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06x07 - Terms of Endearment

Posted: 02/11/22 17:39
by bunniefuu
It's important that you realize sonograms are by no means an exact science.

I don't want to alarm you or have you jump to conclusions, because it's not something we're perfectly able to explain.

But I don't see anything.

As I said, we may be premature in the diagnosis.

It may simply be... an intermediate stage of growth.

But there's a problem.

We see a development.

An abnormal bony formation involving the upper vertebrae and something growing here on the plates of the skull.



It might be nothing.

I'm serious. Dr Couvillion really just wants to wait and see.

I just... want it to be normal.

Oh! Wayne.

Let's go home, OK?

Come on.

Thank you.

I love you, Laura.

No matter what.

You know that?


I know.

Good night, Wayne.

Good night, Laura.

Sweet dreams.




What are you doing?!

Stop it!

Wayne! Where are you?!

Stop him! Please don't take my baby!

Please don't take my baby!


Wayne! Laura?

My baby! Laura, it's OK. You're having a dream.

It was terrible. It's OK. Shh.


It was... trying to steal our baby.

It's not the kind of case where I quite know where to turn.. you understand...

Down in Hollins, we do get our share of the oddball.

But we're pretty much like any other little town.

You got your home break-ins, your smash-and-grabs. Nothing too wild.

But given the victim's statement, the unusually vivid detail...

Well, I just had to take Laura's word about her baby being abducted.

I hear you specialize in this kind of case. You've come to the right place, Deputy...

Stevens. Now, this woman making these claims, she's your sister?

Yes, sir. Laura Weinsider. I've heard about the things people have been saying about her.

Not to my face, of course, but... real mean and awful things about what Laura's part is in all this.

It says here a doctor's report the day before revealed abnormalities in the ultrasound.

Yes, sir, that is true, but nothing conclusive, mind you.

I see.

OK, Deputy. We're gonna put this right into our priority caseload.

I really wanna thank you. Laura's itching to talk to somebody who'll really listen to her.

Mulder, Fox Mulder. Though I ask you not to make that known to anybody.

The FBI likes to keep our work on these cases very hush-hush.

Sure, of course. But I would like to thank Agent Spender.

Oh, no, no, no. I'll, uh...

I'll thank him for you cos I have to call in my progress report.

I hope you have something to call in. Oh, me too. All right.

I kept calling it a nightmare, but how many people's nightmares come true?

Not many.

Certainly not in the way yours did, Mrs Weinsider.

When I was having it... it just seemed so real.

You mentioned a fire in the room in your account and a... a devil that held your legs?

So that it could take the baby.

But according to your statement, your baby was not a normal baby.

No. It was some kind of monster... with, um, horns and a tail.

Can you excuse me, please?

My wife appears so resilient, but I know she's suffered ever since the doctor told us about the complications.


You were right there in bed with your wife the whole time, Mr Weinsider?

Wayne. Yes, I woke her up.

But according to your wife's statement, at one point, she... she reached over for you in the bed and you... you weren't there.

Well, it was a dream. Yeah, Mind if I use your phone... Wayne?

Sure, of course.

Your truthfulness is important, and as a prospective federal employee, I will remind you to answer as honestly as possible. OK?

Sure. Fire away.

Do you or have you ever smoked marijuana?

No. No, sirree.

Have you consorted with people who have, now or in the past?

No. I really don't think so.

Scully. Hey, Scully, it's me.

Would you mind?

Mulder, where are you? I waited 45 minutes for you this morning.

Before I tell you, I'm gonna ask you to keep an open mind.

Not an X-File? Call it what you like.

In Roanoke, they're calling it a demon baby-snatching.

You're in Virginia? I want you to look at this woman's charts.

Strange in utero deformities were detected. I'll courier them to you.

Mulder, we are supposed to be doing background checks, not chasing X-Files.

Look, Spender just round-filed this case.

It's unconscionable. What do you call mating through his trash?

That's like the assignment we're stuck with.

We, Mulder? I'm stuck with! You're not here!

Scully, this is a classic case of demon fetal harvest.

What they called in the Middle Ages "atum nocturnem".

The impregnation of an unwitting woman by a dark lord of the underworld.

As host for his demon seed.


I saw Rosemary‘s Baby on cable.

This is the real deal. Check her charts, you'll get hard evidence.

Check her prenatal ultrasound. Just humour me, Scully.

Take a look at those medical records. I think they'll prove my theory.

Wayne, have you seen my nightgown?

I can't find...





Laura? What are you doing?

What are you doing? Burning leaves.

At this time of night?

You asked me to rake up the yard.

It was in the job jar.

Hey, come on. You're making me feel weird.

Come to bed, Wayne, please. I will, honey. I just wanted...

I just wanted everything to look perfect when you woke up. I'll be right in.

Mulder. I think I found what you're looking for.

I've been up all night going over the medical charts on the Weinsider baby.

What'd you find?

The prenatal birth defects that you spoke of - they're all here, but they're subtle.

Describe them to me, They look to be discrete bony deformities.

There are spurs on the superior aspect of the scapula and small protuberances on the skull adjacent to the coronal suture.

Protuberances? You mean like horns? They could be recessive characteristics, expressed as vestiges of primitive morphology, or a developmental anomaly like craniosynostosis.

Do you think it could be passed along by the father?

I wouldn't look to the father as any kind of dark force here. I think it's the mother.

Virginia law on third-trimester abortions requires you to put her under arrest.

What are you talking about? Labour was induced.

In the mother's blood was a significant trace of an herb called mandrake.

It's a poison that's been known to facilitate self-abortion.


It's also been known to be used as a hallucinogenic.

You think Mrs Weinsider self-prescribed?

I called the doctor on a hunch and he said that the father was very upset about the news while the mother was quite the opposite.

I’m gonna fax this information to you so you can present it to the attorney for the county of Roanoke.

But I think we have your baby-snatcher here. Mulder?

Yeah. What? Yes.

I suggest that you proceed very carefully.

This could be very emotional for everybody concerned.

All right, thank you.

What are you doing? Sorry, I forgot my key.

Where've you been?

I told you I was gonna be on the road until Tuesday... Poopydoo.

I was just so worried, Wayne.

We're getting so close now.


I wouldn't let anything happen.

Not to our little bundle of joy.

I'll tell you who's taken hallucinogenics.

She didn't take any poison. My sister never even heard of whatever the hell it is.

Mandrake. Mandrake.

Where would she get such a thing? All I took were herbal sleep aids.

You don't need to say anything. Let your sister talk. It might clear things up.

Not without a lawyer. She's not under arrest.

You're damn right she's not. I didn't call you here to tell me rumours I've already heard.

My sister's no baby k*ller!

What's going on?

They're accusing me of taking the life of our baby.

Who's accusing you? Who do you think?

I don't know where you've been, but I'm the only one keeping the dogs from the door.

A man's gotta make a living.

Mr Weinsider, I don't want to arrest Laura.

I'm sure you'd hate like the devil for that to happen as well.

I should say so.

Why not tell Deputy Stevens it's OK to search the premises so we can clear up any misunderstanding about who's responsible for what happened?

Of course.

Laura? Could you come here?

Whatever else we find, I know everybody in this house is regular.

I know there's nothing they're going to find, but why do I feel guilty anyway?

Laura, there's something I need to tell you about that.

Something I've kept secret for reasons that I think will explain for themselves.

What are you talking about?

I don't exactly know how to say this, but I'm sure that you might find it painful, as I do.

Wayne, what?

0n the night...

the night that you lost the baby, I had gotten up because I couldn't sleep.

And when I came back to bed, you were...

you had... our little baby in your hands.

You were in some kind of trance. I couldn't get you to wake up.

You kept chanting over and over "Zazas, zazas, nastanada, zazas..."


All I could do was take our little boy, our little baby, and wrap him up so I could make sure no one could ever learn the truth.

Oh, my God.

And the other night...

when you saw me outside... and I was burning the leaves...

No! No!

I was just doing it to protect you.

I knew that I could never bring back our little boy, our precious little Wayne Junior.

But I couldn't bear losing you.

Hey! Take a look at this!

I don't know what to tell you.

All I could think, when they told me that something was wrong, that there was a problem, was that this thing that was growing inside me was evil.

I kept thinking that maybe it was something I did wrong and that this was my punishment.

I told Wayne that everything was gonna be OK.

But I lied.

But you have to believe me, Arky. I didn't mean to k*ll him.

I didn't know what I was doing.

It was the herbal medication.

That's all I can think... Laura, Laura.

I don't think you should say any more.

I'm gonna have to read you your rights.

We're gonna have to go down to the station and do all that.

I'm sorry.

You're gonna be OK. I'm gonna get the best attorney.

I know what you are.

I’m only happy when it rains I’m only happy when it's complicated And though I know you can't appreciate it I’m only happy...

Hello? Hi, Betsy, it's me.

Wayne, where are you? I'm on my way.

You're late. I'm going without you. I wanna be there, honey.

I don't want to be a husband who isn't there every step of the way.

You've already missed a lot of steps already. It's just a sonogram.

It's not just a sonogram. It's a picture of the expression of our beautiful love.

What have you been smoking? I'm three blocks away.

I'm gonna pull up in front of the house in less than five minutes.

OK, I’ll wait for you. OK, five minutes.

Hey, Wayne. Where are you going? What?

Who you talking to? Who are you talking to?

You seem like you're in an awful big hurry. Wayne?

I'm late for an appointment. Appointment with who?

A business client. Wayne, I'm hanging up now.

You're in insurance. That must take you out on the road a lot.

I'm an insurance medical technician.

So where is our appointment? How far do we have to go?

What? Come on, I'll race ya.

only smile in the dark

Oh, hi, Mrs Britton. Wayne Weinsider. Remember me?

Harmony Mutual Insurance? You had an appointment to have blood taken.

It's for next Tuesday.

I know that, Kim. Can I call you Kim?

I was in the neighbourhood and... insurance isn't something you wanna be without, even for just a week.

What do you do with that?

They check it, make sure you're not a policy risk.

Slow down, monsters.

Those your kids? Why, yes.

I love kids. Got a baby on the way myself.

Seems like I've been trying for ever.

Hold that up.

Those are fine-looking boys.

You don't know how lucky you are.

Two cells, with all that can go wrong, and there they are. Perfect.

You OK? You're not feeling faint, are you? No, I'm OK.

Can I use your phone?

I want those kids out of my car!

OK, Speed Racers! That's enough driver's education for today.

Having your fun?


You're busted. What?

I just got an earful from Assistant Director Kersh.

He got a call from Mr Weinsider, who says that you're harassing him.

Leave me alone.

Mulder, I have to tell him something. What do you want me to say?

Tell him I'm down here doing a background check on somebody.

I got a message you needed to see me, Laura. What is it?

I'm afraid.

I've been meeting with attorneys and, given the circumstances and your emotional state, they feel confident of an acquittal, if that's what you're worried about.

No, Wayne. I've been thinking.

Thinking? About what?

About your story.

About how it doesn't make sense.

You said you wrapped the baby up to hide it, but what they found in the fire was wrapped in the nightgown I had on when I woke up from my nightmare.

But that's not possible, Laura. You must be mistaken.

And I keep thinking about the face of that terrible creature at the end of the bed, and I remember something that I didn't tell anybody.

Not even you.

Laura, you're scaring me.

No matter what you believe, I only have one desire: to protect you, to put this all behind us.

Why'd you go and do that, Laura?

You've got to know that I love you.

And I just wish... you could've been the one.

Let me go, Wayne.

What's her rhythm? Still in V-fib. Charge the paddles to 200.

What happened? She just collapsed.


Paddles are charged. Stand by.

It was like...

It was like she died right in my arms.

Going again. Clear.

We got a heartbeat. What?

Laura, can you hear me? Laura, can you hear me?

I need to get her to the hospital right away. I need a neurologist consult down at the ER.

Hang an IV of lidocaine and let's get her out of here.

That was a long five minutes. I can explain.

Oh, please, Wayne. I've heard all your excuses.

Everything went fine without you. It always does.

Did you get the sonogram? Yes.

Bring it back home?

Is there a problem? The doctor found something.

She doesn't know yet, but there's some kind of bony growth on the baby's spine and skull.

It may just be a stage of development. She really just wants to wait and see.

OK. Sure.

Whatever happens, you know I love you. No matter what.

Do you, Wayne? Cos sometimes I wonder what goes on inside your head.

Nothing but good thoughts.

You and this baby are my hopes and dreams.

Mine too.

Why don't I get you a warm glass of milk and we'll go to bed?


You asked me to come here, then you're nowhere to be found.

I was at County Records, doing a background check.

Mulder... it's me. That's your cover story, remember?

I was piecing together the history of the man who did this to her.

That's why I was looking for you, because in fact nobody did anything to her.

There's absolutely no evidence of bodily injury, overdose, suffocation, of anything that would explain why she was in a coma.

Perfect. I don't think you heard what I said.

I did a complete medical review, just as you asked.

What I'm saying is there is not a shred of evidence to implicate the husband or anyone.

Not a shred of evidence is exactly the evidence I hoped you'd find. Check this out.

"Ivan Veles, born Czechoslovakia, 1956."

"Married twice, widowed twice, no children. Prosecuted twice for m*rder of wives."

"Acquitted twice on lack of evidence." Who is Ivan Veles?

Wayne Weinsider. Czech national, emigrated 1994.

He's also known as Bud Hasselhoff. Also known as Gordy Boytano.

Gordy Boytano? There's more. Read on.

"In Slavic societies, the name Veles was synonymous with... the devil."

"From the Lithuanian root "vele", a horned demon who sucks the souls of the innocent."

Mulder, you're not suggesting that he is himself a devil, are you?

I'm not suggesting anything. I think the facts speak for themselves.

I will accept that a man can be demonic, that he may have demon-like attributes.

But why would a demon, if there were such a thing, bother with a Make-Room—For—Daddy routine just so he can off his wife and unborn child?

I don't know why. I'm not a psychologist, but this is the best explanation for "how" that I've heard.

This'll put you to sleep on a cloud... where troubles melt away.


Sometimes I remember why I married you.

It’s pretty hard.

Get me the pick.

We've got technology out here.

Subterranean mapping equipment from Richmond PD. Still can't find a damn thing.

Over here!

Daniel, bring that light over here.

You'll find discrete osteopathic deformities to the upper vertebrae.

Two bony protrusions between the parietal and occipital lobes of the skull.

Good Lord. Put out an APB for your brother-in-law.

What are you talking... Just find him.

What are you talking about?

He's done this to other women here, just like in Czechoslovakia.

My guess is that baby we dug up belonged to one of Wayne's other wives.

You're saying he's trying to profligate, to breed?

He's exercising his biological imperative. He'll do or say anything he has to to succeed.

It makes no sense. If he wants to breed, why would he snatch his own babies and bury them in his back yard?

Because they're demons, and he wants a normal child.

No! No!

Wayne! Wayne!

What are you doing?

Maybe you didn't hear me. I said, what are you doing, Wayne?

1-5-5-2—7 Leahy.

That's in Cave Spring. That's West Roanoke. Cave Spring.

Thank you. Thank you very much for your help.

Scully, hold on.

Where are we going?

Harmony Mutual Insurance has a second address for Wayne Weinsider, all the way across the other side of Roanoke County.

You think he's got a second wife? Think about it.

He meets or screens prospective women through work.

That's probably why he came to this country: bigger gene pool, more women.

And he plants as many seeds as he can.

Let's just hope he hasn't been able to harvest many more of them.





He took my baby! He took my baby!

It's OK. Wayne. Wayne!

Wayne. He took my baby.


Come on, don’t make it any worse than it is.

I'm sure you didn't' mean to. Honest I didn't, Daddy.

If you say you didn‘t. Thank you, Daddy.

How are you? Is he going to die?

Of course not. People don't die from chickenpox.

Have you had chickenpox? Yes. How about you?

I've been trying to remember. You'll know in a day or two.

That's what’s worrying me. I'll be down in a minute.

I think she's going to die. Don't talk like that.


It's over.

A normal life, a family. That's all I ever wanted.

Where's the baby, Wayne?

How could she do this to them?

Put the shovel down. Your lies won't work any more.

My lies? What about her lies?

Whatever the truth, Mr Weinsider, you can't hope to bury it now.

I'm not burying anything. I'm digging it up.

Where's the baby?

Don't you understand? She took it. Betsy took it!

You can't blame anyone else, like you did with Laura.

Don't you see?

Betsy isn't like Laura.

Betsy is...

Get the paramedics.

I just wanted what everyone wants.

Don't even think about it. Put him someplace else. I don't want him in sight of my sister.

He just got out of surgery. Give me this.

Cut it out. You’re in enough trouble as it is.

You don't wanna complicate your situation by endangering his life again, do you?

That son of a bitch better live so I can beat the truth out of him.

Find out why he did it and how the hell he did it.

I think the "why" is directly related to the "how'.

What do you mean? What do you mean by that?

We should go talk to his other wife, Betsy.

I don't know.

He's flatlined.

Page Dr Nyland up here!

Just breathe deep, Mrs Weinsider. Can you breathe for me?

How many?

Four, total. All here for some time.

Maybe years. All normal, though, Mulder.

No osteological deformities.

And Betsy's baby isn't here. There are no fresh graves.

I know.

What did he do with it? I don't think he did anything with it.

But she was recently pregnant. I saw her records, her sonograms, in the house.

Showing the same defects. These weren't Wayne's babies, Scully.

Whose babies were they?

I think Wayne realized something last night.

He realized that he'd met someone even more evil than he was, who would sacrifice what he desperately wanted for himself.


It was no coincidence that she ran into us. We were taken in by her just like Wayne was.

She would say or do anything to get what she wanted. and was even more driven than he was.

Driven to what? To have what only Wayne could give her.

I’m only happy when it rains You know I love it when the news is bad And why it feels so good to feel so sad I’m only happy when it rains

Pour your misery down Pour your misery down on me Pour your misery down Pour your misery down on me

I made this!