03x08 - Fred

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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03x08 - Fred

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Oh, come to the
church in the wild wood ♪


♪ Oh, come to the church... ♪

Come sing with me, happy.

Come sing with me, huh?
Let me look at that hoof.

Let me see that
hoof. Come on. Yeah.

Yeah, that's...
That's pretty good.

That's healing up pretty good.

♪ Oh, come to the
church in the wild wood ♪

♪ Oh, come to the
church in the wild wood ♪

♪ Oh, come to the
church in the wild wood ♪

Oh, mr. Parsons!

[Goat bleats]

Rufe, did you hurt yourself?

'Twarn't me. It was
that dagnabbed goat.

I'm going to sh**t him dead!

That... That demented,
pea-brained, lop-eared disaster!

I'm going to truly be
glad to see the end of him!

Oh, land's sake. He
didn't mean any harm.

He's a sneaking monster.

He done it afore,
and he done it again.

There I was, doing my
chores, singing right pretty.

I bent over, and wham!
He lets me have it right...


Right on the
underside of my lap.

But I have had it. I am
through with that goat.

I'm going to go get my r*fle,

And I'm going to take care
of that goat right now!

Now, you just pull
up a minute there!

Now, rufe...

My goodness, it's
downright shameful

The way you're acting
in front of a child.

The goat can wait.

But laura has to get home, and
we owe her the hiring out money.

Well, maybe you're right.
Business afore pleasure.

But I'm going to take
care of that goat,

And I'm going to take
care of him good.

Well, I'll leave you two
to do the settling up.

I got supper on the stove.

Good-bye, laura. You
say hello to your ma.

Laura: I will. Bye-bye.

You bring me back my r*fle.

[Goat bleating]

Now, let's see, laura.
Can I borrow your tablet?

Yes, sir.

Let me figure this out.

You started working
for my missis, uh...

Last tuesday, right?

No, sir. Monday.

Oh. Monday.

You sure you started
working last monday?

Yes, sir.


This goat doesn't
seem so bad to me.

Well, he's ornery.
Take my word for it.

Monday. This being thursday,

That's monday, tuesday,
wednesday, thursday...

That's days, right?


That comes to
cents total, right?

No, sir.


Oh... Oh, yeah!

I took away when I
should've added to.


Are you really going to
sh**t this goat, mr. Parsons?

Laura, that goat
is breathing his last

As soon as my missis
brings me my r*fle.

Now, let me see...


Uh... Cents. That's , ...

Uh, laura... I ain't exactly
got the right change.

Would you settle for cents?

Mr. Parsons, I
might be willing...

If you're really, cross your
heart, going to sh**t this goat...

To take him instead.

I reckon, though,
it's kind of silly...

Him being as mean
and ornery as you say.

You mean to tell
me that you'd...

That you'd trade for this
walleyed grass chewer

Instead of taking cash money?

Well, now, maybe I been bearing
down a mite heavy on his mean points.

And anyone can plainly see

That you got an eye
for prime goat-types.

I do?

You sure do.

Actually, what I got here
is a extra special goat.

You do?

Yep... The last of his kind.

If he's so special,

Why are you going to sh**t him?

Well, me and him are like flint
and steel and fire and water.

We don't get along.
Never did get along.

Now, just look
at... Look at that!

I sure would hate to sh**t him

After watching the way he's
turning them big brown eyes on you.

He does sort of like me.

Like you?

Like you? Honey, that, there's
pure adoration. That's plum love.

Now, what's it going to
be, laura? Plumb up to you.

Are you going to take
these here few paltry coins,

Or are you going
to save the life

Of that extra special,
only-one-of-his-kind goat,

That anyone can plainly
see has took to you

Like a hornworm
to a... To a tomato.

That's it... A
hornworm to a tomato.

And, honey, that's
a lot of tooking.


I guess I'll take the goat.

[Goat bleating]

[Cow lowing]

Hello, spot.

It's okay. This is
your new friend.


Well... Here's home.

You know, just looking up
answers to homework questions

Isn't too hard,

But writing a long essay
on why things happened...

Is a lot more work.

That's why miss beadle
is such a good teacher.

She wants you to think.

[Goat bleating]


Laura... What on earth is that?

Well, it's a goat.

Well, I know it's a goat,

But what are you doing with it?

Well, I haven't quite
figured that out exactly yet.

Well, he's... He's kind
of nice, don't you think?

I want to know
where you got him.

Well, he belonged
to mr. Parsons.

You see, he didn't
like mr. Parsons,

And mr. Parsons didn't like him.

Well, anyway, it
was kind of like

Water and oil...
Or flint and steel.

Well, if I hadn't
been there then,

He would be dead right now.

I saved his life.

You saved mr. Parsons' life?

No, silly... The goat's.

Well, anyway, he's
a very special goat,

The last of his kind.

He's quite handsome, at that.

And being a billy
goat, you can give him

A name that'll really fit him.

How about william the conqueror?


Well, that's a good name,

But I've already
decided to call him fred.

- Fred?
- Fred?

Yeah. He kind of
looks like a fred.

I'm not sure your pa will
appreciate your having a goat.

But you know how
pa likes animals,

And he's sure to like fred

Once he finds out
how friendly fred is.

Hey, that's it!

I'll name him fred,
the friendly goat.

Well, why don't you
take friendly fred

And put him in the barn
until your pa comes home?

There's plenty of
time before supper,

And I'm sure you have homework.


I got to study my intos.

Your what?

You know... Like
goes into ,

And goes into .

That kind of stuff.

Come on, fred.





Oh, charles...

You have had a hard day.

No worse than the other two.

A few more mosquitoes,

And I got bit by mud wasps.

- Ohh!
- Another fun day.

Well, at least you're
through with this horrible job.

Well, no more, no less.
Just the right amount.

I hope phineas
jenks chokes on it.


Sweating for days
in that swamp for $ . .

It's sl*ve wages,
and he knows it.

Charles, there's a hot tub
and dry clothes in the barn.

You go on. I'll finish this.

I could kiss you for that.

- Don't!
[Both laugh]




Oh, what a day.

Oh, charles, I forgot to
tell you. There's a goat...

In the barn.



Something funny?

I'm sorry, pa.

It's just that... I got
to thinking about...

How laura named her
goat "friendly fred."

[Both giggle]

Friendly fred. I've
seen more friendship

When I poked a hole
in a hornet's nest.

I don't see anything
funny about it.

Yes, pa.

You don't think
it's funny, do you?

No, sir.

I guess I just feel
sort of sorry for fred.

Sorry for fred? What about me?

I didn't butt fred.

Well, what I mean is...

Well, maybe fred thought
he was doing a good thing.

Maybe he thought
you were a robber,

And he was protecting the barn.

Charles: he was
protecting the barn?

You know what
he did in the barn?

He ate half a bushel of oats,

He tore the feed
bin off the wall,

Not to mention
what he did to me.

I'm sorry you
don't like him, pa.

Half-pint, it's not a
matter of me liking fred.

I really don't
know him that well.

Unless you can come up with
a good reason for keeping him,

I think we should
consider getting rid of him.


Maybe he'd eat the
weeds out of ma's garden!

Caroline: he probably would...

After he ate the
tomatoes, the squash,

The peas, and the beets.

Your mother's right. You're going
to have to do better than that.

Mary: oh, pa... I looked
up cattail leaves

In a book at school today.

They use them to make chair
seats and all kinds of fine furniture.

I frankly don't care
what they do with them,

As long as I just sell
them to phineas jenks,

Get rid of them,
and get my $ . .


That bed's going to look
awful good to me tonight.

Laura: pa?

Did you know that fred
was a very special goat?

He's the last of his kind.

I certainly hope so.


Mary... Are you awake?


If you were asleep, you
wouldn't have said, "no."

Do you have any ideas?

I mean, about fred.

There must be
something a goat can do.

Seems like he's done
too much already.

Not bad things...

I mean good things.

Well, I've read where they make
real expensive purses and gloves

Out of goat leather.

- Mary!
- I'm sorry.

Anyway, worrying about
it won't do much good.

And maybe pa will feel better
about fred in the morning...

After he's had a good rest.

Good night, laura.

Yeah. Good night, mary.




Why don't you sleep in
tomorrow? At least until .

Hmm... I wish I
could, but I can't.

Harvesting those rushes has got
me way behind in the rest of my work.

I'll be fine. Don't worry.

Both: hmm...

You have a good sleep.

[Crash] aah!

Oh, no.

[Fred bleating]


Friendly fred!

[Fred bleats]



Come back here! Stay there!

I don't want you scaring fred.

Be back in a minute, ma.

I have to feed
fred his breakfast.

Oh, no.

Oh, no.


[Fred bleats]

Oh, no!

How could you do this?

Here... Come here.

Come on.

You know it's going to
take me hours in that swamp

To replace what
he's eaten so far?

It was my fault, pa.

I should've fed fred sooner.

Half-pint, there comes
a time in everybody's life

When they have
to face the facts,

And the facts are that
that goat is destructive,

That goat is a menace, and
that goat is going to go!

But, pa, if we build
a place for him...

No ifs, ands, or buts.

I want that goat gone,
and I want him gone today.

[Fred burps]


Now see what you've done.

Oh! Dad burn it!

Jack, will you get away from me?


♪ Old dan tucker
was a fine old man ♪

♪ Washed his face
in a frying pan ♪

♪ Combed his hair
with a wagon wheel ♪

♪ Died with a
toothache in his heel ♪

♪ Get out of the way
for old dan tucker ♪

♪ It's too late to
get your supper ♪

♪ Supper's over
and dinner cookin' ♪

♪ Old dan tucker is just
a-standin' there lookin' ♪



What in sassafras...

What are you doing
sneaking up on a man like that?

I wasn't sneaking...

Just walking soft,
the way you taught me.


What you doing?

I'm supposed to ask you that.

Ain't you supposed
to be in school?

That's where I was going.

I saw you and thought maybe
you found a new shortcut to town.

Now, you fess up. You thought
I was going fishing, didn't you?

I guess I was hoping.

I ain't got time for
fishing today. Too busy.

I'm too busy for a passel of
questions, too, so you just go on.

Get on to school. Go on.

Now, hold on
there just a minute.

What I'm doing
here... This, uh...

This is kind of a secret.

You mean you don't
want me to tell ma?

Well, it... It don't
just mean your ma.

See, I don't want
you telling anybody

About this place
or what I'm doing.

What are you doing?


Well, um... I'm inventing.

That's what I'm doing.
I'm inventing in here.

Had something in my head.
Thought I'd give her a try.

Sure smells bad.

Well, you got to put up
with some of that at first.

After I get it finished,
it'll smell fine.

What is it?

Oh, it's a... A...

It's a new brand of
turpentine. That's what it is.

It's very dangerous.

It's, uh... It's going to
be a boon to mankind...

Thin paint, take spots
out of your clothes,

And the snap out
of your suspenders.

Will it take the
pitch off my hands?

It's a mite strong for that.
Likely to burn holes in you.

I'll stay clear from it.

Yeah. Um... This...
What I'm doing here...

This is our secret,
just between you and me.

Yes, sir.

I got to go.

♪ Old dan tucker
was a fine old man ♪

♪ Washed his face
in a frying pan ♪

♪ Combed his hair
with a wagon wheel ♪

♪ Died of a
toothache in his heel ♪

♪ Get out of the way
for old dan tucker... ♪


Laura: willie. Willie!

What do you want?

Come here!

I got something
special to show you.

What's that thing?

What do you mean, "thing"?

It's a goat, and a
very special goat.

The last of his kind.

Can't be so special
if you own him.

What good's a goat, anyway?

A lot you know, willie oleson.

Why, a goat like this is
practically priceless.

I couldn't even
begin to tell you

All the things he's good for.

Yeah? Name one.

Well, there's nothing like a
goat for protecting your barn.

We ain't got a barn.

Well... Then there's cheese.

Everybody knows that goat's milk

Makes just about the
best cheese that there is.

Cheese... I guess I
sort of like cheese.

That's regular cheese
you're talking about.

But goat's cheese is
better than anything.

It's so yummy, you'll never
want to eat anything else.

Well, I'd best be
getting to school.

Come on, fred.

Plenty of time before
school yet. You just hold on!

I want to hear some more
about that goat cheese.

Boy, that laura ingalls
thinks she's so smart.

I just put one over on her, ma.

I talked her into selling
me this here genuine goat

For practically nothing.

Uh-huh. That's nice, dear.

Only you shouldn't
take advantage of her.

After all, we're the
business people, and she's not.

Business is right!

I'm going to make a
fortune selling cheese.

Uh-huh. That's nice, dear.

You better hurry
on now to school,

Or you're going to be late.

Sure, ma. See you, fred.






Willie, you come on back here!

Oh, for heaven's sake!

You mean you owned a goat?

An honest-to-goodness goat?

Yep. And I named him fred.

And you sold him to willie?

Boy, if I owned a
goat, I'd never sell him.

Well, I sort of had to.

Fred and my pa didn't get along.

Boy: [indistinct]
and I got your hat!

Let's get him!

Ohh! Oh, mercy!
You let go of that!

Get away from
there, you nasty thing!

Ooh! Ooh! Oh, for
heaven's sakes!

Aah! Get out of here!

Get! Get! Go on!

Get out of here! Oh,
for heaven's sakes.

You nasty thing! Ohh!

Oh! Ohh!

Oh, my... Ohh!

Oh, I never saw
anything like that!





[Fred bleats]

Here's my essay, miss beadle.

Oh, very good, mary. Thank you.

I'll be looking at them
all over the weekend.

- I hope you like it.
- I'm sure I will.

Mrs. Oleson: willie! Where
is that laura ingalls?

Nellie! Willie!

- What are you looking at?
- Ma!

What happened?

You be quiet and come
along and listen to me.

Get out of my way!

Laura ingalls, look at me!

Now, this is all your doing!

Mrs. Oleson, what happened?

What happened?

Well, I'll tell you
what happened.

I was viciously att*cked
by that loathsome monster

That this... This
swindling moppet

Foisted off on my poor willie.

I didn't swindle
willie, mrs. Oleson.

Did so!

How'd she do it, ma?

A billy goat... To make cheese?

- Oh.
- Oh.


Give me back my stuff!

Mrs. Oleson: and
hurry up about it!

Two aggies, one mig, cents,
and a genuine barlow knife.

It's all there.

And I didn't cheat you!

Did so! And you can
have your old goat back.

Where is he?

Huh! That, young
lady, is your concern.

I'm not sure what
this is all about,

But I do know it's time
to go back to school.

Come on, children.

Oh, no!

My essay!

Laura, get that
goat out of here!

He's eaten my essay.

[Children laughing]

Mary: get out of here.


Take him, laura.

[Fred bleats]

My essay.

I know how you feel, laura.

But I like fred.

You're about the only one.

Even my sister is mad at him.

Being popular just ain't
one of his main points.

What am I going to do with him?

I can't take him back home.

Or back to mr. Parsons.

Or... Or anywhere
as far as I can think.

There's got to be someone

Who would like a
nice goat like fred.

Look, we asked all
the kids in school

And they all said no.

Can't blame them
for backing off...

After seeing what fred did to
mary's essay and mrs. Oleson.

He didn't mean to be bad.

People just don't
understand him, that's all.

That's it! My pa!

Do you think your pa would
let us keep fred at your place?

There ain't no one
likes animals like pa.

Come on!

Pa has a way with critters.

Why, old fred'll take to pa

Like that damon and pythias
book we've been reading.

Hey, I bet you're right!

I remember my pa
saying that your pa

Sweet-talked a bear
out of a honey tree once.

Hi, pa!

Hello, son!

Yes, sir, fred, you done
found yourself a new home.

Fred, no!


There's another idea
that sure didn't last long.

It's getting near dinnertime.

Oh, fred. What are
we going to do now?

Tomorrow's saturday.

We'll have most all the
day to think of something.

But what are we going
to do with him for tonight?

I've been thinking
some on that, too.

I know a real good place, but you
got to promise you'll never tell.

Sure! But...

Cross your heart?

Word of honor?

Hope the rats will eat you up?

I won't tell anybody.

Well... Okay, come on.



A real secret
place in the woods.

How'd you find it?

Pa fixed it up.

I found him here one
day, accidental like.

It's his thinking place.

He made me promise not
to tell anybody about it,

But this here's an emergency.

Yep, old fred'll be just
fine for one night here.


What's this crock and stuff for?

Pa said he's inventing
some new kind of turpentine.

I wasn't supposed to
tell about that, either.

They use raisins and
sugar to make turpentine?

I guess my pa does.

It's getting dark.

We'd best beat it on home.

Good-bye, fred. Don't you fret.

We'll be back bright
and early in the morning.


Jenks: you sure you got
pounds here, ingalls?

I gave you full measure, jenks, in
spite of what you're paying for it.

All right.

Best quality.

Hmm... Tolerable, tolerable.

I'm glad you're satisfied.
I'd like my money.

Well, now, ingalls,
I hate to say this,

But the best I can do is $ . .

What do you mean
$ . ? You promised me !

It ain't my fault. Got
a telegram yesterday.

The price has dropped
down in the rush market.

Jenks, when I make a
deal with a man, I keep it.

Business is business.

We got nothing
in writing, ingalls.

$ . , Take it or leave it.

Not going to take it. I'd
rather burn the rushes first.


I'm tired of being
cheated by him!

You want the $ . , Yes or no?

I be a busy man.

Make up your mind, ingalls.

- Load it yourself.
- Good.

Soon as we give fred these oats,

We'll take him to
the south fork road.

There's lots of farms there.

There's bound to be someone
who'd like a nice old goat like fred.

Especially when they find
out that he's the last of his kind.

[Fred burps]




He's sick, carl. Awful sick!

That's why. He's been
drinking pa's invention.

It's probably poison!

He's likely to die.

We got to get him to doc baker.

Get that side. Hurry!

Dr. Baker: with you in a minute.


Laura, carl... You know better
than to bring a goat in here.

But that's why we brought him.

You've got to
help him, doc baker.

He's been poisoned.

Can't have folks seeing
a goat in my office.

Ho there, grace!

Oh, just a minute, isaiah.

Forgot my lunch. I'm so hungry,
my belly thinks my throat's cut.

Well, you come
on and share mine.

That's a fine idea.



I can say with absolute
medical certainty

That this goat is
not going to die.

This goat is swozzle-eyed,

sodden-brained drunk!

Both: drunk?

Yeah. And as much as I'm dying
to ask how, I'm not going to.

I just want that drunken
goat out of my office!

Oh... Here's this package
I've been looking for.


What are you doing,
doc? You're all wet.


That's very funny, edwards!

Here, let me give you a hand.

Unh. What happened?

I feel like I got nailed
by a cannonball.

Edwards: is there anything
I can do to help you?

I'll make an
appointment with myself.

[Fred burps]

Just... Keep that drunken
goat away from me!

A drunken goat?

Well, whoever
heard of such a thing?

[Both laugh]


Oh... Ooh! Why, he's right!

That goat's as drunk as
a lumberjack on payday!

All right, now, children,
how did that goat get drunk?


Don't you "pa" me. Now,
you tell your mother.

It was up at your
thinking place, pa.

Grace: thinking place?

Laura: I guess fred
got sort of thirsty.

He drank up all of
your new invention.

You know, the new kind of
turpentine you're making...

With raisins and sugar.

Raisins and sugar, hmm?

A thinking place?

Sounds more like a
drinking place to me.

We'll talk more on
this later, mr. Edwards!

You know, I recall some years
back there, up in the rockies,

Had myself a real
fine meal... Roast goat!

But we love fred.

Oh, I love him, too...
With biscuits and gravy.

If I see that goat again, that's
the way I'm going to fix him.

Think fred's feeling better?

- [Burps]
- he must be.

Burping always
makes you feel better.

Poor fred.

Poor fred? What about me?

I got ma mad at pa,
and pa mad at me.

Well, it wasn't fred's fault.

What are we arguing about?

It's just a goat.

No, he's not just a goat.

He's the last of his kind.

I hope so.

Now you sound just like my pa.

What's that supposed to mean?

Never mind.

I think we ought
to just leave him.

Leave him?

Yeah. Take him as far away from
town as we can and leave him.

Well, who will take care of him?

I don't know...


God takes care of everything.


Yes... God!

Laura, don't go
praying for a goat.

I'm not praying, I'm thinking.

It's just like you said.

All I said was leave him.

That's not what you said.

You said that god
will take care of him.

And who is closest to god?


No, silly, I mean
in walnut grove.

Reverend alden!
Come on, let's go.


Come on.

Yep, he's in there...

Setting the room up
for church tomorrow.

If there's anybody that
can help us, it'll be him.

We better go now. Come on.

Come on, fred.

Yes, love all creatures,
great and small.

That is a great
lesson from the lord.

It tells us in the bible that
the lord gave man dominion

Over the fish of the sea
and over the birds of the air

And over the cattle...

And over everything
that moveth on the earth.

Both: ahem.

Well, this is a nice
surprise on this fine day.

Can't stay away from
school even on saturday?

Yes, sir. I mean, no, sir.

We came to see you.

About fred.


You see, nobody likes fred.

Me and carl, we like him,

But my pa doesn't like him,

And carl's pa doesn't like him.

Mary don't like him.

Mrs. Oleson can't stand him,

And mr. Parsons was
going to sh**t him.

Doc baker doesn't exactly
hunker to him, either.

Oh, come, come.
Surely you exaggerate.

Those folks you
mentioned, I know them well.

They're good people.

They have room in their heart
for compassion and understanding.

Well, I think most folks have
run out of room for fred.

This fred...

I don't know any fred.

Is he new to walnut grove?

Well... He isn't a people,
reverend alden. He...

[Fred bleating]


You got to admit,
reverend alden was hard put

On that compassion
and understanding stuff.

Well, that's what
made me make up my mind.

If fred can't get along
with a minister, well...

We just got to
do it, that's all.

Yeah. And this is as
good a place as any.

We're about as far away
from town as we dare go.

Got to turn you loose, fred.

There's lots of grass.

There's a brook to drink from.

I can't do it.

You have to.

You even said yourself,

He can't even get
along with a minister.

Someone's got to love him.

My pa would... With
biscuits and gravy.

I'm sorry, laura. You
better say good-bye.

There's just the two of us.

People just don't
seem to understand.



Go on.


Go on, darn goat!


Go on!


Go on!



We did the right thing.

I hope.







Jumping jehosaphat!


Caroline: that was a very fiery sermon
the reverend alden gave this morning.

Yes, indeed... The wages of sin.

Really had the folks stirred up.

Guess he changed his mind.

He said he was
going to talk about...

"Love all creatures,
great and small."



Look who's coming...
Phineas jenks.

I'd hoped we'd
seen the last of him.

Probably figured out
another scheme to cheat me.



Got to speak to you.

Start talking, jenks.

I need your help. Willing
to pay good money for it.

That's the only way
you'd get it, jenks,

But I still doubt
I'm interested.

Need another load of
them rushes. Need them bad.

What happened to
the load I sold you?

You wouldn't believe
what happened, ingalls.

It was et by a great,
evil, monstrous goat

While I was sleeping.

And what he didn't
eat, he trampled to bits.

Huh. A goat.

That's right.

Now, I got me a contract
with this firm in kansas city,

And I got to have a
load of rushes to them

Come saturday next,
or I lose my contract.

There's a penalty clause,
too. Stand to lose my shirt.

I think you'd look good
without a shirt, jenks.

It ain't funny. Now, I'll make the
same deal with you as before, ingalls.

$ . For another load.

No, no, no, no. I wouldn't
even consider it for $ . .

I might give it a bit of
consideration for...

$ Cash, in advance.

Jenks: t... ?

Why don't you just
stick a g*n in my ribs?

You keep arguing about
it, jenks, I'll make it .

Uh, no, no. You got
me over a barrel.

Here... ...

Charles: mm-hmm.


That was , jenks.

... .

Be back wednesday
for them rushes.

They'll be here.

But you better know
one thing, ingalls!

This be the last time I
do business with you!

I'll really miss you, jenks.



Ha ha!

Pa, that goat... It had to be...

Fred. Of course it was.
Up to his same old tricks.

Not an old trick, pa. This is a
new trick. He did a good thing.

I think this time you're right.

Laura: don't you remember,
pa? It's like what you said.

You said that if I could
come up with a good reason,

I could keep fred.

Oh, now, half-pint,
you know very well

What I meant by a good reason.

What I meant was...

I'm sorry, charles. All
you said was a good reason.

There were no strings attached.

- There were no strings?
- No.

Mary: well, he did eat my essay.

There, you see?

But I guess he
made up for it, pa.

I like fred.

All right. Like jenks
said a minute ago,

I guess you got
me over a barrel.

All right, we'll give
fred one more chance.

Oh, thank you, pa!

And I'll teach him
to behave. I promise.

I got to go find him.

You better hide
this. He'll eat it.


He will!











Fred, where are you?







Fred, oh, fred.

I knew I could find you.
And I can keep you, fred.

I can keep you.

Come on, let's go home.


What's the matter, fred?

Come on!

Not that way! Fred!

Not that way!


Nanny goats.

Dozens of them.


Guess that means you'd
rather live here, huh?

Well, fred, one
thing's for sure...

You're not going to
be the last of your kind.

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