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06x01 - Changes

Posted: 02/10/22 08:25
by bunniefuu
I thought you'd
be dressed by now.

Nah, I just...
feel like running.

Do you mind?

I've got what I need.

Your heart's fine.


I hope so.

I hope you're right.

I hope you're right,
and I'm wrong.

I'm right and you're wrong.

Can I bet my life on it?

You can bet your life on it.

Oh, good, 'cause that's
what I'm doing.

I'm betting my life that
you're right and I'm wrong.

Eric, why don't you
go talk to someone?

There's nothing wrong with me.

I didn't say that.

I said there's nothing wrong
with your heart.

But you might want
to talk to someone

before you get so stressed out

that there is something wrong
with your heart.


Thanks a lot.

Is it Annie?






The twins?

Is it the kid who moved in
with you, is it Robbie?

It's all of them.

Hi, honey, I'm home.

Your honey is taking a nap.

She's napping a lot

these days.

And she's eating all sorts
of weird stuff.

Kind of reminds me of when
she was having the twins.

Oh. Lucy?

Still hasn't unpacked.

She's just sitting there,

same place she was when I left
for school this morning.

Did Jeremy call?

And we have no idea
what happened?

Well, maybe Mary knows.

You mean Mrs. Wilson West?

She's not Mrs. Wilson West yet.

I don't know cries more,
him or Mom or Lucy.

Do you have any good news?


Mom wants you to take us
all out for dinner.

She doesn't feel like cooking.

All right, I can do that.
Where's Simon?

He has friends who drive.

We've seen the last of Simon.

Oh, oh, no, we haven't.

What are you doing home?

Wh... didn't Mom tell you
I got laid off?

From your job
at the hospital?

What other job did I have?

Well, what are you
going to do?

Well, what can I do?

Uh, look for another job.

What, you don't think
I'm looking?

Are you looking?

Well, of course I'm looking.


Where am I looking?

I'm looking all over.

You know, all over
where, specifically?

Well, okay, I'm not
actually looking.

Other people are looking for me.

What people?
Well, Hank and some other
people I worked with.

They're making phone calls.

Are you making some
phone calls yourself?

No, but I'm gonna make
some phone calls.



Why not now?

Dad, I haven't been
out of work 48 hours.

Come on.

You can't afford to be
out of work for 48 hours,

much less 72 hours or...

any hours.

Is something wrong?

Is something wrong?

Didn't you just tell me
that you got laid off?

I got a lot of people

to take care of
around here.

You know, and every
little bit helps.

Believe me.

Every little bit.

Uh, no, Mom...
but Mom's not...

You know, she's not...

You two didn't...?

Don't go anywhere;
we're going out to dinner.

I already made plans.

We're going out
to dinner.

We who?

We, the Camdens,
are going out to dinner,

and, you, being a Camden,
are going out with us.

Do I have to?

You have to.

Can't I just eat
with my friends?

What part of "you have to"
wasn't clear?

What's next,
"Because I said so"?

You know, this, this, uh,
this isn't a conversation

I want to have with my son
who's only six weeks away

from getting
his learner's permit.

Four weeks.


But you said four.

Now I say six.

But the law says I could've
gotten it six months ago.

Yeah, but I'm the law
here in this house.

Six weeks.

But the law is the law
outside of this house.

And that law,
the law that every

other teenager relies on

as protection from overbearing
parents says otherwise.

And yet, it's going to be
six weeks.

And if your attitude
doesn't change to gratitude

it's going to be seven
or eight

or nine weeks,
depending on when

you recognize that driving
is a privilege.

Yes, driving is a privilege.

It's a privilege
that comes at 15.

And it's granted by the DMV.

Let me ask you

Do you live at the DMV?

Do you eat at the DMV?

Did the DMV

buy you those sneakers?

You know, the ones
that are in your closet,

the ones you never wear?

Oh, and one more thing.

Is the DMV
buying you dinner?

No. I am.

You want to talk?

Well, you know
we should talk anyway.

You left home.

You went to New York, you moved
in with Jeremy and his family...

and without warning, boom,
back on our doorstep.

We'd love to know
what happened.

You know, it was a bad good-bye,
a long and terrible flight,

and I don't feel like
talking about it.

What do you mean by
"bad good-bye"?

I am 18.
I am an adult,

and I don't want
to talk about it!


So, how'd it go?

You know, I was thinking,

maybe she'd be more comfortable
in the room over the garage.

Maybe I'd be more comfortable
in the room over the garage.

Speaking of which, Mom's up.


I'm honored.

I see

you'd rather be with me
than the others.

And who can blame you?

So, do you want
to talk to me?

Sure, I always want
to talk to you.

What's new?

Mm, nothing really.

I'm just a couple years away
from puberty.

I'm pre-puberty.


they call it.

So, I'm gonna be going
through some changes.
Yes, you are.

And I hope you know

that whatever changes
you're experiencing,

you can talk to me about them.

Changes can be
very exciting.

Changes can also be scary and...

sometimes we have
very little control

over the changes we experience.

None really,

except the way we react
to those changes.

And controlling our reactions

requires a lot
of conscious effort.

So, you don't want
to get too stressed.

We just have to stand back,

observe what's going on.

Go with the flow.

Live life from moment to moment,

doing the best we can do
for who we are.

That's deep.

I mean, are we talking
about you or me?

Everyone, pretty much.

Do you have any, uh, questions?

Maybe later.



Hey, we're going out to
dinner, just so you know.

Mrs. Camden's
feeding the twins.

She asked me if I can
keep an eye on them.

Maybe she wasn't planning
on taking them along?

I think she's tired.

I thought we were all going.

Have you talked to her?

To Mary?

You're going to be fine.

Everything's going to be fine.

I hope.

Wait, wait, wait a minute.

I thought we were
all going out to dinner?

I don't feel like having dinner
with everyone.

I don't feel like
being around people.

I'm just going to go
pick up something.

Is that a problem?

You know, I pulled some strings
to get you into Cobell Seminary.

Are you planning
to go back

to New York to go to Cobell?

Isn't it enough that
I'm not getting married?

Do you want me
to tell you that

I'm not going to college
in New York, too?

Is that what you want,
more bad news?

Okay! Okay!
I'm not going to Cobell.

Are you happy?!

Oh, look's like Lucy's
not only back,

she's crying just
like the old days.

Some things never change, huh?

Wait, where are you going?

Look for a job.

I thought you wanted me
to look for a job.

Well, yeah, but I thought
we were all

going to have dinner together.

Well, I could

go to dinner, but then I
couldn't look for a job.



I-I don't know why you want
to tie yourself down

with a family.

I mean, it's a lot
of responsibility.

A... a tremendous

An unending responsibility.

Who's that?

No, all I'm saying

is that you need
to live your own life

before you live
someone else's life.

Otherwise, when you get
to my age, you...

you're going to want to live
the life you never had.

And you're always
going to wonder,

you know, about what
you could have done

if you hadn't limited
your choices

so early on.

It's Mary, all right?

Fine... I just
didn't realize

you had limited your
choices so early on,

and that had left you
wanting to live the
life you never had.

And when did you start
thinking like that?

I'll call you back,
all right?

I was trying to have a
conversation with our daughter

before she goes out
and does something stupid.

Well, she... she can't seriously
be considering marrying Wilson.

Not now.

Not anytime soon.

Oh, yes, she can,
now or sometime soon.

Ruthie wants to have
dinner in her room.

She's got some project
she's working on.

I thought you wanted me to
take everyone out tonight.

No, looks like it's just
going to be you and Simon.

Well, you need to do something
about his attitude.

What would you have me do?

I don't know.

But you'd better do
something because...

I can't stand some of the things
he says and does lately.

It's like he's practically
drunk with testosterone.

And, you know, he'd better
sober up before I sober him up,

because I'm not
in the mood for it!

Is there something going on with
you that I don't know about?

Something that
we should talk about?

Nothing's wrong with me.
Something's wrong with Simon.

Why would you think
something's wrong with me?

I'm just asking.

Asking why?

You just seem... different.

Different how?

You seem... tired.



Of course I'm tired.

I've got seven kids
and a husband!

Who wouldn't be tired?

I'm always tired!
I've always been tired!

It's just that I
used to hide it better!

And now I don't feel like
hiding it anymore, okay?!

I am who I am!
And that's who I am!

♪& You're Popeye the sailor man.
Toot-toot ♪&

I was just making
a little joke.

I mean, I didn't
mean anything.

Come on, it was... it was
funny the way you said that.

That was funny.

Is leaving Sam and David alone
in the kitchen funny, too?


So I hear it's just the
two of us for dinner.

Uh, yeah, unless
Mary decides

to come home and join us.

Mary's never coming home.

She's going to marry
that guy. Count on it.

Hi, honey,

I'm home.

Which one of us
are you calling honey?

The gorgeous blonde.

I thought so.

I love you.

I love you.



Oh, hi, Robbie.

You know, Mary has her own line
into the house now

if you want to leave a message.

No, I just called to say hello.

- To me?
- Yes, sir.

I haven't talked to you
in a while, and...

And what, son?


Well... yes, I...

I consider you a part
of the family.

Thank you, sir.

Hey, Robbie, you're not...

I mean, you wouldn't...

Are you crying?

Well, what in God's name
would reduce you to tears?

And please don't tell me
it's Mary.

It's Mary.

Get over it.

Uh, I tried, but I can't.

"Can't" is not a word
in the Camden dictionary.

You will do whatever
you have to do.

And you have to get over Mary

because you cannot go walking
around crying like a sissy.

Well, I'm not a sissy.

You know who says that?


Now you get yourself together

and get out of there
and find yourself another girl.

And that's an order.


Hey, I didn't think
you were going to be up.


You know, if you spent
as much time at school

as you do with that
boyfriend of yours,

you would now have one year
of college under your belt

instead of just a
couple of courses.

I know, but I'm not sure
that college is my goal.

Well, what is your
goal? Marriage?


We're thinking about it.

I think Wilson is
a fine, young man

and a good father to his son.

And you would be a good wife
and mother

if that's what
you decide you want.


But let's say you marry,

and God forbid,
something happens to Wilson.

Would you be able
to support little Billy?

This is not the first time

you've thought about this,

You know, I think
a college education offers

more opportunities
for employment,

but you're not
interested in college.

Maybe you should
try public service.

Now, public service
is a wonderful way

to serve your country
and support your family.

And my dear,
it seems very clear

that you are about

to have your own family.

So, let's not waste
any more time

on trying to figure out who
we are and what we want to do.

You are the future
Mrs. Wilson West,

mother to Billy West.

Get a job by the end
of the week.

But I have a job.
I work at the homeless shelter.

Could you support Billy
on what you earn

at the homeless shelter?

Is there a future
in that for you?

Well, no, but...

No, no, no, no buts.

Serious relationships call
for serious commitments.

Get a job.

Good night.

What subjects are you
taking this year?

I told you already
the first week of school.

Well, refresh my memory.

Biology, geometry, English,
Spanish, American history,

PE-- which I'm thinking
of dropping--

and, of course,
my favorite, drivers ed,

where I can get
my learner's permit.

With parental permission.

And you can just drop PE?

If I sign up for music.

You thinking of
joining the orchestra?

No, I'm thinking
of joining a band.

And the head of the music
department is thinking

about adding a class
for small bands--

guitars, drums, keyboards,
that sort of thing.

I didn't know you were
that interested.

I'm that interested.
In guitar?

If that's what
gets me out of PE.

Well, I hope you're
also doing it

'cause you have an
interest in music.

Well, yeah, I have
an interest in music.
Who doesn't?

I had a band in high school.

I know. I met them.

No, that was the band
I was in in college.

This is another band.
More like a skiffle band.

You know about skiffle bands?

'Cause they were, they were all
over England before the Beatles.

It's not a skiffle band.

I could play
a tape, you know,

if we can find the
old tape recorder.

You know the big one?

I could play it for you.
It's okay.

Maybe we should just
get the guitars out
and see what you know.

I mean, I know you
know a few chords,

but I haven't heard
you play in a while.

In fact, this is
the first time

I've heard you talk about
playing in a long time.

And now you see why.

Because, Dad,

playing the guitar is not
some project for the two of us.

It's something that's
going to get me out of PE.

I'm almost 16 now.
I'm a man.

And you and mom may
not want to see it,

but I am, I'm a man.

Can we go now?

You know, Simon,
maybe you are a man.

And whether I
see it or not,

I'm going to start
treating you like a man.

I'm even going to ask
the entire family

to start treating you
like a man.

What does that mean?

Oh, I guess
it means you should

start acting like a man.

Check, please?

Oh, make it two.

He had the pizza and the
pitcher of Mountain Dew.

I had the small
salad and a water.

Don't forget the tip.

Well, I just wanted
to say good night.

I-I don't know why you're here

or how long you plan to stay,
but it is good to see you.

I know it's a little early.

You just woke up from
your nap a couple hours ago.

I'm tired.

Okay. Good night.

You still don't feel
like talking?

No, I don't.

Good night.

It's just that I'm having a hard
time accepting it, you know.

She changed my life.

Or knowing her changed my life.

And the better my life gets
the more, I think of her...

her and... Wilson.

I think they're going
to get married.

It's not that I
want to marry her.

At least I don't want
to marry her right now.

But the thought of her
marrying Wilson or anyone,

that's k*lling me.

Besides, even if I
did want to marry her,

I can't even begin to
compete with that guy.

He graduated from college
this summer.

He's got a job--

a real job-- and he's a father.

He lured her in
with that kid.

Women can't resist
single guys with kids.

Kids are like puppies.

Well, you guys know.

Oh, man, she's not just
going to be a wife...

she's going to be
somebody's mother.

I can't take it.

Hey, Luce.

You want to talk?

Can I...

do anything
for either of you?

I'll just... I'll just
put Sam and David to bed.


♪& Ch-ch-ch-changes ♪&

It's decaf.

Mmm, decaf.

I thought I noticed a,
a difference.

Why, why decaf?

I just seem to be
a little sensitive to caffeine,

so I quit drinking it.

I think that's why
I'm so tired.

Hmm. The last time you were
sensitive to caffeine...

um... was it...

when you were pregnant
with the twins?



When was it?

I don't know!

Is there anything
you want to tell me?

Yeah. Maybe you should pick up
a second coffee pot

if you want coffee with caffeine
in the morning, you know?

I'm sticking to decaf.


Yeah. Yeah, ouch.

So, uh...
so is she...?

Is she what?

Well, it's, um...
Is she, uh...

Is Mom going
to have another baby?

You think so?
I... I don't think so.

Well, do you know so?


Well, shouldn't you find out?

Don't you think
I'll find out soon enough?

What's soon enough?

Whenever she chooses to tell me.

Well, can't you
just ask her?

Did you just get home?

Yup. Yeah, I just had
enough time to come by

and pick up my books.
Wait, didn't Mom tell you?

You got a job?


Well, you know,
the free clinic?

Which free clinic?

Is there more than one?

Would I be asking
if there weren't?

Right. On Sycamore.
I'm the 4:00-to-12:00 shift.

Although, last night,
I worked all night.

We had some emergencies and
they've been without an orderly

for the last week,
so I did some overtime

and cleaned
the place up.

Isn't that practice

Pregnant women... mostly.

And then... other women
with other woman things.

Is that where he should
be working right now?

Who were you talking to?


Do you like talking to God?

Yes, I do.

Do you talk to him a lot?

Well... yeah.

I think you're going to be
talking to him a lot more.

Why's that?

I'm not the only one

who's changing around here.

If you could just hold off
on the hormones

for another six months
to a year,

I'd be really, really grateful.

This is a nice surprise.

I never get to see you
during the day.

I just had to tell you.

Had to tell me what?

Oh, I was just thinking
about our getting married.

Oh, but I haven't
asked you yet.

No, but you're
going to ask me.

When you're ready.
When I'm ready.

When we're ready.

But my point is, I'm going
to be ready when you ask.

Is this another one
of your famous
wacky plans?

No, this is a serious plan.

Last night I was talking
to the Colonel, and he said

that if I'm planning on being
your wife and Billy's mother,

then I should start
taking myself seriously.

And he gave me till
the end of the week

to get a job, a real job.

But I have a job.
A real job.

You have a real job, too;
it's just not 40 hours a week.

Mine's not a real job.
Well, not a job with a future.

So the Colonel suggested
a job in public service.

And I started
thinking about that.

And all of a sudden
I realized what I wanted

to do with the rest
of my life...

besides being mommy
and Mrs. Wilson West.

And what's that?

A cop.

A cop! You know,
a police officer.

I'm going to get my own g*n
and everything.

And I got in.
They're practically

begging women in this area
to join the force.

And I passed the written test.

And I have to go back this
afternoon for the physical part.

But, I mean, you know, how
athletic I am and healthy,

so there's like not even
a chance that I won't get in.

And I know I've got
into trouble before,

but I already told them
about it,

and they said it's not
going to be a problem.

So I'm gonna be a cop.


Yeah, I am.

No, you're not.

But I am.

Don't be ridiculous.

What's ridiculous about it?

Oh, I don't know...
um, that you might get k*lled.

You could get k*lled
doing anything.

Yeah, but the
possibilities increase

when people are sh**ting at you.

Okay, it's a possibility,
but it's not gonna happen.

Have you told the Colonel
about this? Or your mom or dad?

No, I haven't, but when I do,

I hope that I get
more support from them

than I'm getting from you.

A cop.

It's 9:00? It's 9:00!

You... it's 9... It's 9:00!

What's going on?

Why didn't you wake me up?!

I missed homeroom.

I missed a class!
I'm missing a second class!

What's going on?

What's going on? That's
exactly what I want to know.

Why-why didn't
you guys wake me up?

Well, your father
asked me not to.

Well, I just...

don't think a man
needs his mommy

to tell him when
to get up 'cause

a man's responsible
for himself.

You're being a man
and all... well...

Couldn't you have given me a...
a little warning?

Well, couldn't you have
given us a little warning?

You just told me
last night.

Uh, up until you made
your announcement,

we've had
almost no indication.

So, forgive us if,
if it took us by surprise

and we didn't get
a chance to talk,

but I did tell you last
night that we're going
to start treating you

like a man.

You're a man, be a man.
Be responsible.

We fell asleep in here.

You fell asleep in here.


You, you, you idiot.

Shh! You're the idiot.

You're the one
who came in here
to talk to me.

You're the one who
let me cry on
your shoulder.

You could have
kicked me out.

Not could have,
should have.

I'm a dead man.

I'll drive Simon to school

if you have time
to keep an eye on the boys.

But I don't have time. You have
to stay here with the boys.

So who's gonna take him?

He can take the bus.

Did you just say "bus"?

Yes, the bus.

Well, school bus stopped
running hours ago.

Yes, but not
the public bus.

It stops at the corner
and runs right by your school.

The public bus;

the transportation preferred
by men without cars.

Of course, you can
always take your bike.

That would be the transportation
preferred by men

with a concern
for the environment.

Why can't

you or Mom take me?

'Cause I have
to go to work,

and your mom has
things to do here.

Besides, surely
you don't want

your mommy and daddy
driving you places.

Well, I don't want
to take the bus.

I guess you'll
have to walk, then.

Also very manly
and good for you,

especially if you're
dropping PE, which
by the way,

you can't do without
parental permission.

How's that for changing
his attitude?

So you think
a few days of that

is actually
going to work?

Well, I don't think
it'll be a few days.

I think it'll be a few years.

And it'll work.
I'll see to it that it works.

Or I'll

come up with something
that does work.

Are they still
out there?

Get out there and
get this over with.

It's not like we did
anything wrong.

You like living here?

I really have
missed you.


I'm sorry. I...
I just can't

be there for you right now.

I went to the doctor
last week and...

We're pregnant again,
aren't we?

Are we?

Eric, how can you
think that?

Well, uh, you're...
you're tired,

you're hungry,
you're eating weird.



So, we're not pregnant!

I'm starting to go through
the change of life.

I'm starting

to have hot flashes.

I can't sleep at night.


Well, technically,
I'm in peri-menopause.

Well, that's great.

Okay, get ready.

Thank you, Jesus.

I want a word with you.

Did you tell Mary she should

become a cop?
become a policewoman?

This is all your fault.

Could I come in, sir?

This is a very bad idea.

She said that
you told her

to get a job in
public service.

Well, I thought she'd get it
down at the post office.

I didn't know she wanted to do
something that required her

to carry a g*n.
I was a Marine.

I know, sir.

And that's why I think
that she thought

that it wouldn't be a problem.

That you might even like
the idea of her having a job

where she carries a g*n.

It's ridiculous. Mary should
never have a g*n. She's too...

I agree. She's not...

I agree. You've got to
talk her out of this.

I can't talk her out of this.

That-that's why
I'm talking to you.

I thought maybe you could
talk her out of this.

Oh, is that how you plan
to handle your wife?

You just hand the problem
over to her family

and let them figure it out?

You have to admit, it's,
it's a fine family

to hand problems over to.

And if I'm marrying Mary,
I'm marrying the Camdens.

Are you marrying Mary?

Well, we're talking about it.

I don't think we're ready.

Or at least I don't think
I'm ready.

If you break her heart,
I will break your head.

I'm sure.

Well, I hope you're happy.

Someone at the police department
didn't do all the math.

What math?

Seems you have to be

21 when you graduate
the police academy,

not 20. 21!

Didn't they tell you that
to begin with?

Well, yeah.


okay, it was me.

I didn't do the math, but there
are other things that I can do.

For example,

I can be a fireman.
I mean, firewoman.

A fireperson, whatever.

I can do something.

I just have to make my mind up.

And I have to meet
the age requirement.

Didn't she used to be smarter?

She's smart.
She's just unfocused.

And she's sweet and kind
and beautiful and...

she's got all these wacky plans.
And I love her.

But you've got to get her

to focus on something for
herself... just for herself,

outside you and Billy.

Yes, sir.

Otherwise, when you hit
middle age,

your life will become
a fiery inferno.

Uh... oh, nothing.

I was... I was talking
to Eric earlier.

Really, I don't mind
doing this myself.

It's okay,
I don't mind helping.

No, It-it's just that...


Wh-what are you thinking?

It's okay. I...

You know, I'm here

for you. We're
in this together.

I'll tell you
what I'm thinking.

First of all, we're not
in this one together.

I'm in this one... alone,

inasmuch as
this is about me,

my body, mind and...
and spirit.

I need to be

by myself more.

Uh, whether that's in the
kitchen or in the... bedroom.

So secondly,
I... I may not

want to be as intimate
as frequently

as we have been in the past,

and I don't want
to be pressured.

Ha-ha-have I ever...

pressured you to be intimate?

You said you missed
me the other night.

That was pressure.

It was pressure
to talk to me?

Hey, I...

I'm the original

"your body,

yourself" husband.

Aren't I?

Are... are you, uh...
maybe gonna, uh,

consider, um...

taking ho-hormones
or something?

Do you know anything
about hormones?

I really don't know
if I do or not.

I've read about them and...

Well, I'll let you know.


And why don't you
finish up here,

and, uh, take your time.

The cycle of life,
ain't it grand?

Listening in on
a private conversation?

But you don't

want everything to change

all at once, do you?

Very funny.

Have you seen Robbie?

Go upstairs.

And all the way upstairs

and take your ears with you.

And, and, and
finish your homework

if you have any, and,
and get ready for bed.

Sit down, let's talk.

I don't want to talk.

Well, maybe you can listen,
because I want to talk.

Now, sit down.

I don't know

what happened
in New York,

but I know you now seem
to be on the rebound,

and I do not want you

rebounding with Robbie,
whom we've come to treat

as a member of this family.

Am-am I clear?

Movie starts in ten minutes,
Luce. We'd better get going.

It's just a movie.

Sit down.

Is this about
last night again?

Because again,

we didn't do
anything except talk.

We told you that, and...
you believed us,



right now you're

having a tough time
getting over Mary.

And, Lucy,
you're evidently

having a tough time

getting over Jeremy, or
at least I would assume

that you've broken things
off with your fiancé.

I just suggest
that you two

look elsewhere for comfort,
because clinging to each other

may be very convenient, but
it's really not a good idea.

Why is that?

Because you're not really

brother and
sister, so

it's really
not a good idea.

I don't get it.

I don't want
you two together.

Got it.

I just picked him up.

He was hitchhiking.

Look, I was just

on a dinner break.
I have to get back.

And by the way...
you would never let me

get away with
hitchhiking, especially

at his age.

Oh. You know,
I almost forgot.

Brought you
and Mom a little

something from work.

Uh... yeah, I-I don't think

we'll be needing it, but...

thank you.

Thank you and good night.

Some other time.


So you're not...?

So... she's going...

I'll bring you some brochures.

Please do.



It-it's the form

of transportation preferred
by men who hate buses

and are too old
to ride their bikes.

How long before you
were supposed

to get your
learner's permit?

Four weeks.

Six weeks.

Okay, fine, six weeks.

No, no, no. It...
it was six weeks.

Now it's January.

Which means you won't need

drivers ed until January,
which means that, uh...

you have time to take
the music class

without having to drop PE.

Oh, Dad, come on!

No, Simon, you come on.



Have you completely
lost your mind?

Look, I-I was with my friends
out for dinner.

And you didn't call?

They weren't ready
to come home yet.

You didn't call?

I didn't know how to take

the bus from where we were.

And you didn't call?!


But even if I had called...

I would have told you
how to get the bus home.

No, no, not finished.
Not nearly finished.

Do you have homework?

Yes, I have homework.

Then why didn't you come after
school and do your homework?

Because I didn't want to!

Dad, I thought you were
gonna treat me like a man.

A man does his homework when
he wants to do his homework.

A man doesn't need to be
told to do his homework.

Doing your homework
after school and

before you go out is
a rule in this house.

And it's not just
because your mother and I

like to make rules, you know,
so that we can be the rulers.

It's because it's
a good work habit,

and it's our job to teach you
things like good work habits.

We've helped you get
through nine years of
school, and so far,

you've done quite well.

Yeah, I've done really well.

It was me, it wasn't
the three of us,

and I'm still gonna
do really well, whether

I do my homework
right when I come home

from school or whether
I stay up late!


your attitude is exhausting.

But just for the record,

it was the three of us
who got you through school.

I mean, you, by no means,
did it without our help.

You, you want to be
a man? Be a man.

Be responsible.

Get yourself up
in the morning.

Clean your room
before you go out.

Leave the house looking like
you care about yourself.

Get yourself to school on time.

Do your homework.

Be considerate. Ask
whenever what you're doing

is going to affect
what the family's doing.

Be courteous-- to everyone.

That includes
your mother and me.

Make a contribution
to the family

by pitching in with
the work around here,

and always...

always do the right thing.

Now, when I see

indications that you're a man,

in the ways that
I've just mentioned,

I will keep my promise

and let you take
drivers ed in January.

I do have a strong heart.

I do. I do.

Talking to God again?

Uh, no. This time...

I was talking to myself.

Mom says to tell you
she needs you upstairs.

I think she wants you
to take me shopping for a bra.

Kidding. I'm not planning
on ever wearing a bra.


♪& Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes. ♪&

I don't know what's
going on with me.

A few minutes ago, I...

I really didn't care
for you at all, and then...

suddenly I feel overwhelmed
with love for you, and...

I'm guilty about
how I've been acting.

I-I, I apologize.

Honey, it's okay.

I want you to know
that I do not resent

spending my life at home
being a mother and a wife.

It's where I find

joy and... and purpose
and fulfillment.

It's just that now
I get this feeling

that my life is not just about
being a mother and a wife.

It's about not being
a mother and a wife.

It's about being me.

But I don't know who I am.

What did your father want
when he called today?

Oh, it's nothing, really.

Mary's thinking about looking
for a job in public service.

Oh. Like what?

Oh, it's one thing one day
and another the next.

Today it was the...
police department,

but it's not gonna happen.

No, the Colonel's not
gonna let that happen.

Neither will Wilson.

Do you remember when
Mary marrying Robbie

was the worst thing
that could ever happen?

I heard Simon come in.

He hitchhiked home.


I moved the learner's
permit to January.

And we thought
Matt's rebellious years

would be the worst thing
we went through with the kids.


Just think about
Sam and David.

What are the teenage years
gonna be like with twins?

Mm... probably not as
tough as... teenage Ruthie.

Oh, and that's gonna
be here all too soon.

She's already 11--

and a very old 11.

Lucy hasn't been
talking to me.

Has she been
talking to you?
Not yet.

I talked to Lucy and Robbie.

I told them to stay
away from each other.

And you think they will?


What's in the paper bag?

It's nothing, really.
No, it's just something

that, uh, Matt brought home
from work, but...

A home pregnancy kit.

No, he, he thought that...

Well, he didn't know.


You're gonna be fine.

Everything's gonna be okay.

We don't know that.

All we know is that
everything is going to change!

♪& Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes ♪&