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08x09 - A Nightmare on State Street

Posted: 02/11/22 05:20
by bunniefuu
Emmanuelle still
hasn't called me back,

and my nightmares
are getting worse.

I'm so tired.

My systems are rejecting sleep

like it's a foreign antibody.

Like REM is toxic.

Well, let's be honest, Gus.

Their last four albums
haven't left much to be desired.

It's been
a tough millennium, really.

But most people
wouldn't give 'em up

or new adventures in hi-fi

I can't do bits now, Shawn.

I'm numb with grief.

Sure was nice of your mom
to loan us her car tonight.

I can't believe this is an '85.

So stylish!

Steering is horrible,

but what are there,
one, two, six ashtrays?

Stop trying to distract me
from my anguish, Shawn.

The nightmares are so vivid.

I'm slowly disintegrating,

like a cookie
under running water.

I'm officially not convinced

that this dream therapy is doing
anything for you, man.

Why do none
of my relationships work out?

I'm gonna die alone.

- Oh, buddy.
- I don't understand it.

Emmanuelle and I
had such great chemistry.

- It wasn't great chemistry.
- The chemistry was great.

It was hit or miss

But she was tall.

Like Wilt Chamberlain
in Conan the Destroyer.

I thought she was the one.
I was gonna make her my bride.

Oh, man, that's right!
The zombie fun run was today.

We're doing that next year, man,
you and me.

- Let's not and say we didn't.
- Come on, Gus.

I think I'd make
a dead sexy zombie.


I'm gonna come back with snacks,

and I'm gonna have
this case solved.

Do you wanna know why?

'Cause work never stops,
and we're on the clock.

Now give me your wallet.

No rest for the wicked.

White people.

Curt Smith?

Guster, what a surprise!

You caught me listening
to my own music.

How utterly Rob Thomas of me.

What are you doing here?

Had a hankering
for a microwavable bunuelo.

You know they're so fun to eat

and so fun to say.

You okay, Gus?

You look absolutely knackered.

Girlfriend troubles, Curt.
Having nightmares.

I can't sleep.
It's really, really bad.

I went through that
with Roland, you know.

- It gets better.
- Really?

I'm lying.
It doesn't get better.

What are you doing here
on your own, Gus?

Where's Shawn?

Don't tell me he deserted you
in your hour of need. - No.

- He's right inside--
- Uh-oh.

Zombie attack.

Very funny, guys, very f--


Help me.
Help me, Guster.

Ow. Ow!
You nicked me!


What's going on, Curt?

Get up off of Curt Smith.

Get off of him!

Get off of him!


- Oh, no.
- I was just playing.

Oh, no.

Shawn! Oh, God!

No! No!


No, no! Get away.



Let your brains out!


What happened to me?

Where am I?

Have I crossed over?

Easy, Burton.
You're awake.

You're safe now.

You're with me.

Are you listening?

Dream time is over.

- Okay.
- You're awake, you understand?

You're awake.

Did that hurt?



Because that means you're back
with Dr. Simpson.

And that's a good place to be.

It's milk.

It's refreshing.

Boy, that was some dream,

I got some fantastic audio.

You were magnificent.

- Feel better now?
- Mm-hmm.



That's just part
of the process.

Now lie back
and release your core.



That's it.


Now tell me
all about your nightmares.

♪ I know you know ♪

♪ that I'm not telling
the truth ♪

♪ I know you know ♪

♪ they just don't have
any proof ♪

♪ embrace the deception ♪

♪ learn how to bend ♪

♪ your worst inhibitions ♪

♪ tend to psych you out
in the end ♪

Sync & corrections by Sherlocked


That is some vivid stuff.

It felt so real,
Dr. Simpson.

More real than real.

- May I have some more milk?
- Later.

What does this dream
represent to you?

It's Emmanuelle, obviously.

I saw a real future for us.
Everybody did.

Well, the fear of abandonment

is certainly the beating heart
of your anxiety, blackstone.


But your nightmare
is about Shawn.


Think of what happens.

Shawn leaves the car,
everybody dies.

That's definitely not it.
I mean, that's crazy talk,

and no offense, but you sound
like an insane person.

Ha-ha, I've hit a nerve.

You know why?

It's because in dreams,
people don't lie.

That's my business.
It's all in my new book.

In dreams I walk with you.
Let's read an excerpt.

"As if my small frame
would buckle at the girth

of my outsized intellect."

Look, Shawn and I are friendly,

but it's Emmanuelle

that is the cause
of my nightmares, okay?

And for the record,
I do not need Shawn.

Sure, you don't.

Oh, look at the time.


leave this place.

- Hello, friend.
- Hello, Shawn.

So what's dream therapy like, man?

Is it crazy?
Tell me all about it.

Dr. Simpson says
my nightmares are

all about Emmanuelle.

No other theory was offered.

Emmanuelle, huh...

Hum. Well if you need me--

Need you? Need you?

What makes you think
I will need you, Shawn?

I was just gonna say,
if you need me to drive you

to therapy tonight, I could
probably score my dad's truck.

Oh. Thank you.

I will take it
under advisement.

I'll probably cab it.

You know, I enjoy cabs.

So I doubt
I'll be needing you, Shawn.

Shawn, where did you go?

Dude, I--
I was gonna pee.

I was--
I was just hoping to pee.


I don't have an appointment
or anything.

I know, I should have called.

I'll come back later.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
no, no, no, no.

No appointments necessary here,
my friend.

Please, join us.

Great, I don't know
if this is the kind of "case"

or whatever you guys handle,

but I think my wife
is having an affair

with someone
at her place of work.

- Color us intrigued.
- Great.

Now I'm a little strapped
for cash, but if you do layaway,

I could start paying you
around the new year.

Uh, Saint Patrick's Day.

This is a place of business,
after all.

Not so fast.

Now, I definitely understand
the grief of lost love.

Please, have a seat.

Now, did you ask your wife

whether she was getting
her lawn mowed on the side?

Well, what's she gonna say?

"Ooh, yeah, I am.

"And he rides the mower
so much smoother than you,

'cause he doesn't need
carpal tunnel surgery"?


And what if confronting her
pushes her away for good?

she's my whole world.

E's effing out of sight, man!

- I feel you, I feel you, Zach.
- Uh, Eikleberry.

Excuse you.

Uh, I got a cable installation.

My client was given a window
from 7:00 to 4:00.

Ride with me, and I'll
fill you in on everything.

- Definitely.
- Not a chance.

I met Gretchen
freshman year of college.

Oh, wow.

She looks a lot younger
than you, Zach.

Oh, I wasn't a student.

I was working campus security.

she doesn't judge.

Because true love knows no boundaries.

Times are tough, you know.

I'm working two jobs.
We never see each other.

What's your other job?

I work nights
at a bowling alley.

Real Jack of all Trades.

- Life's a buffet.
- Mm.

If she hasn't cheated on you
after all these years,

why would she start now?

I feel her pulling away.

I don't wanna lose her.

I can't let that happen.

I won't.

Friggin' here.

We live.


hey, man, we're gonna stay
in here.

Most definitely.

Can't even carry my own toolbox

'cause of my sciatica.

I'd cheat on me too
if anyone would have me.

Ow, ow.

- Where you going?
- I'm going to pee, Gus.

I didn't get to pee
in the office

- because you spazzed out.
- You're gonna just pee outside?

We're men, Gus.

The world is our toilet.

Come on,
stay in the game, playa.

Maybe some music.



Shawn, is that you?


I need a ride, Burton.


Oh. Oh, go

I need some sleep.


Won't you give me a ride?

What the--



- We don't have much time.
- I'm so sweaty.

I just ran a bunch of fatties
across the football field.

- I want you now.
- Of course you do. I'm me.

- I'm gonna m*rder you.
- That's so hot.

Not on the lips.

This show is horrible.

They're all gonna laugh at you.


Who lives like this?


Shawn ditched you again,
didn't he?

He said he had to pee.

Yes, but do you believe
the world is a man's toilet?

No, I do not.

Well, the picture's becoming
much clearer now.

My previous diagnosis

may have been premature,


You see,

you're not worried
that Shawn...

is gonna leave you.

You're afraid
that working with Shawn

is gonna get you k*lled.


It's all in my latest book.

In dreams I walk with you.

It's got a foreword
by Sanjaya Malakar.

He's an old friend.

I'm sure that
you'll find this enlightening.

"When one is in
a perpetual state of panic--"

- Perpetual?
- That means "never-ending."

I know what it means.

I was expressing indignation.

"All the body's resources
are recruited,

"leaving precious little energy
for other things.

"Hopes, goals,
even our relationships

wither and die."

What does this have to do
with me?

Shawn, I'm imperiled
by our work,

and my love life is withering.

Any more questions?


I think you know the way out.

Hi, Emmanuelle.
This is Burton Guster.

We know each other, biblically.

You know what, let me
just leave my number again

- just in--
- Stop it.

Dude, the ball is clearly
in her court

and has been for a while.

You sent her five dozen roses

and a cake
with Nelson Rockefeller on it.

Shawn, Dr. Simpson says

that she is the key
to my mental health.

You know what, I'm done, I
don't want to hear this anymore.

What is he a doctor of,
exactly, anyway?

I'm coming with you
to your next therapy session.

No. No, no, no, Shawn.

Hiya, psych-os.
How ya doing?

So I'm crocheting a hat
for my nephew.

His name is Robyn,
with a "Y."

He has a large head,
so I'm making it

both to warm and conceal it.

- I-I got nothing.
- Happy Earth Day?

- Lassie.
- No, sorry, can't stop.

Marlowe's expecting me
someplace very important,

so I cannot have
this conversation with you.

I just wanted to put it
out there

that we are available for work
at our usual rate,

plus a new,
additional higher rate.

This is our opening offer.

Actually, things have been
uncharacteristically quiet

since I've become chief.

Now that Brannigan's
saddled up,

you can hear
a cricket fart in China.

That's cool,
'cause we kinda have

our own thing going on anyway.

Our new client's
sort of a big deal

in the TV industry.

Perhaps you've heard of him.

Yeah, right now,
when you just said his name.

Yeah, it's domestic.
You know how those things go.

Somebody's about to die.
They always do.

Watch this.

What the--

And a very happy Earth Day
to you too.

I do not like this, Shawn.

I object to this charade.

Gus, you know it's
the only way we can talk to her

in her natural habitat
without it being creepy.

We'll get what we need
and leave.

- You don't even have to speak.
- Believe me, I won't.

Eight, nine, ten.

Mrs. Eikleberry.
Hi, we spoke on the phone.

- Oh, you must be the Spencers.
- We are, indeed.

I'm Shawn Spencer,
and this is my life partner

Burton Guster Black Spencer.

I see you're working
out of doors.

Yes, it's such a pretty day,

and I love watching my kids
unfettered and free.

All right,
let's play some dodgeball!

- Oh!
- Look alive, Buduski!

- Boom!
- Like I said on the phone,

we've been shopping for schools
for our son Joshie.

We understand
that you teach the English.

He's shown a real talent
in that arena.

Isn't that right, baby girl?

It's so vital to encourage
a child's abilities

- and to keep them lice-free.
- Agree to agree.

You know, sometimes I'll tutor
functionally illiterate adults.

It's so sad.

They have to develop
little tricks

to hide their disability

just because they didn't learn
basic reading skills

when they were young.

Hey, Gretch, check the lats!

I can do, like, 16 of these!

- Mrs. Eikleberry.
- Yes, I'm listening.

And I'm impressed.

Oh, we should get
back to class.

Maybe we'll see Joshie
next year.

Oh, we're still shopping.

That's just terrifying.

You're a friend
of Eikleberry's?


She's one fine piece
of knish, huh?

You must be, uh...

Bagg. Coach Derek Bagg.

One "K," two "G"s.

You can call me Coach Bagg.

Or just coach.
Or Coach Bagg.

All right, well, do you think

we could speak to you
for a minute?

It's about our son Joshie.

I have
a parent-teacher thing now.

How about we meet
in my office in an hour?

- Lower level, near the gym.
- Mm.

Just follow the scent of man.



- Hmm.
- Mm-mm, mm-mm.


Gym teachers.


Sorry to keep you waiting,

Who was that giant slice
of shepherd's pie?

Oh, some meathead dad grousing

about his kid's score on
the presidential fitness test.

Like it's my fault
fatty's got no hops.

- You played college ball?
- Ooh.


The majors scouted me.
I had my pick.


And then ATV had to go
and flip.

Ruptured my spleen,
crushed my L-4 and 5.

Doc said if I wasn't so drunk,
I'd've probably been paralyzed.


No complaints though.

For a dude
who's not splitting atoms,

I think I did okay.

- Well...
- Got this sweet gig.

Good hours, summers off.

57 minutes to Sin City,
gate to gate.

I am baking my cake
and then frosting it

and then eating it.

Whale time.

Hurt your hand?

Old lacrosse injury.

What do you want, Buduski?

They sent me
from the office, Coach Bagg.

You're supposed to read this
and approve it.

Also, I think one of those
dodgeballs glanced my scrotum.

Stop whining!
Your sack's fine.

I'll read it later.

I don't know, coach.

What'd I just say, weanus?

Get out of here,
and give me 50!

See, look at that egghead.

He has no chance
to make the pros.

Got no stroke from the outside.

Not like I did.

Rain dance!

It's so sad.

Cash dolares.

30, 31...

Cable guy was right.

His wife's getting cozy
with Mr. Woodcock in there.

She leaves him
little booty-call memos.

Poor Mr. Cable Guy.



You literally just fell asleep
on your feet.

Shawn, I need to get
out of here.


Oh, man.


- Shawn?
- Yeah.

That way.


Maybe we should've gone
left at the water heaters.

Gus, we're gonna be fine.

As long as we stick together.

What was that?

- Gus?
- Yes?

- We need to run.
- Yes.


Gus, pick up your feet, man!


I can't see you, Shawn!

Left, Gus! Left!

Stay with me, Gus!

I can see the light!

Left, right, left!

Do not leave me, Shawn!

Left! Left!

Left, right, left!

I can't see you, Shawn.

Did you say left or right?


And put the lotion in the basket, will ya?


Shawn, I'm coming!

Who's there?

Can you help me get out of here?

I'll buy you some bunuelos.


Weepy, weepy, you so sleepy,

and the little kids are creepy.

Watch us jump, you know it
thrill you, just for fun.

We're gonna k*ll you.



That's not fair.

No! No!

Stop laughing!

Help me!

Please, help me!

Look alive, playa.

Shawn! Damn you!

Don't! Stop, stop.

Stop, stop with the ball.

No balls. Please.

No balls in my face.

Shouldn't we wake him?
He's clearly being pelted by balls.

Let the dream run its course, Shawn.

This is how the therapy works.

It's not always pleasant.

No, stop, ooh.

No more balls.

You left me, Shawn.
You flat-out deserted me.

What? Why would I possibly do that?

You did it, Shawn! You always do it!

Gus, we get caught together,

we face death together,
it happens every week.

I don't know where I stand
with you anymore, Shawn.

Where is this coming from?
I thought you told him

his nightmares were all about Emmanuelle.

No, I said they were all about you.

What? This guy is a fraud, Gus.

I'm not even sure he's a real doctor.

I'll have you know I was rated

in the top 13 of Santa Barbara
dream therapists in 2007.

I one time actually entered
Kate Capshaw's dream

and interacted with her.

Can't really talk about it

because of the pending court case.

But impressive, no?

Capshaw. Yeah. Nah.

Yeah, that's pretty cool, actually.

Gus, hey.

You know that I have always had your back,

and I always, always will.

I don't know, Shawn.

Things are changing.

I know you mean well, but I
feel like I can't trust you.

Oh, come on, buddy. It was
just a dream, you know?

Things aren't always what
they seem in dreams.

Oh, yes, they are. Even more so.


No, Gus, that's it. We know better.

Things aren't always what they seem.

You know, sometimes I'll tutor
functionally illiterate adults.

For a dude who's not splitting atoms,

I think I did okay.

Gretchen Eikleberry
wasn't having an affair.

She was teaching Coach Bagg how to read.

Then perhaps you'll enjoy my latest book.

In dreams I walk with you.

Let's pick a random page.

Excuse me a moment.


I see.

Gus, that was Brannigan.

I have bad news and bad news.

I'll take the bad news.

Coach Derek Bagg was found

beaten to a bloody pulp in his office.

He's dead, Gus. He's dead.

Oh, my gosh.

D. Bagg is dead? What's the bad news?

Zach Eikleberry has been
arrested for his m*rder.

He has a bad heart. And gout.

- And I.B.S.
- She gets it, Gretchen.

I didn't hurt anybody.

We're gonna have a laugh
when this is all over!


I'm allergic to everything.

I hope you don't think
you're getting paid for this.

Lassie, this is not about money.

This is about honor.

This is about professional
crime-fighting courtesy.

And money.

This was our case first!

So I'm just sitting there,

crocheting Robyn's giant hat,

and I just happen to
overhear your conversation

about your domestic case.

- That is bush league.
- Bush.

Then at the crime scene, what do I find

but a threatening letter to the coach

from Zach Eikleberry?

And I say to myself,
"Self, that's your guy."

What are the chances?

Then I follow him to some bowling alley,

and there I find even
more threatening letters.

Real sicko stuff.

The ravings of a maniac woodsman.

- Ooh.
- Small world, huh?

Well, you were right about one thing.

Somebody died.



Hey, Zach.

Hi, guys.

Mr. and Mr. Spencer.

I like the ladies.

I'm afraid I only have bad news.

There's hard evidence that
implicates you in this m*rder,

and we discovered that your wife here

isn't having an affair with anyone.

In fact, I'm sensing

she was teaching Coach Bagg how to read.

I just wrote those
letters to blow off steam.

I didn't beat anyone to death. Look at me.

I couldn't stand a chance
against muscles McHandsomeface.


Sorry I doubted you, baby.

I just--I can't seem to
get out of my own way.

That's probably because
you have webbed feet.

Zach, sure,

some men find a second wind in middle life

and get themselves in any
sort of physical shape.

But you didn't, and that's okay,

because I love you, cable guy.

- That's backhanded, no?
- Uh-uh.

Not on the lips.

He wouldn't hurt a fly!

He's not man enough!


I love you, baby!

- Okay.
- I love you!

I heard you!

- Woody!
- Ca-caw!

I need your honesty.

Is it too much?

The chrome?


- Mm.
- I don't think so.

- No, it's--
- Works for me.

Really? It's not all midlife-crisis-y?

- No, no.
- No. It's so shiny.

Can't go wrong with the custom.

- Picked a winner.
- Yeah.

Why, I love you both so much.

Now whoever k*lled this guy made
sure he was never coming back.

He's got fractures to his
ribs, kneecaps, jaw.

Cracked head, broken nose.

And based on these lacerations
to his wrists and cheeks,

I'd say he was probably bound and gagged

before they went at him pinata style.

What's going on with his digits?

Oh, yeah. Index finger and
middle finger are broken.

But it looks to have been done earlier,

maybe a day or two before.

It's an old lacrosse injury.


Speaking of baby-smooth,

I naired my buttocks last night, gentlemen.

Man, I am tired.

I'm tired too.

As much as I try not to
take my work home with me,

when I'm alone in bed...

and I turn out the light...

I see them.

They talk to me.

They tell me how they wished

they had made a different choice in life.

How they wish they had taken
a different path to work

that final day or--

or made absolutely sure
they locked the front door.

We all come into this world
the same way we go out.


But somehow...

they seem more lonely than that.

- That's intense.
- That's too lonely.

I mean, take this fellow.
I'll bet he was a great guy.

Well, this is new.

Go! Go!

Follow me!

Brains! If only I had brains!




I'm sorry. Did I wake you?

I know you've been having
trouble sleeping, dear.

Where's Shawn?

He went to drive his dad home.

Don't worry, he'll be back.

These gravy boats aren't gonna
put themselves away, you know.

Burton, oh, God. My hands are wet.

I'll ruin your nice shirt.

I don't care.

Oh, it is so good to be home, mom.

It feels safe.


That's a nice thing to say.

So are you going to tell
me about Emmanuelle?

I thought she was spending
Thanksgiving with us.

Oh, she bailed on me, mom.

She's not returning my calls or anything.

She doesn't deserve you.
Who is she, anyway?

What has she done with her life?

You are Burton Guster.

Is she the reason you're
having these bad dreams?

No, it's--

everything is changing.

Juliet's moved up north.

I don't know what Shawn's intentions are.

I don't have a job, ma.

Me. I mean...

- Oh, sweetie.
- No, no, it's okay.

It's okay.

I don't know where I stand anymore.

Well, darling, the more things change,

the more they stay the same.

Life is about being adaptable
but remaining true to yourself.

I mean, we can't govern
other people's actions,

but we can certainly govern our own.

I mean, almond joy's got nuts.
Mounds do not.

Girls just want to have fun, and
I love me a good scotch egg.

What are you talking about, mom?

Honestly, I don't know.


Lookee here.

And what can we do for you?

Don't be a stranger.

Where were we?


Guster, don't stand there
with your thumb up your ass.

Lock that door and bring
me that extra board!

Oh, God.

Come on.


Get over here!

Here, give me a hand with this.

Henny pennies, get out of here!

- Slimy little lifeless--
- All right, team.

That ought to hold those
undead sons of b*tches.


This is why we should
not legalize marijuana.



Lassie, come home!

Meanies! Life...

is for the living!

Oh, no!

Oh, this is gonna be hard on my nephew!

Oh, God!

No, no!

Oh, my God.

Burton, Burton!

- Oh, God.
- Go, go, go, go!

In, in, in!


Guster, where's Shawn?

My mother said he drove you home.

Your mother? What the
hell are you talking about?

I don't know, I'm
sensitive, and it's dark!

Shh. I got a match.


Guster! That's my face!

Get back!


It's the first thing I saw!

There's nothing funny
about a three-hole punch!

Stop it!

Stop laughing!

Oh, gosh!

Shawn, you're not gonna believe this!

Everyone is dead! Everyone!

It's just me and you!

It's just--



I do make a dead sexy zombie.

No, you don't, Shawn.

You don't make a sexy zombie!

You don't!


I sense your brains are yummy, Gus.

Oh, please, no!

I want your Pomona College brains.

No! No!

No! Not magic head!

Not magic head!

No, not my magic head.

No, not my magic head!

Oh, no!

No! Not magic head!

You all right?

I just had a nightmare
version of our entire week.

- And you were a zombie.
- All right, you know what?

Your dreams have actually gotten worse

since you started seeing this doctor.

You do realize that.

Curt. Curt Smith.

- How is he?
- I assume he's fine.

I heard he and Roland are
working on a new album.

How do I know I'm not sleeping now?

Oh, thank God.

Now what did I say?

I said when I came back to the car,

I would have snacks, and
I'd have this case solved.

And guess what. Boom! Shoo-yah!

I know who k*lled Coach Bagg.
Are you ready for this?

I don't know. Slap me on
the teat one more time.

How about now?


You ready?

It was a real scary dream, Shawn.

Okay, let's do this.


I'm ready, Shawn.

Just calm down, Shawn.

Gus, we gotta beat
Brannigan to the punch.

This was our case.

Now check it.

Coach Bagg was supplementing
his income by gambling.

57 minutes to Sin City, gate to gate.

And his fingers were just fine

when he was doing those
sexy chin-ups on the field.

Gretch, check the lats!

I can do, like, 16 of these!

But, boy, were they barking
at him in our meeting.

It's an old lacrosse injury.

That was no lacrosse injury, Gus.

That's what happens when
you don't pay your debts.

I'll give you one guess. Too late.

Gym teachers.

It was that big meathead parent.

He was nobody's father, Gus.

Well, he may be somebody's father.

I don't know him from Adam,

but I do know this.

He was some bookie's muscle,

and he broke Coach Bagg's fingers.

Then, a couple days later,

coach couldn't come up with the dough.


He came back and finished the job.

Whoo! That's how I do it!

It's all right.

We's about to get paid.

Release the prisoner and release the funds!

I've solved the case.


♪ Wait for it ♪

- No way.
- Man.

No damn way!


I've learned not to ask.

- You're free to go.
- Oh, thank you.

You're a free man.

I gotta thank you guys.

I mean, even though it was
the scary detective lady

who actually got me released.

You guys tried, which is something.

We're happy you found each other again.

Gretchen held vigil for me all night.

I felt like I was on death row.

It's time we reestablish

what made us a great couple to begin with.

Whatever that was.

She said something about
a complete makeover

involving extensive waxing.

Hopefully, by the time
I'm finished with you,

I won't even recognize you.

Except for your kind, kind heart.

Kind heart.

Oh, God, someone give
me a grappling hook.

- Gretchen.
- What? Yes.

Let's go home.

You know, Shawn,

I think there's a lesson
in all this for me.

A road map back to Emmanuelle.

Gus, I'm absolutely certain

that that is, in fact, not the lesson.

- Mm.
- Emmanuelle's gone.

- Mm-hmm.
- In the meantime, you have me.

And your coins and your stamps.

Thanks, Emmanuelle.

You really do need sleep, buddy.

Okay, you know what?
This is embarrassing.

I'm a celebrity, all right?

My Twitter account is verified.

And I was promised massive radio
and social media support.

Ung, look at me when I'm berating you.

You know what? Just forget it.

Just--just get out of here.

I don't care where you go, just go.

Not that way, go that way!


Great to see you, brother.


Boy, you guys came at a good time,

'cause it's been an absolute madhouse here.

I mean, these college
crowds are just great.

I can imagine. Well, I'm looking forward

to finally reading your book, doctor.

Yeah, well, it's beyond brilliant.

That's what they say.

Tell me something.

How have you been sleeping?

Like a baby, thanks to you.

Well, I'm just a dream
catcher in human form

with a chin that's coveted
around the world.

I'm just glad that you were able

to identify the source of your nightmares.

I need to take a leak.

Well, it's great to see you, doctor.

Yeah, it's been good
for you to see me too.

Let's do it again.


Come get some.

Oh, God!

Oh, God!


I'll be right over, buddy.


Milk shakes.

- Mmm.
- It's okay, buddy.

I'll always be here for you.

Val's still the king.

Hail to the king, baby.