04x02 - Memorial

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Vampire Diaries". Aired September 2009 - March 2017.*

Moderator: DelenaForever

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A high school girl is torn between two vampire brothers.
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04x02 - Memorial

Post by bunniefuu »

[The Woods]

(Stefan and Elena wake up. They're lying on the ground, under a cover. She looks at him. She smiles)

Elena: Hi

Stefan: Hi

[Salvatore's' House]

(Stefan is in his bedroom, packing some stuff. Damon's here)

Damon: You're making a big mistake

Stefan: No, I'm not. If I can get Elena used to animal blood right out the gate...

Damon: You're reaching

Stefan: Maybe she'll be able to bypass all the things that we went through

Damon: Delusional

Stefan: Maybe she actually has a shot at this

Damon: Wrong. You're just wrong, Stefan

Stefan: She won't be able to handle it if she hurts someone, Damon. Her compassion is her Achilles' heel and everything is magnified right now

Damon: Then you better hope she's not a fan of Bambi

[The Woods]

(Stefan and Elena are looking at a doe. She doesn't seem convinced)

Stefan: Close your eyes

(She closes them. Stefan uses he speed and goes to the doe)

[Salvatore's House]

Damon: She needs human blood, Stefan. From the vein

Stefan: Oh, come on, you know what happens. You name me a vampire who didn't k*ll at least one person when they were new

(Damon gets up)

Damon: You name me one who went on the bunny diet and didn't k*ll dozens

[The woods]

(Elena has drunk from the dos. She has blood on her mouth and seems about to cry)

[Salvatore's House]

Stefan: If she kills someone, she will crumble. How much pain do you think she can take before she shuts off her humanity switch?

Damon: It happens to the best of us at least once

[The woods]

(Elena gets up and the doe leaves)

[Salvatore's House]

Damon: We get over it, Stefan. A hundred years or so

Stefan: Yeah, well, I think I'd like her to skip that part

Damon: She can't learn to control the blood lust if she's never actually experienced the blood lust

(He empties Stefan's bag)

Stefan: What are you doing? Knock it off

(Damon continues)

Damon: It's like a cheat. Like giving a kid a calculator before they know math

(Stefan catches his arm)

Stefan: I said stop

(Damon pushes him. They look at each other)

[The Woods]

(Elena looks at the blood on her hands. She seems shaken)

Stefan: Don't worry, he'll heel. Bigger animals are more resilient

(He removes the blood from her mouth with a tissue)

Stefan: Hey. You did it. I know it's hard. But you can do this

(She's crying. She nods)

[Salvatore's House]

(Elena enters the room and sees the tension between Stefan and Damon)

Elena: Whoa. What's going on?

Stefan: Oh, we're just having a little disagreement about process, right?

Elena: You're still not on board with the animal plan

Damon: Nope. I say rip off the proverbial Band-Aid and let it bleed. You're a vampire, Elena. Be a vampire

(Stefan puts his stuff back in the bag and rejoins Elena. She looks at him)

Stefan: You ready to go?

(She nods. They're about to leave)

Damon: vampires eat people

(They stop)

Damon: It's part of the natural food pyramid. Trust me. You're going to be miserable

(They leave)

[The woods]

Elena: I can't do it

(She laughs)

Stefan: All right, it's like the starting line of a race, right? So you just push off with every ounce of strength that you have, ok?

(She looks at him)

Elena: I was a cheerleader. I sucked at track

Stefan: Just concentrate, ok? You can do it

(She bends. He touches her waist. She smiles)

Elena: I can't. All I can think about is your hands on my body

Stefan: Oh ok

(He removes them)

Elena: No, no, no, I didn't…

(She puts them back)

Elena: I didn't say take them off. It feels good

Stefan: Yeah? What does it feel like?

Elena: It feels like you're touching every nerve on my body

(He caresses her arms)

Stefan: Everything is heightened

(He whispers in her ear)

Stefan: Taste. The smell. Sight. Touch

(He kisses her neck. She turns herself and they kiss. He carries her and pushes her against a tree. They undress each other and kiss but suddenly she pushes him. She's not okay. She leaves with her vampire speed and kneels on the ground. She vomits blood)

[Pastor Young House]

(The house is burned. A man enters and looks around. He looks at the opened gas line. He sees a lighter on the ground. He opens the oven and finds a letter inside. The letter is for a girl named April. He takes it and opens it. He reads it)

[Mystic Grill]

(Damon is sitting alone at the bar, drinking. Liz arrives, a newspaper in her hand and is about to sit next to him)

Damon: This seat's taken

(She puts the newspaper in front of him. He takes it and reads it)

Damon: "Faulty gas line leads to tragic expl*si*n at Young farm". Really?

Liz: Better than "Town council blown up, police have no suspects". Unless the perpetrator's right next to me

Damon: Well, don't look at me. I always take credit for k*lling people

(She looks at him suspiciously)

Damon: Seriously, stop looking at me like that, Liz. If I was going to k*ll ten people, I wouldn't blow 'em up. I'd have a dinner party

Liz: The expl*si*n was sparked from inside. This wasn't an accident

(The man who was in the pastor's house enters and sees them, he walks toward them)

Damon: You say that like it's a bad thing. The council's dead, Liz. I see that as a win

Liz: I've known some of the council since I was a kid. They were my friends

Damon: Well, your friends tried to k*ll your daughter. Who's the new guy?

(The man rejoins them)

Man: Excuse me, sheriff. Hi. I was wondering if I could speak to you for a minute. It's about the expl*si*n at the Young farm

Liz: I'm sorry, mister...

Man: Oh, Connor Jordan

Liz: Are you with the insurance investigators?

Connor: No, no, I'm more of an independent contractor. Can we speak in private?

Liz: Sure

Connor: Thanks

(She looks at Damon and follows Connor)

Damon: Nice to meet you, too, Mr. Busybody Guy

[Mystic Falls' High School]

(Jeremy and Matt are loading boxes in the trunk of a car)

Matt: So what are these again?

Jeremy: They're paper lanterns. Student council made them for after the memorial. You light them up in honor of all the dead

Matt: Nobody thought fire might be a little inappropriate?

Jeremy: Yeah, I wouldn't make that crack in front of Elena

(They return to one of the picnic tables)

Matt: How is she?

Jeremy: I guess she's fine... considering

Matt: If there's anything I can do, you know, short of giving her a ride, you'll let me know, right? I'm only alive because she told Stefan to save me first. She's a vampire because of me, so I'd like to pay it back or forward or whatever

Jeremy: Yeah

(They're rejoined by a girl)

Girl: Jeremy?

(They look at her but don't seem to recognize her)

Girl: Picture an emo pixie cut and braces

Jeremy: April?

April: Yeah

Jeremy: Oh, you look great

(He looks at Matt)

Jeremy: Do you remember April? Elena used to…

Matt: Elena used to baby-sit you, yeah, I remember

April: Yeah, before I got shipped off to boarding school by my dad

Jeremy: Your dad. Oh, my God, I am so sorry about your dad

April: Thank you. I guess. I sort of don't know how to answer when people say that

Matt: Your dad was Pastor Young, right?

April: He of the faulty gas line. Sorry. I haven't figured out what to say about that yet, either. Wow, I am being a freak. I'm just, you know, not much for grief, I guess. I have to go register... Or something. I think

(She leaves. They look at her)

[Salvatore's House]

(Elena is in Stefan's bedroom, leaving a voicemail de Caroline)

Elena: Hey, care, it's me. I'm back. I, um... Can you call me? I've been having some... adjustment issues

(Stefan comes back and she hangs up)

Elena: Hey

Stefan: Hi

(He has a bottle of champagne in his hand)

Elena: Well, what's that for?

Stefan: This is from the year you were born. I think we should celebrate

Elena: Celebrate what?

Stefan: Your first feed. I know it was disgusting and traumatic and it was horrible. But you did it anyway. You survived it

Elena: Well, um... I wouldn't say I survived it. It actually kind of made me sick

Stefan: Listen, I choked it down for a month before I could stomach the taste. It gets easier. This, on the other hand, will go down like silk

(They smile)

Elena: You're so cheery

Stefan: Yeah, because you're here. You're...alive. Ish. And, uh, you're going… you're going to get through this. So, would you like to do the honors?

Elena: Okay

(She takes the bottle and opens it)

Elena: Oh!

(She smiles. The champagne pours everywhere)

Elena: Oh my god

(She's smiling. Stefan pours the champagne in two cups)

Stefan: Cheers

(They kiss. His phone rings. He answers. It's Damon)

Stefan: Ah, perfect timing, Damon. Yeah, we just got back. What?

[Mystic Grill]

(Elena sits down next to him)

Elena: Did you do it?

Damon: That seat's taken

Elena: But there's no one here

Damon: Well, I'm just going to pretend like there's someone there because the alternative's just too damn depressing

(She sits down in the other sit next to him)

Elena: Did you set off the expl*si*n that k*lled the town council?

Damon: Am I wearing my "I blew up the council" t-shirt? Why does everybody keep asking me that?

Elena: Did you?

Damon: No. Anything else?

Elena: Yes. Something's wrong. I can't keep any of the animal blood down

Damon: Well, there's a shock

Elena: I think I need your help

Damon: Of course you do. Pick your meal

(He starts pointing out to people)

Damon: You got Asian fusion, Mexican, what about some good old American comfort food?

Elena: No. No human blood. Stefan's right. I have to at least try to get through this without hurting anyone

(He drinks)

Damon: Fine. Come on

(He takes her by the arm so she follows him)

(They enter the restrooms and he locks the door)

Elena: What are you doing?

(He bites his hand)

Damon: Giving you what you need. Drink

Elena: What?

Damon: You're a new vampire Elena. You need warm blood from the vein. Maybe this will do the trick. Just don't tell Stefan

Elena: Why?

Damon: Because blood sharing is kind of...personal

Elena: What do you mean, it's personal?

Damon: Just drink!

(She hesitates, looks at him and he nods. She takes his hand and finally drinks. He touches her hair and she pushes him against a wall, still drinking)

[Lockwood's Mansion]

(Tyler and Caroline are in bed. They're half naked and kissing)

Caroline: This is wrong. A bunch of people died and we're having sex

Tyler: Grief sex. It's healthy

Caroline: It's selfish

Tyler: It's natural. Besides, if we stopped having sex every time somebody died in this town, we'd explode

Caroline: We need to be more sensitive

(He touches her)

Caroline: Tyler

Tyler: Oh, come on. I love you. How's that for sensitive?

(She smiles and looks at him)

Caroline: I love you too

(They smile, laugh and kiss. The bell rings)

Tyler: Who the hell is that?

(Carol opens the door. It's Connor)

Carol: May I help you?

Connor: Good evening. I'm hoping I can help you, actually. I spoke with Sheriff Forbes earlier. My name is Connor Jordan

Carol: Carol Lockwood

(They shake hands. He's still wearing his glove)

Carol: I know who you are, Connor. And I believe the sheriff made it clear that the tragedy at the farm house was an internal matter

Connor: That's one way of looking at it, I guess. Although I prefer the term "cover-up". Do you mind if I come in?

Carol: You know, I really don't think that's a good idea

(He enters anyway)

Carol: Excuse me

Connor: Thank you. You're aware that it wasn't an accident. Any rookie fireman could tell you that

Carol: What are you, the press?

Connor: Not exactly. So 12 council members are dead. You're the mayor. Why weren't you at that meeting?

Carol: It wasn't official town business

Connor: What was it then?

(Tyler goes down the stairs)

Tyler: Mom? What's going on?

(He looks at Connor)

Tyler: Is there something I can help you with?

Connor: Maybe. How you doing? I'm Connor

(They shake hands but Tyler is burned by the glove. He groans. Connor takes a g*n and sh**t him)

Carol: Tyler! Oh, my God!

(Connor reloads his g*n)

Carol: Tyler, run!

(He opens his eyes and runs through the window. Connor runs after him. Caroline goes down the stairs. Carol is shocked and they look at the blood on the floor)

[Salvatore's House]

(Tyler is shirtless on the couch. Stefan is removing the b*ll*ts. Caroline's here)

Caroline: Please tell me that's the last one

(Stefan looks at the b*llet)

Stefan: These were specially carved. The length, the width. If you were a normal vampire, you would be dead

(There's a symbol on the b*llet)

Tyler: This guy knew what he was doing. His gloves must have been steeped in vervain. He was looking for a vampire and he didn't hesitate for a second when he found one

(Stefan is still looking at the b*llet)

Stefan: These etchings...

(He touches it but he's burned)

Caroline: Are the b*ll*ts spelled?

Stefan: I don't know. They're something

[Mystic Falls' Church]

(Elena, Matt and other people are in the church, prepping the memorial. Matt rejoins Elena)

Matt: How are you feeling? You look a little, uh, strong out

Elena: I'm fine. It's just my emotions are all over the place. Everything's heightened. I mean, just the sight of all the names of the dead makes me want to cry for a week

Matt: You didn't have to volunteer

Elena: People died. People we've known our whole lives. So... Yeah, I did

(She sees April sitting alone in the front row)

Elena: Is that…?

Matt: April Young, yeah

Elena: Oh, wow

(Elena rejoins April)

Elena: Hey there

April: Hey. Long time, no see. Not since...

Elena: My parents' funeral

(Elena hugs her)

April: Yeah

Elena: Are you going to survive this?

April: They want me to speak. I guess all the kids who lost somebody can. What am I supposed to say? "I'm sorry my dad didn't fix the gas line." But if I don't say anything, then... I mean, what if nobody does? I mean, my dad and I didn't always get along or anything, but everybody still deserves to have nice things said about them at their own funeral, you know? I mean, for my mom's funeral, everybody said some really nice things. I...

Elena: You say what you want to say. Or you don't say anything at all. And don't worry about your dad. Everyone in this town loved him

April: Yeah. Until 2 days ago

Elena: Even still

(April is crying. Elena touches her hand but feels and hears her pulse. She's not okay)

Elena: I'm sorry, I... I have to go

(She leaves. April watches her leave)

(Elena enters the restrooms and bends next to the toilet. She vomits blood. He has blood on her hands and there is blood all over the toilet. She gets up and goes to the sink and vomits blood again. She's panicked and starts to cry and looks at her dress. There's blood on it)
[Bonnie's House]

(Bonnie is lying on her couch. Stefan knocks on the door)

Stefan: Bonnie? Bonnie, I know you're in there. I can hear you breathing. Bonnie, please, it's important

(She finally goes to the door and opens it)

Stefan: Hey. Are you alright?

(He goes towards her but can't enter)

Stefan: Can I come in, please?

(She nods and he enters. He embraces her)

Stefan: Hey. Hey

(She cries in his arms)

(Bonnie and Stefan are in the living room)

Bonnie: My grams, it was like she was dying all over again. Just because I didn't listen to her about not doing black magic

Stefan: Well, you're dealing with the other side. It's not reliable. Witches were probably just messing with your head, trying to teach you a lesson

Bonnie: Well, it worked. I tried to do a basic nature spell this morning just to clear my head, and... It just brought it all back. Like it was happening all over again. I'm sorry. I'm a mess. I've been holed up in here, avoiding everyone. I've completely blown off Jamie. You came here 'cause you needed something, right?

Stefan: Yeah. But it can wait

Bonnie: Oh, come on, Stefan, I'm ok. Come on. You're not exactly a drop by kind of guy. If something's wrong, tell me

Stefan: All right

(He sits down next to her and shows her the b*ll*ts)

Stefan: these burns to the touch. Could just be steeped in vervain, but this writing--have you ever seen anything like this before?

Bonnie: No, it's not magical writing, if that's what you're thinking. Where'd you get these?

Stefan: I think we have a new vampire hunter in town

Bonnie: Hmm. That's bad timing

[Mystic Falls' Church]

(Elena is cleaning the mirror and on the phone with Damon)

Damon: I'm here, I'm here. Where are you?

Elena: I'm in the basement bathroom

(Someone tries to enter she turns to the door)

Elena: Is that you at the door?

Damon: Not yet

(Connor is at the door. He knocks. She shouts at him)

Elena: I'm sorry, there's someone in here. Damon, hurry

(There's blood everywhere. She cleans it. Damon arrives and sees Connor)

Damon: You again. Stalking small town funerals?

(She opens the door)

Elena: Oh, Damon. Thank god

(He gives her something. Connor watches them. She passes her head through the door to look at him)

Elena: Sorry, I spilled coffee all over my dress

(He gets up. She looks at Damon and he nods and smiles. She goes back inside and closes the door)

Connor: We have not met. I'm Connor. Jordan

(He raises his hand to shake Damon's)

Damon: Damon. Germaphobe. Everything ok in there?

Elena: Just a minute!

(She's putting all the paper filled with blood in her bag)

Damon: So what brings you to Mystic Falls? Bible salesman?

Connor: No, no, actually I'm in, uh, environmental clean-up

Damon: Oh

Connor: Heard you had a bit of a pollution problem

Damon: Huh. Well, I was unaware. I breathe pretty easy

(She gets out. She's changed clothes. She looks at Connor)

Elena: I'm so sorry that took so long

Connor: No problem

Damon: Well, enjoy your stay. We love visitors, and the scenery is to die for

(He puts his hand on his mouth as is shocked)

Damon: Funeral parlor. Too soon. Sorry

(Damon looks at him and they leave)

(April is alone on the mezzanine and is trying to write something. She raises her head, surprised. Connor is here)

April: Sorry, you scared me. I was just practicing my speech for later

(She gets up and he stabs her. He sits her down on the bench. She has blood on her hand and blood falls from her mouth)

(Damon and Elena are outside)

Elena: Did you bring the blood bag?

Damon: Do you want to say that a little louder?

(He gives it to her and she drinks. She spits it)

Damon: Elena!

Elena: No, I can't. It tastes like... What's wrong with me?

Damon: I don't know. Maybe it's your doppelganger blood, you're rejecting the transition

Elena: I'm dying, aren't I?

Damon: No, you're not dying. You just need to drink from the vein

Elena: No. No, no. I can't risk k*lling anyone, Damon. Maybe I'm better off dead

Damon: Don't even think like that, Elena. You'll be fine. Ok?

Elena: I have to get back inside

(She leaves. Stefan watches her and watches Damon putting the blood bag in Elena's bag. Damon gets up and sees him. Stefan rejoins him)

Damon: Oh, great

Stefan: What's in the bag, Damon?

Damon: Mid-service snack. Church always gets me hungry. The whole blood of Christ thing, you know. I brought it for Elena

Stefan: You're really that intent on having your way?

Damon: It's not my way, it's the only way

Stefan: If she hurts someone, she'll be desperate to turn the guilt off. Maybe even desperate enough to shut off her humanity

Damon: What, and become a ripper?

Stefan: We can't let her be anything like me

Damon: Or God forbid she's anything like me. That's really what you're thinking. She's going to go off the rails eventually anyway, Stefan. So the faster we can make it happen, the sooner we can get her back on track

Stefan: She's strong. If we help her, she can survive

Damon: She's starving, Stefan. She hasn't been able to keep blood down for days

Stefan: What are you talking about? She told me she was fine

Damon: Well, she lied. Your four-legged protein shake was a bust. The juice box was a no-go. She can't even keep my blood down

(He realizes what he just said and Stefan is shocked)

Stefan: She drank from you?

Damon: Oops. Did I say that out loud?

(He leaves)

(The church is crowded. Elena enters and go sit down next to Matt and Jeremy. They looks at her)

Matt: are you okay?

Elena: I'm fine

Jeremy: Hey, April was looking for you. She wanted help with her speech

Elena: Oh. Where is she?

Jeremy: I don't know

(Stefan enters and stops next to Caroline and Tyler)

Stefan: What are you doing here, Tyler?

Tyler: Being sensitive to the community's loss

Stefan: Hmm. With a hunter out to get you?

Tyler: I'm not letting a hunter stop me from where I'm supposed to be

Caroline: Also, if he shows his face, I'm going to kick his ass

(Stefan go sit down. Carol takes the stage)

Carol: Before we begin the mass, we'd like to open the floor to anyone who would like to store a memory about our late friends on the town council. I know that April Young wanted to say a few words about her dad. April?

(Elena looks around, concerned)

Carol: April? Are you still here, honey?

(Connor is charging his g*n)

Carol: Is there anyone else who would like to share a recollection or a memory about Pastor Young?

(Connor is aiming his g*n, going through the crowd. Nobody says anything and Elena finally gets up. Connor and everyone look at her and Caroline is surprised)

Carol: Come on up, Elena

(She walks toward the stage. Connor aims the g*n at her to look at her. Damon enters. Stefan, Caroline and Tyler look at him. Damon puts his hand in the holy water and makes the sign of the cross. He smiles while doing it)

Damon: Don't know why that always makes me smile

(He sits down next to Stefan. Elena is on stage and doesn't seem good)

Damon: She doesn't look so good

Stefan: Maybe you should have told me she was rejecting all food sources

Damon: Jealousy's beneath you, brother

Stefan: Oh, bite me

Elena: I, um, when I talked to April earlier, she was kind of nervous about coming up to speak, and... Now that I'm up here, I'm kind of nervous, too. The worst day of loving someone is the day that you lose them

(She's about to cry and hears something drop)

Caroline: Do you smell that?

Tyler: Blood

(There's a blood stain on the ceiling and the blood in dropping in the holy water. Damon whispers)

Damon: Nobody move. Don't turn around. It's a trap

(It's April's blood. Connor is aiming his g*n at Elena. She is pale and sweating. She can see the blood)

Elena: I, um...

(The veins appear under her eyes. Stefan comes next to her)

Stefan: It's ok. It's ok. I got you, I got you

(He's holding her and supporting her while they walk to their seat. Connor follows their movement with his g*n. Their return to their sits next to Matt and Jeremy and the pastor takes the stage)

Pastor: Please turn to page 42 in your hymn book. Let us join together in song

(Elena is in Stefan's arms)

Elena: The blood. Stefan, the blood, I can smell it. There's so much

Stefan: It's all right. It's all right; just remember what we talked about. Focus, push back. Come on, you can do this

Matt: What's wrong with her?

Stefan: She's hungry. She hasn't fed

Matt: So get her out of here

Stefan: We can't. There's somebody watching us

Damon: I'm going to go rip his head off now

Stefan: You do that, Damon, and you risk exposing all of us

Damon: Well, I think the risk will be slightly diminished when I, you know, rip his head off

Elena: Stefan, I'm losing it

Damon: You have 10 seconds before I go old-fashioned on the new guy

Stefan: Don't do it, Damon, please

Damon: 3, 2, 1, bye

(He's about to leave)

Matt: Wait, wait, wait, Elena. Feed from me

(Damon is surprised. Tyler looks at them. Jeremy is looking at him)

Matt: It's ok. Everyone will just think you're upset. Feed from me

(Elena looks at Stefan. He looks at Matt and then at her. Matt takes her in his arms. Connor is watching them but all he can see is the back of their heads and Elena in Matt's arms)

Matt: It's ok. You're ok

(Stefan looks at them. Elena finally bites Matt on the neck and drinks. Connor can't see anything. Damon is watching them. She finally stops)

Elena: Thank you

(She removes the blood from her mouth)

Elena: The blood, there's so much. It's got to be April. We have to help her

Stefan: Elena, we can't risk it

Elena: Then I'm going to do it

(Tyler goes to the stage)

Tyler: Excuse me. I just wanted to say a few words about Pastor Young

(Connor aims his g*n at him)

Elena: What do we do?

Tyler: Back in first grade, I was a brat who couldn't be bothered with team sports. Didn't care much about anything that didn't affect me. But he was the one who made me understand how important it is to be part of a team; a community. Of giving yourself up for the sake of…

(Connor sh**t him. Everyone screams. Elena is shocked. Matt looks around. Connor takes his bag and leaves. Everyone is leaving. Caroline gets up and goes toward Tyler. Carol is with him. Elena is on the stage and looks at him. Caroline bends next to him. Stefan rejoins Elena. Caroline removes the stake from Tyler's chest. He coughs)

Tyler: I'm going to k*ll that bastard

Stefan: Damon's way ahead of you. Stay here, I have to help him

Elena: What about April?

Caroline: I got it, go

Carol: I have to call an ambulance

(Elena looks at Tyler and leaves)

Caroline: No, he's fine!

Carol: The whole town just watched you get shot. I'm calling an ambulance

(She leaves the stage)

Caroline: Elena?

(Connor is outside and enters his truck but Damon rushes over him, rips his door apart, catches him and throws him on the ground. Connor sh**t him various times. Damon takes his g*n but Connor uses his combat skill to be on top of it. He takes a stake and tries to stake him but Damon resists. Stefan is outside)

Stefan: Damon?

(Connor leaves. Stefan runs toward them but it's too late. Damon is on the ground. Stefan looks at him and offers his hand and helps him get up but punches him)

Damon: What the hell was that for?

Stefan: You know what

(He leaves. Damon's still on the ground)

(Elena is on the mezzanine and finds April)

Elena: April!

(She rushes over her but stops when she sees the blood. Her face changes and April opens her eyes. She rushes over her, her fangs out but Caroline stops her)

Caroline: She's not dead, but if you feed on her, you will k*ll her!

Elena: Let go of me!

Caroline: Look at her! Look at her, Elena. It's April. April Young. She's not a warm body for you to feed on. She's your friend

(Elena stops struggling and her face becomes normal again. Caroline releases her.

Caroline: She's an orphan, just like you. And she's scared, just like you were

(She bites her wrist and bends next to April. She removes her gag and makes her drink her blood. She looks around, panicked, she's panicked)

April: Please! Don't hurt me, please!

Caroline: No one's going to hurt you. No one's going to hurt you

(She turns herself to look at Elena and gets up)

Caroline: She needs you. You can make her forget all of this

April: Why did he do this?

(She looks at the blood on her hands)

Elena: No, I…I can't, Caroline, you have to do it

Caroline: No, the only way you're going to learn is if you do it yourself

Elena: No, I can't…

Caroline: Yes, you can. You just need to believe what you're telling her

(Elena finally bends next to her. April is panicked and looks around)

Elena: April, listen to me

(April looks at her)

Elena: Everything's going to be ok

(It doesn't work)

Elena: You're going to get through this, just like I got through it

(It finally works)

Elena: And I'm going to help you. I promise

April: I'm going to be okay. You're gonna help me

(Elena smiles and looks at Caroline. Caroline is smiling. Elena looks at April and continues)

Elena: You watched the funeral from up here so that you could grieve alone. It was a beautiful service. People said really nice things

(April smiles)

[Mystic Grill]

(Jeremy and Matt are at the bar. Matt has a Band-Aid on his neck)

Matt: That was insane. How do you think they'll cover this one up?

Jeremy: An assassination attempt on the mayor's son

Matt: Altar boy goes postal

(Connor is at the bar. He looks at Matt)

Connor: Hey. What happened there?

(He shows his neck)

Matt: Girlfriend went a little overboard

(Jeremy gets up and looks at Connor and then at his arm and sees a tattoo)

Jeremy: Nice ink

(They leave. Connor is surprised. The tattoo isn't there anymore)

Matt: What ink?

Jeremy: You didn't see his tattoo? It was huge

Matt: He didn't have a tattoo

Jeremy: Yeah, he did

[A trailer]

(Connor enter a trailer. He sits down at a table and opens the letter destined to April. He reads it)

Pastor Young: "Dear April, I'm sorry for what you're going through. What I did was a necessary sacrifice, and I'm afraid it's only the first of many more sacrifices to come. There's always been an evil that spread through Mystic Falls, but now a greater one is coming. My death is but the first in the w*r ahead. I will see you again when we all find our salvation. Until then, I love you. Dad."

(Connor then looks at the list of the council members)

[Salvatore's House]

(Stefan gives a glass of bourbon to Elena)

Stefan: Helps with the cravings

Elena: You're mad

Stefan: Yeah, I'm mad. You lied to me

Elena: I didn't lie, I just didn't tell you…

Stefan: Come on, Elena, you lied to me

Elena: You were just so happy that things were going well, and…

Stefan: You think I'm happy?

Elena: I just didn't want to ruin it for you

Stefan: You're in hell, which means that I'm in hell. And then you go to Damon for help

Elena: Yeah, because I thought that he would understand

Stefan: You think I don't?

Elena: Stefan, please…

Stefan: You fed on him, Elena. You fed on him. I know that may not mean much to you, but it means a lot to me. And I know it certainly meant a lot to Damon

Elena: I didn't want to hurt you. I'm…I'm sorry. Look, I'm really, really sorry, I...

(She's crying)

Elena: Why am I crying? I am so sick of crying

Stefan: Your emotions are a bit heightened right now

Elena: I feel like I've been crying since the day that my parents died. My life is...It's like a never ending funeral. We keep burying people, Stefan. You want to know what's heightened? It's grief. I can't stop feeling everyone's grief. All the hurt, I feel like it's trying to explode out of me

(She's crying)

Stefan: Hey. Hey. Come on. Come with me

Elena: Where?

Stefan: Something we need to do

[Mystic Fall' High School]

(Damon and Bonnie arrive)

Damon: What are we doing here?

Bonnie: I don't know

(Caroline, Matt, Elena, Jeremy and Stefan are all there. Stefan is taking Japanese lanterns out of a box)

Bonnie: Ask Stefan

Damon: Stefan, What are we doing?

Stefan: We're finishing the memorial we didn't get to have earlier. We need to start healing, Damon. We've all lost so much, especially recently. I think we're numb to it. We push it away, we make a joke out of it, ignore how we feel. Time to just let ourselves grieve

Damon: So you're lighting lanterns

Stefan: Yeah, yeah. We need to do this

Damon: What we need to do is find out who this hunter is and what he knows about the death of the council. We have more important things to be doing right now than this

Stefan: Not tonight, we don't. This is for my Uncle Zach. My friend Lexi. For Alaric

(He lights his lantern. Matt is next to him and takes the lighter)

Matt: This is for Vickie

(He lights his lantern. Caroline gets up and takes the lighter)

Caroline: This is for my dad. And Tyler's

(She lights her lantern and Jeremy gets up and takes the lighter)

Jeremy: This is for our parents, for Vickie... Anna, Jenna. And Alaric

(He looks at Damon and hands him the lighter but Damon refuses it)

Damon: No way. I'm not doing that

(He leaves. Jeremy looks at Bonnie. She takes a lantern from the box, gets up, takes the lighter and goes next to Caroline)

Bonnie: This is for my grams

(Stefan looks at Elena. She gets up)

Elena: This, um... Is for my mom, my dad and Jenna… Everyone that we've all lost; everyone that this town has lost. And for me. I guess

(She sheds a tear and looks at Jeremy. She lights her lantern and releases it so it floats in the sky. She looks at it. The others do the same)

[Mystic Falls' cemetery]

(Damon is in front of Alaric's grave)

Damon: They're floating lanterns in the sky. Can you believe that? Japanese lantern is a symbol of letting go of the past. Well, here's a newsflash… we're not Japanese. You know what they are? Children. Like lighting a candle's going to make everything ok. Or even saying a prayer, or pretending Elena is not going to end up just like the rest of us murderous vampires. Stupid, delusional, exasperating little children. I know what you're going to say. It makes them feel better, Damon. So what? For how long? A minute? A day? What difference does it make?

(Alaric appears)

Damon: Because in the end, when you lose somebody, every candle, every prayer is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing that you have left is a hole in your life where that somebody that you cared about used to be. And a rock. With a birthday carved into it that I'm pretty sure is wrong. Ahhh. So, thanks, friend. Thanks for leaving me here to baby-sit. Because I should be long gone by now. I didn't get the girl. Remember? I'm just stuck here fighting with my brother and taking care of the kids. You owe me big

(He puts the bottle on the grave and leaves)

Alaric: I miss you, too, buddy
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