04x16 - Bring it on

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Vampire Diaries". Aired September 2009 - March 2017.*

Moderator: DelenaForever

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A high school girl is torn between two vampire brothers.
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04x16 - Bring it on

Post by bunniefuu »

[A road]

(Elena is alone on the middle of the road. She lies on the road)

[Salvatore's House]

Stefan: We're gonna lose her, Damon

Damon: She needs time. It's only been a couple of days

Stefan: Her humanity is off. She's basically numb to everything that makes her who she is

Damon: She's a vampire. The off switch is one of the biggest perks. When being undead gets you down, voila. Vampire Prozac

Stefan: She burned down her family home with her brother's dead body still inside

Damon: Saves us the trouble of having to do it ourselves. I call that a win. Worst-case scenario, I'll invoke the sire bond and tell her to turn it back on

Stefan: No. Her brother just died. You force all that grief on her at once, it's gonna overwhelm her. We need to give her a reason to want to turn it on

Damon: Fine. We'll show her a good time. I know it's controversial, Stefan, but people actually like to have fun

Stefan: You really think that's gonna work?

Damon: There's only one way to find out

[A road]

(Elena is still lying on the road. A woman stops her car, gets out and rushes toward her)

Woman: Are you all right? Was there an accident? Where are you hurt? Are you in pain?

Elena: I don't feel anything

Woman: I have a blanket in my car. Try not to move. I'll call for help

(She goes to her car. When she turns herself, Elena's standing next to her)

Woman: What are you doing?

(Elena bites her and drinks her blood. Damon intervenes)

Damon: That's enough

(She doesn't stop)

Damon: I said that's enough. We agreed no k*lling

Elena: This is the first person I've seen in days whose body isn't laced with vervain, and I'm hungry

Damon: You leave a trail of bodies, people are gonna start asking questions

Elena: I don't care

(She resumes her meal)

Damon: I can't believe you're making me say this

(He catches her)

Damon: Show a little restraint

Elena: I thought this was supposed to be fun


(Haley gets out of a store and senses someone. She's att*cked by a vampire but Klaus intervenes and bites him and gets rid of him)

Klaus: Have a care, mate. That's no way to treat a lady

Haley: You came

Klaus: Well, you did say it was urgent. Oh, don't worry about him, love. He'll never make it through tomorrow night

Haley: What if there are more?

Klaus: You were foolish enough to make a deal with Katerina Petrova. She used you to find the cure, and now you're nothing but a loose end. You'll be lucky if she lets you live

Haley: You said you would protect me

Klaus: And I will, just as soon as you tell me everything you know about Katerina

[Salvatore's House]

(Elena is in the shower and hears Stefan and Damon)

Damon: So that's the plan? You're gonna take her back to school?

Stefan: Well, the fun route didn't exactly pay off, did it?

Damon: I don't know. We got a free meal out of it

Stefan: Look. Do you think I want to go to school and play chaperone? You can't go because you're not a student. Besides, you've got to go look for Katherine. I mean, Elena needs this cure now more than ever

(Caroline enters)

Caroline: Not that anyone asked me, but I think taking her back to school is a great idea

Damon: Why are you here?

Caroline: Blame it on your fancy water filters. Your house has the only vervain-free showers in town

Damon: Oh, yeah. The mayor put vervain in the water supply. So many people to k*ll

Caroline: Yeah, and my mom says it's about to get worse, so she could use a little help

Damon: Fine. I'll go after the psychotic doppelganger. Stefan, you gonna go talk to the sheriff? Blondie, take her to school

(Elena comes out, completely naked)

Elena: Sounds like fun. What? It's nothing you guys haven't seen before and as for the "going to school" idea... I've got nothing better to do

Damon: Elena, it would make me very happy if you were in school today and studied hard... You know, get involved in whatever activities, and please, for me, no matter what, don't eat anyone. Okay?

[Mystic Falls' High School]

(Caroline is in the hallways, leaving a voicemail to Tyler)

Caroline: Hey, Tyler. It's me checking in. Things are just getting back to normal here, sort of. Elena's not quite there, but we're working on it. Look, I know that you can't call me back, but I keep thinking if I just leave these messages that when you do come home it'll be like you never left. Or that's the hope. Well, I'd better go. I love you, Tyler

(Matt rejoins her)

Matt: Hey, have you seen Bonnie?

Caroline: Yeah. I called her last night. She's fine. She's just a little drained from, you know, everything

Matt: Can't really blame her

(Elena rejoins them)

Elena: I have an idea. Can you get me my old spot back on the cheerleading squad?

Caroline: I mean, technically, yeah. I'm Captain, but I thought you hated cheerleading

Elena: I did, and now I think it would be really fun to jump around and toss people up in the air. It's not like the routines are that hard

Caroline: I... think that would make Damon really happy

[Klaus' Mansion]

(Klaus opens the door)

Klaus: Ah, what an unpleasant surprise

Damon: So I just came up with a list called things you suck at. Number one: Finding Katherine, ever. Number two: Covering up your secret phone conversations to that little backstabber Hayley. Yeah, so where is she, and what does she know about Katherine?

Klaus: I should help you? After you lot k*lled my brother and imprisoned me in the Gilbert living room?

Damon: You might want to prioritize, Klaus. You have much bigger problems. Katherine has the cure. My guess is she's gonna want to cram it down your throat. You help me find Katherine, I'll get the cure, I'll give it to Elena, everybody wins. Just let me question Hayley about Katherine

Klaus: Can't help you, mate. Hayley's off limits. Although I did have a run-in with a vampire who may know where Katerina is. Too bad for you I bit halfway through his bloody neck he probably won't have much time for chit-chat

[Sheriff's Department]

(Stefan is with Liz in her office)

Liz: The entire supply of blood from the hospital, all the reserves, gone, just vanished

Stefan: I don't understand. Are you accusing us?

Liz: No, I'm not accusing you, but this town is at a tipping point. Any more unexplained house fires, and things are gonna boil over

Stefan: I'm sorry

Liz: I know it's not your fault. It's been a rough week. Miranda Gilbert was one of my best friends in High School. To see what's happened to her family... It's just...

Stefan: Look, Liz... If there's anything I can do to help, I promise I will

Liz: Good. You need to. Whoever stole that blood put a lot of lives in danger and risks exposing all of you, my daughter included. So who can you think of who wants blood that bad, who would be so careless?

[Mystic Falls' High School]

(It's the cheerleading competition. She rejoins Caroline in the gym with the rest of the team. There's a crowd. Elena is wearing her uniform)

Caroline: The uniform still fits. You look fantastic. We are totally gonna kick grove hill's ass

Elena: Yeah. Should be fun

(She sees a girl from the opposite team and listens to her conversation)

Girl: Oh, my God. You guys, I left my makeup back on the bus

Caroline: Wow. The competition's bigger than last year. I'm gonna go stretch

(The girl from the opposite team goes in the bus and finds her make up. When she turns herself, Elena's here)

Elena: I like your ribbon

Girl: Um, thanks

Elena: I want it

Girl: Yeah, but I'm using it, so go get your own

(Elena's face changes. She bites her neck and drinks her blood)

(Elena comes back in the gym. She's wearing the girl's ribbon. Caroline rejoins her)

Caroline: Hey, where were you? We're going on any minute

Elena: I'm here, aren't I?

Caroline: What's with the ribbon? That's not even our colors

(Then she sees that the girl from the opposite team is wearing a scarf around her neck)

Caroline: Are you out of your mind?

Elena: What is your problem?

Caroline: Feeding on the competition? Hello. Did you not hear what Damon told you?

Elena: I did, but who cares? I'll do whatever I want

(Stefan rejoins them)

Stefan: Everything all right?

Elena: Yeah, as soon as the queen backs off, everything will be fine

(She leaves)

Caroline: Remember how Damon sired her to behave? It didn't really work

(Stefan is in the hallways, on the phone with Damon)

Damon: What do you mean, she fed? I specifically told her, no feeding. The sire bond should make her listen

Stefan: Right. That's what I'm saying. The sire bond isn't working

Damon: That's impossible

Stefan: Think about it. Elena's sire bond stems from her feelings for you, right? With her humanity off, she has no feelings

Damon: All I wanted was to break that damn bond. You're telling me now this whole time all she had to do was turn it off? What happens if she turns it back on?

Stefan: I don't know, but more importantly, where are you right now?

Damon: I'm at a truck stop in the boonies looking for a dead vampire that might lead to Katherine and the cure. Look, just grab her and get her home. I'll be there when I can


(Rebekah rejoins Damon)

Damon: You. I thought you were still vacationing on Numbskull Island

Rebekah: Well, I was looking for answers, and all I found was your Professor Shane, dead, and with him, anything anyone knows about the cure

Damon: Guess you won't turn into a real girl after all

Rebekah: I'll get the cure. I just need Katherine, and I'm betting you can help me find her

Damon: Why would I help you?

Rebekah: Because I was smart enough to bring a pinch of my brother's blood. How else would you interrogate a vampire who's practically dead from a wolf bite?

Damon: Fine. Follow me. I might know where to look

[Klaus' Mansion]

(Haley and Klaus are eating)

Klaus: So you're rested, you're fed. Tell me about Katerina

Haley: Most men get their power kick from t*rture and intimidation. With you, it's drinks and fine dining

Klaus: Well, in your case, I favor hospitality over unpleasantness, but I have been known to change my mind on a whim. Where is Katerina?

Haley: You seriously think I know?

Klaus: You tipped her off as to what we were up to and set her on a course to find the cure. In return, she sent her lackey to snuff you out. Tell me, what did Katerina promise you?

Haley: I was in new Orleans trying to find information about my real parents. Katherine found me and told me she could help

Klaus: An orphan? Well, that does explain your charming bravado. Abandonment issues will do it every time

Haley: Sounds like you would know

Klaus: I'm the only one that can protect you. I'm happy to do so, provided you cooperate

[Mystic Falls' High School]

(Stefan rejoins Elena in the hallways. She's stretching)

Stefan: Hey, we need to talk

Elena: So talk. You can help me stretch

Stefan: Did you feed on that cheerleader?

Elena: Maybe

Stefan: I see. You wouldn't happen to know anything about the hospital's missing blood supply, would you?

Elena: Trust me. I'm sick of blood bags. I prefer something a little warmer

Stefan: Look, Elena, I know what you're going through. I was having the time of my life when I first turned, too. I didn't start ripping people's heads off until 1912. The next thing I know, I was k*lling an entire village

Elena: Am I supposed to be scared of becoming you?

Stefan: Yeah, you are, because I know how deep down you can fall, and I know how difficult it is to climb back out. Come on. You're better than this

Elena: I don't know. Maybe this is the better version of me

Man on p.A.: Up next, Mystic Falls' very own lady Timberwolves

(She goes to the gym)

Caroline: No way. You are not cheering

Elena: Let's see you try and stop me

(They're in the gym about to start)

Man on p.A.: Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for your very own lady Timberwolves

(They start)

Caroline: Ready

The team: L-o-l, o-m-g You're looking at Mystic Falls varsity! B-e-a-t, beat those caps. B-e-a-t, beat those caps. B-e-a-t, beat those caps!

(Elena has to carry Caroline but she steps aside and Caroline falls)

(Elena is outside. Stefan rejoins her)

Stefan: What do you do for an encore?

Elena: I'm pretty sure it doesn't involve another condescending lecture

Stefan: No. I was impressed. Getting yourself on the cheerleading squad. Plenty of vervain-free victims bused in for the competition. You played us all really well

Elena: It wasn't that hard. You want me to be OK so badly that you hear whatever I want you to

Stefan: Right. Well, you know, the problem with the gymnasium is, too many witnesses You got to go somewhere a little more private for some real fun

Elena: Oh, yeah? Where?

Stefan: I know this little dive bar off the beaten path

Elena: Come on. You're bluffing

Stefan: You're forgetting that I had my switch flipped in this town, too. I know where to take someone to have a good time

(He finally vervains her)

Stefan: But first, a little vervain, just to take the edge off

[Grove Hills Hospital]

(Damon and Rebekah are in the hospital)

Rebekah: Why exactly would you think a sick vampire would check into a hospital?

Damon: See that little bright thing in the sky? It's called the sun. He needs to avoid that. Plus the hospital is open 24/7. Not to mention he's hungry and delusional

Rebekah: Impressive. You're like Sherlock Holmes with brain damage

Damon: Stefan said the Mystic Falls hospital had its entire blood bank raided, too

Rebekah: It looks like our vampire gets around

Damon: No. The guy's dying of a werewolf bite. He wouldn't have time to steal from both hospitals. This is someone else

Rebekah: Who?

Damon: That's another problem. But on the plus side, if our guy did by chance come here, he's got nothing, which means he's nearby and he's hungry

Rebekah: This better not be a wild goose chase

Damon: I want to find Katherine as much as you do

Rebekah: Really? Why? I heard your little chat with Stefan. I know Elena has broken the sire bond. So why would you want to find the cure? You'd just cure her back to loving your brother. I think you're better off leaving it for me

[Klaus' Mansion]

(Haley enters Klaus' ‘'art room''. She looks at his paintings)

Haley: Hate that. Too much. I don't get that. Hmm... I don't care

(She looks at a painting)

Haley: Hmm. This one. It doesn't make me want to puke. Why'd you paint it?

Klaus: Painting is a metaphor for control. Every choice is mine... The canvas, the color. As a child, I had neither a sense of the world nor my place in it, but art taught me that one's vision can be achieved with sheer force of will. The same is true of life, provided one refuses to let anything stand in one's way

Haley: So this is your thing... Show a girl a few mediocre paintings, whine about your childhood, and I swoon and spill all my dirty secrets?

Klaus: I felt I had many charms, but, uh, regardless, I'm enjoying myself

Haley: And you do whatever you enjoy, up to and including hunting my friend Tyler for the next century

Klaus: Oh, surely not the next century. Only until I k*ll him

Haley: You talk a good game, but the truth is you let him go. My guess: You know if you k*ll him, Caroline will hate you forever

Klaus: If I simply k*lled Tyler, my revenge would be over in a moment. Sentencing him to a lifetime of paranoia and fear... That's Tyler's true punishment. But come now. You never really thought there was a future for you two, did you?

Haley: I don't know. He might have left Caroline for me if I'd used the cure to k*ll you

Klaus: You know, if Tyler has even half your resolve, he may actually make it through the year

Haley: It doesn't take resolve. It takes allies, a network of people willing to do anything for you, including chase down loose ends to their death. That's how Katherine escaped you all this time

Klaus: Perhaps you know the names of Katerina's special little helpers

Haley: Maybe I know one or two. Maybe I'll even tell you
[Salvatore's House]

(Elena wakes up. Stefan's here)

Elena: What'd you do to me?

Stefan: Brought you home before you can cause any more trouble

Elena: So you're grounding me because I dropped Caroline on her thick head

Stefan: No, because you fed on someone... In public

Elena: So? I was hungry

(She takes her uniform off)

Stefan: You're really gonna keep stripping in front of me? It's real mature

Elena: I'm done cheering, so I'm gonna change

Stefan: Sure. When in doubt, manipulate people with sex. You know, that's the same trick Katherine used to pull

Elena: Don't compare me to Katherine. She's been running so long, she's afraid of her own shadow. I am not afraid of anything. I've shut it all off... all of it, including my feelings for you. But don't get me wrong. I mean, I see you standing there, and you look good. I remember our sex, and it was good sex. I just don't feel anything about it anymore. Though you clearly do. Why do you care what I do and who I k*ll?

Stefan: Because it's my fault that you're like this. I brought this into your life. Look, I've k*lled hundreds of people, and I have to live with that, but I'm not gonna live with the people that you k*ll or what that'll do to you. Who are you texting?

Elena: OK. Your whole world revolves around me. Maybe you're the one that needs to turn it all off

(They hear people)

(He goes downstairs and see a lot of people arriving. Elena rejoins him)

Stefan: So that's what all this texting was about? You invited all these people over here

Elena: You were trying to keep me from throwing the party, so... I brought the party here

Stefan: Great. That's great

(Everyone is dancing and drinking. Caroline arrives)

Caroline: I got here as soon as I could. This is insane

Stefan: Yeah. It won't last. They'll either drink all the booze and get bored, or Damon will come home and k*ll everyone

Caroline: We can't compel them to leave. The locals are all on vervain from the town water supply. So what do we do?

Stefan: I don't know. Enjoy the party, keep Elena from butchering grove hill's cheerleading squad

Caroline: Great. And where is she?

Stefan: Where do you think?

(Elena is dancing and laughing)

Caroline: I almost forgot what that was like

Stefan: What? Elena smiling?

Caroline: No. Fun. I mean, look at her. Yes, this is all very bad, but doesn't she make you just want to let go?

Stefan: Well, unfortunately I have this little problem when I, uh, party too hard. I end up k*lling people

Caroline: Well, your sober coach is giving you the green light. I mean, come on. You are at a kegger full of hot girls, and you're single, and you're, well, you

Stefan: So, what am I supposed to do, just grab some girl, throw her over my shoulder, take her out onto the dance floor?

Caroline: Just take your own advice. Have fun, you know? We deserve a little bit of fun

(He takes her over his shoulder)

Caroline: Whoa! I didn't mean me!

[Grove Hills' Hospital]

(Damon is feeding on a nurse. Rebekah's here)

Rebekah: Well, nobody could ever mistake you for subtle

Damon: You have to take pride in your work

(He compels the nurse)

Damon: It's OK. Come here. Now you're gonna walk very slowly to your car. Off you go

(She goes to her car)

Rebekah: You know, I just don't see how this increases our odds any

Damon: I've been on the other side of a wolf bite. First you get really sick. Then you get really hungry. Since the sun's gone down, I'm imagining he's gonna be looking for his last supper. I just laid out a 3-course, 115-pound meal for him

(The vampire finally appears. Damon rushes towards him and recognizes him)

Vampire: Damon?

Damon: Will?

Will: Hey buddy. I think there's something wrong with me. I need help

Damon: Yeah. It's OK. Yeah. I know what to do

(He rips his heart out)

Rebekah: What the bloody hell are you doing?

Damon: Too far gone. Put him out of his misery

[Klaus' Mansion]

Klaus: My sister informs me that your vampire assailant is dead, so you're safe and free to go. Or stay

Haley: I could be persuaded to stay, enjoy some of the good life. And maybe I could drum up a few more of Katherine's secrets and you could do something for me

Klaus: Oh, I'm sorry, love. You'll never convince me to let Tyler go free

Haley: Well, then, I guess I'll never get my chance with Tyler any more than you'll get a shot with Caroline. Do you want to know why I like that painting?

Klaus: Well, perhaps it was because it allowed you to see into my deep, wounded soul

Haley: I saw how twisted it really is. And maybe I can relate

Klaus: So what's it gonna be? Going... or staying?

Haley: You like to be in control, you told me

(Ha catches her and kisses her. He lays her on a table and they have sex)

[Salvatore's House]

(Elena is still partying. She sees that Stefan and Caroline are laughing and dancing together. She rejoins them)

Elena: Look who finally joined the party

Stefan: Yeah. Why? Are you jealous or something?

Elena: No. That would imply emotions, and we've already established those are useless

Caroline: Come on, Elena. Just dance with us

Elena: No. You guys look good together. By all means, Care, just take him out for a spin. He could use it

(She leaves them. Liz enters)

Liz: Elena? What's going on in here?

Elena: Just some underage drinking and drug use

Liz: Where's Stefan?

Elena: He's actually busy flirting with your daughter. But I think he's a good rebound for her because of the whole Tyler thing

Liz: I'm shutting this down right now

Elena: Liz, please. Why don't you just stay and have a drink?

Liz: Elena, take your hand off me

Elena: Either you have a drink, or I will

(Elena pushes her against the wall)

Caroline: Mom!

Liz: It's fine

(Caroline tries to go after Caroline but Stefan stops her)

Stefan: Caroline, calm down

Caroline: Calm down? I'm gonna wring her skinny little neck!

(Elena disappears)

[The woods]

(Stefan and Caroline are looking for Elena)

Caroline: Elena! Where the hell is she?

Stefan: Right where she wants to be. This is completely calculated. She drew all those people to the house, waited for an opportunity to distract us, and now she's free

Caroline: I can't believe she's doing this. I mean, she hurt my mom, Stefan

Stefan: All right, listen. You search the woods. I'll check the road. If you see her, don't hesitate. Just snap her neck, all right?

Caroline: Yeah

Stefan: Ok

[Salvatore's House]

(Damon arrives right in the middle of the party. He takes a bottle from someone)

Damon: Thank you

(He senses that Rebekah's here)

Damon: Will you please just take a hint and leave me alone?

Rebekah: What are you hiding? I know you knew that vampire

Damon: I know a lot of dead people

Rebekah: You k*lled him to prevent me from finding Katherine to keep me from getting the cure

Damon: Do you really want the cure? I mean really? Look. Let me give you a little bit of advice. See these girls? They look happy now. In 5 years, they're gonna settle for a mediocre starter husband and a mind-numbing career, and about that time, they're gonna realize something you're never gonna have to learn

Rebekah: And what would that be?

Damon: Life sucks when you're ordinary. And what makes you exactly not like them? You're a vampire. You take that cure, become human, well, you're no one, nothing. Trust me. Losing this cure is the best damn thing that ever happened to you

[The woods]

Caroline: Elena! Don't make me fight you, Elena! I'm stronger than you, and I don't want to hurt you

Elena: Who's gonna get hurt?

(They start to fight)

Elena: Not bad. Not technically good, but then again, Alaric didn't train you. You were probably too busy butting into people's business!

(They resume their fighting)

Caroline: Oh, just stop! God. This isn't you, and you know it! You hurt my mom, Elena. How far are you gonna take this?

Elena: Are you trying to make me feel bad for hurting your mom? Don't you get it? I don't care. I mean, maybe you should try to turn it all off. Who knows? You might stop whining about how Tyler left you. An added bonus: You won't have to feel guilty about all the dirty thoughts you have about Klaus

Caroline: Shut up!

Elena: Make me

(They fight)

Elena: You fight like a girl

(They fight and Elena is stronger and is about to k*ll Caroline but Damon and Stefan intervene. Damon catches her)

Elena: Let go off me!

Damon: I admit, under any other circumstances, this would be a major turn-on. Get her out of here

[Salvatore's House]

(The house is empty. Caroline is in the living room, leaving a voicemail to Tyler)

Caroline: Hey, Tyler. It's me. You'll never believe the crazy day I've had. Look, I know that you said you wouldn't, but I really wish that you would answer. It would be great to talk to you

(She hangs up and Stefan enters)

Stefan: Are you alright?

Caroline: Besides the fact that my best friend tried to k*ll me?

Stefan: Look, it's not her. You have to remember that. With her emotions off, she's the worst version of herself

Caroline: So how do we get her back? Or what if we can't? Why would she choose to turn her emotions back on? She's an orphan. She just lost her brother. Her life sucks, Stefan. So why would she come back to us?

Stefan: Even when I was at my worst, Elena didn't give up on me. So we can't give up on her. Deal?

(Damon is looking through pictures. Elena is sitting on the bed)

Elena: How much longer am I supposed to sit here?

Damon: Well, I'm not big on goal-setting, but let's just imagine a time when you don't want to k*ll your best friend

Elena: Are you judging me? How many times have you tried to k*ll Stefan?

(He finds a picture)

Elena: What is that?

Damon: One of life's many mysteries. Elena, look...

Elena: Don't. Every time someone starts with "Elena," I get some stupid lecture. Everyone just needs to stop telling me that I need to feel. I do feel, Damon. I feel amazing

Damon: You don't want to be like this

Elena: Then how should I be? Should I go back to being the scared little girl who couldn't admit what she wants? Is that how you'd prefer me to go back to being, or... Look. For the longest time, you wanted to be with me, but you were scared that I'd find out how awful you are. But it doesn't matter anymore because I don't care. Be honest. You like me better like this

[Lockwood's Mansion]

(Caroline arrives but can't enter)

Caroline: Matt?

(He's inside)

Matt: Care

Caroline: Matt, why can't I get inside?

Matt: Come in

(She finally can enter)

Caroline: Matt, what's going on?

Matt: Tyler sent me this package in the mail. This is for you

(He gives her a letter from Tyler)

Tyler: Dear care, I miss you more than I can put into words, but I know as long as Klaus is alive, I can't come home. He won't stop trying to k*ll me, and you won't stop trying to protect me. Which means the only way to make sure you're safe is for me to go and never come back. I left Matt the deed to the house. It will protect you in ways I can't anymore. I will always love you

Caroline: He's not coming back

(She cries)

[Klaus' Mansion]

(Haley gets out of Klaus' bed)

Klaus: Running away, little wolf?

(He sees a mark on her back)

Haley: What?

Klaus: That mark. I've seen it before

Haley: Yeah. It's a birthmark. People have those

Klaus: In my considerable lifetime, I've only seen that mark on a handful of others, all from the same bloodline... A werewolf clan that once thrived throughout much of what we now call Louisiana

Haley: Don't lie to me... Not about this

Klaus: I wouldn't dare. Matters of family are sacred

Haley: Tell me

[Salvatore's House]

(Stefan is in his bedroom. His phone rings. He answers)

Stefan: Sheriff Forbes. Everything OK?

Liz: No, we have a bigger problem

[Damon's car]

(Damon is driving. His phone rings. He answer)

Damon: Hey

Stefan: Where the hell are you?

Damon: Out for a drive. I need some space. It's not me. It's you

Stefan: Well, we got a little problem. You said blood was stolen from grove hill's hospital. The sheriff said there's been report of 6 other blood bank thefts all within 30 Miles of Mystic Falls. Somebody's stockpiling blood It wasn't Elena, and it's not us

Damon: Ok so…

Stefan: I think Silas followed us back from that island. Hasn't fed in 2,000 years, so he would need to gorge on blood. It explains the thefts

Damon: You know, I'm really not in the mood to Scooby Doo our way through the case of the stolen blood supply, so why don't you hold the fort down until I get back, and I'll be in touch, brother

(He hangs up. Elena is next to him)

Elena: He's gonna hate you for that

Damon: Yeah, well, emotions are overrated

Elena: So where are we going?

Damon: A place every newbie vampire should go at least once in their life... New York. The city that never sleeps
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