04x03 - The Rager

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Vampire Diaries". Aired September 2009 - March 2017.*

Moderator: DelenaForever

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A high school girl is torn between two vampire brothers.
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04x03 - The Rager

Post by bunniefuu »

[Mystic Falls' Hospital]

(Tyler is asleep in his hospital bed. There's a guard in front of his room. There's a noise in the hallway. The guard leaves to see what it is. He goes in the hallway and looks around. He's about to leave but Connor arrives from behind and strangles him. Tyler opens his eyes and raises his head. Connor enters the room but Tyler is not in his bed. He arrives from behind to surprise Connor but he injects something in his neck. He lays Tyler on the bed. He seems paralyzed)

Connor: Don't bother. It's a paralytic

(He opens Tyler's mouth. His fangs are out. He puts a syringe in his gum and takes a sample of something. He removes the syringe and leaves. Tyler finally gets up and rushes to the door and looks in the hallway but Connor is gone)

[Connor's Trailer]

(Connor is preparing something. He looks at it and then sits down. He looks at some papers and then at Pastor Young's letter for April. He takes two files each with Elena' sand Jeremy's names on it. He opens Jeremy's file)

[Salvatore's House]

(Damon opens the front door and sees Stefan outside, working on a motorcycle)

Damon: Good day for a midlife crisis. 164 years, I'd say you're due

(Stefan sits down on the motorcycle)

Stefan: Elena's transition to vampire has been a little depressing. I'm gonna help her have some fun

Damon: Oh. Those who can't, teach

(Stefan chuckles)

Stefan: Oh, I see we're still fighting. Got it. Where you going?

Damon: That hunter jacked Tyler Lockwood of his werewolf venom last night, so basically he's got vampire poison in a bottle, and I'm gonna find him, and I'm gonna eat him

Stefan: I'll go with you

Damon: I don't want your help. I just wanna k*ll this guy and get the hell out of town

(He drinks. Stefan looks at him)

Damon: Isn't that the deal? Whoever Elena doesn't choose leaves?

Stefan: That was before she turned

Damon: And I stayed to help, but I take you punching me as the first clue... I'm not wanted here anymore

Stefan: Listen, you blood-shared with my girlfriend, and I punched you in the face. You deserved it. Why don't you stop being dramatic?

Damon: No, brother. Dramatic would be leaving before I k*ll this hunter

(He leaves)

[Mystic Falls High School]

(Matt rejoins Elena in a remote place. She looks at him)

Matt: Kind of weird doing this in our old make-out spot

Elena: Thank you for doing this. I can't keep anything else down

Matt: It's ok. I kind of owe you my life, remember?

Elena: Yeah, but I didn't make Stefan save your life so that I could turn you into a human blood bank

Matt: Elena, please just let me do this for you

(He rolls up his sleeve. She looks at him and then bites his wrist and drinks. She stops)

Matt: Is that enough?

Elena: No. but if I had any more I'm afraid I wouldn't stop

(She removes the blood from her mouth)

Elena: Here

(She puts a Band-Aid on the wound)

Elena: Thank you

(The school bell rings. They come down)

Matt: So you really think school is the best place for you right now?

Elena: The vampire hunter knows that Damon's a vampire and that I know Damon. Hiding at home would be more suspicious. Besides, I want to be here. It's my senior year. I survived this long. There's no way I'm bailing before graduation

(She sees a paper on the windshield of a car. She takes it and reads it)

Elena: Town called for curfew?

Matt: Tyler got shot in front of half the town. Everyone's a little freaked

Elena: If only they knew the real story

[Lockwood's Mansion]

(Carol and Tyler enter. There are two men in the house)

Tyler: Who the hell are you two?

Carol: Tyler, it's ok. They're here for your protection

Tyler: More deputies?

(Klaus enters with another hybrid)

Klaus: Not exactly. They're hybrids. I was halfway to Chicago when I heard you were att*cked. I had hoped to leave Mystic Falls for good, but duty calls

Tyler: Nice to know you care

Klaus: I don't. I should have k*lled you for the little stunt you and your friends pulled... stopping my heart, leaving me in a coffin to rot

Tyler: Yeah, well, you used my body as an escape hatch, then kissed my girlfriend, so maybe we're even

Klaus: Not even close. But you hybrids are a dying breed. I can't make more of you, and I won't have anyone taking liberties with the ones I have left. Consider them your new bodyguards

(He leaves)

[Mystic Falls High School]

(Stefan and Elena sit in Alaric's classroom. She looks around and seems moved. Stefan seems to understand something)

Stefan: So first time we've been back in Alaric's classroom

Elena: The first period, and I'm ready to bawl my eyes out

(Rebekah enters giving flyers to the students)

Rebekah: Morning, everyone

(Elena sighs)

Elena: And just like that, I'm no longer feeling sentimental

Rebekah: So I'm throwing a little anti-curfew party at my new house... starts in the fifth period, goes to whenever. Spread the word

(She looks at Elena and gives her a flyer)

Rebekah: You're welcome to join, Elena, if you'd like to bury the hatchet

Elena: It's a pretty enormous hatchet

Rebekah: Well, I'm feeling generous of spirit

Elena: New house, huh? Did your brother finally kick you out?

Rebekah: He didn't kick me out. I left

Elena: So you left the only person on earth that actually likes you?

Rebekah: Well, your boyfriend liked me once. Actually, a lot more than once

(Elena seems pissed)

Stefan: Why are you still in town, Rebekah? Don't you have anywhere else to go?

Rebekah: Well, history's my favorite class. Actually, where is Mr. Saltzman? Oh, that's right

(She bends over Elena and whispers)

Rebekah: I k*lled him

(Elena throws her pen at her but Rebekah catches it and throws it back at Elena. The pen goes in her chest. Stefan looks at Elena and then at Rebekah. She smiles. Elena removes the pen, looks angrily at Rebekah and leaves the classroom)

(Elena goes out. Stefan is after her)

Stefan: Just breathe. Just breathe. You haven't felt this kind of rage before

(She stops)

Elena: I hate her. I didn't think I was capable of hate, but I hate her and hate that I hate her

(She looks above Stefan's shoulder)

Elena: That's the hunter

(He turns himself. Connor is here talking to someone. He then looks at Jeremy)

Stefan: What the hell is he doing here?

(Connor goes toward Jeremy)

Elena: Jeremy. No

(She moves toward them but Stefan stops her)

Stefan: No, no, no. Hey. You get this, okay?

(He looks at her hand. There's blood on it)

Stefan: I got that

(He goes toward Connor and Jeremy)

(Elena enters the restrooms. She removes her jacket and looks at her wound. She washes her hand and then the blood on her shoulder. A girl enters, a hand on her neck)

Girl: There you are. Rebekah sent me to see if you were ok

Elena: I'm fine, Heather

(She throws the paper in the trash)

Heather: I'm not

(Elena turns herself, intrigued. She sees blood dripping from Heather's neck. Rebekah enters)

Rebekah: What's wrong, Elena? Getting hungry?

(Heather removes her hand from her neck)

Elena: No, g-get away from me

Rebekah: But she's so delicious

(She puts her finger on the wound and then goes to Elena's mouth but she pushes her)

Elena: You shouldn't be here. This is my school. It's my life, and I'm not gonna let you ruin it

Rebekah: It's my school now, my life. Maybe you're the one who shouldn't be here. And I couldn't help but overhear that there's a vampire hunter roaming the hallways

(She puts her hand on the wound and wipes it on Elena's face. Her face has changed and she shows her fangs)

Rebekah: See you in gym. I think its dodge ball day

(She leaves and Heather follows her)

(Jeremy is in a classroom with Connor. He's looking at a file)

Jeremy: You mind telling me who you are and why I'm here? I'm happy to miss bio, but...

Connor: I looked into your family's history. You and your sister have been through quite a lot

Jeremy: What are you, a social worker? Why do you care?

Connor: Because you saw this

(He shows him his tattoo)

Jeremy: Mm, it's a tattoo. Big deal

Connor: No, I call this a hunter's mark, as in vampire hunter

Jeremy: Uh, a vampire hunter? Heh. Look, I'm sorry, man, but...

(He laughs and gets up)

Connor: Jeremy, I know your family's history in this town, so you playing dumb just make you look dumb

(Stefan is outside in front of the door. Jeremy looks at him and nods)

Jeremy: Why the show and tell? I don't even know you

Connor: Because it's invisible to anyone but another hunter or potential hunter. Find me a vampire. I'll train you; teach you how to do what I do. I'm on Hudson, off route 13. Don't show up unless you find one

Jeremy: Well, how am I supposed to do that?

Connor: Why don't you start by asking your friend with the bandage on his neck?

(He looks at him and leaves)

[Connor's Trailer]

(Damon arrives at Connor's trailer and opens the door. He climbs the stairs and hesitates but smiles and enters. He looks around but when he touches a paper he's stabbed by two arrows. He looks at them and touches the wire attached to a b*mb)

Damon: Um... Yeah

[Mystic Falls High School]

(Caroline, Elena and Stefan are in the stoner pit)

Caroline: It was a valiant first-day effort. No one will judge you if you want to go home

Elena: I don't want to go home. I want to take the white-oak stake and k*ll her. That's how mad I am. She made me murderous

Stefan: How about we just leave the murdering to Damon?

Elena: And... And then do what? Ignore her to death?

Stefan: Look, she's trying to make herself feel better. She knows that everybody hates her, so she's trying to hate harder. Tell you what. Let's just skip the rest of the day, go have some fun. I feel like this day is severely lacking in fun

(She looks at Caroline. She smiles)

Elena: Yeah. Ok, fine. We'll go to her party and show her that she can't intimidate me. I just have to go home and change first

(She looks at Caroline and waves her hand and leaves. He looks at Caroline)

Caroline: Does she seem a little off-balance to you?

Stefan: Yeah. She's channeling all her emotions into rage. Makes her feel like she has purpose. I used to do that, too, when I was, you know...

Caroline: Ripper you?

Stefan: Yeah. She needs to come to terms with it, confront it, let it in before she can let it go

Caroline: You're good at this. You know that? You saved my vampire life. Now you're saving hers. You should write a book, go on "the view."

[Lockwood's Mansion]

(Tyler is bored. A girl enters. He turns himself)

Haley: So this is where you've been hiding, huh?

Tyler: Haley?

(He gets up)

Haley: Hey, Hey, Lockwoof

(She comes towards him and they embrace each other. She touches his face and then hits him in the chest playfully)

Haley: Ass. I thought Klaus k*lled you

Tyler: I should have called

Haley: From your trailer park in Florida. You liar! You're totally loaded

Tyler: Uh…

Haley: I chained you up all over the Appalachians. I talked you through every turn. I helped you break the sire bond. You could have told me your real story

Tyler: I didn't want anybody to follow me back. Werewolves weren't safe around Klaus, and you shouldn't be here either. His hybrids are all over this house and so is he

Haley: I know. One of his hybrids is with a pack I ran with. He called me and told me that he was coming to protect a guy named Tyler, and I thought, "What are the chances?"

(They look at each other)

Haley: Well, the least you could do is pour me some fancy, rich-people scotch

Tyler: Sure. Of course

(He goes to the bar. She looks around and sits on the couch)

[Connor's Trailer]

(Meredith enters)

Meredith: Why were you being so cryptic?

Damon: Come in. Close the door

(She looks at the device)

Meredith: Tell me that is not a b*mb

Damon: Ok. It's a kitten. It's an adorable exploding kitten

Meredith: Why didn't you call your brother?

Damon: Because I'm proud and stubborn and... Oh, look. You're already here. Come on. You're not gonna get hurt. All I need you to do is be doctorly, cut out the arrow. I'd do it myself, but if I move... Psssh!

Meredith: Okay

(She takes a knife and starts to work on the arrow. He takes the letter and looks at it)

Damon: So how well did you know pastor Young?

Meredith: He was a patient of mine. He was always a nice guy

Damon: Nice crazy guy. He wrote a letter about sacrifice and w*r brewing in Mystic Falls

(She reads the letter)

Meredith: What does he mean, "a greater evil is coming"? I mean, we have great enough evil already

Damon: You'd think

(His phone rings. He takes it. It's Elena. Meredith looks at it. He ignores the call)

Meredith: How'd you get stuck on hunter duty?

Damon: Stefan had a physics test

Meredith: You're a good brother

Damon: I'm the bad brother

Meredith: You're strung up to a b*mb while Stefan plays vampire with a girl who broke your heart, but you are doing a very good job of acting like it doesn't suck. Ok, I think that should be good

(He removes the arrow)

[Mystic Falls High School]

(Matt is at his locker. Rebekah rejoins him)

Rebekah: Hey, Matt. So I'm having a little party. You should, uh, ditch last period and come

(He ignores her)

Rebekah: Look, I know you're still angry I ran you off the bridge, but you have to understand Alaric k*lled my brother. He was trying to k*ll me. I had to do something to stop him. I never wanted to hurt you

(He looks at her, closes his locker and leaves)

(Matt is in the hallway. Connor is leaning against a wall)

Connor: What'd you say last time? Hickeys?

(Matt stops, turns himself and looks around. Connor catches his arm, takes the Band-Aid off and looks at the bite)

Connor: Kinky girlfriend. Who are you letting feed on you?

Matt: I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know where I got that

Connor: Sure about that?

(He takes him by the head and throws him against the wall. He takes a knife and puts it against his throat)

Connor: Tell me which one of your High School friends is a bloodsucker

Matt: It's... Rebekah. Rebekah Mikaelson

(Connor releases him but grabs his neck)

Connor: Thank you. When you wake up, she'll be long gone

(He throws him against the wall)

[Salvatore's House]

(Elena is in Damon's bedroom, looking for something in his things. She's made a mess. Damon enters)

Damon: Hope you plan on cleaning this up

Elena: I need bourbon to get through Rebekah's party. Yours is better than Stefan's

Damon: Oh. Top drawer in the dresser

Elena: Thanks

(She opens it and looks in it but stops)

Elena: You keep alcohol in your underwear drawer?

Damon: No. You weren't looking for alcohol, were you? Do you think I'd actually leave the last remaining white oak stake where any vampire could just walk in and take it?

(He opens his shirt and looks at his wound)

Elena: What happened to you?

Damon: Hunter mishap

Elena: You know he was at my school today?

Damon: Yep. Jeremy told me

Elena: Why were you talking to Jeremy?

Damon: Don't worry about it

Elena: Damon, don't bring him into this

Damon: Perish the thought he might actually be useful, Elena

(He takes off his shirt and is about to take his pants off)

Damon: You staying for the show, or...

Elena: I'm finding that stake

(She leaves)

[Connor's Trailer]

(Connor is carving a stake. Jeremy arrives)

Connor: You got a vampire for me?

Jeremy: No, but I know where you can find one. There's a doctor, Meredith Fell, she uses vampire blood in surgery. I think she has a deal with one, her blood for his

Connor: You see, that's the problem. When a town protects one vampire, word spreads. More come. They feed. They turn. Soon you got a full-on infestation. Your High School, for example, is crawling with 'em. One's even throwing a party

Jeremy: Is that where we're going?

Connor: Nah, we're going to the hospital. As long as people are drinking at that High School party, I got it covered. They'll be dead by sundown

[Rebekah's House]

(It's the party. Everyone is drinking and partying. Stefan and Elena arrive. They enter)

Stefan: Wow. We didn't have to be invited in. I wonder who used to live here

Elena: Or who died here

(They see Rebekah. Elena is angrily looking at her. Stefan looks at her)

Stefan: You're fixating

Elena: No, I'm just quietly hating

(Someone passes by them, a glass in his hand. Stefan compels him)

Stefan: This is mine now

(He takes the glass)

Stefan: Thank you

(He looks at Elena)

Stefan: Why don't you have a drink? It'll help you let go

(She takes the glass and is about to drink when she sees April)

Elena: April's here. I'm gonna go say hi

Stefan: And I am gonna find something a little stronger than beer

(She smiles)

Elena: Okay

[Lockwood's Mansion]

(Tyler opens the door. Caroline is here, smiling. She puts her arms around his neck)

Caroline: I ditched Rebekah's ditching party

(She kisses him and sees the hybrids)

Caroline: What's with all the testosterone?

Tyler: Hybrids. I'm on house arrest

Caroline: Says who? Your mom? Come on. Sneak out

Tyler: Not my mom, Caroline

(She understands it Klaus)

Caroline: You're kidding me. Klaus?

(Haley is in Richard's study, looking at pictures. Klaus is here)

Klaus: You're a new face

Haley: And I take it from your accent you're an old one. Klaus

Klaus: My reputation precedes me, hopefully not all bad

Haley: A little bad, mostly repulsive

Klaus: So you're a friend of Tyler's. That's strange. He's never mentioned you

(Tyler is a little distant)

Tyler: You should go the party. I'll be fine here

Caroline: But I'd rather hang with you

Tyler: Trust me. I am no fun right now

(Klaus smiles and looks at Haley)

Klaus: And I think I know why
[Rebekah's House]

(April is in the kitchen. Elena rejoins her, smiling)

Elena: Hey

April: Elena. Thank God I know someone

Elena: I'm glad you came. Are you thirsty?

(She offers her her glass)

April: You know, you used to read me bedtime stories

Elena: And now I'm giving you beer. Sounds about right

(April laughs and Elena smiles. April takes the glass and drinks)

April: If my dad could see me now

Elena: How are you... Doing with everything?

April: I'm trudging through my denial phase... Dreaming up conspiracy theories. My first weekend home from boarding school, my dad smelt cigarette smoke on my clothes before I even walked in the door. He would have noticed a gas leak in the house

Elena: So you... you don't think that it was an accident?

April: I know there's no investigation, that everyone's calling it an accident, but the sh**ting at the church, it just feels like...

Rebekah: like something wicked this way comes. I know, right? It's like this town's cursed or something

Elena: Hey, April, why don't you go look around the house, and I'll find you in a little bit

April: Okay

(April looks at them and leaves)

Rebekah: Did I forget to uninvited you?

Elena: Did you blow up her dad's house to get revenge on the council?

Rebekah: I don't give a damn about some dodgy middle-aged council. You come into my house, throw around false accusations, and then you have the nerve to drink my beer?

(She takes her glass and drinks, smiling. Elena's skin is burning. She looks at her hands)

Elena: My ring

(Rebekah smiles. Elena hurries in the shadow. Rebekah shows her the ring)

Elena: Give it back!

Rebekah: Get it yourself

(She throws it in the waste disposal)

Elena: No!

(She tries to go but she can't because of the sun. Rebekah engages the waste disposal, smiles and leaves. Elena is panicked but finally goes to the waste disposal and takes her ring back. She puts it on her finger. Her skin stops burning but she's pissed. She goes to her bag and takes the stake out and is about to leave but Stefan's here)

Stefan: Damon give that to you?

Elena: Yes, reluctantly. Stefan, she's…She's just gonna keep pushing and pushing.

Stefan: Well, if you want to k*ll her, I'm not gonna stop you. But, see, here's what'll happen. It'll feel really good for about 10 seconds, and then after that, tens and thousands of vampires all over the world will start to die. Every vampire she ever turned will die. See, rage is a really powerful feeling... But guilt... Take it from me... It'll destroy you. So you can either go after her, or you can get on the back of my motorcycle... And we can get the hell out of here

(Stefan and Elena leave, passing by Rebekah)

Rebekah: Leaving so soon?

(Elena stops and turns herself)

Elena: No. not just yet. I never got a drink

(She gives her bag to Stefan and looks at Rebekah. Then she goes to the keg and stands on it. One of the students makes her drink. Everyone cheers. Stefan looks at Rebekah. She's pissed. Then Elena gets down and looks at Rebekah, smiling)

Elena: Now I'm ready to go

(Stefan gives her his bag, smiling and the leave. Rebekah watched them leave but her vision is blurred. She goes back inside. She looks at herself in the mirror and sees veins)

Rebekah: What in the hell?

[Lockwood's Mansion]

(Tyler enters his father's study. Klaus is here)

Klaus: She's quite fetching, that Hayley

Tyler: Where is she?

Klaus: Oh, she had to run, but don't worry. I had her take the back door so Caroline wouldn't see

Tyler: Whatever you think you know...

Klaus: I don't know anything, but I've put together a pretty convincing picture. Why don't you tell me where my imagination deviates from reality? You went off to the Appalachians to break my sire bond. There, you met a pack of werewolves, begged them for help. Among them was a girl. She was gorgeous, with the same animal instincts as you. Emotions ran high. Inhibitions ran low

Tyler: Stop it

Klaus: Then, in a moment of weakness, the thick sexual tension became something much more real

Tyler: I said stop!

Klaus: And Caroline has no idea

(Tyler's phone rings. He answers)

Klaus: Hello, Damon

Damon: Klaus, where's Tyler?

Klaus: Tyler's otherwise occupied making big decisions about honesty and what not. Is there anything I can do?

Damon: I'm going after the vampire hunter, so if he'd like to join...

Klaus: He wouldn't. I, however...

[Middle of nowhere]

(Elena and Stefan are on a motorcycle. She finally stands on it and smiles. Stefan looks at her and smiles)

[Mystic Falls' Hospital]

(Meredith has a Band-Aid on her neck and is walking in the hallway. Jeremy and Connor are walking behind her)

Jeremy: That's her

Connor: Stay here

(Jeremy stands by and follows Meredith. He enters a storage room. He walks around)

Connor: Is a hospital really the best place for a germophobe?

(Damon comes out)

Damon: Did I say that I was a germophobe? Pfft. Sorry. I meant vampire

(He smiles. Connor takes his g*n out. But he's stabbed by an arrow. He bends to pick up his g*n but is stabbed by another arrow. He sees that they are attached to a b*mb)

Damon: Stings, doesn't it?

(Connor is about to pick up his g*n but Klaus pushes it with his foot)

Klaus: Hello, mate

(Connor looks at Damon. He smiles)

[Salvatore's House]

(Elena and Stefan are in bed, kissing. Suddenly she sees Damon in place of Stefan. She's surprised)

Elena: No!

(She pushes him. Stefan looks at her)

Stefan: Are you okay?

(She looks at her arm. They're veins on it)

Elena: Stefan. What's wrong with me?

Stefan: Damon said the hunter had werewolf venom

Elena: Oh my god

[Rebekah's House]

(Rebekah is sitting at her dressing table. She has veins on her arms too. She doesn't feel so good. Matt enters and looks at her)

Matt: You don't look so hot

Rebekah: Whatever it is, it's not the white-oak stake, so it can't k*ll me. I'm surprised you came to my party

Matt: Well, I thought about it. You explained why you ran me off the bridge, so least I could do is explain how I feel. The truth is, Rebekah, I think you're amazing. You've had a thousand years to learn, to grow, and to start fresh... And somehow you've managed to throw it all away. Now you're alone. You're compelling your friends. Your brother hates you. You whine about not finding love. The reason you don't find love is because you don't deserve it

(She rips is heart out and looks at it. She releases it but there is no heart and Matt isn't here. It was an hallucination. She looks around)

[Mystic Falls' Hospital]

(Connor is still blocked by the arrows. Damon and Klaus are looking at him)

Damon: Keep it up, buddy. We'll be scraping you off the ceiling

Connor: You two are gonna k*ll me anyway

Klaus: Well, let's not be too hasty. I feel like we're just getting to know each other

Damon: Start with the basics. Where are you from? What do you know? Maybe you can cue me in on this greater evil, because I've fought this guy, and there's nothing more evil than that

Klaus: Yeah, truth be told, I'm as evil as it gets

Connor: I'm not telling you anything. You think if you k*ll me, it's gonna be over? There's another waiting to take my place

Damon: See, this is what I like to hear... Vague threats, ominous prophecies, disappearing tattoos

Klaus: What do you mean, "tattoos"?

Damon: Don't bother. You can't see the damn thing

Klaus: There's more to you than meets the eye, isn't there?

(Connor tries to stake him but he's faster and catches his arm)

Klaus: Nice try, but I'm faster than your average vampire.

(He twists his arm and takes the stake. He looks at the symbol)

Klaus: You're one of the five

Damon: The what?

Connor: I'm faster than the average hunter

(Damon rushes outside. Connor sets off the b*mb. The room explodes)

[Salvatore's House]

(Elena is lying in bed, sick. Stefan is standing, his phone at the ear)

Stefan: Klaus, where the hell are you?

(He hangs up and sits down next to Elena. She looks at him, there are veins on her face. She closes her eyes and one she opens them, she sees Damon)

Elena: Why am I thinking about you?

Damon: Because you're a vampire now... And part of you knows you're a lot more like me than you are like him

(She closes her eyes again. Klaus enters. Stefan turns himself)

Stefan: You came

Klaus: I did. And for future reference, one voice-mail is just as effective as 9

(He looks at Elena)

Klaus: What's wrong, love?

Stefan: She has werewolf venom in her system. You know you're the only one that can heal her, Klaus. Please

Klaus: And what would you have done if I were no longer here? Hmm? If you and your friends had succeeded in ridding the world of me? Let's play that game for a moment, shall we?

Stefan: Whatever you want from me...

Klaus: I don't want anything from you. Her, on the other hand...

(He sits down on the bed)

Klaus: If you had told me a few hours ago, I wouldn't have cared a lick about her dying. But as it turns out... You may be of use to me after all

(He makes her drink his blood)

Klaus: Here we go

(He smiles)

[Rebekah's House]

(Rebekah is lying on her bed. April arrives and knocks on the door. Rebekah looks at her. April enters)

April: Hey. Way to bail on your own party

Rebekah: I just... I needed a minute. Did everyone leave?

April: Yeah, deputies weren't actually super happy about the anti-curfew party

Rebekah: Why are you still here?

April: Um, honestly? Um, picking up trash is a hell of a lot better than sitting at home alone, thinking about the family I no longer have

(Rebekah seems touched. She gets up)

Rebekah: Hey, uh, if you want, I could, uh... I could help you look into what happened with the fire at your farmhouse

April: Heh. What are you gonna be able to do that I can't?

Rebekah: You'd be surprised

[Mystic Falls' Hospital]

(The firemen and the police are in the room. Carol rejoins Damon)

Carol: So the sn*per was inside?

Damon: Yep. Still is, in tiny, little pieces

Carol: Good. I'll cancel the curfew and call off the extra patrols. I can't say I approve of your methods

Damon: I'll make a donation. They'll name a wing after me, maybe

(Damon is walking in the hallway. Jeremy is at the desk)

Jeremy: See? I told you I could be a badass

Damon: Shh. Badasses don't say that

(He rejoins Meredith)

Damon: Doc. Nice job

Meredith: You told me the plan was to lead him to the storage room

Damon: We did. Congrats

Meredith: You left out the part about blowing up a hospital, with patients who are sick and fragile and who don't need things exploding down the hall from them

Damon: It was contained. Nobody got hurt. Come on. Buy me a farewell drink. We'll talk about what the hell Klaus meant by "the five."

Meredith: You know you're not going anywhere, Damon, and I am not your new partner in vampire crime. Fix things with Stefan and Elena. Don't let your pride leave you all alone

(She leaves)

[Salvatore's House]

(Stefan is in the living room, a glass in his hand. Caroline arrives)

Caroline: Hey

Stefan: Hey. Thanks for coming

Caroline: Not every day I get summoned by a Salvatore. So what's up?

Stefan: Do you remember what you were like before you turned?

Caroline: Mm, you mean an insecure control freak?

Stefan: You grew into yourself when you became a vampire. You changed. And Elena, she's changing, too. And I want her to be able to enjoy it without all the guilt and shame that I went through. And there was a moment today when she did. And when I'm with her, every bone in my body tells me to join her, to enjoy it. But I know that if I do, even a little... I risk becoming him. The ripper. I love her, and I don't want to hold her back

Caroline: But you don't know how to be around her and still resist that urge

Stefan: Damon promised he'd help me stay off the edge, but, uh, he and I, we're not in a very good place right now, not when it comes to her. I just thought you're so good at it, at being a vampire

Caroline: Because of you, Stefan. I'm good at it because of you. Come to me whenever you want, and I won't let you lose control

[Gilbert's House]

(Matt enters and goes to the kitchen)

Matt: Elena! If I'd known you were gonna go to that party, I never would have told Connor about Rebekah

Elena: I already had this conversation with Jeremy. There's no way you guys could have known that I would go. I mean, I was surprised that I went. Stefan warned me that I would feel things more powerfully, but, Matt, the hatred that I felt today... I almost... I almost k*lled her in front of everyone, in the middle of a party. That's not me. Or at least, it didn't... didn't use to be

Matt: Honestly, Elena, Rebekah kind of deserves it

Elena: Yeah, but it's not just about Rebekah. It's about my mind. I'm having these terrible thoughts, these... Violent images, and I... it's all driven by one simple thing, this hunger

(She takes his arm and drinks. She keeps drinking)

Matt: Hey, Elena, you sure you wanna take that much?

(She keeps drinking)

Matt: Elena. Elena, that hurts. Elena. Elena. Ele...

(She strangles him and pushes him. She keeps drinking)

Matt: Elena! Elena

(Damon intervenes and pushes her off him. She snarls)

Damon: Stop. Stop

(Her face becomes normal again. She looks at Matt)

Elena: Oh my god. Matt, I'm sorry. I'm so... I'm so sorry. I... I didn't mean to

(Damon goes toward Matt)

Damon: It's okay

(He compels him)

Damon: Forget what just happened. You came over, she fed a little bit, and you left. Now go home

(Matt leaves. He looks at Elena)

Elena: What have I done?

Damon: Nothing you should be ashamed of. You are a vampire now. You just have to learn the right way to be one. And I'm gonna teach you

(He touches her face. She nods)

[Connor's trailer]

(Connor wakes up. He turns his head and sees Klaus. He gets up but Klaus pushes him back on the couch)

Connor: You saved me?

Klaus: Congratulations. You just became worth more to me alive than dead

Connor: what... what did you mean when you said I was one of the five?

Klaus: You don't know your own history? Well, let's just say it's made you the most well protected vampire hunter in town
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