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21x24 - The Twin Dilemma - part 4

Posted: 11/05/04 08:12
by bunniefuu


Part Four

Original Air Date: 30 March 1984
Running time: 25:04

NOMA: Why don’t you k*ll her?

MESTOR: I find her pleasing. Pleasing!

NOMA: She's better dead.

MESTOR: This creature offers no threat.

PERI: That's right!

NOMA: Be silent.

MESTOR: But her companion... they should have found him by now. I sense danger.

DRAK: Be at peace, Doctor.

DOCTOR: How? The very core of my being is on fire with guilt and rage... how is he?

AZMAEL: Superficial damage, he'll be all right.

NOMA: He is the one.

AZMAEL: But Noma, he is a friend, he will save us from Lord Mestor.

NOMA: Lord Mestor is our friend. He is our enemy.

MESTOR: They have him! Yes, earthling. They have your friend.

PERI: He came here to help!

MESTOR: He did, hmph.

DOCTOR: Peri you're alive.

PERI: Oh please release him.

MESTOR: And have the fool wreck a scientific project of vast consqeuence?

DOCTOR: It's debatable who the fool is. If you intend to blow up this corner of the universe!

MESTOR: Are you challenging my calculations?

DOCTOR: Not at all. In fact if I can hold my mind together I might even be able to help you.

MESTOR: What can you offer me?

DOCTOR: Moving planets around is not for amateurs, you know. I mean the twins may have the mathematical skill but I have the empirical knowledge. The practical experience that can guarantee success. I mean one tiny error in your calculations, the planets you're trying to shift could fly off in any direction.

MESTOR: You're telling the truth, Time Lord?

DOCTOR: You should know. I can sense your presence in my mind.

MESTOR: Then why do you resist me?

DOCTOR: I'm secretive by nature. Besides, if you were to learn everything too quickly you'd have no reason to keep me alive.

CHAMBERLAIN: He's playing with us Master. Azmael has often spoken of this Time Lord. He's not to be trusted.

MESTOR: Never argue with me again!


DOCTOR: Good heavens. You are rather hot-tempered!

REMUS: We'd work much more effectively if we had them.


ROMULUS Our memories.

REMUS: It's very disconcerting to have a large void in the middle of one's mind.

DRAK: You have little to lose.

ROMULUS: And our full cooperation to gain.

AZMAEL: Give me your right hand. Now yours. Well. Do you remember?

ROMULUS: Yes. Everything!


LT HUGO LANG: Which is more than I do.

AZMAEL: Back to work. You took a heavy blow. Doctor!

PERI: Oh Hugo, are you all right?

DOCTOR: I've agreed to help you.


DOCTOR: With this ridiculous scheme of Mestor's.

REMUS: We can't work like this.

ROMULUS: There are too many interruptions.

NOMA: You'll do exactly as you are told.

TWINS Then we won't do our best.

DOCTOR: And how do you think the Lord Mestor would feel about that?

PERI: He might show us that great little trick again. You know, the one with the green ray.

DOCTOR: Embolism, isn't it? Let me tell you, little tiny bubbles go very well in champagne and purgatives, Noma, but not in the blood.

NOMA: Wait outside.

AZMAEL: You too, Noma.

TWINS: Especially you.

DOCTOR: You don't seem very popular. Have you got fowlpest?

NOMA: You'll suffer for this humiliation. All of you.

DRAK: Childish threats are best left to children, Noma.

AZMAEL: Now go away we have a lot of work to do.

MESTOR: What do you know of this Doctor?

CHAMBERLAIN: Only what Azmael has said. He's supposedly a man of great cunning.

MESTOR: He's also egocentric, willful and quite mad. Once my work is completed I shall take great delight in examining this Doctor more closely. You will find the Time Lord's TARDIS.


DOCTOR: How does Mestor plan to bring the other two planets into the same orbit as Jaconda?

AZMAEL: A tractor beam.

LT HUGO LANG: Does he have enough power for such a thing?

AZMAEL: Oh yes.

DOCTOR: Well how will he stabilize Jaconda? Three planets in the same orbit will exert enormous gravitational pressure on each other.

AZMAEL: By placing them in different time zones. See each planet will occupy the same space but will be one Jacondan day ahead of the other.

DOCTOR: Very neat.

PERI: You mean Mestor can travel in time?

AZMAEL: Thanks to me.

MESTOR: Heheheheheh.

PERI: Doctor? Doctor?


PERI: Are you all right?

DOCTOR: Of course I'm all right. I'm certainly all right, it's the situation that's all wrong.

AZMAEL: In what way is it wrong?

DOCTOR: Both the outer planets are smaller than Jaconda.

PERI: That's obvious.

DOCTOR: So is the consequence if they're brought any nearer the Jacondan sun.

AZMAEL: But you're right. Why didn't I realise?

DOCTOR: Your mind was another thing's, my friend.

AZMAEL: Yes but to overlook something so simple.

PERI: What are you two talking about?

DOCTOR: A matter of simple physics. The gravitational pull of the sun on Jaconda is more or less consistent, yes?

PERI: I'll take your word for it.

DOCTOR: The outer planets are smaller, place them where Jaconda is... how long do you think they'll last?

AZMAEL: No time at all, their orbit would rapidly decay and they'd crash into the sun.

REMUS: Causing an enormous expl*si*n.

ROMULUS: It'll be wondrous to see.

AZMAEL: Now be quiet and get on with your work.

LT HUGO LANG: Does Mestor know this could happen?

DOCTOR: Of course.

PERI So why do it?

DOCTOR: I don't know. But there's method to his madness, of that I'm certain. In the meantime, carry on with your calculations. We don't want to arouse Mestor's suspicions.

(At the TARDIS.)


MESTOR: Enter.

CHAMBERLAIN: Well, after you, gentlemen.

(Back to the Doctor.)

TWINS: We've finished.

AZMAEL: Well done.

PERI: Now what?

LT HUGO LANG: You can't give those calculations to Mestor.

AZMAEL: Doctor?

PERI: Doctor?

AZMAEL: He worries me.

PERI: He's not himself.

DOCTOR: Then who am I?

PERI: I wish you wouldn’t keep wandering off like that.

DOCTOR: See it more as a mental stroll in a park of psychic tranquility.

AZMAEL: But what do we do next, the twins have finished their calculations.

DOCTOR: Who? Oh, oh very good. Excellent. Ten out of ten. Alpha plus.

DOCTOR: Interesting. Gastropod eggs.

PERI: Doctor, we're wasting time.

DOCTOR: Is it possible to get into the hatchery?

PERI: Whatever for?

DOCTOR: I sense the answer is in there. Azmael?

AZMAEL: Well, look, but please be quick.

DOCTOR: Of course. Eggsellent. The answer must be in here somewhere. Mestor hasn’t gone to all this trouble... the egg of a slug. But where's the mucous? The jelly, the food that feeds the young within?

PERI: Does it matter?

DOCTOR: Of course, these eggs are dry and rubbery. Let's see what's inside. A laser cutter, I must have a laser cutter.

AZMAEL: I'll get one for you.

LT HUGO LANG: What is it that's worrying you, Doctor?

DOCTOR: I don't know. But something is wrong.

(He tries to cut it open.)

LT HUGO LANG: What were you trying to do, hard boil it?

DOCTOR: It should at least have scratched the surface.

PERI: Well if it's that tough, how will the young break out?

DOCTOR: How indeed?

LT HUGO LANG: It's reacted to the heat of the laser.

DOCTOR: Precisely what it's supposed to do. Only it isn't anything like hot enough yet.

PERI: Doctor, you're talking in riddles!

AZMAEL: No! No, he isn't and I fear he might be right.

DOCTOR: Are these all the eggs?

AZMAEL: No, there are more through there.

DOCTOR: So many. Ah, it all begins to make sense.

PERI: Not to me. You still haven't explained why the eggs are so tough.

DOCTOR: They were designed to withstand the temperatures of an exploding sun.

LT HUGO LANG: Nonsense!

AZMAEL I wish it were.

DOCTOR: Mestor's colonization is not of this planet, but the universe.

AZMAEL: The exploding Jacondan sun would scatter the eggs, and nowhere would be safe from invasion.

REMUS: We've made that possible.

ROMULUS Our genius has been abused.

LT HUGO LANG: Doctor, could such a scheme work?

DOCTOR: It's so simple it's mind-boggling. Of course it could work.

MESTOR: Now you know everything, Time Lord.

DOCTOR: Right, what we need is a plan of action. Now you've still got your g*n, take Peri and the twins back to the safety of the TARDIS.

LT HUGO LANG: Noma and the guards might still be outside.

DOCTOR: Then deal with them. You are supposed to be an interplanetary pursuit officer.

AZMAEL: What shall we do?

DOCTOR Deal with Mestor.

AZMAEL: Are we capable, I mean look at us, Doctor. I'm old, I've even used up my ability to regenerate. And you, well your mind could cloud at any moment.

DOCTOR: I am fully alert and ready for action.

AZMAEL: Mestor will destroy us, you know.

DOCTOR: Better we die in harness back there against the odds than die in fear, finding menace in our own shadows.

REMUS: What do we do about our calculations?

DOCTOR: Can you carry them in your head?

ROMULUS: Of course.

DOCTOR: Then destroy all the notes you've made.

ROMULUS: That's simple.

(They fiddle.)

REMUS: It's done.

DOCTOR: Good. Drak, you go back to the TARDIS with the others.

AZMAEL: Drak? He's dead. His mind has been burnt out.

DOCTOR: Mestor!

AZMAEL: He's used him as a monitor. He must know everything that's been said in this room.

DOCTOR: There's no time to waste. Check the corridor.

LT HUGO LANG: It's clear.

DOCTOR: Now back to the TARDIS. Be careful. Good luck.

LT HUGO LANG: Thanks. Follow me.

PERI Good luck, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Such a nice girl. Hope I see her again.

AZMAEL: I'm sure you will, my friend. This way.



NOMA: Yes Master.

MESTOR: Find the twins and bring them to me.

NOMA: Yes Master.

MESTOR: They must not be harmed.

NOMA: And the others?

MESTOR: k*ll them.

PERI: This is ridiculous. How can we have got lost, there's only one passageway.

LT HUGO LANG: Well apparently not.

PERI Okay, well, let's try along here.

DOCTOR: Ah, there you are. I've been looking for you. I've worked out what you're up to, and it's got to stop.

MESTOR: Control your arrogance, Time Lord.

DOCTOR: I'm not having your sluggy eggs spread all over the universe causing havoc. Nor will I allow you to destroy what was once a very beautiful planet.

MESTOR: You really are mad. You dare to thr*aten me in my own throne room?

DOCTOR: Did I thr*aten him? Did you hear me thr*aten him?

MESTOR: Be silent!

DOCTOR: Watch it, Mestor!

AZMAEL: Please, Doctor.

MESTOR: You do well to warn him.

DOCTOR: I'm the one who's doing the warning. Now will you give up this nonsense?

MESTOR: No, Time Lord!

DOCTOR: Then take the consequence!

(He throws the bottle.)

MESTOR: You think that I would be so vulnerable? You're an interfering fool.

DOCTOR: No. Just a rotten shot.

LT HUGO LANG This looks more like it.

PERI: You said that about the last passage that we were in.

NOMA: This time he's right. You almost made it. What a pity.

LT HUGO LANG: Leave them to me.


REMUS: They want us alive. Mestor needs our calculations.

NOMA: Don't push your luck.


(A brief g*n battle ensues.)

NOMA: k*ll him!

LT HUGO LANG: You might just reach that g*n before I can k*ll you, but I doubt it.

DOCTOR: Indigestion? Or is it bad news?

MESTOR It does not concern you.

DOCTOR: Perhaps your plan to recapture the twins has failed.

MESTOR: A small setback, Time Lord.

DOCTOR: Be careful of Lieutenant Lang. He's been dying to k*ll someone ever since he got here. After all you did destroy his entire squadron. Earthlings have an unquenchable thirst when it comes to revenge.

MESTOR: Be silent!

AZMAEL: The Doctor has been ill, it's affected his reasoning.

MESTOR: He tried to k*ll me, he must therefore forfeit his own existence.

DOCTOR: Oh I thought we'd come to that. Embolism time, is it? Don't tell me. My blood will bubble like a raging stream. I will beg to die. And in so doing I will crave your indulgence and forgiveness.

MESTOR: Not quite, Time Lord.

DOCTOR: Good. Because in my time I have been threatened by experts. I don't rate you very highly at all.

AZMAEL: Doctor.

MESTOR: I have said you will cease to exist. But you will not die.

AZMAEL: Please, Lord Mestor.

MESTOR: I tire of the disadvantages of my own being.

DOCTOR: I don't blame you.

MESTOR: So I intend to take over your mind as well as your body.

DOCTOR: You! Take over my mind! Hahahah. It will be like throwing a pebble into a lake. It will sink without trace.

AZMAEL: But he can do it!

DOCTOR: A Jacondan mind, maybe, but I am a Time Lord!

MESTOR: Perhaps you would like be to demonstrate?

DOCTOR: Indeed.

DOCTOR: Azmael?

MESTOR: Azmael is now my sl*ve.

DOCTOR: That's not fair. He's an old man.

MESTOR: Do you think I could not do this to you?

DOCTOR: Well, why don't you try?

MESTOR: Simplicity itself. All I need is...

AZMAEL: He's weakening. He's trying to control too much. All Jaconda is affected by his thoughts. Help me, Doctor. I cannot contain him for long.

DOCTOR: We must mind-link. Together we can destroy him.

AZMAEL: No, no, otherwise he will pass to you and you will be lost.

DOCTOR: I can contain him!

AZMAEL: No, quickly! You must destroy his body otherwise he will return to it.

(The Doctor throws another bottle.)

MESTOR: Too late, Time Lord. Now we must mind-link.


MESTOR: What is happening?

AZMAEL: You are lost, Mestor.

MESTOR: What are you doing?

AZMAEL: The one thing that you cannot control. I am dying. I am regenerating.

DOCTOR: You can't! You've used up your allotted number of lives.

AZMAEL: Don't you think I do not know that, Doctor? He is exorcised, my friend.


PERI: What's happening? What's going on?

NOMA: Mestor is dead!

DOCTOR: You fool, why did you do it?

AZMAEL: I had no other choice.

DOCTOR: You should have left him to me.

AZMAEL: My friend, you were too unstable. He would have swamped you. You would have been the pebble drowning in his lake.

DOCTOR: To throw away your own life.

AMZAEL: It was nearly at an end anyway.

DOCTOR: You had so much to give! You were the finest teacher I ever had.

AZMAEL: You've learned all I know, and much besides. My only regret is leaving Jaconda. It gave me a good life. Many great moments. One of the best, my friend, was that time by the fountain.

DOCTOR: Azmael. Azmael. I shall miss you, old friend. I shall indeed.

PERI: I don't want to worry you, but the TARDIS door's open.

LT HUGO LANG: You stay here.

PERI: No, I've gotta find the Doctor.

LT HUGO LANG: All right, but be careful.

PERI: Look after him will you?

TWINS: Yes. Good luck.

LT HUGO LANG: Outside.

CHAMBERLAIN: Listen, young Sir, this planet's finished. There's no future here.

LT HUGO LANG: Shut up.

CHAMBERLAIN: But you don't understand, here we have a fine craft to take us away from here. Far away.

LT HUGO LANG: I said shut up!

DOCTOR: Sorry 'bout that.

PERI: Don't ever do that again.

DOCTOR: 'Course not.

PERI: Are you all right?

DOCTOR: Do I look otherwise?

CHAMBERLAIN: But we must get away from here.

ROMULUS: He can't fly the TARDIS.

REMUS: But we could learn.

DOCTOR: I'll take you all.

CHAMBERLAIN: You're a true gentleman, Sir.

DOCTOR: Wait a minute, I remember you. You're the Chamberlain!

CHAMBERLAIN: Yes, that's right, Sir.

DOCTOR I don't like you.

CHAMBERLAIN: Oh. But sir, I must get away from here!

DOCTOR: Then I suggest you start walking. Right, let's get you and the twins back to earth.

PERI: What about the rest of the people on this planet?

DOCTOR: They'll survive.

LT HUGO LANG Who'll lead them?

DOCTOR: Well certainly not that thing. Neither will Azmael. He's dead.

PERI: Then you must help, Doctor.

DOCTOR: They're quite capable of looking after themselves. Listen. They've already started mopping up.

LT HUGO LANG: I'd rather stay. I feel I could be some use here.

DOCTOR: As you wish. Although I think you're mad.

LT HUGO LANG: I have nothing to go back to earth for, I've no one there.

DOCTOR: That I can believe.

PERI: I'm sorry about that. He never used to be so rude.

TWINS: Can we stay?

PERI No. Into the TARDIS.

LT HUGO LANG: It was uh, it was nice to have met you, however strange the circumstances.

PERI: Good luck.

LT HUGO LANG: Thanks. I think we'll need it.

CHAMBERLAIN: Please take me. They'll k*ll me if I stay here!

LT HUGO LANG: No they won't. Goodbye.

PERI: Bye.

LT HUGO LANG: Oi! Move. Go on.

PERI: Did you have to be so rude!

DOCTOR: To whom?

PERI: Hugo. You could have at least have said goodbye!


PERI: Are you having another of your fits?

DOCTOR: You may not believe this, but I have fully stabilised.

PERI: Then I suggest you take a crash course in manners.

DOCTOR: You seem to forget, Peri, I am not only from another culture but another planet. I am in your terms an alien. I am therefore bound to have different values and customs.

PERI: Your former self was polite enough.

DOCTOR: But at such a cost, I was on the verge of becoming neurotic!

PERI: We all have to repress our feelings from time to time. I suggest you get back into the habit.

DOCTOR: And I would suggest, Peri, that you wait a little before criticising my new persona. You may well find it isn't quite as disagreeable as you think.

PERI: Well I hope so.

DOCTOR: Whatever else happens, I am the Doctor. Whether you like it or not.

The Doctor
Colin Baker

Peri Brown
Nicola Bryant

Professor Edgworth / Azmael
Maurice Denham

Hugo Lang
Kevin McNally

Edwin Richfield

Romulus Sylvest
Gavin Conrad

Remus Sylvest
Andrew Conrad

Dennis Chinnery

Barry Stanton

Oliver Smith

Helen Blatch

Dione Inman

Seymour Green

Roger Nott

Jacondan Guard
John Wilson

Assistant Floor Manager
Stephen Jeffery-Poulter
Beth Millward

Pat Godfrey

Valerie Warrender

Film Cameraman
John Baker
John Walker

Film Editor
Ian McKendrick

Incidental Music
Malcolm Clarke

Denise Baron

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Christine Fawcett

Production Associate
June Collins

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Don Babbage

Studio Sound
Scott Talbott

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Title Sequence
Sid Sutton and Terry Handley

Visual Effects
Stuart Brisdon