04x13 - The Pick

Seinfeld complete collection. Aired: July 1989 to May 1998.*
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04x13 - The Pick

Post by bunniefuu »

So I went to a fashion show.

First of all, the whole concept of
modeling is counterproductive...

to the fashion industry.

Because when these women
are around, who's looking at clothes?

I didn't notice any of the clothes.
We're all applauding. Yeah.

What are we applauding?
"There's great-looking women here.

This is great.

I'm glad I'm here with all
these great-looking women."

Anybody can design a shirt.

It takes talent to get all these girls
in one spot. That's talent.

What is this goofy walk
that the models do?

You know this walk
that they do down the runway?

Like they have to go somewhere.

They're walking like they're really
on the way somewhere.

Then they get to the end,
and it's like:

"Well, I guess I'll just go back."

I loved her, Jerry. I loved her.

No, you didn't.

- And she loved me. She really did.
- No, she didn't.

What am I gonna do now?
I can't live without Susan.

I gotta get her back. How?
How am I gonna to get her back?

Not only didn't you love her,
you didn't even like her!

- Who says?
- You did!

A beautiful, successful, intelligent
woman's in love with me.

And I throw it all away.
Oh, boy.

Now I'll spend the rest
of my life living alone.

I'll sit in my disgusting
little apartment...

watching basketball games,
eating Chinese takeout...

walking around with no underwear
because I'm too lazy to do the laundry.

You walk around
with no underwear?

What do you do when
you run out of laundry?

I do a wash.

Who am I gonna meet
that's better than her?

No one, Jerry.
No one's better than her.

When you were with her,
you said you couldn't stand her.

I loved her.

You said going up the steps
to her apartment...

was like being taken to a cell.

I would give anything to be going
up those stairs again.

I gotta call her. Should I call her?

I don't know if that's
such a good idea.

- Why?
- You need some professional advice.

Why don't you go see
Elaine's friend? She's a therapist.

I'm not gonna see that nut doctor
she went to Europe with.

No, no. Elaine, what's the name
of that friend of yours...

that's a therapist? The woman.

- Dana Foley.
- Right. Dana Foley.

- She any good?
- Yeah, she's terrific.

Why? You thinking of going?

Tia? Who's that?

It's that model I met on the plane.

She sent you a Christmas card?

And we're going out Saturday night.

My darling, Susan. My darling!

- What are you doing?
- Date with Fred.

- The religious guy?
- He's not that religious.

Let us pray.

- You got any Double Crunch?
- Yeah.

Kramer, should I call Susan?

Now, what does the little man
inside you say?

See, you gotta listen
to the little man.

- My little man doesn't know.
- The little man knows all.

My little man's an idiot.

See, she was clever.

She put her picture on her card.
I never do anything like that.

You want a picture on a card.
I can do that.

She kept such a nice, clean
apartment. She was so sanitary.

No. I was thinking out loud.
I don't want my picture on a card.

I'll take it.
I'll take care of everything.

She made a big breakfast
every Sunday.

I don't know what
she put in those eggs.

You come on over. I'll have my
cereal, and I'll take your picture.

Really? Can you take a picture?

He takes good pictures.
He's got equipment there.

- All right.
- Yeah.

- I don't know about that outfit, though.
- What's wrong with it?

Well, we'll have to improvise.

Oh, hey

If you happen to see

The most beautiful girl

Who walked out on me

Tell her I'm sorry

Tell her I need my baby

Won't you tell her

That I love her?

- Oh, hey...
- George.

I'm afraid I'm gonna
have to ask you to leave.

So I'm thinking of putting in
a tropical-fish t*nk right here.

Are sure you're ready
for that kind of commitment?

Well, if it doesn't work out,
I can flush them down the toilet.

That's horrible.

What's the perfume you're wearing?

Oh, I completely forgot.
I want you to see this.

That Calvin Klein ad I was telling
you about came out today.

- What is that smell?
- It's here somewhere.

- It smells like the beach.
- Exactly.

- Oh, my God. Is that the new perfume?
- Yeah.

I can't believe this. My neighbor had
the idea for this perfume last year.

He met with a Calvin Klein executive.
I can't believe they stole his idea.

- Are you sure?
- And you're the model for this perfume?

That's him. He just came home.

I'll lock the door.



Hey, how you doing?

Yeah, I'll see you later.

I just wanted to borrow
your DustBuster.

All right, come on in.

- Just wait over here.
- What?

Just wait here,
and I'll get it for you.

- Kramer, this is Tia.
- Hello.

- How tall are you?
- 5'10".

Let's see. Come on. Back to back.

- No, Kramer!
- What?

What's the matter? I wanted
to see how tall she was.

You're tall. She's tall. I'm tall.
What's the difference? We're all tall.

- What's that?
- What?

- That smell. What's that smell?
- What smell?

It's very familiar. I can't put
my finger on it. It's familiar.

Oh, they're all the same.
Here. Now, if you'll excuse us.

- Okay. I'll see you tomorrow.
- Yeah.

- Nice meeting you.
- Nice meeting you too.

Yeah, I'll see you later.

That was close.

The beach!

You smell like the beach.
What's that perfume you're wearing?

- It's Ocean by Calvin Klein.
- Calvin Klein?

No. No, that's my idea.
They stole my idea.

I had the idea of a cologne that
made you smell like the beach.

I know. Look at this.

That's you. What is going on here?

The jerk! He laughs at me.
Then he steals my idea!

I could've been a millionaire.

I could have been
a fragrance millionaire, Jerry.

They're not gonna
get away with this.

Hello, George. Come in, come in.
I've heard an awful lot about you.

- Please sit down.
- Well, hello.

Specifically, the reason
that I'm here...

I don't know what
Elaine told you, but...

I broke up with my girlfriend
a couple of weeks ago.

Actually, she broke up
with me, and...

Well, I was the cause of it, and...

I just wanted to find out from you...

What's with this thing?

- So she broke up with you.
- Yeah, and...

Why won't this go down?

It's all right. Don't worry about it.

So why'd she break up with you?

What is with this damn zipper?

It doesn't matter. Fix it later.
Tell me about your girlfriend.

It's stuck on a piece of cloth here.

I can't get the cloth out.

- It doesn't matter...
- This is a new jacket.

Boy, this really burns me up.

George. George, look at me.

Okay, forget about the zipper.

What's your girlfriend's name?

- Susan.
- Okay, we're getting somewhere.

It's just so frustrating. It's a
brand-new jacket for crying out loud.

So Fred and I are gonna do volunteer
work for that church on Amsterdam.

Volunteer work. See, that's what I love
about the holiday season.

That's the true spirit
of Christmas.

People being helped
by people other than me.

That makes me feel good inside.

Oh, look at what we have here.

A Christmas card from Lainey.

Thank you. You didn't have to
go to that trouble.

It was no trouble.
My assistant did the whole thing.

- How'd the picture come out?
- Oh, you know. It's a picture.

Oh, look at that. Looks good.
Kramer did a good job.

Yeah, well, how hard is it
to take a picture?

- What?
- Did you look at this picture carefully?


Because I'm not sure,
and correct me if I'm wrong...

but I think I see a nipple.

- What?
- Here, take a look. What is that?

Oh, my God!

That's my nipple!

- That's what I thought.
- That's my nipple! My nipple's exposed!

I sent this card
to hundreds of people.

My parents. My boss.
Nana and Papa.

- Didn't you look at the picture?
- Oh, God, I didn't notice.

What am I gonna do? You know,
your whole life, you go through...

painstaking efforts to hide
your nipple, and then boom.

Suddenly hundreds of people
get their own personal shot of it.


- Have you seen the card?
- What card?

- My Christmas card.
- Yeah. Of course, I took it.

Did you notice
anything unusual about it?

- No.
- Well, come here and take a look.

- Yeah, so?
- So, what's that?

- That's a nipple.
- Right.

- Oh, great. Didn't you see that?
- No, I didn't notice it.

It's because you made me wear
that stupid shirt.

Well, maybe no one noticed it.
You didn't notice it.

- Let's see if Newman sees it.
- No, I don't want him looking.

What's the difference?
Everybody else has it.

Give me that.

Oh, my God, I sent one to the
super in my building, my mailman.

My 10-year-old little nephew.

Sister Mary Catherine, Father Chelios.
Oh, my God, Fred. I sent one to Fred.

- Okay, what is it?
- Here.

Take a look at this card. Tell me
if you notice anything unusual.

Yeah, your nipple's showing.

Okay, thanks.

- Anything else?
- No.

All right. See you later.

What? So what?

It's a nipple.

It's a little brown,
circular protuberance.

What's the big deal?

Everybody's got them.
Look, I got them.

- I got them too.
- Look at this.

Everybody's got them.

See, it's kind of gotta little piece of
cloth that's stuck underneath and...

Well, can you pull it up a bit?

Well, here you hold it.
Wait, hold it. Hold it.

Damn it. I can't move it.

God, I've never seen
a zipper so stubborn.

Damn it. I almost had it.

Okay. Wait, that'll separate it.

- Let me try.
- Take it off the track.

You're gonna rip it.
You're gonna rip it.

I'm afraid we're
gonna have to stop now.


My mother is gonna pay
for the session.

Oh, is this Elaine?




No. Oh, no.

I've called every day for four days.
She hasn't returned one call.

Was it a scratch...

or a pick?

It was a scratch.

Hey, it's me.

Don't you think I know the difference
between a pick and a scratch?

- Yeah.
- It's me.

Come on up.

Was there any
nostril penetration?

There may have been some
incidental penetration...

but from her angle, she was
in no position to make the call.

So let's say, in her mind,
she witnessed a pick.

- Okay, so then what?
- Is that so unforgivable?

Is that like breaking
a commandment?

Did God say to Moses,
"Thou shalt not pick"?

I guarantee you
Moses was a picker.

You wander through the desert
for 40 years with that dry air.

You telling me you're not gonna have
occasion to clean house a little?

Let me ask you something.
If you were dating somebody...

and she did that, would you
continue going out with her?

No. That's disgusting.

You cannot believe
what I am going through.

That card is plastered
all over the office.

Everybody's calling me "Nip."

Yeah, that's my new nickname
at the office. Nip.

These guys keep asking
me out for drinks.

Not only that. Fred, you know,
the guy I told you about...

he hasn't called me in three days.

- Oh, hey.
- Hey.

How come I didn't get
a Christmas card?

Everybody else got one.

Jerry got one. Kramer got one.

I thought we were good friends. I don't
get a Christmas card. I don't get it.

You want a Christmas card? You want
a Christmas card? All right, here.

Here's your Christmas card.

You got any Double Crunch?

Yeah, I think I do.

- What's that perfume?
- It's the ocean.

That's mine. That's my smell.

Jerry, get that model to get me an
appointment with Calvin Klein.

I can't. She won't return my calls...

because she caught me
in a pick at a light.

- I thought you said it was a scratch.
- That's not what she thinks.

Call her agency. Maybe she's been
out of town and didn't get the calls.

Get it.

All right.

I'll call the agency.


I'm trying to get in touch
with Tia Van Kamp.

Do you know if she's been in town?

Oh, really?

- Well, thank you very much.
- What?

She has been in town.
She's at Calvin Klein right now.

Let's go.

It'll be different this time.
I promise.

I promise difference.
I'm committed to difference.

I need someone a little more stable.

I'm not stable? I'm like a rock.

I take these glasses off, you can't tell
the difference between me and a rock.

I put these glasses on a rock, you
know what jumps into people's minds?


- People don't change.
- I change. I change.

Two weeks ago,
I tried a soft-boiled egg.

Never liked it before. Now, I'm dunking
a piece of toast in there and loving it.

I'm not a soft-boiled egg.

And I am not a piece of toast.

I just don't think that we have
anything in common.

That's okay. That's good.

You think Louis Pasteur and
his wife had anything in common?

He was in the fields all day
with the cows and the milk...

examining the milk, delving into milk,
consumed with milk.

Pasteurization. h*m*.

And she was in the kitchen, k*lling
cockroaches with a boot on each hand.

Why were there
so many cockroaches?

Because there was a lot of cake
lying around the house...

just sitting there with all the excess
milk from the all experiments.

- And they got along?
- Yes. Yes.

She didn't know
about pasteurization.

He didn't know about fumigation.
But they made it work.

- You can't go in.
- I want to talk to Calvin.

- Let me talk to Calvin.
- Wait.

- I just want to talk to Calvin.
- Kramer?

- Oh, Tia, hi.
- Who are you?

I'm here to talk about the ocean.

Oh, yes, Kramer.

I think I know something about this.
Would you excuse us, Tia?

- I don't want any trouble, Calvin.
- Neither do I.

Hello. There you are.

Hello. What are you doing here?

I had to talk to you.
You haven't returned my calls.

Well, I've been busy.

I thought we had a good time. The only
explanation I could come up with is...

you think that you caught me...

I'd rather not talk about this.

But I was clearly
on the outer edge of the nostril.

- I know what I saw.
- But there was no pick.

I did not pick. There was no pick.

- I gotta go.
- No. No pick.

Now here's the scoop, Calvin.

I came in here last January
to talk to one of your flunkies.

Interesting face.

And when I told him my idea
about the beach cologne...

you know, he laughed at me.

You're very lithe, aren't you?
Very graceful.

Well, yeah.

- Sit down.
- All right.

You're very lean. But muscular.

You know, I try to take care of myself.
I watch what I eat.

Just recently, I cut out fructose.

I think you're spectacular.

I told you, Fred. My friend's
next-door neighbor took it.

So, what happened?

Well, I... I must have missed a button.
I forgot to button it.

I really don't see how you could
miss a button like that.

Oh, you've never missed a button?

- Yeah.
- It's your sister, Gail.

Oh, God. My nephew.

Hi, Gail.


Yes, Gail, I know how old he is.

Hey, Nip, you need
that manuscript, or can I take it?

Take it. Take it.
And stop calling me Nip.

It was an accident.

Well, it's gotta be somewhere.
Look under his mattress.

About the focus group? I have nothing
to do with the focus group.

Oh, yeah.

He's sexual...

athletic and without a trace
of self-consciousness.

His buttocks are sublime.

His pectorals could use some work.
Get him into the weight room.

No. Let's get him in the studio today.
We could send these out immediately.

You've done it again, C.K.

And what if I did do it? Even though
I admit to nothing and never will.

What does that make me?

I'm not just defending myself, but all
those pickers who have been caught.

Each and every one of them...

who has to suffer the shame and
humiliation because of people like you.

Are we not human?
If we pick, do we not bleed?

I am not an animal.

I did not bare myself deliberately,
but I tell you, I wish now that I had.

Because it is not me
that has been exposed, but you.

For I have seen the nipple
on your soul!

So the minute I started up the steps
to her apartment...

I knew I made a terrible mistake.

Going back with her.

So we're in her apartment.
She goes into the bathroom.

I'm cursing myself.
Now how do I get out of there?

And then it hits me
like a bolt of lightning.

The pick.

- The pick?
- The pick?

She comes out of the bathroom,
I'm in up to my wrist.

You should've seen
the look on her face.

I think I've seen that look.

Hey, I got the magazine.
The underwear ad came out.

Hey, Calvin Klein!

- Hey, you look great!
- Neat.

Boy, they really
worked on your pectorals.

- Well.
- Your buttocks are spectacular.

- Oh, my.
- What?

Well, I'm not sure...

but I think I see your...

The human body
is a lot of maintenance.

A lot of showering, a lot of shaving,
a lot of cleaning, a lot of clipping...

a lot of checking. If your body
was a car, you wouldn't buy it.

It's too much upkeep.
It's a pain.

But women definitely go
to the absolute extreme.

To me, it's amazing the way women
take care of all the hair on their bodies.

One of the
great mysteries to me...

is the fact that a woman
could pour hot wax on her legs...

rip the hair out by the root
and still be afraid of a spider.
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