02x03 - Ebenezer Sprague

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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02x03 - Ebenezer Sprague

Post by bunniefuu »

Lars: Ja, I told him,
I said, "Mr. Sprague,

I'm going to build your bank
just like it was my own house."

And he said to me,

he said... ha ha ha'.

"It's got to be
better than that'."

Ha ha'.

Ebenezer sprague... even
sounds like a banker.

Ah, well, he's
not going to be

an easy man to get along
with, you know?

But we're not interested
in his social graces.

Well, not as long as he can
help us get to the next harvest.

Yeah, I told him that.
I said, "Mr. Sprague,

"the farmers around here had a
very, very bad year.

They're gonna need money for
seed and for new equipment."

And not to mention
fixing up old equipment.

Yeah, I told
him that, too.

I said,
"Mr. Sprague,

you are going to be a welcome
blessing in walnut grove."

What did he say?
He said,

"I am not a blessing.
I'm a banker."

Heh heh heh heh'.

Then he said
something else, too.

He said that the building had
to be finished in 21 days.

That's when
he gets here.

If we are not ready,

then I have to pay a penalty
for every day we are late.

We'll have it ready.

You bet you.

He better
be ready, too.

When this bank
is finished,

it's gonna be the busiest
spot in walnut grove.

Laura, have you
finished your homework?

Laura: Almost, ma.

What are you doing?

Well, making dough balls
out of the leftover bread

for fishing bait.

That's very frugal
of you, Laura,

but I think you'll
be needing the homework

before you
need the bait.

I'm already
on problem 3.

You better hurry so we can
turn the page at the same time.

Well, I think
I can do it.

Do what, Charles?

Farm 40 more acres.

Where are you gonna
get 40 more acres?

I'm gonna
buy them.

You're sitting there
this very minute

trying to figure out how we're gonna
hold on to the land we have now.

How in the world are you
gonna buy 40 more acres?

I thought I'd take a
loan from the bank.

I thought you said you never wanted
to be owing to anybody again, ever.

I know what I said,

but mankato's
growing all the time.

That population has doubled.
I don't think it's gonna stop.

And those people
are going to need food.

I can sell everything
I can harvest.

Well, you'll save some for us to
eat, won't you, pa?

Hey, don't worry.
My family gets pick of the crop.

And I think every farmer
around here is gonna expand.

I don't want
to be left out.

Mr. Sprague comes into town,
he and I are gonna talk a little business.

Laura: Pa sure left the
house early this morning.

Mary: He and Mr. Hanson have
to finish the bank today.

I hope the bank
gives pa a loan.

How do banks
make money

if they just give
it to other folks?


Sure, I'm interested.
That's why I asked.

No, silly.
I said interest.

You have to pay back
more than you borrow.



Mary, do you
have any money?

No. Why?

I was thinking I might
loan you a penny.

Don't unload yet.

But I have
to get on back.

Just wait here.

Mr. Sprague'.

sanded it to a shine.

Took the whole morning.
Ha ha ha'.

Oh, that is solid
as a rock.

It'll stand as long
as the bank. Ha ha ha'.

The beams are
12 inches apart. Ha'.

A real barrelful
of laughs, isn't he?


I'll, uh, have to take off
one day for noncompletion.

Mr. Sprague,
you said 21 days.

The 22nd day of the month,
and today is the 22nd.

The contract clearly
states the building

will be completed
at 12 noon on the 22nd.

It is now exactly...

12:48. You are
48 minutes late.

The contract also states that the
wagon outside will be unloaded by you.

Your payment is due
at 12 noon tomorrow.

The money will be
ready and waiting.

Over there.

Over here.

That's the lot
of it.


Mr. Ingalls?

Well, it's just that I
know you had a long trip,

and this being your
first night in town,

I thought you might be tired
and like a home-cooked meal.

I'd like to invite you
to my place for supper.


Pardon me?

Why would you want
to invite me for supper?

Well, it's like I said. You had a
long trip, I figured you were tired...

Mr. Ingalls,

I've been taking care of myself
for a great many years just fine.

Tonight will be
no different. Good day.

Have a nice evening.

Ah, the smell of ink and
money has soured the man,

but a bank
is a bank,

and that's
what we need.

We need it.

Yeah, so we take the
bad along with the good.

Caroline: Miss beadle
says that every child,

no matter how poor,
should have a textbook.

I think
she's perfectly right.

You take Mary
and Laura, for example.

Mary's always having
to hold herself back.

And Laura,
she rushes so much,

she doesn't get the most
out of the lessons.

And they're
the lucky ones.

I'd like to help
miss beadle.

I'm trying to think
what to do about it.


Are you still stewing
over that Mr. Sprague?

Yeah, I guess I am.

Imagine that man thinking
I invited him to dinner

just so I could
get something from him.

Well, you know you
didn't invite him over

just to get
on his good side,

no matter
what he thinks.

That's true.

You invited him
over for dinner

because that's what people
do for new neighbors.

Some new neighbor.

Bet he doesn't
have many friends.

He probably doesn't
even have one.

Course, maybe we're
being too hard with him.

Maybe it's just 'cause
he's new in town.

Oh, I hope so.

I wouldn't like him to
act that way all the time.

Me neither. I have to go in the bank
tomorrow and ask him for the loan.

I know.

Oh, well.
Get some sleep.

Caroline, you know what's
really bothering me?


You're afraid you did invite him
over just to get on his good side.


You're right.

What do you think?

I think
you're only human.

See you
in the morning.


I don't know how
long I'm gonna be.

If you get through here,
why don't you meet me over at the bank?

All right.

Course, if you'd rather while
away the time with Mrs. Oleson...

I don't have that much
to say to Mrs. Oleson.

I'll meet you
at the bank.

All right.

Oh, it must
be so difficult

for a man like Mr. Sprague,
a man of his quality,

to have to live side by
side with country folks.

Lord knows how hard
it is on me.

No matter how long
I live here,

I don't think I'll
ever get used to it.

Course, when quality
is inborn... Ha ha'.

That was 3 dozen,
wasn't it, Mrs. Oleson?

Hmm? Oh, yes. Yes. 3 dozen exactly.
Is that credit or cash?

Cash, please.
All right.

I think I should invite
Mr. Sprague for dinner.

I think he would appreciate
a nice home-cooked meal...

And particularly
with his own kind.

If you would just pay me, Mrs.
Oleson, please,

my husband's waiting for me at the bank.
Thank you.

Oh'.? Oh, well, uh,
I'll walk over there with you.

Ah, ha'. If you can just
wait one minute for me now.

I was planning on going
over a little later,

so I brought some of my things
down, because after all,

you know I really can't go
over looking like a shopkeeper.

I mean, even though I am one,
it really doesn't... I mean,

it isn't... you know,
for a man who is so important

as Mr. Sprague is.

Now, I've got
everything... Yes, yes.

We mustn't keep
Mr. Sprague waiting.

This is, uh,

really not very much
land, Mr. Ingalls,

not enough
for collateral.

Well, it's not just
the land, Mr. Sprague,

it's what I've done with it.
I've got a crop coming up.

I heard last year's
wasn't very good.

Well, we had a bad
winter last year,

but next year
it's gonna be different.

I cannot use next year for
collateral, Mr. Ingalls.

Well, Mr. Sprague,
I'm a hardworking man.

I've got a good name in this town.
You can ask anybody.

Nor can I put your good
name in my safe, sir.

Well, I'm not asking for
charity, I'm asking for a loan.

Mrs. Oleson: Hello'.

Welcome to walnut grove,
Mr. Sprague.

I'm Mrs. Oleson of oleson's
mercantile company,

just across the way.

How do you do, Mrs.
Oleson? I'm right...

I wanted to meet you
before you got the notion

that there was absolutely
nobody like you in the town.

Like me?

Mm-hmm. Uh, educated people of
quality, and, uh...


I, uh, come from
a city also, Mr. Sprague,

as I'm sure that you do.

Mrs. Oleson, I quit school
when I was in third grade.

My father was a farmer.
I never saw a city till I was 17,

and then
I didn't like it.

Now, if you have some
business to transact,

I'll be with you
in just a moment

as soon as I'm through
with Mr. Ingalls.

Oh, no.

No, I just
wanted to inv...

Welcome a new neighbor.

I, uh...


I see
that you're busy.

Well, good day.

I'll, uh...

What about the loan,
Mr. Sprague?

Yes, well, uh, I'll have to
have some time to think it over.

Why don't you check back
with me in a few days?

Thank you.

Caroline: He's the rudest man I
have ever met in my entire life.

Charles: I warned
you about him.

Yes. But I didn't
believe he could be so...

Ha'. I must say, though, I almost
liked it when he told Mrs. Oleson off.

Ha ha ha ha'.

Ha ha'. The way she
scurried out of that bank...

Oh, I'm afraid nobody's gonna
get anything out of that man,

not Mrs. Oleson
and not us.

he didn't say no.

No, but I think
he will.

Maybe there's
another way.


If not, we've
managed so far.

We'll keep
right on doing it.

Of course we will.

Ha ha ha'.

It was worth it
to look at Mrs. Oleson.

Mr. Sprague...

We're closed.

Oh, now come on.

Which night is Mr. Sprague
coming to dinner?


I wouldn't invite
that ignorant farmer

to dine at my table.

I thought...
Well, don't.

Finish the sweeping.

What did I do now?

I thought he was
coming to dinner.

How was I
supposed to know?


Well, that's what happens
when you sweep.

what are you doing?

I'm all
finished, ma.

Did you finish your chores?
Yes, ma'am.

What about
your homework?

I did that right after
I came home from school.

You want to go
fishing, Mary?

No. I'm gonna do those extra
problems miss beadle gave us.


Caroline: Did you do
those problems, Laura?

Laura: No,
we don't have to.

Miss beadle
said it was op...


Laura: Optional.

It means only
if we want to,

and I don't want to.
I want to go fishing.

Do you know why miss
beadle gives optional work?

Yeah, so
we can learn

more things
and be smarter.

Don't you want
to be smarter?

Pa says fish
are brain food,

and I'm getting
a whole bunch of fish

so I can be smarter
than anybody. Bye, ma.

Laura: Jack, stop it'.
Come back here'.

Get away from me,
dog. Get away'.

Get away from there'.

Stop it, Jack'.

Whoa'. Get away
from here, dog.

Get away'.


Mr. Sprague:
Whoa, horse'. Whoa'.

Oh, no'.

Whoa, now'. Whoa'.


Whoa, horse'.

Whoa, there'.


Come back here'.

Whoa, horse'.

Ho, now, ho'.

Whoa, now'. Whoa'.

Whoa back here'.

Whoa, horse'.

That's enough, Jack.

Is that your dog,
young lady?

Yes, and I'm sorry.

Well, it's a little
late to be sorry.

I'm just gonna have to report this
to the sheriff at walnut grove.

Well, you can't.

And why not?

Because there isn't any
sheriff in walnut grove.


Laura: I really am sorry.

You going fishing?

No. I just carry this fishing rod
around to beat off wild animals.

Now, if you'll hold that dog of
yours till I'm out of sight...

Yes, sir'.

Tch, tch, tch.


You better wait here. You're
in enough trouble already.

Any luck?

Young lady, this is
a very large pond.

I'm sure we'll both be more comfortable
if you find some other spot.


You want to try
my bait?

I do not
need your help.

Well, I'm going now.

I have some extra dough balls
if you want to try some.

Young lady, I have been fishing for
more years than you have been alive.

My lure is absolutely
correct for these waters,

and I have read many,
many books on the subject

that will prove
that it is correct.

Well, maybe
the problem is

that the fish just
haven't read the books.

Noisy children,
barking dogs,

it's no wonder
the fish aren't biting.

Good luck.

Come on, Jack.

The education
of children...

Is the concern
of their parents.

Now, if some parents prefer to squander
their money on things other than books,

well, the school cannot take
over their responsibilities.


I'm afraid I disagree
with Mrs. Oleson.

The education of our children
is the future of America.

It must be the concern
of all of us.

We can't punish a few children because
their parents can't afford to buy books.

Shall we do what we did last
year for the blackboards?

We can collect from
those who can afford it.

How much money will we
need, miss beadle?

Uh, well, I have that
already worked out.

Let's see, uh...

We need
"the mcguffey reader,"

and we need
the general study books.

It all comes to $27.50.

Oh'. So high'.

Oh, that's
a lot of money.

Shall we take the same areas that
we did last year, miss beadle?

As a matter of fact,
I still have the assignment sheet.

Uh, Mrs. Oleson,
you'll take the town.

Mrs. Ingalls, you'll take
the area east of plum creek,

and, Mrs. Foster,
you take the area west of plum creek.

It would be so nice if next year
we could get some english history

or... or art history.

You know, you're gonna
turn our little schoolhouse

into a university
before long.

Ha ha ha'.

Excuse me, uh,
miss beadle.


Uh, there's something that
I have to ask Mrs. Ingalls.

Oh, of course.
Well, until our next meeting?

miss beadle.

Uh, I realize that the
town is not your area,

Mrs. Ingalls,
but there is this one person...


Uh, well, it's just
that we've become

such close business
associates and all...

That I think it would be putting
unfair pressure on the man.

Don't you see...

Who is this man,
Mrs. Oleson?

Uh, Mr. Sprague,
of course.


You can't expect
the owner

of the town's leading
business establishment

to ask for charity
from the town banker,

can you?

Well, I would have thought
it would have put you

in a very good position
for a fine donation.

Well, no'. Uh, I... I...
I'm sure th... but...


I don't think it's proper.

Well, Mrs. Oleson,
if you're afraid to ask Mr. Sprague,

I'll be glad
to ask him for you.

Don't be ridiculous'.

I mean, it's just... just
as I explained it to you.

Well, it's all
settled then now.

It's just... oh,
I have a million things to do. I...


I'll be with you
in just a moment.

Mr. Sprague:
I can help you now.

I was just admiring
my husband's handiwork.

Oh, you're
Mrs. Hanson?

Oh, no,
I'm Mrs. Ingalls.

Charles Ingalls' wife.

The man who helped
Mr. Hanson.

Yes. Uh, he sent you here to
reason with me regarding his loan?

Oh, no. I'm not here
about my husband's loan.

Mrs. Ingalls,
I told your husband

I'd have to have some
time to think it over,

and when I do
make a decision,

it will be based on
sound business reasoning,

not on the wiles
of a woman.

Mr. Sprague,
I am not here about my husband's loan.

I am here on an entirely
different matter.


The walnut grove school

needs textbooks
for the children,

and we're asking the entire
community to contribute...


Mr. Sprague, the entire future of
America is dependent upon the children.

It is the duty
of every citizen...

My only duty

is to run an honest bank and
make a fair profit for myself.

But the children...

Children will
grow up without books.

I did, and did
very well, thank you,

and no one
contributed a thing.

Good day, Mrs. Ingalls.

Good day.


I see that you're
trying my spot today.

Quiet, Jack.

I really wish you'd try some
of my dough balls, mister.

Well, it's just that
the fish in our pond

aren't used to
all that fancy stuff.

Just try it,

You can't have any worse
luck than you're having now.

All right. All right.
As long as it'll stop you pestering me.

Ouch'. Ooh, you hurt yourself.

I did not
hurt myself.

Maybe I better
bait the hook.

I know
how to bait a hook.

You got one'.
Got one'.

He's a big one, too'.

Mr. Sprague: Now,
I thought I had that boat well anchored,

but that fish... that fish was so strong
that he pulled the anchor loose.

And the next thing I knew,

I was riding along on the current,
heading right for the rapids.


I knew that river,
and I knew that if I got in those rapids,

it was gonna carry me
around the bend,

and I knew what
was around the bend, too.


A 20-foot waterfall.

Oh, my goodness.

What did you do?

Well, uh, there was a tree
growing next to the river,

and I just reached up and got a
hold of a limb and kind of hung on.

But I didn't want to
lose that boat, you see.

That boat cost me
a lot of money.

So, I, uh, I hooked my feet under the
seat, curled up my toes,

and then
I really hung on.

You must have
strong toes.

I do, I really do.

Here's where I
get off.


Thanks for the ride.

Well, thank you
for the dough balls.

You're welcome.

I'm sorry that Jack chased
your horse that first day.

He just had to get used to
him, that's all.

Well, I'm sorry I was so
grouchy when it happened.

it's the same thing.

We just had to get to
know each other, right?


Will you be fishing
again tomorrow?

You bring the dough
balls tomorrow?

I will.
See you then.

See you then.


Bye-bye. Tch, tch. Giddyap, boy.

And it was a good thing

they were looking for
a place to camp that night,

and that they picked
that very spot,

or he would have never
come off of that tree.

Did he save
the boat?

He sure did.

He lost one of the oars,
but he saved the boat.

Now, I wish I did
go fishing with you.

Oh, he'll be back.
We're good friends now.

We're gonna go fishing
together a lot.

He's so nice.

Maybe you should introduce
your friend to Mr. Sprague.

Perhaps some of the
niceness would rub off.

When were you talking
to Mr. Sprague?

I went into his bank today to solicit
a donation for the schoolbook fund.

He turned me down flat.

But he must be the richest
man in walnut grove'.

I'm sure he is.

But he said nobody
bought books for him

and that he wasn't buying
books for anybody else.

And before I could even
tell him why I was there,

he accused me of coming
begging for your loan, Charles.

"Wiles of a woman,"
that's what he said.

What's wiles?

Something your
mother never uses.

Oh, please, don't say
anything to him.

All right. I won't
say anything,

but I don't want you
going in that bank again.

You can be sure
I won't.

Maybe I should
introduce him to my friend.

Maybe some of the niceness
will rub off.

Half-pint, I don't think
anything'd help Mr. Sprague.

Miss beadle sure
looked sad today...

She sure did.

And it's all that
Mr. Sprague's fault.

People don't want to give
to the book fund if he won't.

He has a whole bank
full of money.

You'd expect he could
give just a little.

Ma says meanness shows
on a person's face.

He must be the meanest-looking
man in walnut grove.

You ever see him?

Me, neither, and I
sure don't want to.


I guess we'll just have to
go on sharing our books.

No, we won't.

Why not?

'Cause I'm going
fishing with my friend.

Is that all you
ever think about?

Just fishing?

No. Sometimes I like
to think about running.

Come on.
I'll race you home.

And because of him,

we won't get our books for a
long, long time.

Maybe never.

Mr. Sprague:
Maybe the banker's right.

Maybe the family should buy
their children's own books.

Don't you think they
would if they could?

Well, I think if
someone wants something,

he ought to work
very hard to get it.

Well, poor folks work
harder than anybody.

They can't help it
if they're poor.

If you give things
to folks, though,

sometimes they get lazy and
don't want to work at all.

Not the folks
around here.

Well, this banker...
You can't run a bank

and not just give away money
to everybody that wants it.

I mean, he's just
being a good businessman.

Maybe so,
but he's not being a good friend,

and good friends are more
important than any old business.

You think so?

what my pa says.

He says we shouldn't hate the
banker, either.

We should
feel sorry for him.


Well, because he probably
hasn't got any friends.

"Happy is a house that
shelters a friend," pa says.

Well, actually,
Ralph Waldo Emerson said it.

You... you read Emerson?

Of course not.
It's too hard.

My pa reads it
to us.

He reads lots
of things to us.

But that's
my favorite.

Because if
I can't sleep,

then I could
think about it.

Ha ha ha'.

Hey'. I got one'.

Sure did.

Ooh, he's a big one'.


Pretty, too.
Ha ha ha'.

Yeah. Ha ha ha'.

Sure you don't want to eat
supper over at my house?

Oh, I think I better
be getting back.

But you said
you lived alone.

What's there
to get back for?

Well, maybe
some other time.

Didn't you ever
have a family?

Ha ha ha'. Well, of course I
did, when I was a little boy.

No, I mean
one of your own.

No, I... I never
seem to have the time.

Oh, it doesn't
take long.

I've been to a wedding in church,
and it just took a couple minutes.

No, I don't mean that.
I mean the courting and all that.

Well, maybe you shouldn't
spend all your time fishing.

Maybe you should
spend it courting.

Well, I think it's a
little late for that now.

Oh, no,
it's never too late.

There's a lot of really
old ladies in walnut grove.

I bet some of them are
even older than you are.

Ha ha'. I'm glad
to hear that.

Tch, tch.

Laura: Come on,
Mary, hurry up.

Mary: Why are you
rushing so, Laura?

I want to get
my chores done.

I didn't know you loved
to do your chores so much.

I hate chores, but I can't go
fishing unless I get them done.

Hi'. I'll be there after.

How come you're
nice to him?

He's my friend.

He's the meanest man
in walnut grove.

He is not'.

He is, too. He won't give a
penny to the schoolbook fund,

and he's got more
money than anybody.

You mean,
he's the banker?

Of course.
That's mean Mr. Sprague.

I... I been
waiting for you.

They're really
biting today.

Look at the size
of that one.

Why didn't you tell me
who you were, Mr. Sprague?

I... I... I didn't
think it mattered.

Well, it did.
I was talking to you,

and you didn't even
tell me it was you,

and that isn't fair.

Well, I didn't get
your name, either.

Laura Ingalls.

But I wasn't
keeping it a secret.

Ingalls. You knew
very well who I was.

I didn't.

Everyone knows
who I am.

Well, I didn't.
All I knew is that you were my friend.

You were mine because you
wanted something from me.

You pa thought you could sweet-talk
me into giving him a loan.

That's not true.

Yes, it is. No one talks to me
unless they want something from me.

All right.
All right.

I did want
something from you.

I wanted a best friend who'd want
to go fishing as much as I did.

But I don't anymore.

I'd rather go fishing alone
for the rest of my life.

Still can't sleep?

No, sir.

All I really wanted
was just to be his friend.

I know that,

Then why wouldn't
he believe me?

that's hard to say.

Some folks just like to think
the worst about other folks.

Maybe he's just
afraid of being hurt.

I don't know
what you mean.

Well, if you
never love someone,

you never
have to worry about

that person hurting you.

Friends and loved ones

are always the ones to
give you joy and sorrow.

And Mr. Sprague is
really afraid of sorrow.

That's right.

But he won't ever
have any joy, either.

I know.

That's why you can't go through
this life being afraid to love.

'Cause without love,
there just...

Well, there just isn't
any reason for living.


Why don't you try
closing your eyes

and thinking about all
the people that love you?

All right.

How is she?

Well, she's asleep.

Little tears still
drying on her cheeks.

How could that man
accuse a child like that?

I'm gonna
find out tomorrow.

I'm gonna go in town and have
a nice talk with Mr. Sprague.

Charles: Yah'.


There we are.

Thank you,
Mr. Sprague.

I'll be here
with more next week.

Fine, fine.

Well, morning,
Mr. Ingalls.

Mr. Taylor.

Mr. Ingalls, I've made a
decision regarding the loan.

I didn't come here
to talk about the loan.

I came here to tell you that
my little girl is not a liar.

Well, I have nothing
to say about that.

Yeah, well, I have
something to say about it.

Now, you broke
that little girl's heart.

She went down to that pond every
day to see her best friend.

That's what she called
you... her best friend.

Yes, because she wanted
me to lend you money.

She didn't have the
slightest idea who you were.

And as for the loan, I wouldn't take
it if it meant I'd lose everything.

My little girl gave something
to you... friendship...

And you took it and threw
it right back in her face.

I don't need
any friends.

Well, that's good for you, Mr. Sprague,
'cause you don't have any.

You know,
I feel sorry for you.

You can't take anything,
and you can't give anything except money.

And as far as
I'm concerned,

that means you don't
have anything at all.

All right,
your assignment

will be to read pages
34, 35, and 36.

Boy: I don't have
a book, miss beadle.

Well, Johnny,
you'll have to go to the Kennedys'.

Yes, ma'am.

There won't be any
arithmetic homework tonight,

unless of course you didn't
finish your classroom assignment,

then you'll have to
do that at home.

I finished all my arithmetic
problems in class, miss beadle.

Miss beadle: That's very
good, Nellie.

Maybe you can loan your book
to someone until tomorrow.

Mommy says I mustn't.

All right,
tomorrow we'll start on fractions.

Man: Around the bend.

Boy: Who are they?

Children: What is that?

Children, please,
we're still in school.

Well, what is it?

Don't know
what's in it, ma'am.

All we got was orders to
deliver it here in a hurry.

Well, I'm sorry.
I didn't order anything.

Laura: Well, open
it, miss beadle.

Uh... Have to sign for it first.

Nellie: Who sent
it, miss beadle?

Nellie, I don't know.
It doesn't say.

It just says,
"one crate."

Thank you.

Excuse me, could you help us
loosen the lid?

I just can't

Thank you.


Everyone: Oh'. Books'.

It's millions
of them'.

"Mcguffey's reader."

"Famous poets."

"The complete works
of Ralph Waldo Emerson."

Boy: Who sent them,
miss beadle?

Miss beadle:
I don't know.

Good afternoon,
young lady.

Catch anything?

Thanks to you.

Thanks to you.

Heh heh heh'.

Well, you... you going
fishing or aren't you?

Looks like you caught
enough fish for both of us.

There's maybe even enough
there for 6 people.

I'd say that's
about right.

You know, my ma cooks the
best fish in the whole world,

if you mind sharing them with
the whole Ingalls family.

I think that'd be
a pretty good idea.

'Sides that,
I got something

I want to talk
to your pa about.

Laura: We kept Mr. Sprague's
secret about the books,

and pa got his loan
and bought the 40 acres.

Mr. Sprague said I sure
didn't lie about ma's cooking.

It was the best
in the whole world.
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