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11x04 - Dangerous Games

Posted: 02/07/22 18:30
by bunniefuu


check it out

fresh fish

where's the stakes forget that man i'm
still coughing up the street from the

last time we cooked up

oh very funny are you seriously consider
making a trip to the store is your plan

on needing soutien never swim alone
always get out of the water when you're

tired and only swim with our lifeguards
ok you can find the most qualified

lifeguards in the world right here at
the Baywatch Hawaii training center

yeah okay well

oh let's go over some of the personal
flotation devices that are approved for

recreational swimming hot

Lee thank you pass these out take a look

that's back there we aren't you up
you're helping me bring in sponsors is

your department work

remember and remind me again how much
we're getting for this

five grand from the good sisters maybe
more if you should comes up

ok oh-ho-ho whoa whoa

it's a BBQ not a bon fire take it easy
get out of my face are equipped to

handle all kinds of emergencies please









all right all right get off of the stick
to the skin

your dad is this match

look at the Queen's Hospital we got a
Burn picture second and third-degree

burns on the hands and chest Airways

I'll keep it stabilized you're gonna be
hard but you get to the hospital get you

take care okay I'm stinger with you

how about you you ok I'm going to pin a
medal on me are you

fresh out of metals have a couple
stitches instead she's right paramedics

will fix you up and get here

what's your name the dire I'm are
sanparks nice move on the bikes in

next time try it with a helmet yeah why
do I feel like I'm still on fire


riding through the break

timing is everything catch the right way
then stay with it all the way in the

last thing you want to do is get caught
in the impact zone and cause further

injury to your victim

all right bring it in

watch the break

I get it






I'm sure her death this is grateful kids
coming to white

he can you know the water but here it's
a whole different ball game

you've got to learn how to read the
signs that they learn why wouldn't a set

a great example

it really hit on a girl thanks

hey listen I ask where VIP pass to the
way tonight

go ahead yeah family done

sorry family dinner mister

it's an application and a choice not his

why my baby

uptown baby all around

yeah we fix your head we should have
fixed that letting your foot

sorry about that man I got a plane to
catch you did that for me

no it's for him he's wanted all the hard

thanks Rob oh you shouldn't have why did
you write that

I love it when many of each other

yeah but that sealed it for me he wants
me bad

just don't expect to thank you third hey
listen I gotta fly to an i thought maybe

you'd like to come along

I know this place on the leeward side
makes the best plate lunch

the islands sorry I'm on duty to pour
how about there

come on I want to see you later all
right I don't get what the meal is I

mean maybe the bookstore me in a coffee
shop in a church out here

I want to see you I want to see you so


you're not going out with him

got a better proposition



the guy's nose the mom and her cakey
city behind you think she's enjoying the

lyrics or what


she wants us to turn the job over here
way there's no drinking on the beach

hey guys this is my cousin sure you
don't want to pull the frost you want to

loosen up

do me a favor k*ll the lion on it for
the part

try keep the dogs and we already get
three complaints give me a break guys

from roasted - Oh No kidding

rude texas and nest you know auntie is
born again virgin thing is spinning dry

you just pissed about the wet t-shirt
thing last week you were totally wasted

you know anything could have happened to
you not with JD there he is a hottie

snapping locked before some other to
this makes him don't even go there

naughty girl I work with JD oh please

you two should just hook up already and
get it over with

tickle are your father's cup is empty

not successfully and come sit

I'm going you are looking handsome

thank you thank you honey listen I
talked to your parents and your father's

business it's sandwiches score is going
a little slow so you stay here next week

with herself

I hope it won't be too much trouble no
no no you always welcome this house sake


so how are your studies going I took
your advice and decided to take

economics instead of philosophy

mmm very good you will find that a
strong background in finance

we'll get you much further in life than
play-doh and certainly much farther than

playing it to beach rd

we don't play we save lives we save

look you like save life will be like
your cousin here goes school study hard

be a doctor

where you going to be years from now
yeah is some lifeguard tower making

babies with a beach bum

I would like one Sunday dinner with an

please I hope you know my neti I invited
a friend to come over

all right

sorry I'm late traffic was backed up on
the Pali Highway

I hope you weren't waiting for me

I'm and JD don't worry about that you
can make it

I'm you must be mrs. Tanaka JD Darius

it's nice to meet you shoes

yeah I know it'sit's we're seeing her
shoes mr. Tanaka such a pleasure to meet

you sir

it go up I did he works with me Father

another life God thank you for the
beautiful yellow holla

I don't mention it I'll make you a plate
that'd be great thank you

let's place the mansion

tell me you're rich my father is only
like here take off your shoes

Jenny comes to the next to get car


thank you home is very beautiful

of course it's one of the last of the
original plantation sugar came houses

left on the island

would you like a for <time] two </time]
no I'm fine thank you

I can manage to be so good with his
hands every time I see him down at the

beach is on the dock fixing boat engines
are souping of jet skis

so you have an interest in engineering

oh my dad was a mechanic taught me how
to take things apart kind of stuck em so

working as a lifeguard is just a way to
see money for college maybe study


not really i use in my work very happy
doing what I'm doing

yeah I know what that attraction is my
daughter has no respect for education

either actually Keiko is one of the
finest lifeguards have ever worked with

she knows these waters better than
anyone else on the team

we're all learning a lot from her

honey can you come in the kitchen and
help me with the green tea now

how do you mean by DJ d here without
asking me

new father would hate him don't have a
cow man I was just trying to improve

your social life filled with a little

mom he's a nice guy I

play hanafuda don't do me any more

oh my God he's pulling out the hot food


baby what Winx like an hour loves you
like a tiger

well your zookeeper let you out tonight
that's a nice drink what do you have -

all right pal

not interested taking a problem cool

get outta here nice entrance tardiness
does have its advantages

ok all little wet

yeah i'm going to see if I can salvage
my blouse

a week

thanks for the assist don't mention it
yeah scum like that makes me wanna hurl

what are you looking at all you want
some more

I'm saying senators attempt the guy's
been with it I see you in here again you

weren't done


t*rrorists you know yeah

JD still have those way VIP kind of feel
like dancing

maybe after your father gives me a
chance to win back a little respect your


she don't you might learn something here

your friend is quite enough with a
player picked it up from a navy buddy

we had to cross country one here so the
life God had to hitchhike home

your man of many talents mr. JD not so
bad yourself mr. t you know when I was a

little boy that JD doesn't want to hear
that old story

well my brother and i would rub
anointment made from the Queen night

into my father's bleeding hands and he
would tell us about his long day cutting

kaden the sugar fields after watching my
father suffer

I promised myself that one day my family
would never have to live in a hut or

choke on the smoke from the cane field
fires come a long way

sure you're very proud that's what you
can see like I want nothing less for my

daughter and why I want you never to
step foot in this house again father

catchy much that i win

clearly you don't respect what I do for
a living

I don't come from money maybe i'll never
be rich but I know something about

watching father struggle and I promised
myself something to that I never ever

you want to put me down for Hawaii

thank you for dinner assistant acha

didn't wait

take being belittled by anybody and
neither do you


I don't know I used to be a little while

house surfing's pack and this trick for

can I get you a beer no I'm cool i don't
do alcohol and get my thrills hang

gliding gotta try it man

you catch a thermal and for one instant
your whole life is clear

everything just is

and once you get that Russia will do
anything to get it back

i'm doing a foot launch of my cruise
tomorrow your port

oh no thanks though be careful we got
some gnarly wind's coming off those

cliffs even on calm days you'd love it
man blows everything else away

skydiving parasailing BASE jumping

nothing taps into the internal pharmacy
like imagine engines

Winston that's what about you gorgeous

I'm not for a damn unless that's not
dangerous and it for you think I can

handle that

come on strong to be my baby

if you think its strong you won't be
able to take me now into your and save

me from the start

keep me safe and a strong sex on the

no thank you it's just the name of the

I'm sorry I thought it was just another
taste this proposition

I guess I can't blame you for not being
happy to see me not after the way I went

after training center last week you must
think I hate you

you're just Sam vicious in a way that
I'm not

I don't wanna find any martial

I've only been hard on you because you
hurt me bad

we had

I can work out our differences

excuse me

then I'll take you

not going

I sense a little tension back there
Brock's not coming into premature

work together and story

matter fact I'm ready to start a new

really romance or through


I think of pulling here





me first

I'm the one that was you an apology my
father was a complete jerk to you

but you have to understand it was meant
for me

yeah i got that loud

and I should have told you Nani invited
me over after the way you blew me off

figured I show up at your parents
pressure with my grace and charm

next time I'm assuring friendly advice

yellow holla people give those at


so I really blew it huh No


we're trying to do the right thing it
may be hard for a person that's not how

I wanted to understand but ohana family
is the most important find

even though my father was wrong I can't
disrespect him

I understand about respect that doesn't
mean you should let him disrespect to


I'm working on that so we okay

yeah we're okay


don't let it go to your head


if your feet movie victim like this will
give you the leverage advantage that you


no matter what way our strength

yes around here what are you talking
about man

she's my right arm around here and
that's all

and this is me talking to

we're just friends okay

I'm not looking for anything more with
anyone you should know that

oh well in that case you don't want to
know that she's hanging out with a


yeah I'm not crazy about this jet jockey
that when i figure you know dad's a


it's probably the attraction you sell
shrimp all over the island you hear


the guy's an idiot you take stupid risks

just for the rush he's a big girl she
can handle herself that kamikaze nearly

wrapped his rig around Makapuu

David go to the Hawaiian hang gliding
association was to clip his wings

I made myself a promise I wouldn't get
involved and smart move

smart move pretty soon you'll wind up
like me an angry old fool sound shrimp

on the back of a truck



I know you think I'm now but if you stop
and use your brain time you realize I

invited Jerry over for dinner last night
to help him out

I know your mo never do things

and I can explore something that you
have the hots for JD get real

it's cute but it's just stale you know
what I mean we're still making your

content of my father better you come off
having out or what

you get all big body to your dad when it
comes to life guarding but you're

panning out when it comes to guys a try
mind your own business k that are not

cause I love you

I just want you to be happy

that's it I want to get lucky bunch of
us are going out on Kevin's catamaran

taken a point you back in time for

cover me



all right good job

listen I I thought you should know

Sam's pilot licenses up for review by
the FAA and this isn't the first time

you've called the fááá about Sam

no I called for this month search and
rescue pilot roster and his name came up

I'm only telling you this because I know
you're spending a lot of time with him

and I don't want to see you get hurt

next time I decide to date someone maybe
you can call when your buddies at naval

intelligence and they can run a security
check on leave the guy is a loose cannon

all right

last night he almost took some dr*gs
head off I've seen this before he's an

adrenaline-junkie you know how
ridiculous you sound

I'm concerned for your safety you're way
out of line here's a news flash

I like this guy so what if he lives on
the edge

that's what's so attractive Sam's not
afraid to go after what he wants

neither am I so take your concern
someplace else


love this the gates locked so much far
jump just so happens I have a key


Sam what are you doing

don't worry I know these guys I'm a new

relax we go through this all the time

seen your face

trade winds are picking up maybe we
shouldn't push this you know the lift

ban on the windward side of this Ridge
is pretty serious speak the ride of your




naughty boys i have a meeting and
decided to make you the honorary little


cool thanks guys it's really awesome

you've got to be an issue

can't right nice try but you're one of
us are not gonna wait should be wrong



here we go


let's get the boat


would really change the mare adjust your
clock back to the Richland we gotta get

up there

this place

anything morning yeah


I love you

what do you see the beach landing strip

ya gotta be superheated they're riding
like a funnel cloud we can happen at any





the wind



hurry up as best I can

party sucks

another beer hey

how do you



only what's your position

Roger that way



your helicopter spires wearing this
dress off Diana . looks like she's going

sh*t Dave can call my cousin had a point
might be her

I'm the closest i'll respond to that let
us know if you need back up



Sam breathe

two three four and five and six and


oh my god there any minute






honey what are you doing out here

are you're right no trying to get away
but they just kept coming I didn't know

what to do

are you hurt not have got to tell me
what did they do to you

we're gonna r*pe me




all right

I found her on the way back

please tell me pick up a bunch of crap
boys that kind of . att*cked my

maybe we're in the hospital they told me
already left

you want to draw a heart on my cast

hope your arm hang gliding Association
kicked you out what your back behind the

wheel to score another thrill because
you got to take a lickin and keep on

ticking or else you're finished

that's the problem I'm not sure I want
to be around the ticking finally stops

what if i told you it all ends today I
wouldn't believe you

and we look so i like to push the
envelope a little too much sometimes

I've even scared myself

I know I made some stupid boobs but
being with you these last couple of days

it's given me a reason to clean up my

baby baby listen I really care for you
tell me there's a way to make this work

Frank can come on

well because I'm right here Willy just
tell the police what happened

but I need a statement right away

there's nothing to tell

not like he'll tell her what you told me
they tried to r*pe her

no that's not what happened we went to
the beach and I decided to go swimming I

got caught in the current that's all

are you crazy you almost drowned out

those animals get away with what they
tried to do to you

it's wrong Run For Women room for

look naughty nothing to be scared of

but if you don't tell me what really
happened out there

then those guys will be let go and they
could hurt someone else

I can't help that nothing happened

oh I'm sorry but if naughty one step up
they walk

listen to me this wasn't your fault

I'm nothing wrong

what do you think honey

what happened I was just swimming uncle
please i want to go home

come with me

father you need to make you understand

no you need to understand you stay away
from money

she suffered plenty botching up because
of you already is your fought



baby don't you walk away

and leave me here on

a lot in the club

don't you worry about Sam

spare me the I told you so speech I'm
just glad that you're all right you know

what from now on

he was just keep our personal lives

that's the way you want it I don't think
it can be any other way

hey Sean you ready to go

yeah look I've got something I have to
do so go do it


here's the little sister little sister
to keep their mouths shut


hey you heard her

nothing happened up there

I know cool

doesn't get kind of crazy sometimes

let's exaggerate

to tell you the truth sounds like
there's a lot of fun

next time maybe you'll give me a ride on


she wants us

come on

where she got that


got away with something keeping garbage
yes small island word gets around

you ever hear of you pute a sling and
girl again get your asses out of here




