03x17 - To Live with Fear: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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03x17 - To Live with Fear: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Jack, stop it!

Jack, go away!




Am I really
very sick?

Yes, you are,

Do I have to have
an operation?

Yes, Mary.

she doing?

Her pulse
is steady.


Give her
a little more.

This is going to
take a while.

Where is she?

Didn't they tell
you at the desk?

No one told us anything.
Where's Mary?

Where's Dr. Mayes?

He's in his surgery.
He's waiting for you there.

what happened?

Mary's fever
went back up.

She went into


We're going to have
to operate again,

and remove the diseased tissue.

This would hardly
cover her bill.

I know that, Mr. Benson.

That's why I'm giving
you my personal note.

I'm going to go home
and sell my farm,

and I'll pay
that bill.

I've told you

it is not the policy of this
institution to extend credit.

I'm not talking
about credit,

I'm talking about
my daughter's life.

I wish
I could help.

Look, Mr. Hanson, I'm not looking
to make a profit with the place.

I'll sell you the land,
the house, the barn,

even my equipment, my tools,
for any money you can give me.

I can't buy your farm, Charles.

Where you going?

Going with you.

We talked it over.
It's what we both want.

Figured the money'd be coming in
twice as fast with both of us working.

It'll be our gift
to Mary.

Ain't no way you can say
no, so don't.

I put a lunch
in Isaiah's pack.

It's enough
for both of you.

Thank you.

Well, you best say your good-byes.
Time we was going.

Help your
mama, now.

Bye, darling.

Take care.

You be good and you mind your
sister, all right?

Come on. Come on,
the sign says what it means.

Charles: And what about the poster
I got in the depot in Rochester?

Well, this is 4 or 5 months old,

probably because some idiot
forgot to take it down.

Well, we came a lot of
miles because of that.

Hey, that's your idea.
Nobody asked you to come here.

All right,
then at least give us a chance.

Give us a chance to earn back
the money it cost us to get here.

Look, I'm sorry,
but I can't help you.

Look, I'm just asking
you for a chance.

Isaiah: Let go of him, Charles.
Come on.

I'm telling you
for the last time.

I told you once,
and I'll tell you again: We ain't hiring!

Man: Now, I've got to
say this 10 times a week,

and I don't like it
any more than you do.

Come a long way
for nothing.

I know how you feel.
I've been there myself.

Hey, look, all right,
you're not hiring.

You know any place,
any kind of work we can get around here?

Yeah, that way,
about 10 miles.

But no guarantee.

They're building
a tunnel up there,

and they might
need some men.

Or they might not.

Man: All right,
back to work.

Move it out.


What's another
10 miles?

Come on.

Mrs. Ingalls? Mr. Benson
would like to see you, please.

Oh, of course.

I'll be back.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Come in.

Mr. Benson.

You wanted to
speak to me?

Mrs. Ingalls, I still have
not heard from your husband.

You will,
Mr. Benson.

You will.

Time is running out,
and the bills are mounting.

There's the extra

and the additional

But I've been with Mary
almost every minute.

Mrs. Ingalls,
no matter how much time

you spend with
your daughter,

our nurses are
responsible for her care,

and they must be paid
for their work.

Mr. Ingalls
gave you his word

and his note,

and the money
will certainly be here

as soon as he can
arrange it.

Good day,
Mr. Benson.

Mary is sleeping

You've been here such a long time, Mrs.

Don't you think you
should get some rest?

I need more
than rest.

I need a job.



If there was
something around here,

so I could be
close to Mary...

I know.

I mean, I know I can't
qualify as a nurse, but...

Anything else.

Anything at all.

Well, they always need
someone in the laundry.

It's not much,
but you could start right away.

That'll do
just fine.

Well, fine.
Now come on and get some rest now.

Come on. I'll sit with Mary.

Let's go.

What I'm
telling you is

you draw
powderman's pay,

you load and blast
the way I tell you.

Now, you talk

You know I don't
savvy that lingo.

I just said,

I will not k*ll my crew because
you will not listen to reason.

It's not your crew,
China boy.

You work for me.

Every last one
of you.

You get
that straight.

Wing: Mr. Harris,
we work for you...

But I will not risk
the lives of my men.


I've got to punch a tunnel
through that mountain.

One little accident,
and you're trying to hide.

What's the holdup,

Why aren't these
men working?

Well, sir, there's...
Nothing serious.

Just a little
misunderstanding, sir.

Delays cost
the railroad money.

End of steel
is within 9 miles.

You've got a tunnel
to finish.

Harris: Yes, sir.

We just had a small
argument, sir.

My powderman doesn't
want to load heavy enough

to move the proper
amount of rock.

Get another powderman.

Harris: Yes, sir.

Charles: We'll do it.

Who are you?

My name is Ingalls.
This is my partner Edwards.

We're both powdermen. Haven't had
a chance to talk to Mr. Harris yet.

I guarantee we'll move
that rock for you.

Well, that solves your problem.
Hire them.

And remember,
end of steel is coming at you

like a runaway

Yes, sir.

Just one thing. We want to get
paid by the week, not by the month.

The railroad only
pays once a month.

Pay it by the week
or we don't work.

If they earn it,
give it to them.

Might even sweeten it
with a little hazard pay.

The main thing is,

get it done.

Harris: Yes, sir.

You talk
real big.

You got Franklin thinking you
know how to handle powder.

But you've still
got to show me.

And we'll show you.

With dynamite or blasting oil.
Either one.

We'll see.

Now listen, everybody.

Till I tell you

these two fellas
are your new powdermen.

And wing, you run
your crew of China boys,

and that's all you do.

Take them into the tunnel
and finish the cleanup,

starting now.

Not if they use

the same heavy loads of
expl*sives that you suggest.

I will not endanger
the lives of my men.

I'll give you
5 minutes.

Then your pay stops,
and so does your chow.

Either work or walk.
It's that simple.

You fellas,
come on.

I'll see if you're as
good as you say you are.

We do not work,
we have no money to send home.

Our families back home
have nothing to eat.

Hurry up with
that fuse.

I'm hurrying,
I'm hurrying.

Ain't you putting
an awful lot in there?

I'll let you know
when it's too much.

Just give me the one
with the fuse.

I'm willing to send the whole
face of this thing come off.

Don't just look at me.
Get another one going.


How you

All right.

Let's get this last hole loaded.

All right.
You've got the job.

You get to moving twice
as fast as you are,

you might just stay
on the payroll.

We can move as fast as you want.

After you finish

you can get ready to
blow off the entire face.

Get some men down here,
get rid of this platform.

Coming right up.

Wing, we need 6 men
to handle the scaffolding.

Give me
that hot one.

We got the job.

You got it. I got a chance
to get my head blown off.

Don't you worry
about it.

You just stick
with me.


Fire in the hole!

Come on, move!

Let's go! Out!

It's not, dearie.

They pay no different if you
leave yourself time to breathe.

No, it feels good
to be doing something,

other than just
sitting around.

Well, nurse Johnson
said you can do.

And a bit of laying down,
too, for that matter.

She's put a cot in the
nurses' quarters for you.

Can you do that?

we mothers can.

There's no point in paying for an
outrageous hotel room you can't use.

Well, off with you now.
Your shift's finished.

Go see your
little girl.

You're too kind,

I'll just finish
this piece.


I thought you were going to
take it easy for a while.

Well, figured I'd stay
ahead of the drillers,

get this done while
I work the cleanup.

I have something to
show the powdermen.

I've got drills
to sharpen.

Over there.

It'll only take
a minute.

My fault.

Rock from the tunnel
roof fell down,

day before
you came.

I load the holes
the way you load them.

The blast brought
the rock down.

He needs a doctor.

Doctor can mend broken
arm, broken leg.

But this man
is broken inside.

can fix that.

I'm sorry.
There's nothing I can do.

I've got a daughter
lying in a hospital bed.

Maybe the doctors can help
her, and maybe they can't.

But what I'm telling you is
that we take care of our own.

That's the way
it is.

Harris: Ingalls...

I'd like to see you two
men up at the office.

I haven't got you
in the paybook yet.

Figured you'd had about enough
of the China boys for one day.


Heard you say you had a
daughter in the hospital.

I've been down
that road myself.

Hazard pay is about 1/3
more than the regular rate.

Should be a help.

It will,

Tell you what would be
even a bigger help,

if I could telegraph that
money to Rochester somehow.

You can.
I can fix it.

I appreciate it.

You just follow orders,
keep on doing what you're doing,

I'll treat you right.

Thank you, sir.

You think
wing's right?

You think we're
loading too heavy?

If I've got a choice,
I go with the man who pays me.

"My dearest Mary,

"how I wish I could
be with you right now

"instead of having to put
words to paper so far away.

"I love you,
my darling.

You're in my thoughts
and prayers constant..."

Mary, I'll put
this away.

You can read it yourself
when you're feeling better.


If something happens...

If I'm not here
when pa comes...


look at me.

What are you
talking about?

I just want you to
tell him I love him,

- and I tried, but...
- Mary!

Stop talking
like that!

I'm not getting
any better, ma.

I can feel it.

Mary, I don't care what
you think you feel.

The doctor tells me
you're doing fine.

But ma...

Just in case
something happens...

I want you to tell pa
I love him...

If you want to tell
your pa something,

you're going to have
to tell him yourself.

And to do that
you're going to

have to stop feeling sorry for
yourself, and get well.

I guess I did
sound that way.


That's normal.

Everybody feels
like that sometimes.

That's my girl.

Well, you're doing
a little better.

I'll be glad to show
you, Mr. Franklin.

No need,
no need.

Using as much
dynamite as you are,

you have to be
moving a lot of rock.

Yes, sir.
We are.

We're getting close to 4 feet a
day for a solid week now, sir.

Add another foot a day,
and you just might finish on schedule.

We'll sure try,

- Mr. Ingalls.
- Yes, sir.

I have a question for you.

If we double
your hazard pay,

do you think you can get
another foot of tunnel a day?


Yes, sir, we can do it.
I guarantee it.

Well, there you are,
Mr. Harris,

from now on we'll expect
another foot a day.

Yes, sir.

He doesn't know
what he's asking.

Well, we can do it.
I can use the extra money.

Those loads we're using now
is rattling the mountain.

Let it rattle.

You use too much dynamite.

What's it to you how
much dynamite I use?

You can't blast an extra
foot of rock per day.

Word gets around
fast, doesn't it?

After every blast,
China boy goes into tunnel first.

Now the roof rock
falls down,

China boy gets hurt,
or k*lled.

If that's all that's
bothering you,

I'll be the first man in the
tunnel after every blast.

I'll check the overhead,
and bar down any loose rock.

Does that
satisfy you?

I will wait and watch,
see you k*ll yourself.

I've got
work to do.

Days aren't
long enough.

You've got to come in here
in the middle of the night

and do somebody else's
work. What for?

Ah, the drillers are
shortchanging me.

They don't want me to get
that extra foot a day.

I've been looking
all over camp for you.

Figured you'd be in here.
A telegram came.

What is it, Charles?

It says...

Mary's got
her strength back.

They're going to
operate on her again.

Isaiah: It's going to
be all right.

The thing you've got to do,
Charles, is get yourself some sleep.


I'm fine.

My baby's going to get
the best care, and...

It's going to
take money.


I said
I'll be fine.

Harris: Hey, wait.
What's going on around here?

It's not
quitting time.

We go to honor and Bury
our friend lin chou,

who is dead because
I was a fool!

You'd better get
those lanterns filled.

We've got
work to do.

Funeral going on,

Somebody I don't know,
and I can't help.

It ain't very Christian to be
blasting in the middle of it.

Now, I'm going to get
that extra foot a day.

I want the money.

What do you mean,
you can't spare an hour?

What's happened
to you, Charles?

Why don't you give me a sermon
later, and just fill the lanterns?

I've had enough of
you and that tunnel.

Now, I'm going
to that funeral,

and when I'm done, I'm going to
pack my stuff and get out of here.


What was
all that about?

Just a difference
of opinion.

I've got to get
back at it.

Better to move
some rock.

Let me get started,
I'll load her up.



That's not bad,
it's not bad.

Yeah, we're not going to have any trouble
making that extra foot a day, huh?

Do you hear

Hey, run!

Come on, we've got... we've
got two men trapped in there.

We've got to get
them out of there!

We need tools, torches,
and more rock carts.

Well, come on,

You tell them,
get in the tunnel.

Tell them to get
in the tunnel!

Move! Get in there!

Get in there!

My friend is trapped
in there.

You're going to
help me get him out!

Now get
in the tunnel!

You bunch of cowards!


All right, maybe
you don't like them,

but you just can't stand here
and watch them die in there!

All right, maybe
they asked for it...


My best friend is in there.
I can't get him out by myself.

I need your help!


You're the one man I thought
would give me a hand.

I mean,
of all the men on this job,

I thought you'd
give me a hand!

Charles: Here...

That's a little

- There you go.
- Ohh...

It's your leg?

How bad do you
think it is?

It's bruised,

but not broken.

Okay, just
sit still.

I'll see if I can
get us out of here.

It's plugged up
tight and solid.

The blast ripped
into the fault.

Your pounding will
bring it all down.

I can let them
know we're alive.

It won't make
any difference.

Not a man out there would
risk his life to get us out.

They'll get us out.

We've already buried
one man today.

That's enough.

You're wasting
your time.

I've got nothing
else to do.

I did a lot of lying
to you to get this job.

I never worked in
a tunnel before.


You needed the money
for your daughter.

I don't have any excuse.

I was just...

Afraid of being fired.

They think
I'm too old.


They send out
a young know-nothing

to push and crowd.

Till they can find
a reason to fire me.

I've got enough laid by
to take care of myself.

It's not that.

It's just having nothing
to do that hurts.

I spent
a lot of years...

a lot of tunnels,

my trade.

And I'm better now
than I ever was.

But when a man's
being crowded,

he makes mistakes.

And I made a beauty.

we both did.

Better check
your lantern.

We're running
out of air.


Send someone for Dr. Washburn,
get me an orderly,

and see that the
surgery is ready.

Dr. Mayes.

You're going to

I'd hoped that
she'd be stronger,

but we can't wait,
not now.

Clamp, please.

Dr. Mayes:
How's she doing?

Her pulse
is too weak.

Hold on, Mary.

Hold on.

It's just
a little while longer.



Mrs. Ingalls?

Mary is back
in her room.

All the signs
are good.

Thank you.


Who art
in heaven...

Hallowed be
thy name.

Thy kingdom

Thy will be

On earth...

As it is in heaven.

Dear god...

God, take care
of my baby.

Take care of my baby.

Please, god.


Nurse: Mrs. Ingalls.


You're a fighter, honey.

Just like
your pa.



What is
the holdup now?


Why aren't these
men working?

You were saying,
Mr. Franklin?

You're fired!

I don't need you.

Wing could do the job as
good as you ever could.

Wing, you're
in charge now.

Get this crew to work!

Get your crew
to work!

If you fire
Mr. Harris,

we quit.

So do I.

And me.

And while you're standing
there with your mouth open,

there's a couple of
things I want you to know.

First, you've got
a busted-down tunnel,

and second, there's going to
be brass jumping over brass

trying to pin
the blame on somebody,

and it ain't going
to be any of us,

because none of us
are going to be here.

There's only going to be one
person left here holding the bag,

and that's you!

And when they get
through with you,

you're not going to
be able to get a job

anywhere on any railroad
at any time!

And if you don't
know that already,

I'm happy to be the
man to tell you first.

- However...
- Wait...

If you want to speak
kindly to Mr. Wing...

Or Mr. Ingalls...

Or Mr. Edwards...

Then they might just tidy
up your little mess for you,

so that no one would
be any the wiser.

But at their own
good time,

and with nobody
getting hurt.

The choice
is up to you.

Mr. Harris,

just get
the job done.


Start the cleanup.

Mr. Wing.


Let me have a bunch
of those flowers.

Thank you.

- Nurse?
- Yes?

Where's Mary?

It's all right,
Mr. Ingalls.

Your wife took her
out to the garden.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Caroline: Lay
down or something?
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