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06x12 - One Son

Posted: 02/11/22 17:47
by bunniefuu
Two men, young, idealistic, the fine product of a generation hardened by world w*r.

Two fathers whose paths would converge in a new battle, an invisible w*r between a silent enemy and a sleeping giant, on a scale to dwarf all historical conflicts.

A 50 years' w*r, its k*lling fields lying in wait for the inevitable global holocaust.

Theirs was the dawn of Armageddon.

While the world was unaware, unwitting spectators to the hurly-burly of the decades-long struggle between heaven and earth, there were those who prepared for the end, who measured the size and power of the enemy and faced the choices.

Stand and fight, or bow to the will of a fearsome enemy.

Or surrender, to yield and collaborate, to save themselves and stay their enemy's hand.

Men who believed victory was the absence of defeat and survival the ultimate ideology, no matter what the sacrifice.

sh**t me now before it's too late!

Mulder! sh**t!

Who are you?!

What's going on?! Get down!

Who are you?! Get down!

0n the floor!

Who are you?!

We're with the Centers for Disease Control. Remain calm and where you are.

You're gonna be transported to a quarantine facility soon.

Quarantine for what?

A contagion.

A contagion of unknown origin.

There must be some mistake. I signed up for the aromatherapy treatment.

Are we gonna be able to talk to somebody who can tell us what this is all about?

Where the hell do you think we are?

I think, based on our travel time, probably Fort Marlene.

High-risk decontamination and quarantine.

I beg for your forgiveness and offer my humblest apologies for how this went down.

I didn't have a lot of choices.

I owe your neighbours apologies. It'll be a while before they get back in the building.

We're still acting on a CDC level 4 quarantine protocol.

Based on what information?

That Cassandra Spender had contracted a highly contagious vectoring organism, which produces a spontaneous cellular combustion.

What? She remains the only surviving victim of an unspecified medical experiment that k*lled seven doctors with violent and unexplained burning.

Who called you? Agent Spender.

Where's Cassandra?

She's isolated, pending full and satisfactory medical evaluation.

Cassandra was in a general hospital environment for days.

We met with her. Yet on a whim you call in the Third Battalion.

It's unjustified and highly suspicious as to motive.

Scully... What motives are you suspecting?

Your isolation of Cassandra. She's patient zero.

No one is sick or infected here.

I assume that, based on you walking in, dressed to the nines, offering apologies masquerading as explanations.

Scully. Mulder, I want to see Cassandra.

I told you, she's isolated. Yes, and I am a medical doctor.

Who is suspended indefinitely from her position at the FBI.

They burned our clothes. Hey... I heard grey is the new black.

Mulder, this stinks. And not just because I think that woman is a...

I think you know what I think she is. No, you hide your feelings very well.

Agent Spender calling the Centers for Disease Control?

This is somebody using their position to stage a government kidnapping.

No. Skinner was at the hospital when Cassandra went missing.

He heard Spender make the phone call to the CDC.

But she wasn't sick, Mulder.

The remarkable thing is she was well.

Why did she come to my apartment, demanding to be k*lled?

Because of everything that was done to her, the medical experiments and the implant put in her neck.

The same thing that was done to me. She just wants it to stop.

And, I'm telling you, they have taken her so that it can continue.

No, it won't continue. It doesn't have to any more.

She knows what she is. It's dangerous for her to be alive.

That's why she came to my apartment, asking to be k*lled.

What is she?

I think she's the one, Scully.

I recovered all the medical records from the hospital.

The doctors who examined her before she escaped are telling us Cassandra Spender may be the culmination of 25 years of this group's finest efforts.

That's why the rebels struck. They tried to k*ll her.

They k*lled everyone but her. They struck to keep her alive, to keep us from k*lling her.

What do the rebels want? To destroy us.

They know that when the aliens learn of Cassandra, colonization will begin.

We must destroy Cassandra. No.

Let colonization begin. We must turn over Cassandra.

Save ourselves. Bill Mulder was against this.

He said this would be our tragic mistake.

Bill Mulder sacrificed his only daughter because he knew this day would arrive.

What choice have we?

If you want to see your families survive.

If we want to see those we sacrificed returned to us.



Oh, ma'am. These shoes, they're two sizes too small.

I was wondering if I could get a... a pair that fit maybe?

I can't be seen with you.


If they catch me with you, they'll k*ll me this time.


The Smoking Man... his group. What have they done to you?


Terrible, terrible tests.

Like the tests on Cassandra Spender?


Cassandra Spender is part of a programme that's been going on for 25 years.

A hybrid programme.

What were the tests on you?

I was infected with the alien virus. The Black Oil.

My tests were on the vaccine against it.

Being developed in secret. In secret from the alien colonists.

The hybrid programme was in cooperation with the aliens, but the conspirators never intended to succeed, to finish the work.

They were buying time. To make a vaccine and build a w*apon.

But Cassandra Spender happened.

She's the first, isn't she? She's the first successful alien-human hybrid.

If she is... and the aliens learn a hybrid exists... colonization of the planet will begin.

With no stopping it.



Jeffrey. Mom.

How are you feeling? I'm fine. Why are they keeping me here?

I'm keeping you here because you're safe here.

Safe from who? You know who. From my father.

You can't keep me safe from him.

I can, Mom, and I'm going to. There won't be any more tests on you.

You don't understand.

You don't understand about me. I do. I understand everything now.

You don't understand what will happen. What will happen to you if they find me out.

You've got to let me go. They'll just hurt you again, Mom.

Yes. You must let them.

Or everyone dies.



Please... Jeffrey!

Jeffrey! Jeffrey!

Latest in home security. Get through this, you gotta come past me.

I got a call from Scully, said it was urgent.

I'll ask you to hear me out before you launch any objection.

Mulder, I asked them to pull up everything they could on Diana Fowley.

I don't have time for this. She's playing you for a fool.

I know her, Scully. You don't.

You knew her. You don't any more.

I think we can prove that to you.

She took a position in the FBI's foreign counter-terrorism unit in 1991.

Seven years in Europe.

Yet there isn't a single piece of information available on her activities in the FBI files.

Hope you got something more than that to indict her with.

Travel records pulled from airline manifests that had been purged from her FBI records.

Extensive movement throughout western Europe.

Almost weekly trips to and from Tunisia. For the purpose of what?

That's what we couldn't figure. Until we took a flier and found this.

Mutual UFO Network logs. MUFON.

Special Agent Diana Fowley of the FBI was visiting every European chapter, collecting data on female abductees.

So she's collecting data. Big deal.

Or hiding it. Scully, you're reaching.

When I was abducted, a chip was put in my neck, when I happened upon a MUFON group filled with women who'd had the same experience.

So you're suggesting that Diana is monitoring these abductees and these tests.

You tell me that Cassandra Spender is the critical test subject, the one who could prove everything, and yet who is watching over her?

Mulder, I can prove what you're saying, or I can disprove it.

But not when Diana Fowley is keeping us from even seeing her.

Mulder, ask yourself why there is no information whatsoever on Special Agent Diana Fowley, why she would suddenly happen into your life when you are closer than ever to the truth.

I mean, you ask me to trust no one, and yet you trust her on simple faith.

Cos you've given me no reason here to do otherwise.

Well, then I can't help you any more.

You're making this personal. Because it is personal.

Because without the FBI, personal interest is all that I have.

And if you take that away, then there is no reason for me to continue.



Sorry. Nobody home.

What are you doing here?

Door was open. I came in. Interesting company you keep.

No more interesting than your apparent lingerie fetish.

You feeling smug, CG B?

Yeah, I know your name.

I know your game, and I got nothing to lose.

I remember looking over a g*n barrel at you once before, Agent Mulder.

You couldn't pull the trigger then. What makes you think you can do it now?

I came here looking for my son.

Why? Because he's betrayed me.

He's chosen the wrong side. He's chosen to believe in your cause.

That presumes my cause is wrong. It is, Agent Mulder. It is.

I'm not the one using innocent people, innocent women, as lab rats, trying to create a hybrid, an alien-human hybrid so that I might save my own sorry ass when they finally come knocking!

You find that funny?! Your father was against it too.

Back in '73, The lone dissenter.

But he came to his senses... and gave up your sister Samantha.

He didn't give up my sister. You made him do it.

You're wrong, Agent Mulder. I can't tell you how wrong you are.

How wrong you've always been.

We had agreed to cooperate with the alien colonists by a majority vote, taken by the group that your father and I worked for that came together at the State Department on a project dating back to 1947, to Roswell.

The vote changed that, though. It changed everything.

We no longer cleaved to any government agency.

We'd now operate privately on our own project.

That was your father's objection, that we would ally ourselves with the alien colonists.

Towards your own selfish end. We forestalled an alien invasion.

No, you only managed to postpone it. We saved billions of lives.

You put those lives on hold so that you alone could survive.

No, Agent Mulder. So you could.

That's exactly what your father failed to realize.

He railed at us and our plans, even as the process had begun.

While the group had agreed to the most... painful sacrifices.

Sacrifices that no one else would ever be asked to make.

You gave them your children!

You gave them your wife!

You sent them away... like they were things.

We sent them away because it was the right thing to do.

You sent them away to be tested on.

We sent them so they would come back to us. Don't you see?

You can't think these choices were made lightly.

They were the most painful decisions of our lives.

Watching our families' faces.

You're a liar.

My sister was abducted from our home right in front of me.

Because your father was late to understand the necessity that he too must give up one of his children to the alien colonists.

The aliens insisted on it.

It was the only way they would give us the one thing that we needed.

The one thing without which we could not proceed.

You see, the alien fetus would give us the alien genome, the DNA with which we could make a human hybrid.

A new race, Agent Mulder.

An alien-human hybrid who could survive the holocaust.

So you could survive.

And live to see your sister.

And now you've succeeded?

Quite. In spite of ourselves.

The plan was to stall, to resist.

To work secretly on a vaccine.

That was your father's idea.

To use the alien DNA to make a vaccine.

To save everyone. The world.

It was the reason he came along. But it's too late now.

Colonization is going to begin.

There will be a sequence of events.

A state of emergency will be declared because of a massive outbreak of the alien virus by bees.

And the takeover will begin.

I have only to hand over Cassandra.

You can't do that.

Our hand's been forced by the faceless rebels. We've no choice.

Stop it now, or I will stop it.

No, Agent Mulder. You won't stop it. Not if you want to see your sister again.

No, you stop it... or everyone dies.


I live.

You live... to see your sister return. It's what your father realized.

That's what you will realize as your fathers son.

Or die in vain... with the rest of the world.

Save her.

Save yourself.

You're looking for your father.

He's gone. They've all gone.

But they're coming back?

No. No, they left. For good.

What do you mean? They've abandoned these offices.

They've been here 50 years. You don't understand.

Where did they go? To West Virginia.

They'll be transported by the colonists and be prepared to receive the hybrid genes.

Except for your father.

He's gone to get your mother. I've got her secured away.

Secured away? He's already had his doctors looking at her.

I've got her under guard.

She's probably being prepared as we speak, Jeffrey.

What do you want now? Just lie back, Cassandra.

Leave me alone!

Cassandra, lie back and relax. It'll be easier.

Help! Leave me alone!

No, you're not gonna dope me!

Don't dope me! Roll her over, please.

Damn you!

It's in. Bastards.

The biggest bastard of all.

I need a few minutes.

They never question it, do they?

What? Your power and authority.

When you're really such a coward. I came in hopes that we might... speak of the future.

Not the past.

I'm at a disadvantage... since you stole the past from me.

I won't defend myself.

Except to say that...

we're here now only because of what I've done.

It's due to it.

I know it now. Only now.

But for so many years, I didn't understand...

through all the abductions and the tests... that it was you.

I ordered them, yes. But it was never my intention to harm you.

It was to save you.

And Jeffrey.

YOU can never Save our son.

He knows what you've done to me.

I saved you.

There's only one way... to save him.

Only one thing you must do.

I can't do it to you. I can't.

I must die. Or they all die.



Jeez... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.

Fox, what are you doing? Nothing.

Not a damn thing.

I came here looking for evidence. What are you talking about?

Evidence that you'd lied to me, that you had loyalties other than to me or to the X-Files.

Nothing could be further from the truth, Fox. Nothing.

I didn't find anything, Diana.

But something found me. What?

Fate. Destiny. Whatever it's called when you realize the choices you thought you had in life were already made.

Fox, what happened here?

You were being paid a visit by young Jeffrey Spender's father.

The Cigarette-Smoking Man came looking for his son, who has taken up my futile cause.

Against his father. Why futile?

Because there's nothing to be done.

And at some point you just have to accept that the only way those you love are gonna survive... is if you give up.

That's where it all begins.

That's where we need to be if we want to survive it.

Please help me.

They're going to leave me here. Please stay away from me. I can't help you.

They're packing everything up. They aren't coming back here.

I know you. I can help you.

You can't help me. I know where they're taking her.

I know how they're taking her.

You've gotta trust me, Jeffrey.

Shut the door. This is a highly sensitive area.

Go back. You're at a high risk of contamination. Leave the room.

Hey, Scully, it's me. I was just dialing you. Where are you?

I'm with Diana. I'm coming to get you.

We're coming to get you. You're coming with us.

No, listen to me. I'm gonna take you to Cassandra.

Cassandra's gone, Scully. I know, but I know where she's gone to.

Scully, it's no use. I'm going there whether you come or not.

Going where? To the Potomac Yards.

They're transporting her by train car.

Who gave you this information? Agent Spender called me.

All right.

You go on ahead. What did she say?

This may be our last chance to stop them.

Turn around. Turn around, Scully.

What is that?

This is him.

What the hell is going on? We're in danger. We don't have much time.

Why not tell me on the phone? If someone heard, it'd create mass panic.

Mass panic? Over what? El Rico Air Base.

We waited to send our communication. We were worried something had happened.

sh*ts were fired at us. By who?

I don't know.

We have people missing.

Where's Alex Krycek?


I'm trying to get outta here. What?

Security won't recognize my authority to remove a patient.

My father did this to her. She wants to tell her story.

Sorry son of a bitch. You don‘t get it, do you?

It's all going to hell.

The rebels are gonna win.

They took it.

They took what?

Who sent the communications? No one.

This isn't supposed to be.

What is this?

Back. Back, back, back, back!

The way these people died...

The loss of life here...

It is beyond words.

I can't imagine how it must be for you, losing your mother.

Yes, sir. But that's not why I asked for this meeting.

Why did you ask for it?

Because I'm responsible for the deaths of those people at the air base in no small way.

I certainly didn't prevent them.

I can assume, then, you can explain how they died.

Because I have yet to hear any explanation.

Agent Mulder can explain it.

Agent Scully, to an extent. They might have even prevented what you see in those photos.

Scully and Mulder have been suspended by the FBI.

Also my doing... and my mistake. I would ask...

I'd ask, before you say it's not my business, that you do everything you can to get them back on the X-Files.

Far worse can happen.

And it will.

Where are you going? To pack up my office.

Agent Spender!

You have answers now? Why didn't I hear about those answers before?

I've had answers for years. Why didn't we hear about them?

Nobody listened. Who burned those people?

They burned themselves... with a choice made long ago by a conspiracy of men who thought they could sleep with the enemy.

Only to awaken another enemy.

What the hell does that mean? The future is here... and all bets are off.

Agent Scully... make some sense.

Sir, I wouldn't bet against him.

Get out of here. This picture you have...

I haven't see it since you were born. You don't even know who the other man is.

I don't care. Get out. It's Bill Mulder.

Fox Mulder‘s father. Isn't that something?

He was a good man. A friend of mine.

Who betrayed me in the end.

I know more than enough about your past... enough to hate you.

Your mother was right.

I came here hoping otherwise.

Hoping that my son... might live to honour me.

Like Bill Mulder's son.

I made this.