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06x15 - True Grits

Posted: 02/09/22 17:34
by bunniefuu
And we are live
outside of Lompoc State Prison,

where, any moment now,
these gates will open,

and out will walk Thane Woodson.

Woodson's conviction for robbing
a local Santa Barbara restaurant

was overturned after lawyers
from the Innocence Project

were able to get faulty
eyewitness testimony thrown out.

We're expecting a statement.

Let's go.
He's here right now.

Today is another great day
for justice

and a great day
for the Innocence Project.

Um, this moment,
a moment of joy,

and hope for the future,

reminds us
of our common humanity.

I lost everything!
I want it back!

Y'all owe me!

Okay, what my client means
is that...

And the state penal code 4903

states that I'm owed

I know my rights.

I have a law degree.

Okay, he doesn't have
a law degree.

I'm close.

Okay, he might have taken
some classes.

But in the eyes of the state,
he's not due restitution

until the real culprit
is captured and proven guilty.

That's what I'll do, then.

After I get my law degree,

I'll enroll
in the police academy

and become a detective.

Okay, he's not enrolling
in the academy.

Then I will find
somebody else to help me.

'Scuse me.

So you want us
to solve the crime

that you were
wrongfully convicted of.

I heard you
one hell of a psychic

from the very men
that you put in jail.

Well, that's not surprising.

I'm sure my reputation
in prison

has reached mythical

Not really,

but there is a long list
of fellas

fixin' to k*ll you
soon as they get out.

Why just me?
This is a two-man team.

Stop snitching, Shawn.

Here's my case file.

Yeah, I did some hard time

in violation of California
penal codes 459 and 211.

Rubbed up against a woman
on a subway.

Oh, no, wait.

That's 458.

How do you know that?

It's burglary
and armed robbery.

My client is well versed
in legal matters.

Oh, you better recognize.

Oh, that's horrible, man.

You must've lost everything.

How long were you incarcerated?

Two years, eight months.


Yeah, that's what
I'm talkin' about.

I was getting ready
to say...

It's a long-ass time,
I know.


So even though the convictions
were overturned,

we still must prove that Thane
didn't commit the crimes

in the first place,

and the best way to do that
would be to find

the person that actually did.

That's where you come in.


'Scuse us one second.

- What you think?
- I don't know.

This guy could be a handful.

What makes you say that?

- You saw Penitentiary.
- Which one?

All three of 'em.

You're right.
I got this.

Here's the thing, Thane.

There is not a doubt
in our minds

that you're an innocent man.

But this is a lot
for a couple dudes like us

to take on, and...

and we're actually pretty busy
at the moment.

Um, damn.

I'm afraid we're just...

We're not up for this one.

You know, I understand
it's a lot

for me to come in here
and ask you

to fight my fight for me.

But I lost everything.

I was once just like you.

I had dreams.

I had a girl.

Gus doesn't have a girl.


I couldn't have my girl wait
10 to 15 years for me.

So I told her, "You go out,
and you find somebody

"that'll make you happy.

"Somebody that can make
phone calls

for at least
more than 15 minutes."

She got married
while I was stuck in jail.

I know it's only been two years
and eight months, but...

I'm starting from scratch.

So please...

Help me fight the injustice

that was done to me.

Man, I've changed my mind.

He set his girl free.

Like in Hurricane.

- She got married quick.
- I know.

You're damn right
we're gonna help!

You don't know how happy
you make a brother feel, man.

Now come here to me!

Yeah, I gotta tell you,
I've never had a cause before.

This is awesome.

We're gonna fight the power!

- Fight the power!
- Together!


Shawn, don't get all Spike Lee

and do the right thing on me.

It's too late
for that, brother.

Love is gonna bust him out.

He's already out, Shawn.

Just 'cause you put syrup
on something

don't make it pancakes.


Hey, Jules.

You're not gonna believe
the case we just landed.

We're basically
civic heroes now.

I prefer freedom fighters.


What we're doing
is much more exciting

than anything you will have
going on inside there.

Nothing in there is as cool
as what's happening right here.

Oh, I am sure you're right.

We are.

Okay, I'll bite.

What's the case?

Well, in order to really
appreciate it,

you have to first hear
the backstory.


Once upon a time,

a poor country boy
in search of a better life

brushes off his overalls,
hops on a freight,

and leaves the dusty roads
of Georgia behind.

Shawn, that's Grapes of Wrath,
and it wasn't a freight,

and it wasn't Georgia.

Thane wasn't alive then.

He had no formal education,

but he did know 100 uses
for the peanut.

George Washington Carver.

Thane has a master's
in culinary arts.

So he moved to Santa Barbara
and bought a horse.

That's true.

And in no time at all,

he got a job as a head chef.

Then his life took
a tragic turn

when his restaurant was robbed.

He was in the wrong place
at the wrong time.

Got arrested, spent three
long years in the big house.

- Not the clink.
- For a crime he didn't commit.


Faulty eyewitness testimony,

unfair justice system,


- Trying to make this about you.
- Oh, boy.

This is our case.

You're talking
about Thane Woodson,

and that restaurant robbery
was my case.

Psych 6x15
True Grits
Original Air Date on April 04, 2012

# In between the lines

# there's a lot of obscurity #

# I'm not inclined

# to resign to maturity

# if it's all right

# then you're all wrong

# but why bounce around

# to the same damn song

# you'd rather run
when you can't crawl #

# I know you know

# that I'm not telling
the truth #

# I know you know

# they just don't have
any proof #

# embrace the deception

# learn how to bend

# your worst inhibitions

# tend to psych you out
in the end #

I spent three weeks
on this case.

I found the g*n that was used
in the robbery

in Thane's car,
with his prints on it.


He's definitely guilty.

I don't know, Jules.

There's a grand jury that
disagrees with you on that.

So you two breaking up
over this?

- No.
- Of course not.

Well, don't forget,

I used to be involved
with someone on the force,

and it gets very tricky
keeping work issues

from becoming personal.

Now that I'm dating
an incarcerated civilian,

things are much simpler.

Minus the 2" glass
and the leg shackles.

Well, we appreciate
your concern, Carlton.

But I don't take it personally

that Shawn took on
Thane's case,

even though I am fairly certain
that he is guilty.

And I don't take it personally

that Juliet feels that way,

even though she simply
couldn't be wronger.

You two are so breaking up
over this.

And Spencer, remember,

all convicts say
they're innocent,

or they're framed,
or stop choking me.

But at the end of the day,

Thane Woodson is definitely
guilty of something.

Not according
to the Innocence Project.

Which is why they're high
on my list of enemies.

Right behind Internal Affairs,
UNICEF, and Lance Bass.

Don't ask.

Look, I am confident
that I did good police work.

I am sure you did, Jules,

but we all make mistakes,

So you put an innocent man
behind bars for three years.

I threw out
the comics yesterday

before Gus had a chance
to read Foxtrot.

- Shawn.
- Listen.

to the Innocence Project,

the restaurant owner
who I.D.'d Thane

was using glasses
with an expired prescription.

Well, then, it's
the D.A.'s fault

for using eyewitness testimony
as the crux of the case.

I agree.
The D.A. is to blame.

Now I'm gonna make it right.

I'm gonna go fight for Thane.


So when things fall apart
with Spencer and you,

Marlowe and I have met
the perfect person.

That means that person
is in prison

and is a woman.

Which one of those
is a problem?

Table four is up.

Look, we appreciate you
taking some time

to speak with us, Mercer.

You have a lovely restaurant,
by the way.

Thank you.

I assume you know that Thane
has been exonerated?

- Yes, I do.
- Listen.

I don't want to create
an awkward situation, but...

I'm sure you remember the man
your testimony put in jail.

Look, I don't want
any trouble, all right?

I feel horrible
what happened to you.


You know what?

We can end the cycle
right here, right now.

I forgive you, man.
Come on.

I'm sorry man, all right?

You know what?
You were always my best cook.

And I didn't think
in a million years

you could do anything
like that.

But the police told me

that the g*n used
in the robbery

- was found in your car.
- Mm-hmm.

They told me
the robbery smacked

of an inside job.

I was under a lot of pressure
to say it was you, man.

I'm sorry.

I get it, yeah.

You know the funny thing
about pressure is...

I went to jail because of you!

Huh? You know that?

Hey, I said I'm sorry, man.
Relax, all right?

I lost my youth because of you!

You're only two years older.

Hey, man, I'm a dinosaur!

You are not a dinosaur.

This is not helping your cause.


My bad.

It's this...

this prison thing
got a hold of me, man.


- Still controlling me, I mean.
- Yeah.

It's all right.
I'm sorry.

So we need you to tell us
everything you can remember

about the night of the robbery.

Yeah, okay, um...

I came in right
after closing time,

and that's when I found one
of my kitchen workers

sitting right here
with his hands tied

with those, um,
beaded zip tie things.

Now, he was reciting
the alphabet backwards.

Ooh, alphabet.

That sounds like
the same M.O.

of the unsolved
convenience store robbery

from last month.

He tied my hands behind my back

and, uh, made me recite
the alphabet backwards.

You guys know that food's
not free

just 'cause you're working
a case, right?

Now, I immediately untied him,

and that's when I heard
the g*nsh*t

coming from over there.

Now, I looked up,
and I saw a man

who certainly looked like Thane

climbing out that back window.

You know,
if there's nothing else,

if you could excuse me,
I got a lunch rush

I gotta deal with here.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Excuse you?

- Excuse me.
- Think this is Law and Order?

You don't get to decide
when the interview's over.

We decide.

Just go back
to making some sauce.

Psh. Got anything else to say
to this dude?

- Not at all.
- Okay, guess what.

Now it's over.

Now the interview is over.

And we're gonna leave,
'cause we made the rules.

I'll wash my hands of you, sir.

Man, what if the same dude
who robbed Stop-n-Gulp

robbed this place
three years ago?

Then we could solve that case

and link the bad guy
to this robbery.

Thane's proven innocent,

gets his settlement
from the state.

And a chance at a new life,
like in Carlito's Way.

'Til the game
pulls him back in.

Which you know it will.

I got all this soap on my hand.

That's what you get
for trying to be bad.

I'm having a psychic suspicion

that the person
who robbed you last month

committed a similar crime
three years ago.

Uh, don't look now,
but I think that's the guy

that robbed us.


We told you to wait
at the Psych office.

How did you even get here?

I rode my bike.

And I am sick and tired
of people like you

saying I fit the description
of a criminal.

Sorry, dude.

Maybe you should, I don't know,

look different or something.

Look di...

You know what's sorry?

The state prison system,

where I spent three years.

I thought you said it was
two years and eight months.

I'm rounding up, all right?

And who are you?
The math police?

Why don't you ice cube it down
a notch or two or five?

- Yeah.
- Okay, cool, my bad.

- Okay.
- We good?

Hey, snowflake.

- There it is.
- Come on, come on.

Come on, come on.

It's cool, all right?
We good?

- Yeah.
- We good?

That's the real thing,
right there.

- We good.
- For real.


But we good.

I'm also sensing that
you're, uh,

you're not really stressing
the robbery

because you're fully
insured here.

I wish.

The insurance adjuster
just called,

and apparently,
the store alarm was on,

but the zone by the back window
where the burglar escaped

wasn't working.

So now it's my fault.

Oh, your life sucks.

I'm also sensing
that you did some work here

to the store
before the break-in.

Is that right?

Yeah, actually.

We had some renovations
a few days before.

Hey, that's nice, Shawn.

Hey, say, man.

How'd you get like that?

Huh? Did something kick you
in the head?


You got creole in your blood?

No, Thane, much like Lady Gaga,

I was born this way.

And while I don't have
a meat dress,

I do have a tie made
entirely of beef jerky.

If you don't want to tell me
the truth, Shawn,

just say so.
Don't lie to me.

No, it's true.
Beef jerky.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Oh, hello, father.

Hey, Shawn, you still working
the zip ties lead

for Thane Woodson?

Yeah, why?

We just got a call
about a jewelry store robbery.

Guess what the robber used
to tie up the sales clerk with.

A bunch of bureaucratic
red tape?

Red vines?

- Beaded zip ties.
- Here.

The exact kind used
in the Stop-n-Gulp robbery

and the restaurant robbery
that Thane was arrested for.

- Keep the change.
- Get outta here.

We're on it.
Thank you.

Dude, we're out.

Oh, hi, Shawn.

Hey, Jules.

Hey, can we move dinner
from 7:00 to 8:00?

Thane is guilty.

Sure, 8:00 actually works
better for me.

He's innocent.

You two are ridiculous.

He is innocent.

Yeah, actually,
we did some renovations

a few days before.

He said the store alarm was on,

but the zone
by the back window,

where the burglar escaped,
wasn't working.

One, two, three, eyes on me.

As they should.

I'm having a psychic vision

that there was
a recent renovation here.

Yes, we just moved
this wall back.


I'm also sensing that
the alarm didn't trip

when the intruder gained entry.

You're right.

I had to push the panic button
behind the counter

to notify the police myself.

Just as I suspected,

this robbery
and the Stop-n-Gulp robbery

from last month

were committed
by the same culprit.

Someone tampered
with the alarm wires

while the renovations
were going on

and then broke into the window,

where they knew
the security breach was.

Thank you for that
private theory, Spencer.

We'll keep it in mind
when we conduct

our official investigation.

Ma'am, can you describe
the suspect?

Well, he looked a lot
like that gentleman right there.

Oh, boy.

Thane, how did you get here?

I rode the bus.

And lady, I was nowhere near
your store.

Can anyone corroborate that?

Yeah, two other people
who thought I robbed

two other places.

Okay, but you can't be
here anyway,

so vamoose.

No, you vamoose, cop.

Santa Barbara municipal code

says that I have a right
to be here

as long as I don't wander,

or drift in an aimless manner.

And I aim to holler
at my boy Shawn.


That's why we shouldn't allow
books in prison.

Or water.

Show me that panic button,

Uh, Thane, remember
detective Juliet O'Hara,

don't you?


Look, this is hard
for me to say,

but, uh, the flaws
the Innocence Project found

in the case
against you...


Along with Shawn's
psychic vision,

makes me wonder if I was wrong
about you, Thane.


I'm the kind of person

that would never, ever,
ever forgive myself

if I thought I'd put
the wrong person behind bars.

So if the real culprit
is still out there,

believe me, I want to find him
more than anyone.

Oh, hell, no.

Man, I ain't feeling her
at all.

She part of the system
that stole my life.

Okay, Thane...Thane,
I can personally vouch

for Juliet, here,

especially now that she agrees
with me.

We're all on the same team.

Oh, well, then you ain't
on my team, then.


Last thing we need
is for her to plant evidence

to frame some other dude.

Jules, we...we've got your back
on this.

This is...
there's not two teams.

Thane, come here.

We work with Juliet
all the time.

Besides, it's the other one
that's most likely

to plant the evidence.

Either you work separate
from the police,

or you don't get your $10,000.


I agreed to pay you
10% of my restitution

if you helped me get it.

You didn't get the contract
that Mandelbaum sent over?

What contract?

I thought that...
well, it was full of words.

Well, your share of it
is $10,000.

'Scuse us one second.

Jules, uh,

did you...did you really mean it
when you said

you weren't gonna take me
working with Thane personally?


Good, because like you said,

Gus and I do have
a business to run.

And ten grand
is good for business.

Totally understand.

- I knew you would.
- Cool.

Cool, cool.

Okay, uh...

I can't talk to you.

And we should probably
cancel dinner

because that'll just be



Okay, great, well,
thank you for calling me back.

I appreciate it.

Who were you talking to?

Don't worry about it, Gus.

Just as we suspected,

both the Stop-N-Gulp
and the jewelry store

hired the same contractor
for recent renovations,

Derrick Poole.

Which means
he would've had access

to the alarm wires
when the walls were open.

And if we can pin
this restaurant robbery

on this Poole guy,

that means I can get
my restitution money.

We're aware of this, Thane.

Shawn, are you sure
there's not gonna be a problem

between you and Juliet?

I don't know.
She seemed a little...

- A little what?
- Ehhh.

Oh, she's okay, man.

I'll prove it to you right now.

Hey, Jules.

Hi, Shawn.

Hey, I'm just calling
to make sure

you're cool, you know,

with the fact that we chose
to stay with Thane.

Oh, of course I am.

You are?


I told you.


Look at us.

Who said we couldn't separate
the personal stuff

from the work stuff?

We built a wall of separation.

It's made out of adult
relationship awesomeness.

I'm gonna make you
a Bundt cake.

Love you.


Told you, man.
I know me and Jules.

I know me and Jules.


Then why is she pulling
our key suspect

into the car right now?




Uh, what's this?

Oh, well, we linked
one of Poole's company cars

to the jewelry store
crime scene

using video surveillance

from the store
across the street.

We're bringing him in
for questioning.


Uh, you think we could talk
to him for a few minutes first?

It'd be very helpful
for the Thane case.

Oh, no.

You said you didn't want
any help from the police,

so you're not getting any.


What happened to, uh,

us not taking
our work personally?

Oh, I'm sorry, Shawn.

I can't talk to you.

I can't believe this.

We just got blocked.

Oh, no, y'all just got

But who needs the police
when you got a psychic, right?

You know that's right.

Officer McNab,
please escort Mr. Spencer

away from here.

He's to have nothing to do
with this case,

per orders
from detective O'Hara.

You're really enjoying this,
aren't you?

I do like it
when you get your comeuppance.

I like it when you shutupance.

Get him outta here.

Come on, Buzz.

You know I only want
to ask this dude

a couple questions.

I'm sorry, Shawn,

but I have my orders.

All right,
but if I can't talk to him,

I'm gonna talk to his workers.

Uh, that may be kind of hard.

He only uses day laborers.

How do you know that?

I responded to union complaints

about Poole using them
on union jobs.

Any chance of you keeping
that very valuable information

away from Lassiter and Juliet?

Of course not.

Well, then, there's only
one thing for me to do.

Going undercover
as day laborers?

Worst idea ever.

Do you know how many
terrible ideas

you're not accounting for
by saying that?

This is where Poole hires
his guys, man.

Just try to fit in.

Don't worry.
I have a hammer.

You just loogied on my shoe.

I'm creating a character.

Hammerin' Gus.

- He's disgusting.
- He's misunderstood.

What does that mean?

He's been through a lot, Shawn.

Hey, man.

You, uh, you happen to do
any work for Derrick Poole?

No, it's really hard
to get a job with him.

No, no, no.

No, come on, I'm in...

Fine, fine, take it.

If you're looking
to get in with senor Poole,

you're out of luck.

He's what we call muy delicado.

He's a deli for cows?

It means he's picky, Shawn.

You have to know drywall,

electrical, plumbing.

Clearly, I'm qualified.

I will punch you in the face.

Look, man, we tried to get
on the, uh, Stop-n-Gulp

and jewelry store jobs
he had last month.

It was completely full.

I worked a day
on that Stop-n-Gulp job.


Store looks good now, huh?

- Ehhh.
- Wow, man.

You know anybody
who worked both jobs?

There was only one guy.


Uh, do you know
where we can find Carl?

Who wants to know?

Just our good friend
Mr. Benjamin.


Haven't seen him since.

But, uh, he did get dropped off
a couple blocks before me,

on Arroyo.


Hola,I need three amigos.

Mucho forte.
You, go.


Shawn, what are you doing here?

What am I do...

I knew you were lying
when you said

you built that deck
all by yourself.

I don't know
what you're talking about.


I guess we're going to Arroyo.

# Boom, boom

Thanks for letting me
tag along, fellas.

You were hiding
in the backseat.

Well, thanks for leaving
your extra set of car keys

in plain sight in the back
of your desk drawer.

Look, Thane, we...
just play it cool, all right?

We think this Carl guy
may be responsible

for the last two robberies,

plus the one
that you were blamed for.

Can I help you?

Uh, maybe.

Uh, we're looking for, uh,
a dude named Carl,

supposed to live on this block.

Carl's my son.

- Oh.
- Oh.

Well, uh, in that case,
Mr., uh...


Fred Dozier.

I got it.
I know what to do.

Mr. Dozier,

we're looking for your son
because we want to, uh,

talk to him about, um,

uh, uh...

About an opportunity, sir.

A great opportunity to...
to, uh...

Uh, an opportunity to, uh,

Mr. Dozier,
we need your help

proving your son
is a no-good criminal.

- Smooth, real smooth.
- Thank you.

Come on in.

That's what I'm talkin' about.

Carl is my only child.

That knucklehead has never
lived up to his potential.

Now, what'd he do this time?

Well, uh,
we were kind of hoping

you could help us
figure that out.

When's the last time
you saw him?

I don't know.

I told him
I couldn't carry him anymore,

so I kicked him out
about a month ago.

That's right before
the Stop-n-Gulp robbery.


Mr. Dozier,

do you have any recent pictures
of your son?

I have this one.

Oh, that's nice.

Uh, mind if we, uh,
held onto that for a...

I'd like to keep it,
if you don't mind.

I understand.

That don't look
nothing like me.

Well, I mean, it's not like
looking in a mirror, no.

No, no, no.

I got waves in my head.
His hair nappy.

All right?

I got one chin.
He got three.

Look, I got a big head,

but look how big his head is.

He kinda looks like the guy
from The Blind Side.

If there's anything
you guys can do

to help him out,

I'd...I'd appreciate it.

He's a good kid at heart.

And I'd do anything
to keep him out of jail.

I've had a vision.

I know who's responsible
for the restaurant robbery

that Thane Woodson
was framed for.

It is this man.

- And his name's...
- Carl Dozier.

How did you know that?

O'Hara figured it out.

She's been burning
the midnight oil.

I was already looking into some

of Derrick Poole's workers,

and I had narrowed it down
to Carl and a few others.

There was also a tiny droplet
of blood found

on a piece of clothing stuck
in the barbed-wire fence

surrounding the jewelry store.

Oh, wait, I'm not supposed to be
talking to you.

Once you run
a full DNA analysis

of the blood,

we'll have scientific proof
who the burglar is.

I have a great idea.

- Hmm?
- Jules...

Let's work together
on this thing.

For Thane.

It'll be just like
the old days.

The sweet days.

What about the wall
separating work and personal?

Oh, it's still there.
Rock solid.

We're just gonna put in
a little baby window.

Hmm. Nice try.



Oh, don't forget to TiVo
The Voice.

Yeah, I got it.

Dude, seriously,
where have you been?

Man, you know I had to finish
my route.

You still have that job?

Look, Jules is very close
to solving this case.

If she does that,

that means we won't get
our money.

We need to get
that restaurant owner

to come in and look
at the new lineup.

Hey, Mercer!


Come on, man.

Mercer, we have
a few more questions

about Thane's case.

This is the security camera
footage from the DVR.

No way.

No, Thane.

Well, maybe this is his way
of saying thank you

for trying to clear
his good name.

Let's bring him in.


Man, I can't believe
I'm back in jail.

The days are already beginning
to blur together.

You've been in here
for three hours.


Excellent timing, fellas.

I just finished processing
your client,

who I always thought was guilty,
by the way,

on m*rder charges.

Hey, but look, man,
you got that all wrong.

I went down there
to ask Mercer for my job back

because he said I was
the best cook he ever had.

And then I found the dead body,

and a brother just panicked.

I mean, it was like deja vu.

Man, Thane, if you had seen
the video that we saw,

you'd have been like,
"Damn, that dude is guilty."

You know that's right.


Man, you guys supposed
to believe me.

And you're supposed to not get
arrested for k*lling someone.

Talking about what people
are supposed to do,

what they're not supposed
to do.

He has a very good point.

You're k*lling me, Thane.

- Hey...
- You're free to go.


Man, we never doubted you.

My man.

- My man.
- No.

Thanks, Jerry.

It's nice to know that somebody
still believes in me.

Uh, note, we gonna sue
the state

for these last three hours
as well.

That means our cut's
three bucks.


Not gonna...
not gonna sue the state.

Actually, the person
you should be thanking

is detective O'Hara.

She's the one
that found evidence

absolving you of this m*rder

and had the charges dropped.

O'Hara, what's going on?

I canvassed the area
for witnesses a second time,

and I found someone
who will testify

that they saw somebody else
leaving the restaurant

an hour before Thane got there,
which is right in line

with the coroner's estimated
time of death.

How many get out of jail free
cards does a guy get?

Two, duh.

One in chance,
one in community chest.

Carl undoubtedly knew
that we were on to him

and that we were talking
to Mercer Lawrence,

so he k*lled Mercer
to cover his tracks.

And detective O'Hara
also found DNA evidence

which we hope will lead us
to identifying

the culprit in all these crimes

and get you your restitution
from the state.

Police lady,

you done right by me.

Well, I was horrified
at the thought

of making
the same mistake twice.

Oh, I should've let you
help a brother out

when you offered.

I misjudged you.

Come on, right here.

Oh, yeah, okay.
Oh, we're hugging.

- There you go.
- That's beautiful.

- Awww.
- It's love.

All right.

- It's his thing.
- Yeah.

Y'all fired.

- What?
- Oh, hell, naw!

No, Thane, come on!

You're not still upset
about the whole

we-think-you're-guilty thing,
are you?


Guys, that must really hurt.

Well, at least something good
came out of this.

I don't know what happened.

First I made Jules mad.

Then I made Thane lose faith,

which cost us our fee,

which made Gus cry,

which is not that
out of the ordinary.

Yeah, once again,
you find yourself

stuck in the middle, Shawn,

because you don't want
to take a side.

But once you do, remember this:

Love lasts.
Money doesn't.

Oh, come on, man.

Go suck up to Juliet.

You may never find a gal
this good again.

I know.

But it was ten Gs.

- Huh?
- $10,000.

Are you kidding?

Taxfree, I think.

Okay, scratch what I just said.

Go buy Juliet a brooch.

- Brooch?
- Tennis bracelet.

Uh, a corsage, what...

Get off the couch.
Go make up with Thane.

You just said love lasts.

Well, it lasts a lot longer
when you got money in the bank.

Trust me.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
let me handle this, okay?

I'm gonna sweet-talk him
into hiring us back,

and I'm gonna do it
Southern style.

Please tell the lab
we really need the DNA results

on that droplet of blood
from the crime scene.

All right.

I'll hold.

Hey, Thane.

Oh, come on, now, Thane.

Don't y'all be like that.

Y'all know me and Gus
is still on your side.

We never left you.

Y'all are an idiot.


That what I sound like to you?

Uncle Remus?

Well, y'alls can keep
y'all's apology.

Great, now you've offended
the man.

There's a backup at the lab.

We won't be able to get
the DNA results for a bit.


That means we still have
some time.

No worries, we'll just keep
moving things on our end.

My gut tells me that Carl's
gonna have to get rid

of these diamonds in a hurry.

Based on the store's inventory,

I'd say they're gonna move
pretty quick.

They're all mid-quality,
"I" color, S.I. clarity.

I don't know what any
of this diamond talk means,

but it's a little scary
that she does.

S.I. means the diamond has
slight inclusions,

or flaws, on the inside.

Ooh, I'm...
I'm getting something.

These diamonds
are full of love.

They didn't have any beef
with anybody.

They're conflict-free.

Whatever that means.

That means they don't come
from any w*r-torn regions.

And every conflict-free diamond
has a unique,

laser-etched I.D. on it.

Which means that if we can
find the diamonds,

we can then trace them
back to Carl.

That's a good lead.

Handle it.

All right, I'll notify
all local pawn shops

and diamond brokers
about which unique I.D.s

to be on the lookout for.

Hopefully, we'll get a hit.

Then we can track records
from the pawn shop

to get an address
for the person who fenced it.

Good work, Shawn.

Thank you, Jules.

I think it's pretty clear
that we work better together.

What do you say
we make a truce?

What about your money?

We've got to get
our priorities straight.

This was never about the money.


Well, I must admit, Shawn,

you showed up and showed out
on that one.

That is because
we are still committed

to your case, Thane,

and we are committed
to you, man.

Hopefully, this makes up
for us doubting you earlier.

And if it does,
maybe, you know,

you'll hire us back
or something.

Y'all ain't said nothing
but a word.

- All right.
- All right.

Come over here.
All right.

We back in the saddle again.

Does that mean
he hired us back?

I don't know.

Jasmine Richards?


I'm detective O'Hara.

We'd like to ask you
a few questions

about the diamonds that you
pawned at E Z Pawn and Title.

May we please come in?

Thank you.

Before we begin,
Ms. Richards,

is anyone else
in the apartment with you?

I live alone.

As far as the diamonds go,

they were a gift
from my lousy ex.

Carl Dozier?

He brought them by
trying to win me back,

but I said, "Hell, no,"
and I threw him out.

But you kept the diamonds.

They're not the ones who slept
with my sister.

And you say
that you kicked him out?

I haven't seen him since.

Okay, well, listen,
thank you for your time.

If Carl comes back,
could you give us a call?

I'm gonna write
my number d...

I misplaced my pen.

Do you have one
that I could borrow?

- I think so.
- Super-duper.

I'm just gonna write my direct
line on the back of this.

You can call me anytime, 24/7,
in case Carl shows up.

Stop right there!

Carl Dozier,
you're under arrest.

Hey, Jules.
What's up?

Hey, Shawn.

Great news.
We got Carl.

Yeah, he's been a slippery one,
but we finally got him.

I'll fill you in
as soon as we get...



- Hey.
- Wait a minute.

- Hey!
- Where are you going?

No, Carl!


I can't believe
I let Carl get away.


- Hey, hey, hey.
- Hey.

I came as soon as I heard.
Are you okay?

- I'm okay.
- Oh.

- I'm okay.
- Fingers?

I'm okay, too, Spencer.

Thanks for asking.

Hey, did you guys hear that?

It's almost as if
Lassie's ghost

thinks he's sitting here
among us,

doesn't realize that he perished
in that car crash.


His spirit won't be at rest
until we help him

tie up a loose end.

That's not funny, guys.

- Shawn, I'm...
- Yeah?

- I'm okay.
- Okay.

Well, here's some good news.

The DNA found at the jewelry
store is a match

to blood droplets found
in the back of O'Hara's car.

Which means
that it has to be Carl's.

Henry's checking to see
if there's a match on C.O.D.I.S.

Superman's home planet?

Man, you know that's Krypton.

It's the national DNA database.

Guys, guys, we got a match.

But get this.

It's tied to a crime
committed in 1981.

Carl was eight years old.

That means Carl is just like
Benjamin Button.

What? That makes no sense
at all, Shawn.

It most likely belongs
to an immediate family member.

There's a 99% certainty
that it's a familial match.

Carl's my only child.

That knucklehead has never
lived up to his potential.


I'm...I'm sensing that
even though Carl's the one

committing the crimes,

it's his father, Fred Dozier,

that's been keeping us
from finding him.

Why would he do that?
They didn't seem close at all.

No, they're not,

but he's been covering for Carl
this whole time

in order to keep him out
of the national DNA database.

Because Fred knew that if Carl
was ever convicted,

Carl would have to submit
a mandatory DNA sample.

And that sample would be
a familial match

to DNA evidence
that Fred must've left

at a m*rder scene 30 years ago.

Ooh, I should probably
see a doctor.

Mr. Dozier,
we need your help

to prove that your son
is a no-good criminal.

Come on in.

Fred was cooperative with us

so as not to raise
our suspicions.

But he must've found out

Mercer Lawrence was assisting
the police

with a new investigation.

So he silenced that chef
for good.


Here's the case file from 1981.

Says that the victim was a woman
in her early 20s.

She was found at the docks.

There was no other
physical evidence.

I'm sensing Fred Dozier
worked for Seacoast Bottling

back in the day.

Which is at the docks.

Well, let's start there.

Start at the docks.

- Shh!
- Shh!

I got something.

I'm gonna turn this on.


Put the g*n down, Fred!

No one needs to get hurt.

Leave us alone.

He didn't do it!

Yeah, but you did, Fred.

We know everything.

Cops searched your bank records,

found the $5,000 payment
you made to Mercer Lawrence

three years ago.

I don't know
what you're talking about!

Man, you sure do.

You couldn't afford for Carl
to get convicted

in that restaurant robbery,

so you paid off the eyewitness

to finger Thane as the culprit,

and then you planted the g*n
in Thane's car.

Shut up.

All to cover up a m*rder
that you committed

in your own knucklehead youth.

Like father, like son.

Wait, this is all
to cover up a m*rder

that you committed?

Just shut your mouth.

All this time,
I'm thinking you're doing this

to make sure
they wouldn't take me from you.

Why you didn't tell me, dad?

I'm not going to jail
because of you.

I'm not no m*rder*r, man.

Turning myself in.

Don't sh**t him, Lassie.

- He's unarmed.
- He's just a kid.

He's unarmed, Lassie.

Come with me, Carl.
You did the right thing.

Turn around!
Hands behind your head!


Well, because of us,
Thane got his restitution.

And we get our $10,000.

Yeah, I'm glad
he finally got justice

after being
wrongfully convicted.

That's one of the many
great things

about you, Jules.

Throughout this whole process,

you never got caught up
in petty competitiveness.

Oh, I so wanted
to beat you guys.



What y'all think, huh?

- Nice ride.
- Looks good on you.

Thank you.

Yeah, just a little gift
I got myself.

I'm gonna take the rest
of the settlement money,

and I'm gonna reopen
Mercer's restaurant.

- Oh, good for you, man.
- Oh.

You finally realized your
dream of having your own place.

Well, you know,
too bad I had to spend

two years and eight months
in prison first.

It would've taken you longer
to get the restaurant

if you hadn't gone to jail.

- Yeah.
- I'm just saying.

Well, you know,

I just came to say goodbye
to you guys.

Detective O'Hara,

you give cops a good name.

I find no fault in you.

Oh, thanks, Thane.

I'm glad you finally
got justice.

Thank you.
Okay, come on.

- Give it up, Shawn.
- There it is.

All right.

Gus, come on.
Come on, give it to me.

All right.
Oh, come on, detective.

There you go.
There you go.

- Oh, uh-huh.
- Uh-huh.

- Yeah, okay, yeah.
- Mm-hmm.

You smell like vanilla.

- Okay, wow.
- Yeah, it's time...

Okay, thanks.

- All right.
- Yeah.


Oh, hey, Shawn, Gus.

Lord willing
and the creek don't rise,

hope to see you
in my restaurant soon.

Oh, you can count on that.

Even if the...

It's on the other side of town.

- The creek does rise.
- Yeah.

It's nowhere near your place,
so we're good.

Did he just run a stop sign?

Yes, he did, but he also spent

almost three years in jail
for a crime he didn't commit.

I think we can give him
a freebie.

Yeah, you're right.

Okay, that was a red light.

Come on, Jules.

Did he give you the check?

I thought he gave you
the check.


Oh, we gotta go
after this dude.