must've been driven into the reclamation system through an outfall pipe.

Then it gained access to the sewer pipes in this building.

We'll be waiting for you out here. Thank you.


I know you probably can't hear me, but no listening anyway, OK?

Scully, something welled up out of the uncharted depths of the ocean.

Something that had been there, undiscovered, for ages.

Mulder, there is no evidence of any creature here.

Those organisms might simply be waterborne parasites.

But something from Jules Verne they are not.

I saw it! It's in the tub with the deputy!

It has giant arms like an octopus.


What the hell is it?

He's gone.

It's gone? No.

He's gone. The deputy.

Where'd he go?

I think the deputy went out with the bathwater.

You mean he was in there with it?

No, I don't think he was. She said she saw it, I'm sure she did. Scully, I think I know why nobody's ever seen this thing before.

It just doesn't live in water, it is water, taking shape only when it att*cks, like it did when the hurricane backed sea water into the plumbing.

Virtually unseeable until then.

If that were true, this wouldn't be visible, would it?

What this is showing us is that water actually attempts to k*ll it.

Maybe you just impeded its reproductive process.

Maybe it needs time, like it had with the Shipleys.

The Shipleys weren't in their house.

No, they were when they were att*cked, just like the deputy was here.

Using their bodies to lay its own spawn, using the body's water content to reproduce itself, to make itself anew.

He turned into one of those things? There are more?

We gotta get out of here. We're in a hurricane.

We gotta get to another building. There's no way to transport everybody.

We can use the deputy's prowler. How many people? Two, four...

Son of a bitch.

The Iooter?

Mulder? Yeah?

If we're gonna leave, we should leave now.


Hey, Mulder, are you OK?

Hey, wait a second. What are you doing?

I am saving our lives. That's my partner out there!

Then he should've listened to you. You can't leave him!

I'm not letting him in. He'll die!

What can you do for him? At least keep him breathing.

You couldn't save the deputy.

At least let me try! I'm a medical doctor.

That's good, because my water just broke.

You're going to be OK. Yeah, that's easy for you to say.

It isn't much of a choice really, is it?

We're gonna need water.

If I'm gonna deliver this baby, you can put that g*n down.

How do we know you're really a doctor? You don't.

The truth is I've never delivered a baby before.

So stand back or make yourself useful, but stay out of my way.

Long, even breaths! You got it.

Breathe, breathe... OK, Angela, I'm gonna need you to push.

I need you to help me help you.

OK, so let's push.

You got it, you got it. You're on the right track.

I'm gonna need some towels, please.

I need some towels, dammit.

You're doing good, you're doing good. OK.

You're doing good. OK, let's go.

OK, push.

I can feel it up there!

She can feel it up there! Yeah, OK.

Come on. Push!

Good. You got it.


Here it comes. Here it comes!

Here it comes. It's coming!


Hey, lady, what are you doing?

It's the water. What?

It's the water! I'm having it!

I'm having it, I'm having it! OK, OK!

I'm having it!

Push! I'm having it!

Hurry! Push! Push!


OK, now pick up the g*n! Help!

Pick up the g*n!

sh**t out the sprinklers! Just point and sh**t!

sh**t out the sprinkler!

My name is Dana Scully.


Thank you.

Yes. Oh, God.

That's terrible.

It's official - 10 pounds, 10 ounces of piss and vinegar.

El niño grande.

LeRoy Walter Villareal Suarez, Junior.

Oh, no. Oh, yes.

Oh, it's amazing. It's truly amazing.

What's that?

That you could come here in the face of a hurricane, chasing a sea monster yet, and end up bringing a new life into the world.

And then slaying the monster, and save this one's life as he was quite literally circling down the drain.

She didn't save my life really. Yes, she did.

With a g*n to her head, no less. Well...

You wouldn't have known to go in the rain if I hadn't pointed it out, and it was the fresh water that k*lled the organism.

No, no, I saw the Shipleys' cat.

Well, I can't swallow that.

No, I saw the cat, which had been saved, which had been in the washing machine.

The Shipleys had boarded up their house, so the only way they could have vanished was if the creature came up through the plumbing in a backwash of sea water.

And then the deputy, who vanished from a bathtub full of Epsom salts...

If Agent Scully had not been there with you, I shudder to think what would've happened to you.

I'd say you owe her your life.

It takes a big man to admit this, but... if I had had someone as sawy as her by my side all those years ago in the X-Files, I might not have retired.

I suggest that we have a toast to your good fortune, and I insist that we have it.

So... what'll it be?

Oh, uh...

Anyone for water? No!

I made this!