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08x07 - Shawn and Gus Truck Things Up

Posted: 02/11/22 05:18
by bunniefuu
- Food trucks?

This is how you cater
a m*rder scene.

- It's like the who's who
of food trucks.

India.Are we,
meat & mrs. Jones,

It's hard out here
for a shrimp.



Not the macho taco.

- Is that mauricio
in there, gus?

Is that mauricio
in there?

- Do not go all sean penn
in mystic riveon me.

Is that the last of
his secret taco sauce in there?

Is that the last
of his secret taco--

Ow, ow, time-out.
That hurts.

- Would you two
please pull it together?

Oh, we've got
one dead body.

There was a line of customers
waiting for the truck to open.

Someone knocked
on the service window.

A body fell out.

Must have happened earlier
this morning.

- I can't believe mauricio
is dead.

We had some good times
with those tacos, gus.

- We had the best times
with those tacos, shawn.

[upbeat latin music]

[bicycle bell rings]

- [sighs]

Seems like just yesterday.

- It was yesterday.

The taco massage was yesterday.
- Oh.

- Please be finished.
Both: All right.

- Okay, I've already hauled
in the owners

Of these other roach coaches
for questioning.

- Roach coaches?
- Yes, and I'm being generous.

I've waged a quiet w*r
against the food truck industry

For the last year
and a half.

- Because the w*r
on dr*gs, poverty,

And terror were too low stakes
for you?

- Mock all you want,

But the fact is food trucks
are unsanitary,

and borderline anarchist.

They're like caligula
with a little less fornication.

Ma'am, your food truck

Was parked right next
to the macho nacho truck.

Did you see anything?

- I'm not telling
the police anything.

- Excuse me?

- Last time I reported a crime
to you guys,

You fined me for smelling
like hot dog water.

- You fined me for operating
my truck in a residential zone.

- Well, did you move it?

- Yes, I moved it
to a commercial zone,

But you fined me for that.
[both laugh]

- You said if there was a fine
for stinky food,

You'd make me pay.

- Well,
is your food stinky?

- Yes.
- So there you go.

Nobody's talking.
Something is rotten,

And it's not their food
or immigration status.

- Well, lassie,
looks like you dug yourself

A hole from holes -sized hole
with these guys.

- You need someone
the owners don't know,

Someone who can get
on the inside,

Ask the right questions,
nourish themselves,

And get to the bottom
of what happened.

- Let me guess,
that someone

Is you two delinquents.

- Nobody knows food truck food
like us.

- # nobody

- Plus, we've both had
mad cow disease.

- Now before you go and say no--
- Yes.

- Oh, whoa, whoa.
We need a truck.

- Well, then you are in luck
because I impounded

Some poor sap's food truck
last month

For not having a proper food
handler's permit.

- Will we need
the permit?

- Oh, I don't even know
if there is such a thing.

- Ha! Well, in that case,
show us our truck!

- It's in the police impound lot
getting ready for auction.

- Why are you being
so agreeable?

Are you selling amway?

People are always
nice to you

Right before they try
to sell you amway.

We're not falling for it,

- I'm simply too busy
right now to maintain

My usual level
of disdain for you two.

Until the new head detective
that the mayor's shoving

Down my throat gets here, I'm
doing the work of six people.

- No way to amway.

- Not to mention I've got
a very pregnant wife at home

Who insists that everything
she's doing lately is for two.

- All right, fine,
if you are selling amway,

Maybe I'll sign up
under you.

- "I'm eating for two.

"I'm hogging the bathroom
for two.

I'm spending all our money
for two."


- [chuckles]

- What a great surprise.

- Here's a kiss for two.
- Mm.

Thank you,
and thank you.

- I popped by to see
if you wanted

To go
to an all-you-can-eat.

Hi, guys.

- Hey, marlowe.

You're as big
as a house, woman!

- dude.

Pregnant women are sensitive
to certain things.

Marlowe, don't worry.

Your expanded uterus
and your protruding navel

Are appropriately sized

For your eighth month
of gestation.

- You get your stinking paws
off my wife's belly,

Or I will start breaking
your fingers.

I am so sorry,
bunny face.

You're gonna have to have lunch
on your own.

I'm a little swamped
around here.

- Oh.
Both: Mmm.

- Surely work can wait, lassie.
- Yeah.

You all must be up to your necks
in preparation.

- Actually, we're not
that prepared.

- I've been a little busy
around here.

- Well, at least
the nursery's done, right?

- Yeah.

- Yeah, once we've picked
the paint,

Buy some furniture,
and choose a room.

- Mm.

- Since when do you two know
so much about this junk?

- Knocked up, baby mama,
and juno.

- If the modern romantic comedy
has taught us anything,

It's what to expect
when you're expecting.

- Except for the film

What to expect
when you're expecting.

That movie sucked.
- But the book was money.

- You didn't read
the book, shawn.

- Oh, snap.
Gus got me, you guys.

- Mm, maybe we should be
more prepared.

- Yes, you should,
but remember.

The best lessons come
from rosemary's baby.

If baby lassiter comes out
with beelzebub eyes,

Think about what's best
for the world.

- That was too long.
- Yeah.

- The burn was too slow.
- Mm-hmm.

- Let's go.

[rock music]

[tires screech]

[horn honks]

- Aw, yeah,
here comes the mash & grab.

Best food mash-ups
on the planet.


Watch out, watch out.

Watch out, watch out.


Calm down.
Calm down.

- Why are all these people
shaking their heads?

[tires screech]
- don't worry, shawn, I got--

I know what I'm doing.
I know what I'm doing.

Oh, oh!
I got it, I got it.

Back it up, back it up,
all right?

I can't see back there.

- All right,
you got enough.

Home stretch,
right on the line.

Yep, yep, and stop.

Stop! Stop! Stop!

Is that mauricio's shrine
right there?

Is that mauricio's shrine
you ran over right there?

[the friendly indians'
I know you know]


- # in between the lines,
there's a lot of obscurity #

# I'm not inclined
to resign to maturity #

# if it's all right,
then you're all wrong #

# but why bounce around
to the same damn song? #

# you'd rather run
when you can't crawl #


# I know you know
that I'm not telling the truth #

# I know you know

# they just don't have
any proof #

# embrace the deception
# learn how to bend

# your worst inhibitions

# tend to psych you out
in the end #

- [screaming]

- Dude, all these people--

The food truck workers,
the customers--

They're all regulars
around here.

We need to meet
as many of them as we can.

Someone has to know who'd have
motive to k*ll mauricio.

- Oh, my gosh, gus,
I just realized something.

- What?
- This is about so much more

Than just
who k*lled mauricio.

This is about our future.

- What?
- This is about our destiny.

- What are you talking about,

- Oh, I feel a shout
coming on.

- Oh, no.

I cannot talk to charismatic
preacher right now, shawn.

- Can I get
an mm-hmm?

- You don't ask
for an mm-hmm.

Mm-hmms are voluntary.

- Come on, gus,
with a little bit of branding,

Social media campaign,

And some strategically leaked
nude photos,

We can be celebrity food truck
owners, now, come on.

Drop trou, take a quick selfie
of your buns.

- What are you talking about,
shawn? I'm not doing that.

- I'll just use the one
I already have.

- You don't have one.

- Are you serious
about the food business or not?

Why do you hate art?
- Will you get focused, shawn?

- Just give me
a little side ball.

- We need
to investigate, shawn.

- Like, one shot
of the undercarriage.

- Oh, my--
I'm gonna k*ll you.

- Our first customer.

- Hey, you--you guys open?

- Oh, yeah.
Welcome to mash & grab.

- Home of the mash-up, son.
- I don't get it.

- Have you ever heard
of a regular mash-up?

- Yeah.
- Cowboys & aliens?

- Yeah.
- Aliens, lincoln, and vampires?

Kanye and jesus?
- Yeah, no doubt.

- Well, this is like that
except with food.

- Drink it
all the way in.

- Take it in.
- Ice cream jerky?

- That's right.
- Mm-hmm.

- White meat drumsticks?

- Bull's-eye.
- Deep in there, deep in there.

- Pork-tarts?
- What?

- And pull it out. We're gonna
need that back, though.

We only printed five.

- All right, well, yo, let me
get that froot loop quesadilla.

- Very wise choice.

- Dude, you ate up
all the froot loops.

- You ate
all the damn cheese.

- We broke
the first rule.

- We got high
on our own supply.

- What are we gonna do?
- Here's what we gonna do.

You're gonna give this joker
a chicken-fried skittles pb&j.

- Jive turkey ain't gonna know
what hit him.

Come on, son.

Uh, here you go.

- Don't eat it all
in one place.

[both laugh]

Hey, gus.
- What?

- That mexican joint sure seems
to have benefitted

From mauricio's death.

- You thinking
what I'm thinking?

- Yeah, we got
a suspect.

Time to go on the inside.

- It's called "brana's."

The owner's name is harold.

Like most of the other
restaurant owners around here,

He doesn't like us.

Says we take all his customers
and parking spaces.

- Hmm.
- Well, do you?

- Yes.

- Harold did know mauricio.

They said that he gave mauricio
his first job.

And then when mauricio
started up the macho taco truck,

Harold accused him of stealing
his recipe for secret sauce.

[both groan]

- That's all I know.

- Well, do you know
the secret ingredients

To these delicious meatballs?

- Those aren't meatballs, honey.
Those are prairie balls.

- Huh.
What are prairie balls?

- Don't worry about it, gus.
- See you later.

If saleha, vito, and lillian
are all telling the truth,

Then maybe harold
finally had enough

Of mauricio's success
and decided to k*ll him.

- I sure would

If you were my shoe chef
and stole my secret recipe.

- It's "sous" chef,
not "shoe."

- Any chance I've heard that
both ways?

- No.

- Well, there's only one way
to say this.

You just ate
cow testicles.

- What?

- All right,
what's this all about?

- Since when do you play
with dolls?

- This is a practice baby
from the parenting class

That marlowe signed us up for,
thanks to you two.

- Why is it our fault?

- Because you're the ones
who got all up in her head

About us
not being prepared.

Now I'm taking
baby classes

And baby-proofing the house
and putting things together

For it to sleep in.

- There's nothing wrong
with being prepared.

What happens if the baby
comes early?

- Lassiters arrive
on their due date,

Not a day before.

Besides, the whole point
of parenting classes

Is ridiculous.

I mean, how hard can it be
to take care of a baby?

Give me that.

- Gentlemen,
how may I help you?

- You harold zenga?
- Yes.

- Sbpd, we'd like to ask you
a few questions

About the death
of mauricio sanchez.

- We know you and mauricio
had beef...

- Or carne.
- Over him stealing customers.

- Or customers.
- What?

- His death seems to be doing
pretty good for your business.

- Yes, mauricio and I
were bitter rivals,

But I didn't k*ll him.

- Where were you
yesterday morning?

- Small claims court
all day.

I was suing mauricio
over my patented secret recipe.

Mauricio never showed up.

He was dead.

- No.
I'll check your alibi.

Do not leave town.

- We are onto you, jack.
- Yup.

- You think you can k*ll
a culinary god

Like mauricio
and get away with it

Just because you give us
some free food?

- [laughs]
come on, son.

- Oh, dear god.
- This is delicious.

- Man, you know mauricio
stole this dude's recipe.

- Mm-hmm.
- We should get a table.

- Dude, this better work.

We can't afford to give away
free food.

- Gus, we can question

So many more potential suspects
this way.

Excuse me, sir,
would you like to try

A thanksgiving ball?

It is an entire meal
of turkey,

Stuffing, mashed potatoes
with gravy,

String beans, cranberry sauce,
pumpkin pie,

And an andes mint
rolled into a ball,

Battered, and deep-fried.

- Dude, you didn't ask him
any questions.

- This is true, but it's clear
he likes our balls.

- Hey! Hey!
Get out of here with that crap.

- Ooh, hoss,
perhaps you'd like to try one

Before you punch my friend
square in the face.

- I run a fitness center
for overweight men.

You can't be handing out
those fatty foods to my clients.

- Oh, "handles."

We thought you sold opening
and carrying accessories.

- Yeah, relax, moose, we didn't
know handles was a gym.

Nobody's gonna throw down
on my boy's face.

- Peddle your heart-attack balls
someplace else.

- They could be
prairie balls.

Okay, big country,
we're gonna move on

Before you go boots-to-chest
on my boy here.

- Will you stop it?

- If you change
your mind,

We've also got deep-fried
splenda balls.

- Uh, 'scuse me.
May we help you?

- I'm with the city
health department.

- We're not expecting you.

- Hence the term
"surprise inspection."

- We know what the term
"surprise inspection" means.

- Yeah, but not "hence."
that's not a word, is it?

- [clicks tongue]
how did we do?


I've never gotten a "d" before
in my life.

- First one
I've ever given.

It's like you found
this food truck in a junkyard.

I am going to give you
two days

To address
these numerous violations,

Or I'll be forced
to shut you down.

- Man.

- Dude, do we know anyone
who could help us

With unsanitary
cooking surfaces,

Food obtained
from unapproved sources,

- snakes?

- What?

- Sorry, shawn,
I just don't have the time.

- Dad, this case depends on us
keeping our food truck open.

Now, I've seen you make
an entire thanksgiving meal

On a grill that you made
with an oil barrel.

If anyone can teach us
how to sanitize a kitchen

On a truck, it is you.
- Mm-hmm.

- Look, I can't have you two
messing up things, not today.

Please, shawn.

- You are even more cantankerous
than usual.

What is this,
a prostate thing?

Wait a second.
Did you paint the porch?

- It was long overdue.

- Those are fresh flowers.

- What, a man can't like
the smell of gardenias?

- No fish tchotchkes
on the mantle

And a plate of cookies
on the coffee table.

Gus, do you see
what's going on here?

- I thought I did, but now
all I smell are fresh cookies.

- All right,
all right, fine.

Jig's up.

I'm showing the house
to potential buyers

In about an hour.

I was gonna get around
to telling you,

But it's been a lot
to deal with, and--

And you don't care anyway.

- Are you selling
my room too?

- Well, that's usually
how it goes, shawn,

Whole kit and caboodle,
you know,

Garage, mud room,
shawn's room.

- This is no good, pop.
I have stuff in that room.

I don't know
what the hell it is,

But it's mine,
it belongs to me.

You can't just hand them off
to some weird family

That's gonna throw frilly sheets
on my twin bed.

- Well, then I suggest
you go out and get some boxes

To put your stuff in.

- Dad, this is dumb
and inconvenient for me.

Why are you
doing this now?

- Because it's time,

And I don't need
all this space,

And, um... It's time.

[door opens]

- Time for what?

All right, listen,
what would you do

If it was your parents selling
your room in your house?

- The house that my mother
and father were arrested in?

The house where my father
was hiding in the basement

While my mother was out
betting on horses?

The house where you slept
with my sister?

- That did not happen
in the house.

- You slept
with my sister, shawn.

- We didn't really sleep,

Why do you do this
to yourself?

Why do you always
bring this up

When you know
it upsets you?

I can't change the past,
and I wouldn't,

Because it was great.

You should be proud
of her.

[tires screech]

- You need to get over it,

We're no closer to solving
mauricio's m*rder.

We need to find clues.
- What did I just tell you?

- I wasn't listening, shawn.

- This is
where all the trucks park

For the breakfast crowd
in the morning.

We have a prime spot.
We're gonna hear stuff.

We'll get clues tomorrow.

- Don't move, or I'll k*ll you.
[g*n cocks]

- Or sooner.

- [whimpering]

- Give me the money.

- Look, man,
we don't have any money.

- Man, stop lying.

- It's the truth.
We just got started.

- Check it out, though.
Mash-ups gonna catch on.

I'm talking about gum ball soup
and pudding ribs

And snickers burrito
in a bowl.

- Come on, son.
- Who'd pay for that?

- All kinds of weird dudes
and their weird-ass chicks.

Why don't
you try something

Before you fill
my friend here with lead?

- What?
- No, thanks.

- Yo, we're gonna show you,

All kinds of people
are gonna buy our food,

And next time,
we're actually gonna have money

For you to rob!

- The nerve of that guy,
robbing people

And criticizing
their food.

- Man, you know
that robber

And mauricio's death
are probably connected.

- I know.

- What you wanna do now?
- I don't know.

We can't do anything
till the morning, shawn.

- Gonna have to sleep
in a truck.

- [clicks tongue] man.
- Dumb plan.

- Yeah, we all used
to get robbed.

It's kinda like
a rite of passage.

- Used to?
What made it stop?

- We pay protection money
to the 108s.

They are the g*ng
that controls this area.

You didn't hear from me
'cause snitches get stitches.


- Some guy named smokey
comes by,

And you give him
the money,

Except mauricio refused.

- I've hauled in the owners

Of these other roach coaches
for questioning.

- Aw, man, I thought those
injuries were from the m*rder.

They happened
before he was k*lled.

Man, we gotta smoke out
this smokey.

- Why are people named smokey
always so shady?

- Smokey in Friday.
- Smokey from the pjs.

- Smokey robinson.

- You need to get
your boy.

- [grunts]
- what?

According to buzz,
this is the only known resident

In the area who goes
by the alias "smokey."

- I don't care, shawn.

All I know is I have
911 on speed dial

And a white guy voice ready
in case we need backup.

- All right.

Krav maga.

- [gasps]
- oh, may I help you, boys?

- Uh, yes, ma'am.

We're looking
for a smokey?

- Smokey?

Oh, you must be
some of luther's friends.

He's my son.
Wait right here.


Luther, don't make me
call you twice now.

Where are you?

- Think she's gonna catch him?

- Probably not.
- Man.

[all panting]

- Who the hell
are you guys?

Give me the money.

- You better check
your tone.

You're the one
that robbed us.

- Uh-huh.

- Wait, the enforcer
for the 108s has asthma?

- One of y'all
is about to die.

- [sighs]

You're in college.

You need to stop
playing games.

You know you're pretending
to be a 108

So that you could shake down
the food trucks for money.

- I wonder how the 108s
would feel

About you fronting
on their turf.

- Please. You can't punk me
into saying nothing.

- Really?
- Luther!

You get in here!
- He's right over here!

- Over here!
- Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo.

I don't care what you tell
the 108s.

Do not tell my mom.

- You gonna answer
all of our questions?

- Yes.

- False alarm!
No luther in the alley!

- No luther in the alley!
- Oh, thank you, boys.

- Okay, bye!
You have a nice day!

- Luther!

- That's a good lady
right there.

- Yeah.
- You better start talking.

- Okay, okay.
It's like you said, okay?

My game was to rob
the food trucks

And scare them
and then come back later

And convince them to pay
protection money to the 108s.

- And if one of them refused,
you had to send a message.

- Well, duh.

Any kid who's seen a bug's life
knows how it works.

- And that's why you had
to k*ll mauricio.

- Mm-hmm.
- What? No.

- We know you went to see him.
- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah, to scare him,
not to k*ll him.

By the time I got there,
he was already

Coming to blows
with somebody else.

- Are you telling us
it wasn't you

That gave mauricio
that black eye and busted lip?

- I am a musical theater major,

You think I'm gonna risk
these jazz hands?

- Dude, stop doing that.

So who was fighting
with mauricio?

- Some guy with a clipboard
and tie.

- I'm gonna give you two days
to address

These numerous violations,

Or I'll be forced
to shut you down.

- Aw, man,
the health inspector?

I thought those were
ink smudges on his hands.

They were actually bruises.
- Ink smudges?

- Ink smudges that look
like bruises?

- Man, nobody asked you
to weigh in, benetton!

It was the inspector
that jacked up mauricio.

We're gonna have to go
see him again.

- As for you,
return the money you extorted

From the food trucks.
- Hell no.

- Well, at least come spend
some of it at our truck.

- Yeah.
- All right, I'll give it back.

- I hope your mama
finds you.

Mm, mm, mm.
- There you go, mm-hmm.

- Don't eat it all in one place.

- All right.
- All right.

- I'm here
for your follow-up inspection.

- Ahh.
- Ooh.

- Mm.

- Guess what.

This time, we've got
some questions for you, buster.

- Mm-hmm.

About the fight
you and mauricio sanchez had

The day
before he was found dead.

- Uh-oh.

Look at that.

Looks like
mr. I-know-what-food-is-safe-


- [chuckles]

- [gags]
- [feigns gagging]

- [groans]

Looks like
mr. I-know-what-food-is-safe-

has something to hide.

- I've got nothing to hide.
It was pretty simple.

Mr. Sanchez was upset
with the grade I gave his truck,

And he accused me
of sabotage.

He physically threatened me,
and we had an altercation.

I got my money's worth
from my kickboxing class.

That was it.

- How do we know you didn't
come back the next day

And k*ll him?

- The city tracks
my whereabouts with gps.

Check the records.
- Mm-hmm.

You said he accused you
of sabotage.

Now, why would
he do that?

- I only inspected
mauricio's truck

Because I received
an anonymous tip

That there were rodent droppings
on the floor

Of the macho taco truck.

- Man, that's nasty.
[musical ringtone]

You rushed right over there,
didn't you, 'cause you liked it?

- Mm-mm.
- You like nasty stuff.

- Mm-mm.
- Nasty.

Let me guess, you wanna sell
my motorcycle now.

- Hey, shawn, listen,
I've accepted an offer.

You gotta come
and get your stuff.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah,
look, I'm busy, dad.

Can't this wait
until after we solve the case?

- No, shawn--
- hey.

How much
for the mr. Potato head?

- I don't know, 5 bucks,
whatever you think it's worth.

- Dude, we gotta go.
It's an emergency.


No, he did not.

- Hey, shawn, shawn,
get that thing out of the way!

You're blocking
my entire yard.

- I cannot believe
that you would sell my things

Without giving me a chance
to go through them first.

- Yeah, well,
believe it.

- When are these people
moving in anyway?

- 45-day escrow.

- Dad, that's, like,
three months from now.

- Yeah, well,
this is your chance.

I know you would've stalled
forever if I let you.

- Is that my teddy ruxpin
in there?

- No.

- Is that my teddy ruxpin
in there?

- Would you stop it?

- Is that my teddy ruxpin
in there?

You told me that mark flemming
stole this when we were kids.

I told his parents.

They sent him
to military school for it.

- And I felt bad about that.
And then, I didn't.

- What else around here
is mine?

- Nothing.

- Mine.



- You see
what you've done now?

Do you?

- Mine.

- Hey.
- Hey!

- What, are you having
a moment?

- Yeah, listen, shawn,
about all this stuff,

I just--
- whoa, hold on, pop.

You belong to handles?

That gym with the guy?

- Yeah, not easy looking
this great when you're 50.

It takes a lot of work,
and the only reason

I gave up my membership
is because

I couldn't find
a parking space,

Because of all those trucks
like yours blocking the way.

Would you get it
out of here now?

- I only inspected
mauricio's truck

Because I received
an anonymous tip

That there were
rodent droppings

On the floor
of the macho taco truck.

- Dude, it was jake.

Jake was
the anonymous tipster

Who called the health inspector
about mauricio's truck.

- Why would jake care? He
doesn't eat that kind of food.

- Because the macho taco truck

Was always blocking access
for jake's customers.

That's why he wanted
to shut mauricio down.

- Which is why he immediately
didn't like us

When we took over
mauricio's spot.

- That and the fact
that we were handing out

holiday balls

Outside of his gym.

When the sabotage
didn't work,

Roid rage must have kicked in,
and thwack.

He k*lled him, gus.
We solved it.

We solved it.

- You are a cold-blooded thief,


[knock at door]
- yo, jake!

- Jake.

- Yeah, business is
really booming, huh?

Hey, the jig's up, moose!
- Mm-hmm.

- Game over, big country!


- Well, well... - Oh, wow. Huh.

You think we can bench
that much?

- Shawn, that is cruel
and disrespectful.

- Sorry I'm late.
Stupid baby classes again.

- Lassie, I am sensing
that your practice baby

Has had many accidents.

It also has
brad dourif hair,

Which is beyond unsettling.

Do we need to get practice
social services down here?

- Hey, I may have dropped it
a few times,

But marlowe's the one
who left it in the dryer.

[cell phone rings]
hang on.

It's dobson.
Talk to me, dobson.


Wait, so the money
that smokey extorted

From the food trucks
was linked to what?

Okay, hang on a second.

All right.

Okay, so traces
of bank dye

On some of the bills,

Serials from two robberies,

One on 4th and--
was it 4th and main?

- Right on the buns.
- That's terrible.

- Another on sycamore.

- They are the g*ng
that controls this area.

- That's a prairie ball.

- Dude, both of those banks
are in places

We park
all of our trucks.

- What better way to case
a bank you wanna rob

Than parking a food truck
in front of it

For hours a day?

Lassie, I am sensing
that one of the trucks

In our fleet
is somehow responsible

For the recent bank robberies
and linked to the two murders.

- Mm-hmm.
- All right.

Well, talk to me when you get
some hard evidence.

- Yes, chief?

- Scan the notes
on that fake baby's butt,

And email it to me stat.

- Hey, guys,
I just wanna tell you

That I love what you've done
with your food truck.

- Oh.

- Your food's much better
than the mexican fusion food

Your truck used to serve
before we impounded it.

I'm a big fan
of the just-microwaved taste.

- Our truck used to serve
mexican fusion?

- Yeah, it was called
"mouth of the border."

- That means it would've been
direct competition to mauricio.

We didn't know that because
we never saw the signage.

- Gus, it is possible
we have been driving

The k*ller's truck
the whole time.

What's up, son?
You frank patton or what?

- Is that my old truck?
- We'll ask the questions here.

- We know it used to be called
"mouth of the border,"

And we know
that mauricio sanchez

Was one
of your chief competitors.

- Yeah, me and mauricio worked
the same crowd, so what?

- Well, it seems like
he fell on hard times

Once you lost
the truck.

- I mean, anybody who slow
dances with a sign for a living

Is obviously desperate
for cash.

- Maybe you were
desperate enough to rob banks

Near where you used
to park the truck.

- Yeah, and maybe mauricio
found out about it,

Threatened to go
to the cops,

And maybe you silenced him.
- Maybe.

- Maybe you guys
got it all wrong.

I lost my truck because I ate
too much of my own food.

- [scoffs]

- Mixed up orders
all the time

And fought
with my workers.

I failed health inspections,
didn't have the right permits.

- Shame on you, man.
- I wasn't the only one.

Trucks fail the time,
all right?

Pizza in a cup closed up,

Just like kupcake king
and in the vegan-ing.

- In the vegan-ing
is still open.

- I was there when vito's truck
got repo'd.

He was in deeper
than I was.

He told me two weeks,
and he'd be insolvent.

- Whoa, man.
The potty talk.

You're just being gross.
- He was broke.

He must have
come into some money.

- It's funny
you should ask that.

Harold did know mauricio.

- Dude, that's it.

Jake and vito both
had struggling businesses

With similar clientele.

They tried to form
a business relationship,

And when that didn't work,
they became partners in crime.

They became bank robbers.

- Then something went wrong,
and it ended in m*rder.

- Lassie, we've got
that evidence you asked for.

Meet us at the business park.

All the food trucks
are gonna be there.

Yo, frankie p.P.,
if we bring the truck

Back here to speedy lube,
you gonna cut us a deal,

Seeing as how it used
to be yours, you know,

Before you hit rock bottom?

- Fine.

[tires screech]

- What is this?
What is this?

- What is going on?

- Marlowe, hey!
Shouldn't you be taking it easy?

- Yeah, but I had
a k*ller pregnancy craving

For froot loop quesadilla.

Ever since carlton told me
how full of fat

And sugar and salt they were,
I had to sneak out and get one.

- Uh, lassie's on his way
to meet us now.

- Yeah.

- What?
- Lassie is on his way--

- Don't tell him
I broke doctor's orders

And came down here
for food truck food.

He hates food truck food.

- All right,
your secret's safe with us.

But we're gonna have
to hide you, okay?

- Huh?
- Yeah, in the truck. Come on.

- Are you sure that we can
trust her with our food?

- Please,
I can control myself.

Ooh, I just peed a little.
- What?

- Whoa! Come on, now.
There are napkins in there.

Are you
out of your mind?

- Hey, shawn.
- Dad.

What are you doing here?
- Look.

I know I've been
kinda acting weird,

And I owe you an explanation,

No more silly games,

- I appreciate that,
but right now,

We need you to hide
lassie's pregnant wife

Till we can get him
out of here immediately.

- Why? What?
- She's in the truck.

She's in the truck. Shh, shh.
- What?

- Hey, partner.

Is that your fake baby
strapped to a car seat?

- Damn straight.
You know what?

It only took me
45 minutes

To figure out
how to install the thing.

I think I am starting
to get the hang of this.

- It's not supposed to be
in the front seat

Or facing the front.

- I'm sorry, have you spent
two hours in a parenting class?

- Here's the plan.
We're pretty sure it's vito.

- He's on the inside.

- Just need you to stall him
with some questions

While I get
a psychic reading,

And we'll wrap
this baby up.

- All right.

- Hey, vito.

You, uh...

- Count this one.
- All right.

- [screams]


- Jake, I know you told
the health inspector.


- I didn't sign up
for m*rder.


- k*ll anybody lately?

Oh, oh, come on, man!
That is gross!

Why'd he do that?

- Who does that?
- That's disgusting.

- With weird organic stuff.
[tires screech]

[fake baby squeals]

[tires screech]

- What the--

- You guys better get in here.
Marlowe's water just broke.

- What the hell is
he talking about?

- I have no idea.
- Sorry, sweetie-kins!

- Is that my wife
and unborn child in there?

Is that my wife
and unborn child in there?

- No.
- Son of a--

Don't worry, baby.
- This should be interesting.

- I'm coming!
I'm coming, honey!

- Uh--
- [groans]

I think the greasy food
induced labor!

- No, no, not like this.
Not like this!

- Carlton, carlton!
We don't have time to waste.

The baby's almost here.
You better get started.

- I don't know anything
about delivering a baby.

- You delivered
chief vick's baby.

- I was in the room, it's not
like I caught the thing.

Besides, that was
eight years ago.

- Okay, fine. I will do it.
- What?

- But you're gonna have
to trust me.

- No!
- [screams]

- Okay, go! Do it!
- Hey, man.

Look at the bright side.

At least the truck
is sanitary now.

- Shawn, would you stop
screwing around?

I'm gonna need hot water
and lots and lots of towels.

- How about a warm soda
and five menus?

- No, no, no,
I drank all the soda.

- You have a problem.
It's warm.

- How fast can this thing go?
- Now is not the time

To be trying to catch
a criminal, lassie.

- I am not, I need to get
my wife to a hospital.

My baby's not gonna be born
in the back of a roach coach.

- Right, right, right.
I got it, I got it.

I know what to do.
I know what to do.

I got it.
Okay, okay.

Okay, okay.
Here we go.

I got it, I got it.

- Oh, for god's sakes, guster.
- I got it, lassie, I got it.

I'll get--
I'll get you there, lassie.

Okay, hold on, hold on.
- Oh, for pete's sake!

I'll drive this thing.
[marlowe groans]

- [grunts]
- [groans]

- Okay, okay, okay,
how can I help?

Oh, god.

- This is chief lassiter.

I am en route
to the hospital.

I'm requesting
a police escort.

Repeat, I am en route
to the hospital.

Hang on!

[tires screech]

- [cries]

- What the hell
are you gonna do with those?

- I don't know.
They're fresh.

- Shawn, put 'em down.

- Contractions coming!

- Don't worry, sweetie-face.

Here comes the police escorts.
- All right, marlowe.

It's all right.
Just keep breathing.

Keep breathing, marlowe.
That's it.

Just like that.
Keep breathing.

[both taking deep breaths]

Shawn, listen.

About what I was trying
to tell you before--

- Dad, dad, dad,
a national geographic special

Is playing out on the floor
of our food truck.

I don't know if now's the time
for a man-to-man.

[sirens wail]

- We're almost there,

All right,
hang in there.

I love you so much.
- Look, shawn.

You've always wanted to get out
from under my roof.

You've been
on your own forever.

You're always
gonna have guster,

And now--
now you got juliet--

- [screams]

- [groans]
- good, that's good.

Your mother's
not coming home again,

And that's something
I should've accepted

A long time ago.

I almost died
last year, man.

You gotta breathe, marlowe.

[both taking deep breaths]

I just think it's time
for me

To try something new
in my life.

I don't know,
a new relationship,

A new job,
new surroundings.

I don't know,
but I just thought

I'd start by selling
the house

And see where that goes
from there.

- [groans]
- marlowe, breathe.

Look, I should've
told you this before.

I was just always hoping
that you'd

Read between the lines.

- Aah!

- Dad, you know I'm no good
at this kind of stuff.

What in the history
of our relationship

Makes you think
I would pick up on that

Without you telling me?

- I will cut
one of you!

- Now, you hang in there,
bunny-face, all right?

I've almost
got you there.

All right,
I love you so much.

I need you to focus
on our future.

Think about us
in our new house.

- You go to hell!

- Okeydoke.
- [groans]

- Wait a minute.
Who did you sell the house to?

- Shawn, this really
isn't the time.

- Did you or did you not
sell my room to lassie?

- Yes, yes, yes, yes,
I did.

I did, but he gave me
30,000 more

Than I would've accepted.

- $30,000?
- Yes, shawn.

I sold the house.
I'm moving on.

And it's time for you
to accept that.

- [whimpers]

- Are you crying?

- Yes.
But not because of you.

I think
marlowe's breaking all

The little, tiny bones
in my hand.

- [screams]

- [groans]

- [screams]

- Listen, pop.

I think you deserve
to be happy

Every bit as much
as mom does, okay?

- Shawn. Shawn.
- No, I want you to be happy.

There, I said it,
I've felt that way--

- Shawn, here it comes!

- [screams]

- Okay, I'm here,
I'm here, I'm here.

- Breathe! Push!

Breathe! Push! Push! Push! Push!
- Take this. Take that.

- [groans]
- almost there, bunny-face.

I'm almost there,
all right?

- Oh, why did I do that?
Why did I do that?

- [screams]

[siren wails]

[tires screech]

- [screams]
- okay, baby, we made it.

Do whatever you have to do
to keep that baby in you

Till we get you
into a hospital room.

- Carlton!
- Over here.

- Carlton!
- What?

- Carlton.
- What?

- Congratulations.

That's your baby girl.
- When did it--

- [laughs]

- That is sci-fi.

- Oh, my god.
Oh, my god.

- Look at how beautiful
she is.

- Gus, gus,
get up, man.


- [gasps]
what--what happened?

- Dude, get up.
We have customers.

Welcome to mash & grab.
Fire up the grill.

- Oh, baby.

Oh, look at how beautiful
she is.

[baby cries]

- Surprisingly, vito's truck
got all the way

To arizona
before they nabbed him.

Who knew that thing
would top out at 120, huh?

Are you having another moment
over there, or...

- [sighs]

It does seem kind of empty
now, huh?

- Yeah.

It's been
weirding me out too,

Just thinking about lassie
and marlowe under this roof.

They're totally gonna defy
all the sanctity of...

- [slow motion]

- They can have it.
[clears throat]

- It's fitting that it's going
to another cop

Raising a new family.

I just hope that kid enjoys
this room as much as you did.

- I don't.
I hope she enjoys it even more.

I hope they let her
do all the stuff

That you didn't
let me do,

Like jump on the bed,
climb out the window.

- I think maybe it's time
to let that go.

- No, it's not.

What do you think of that,
papa-rito, huh?

I rule!

- That better not be
what I think it is, shawn.

Shawn, what are you doing
up there?

Do not make me come up there!

- I rule.

- All right.


[indistinct chatter]

- Gus, I've given this
some thought,

And I've decided
that the food truck business

Is too ruthless
for us.

- It sure is.


- I have this little thing
that I do

That always makes
babies smile.

- Aw.

- [growls]

[baby cries]
- what are you doing?

You're scaring her,
you lumbering pituitary giant.

- Careful.
- What's wrong with you?

- Sorry.
- [shushes]

- It's okay.
He's gone. He's gone.

- Well, that happened.

All right,
tiny baby girl.

You are gonna grow up
in my old room.

So I figured you should have
one of my old toys.

Take good care of him
for me.

- Ooh.
Slow down there, spencer.

I admit getting
your father's old house

Was fortuitous for me
and the missus.

- Especially since it didn't
have that old-man smell yet.

- But it being the house
where you metamorphosized

Was almost a deal breaker.

I don't want
your heebie-jeebies

Affecting our little
lilly nora.

- Aw, relax, daddy-kins.

It's a sweet gesture.


Oh, look, look,
she likes it.

- It's her first smile.
- Oh.

- Thank you, spencer.
- Don't mention it.

- Mine.

- Gus, that's rock bottom.

You gotta give that back,