03x14 - Little Women

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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03x14 - Little Women

Post by bunniefuu »

Stand and

and what?

What in heaven's name are you
doing, Willie?

Boy: He's Robin hood.

Robin hood?

Yeah, and no one passes
through Sherwood forest

without paying tribute... half
of everything you have.

Half of nothing is nothing.
Get out of the way...

No. Not until
you pay.

Boy: He robs from the rich
and gives to the poor.

He already gave us a
half a stick of licorice.

Those are
my merry men,

and no one can
beat Robin hood

and his merry men.

Oh, yeah? Well,
you're forgetting about little John,

and I'm going to beat
you just like little John

unless you get
out of my way.

Laura, Willie,
stop it.

- Come on, Robin hood!
- Come on, Robin hood!

Boy: Come on!
Knock her down!

Boy 2: Get her,
Robin hood, get her!

Go! Go! Go! Go!
Come on, Robin hood!

Get her,
Robin hood! Get her!

Child: k*ll him!


Oh, for heaven's... Willie!

Stop it! Stop it!
I'm ashamed of you.

Oh, and I should
say you should be.

Laura Ingalls!
Always picking on my Willie.

It wasn't
her fault.

Oh, no.

Yeah. He said
he was Robin hood.

so what?

And he wouldn't let us
through unless we paid him.

Well, it's
just a game.

I don't think there's
been much damage.

Harriet: Well,
it may not seem like much to you,

but this happens to have
been my very best hat.


Willie: Everyone knows Robin
hood has to have a feather.

Oh, well, I'll feather
you, young man!

Willie, you
come along with me.

But Robin hood has
to have a feather.

Harriet: I don't care!
I will feather you when I get you home.

You get in the house.

Go on. Get in there.

Hurry up. Hurry up.

Miss beadle:
Children, sit down.

There is no excuse for what
happened outside just now.

I will not tolerate
fighting among my students.

It was Laura's fault.
She wouldn't play right.

nobody likes being held up.

Well, Robin hood can't
give anything away

until he gets

Well, you're not
Robin hood!

Well, you're
poor, so there!

Well, you're
dumb, so there!

Willie and Laura,
go stand in the corner now!

It's my corner.

stand in the other corner.

If there are any
further outbursts,

I have two
corners left.

Now, while I appreciate
your enthusiasm

over the books and stories
you've read in class,

you must understand
that it's not safe

when you let your
playacting get out of hand.

turn around.

Now, it'd be
much better

if you would choose your
parts ahead of time.

That way, no one gets hurt,
and no one gets angry.

Yes, Mary.

Could we get together and do a play
on some of the books we've read?

Well, I hadn't
thought of it,

but if the class
would like to do it,

I think it might be very
educational, as well as a lot of fun.

Would you like
to do that?

Children: Yes.

Well, good.

Now, each of you decide the
group you want to be in,

and together you can select
the material you'd like to do.


May I invite
my mother to watch?

She knows everything
about acting.

Yes, Nellie.
I'm sure she does.

Why don't we make this
a special occasion?

We can put the plays on
for all the parents.

Can I do Robin hood?

Willie, face
the corner.

You guys all ready
to do Robin hood?

You heard miss beadle.
We'd all wind up in the corner.

Well, we've got to find
some kind of play to do.

You got any more licorice?

No. I gave it to you
all this morning.

See you later,

Nobody'll let me
be in their play.

Well, you can't
be in mine.

What's your
story about?

I don't know yet,
but you can't be in it.

Maybe we could do "snow
white and Rose red."

We don't have anybody
to play the prince.

She's right,

Ginny, do you
have a favorite?

It doesn't
matter to me.

Well, whatever
it is,

it has to be something
with all girls.

"Little women"
has lots of girls.

Hey, that's right,
and it's a good story.

"Little women"
is my favorite.

I already know most
of it by heart.

That's nice, Nellie.
Now all we have to do is pick out a scene.

I know just the scene.
I know just the scene we ought to do.

I'll play Meg.
She's the smartest.


I don't think I want
to be in this play.

Alicia may be right. "Little women"
may not be such a good idea after all.

It's perfect.

It's just perfect.
We have just the right number

to play Meg and Beth
and Jo and marmee,

and my mother will let us
practice at my house.

Oh, could we?

Everyone says
your parlor's

the prettiest
in hero township.

Well, you'll have to wipe your feet
and be careful not to touch anything.

I don't know,

Say yes,
Mary, please?

I'd just love to
see Nellie's parlor.

I'll show you
my dolls, too.

I have one that's imported from
Paris, France.

Yes, Mary.

All right.

I guess "little women"
is as good as anything.

Good. I'll have my mother
write it all up tonight

with just how we're supposed
to say everything.

If Nellie's going
to be in our play,

we should have done
"hansel and gretel."


Then she could be the witch
who gets cooked in the oven.

En garde.

Come on, you
coward, fight.

Come on.
Come on, you coward!

En garde, fight!
Fight, come on.

Come on, you
coward, en garde!

Come on... Come on!

Miss beadle,

Miss beadle!

Miss beadle,

Shoo! Shoo
shoo shoo!

Ginny: Can't wait to
tell ma about the play.

Do you think your
folks will come?

- Probably.
- I'm sure they will.

Ma's going
to be so excited

when she hears I'm
invited to the olesons'.

Is it really as pretty
as they say it is?

It's all right,
I guess.

It is really

I can't wait until
after school tomorrow.

Bye. See you
in the morning.

- Bye, Ginny.
- Bye, Ginny!

Laura: I still don't see why you
had to let Nellie in our group.

Mary: You saw the look
on Ginny's face.

It meant so much to her,

getting to go
to Nellie's and all.

That's like wanting to go
to hell instead of heaven.

Laura Ingalls!

Well, like
pa said,

it's got to be
there for somebody.

Hello, Mr. Mayfield!

Hey, there,


Bet you can't guess
what I run onto today.

- You went rabbit hunting.
- Nah.

Not rabbit
hunting today.

I found me a real
honey-bee tree,

and I thought
to myself,

"who is it
that likes honey

better than
bears and bees?"


That's what I thought
to myself, so...

Ha ha!

I got one for you and one
for your ma to put back.

Come on in the house.
My ma will want to thank you.

Kind of think
I'll wait out here.

All right, but you
wait, though, for sure.

For sure.

Mama, look...

Tell Mr. Mayfield
we're most grateful,

but he really didn't
need to bother.

It's honey, mama.

I know what it is.
Go tell him.

He's waiting
for a thank you.

Honey, he brought it
for you. Go thank him.

But he brought
it for us.

Thank him.

All right, mama.

Mr. Mayfield.

My ma says
to thank you.

You tell her I said
you're welcome.

I notice your woodpile's
getting kind of low.

You tell your ma I'd be proud
to come by and do some chopping.

Mother: Tell him "no."

Be seeing you.

Mr. Mayfield.

I understand.

Bye, Mr. Mayfield.

Hyah! Get up!

I think Mr. Mayfield's
awful nice.

Wish I'd remembered to tell him
I was going to be in a play.

Play? What play
is that?

At school.
"Little women."

Laura and Mary and me
and Nellie oleson,

and we get to practice
at her house.

Doesn't sound like
school studies to me.

It's not, exactly.

Miss beadle calls it
an entertainment.

All the parents
are invited to come.

Sounds like taking people's
good time away from work.

Mama, I want you to come.
Say yes. Oh, please.

Oh, Ginny,
don't pester me.

Aw, Ginny,
since your pa died,

takes every
moment I got

just to keep body
and soul together.

But, ma, it's only one morning,

and all the parents
will be there.

All the more reason for
me to keep to my home.

I don't have a dress fit to wear.

Please, ma,
just this once.

Oh, Ginny,
don't argue with me.

Now, you've got your chores to do.
Go do them.

there's no question about it.

We'll just have to plan
on closing the store

on Friday morning.
That's all.

use your fork.

Yes, sir.

Seems kind of expensive to
me, Harriet.

Well, after all,
don't you want to see

your daughter's debut
as an actress,

not to mention mine
as the playwright?

You're going
to write it?


Mother's the only person in walnut
grove who's been to a real play.

Nels: Yes,
I'm sure she is.

It still sounds like a lot
of to-do about nothing to me.

Well, after all,
Willie needs a part,

so I can write
something in it for him.

I'm not going to be
a little woman.

Harriet: Oh,
don't be silly.

Well, this is one time I
tend to agree with Willie.

You ought to do something
more appropriate for a boy,

like this new mark twain
book, "Tom Sawyer."

None of the boys will
do anything with Willie.

They would if I didn't
run out of licorice.

Willie, I've told you,
you can't buy friends.

I wasn't.
I was just trying to rent them.

Oh, Willie.

I've got a copy of
"Tom Sawyer" upstairs.

You read it.
You'll find something in it.

A whole book?
That could take a year!

Not if you
work at it, dear.

After all,
there's no sacrifice

too great
for one's art,

and besides,
you have to give to get.

I don't know nothing
about sacrifice,

but I'm going
to have to give

a whole lot
of licorice.

Ah, come on, fellas.

My pa says "Tom Sawyer" is
the best book he ever read.

He even marked some pages in it.

I guess you want
to be Tom Sawyer.

Yeah, but it's my pa's book.

Why don't you get him
to do a play with you?

I can't
do that,

but ma says
whoever's in the play

can have a licorice stick and
some sarsaparilla after we do it.

Sure are asking a lot for a
little licorice and sarsaparilla.

I might be able
to get some marbles.

Wait a minute.
Your pa's got chewing tobacco

in that store
of his, ain't he?

- I guess.
- And some cigars?

Yeah, but he won't
let me use them.

Forget the
other stuff.

You get us a chaw,
some cigars,

and we'll do that
"Tom Sawyer" for you.

Yeah, but you got to get
the stuff before the play,

and you can't
tell nobody.

Okay, but you got
to do as I say.

Just so long as you
keep your bargain.

Let's have a look
at that book.

Mr. Mayfield.

- Hi, Mr. Edwards.
- Hi, pa.

How you doing? Are you girls
rehearsing your play today?

We haven't even
gotten our parts yet.

Yeah. We have to meet with Mrs.
Oleson after school.

Oh, that sounds like
a barrel of laughs.

I didn't know you girls
were doing a play.

- "Little women."
- "Little women"?

Oh, yeah. I seen one of
them in a show in St. Louis.

Little bitty devil,
about that tall.

No. This is

It's a book.

It's different.

Sure would like it if you could
come, Mr. Mayfield.

I'd be proud to. I don't suppose
your ma's going to be there.

I don't think so.
She's got a lot to do.

Yeah. I reckon. Don't you worry.
I'll be there.

Hey, come on.
We have to hurry.

- Bye!
- Bye, Mr. Mayfield.

Bye-bye! See
you at supper!

That little'un's
a lovely child.

Spitting image
of her ma.

Those two are going to make
some man a fine family.

You hear that,

I do believe that's
the first time

I ever heard a lovesick
coyote in the daylight.

Had kind of that ring to
it, Harold.

You been calling on the widow
Clark, have you?

Uh, not so
you'd notice.

She just don't cotton to
me, I guess.

I tried everything.

Isaiah: Well, you know
what you ought to do?

What you ought to do
is you got to let her know

how you feel, you see?

Then you tell her
how it's going to be.

I mean, there ain't a woman nowhere
that don't appreciate a firm hand.

Well, you...
You take grace.

Now I... I mean, she'd still be
pining her nights away alone

if I hadn't
spoke up.

Yes, sir. I mean,
I told her how it was going to be.

I told her what
was going to happen...

Morning, grace.
Isaiah was just talking about you.

We'll leave
you two alone.

Uh, uh, grace, we...


Now, uh, Mary,

you will be marmee,
the mother.

I thought it was a very
nice part for you, dear.

- Thank you.
- And, Laura, you be Beth.

And, uh, Ginny,

I thought you would
make an excellent Jo.


Nellie, dear.

Nellie is
going to be Meg.

I tried to tailor all the
parts for each of you.

Now, girls, if you'll just
take those home with you

and memorize
the lines

so you'll know them for
tomorrow's rehearsal.

That won't
take long.

Yes, ma'am.
We will.

Nellie: Oh, and don't
any of you be late tomorrow.

The man's going to be here
right after school with my wig.

A wig?

You're getting
a wig, Nellie?

Yes, and a
pretty one, too.

He's going to fit
it on me and everything.

What do you
need a wig for?

Well, Laura,

all fine actresses
nowadays wear wigs,

and it is
Nellie's debut.

Can't wait
to see it.

I can't either.

Come on, Laura.

Harriet: Oh, girls,

now, don't forget,
study hard.

Yes, ma'am.
We will.

There you are,
Mr. Oleson.

Thank you...

I do hope I see you Friday
at the school entertainment.

Oh, yes, I'll be there.

- Good-bye.
- Good-bye.

Willie! What
are you doing?

I need a saw.

What for?

The play,
"Tom Sawyer."

All the boys are getting
ready to practice.

Oh, you got some boys to
do the play with you, huh?

Yeah, even some of the
big boys want to play now.

Is that so?

Well, this ought
to do fine.

Do you need a
hammer and nails?

- No, just a saw.
- Well, don't lose it.

I won't!

So the big boys, huh?

Laura: I knew we shouldn't have
done this play with Nellie.

Mary: Well,
it's too late now.

I suppose.

Besides, this way,
you don't have to memorize too many lines.

I already know them.

"Oh, yes,"
and "oh, my."

That's it!

See what I mean?
You know them already.


Laura: Think I'll add
one more line.

Mary: What?

Laura: "Shut up, Nellie."

- Hello, girls.
- Hi, ma.

How was
school today?

All right.
We got our parts for the play.

Caroline: You don't
sound very excited.

There's not much
to be excited about.

Nellie got
all the lines.

Ah, it can't
be that bad.

Wait till
you read it.

All I have to say
is two yeses,

"that's right," and
"let Meg tell you."

Guess who plays Meg.

Well, I'm sure
Mrs. Oleson did her best.

For Nellie,
she sure did.

Mary: Ginny went in and I wouldn't
even be in Mrs. Oleson's old play.

Oh, does Ginny
have a better part?

No, just that she's
excited about doing it

with the parents
coming and all.

Well, it'll be
over on Friday.

That's not too
much to endure.

I guess...

Ma, if this is what
play-acting is like,

I'm never going
to go on stage.

Ha ha!

"Tom surveyed
his last touch

"with the eye
of the artist.

"Then he gave
his brush

gentle sweep..."

Nels: Doing
a nice job, boys.

as before."

Thanks, pa.

"Ben reached up
alongside of him.

"Tom's mouth watered
for the apple,

"but he stuck
to his work.

Hello, old chap."


Yes, pa?


Willie: "Tom surveyed
his last touch

"with the eye
of the artist.

"Then he gave
his brush

gentle sweep."

If those there flowers
are for Ginny,

she's already
left for school.

I didn't pick them
for Ginny. I...

I picked them for you.

Whatever for?

A man comes to call,
it only seems right.

I don't remember
ever saying anything

to give you the idea I was
receiving gentleman callers.

No, ma'am, you didn't,

but I just figured if I
didn't get it out pretty soon,

I just wouldn't
say it at all.

- Mr. Mayfield...
- Just... please.

It's hard for me to...
To say what's on my mind.

I mean, you being
such a handsome woman, I...

You know how I feel
about the little'un.

I want you
to know that...

I feel as strong
about you.

What I'm trying
to say is...

It would do me proud

if you would join me,
accompany me t...

With Ginny, to see
her doings at the school.

I couldn't do that.

But why?

I won't be going.

There's plenty
to do around here.

The little'un
will be heartbroke.


she's just going to have to learn
to live with disappointment.

I have.

Your man has been gone
for more than two years now,

and mourning 10 more
won't bring him back.

Given my choice,

I wouldn't
be mourning.

I'd have
gone with him.

He wouldn't
have wanted that

any more than my woman would have
wanted me to follow her 5 years ago,

and he sure wouldn't want you
hiding yourself out here...

Good day,
Mr. Mayfield.

Ah, can I... please.
I... listen, I came out to talk...

Good day, Mr. Mayfield.
Now, would you please go?

There we are,
my dear.

Looks as though
you grew it yourself,

if I do say so.

- A veritable Cleopatra.
- Oh.

Here. Have a look
for yourself.

It's awful

Well, it's supposed to be, dear.

Uh, isn't it,
Mr. Mason?

Oh, yes.
Gives it body.

After all, this is
the finest hair. Ha ha.

Wouldn't want to waste
it on a skimpy wig.

Harriet: No. I'm sure.

I want it curled,
like my hair.

Harriet: Yes. Yes,
she must have curls.

That's a lot of hair
to be curling.

I want curls.

Man: Well, I can do that, of course,
but there will be an extra charge.

It takes most
of the evening.

Oh. Oh, well, how much
will it be for the curls?

Let's see.

18, 19. Carry the 2.

All told,
it comes to $27.


for goodness' sakes,

all I wanted was a
little wig for a play.

I want this one.

Mrs. Oleson, I paid $18
for the hair alone.

You paid
somebody $18,

just to let you
cut their hair?

Man: True, and the price
is going up all the time.

After all,
our pa says

hair is a woman's
crowning glory.

Ah, that it is.

That's why
a fine wig

is worth its
weight in gold.

Ah, yes, well,

now, we'll take it,
but it must be curled.

Oh, I have the curling
iron in the wagon.

It'll be ready
by morning.

Harriet: All right.
Thank you, Mr. Mason.

Thank you,
Mrs. Oleson.

Harriet: All right,
girls, come along.

Let's begin our rehearsal.

Does everybody
know her lines?

Nellie: I studied mine
this morning.

Now, uh,

you stand
right there,

and, Laura,

you stand
right back there.

get down here.


come, darling.

You stand right here
in back of Nellie,

just right
down there

in the middle of the
stage down front.

Yes. Oh, yes.

Oh, that's just exactly
how I pictured it. Ha!


What's the
matter, honey?

I want to be in the play
with Mary and Laura.

Oh, well, you will be
when you get bigger.

Everybody always
says that.

What if I don't
get bigger?

Charles: But you will.

I hope so.

Hey, I tell you what.

You know,
it's just as much fun

to go see a play
as it is to be in one.

You mean I can go?

Well, sure you can.

I'm going
to go tell ma.

All right.

Ma! Ma! I'm
going to go...

I'll tell
you later!

Ginny: The play's
going to be fun.

Mary: Yeah. It sure is.

Sure am glad that
play's tomorrow.

Otherwise, I wouldn't
have anything else to say.

She took out one of my
yeses and my "that's right."

Well, stop complaining.
It'll all be over soon.

That's what Dr. Baker said
when he pulled my tooth.

It still hurt.

I like the play.

I just wish
my ma was coming.

She's not
going to be there?


Well, did she
tell you why?

She gave lots
of reasons.

Mary: Mothers do that when
they don't want you to argue.

The problem is finding
out the real reason.

Our pa is good at that.
Then he argues real sweetly.

Always gets
around ma that way.

Does it really work?

Works for pa.

I forgot something.
I have to go back.

Do you want us
to wait?

No. Go on.
I'll get home all right.

Mrs. Clark:


About time you
were getting home.

All this

doesn't get your chores done.

get your chores... what is this?

It's for
you, mom.

Well, what
is it?

A present.
Open it.

Oh... oh,
where did you ever get this dress?

You said you'd come to the play
if you had a decent dress to wear,

and this was the
prettiest Mr. Oleson had.

But where did you
get the money for it?

It's a secret.


It was that Mr. Mayfield,
wasn't it?

Well, you can just take this
dress back to Mr. Oleson,

and you can take that
money back to Mr. Mayfield.

It wasn't
Mr. Mayfield...

Now, don't you
lie to me.

You had no money.

But I did.

Now, not
another word.

Now, you will go to your
room without your supper,

and first thing in the morning,
you'll take this back where it belongs,

and you can tell
that Mr. Mayfield

that we don't
appreciate his tricks.

Now, go do
as you're told.


Hi, darling.


I thought you just
scrubbed this floor.

I just wanted to wet-mop it,
but I can't find the mop.


Laura: Yes, ma?

Have you seen
the mop?

Laura: The mop?

Yes, the mop.

Laura: The new mop?

the new mop.

Laura: Well, I...

- Laura.
- Yes, sir?

Would you come to the
stairs, please, dear?

Laura: Right now?

Right now.

Ha ha!

Well, I can see that
you found the mop.

Now, why do you
have it on your head?


Nellie gets to wear
a wig in the play.

I was just seeing
how it looks.

Well, you look more like
medusa than you do like Beth.

Who's medusa?

Charles: Never mind
who medusa is.

Just get the mop
off your head

and back on the mop handle
where it belongs, all right?

Yes, sir.

Gee whiz.

Nellie's got
all the lines.

And now she's got
all the hair.

Hey, there,

You like a lift
into town?

I ain't
going to town.

Well, for someone who's not heading
anywhere, you're up awful early.

Most folks ain't even
had their breakfast yet.

I wasn't hungry.

Well, now,
that is awful serious.

Of course,
I heard actor people

that don't eat much
before they do a show.

I'm not going to be
in the show.

Well, why not,

Because mama's
not going to come.

I begged her,
Mr. Mayfield.

She just
doesn't care.

Your mama's hard to
understand sometimes,

but she does
care for you.

No, she doesn't.
I even bought her a dress.

She told me
to take it back.

Is that what's
in this package?

She wouldn't believe me.
She thought it was from you.

She... she
wouldn't take it.

That's all right.
That's all right.

It's all right.
Just stop crying now.

Look, I'll take
this package,

and I got a feeling your mama's
going to change her mind. Hmm?

But she said
that she...

Listen, it doesn't matter
what people say.

They say a lot of things
they don't mean.

Why don't you take
the long way to school?

Go down by the creek.
Wash those tears away.

We can't have the
prettiest gal in school

all teary-eyed,
now, can we?

You really think
I'm pretty?

I sure do,
and I'd be surely disappointed

if I didn't see you
in that play today.

I'll take care
of this.

My promise... your mama's
going to be at that play.

Now, you do what I say.

Hyah! Hyah!

Mr. Mayfield, I thought I
said everything I had to say.

Not this time,
Mrs. Clark.

This has nothing
to do with me.

It has to do
with your daughter.

Well, I don't see where Ginny
is any concern of yours.

Did you speak with her
this morning?

No. She was gone before I came
back from doing the milking.

I thought so.

You know she bought
this dress for you?

Yes, and I know where she got the
money, too, Mr...

Well, you know a lot more than I
know, Mrs. Clark.

All I know is I found a little
girl crying this morning

on what should be the
biggest day of her life,

all because her mother
can't tell the difference

between what's
pity for herself

and what's selfish
to her own daughter.

Mr. Mayfield, are you
telling me that...

Yes. If you decide to do what's
right and put on this dress,

I'll be waiting
with the wagon...

Because I, for one,
want to see Ginny's play.

what do you think you're doing?

Just getting some
stuff for the play, pa.

You don't need any of
that for "Tom Sawyer."

But I promised.
Ma said I could.

Well, you do as I say.
Get on over to the school.

- But...
- Do as I say.

Harriet: Nellie,
come along, darling.

We're going to be late.

Nellie: I'm not going.


Oh, nels, you just
go along without us.

She's got
stage fright.

I've never heard of an actress yet
who didn't have some temperament.

What's her excuse
the rest of the time?



Nellie, open
the door, dear.

Nellie: I'm not going,
and I'm not going to wear this old wig.

Oh, yes,
you are, dear.

Mother's already
paid for it.

Nellie: I'm not
going to do it.

Yes, you are,
Nellie oleson.

Now, you open the
door this instant,

or I am going to get
your father's strop.

Well, you're the one who
wanted to wear curls.

Why'd you listen to me?
I'm only a child.

I'll child you.

You get down
those steps.

How you doing?

What do you mean you
don't have the cigars?

My pa wouldn't
let me have them.

If you hadn't promised,
we wouldn't have been in your old play.

It's not my fault.

That was just a story.
You never meant to get them.

- Did so.
- You did not.

- Did so.
- Did not.

Did so.

Did not.

Boy: Willie,
a promise is a promise.

Not here


Don't worry.

If Mr. Mayfield said she'd be
here, she'll get here.

I hope so, and I hope
I remember my lines.

You wouldn't have anything to
worry about if you had my part.

Nellie: Well, I'm ready.
Are you?

Gee, Nellie.
That's some wig.

I like it.
My mother says it's very pretty.

She would.

Most of the parents
are already here.

Is everyone ready?

All: Yes, ma'am.

you're first.

Now, everyone,
do your best.

Good morning.

I'm glad so many of you
could make it this morning.

The children have worked very
hard on their presentations,

and since we
have 5 of them,

I guess we best
get started.

The first one
is one I'm sure

you've all enjoyed...
"Tom Sawyer."


Willie, it's time.

Harriet: Oh, Willie!

What on earth happened?

It wasn't
my fault.

It wouldn't
have happened

if you'd have given me
the cigars like you said.

Good heavens.
What a mess.

For our... our next presentation,

one of my
favorite stories:

"Little women."

Starring Nellie oleson
as Meg...

Ha ha ha!

Mary Ingalls as marmee,
the mother...

Laura Ingalls
as Beth...


And Ginny Clark
as Jo.


"Little women,"
written by my mother.

Mother marmee
has just received word

that her husband has
fallen sick in Washington,

and she has to make
the trip to see him.

I'm Meg, and I've
just saved the day

by arranging for
Mr. Brooks to take her.

Now marmee and I sit
sewing in the parlor.

I do so love sewing.
Don't you, marmee?

Mary: Yes, Meg.

Nellie: I do hope Beth
comes soon with the tea.

Is it nice
and hot?


I do so love tea.
Don't you, marmee?

Yes, Meg.

Nellie: Oh,
here comes Jo.

I wonder what she
could have been up to.

What's this?

Let Meg
tell you.

Nellie: A roll of bills,
$25, her contribution

towards making father comfortable
and bringing him home.


How ever could you
have gotten it?

I hope you didn't beg,
borrow, or steal it.

Let me see.
How ever could you have done it?

Oh, you cut
your hair.

Oh, Ginny,
you really did cut your hair.

Why, Ginny?

It's only hair.
It'll grow back.

You're not supposed
to say that.

Ginny, you didn't really
have to cut your hair,

not for a silly
old play.

I didn't do it
for the play.

Mary: Then why'd
you cut it?

I just wanted to.

That's not true.

You know it's not.

Nellie: You're
ruining the play!

Be quiet,

You can tell
us, Ginny.

I sold it to Mr. Mason.

Mary: Why?

Why, Ginny?


So I could buy
a new dress...

For my mother

so she could
come here today.

Oh, I love you.

I'm so sorry.

When am I going
to get to say my line?

Be quiet, Nellie.
The play is over.

Did you like the play,
Mr. Mayfield?

Thought you were
great, little'un.

Do you mind about
my short hair?

Nah. That makes you
the prettiest.

Oh, I think
so, too.

Let's go.

How do
you feel?

Are you sure you never want
to go on the stage again?

It's all right, I guess,
but never again with Nellie oleson.

Was that Nellie?
I couldn't tell under all that hair.

Ha ha ha!

How about
you, Mary?

all right, I guess,

but when it
turns out right,

real life's a whole lot better.

I agree with you there, sweetheart.
There's no doubt about it.

Come on.
Let's go home.
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