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11x01 - Soul Survivor

Posted: 02/07/22 17:43
by bunniefuu


this year the dream of the Baywatch
white lifeguard training center is

finally coming to reality of these
world-class lifeguards JD Darius Keiko

Tanaka on a native hawaiian and Jason
you on a also Hawaiian lead to higher

born and raised in Pearl Harbor and
myself are ready to bring all of our

knowledge and experience to the task of
training this first group of sponsor

trainees who start their six-month
course today proud of the sorry

very Jenna tells me you snatch the dire
from the y lifeguards she wanted to


I don't care she wanted to jump off a
cliff you didn't clear - Jenna habit my

beach and tourism layers on

from now on everything is cleared
through her do you understand

councilman mechana i'd like to remind
you that we're an independent training

center that's working off district land
and out of a district building and you

pay us

yep yes but we provide lifeguard
services for the North Shore

listen to me Monroe might have been an
office last year I to drop this money

losing down the toilet

but I was it so while i'm dreaming up
ways to bless you off the island

you take your business up with Jenna

we're done here

sorry he's a little britain in the

this is cliff Tyler will be doing his
jet ski nationals at your beach this

week bringing a little money for the

cliff time Oh Jenna you know my history
with this guy

no that's why I invited him but you know
if we were still together you probably

wouldn't be having these problems

that's good get Jenna you can cause all
the trouble you want but in the end i'm

still gonna win

yeah we'll see



watch why you left me

yes sir chief jason what's that you're
playing Shaun like you don't know

lightweight you gave me this CD

Bob change your life yeah what's your
ETA X well joy is trying to get ready

for the first day about minutes i'm
sliding down the hill now don't worry

chase this lifeguard training center is
going to change the world

whatever you say boss someone's going to
change to you get her back to that


oh wow troll stand by we got a possible
injury situation how you kick it

yeah fine just tucked in like I was
taking a white back

listen man this was like all me man I
hope I didn't hurt you real soon I don't

forget about my wheels look sit down for
a second let's make sure you're not shot

yeah I'm okay really I'm really sorry
about your truck man I I figure out a

way to get fixed

it's a truck get about it right look why
don't you get in I'll take you to a

doctor make sure you know it's it's all
good i'm totally to get sure

all right look I'm gonna have to give
them more careful if you want to see any

more sunsets that is i'm sean roe on
Captain Baywatch your way your parents

can get ahold of me at this number if I
can be of any help

no thanks but really I'm cool


you have in mind


you should be

clicks why not teacher's guide for all
the time six haha

they grew up here Casey you're hearing a
long weekend from oxidant is turning

into a big long drag but you want to
know my man but he's your big sister

you don't know the water you don't know
it you don't want to get educated by

busting your head open on a bunch of
coral huh

who are you wacko I'm a lifeguard here
on the island

someday from lucky hey you ought to be
more careful with yourself

you want to see more sunsets anyway

see ya

come on

looking good guys hey captain

whatever the point of your truck nothing
I'll be back in a minute

was that


hello everyone and welcome my name is
Lee dire and not so very long ago I came

here just like you are now trained

but ready to take the next step to
become better than all the rounds in the

calendar very well

in the world

ok zakir time later had a little
incident on the road but ok

the dire Zach why don't you fall in line
with the rest of the trainees will head

to the beach and we'll all get to know
each other

all right guys follow me

so you want to play yesterday right
first class got your eyes and I stuck up

there you can remember

I thought for sure you were some Richie
Rich on a tangerine a serious water bit

but even Zach and missing one in a blue

don't know don't care don't see you

cool got a dialogue already know how you
feel about kids

better get back to the hotel Casey

mom and dad are probably worried

but career Peggy Johnson City hurry

read about stuff where it is I think
it's bad luck to take anything from a


he got a collection hotel anyway

nothing's up me too for being bored
forget that













now as soon as the tuition checks clear

you'll be the first to get paid if you
have a problem with that i can come down

now we can talk about it personal okay
trainees are suited up and ready to go

great let's get to work

jet skiers report to people on the
cliffs of turtle cove in trouble


shot clip want me to take you in there
negative on that we're too close to the

rock snow machines just like forever

Sean always have to be the hero all
right i'll get the boy to stabilize all



we welcome you

my friend there stay calm hold on to

I'll take him back

no just hold on to this you haven't
we'll be back for you




I'll get the girl no don't worry I know
what I'm doing




where'd she go


get off the ski we have to turn over
what are you talking about her hair's on

the in Texas drowning


block coming here in the ski over now

smallish my neck in three


I'm not about you I've got my mom lets
you still carry done yeah

give it to me


ok to camp

what's your name thank you i am not
going to touch you

ok trust me have you trust me what the
hell are you doing

back off now cliff hi

suddenly it covered am here


all right go on

the dog yesterday

just when you think you've seen
everything huh you're pretty incredible

yeah i just hope that take it isn't
developing a natural fear towards black

personal watercraft a you destroyed my
number one racing machine you idiot

you know how much that's gonna cost you
liek a cold like you to meet in all the

Queen's mind if Tyler a world-famous jet
ski racer who's been generous enough to

hold his annual competition in our
waters which I'm going to lose because

you think some Twitter really and I
we're lucky enough to witness cliff call

in help us with a rescue sacrifice
treasured possession for the sake of a

young girl anyway we'll settle up later

all the cell phone only look you can
call get the Scarab ready we got some

training to do much and Lee

great out there today -


running a couple of miles on the sand
the whole lot different than on the

track do five every morning

pretty soon you will too as well as a
swing set all you got

we used to do twice at back to Lake
Michigan and in the winter too good for

you Zack

we're just getting warmed up here that's
what I'm said you got paradise palm

trees and trade winds

I'll take this over Chicago any day no
matter how hard you try and make the two

miles again

a fine with me man all right the rest
you line up

don't have to like that breaks down

team what happens if team breaks down
everybody know i'll tell you

maybe you won't make that one save if
there's one thing that you take away

from here

better be team you understand course uh
no one knows that better than our team

captain sean roe

I was just sort of staying in here for
you don't sweat it

who's that stumbling down the beach
there one of ours is mouthing off

something today still my favorite going
to get them with Jason was right about

team personally it's good to hear him of
all people talk like that but this isn't

just going to be the hardest most
visceral most dangerous training that

you ever do is also going to be a hell
of a lot of fun break

ok pull them up

what are you waiting for go out there
and go for a boat right let's go


look at groupon

dog in your door to house it

zakir in chicago illinois take my skin
lifeguard for years

well Zach well I probably should get out
to the boat before they leave your butt

on the beach


no that guy

we run into each other Jace to me a
favor tickle towers they get back right

after launching trade job will go do
some jet ski demos got a boss

all right lady need a little help with
some repair and before I knew it I was

chopping away at the hole with his dive

you did what leave me it was the right
call the guy cause the problem and the

victim was freaking I'm just trying to
figure out how you muscle through this

much fiber glass

I don't know adrenaline I guess how much
to replace the whole if i can get one

basically an arm and a leg

that's for blind lucky an avid take a

all right well you try and find it now
try and find the money

she's not giving up says if you want to
keep this place you'd better talk to her

I said take a message

why do you put up with all this crap
good question

you know what it is that I guess one day
I woke up and I knew what my passion in

life was what I was born to do you know
I mean saving lives is everything to me

and I will do everything I can fight
everyone i have to have a place to pass

that passion on get back to you about
the whole ok

sorry about that no worries we watch my
training center


all right the idea is to bottle up in
the shallows follow wave and glide up

and we always do it safe

how do you think you're doing

hey who's going to replace my whole just
want to say thanks

look cliff when you screw around people
get hurt after this morning you should

know that

oh I love hanging on the beach but the
right now I want you to buy me some

lunch thank you kids can spare you here

thanks max yeah

fate mr. dipwad in a black you're
talking to me max

yeah I am peachtree good thing Sean
here's a nice guy

because if you pull that little ski
stone on my beach and confiscated your

toy throwing you off the beach and kick
your ass

watch your mouth old man all right just
chill out both you right now let's go

the guy's a lunatic clip that's Max Jax
kidding me Santa Monica max man how the

mighty have fallen

he does all right whatever you say of
course that's coming from a guy whose

idea of success is a little bit of sand
in that training center for cabana boys

why don't you take the attitude down a
big cliff

yeah ok maybe it's just my perspective
our life just turned out kind of

different that's all

listen I'm sorry about that little mix
up this morning I gotta get back to work

and I'll be around for a few days maybe
i'll give you a few business tips

boy I can hardly wait oh and and watch
out for the shrimp lifeguard smell a

little ripe

personally i'd say that man's a walking
piece of dirt

thanks call him a friend used to max
used to

now i'm just wondering what he wants
from me looks to me like he wants your

head on a plate


yes ma'am i will be there next weekend
without fail

I need a little time to get things
organized thanks lieutenant Lee right

during all the excitement yesterday we
didn't exactly get to me

I'm cliff dialer Sean I go way back I
know who you are

I saw the way you behaved out there on
the water and that's all I need to know

about you in the service

sound like a swabbie on the horn there

coast guard auxiliary helo pilot and a
woman with zero tolerance for jerks

I'll tell Sean you came body

Sean's got big dreams big dreams costs

everything does so you're the business
head is going to make it happen for


so you're beautiful smart classy but I
can't figure is why you throw all your

talent away in a little project like

look I'm busy okay but understand this i
believe in Sean and his dream for this

place which is more than just a little
project as his friend I think you

understand that you're right and I'm
more than just a jet ski racer

I'm a corporation might be able to help
you and Sean out

we should talk


now we're going to have a recipe

victim your goal is to work together

bring him back

two boards go out at a time second when
they're helps the first and then follows

in carrying that go




your girl I'm gonna get to the big first
to save him from you

you don't have a place where you don't
I'm the one you want

you just don't know it yet

talk about to shut it down now he's off
the course

not right now fellow was just about to
make on time clip

shut it down now the people in the water
you too close






what kind of Jackass . was that it's
called life-saving cliff were off course

i want you there are people in the water
and like before you ignored me

this time I stopped morning and got her
you always got to play the voice got hot

shot comes down to it you're just a show

it's just I feel like such an idiot i'm
supposed to be a lifeguarding you had to

put me out

look at his old I couldn't tell up from
down and of course I guess wrong and I

swim right down to Davy Jones locker
just inspired in you

what would you call it the bottom

look Jerry

you're strong and you're smart and you
got great instincts so don't get dinners

what happened out there today was not
your fault all right


do you think I'm beautiful - that's not
for me to say

we'll try

the media , you know you're gorgeous

thanks for signal -

no problem I don't know

no you don't oh yeah they do

how's it going pretty good I'm see you

thanks again yeah problem may be doing

I'm gonna tell you something kid keep
that stuff away from work

bro hold other drink today and she was
just perfect yeah yeah yeah

no I forgotten what just approach was
but I left my whole life in the trash


remember me i'm on my way for a couple
nights here for cowboy



spent a lot of time in the water before
it's a beautiful place warm man huh

I'm still not clear on what you're
proposing is not a subject actually yeah

I am

all right look we both know the
transition is going to go belly-up that

a sponsor

I'll be that sponsor ok some sand around
promoting logo products to three

weekends with the beach is exclusively
for races

something to think about one more thing
I want to do part time work from

I've got a top you just watch out for my
interests at the center that's all

and when everyone on the island

maybe i'll show you some of the deals
and working on get your opinion

look quick one I can't stand you - I'm
looking to help Sean build the center

not help you subvert that's not what I'm
doing just what are you doing cliff



I let your old friends hash things out

good night night

think about what I said Lee you don't
know in the water

we don't know the beach you don't know
the people it's a matter of fact you

don't squat

I talked to who I want what I want about
what I want

money talks and your God lifeguard crap

you know why with all you've got in this
world that you're here doing this clip

because nothing you have no I have done
can erase the fact that underneath the


you're weak York hours

well that's true why did you ever let me
have my race here you really wanna know


so it's arson

I still do


all right no more games you got it

I'm not gonna let you try and fix what's
wrong with your life right bringing me

under and you do your race you get out
of my life for good

man i am not in the mood for this cliff
Sean just here to say I'm sorry i was

out of line

yeah I know I've said story before but
this time it's from the heart and I know

how much the center means to you so here

no hard feelings what's this first
installment is your sponsor my sponsor

and whose idea was this actually
something we and I've been working out

to give you the financial bitch you need

Lee yeah there's your problem

she told me she can't speak for him

keep your money cliff come on Shawn
don't let your pride get away with tyler

is never going to be our sponsor

I never said that to him Shawn I swear
to you what you did talk about a deal


he proposed one and i was going to
present it to you as soon as I got close

to something that we could work with Lee

I know you were trying to help but
nothing goes on regarding this Center

without me knowing about it clear course

I jumped too fast on this it won't
happen again

look please try and understand

I brought you on from Hawaii lifeguards
not just because of your talent because

the person that I think you are

cliff Tyler is the exact opposite i know
i was just after his money

I'm not okay

look it's it's my fault in the first
place I should never have allowed him to

have his race

just no more deals with him nor nor
discussions nor anything

ok sure no no problem

can I ask you what happened between the
two of you


ten years ago

we were doing tones jars and you know
how when after the skier gets the out


stand by watch pictures you'll get in

and believe me I i know that that can
get really hairy

but you do it you do it because the guy
in the board has put his life in your


cliff got scared and he left me


another surfer hadn't come along in the
next set

going to hear today Shawn just got a
Weather Service advisory we've got a

nasty front coming out of the north


I'm closing the beach shutting down the

race what it's a safety issue clip I
don't give me that crap

that's your to technique a lot of
control look at you man strutting around

here acting all superior you're such a

judge and everybody in some standard
doesn't even exist

no wonder your wife left you

don't open that door cliff why not

he looked out the whole world from your
lifeguard monk town it's all crap

two seconds I could play a little dream
right out from under you do a better job

at it too but no one around here respect
your self righteous act any more than I


so what this is all about cliff huh make
a few million on your prize money and

peddling your butt for endorsements

you think you can come out here and buy
whatever mind you want go ahead go ahead

cliff but you know you can't buy a
second chance you can't change what you

did you want to find out who still got
it Superman

come on with me right now serve course
we paddle out that storm surge in right

those walls and see what's what

sorry I got nothing to prove


who's a week one now roll

then I'll go out alone

looking at -knot winds and rising sir
really getting hairy out there and clips

out there by himself on a surfboard in a
way you can handle

let me guess that's right we're going
out there and keep him from k*lling

himself let's go







in the center the hell

and that you're injured color may be
broken heart

just taking that beach now


hi Jason

so do you get weather like this here

you're I don't know what this is about
there it is





can't let you do this

the center's less than a quarter mile
down the road you can't be the ones

shaped understand

happy forever

that it and just don't need any more
shape of my life that's all



so if i happen to find someone that you
didn't have some horrific personal

history with and they happen to be
wealthy and they happen -

I at least want to partially sponsor the

I think you might be agreeable I might
let me know who they are first all right

i have a whole truckload of personal

you're kidding me

Sean well thanks like it wasn't smart

sure and it wasn't safe as you can help
my broken collarbones

but when the storm shut down my race i
still had to compete not against other

racers and against the waves and when
the waves got me down i had to count on

one person

it was at that person was myself

how are those waves out there clip was
in pretty bad it is one thing to run

yourself that this sum

you know which one of your lady I don't
know who you are

the hell you don't I was there who was
not me when you're so no it's not he is

the liar and then they said that's
enough right there

I'm sorry


you pulled yourself out of a search
break and off a coral reef by yourself

no I think I got so banged up but the
point is

and then you should ever forget this
matter what anyone else tells you about

teamwork or friendship person count on

good old number one


I don't understand you

simply we save lives

that's it

that's on the w*r

nothing else people want to go nuts over
the small stuff like getting even

they do we don't know


ok ok ok ok



