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05x12 - Dual Spires

Posted: 02/07/22 10:08
by bunniefuu
Dude, do you know they make
silent window shades?

Some woman in Washington
invented them

back in the early '90s.

Since when is the sound of
opening and closing shades

so disruptive that it
has to be alleviated?

Why do you have to hate on

other peoples
triumphs of innovation?


It's not weird;
it's selfish

and more than a little petty.

No, not that,
come take a look at this.

Man, this better not be
another auction

for one of
Stoney Jackson's neckerchiefs.

It's not, Shawn.

This came in
on the Psych account.

I'm pretty sure it's not spam.

Well, what's the attachment?

Cinnamon festival.

The Great Northern.

I'm not familiar
with that publication.

What, you know every small
town newspaper in California?

Actually, I do, Shawn.

- Ridgecrest?
- The Daily Independent.

- Shawnopolis.
- That doesn't exist.


I just need 50,000 signatures
and a large plot of land.

Well, look up this town,
Dual Spires.

I mean, how can there be
a cinnamon festival

that we've never heard of?

Zoom in.

Zoom in more.

- Keep zooming.
- I am, Shawn.

Dude, this town is so small
that it's in parenthesis.

How the heck
did we get this email?

It's a delicious mystery.

Think about it,
a tiny little town

we've never even heard of?

What's your schedule look like?

I'm open till
my route tomorrow.

Let's see here.

You think they'll
have monkey bread?

A half mile
from the nearest road?

No wonder it's in parenthesis.

That is one secluded town.

Let's get some cinnamon.

Well, everyone looks so happy,

and yet, so perplexed.

Something's off
about this place, Shawn.

People keep looking,

like I'm the first black man
they've seen.

Come on, Gus.
Don't be absurd.

Hey mister,
are you Frederick Douglass?

Shawn, we need
to get out of here.

Nah, let's get
something to eat.

Hey, top of the morning
to you, boys.

Robert Barker.
You can call me Bob.

Just passing through?

We're here for the festival.

We take our cinnamon
very seriously.

Well, then you're in luck,
because so do we.

90 years running.

Why do you call your diner
The Sawmill?

'Cause that's
what it used to be.

Most of it burned down
back in '58.

Granddad turned it
into this place,

and now it's just
a bit of a local landmark.

We just need a little something

to hold us over until showtime,

so, uh, what's good?

How about a cup

of the best
pipin' hot apple cider

this side of the Mississippi

and a slice of cinnamon pie
that may just bring tears?

Two slices
of cinnamon pie, hon.

That's the wife.
Isn't she a peach?

Ah, I'll get that cider.

- Bob's a real chatty Cathy.
- You think?

You should check your email.

See if our secret pal sent us
any cinnamon comps.

I'm afraid you won't have much
luck with those here.

Sheriff Andrew Jackson.

You know,
we had the opportunity

to put up
some of those fancy towers,

but folks decided a basic
landline was fine with them.

I couldn't help but overhear

that you're in town
for the festival.

It's rare to get visitors.

We don't have the Internet
in Dual Spires.

- It's simpler that way.
- Hmm.

- Dude, we're doing witness.
- They were amish.

Not Danny Glover, he was black.

What are you talking about?

Well, we are happy you are
here, nevertheless.

It should be a heck
of a celebration.

- Two slices of cinnamon pie.
- Thank you.

Well, we'll see you
at the festival.


What's the verdict?



Oh, mother of God.


- Mm-hmm.
- Mm.

Dude, that owl is made
entirely of cinnamon.

Which means that it is
both wise and delicious.

Let's have a nice,
warm round of applause

for Mayor Douglas Fir.

This year's festival mascot:

Leo, the cinnamon owl.

- You found the monkey bread.
- You know that's right.

And now, the moment I know
you've all been waiting for.

It's time to announce this
year's cinnamon king.

Whoooo will it be?

Who, who?

Oh, who are we kidding?

Put your hands together

for the future leader
of Dual Spires.

A young man that
needs no introduction,

come up and
claim your crown, Randy.

That's my boy.

What's 24 times 12?


There's a chair here
for every person in town.

Three are empty.

Sheriff's talking,
so that's one.

Check it out.

There's one
right next to the Barkers.

Hey, you found the monkey bread.


Mrs. Barker,
is everything okay?

Everything is not okay.

- Shelley.
- What?

I can't just sit here
and pretend to be excited

about churros
and Leo the cinnamon owl.

I sense someone is missing.

Our niece, Paula.

She's been gone
about a day and a half.

Everyone keeps
telling us not to panic.

She's a teenager.

Wait, what did you mean,
you sensed it?

Mr. and Mrs. Barker,
I have a confession to make.

I'm not just
a cinnamon enthusiast.

I'm also a psychic detective.

And this is my partner,
Lodge Blackmunn.

Can you find Paula?


I got a little something
under the nail.

Right here, under...
under the nail.

It's not her.

We are available for hire.

We don't have much money.

None of us do, here.

We believe
it complicates things.

Well, we have been known

to work for cider or pie
in the past.

Oh, of course.
As much as you'd like.

We will find your niece.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Who is supposed to be
sitting over there?

Oh, that's
Paula's best friend, Jack.

I'm not sure where he is.

Would this be...

Something happened at the lake.

Something happened at the lake!

It's Paula.

I know it is.

Oh, God.

Jack discovered her
just about an hour ago, doc.

So young.

My God, Andrew.

Jack, is this
how you found her?

No, sir.
She was half naked.

It wasn't right.

I didn't want people
to see her like that.

I'm sorry.

Oh, now I've got to let
the Barkers through.


No, my baby.



Come on, dude.

You know I'm
a sympathetic crier, Shawn.

Just leave me be.

Dude, I have a bar.

And an email.

Gus, we weren't called here
for a cinnamon festival.

In between the lines

there's a lot of obscurity

I'm not inclined

to resign to maturity

if it's all right

then you're all wrong

why bounce around
to the same damn song?

you'd rather run

when you can't crawl

I know you know

I know you know

I'm guessing
the time of death was

sometime night before last.

Doc Gooden will do
a full autopsy.

You know she won't
miss a thing, Bob.

But I suspect what we will find

is that Paula
went swimming after curfew,

like she always did,

and got pulled under
by the current

and hit her head.

I'm gonna rule it
an accident for now.

She must have snuck out.

Bob, we both know
she's been sneaking out

just about every night
since she got here.

Listen, why don't you
take Michelle on home.

She's gonna need you
to be strong now.

I'll get Deputy Frost to
take you back in the rickshaw.

I'm so, so sorry, Bob.

Looks like we won't be needing
your services after all, boys.

Mr. Barker, I am sensing

there is more to Paula's death
than meets the eye.

What are you saying?

That she...

Oh, my God.

We'd like to stick around.

See what we see.

Feel what we feel.


If someone hurt Paula,

we sure as hell
want to know about it.

I'm also sensing that Paula
didn't grow up here

in Dual Spires.

May I ask where she was before?

Paula lived in Santa Barbara
till she was 11.

Well, you have our condolences,

and we will be in touch.

I think your ride is here.

The earth is soft and moist.


That is so bizarre.

It's like I only have
reception in this spot.

In all my years of police work,

I've never seen
anything like it.

I know.

Our new station manager
is an angel sent from heaven.


Yes, Detective O'Hara.

Shawn Spencer calling.

Did you just use
both of our last names?

Don't be weird.

Okay, Miss O'Hara.

- Detective.
- Shawn.

Look, I'm really struggling

with the
whole work formal thing.

What are you wearing?

Okay, you just took it from
one awkward extreme to another.

I need you to run a name

for a girl.

Used to live in Santa Barbara.

Paula Merral.
Two "r"s.

Sure, is everything okay?

Yeah, absolutely.

I'm gonna have to
call you back, though,

'cause there's not really
reception up here.

Up where?




Wow, it really is
just the one spot.

Your conversations with Juliet

are too uncomfortable
to listen to now.

- I'm calling next time.
- Fine.

Look, if we're
going to accomplish

anything in this town,

we are gonna need wheels.

Shawn, we have reached
a new low point in our life.

Are you kidding me?
It's like Driving Miss Daisy.

Except you
get to be Miss Daisy.

I don't want to be
in the movie, Shawn.

Looks like the doctor
stays pretty busy.

Guess you're out of luck
if you need a massage.

Good job saving
your receipts, Patrick.

May I help you, gentlemen?

Hello, Doc Gooden.

My partner, plus too much

cinnamon monkey bread
equals tummy shame.

Can you help us?

I'll see him
after my next patient.

Doc, this could get ugly fast.

All right.

Sheriff Jackson
mentioned we had

a couple of visitors
in town today.

You are aware the cinnamon
festival has been cancelled.

Oh, yes.

We heard there was
some sort of tragedy.

Must be so difficult

in a small, happy town
like Dual Spires.

Put this on and then lay
face down on my table.

Uh, well you know... Ah, aah!

Actually, I think...

Snap to it.

So how well did you
know the girl?

I'm sorry,
I don't know why I do that.

I can just sense that
you have a heavy heart.

I'm a woman of science.

And law.

And accounting.

But that doesn't mean
that I don't feel.

Paula was
a troubled young girl.

I wish I could have
done more to help her.

You were her psychiatrist?

You ask a lot of questions.

It's just... I recently
lost someone myself.

He was m*rder*d too,
so I know how difficult...

Paula wasn't m*rder*d.
Who told you that?

Oh, no one.

I just assumed, because...

I haven't done an autopsy yet.

There are no obvious signs
of foul play.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...

No, it's not you.

Like I said, she was
a troubled young girl.

She had a dangerous side.

Nothing scared her.

Not even dying.

You think she
may have taken her own...

No, I can't bear that thought.

I've said too much
to a stranger.

I should be ashamed.

For caring?

No, you shouldn't.

Oh. Whew!

You know,
I actually feel better.

The myna bird can come in now.

What's up next?

We need to find
our cinnamon king.

That kid has a secret.

What did grandma tell you

about wandering off
in the store?

Oh, come on.

I was getting ready to say...

That would have been too much.

That's him.

Dude, that's our guy.

Oh, sheriff.
Didn't expect to see you here.

I live here.
What do you mean?

Of course you do.

You're Randy's father.

Yes, wow.

You guys have Bob Barker,
Doc Gooden, and Randy Jackson.

All living
in the same inlet town

with no cars,
cell phones, or Internet.

Shawn, we need
to pitch this to Mark Burnett.

You fellas realize
the festival is cancelled.

As you know, we lost someone

very dear to us today.

That's actually why
we dropped by, sheriff.

You see, Gus and I
are grief counselors

back in the big city.

And you all have been so
kind and welcoming to us

that we figured
the least we could do

would be to offer our services
before we left town.

Well, come on in, fellas.


I'll confess, Randy and I
haven't been communicating

too well as of late.

I know he's hurting,
but he won't talk to me.

You know,
it wasn't too long ago

that Gus and I
were Randy's age.

It was a pretty long time ago.

- Ah, it wasn't that long ago.
- You like to think so.

I can't do this with you
right now.


He's upstairs in his room.

We'll give it a shot.


So my dad hired you
to shake me down, right?

I'm fine.
I barely knew Paula.

Then why did the two of you

share secret,
special lover earrings?

Come on, Randy.

How long had you
been seeing her?

Who are you?

A couple of guys with
a passion for the truth.

And cinnamon.

We'd been together six months.

Why was it a secret?

It's complicated.

I get it.
It's Pretty in Pink.

You're Andrew McCarthy.

Who's Andrew McCarthy?

That's fair.

Where were you
the night Paula died?

I was at the library, studying.

The librarian can confirm it.

Do you always
study so late on a Friday?

I'm at the library
almost every night.

I've been taking
correspondence courses.

I need a business degree
to be a good leader.

That's true.

I never could have hurt her.

I loved Paula.

We were gonna
see the world together.

I'm gonna be
so lost without her.

Oh, Paula.




That's a little dramatic,
don't you think?

You have a problem.

Excuse us.


Keep your voice down, please.

It's just us and you.

Just a bunch of words on paper
to you guys, right?


Each is alive
with a story to tell.


I'm just messing with you guys.

Thanks for playing along.
That's really sweet.

I'm Maudette Hornsby.

Isn't cherry the best?

The best what?

Everything, silly.

I thought you were psychic.

I am.
I'm the psychic.

But how did you know that?

Mm, word travels.

You know, we don't get
a lot of gossip around here.

So untimely death, a psychic,

and a black man,
all in one day.


I really thought
we were being discreet.

Do you even know
what discreet is?

That's a serious question.

- I know what...
- Shh!

Was Randy Jackson
with you the night Paula died?

Do you think she was

or something?


Yes, Randy was here.

We have a very special bond,

you see.

His mom passed away
when he was very young.

Sheriff Jackson
never remarried.

So I sort of stepped in
and filled a role.

For both of them.

Is there anything else
you need to know?

Uh, feels pretty good for now.

Do you mind if we poke around?

- Poke.
- Peek.

- Peek.
- Peek around.


Knock yourselves out.

Okay, remember the last email,

the one with
all the weird hieroglyphics?

They were letters
and numbers, Shawn.

Okay, it was one
of these things.

The Dewey decimal system?

I didn't even know
they still used this.

That's 'cause people don't
want to crack w*r codes

when the payoff is Jane Eyre.

What was the number, Shawn?


that's sports and recreation.

These books are archaic.

And really old.

Except this one.

Putt Your Way
to a Better Life.

By Earl Wyndam.

My short game
could use some work.

There's no pictures?

This is the weirdest
golf book I've ever seen.

Let me see that.

and Rebirth.

Our emailer wants us to think
that Paula was reincarnated?

We should get back to the lake.

Juliet should
have something by now.

You're gonna need
a library card

if you want to check
something out.

I think we're good, Maudette.

Juliet, it's Gus.

Gus, what's going on?
Is Shawn okay?

- Oh, he's fine.
- Tell her I said hi.

Ask her what she's wearing.

Do you have anything
on Paula Merral?

Do I?

Look, I don't know
what you guys

have gotten yourselves
into up there,

but Paula Merral drowned here
seven years ago.


Did she say hi back?

Is he looking at us?

I think he is.

Dude, take it easy.

That's your seventh piece.

You know I get hungry
when I get freaked out.

Besides, you've had five.

Exactly, I believe
in portion control.

A girl drowns,
gets reincarnated,

and drowns again
seven years later?

Worst cinnamon festival ever.

We definitely
stick out around here.

True, but not as bad as them.

What are you staring at, Jesup?


Wow, did you guys just hoof it
from the highway?

Oh, hell no.

No, we took the seven-mile
dirt road that connects

this crap hole
to the next town over.

We came up here
because the chief wanted us

to get a positive I.D.
on Paula Merral's body.

To see if it matched
the one found in Santa Barbara?

No, see that's the thing.

We never recovered her body.

Which didn't sit well with me.

The inlet where she supposedly
drowned has no current,

which means her body
should have floated up

between 2.3 to 3.1 days.

Oh, I know this because waiting
for corpses to resurface

is a passion of my life.

The sweater she was wearing
was found on the shoreline.

And her bike was discovered
at the end of a nearby dock.

It was lying next to a pile
of sunflower seeds,

which was also weird.

What 11-year-old girl
chews sunflower seeds?

Excuse me, Flo.

Where might we find

the proprietors
of this fine establishment?

Robert and Michelle?

They've been home
ever since they got

the news about Paula.

Do you have something

you want to tell us,
Mr. Barker?

12 years ago,
Michelle's sister Lucy

ran away from Dual Spires,

taking the seven-year-old
Paula with her.

We were worried sick
about Paula.

See, Lucy was an incredibly
unstable person.

Michelle and I practically
raised her daughter for her.

Then one day,
we got a letter from Paula

confirming our worst fears.

It described how
magic white rocks

were making her mom crazy.

- Methamphetamines?
- Along with other stuff.

A couple of letters after that

was the first mention
of the abuse.

And that's when we knew
we had to act.

You helped her fake her death?

We had no other choice.
Lucy wouldn't let her go.

And Paula was all for it.

In fact, it was her idea.

It doesn't matter.

What you did
was against the law.

If I had jurisdiction here,
you'd be under arrest

for obstruction of justice.

She was happy here.

And safe.

Until two days ago.


I'm heading back
to Santa Barbara

to reopen this case,
Mr. Barker.

Once I do,

a warrant will be issued
for your arrest.

Come on, O'Hara.

Call when you can.

You two understand, right?

We're not here
to judge you, Mr. Barker.

We came to investigate,
catch bad guys,

and eat pie.

Not necessarily in that order.

- And it hasn't been.
- No.

- We started with the pie.
- Always.

Do you think we could
take a look in Paula's room?

By all means.
We haven't touched a thing.

It's at the top of the stairs
on the right.

Dude, the doctor/ombudsman
wasn't kidding.

Sister definitely
had a dark side.


What are you doing?

Looking for places
she may have hid stuff.

Every teenager
has a secret spot, Gus.

Remember when I found those

weird photos of John Cusack
in your nightstand?

That was Joan.

Oh, that's much less weird.

Wait. No, it's not.
Not really. Incoming.



What does it say?

"Math was really hard today."

Blah, blah, blah.

Seems like normal
high school stuff to me.


What is this language?

- Is this Chinese?
- No.

It's Latin, Shawn.


Gus, Paula must have thought

someone was reading her diary.

We gotta find out
what that says.

Yeah, but who do we know
that speaks Latin.


And "non erit."
Did you get all that?

I believe so.

Haven't you ever heard
of faxing, Shawn?

I'm sorry, father.

We don't have that capability
right now.

Besides, I thought
that priests thought

all technology was evil.

It's only now that it
begins to dawn on me

how little you learned
in my CCD class.

Father, it's very important
that we understand

what these passages mean.

All right, all right.

Well, this first part
talks about

a young boy she was seeing.

- Someone popular.
- Randy.

Yeah, that makes sense.

She refers to him as "R."

Ah, she may have also
been seeing someone else.

Excellent, is there a name?

No, just the letter "J."

Letter "J."

All right, thank you father.
You've been so much help.

Gus will see you
at church on Sunday.

Uh-huh, what about you?

Oh, you're breaking up.

What? What...

Can't hear anything.

Hello? Father?

Whoa, whoa, wait, wait.
There's more.

It really is
one square foot of coverage.

Jules, what are you doing here?

Well, Lassiter's handling
the reopening of the case

back at the department,

so I thought I would
come back and lend a hand.

We have to hit the library,

follow up on a vision
I just had.

All right, well,
you two go ahead.

I'm gonna notify
Sheriff Jackson

that I'm gonna be
looking into the case.

What do you say we all meet up

at the diner at, uh...




We should go.

I didn't see
any labradoodle, Shawn.

Well, you weren't
looking very hard.

Nice shoes.

I know.

Gus was wondering
if you would like to

be his date to Betty Boop Night
at the Road House.

They don't have a Betty Boop
Night at the Road House.

Oh, then they don't have
my business anymore, either.

Sure you can keep up with me?

I like to dance all night long.




Okay, here we go.

This is the most recent
Dual Spires yearbook.

Thank you, Maudette.

Feels a little thin.

Small book for a small school.

There were only six people
in the graduating class?

Yeah, and even that was large.

Mine only had three.

You, Robert, and Michelle?

You're very impressive,
Mr. Spencer.

None of the guys
in Paula's class

have names that
begin with "J."

Let's see here.

Paula sure is
in a lot of photos.

Oh, that's not surprising.

She loved the attention.


Thank you, Maudette.

Bye, Gus.

Whoa, Jack.

You didn't even
give me a chance

to see if I had
food in my teeth.

You're good.

I'm Shawn.
He's Blackmunn.

Yeah, yeah.
I know who you are.

Oh, good,
so you know we're here

to ask you some questions
about Paula.

You, uh,
you ever think about hanging

any of your photos on the wall?

Well, to me,
each photo is like a memory,

so I like to keep them close.

Looks like you and Paula

were more than
just friends, huh?

Yeah, we were.

Until about a year ago,

she left me
for the Cinnamon King.

You must have been
pretty angry with her.

At first I was, yeah.

But then we became
best friends.

I was her confidant.

We would lip synch
to old records together.

Jon Cryer from Pretty in Pink.

No one in this town has ever
seen that movie, Shawn.

Well, I refuse to accept that.


Jack, that's my bad.

- Uh, let me clean this...
- No, no, no, no.

Don't, don't, don't.

The broken glass will make
for a beautiful photo.

Yeah, it will.

So what do you think?

You think this guy
k*lled Paula?

Most definitely.

He's a freaky dude
living in a freaky place.

And have you noticed
he won't ever make

eye contact with you?

There's only
one reason for that.


Actually, there may be another.

Hey, Jack.

The glass is over here, man.

I know.

I gotta tell you,
you are the highest functioning

blind person
that I've ever seen.

I'm not technically blind.

I still have 30% vision
in my right eye...

For now.

A couple of years ago,
I developed early onset

macular degeneration.

I'm sensing it was around '05.

Yeah, that's right.

Where were you
the night Paula disappeared?

I was with her.

At the beginning of the night.

We took a walk in the forest,
and she told me

she wanted
to leave Dual Spires.

And I said that was a mistake.

And then, jet blackness.

What does that mean?

It would be
a great porn name for you.

I woke up out an hour later.

With this, a bump on my head.

And there was no Paula.

She knocked you out?

Come on, Jack.
A big guy like you?

No, no, no.

Somebody else snuck up on me,

and I wasn't looking.

Well, you could
have been looking.

Probably wouldn't have made
much of a difference.

He's practically blind.

Why didn't you take any of
this to the sheriff, Jack?

Because I may have been
the last person

to ever see her alive,

and my story
sounds fishy at best.

I mean, do you believe me?

Were you taking photos
that night on the walk?

Yeah, yeah.
Of course I was.

Well, why don't you let us
take a look at that film?


- Ooh.
- Why?

Oh, this is good.

This will go well with
the five sh*ts of her boots.

Take a blindfolded
photo sometime.

Let me know how it turns out.

Wait a second.
Here's something.

Dude, we gotta get to Jules.

Hi, I'm looking
for Sheriff Jackson.

The deputy said
I could find him here.

Yeah, uh, he just
stepped out for a sec.

Do you know when he'll be back?

Oh, any minute now.

You can wait
in the back with me.

I'm just doing
a little work for shop class.

I'm Juliet O'Hara.

Randy Jackson.

How much do you weigh?

Excuse me?

I'm sorry, I'm not supposed to

ask a woman
that question, am I?

Not unless you're
piloting a very small plane.

About 105?

Will your dad be here soon?

I'd imagine so.

Paula weighed about 105.

You kind of remind me of her.

I understand
you two were quite close.

I'm sorry for your loss.

Yeah, it's a real tragedy.

You know what?

Why don't I just come back
in, like, an hour or so.




Get your wood
out of her face, Randy.

What's going on?

We know you
knocked out Jack Smith,

when he was with Paula
the night she died.

Yeah, I thought he was
trying to steal my girlfriend.


You're jealous of the goofy kid

who snaps photos
like Jose Feliciano?

Hey, Paula
always had a thing for him.

For Jose Feliciano?

No, Jack.

I just gave him a super elbow
and he crumbled like feta.

What did Paula do?

She freaked out
and went on this rant

about how I'm a hypocrite

'cause I spend a lot of time
with my ex-girlfriend.

And who's that?

That's none of your business.

What is it with all the secret
relationships in this town?

It's like General Hospital.

You're kidding me.

All right, that's it.

Is there a film,
or a television series,

that you people actually saw?

The town gets together
every Thursday night

to watch
reruns of Everwood.

Okay, I can work with that.

What happened next?

She got mad at me
for hurting a blind person.

She then went
to find help for Jack.

I offered to go with her,

but she wanted
nothing to do with me.

So I tied his
shoelaces together,

and went to the library
and waited to hear from her.

Of course...I never did.

Just like Treat Williams'
character on Everwood.

Never got to say
good-bye to his wife.


Look, I'm telling
you guys the truth.

Plus, I have an alibi,

All right.

But we're on to you, Randy.

Just like the townspeople of
Everwood were on to the fact

that Nina was
a surrogate mother.

- Will you stop it?
- Enough.

She was.

Thank you.

So who do we think
Randy's ex is?

Jules, you gotta
order a piece of this pie.

I did.

You guys immediately ate it.

Well, it's gotta be someone
who's into the creepsters,

but I'm guessing she's older,
'cause I have yet to see a woman

under the age of 35
in this town.

It's also someone that Randy
spends consistent time with.

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

I'm getting something.

I'm at the library
almost every night.

Randy and I have a very
special bond, you see.

Four slices to go, please.

If Maudette was sleeping
with Randy, that's gross.

She practically raised him.

The only thing that
would make it grosser

is if she wasn't attractive.

What's wrong with you?

This goes beyond Maudette
getting her Pamela smart on.

I think she k*lled Paula.

- What?
- How do you figure?

I'm sensing that Randy went to
the library that night

to finally tell Maudette

that he and Paula
were leaving Dual Spires.

Sent her into a jealous rage.

She snuck out, k*lled Paula,

because if she
couldn't have Randy,

no woman would.

That changes everything.

Remind me to never have
an affair with an older woman

or a librarian.


That's no good.


I am so sick of this town.

Go ahead and wheel her around
the corner to my office.

I can't believe
Maudette Hornsby

was taking advantage of my son.

Taking advantage
is a little strong.

The dude was 17
and she was fine.

What exactly constitutes
the difference between

altaboy Gus and degenerate Gus?

Reputation was
everything to Maudette.

The prospect of the town
knowing about that scandal

was probably more
than she could live with.

I better speak to my boy.

And I'll get on that autopsy.

The fact that
she m*rder*d someone

may have also
hurt her reputation.

All right, I'm gonna get
back and brief the department.

Do you want me
to drive you to your car?

- No.
- Yes.

We'll meet you
back there in a bit.


Why are we not getting
the hell out of here?

Because my theory
is half-baked, Gus.

Something isn't
sitting right with me.

You know what's not sitting
right with me, Shawn?

Being stuck in a tiny town
with no phone access

and all white people.

Let's go.

Now where are you going?

If we leave now,
I'll let you play the theme

to Weird Science
over and over in the car.

What do you say?

That's happening regardless.
This way.

Here is the most recent
Dual Spires yearbook.

Maudette was
the one emailing us.

That makes no sense.

Why would the k*ller lure
detectives to the scene

and then start
feeding them clues?

Because she
didn't k*ll Paula, Gus.

I'm never
gonna leave this town.

She suspected foul play

and knew she'd be
the prime suspect

if anyone found out about her
relationship with Randy.

So she started snooping around
on her own,

discovered the drowning

seven years ago
in Santa Barbara.

Found us on the Internet.

So who k*lled Paula Merral?

I don't know,
but we're gonna find out.

Gus, stop messing around.

I'm not, Shawn.

- Shawn?
- Yes, Gus.

Something's burning.

I see that.

Help us!
Somebody help us.

We're stuck in this tiny room!
Help us!

Let us out!

Shawn, we're gonna die in this
tiny, stupid room.

Gus, don't be the scream
from holding back the years.

You're right, though.
This could be it for us.

Man, we are gonna burn!

Yes, I know.

No, wait, wait!
Who are you?


Father Westley.

Thank God you
were here, literally.

We were about to be wicker men.

How did you find us?

I just had faith.

- Really?
- No, boys.

I just got to town,
and I saw the fire.

I saw the
tandem bicycle outside.

It all added up.

But how did you know

we were in trouble
in the first place?

You hung up on me

when I was transcribing
the Latin, Shawn.

I just... I got excited.

I took one little step
to the left.

And that girl, Paula.

She felt she was in danger.

She was afraid.

Which led me to be afraid
for the two of you.

And, honestly,
I owed you one anyway

because of that
whole exorcism thing.

What happened to your hair?

Oh...Yeah, it was
an ill-advised attempt

to cover up some gray
that went terribly awry.

But technically,
Sister Rita's to blame.

She's the one that did my hair.

Guys, get in.
We don't have much time.

You have a car?
What gives?

Why should we trust you?

You probably shouldn't,
but if you stay here

you're gonna be sitting ducks
for whoever it was

who tried
to burn you guys alive.

Just... I'll explain
everything at the cabin.

Get in.

Have a seat, I'll make a fire.

All right, we're listening.

My great grandfather
founded Dual Spires.

That's him there.

I might have guessed that one.

After World w*r I ended,

and seeing
the absolute worst in man,

he decided to settle here

with two other soldiers
from his squadron

and their families.

I was wrong,
it isn't Witness.

This is The Village.

The Village
was a ridiculous film.

"Those we do not speak of."

Remember all that nonsense?

It's always been
the responsibility

of the three leaders
of the families

to watch over the town
and its best interests.

Try to understand,

their intentions were so pure.

Create a community
that wouldn't be subjected

to the horrors
that they lived through.

And it worked for 40 years.

Dual Spires was perfect, until...

The great sawmill fire of '58.

It was arson.

A drifter,

who had been in town
doing odd jobs.

Eight people burned to death.

After that,
we became insulated.

Looked at all outsiders
as a threat.

Like Paula.
She was afraid.

She thought
she was being watched.

- Even followed.
- She was.

Which is why
Michelle and I were

of her decision to leave.

I...We...loved her so much.

We just wanted her to be happy.

Did Paula ever know
that you were her father?


I had to tell her,
in order to get her

to come here
in the first place.

What about your wife?

Did she know you had
an affair with her sister?


She never will.

I think she's
been through enough.

You know, for a town
that prides itself

on honesty
and do-goodedness,

you all have a lot of
skeletons in your closet.

Judge not,
that ye may be judged, Gus.

Although, I must say,
in this case,

it's pretty messed up.

I know who k*lled Paula Merral.

Sheriff, you can put the g*n down.

This is Father Westley.
He saved us.

My hair doesn't
normally look like this.

Bless me father,
for I have sinned.

But I'm afraid
I can't put away this g*n.

No, I suppose you can't.

You see, the other two families

that settled this town
were the Jacksons

and the Goodens, am I right?

And as its other two leaders,
you panicked

when you caught wind
that the evil Paula

was running away with Randy.

I mean, without the Cinnamon King,

who would lead
over future generations?

The good doctor can't conceive.

The Barkers didn't have
a child of their own,

which means Randy is
the only direct descendent

to protect Dual Spires
and your way of life.

Especially now that
the sheriff is dying of cancer.

I know he's hurting,
but he won't talk to me.

The two of you wielded
all the power necessary

to k*ll Paula and make it
look like an accident.

And you would have
gotten away with it too,

if Maudette hadn't
sent those emails.

But even that was nothing

a little rope
couldn't take care of.

Isn't that right, sheriff?

You truly are amazing.

But you shouldn't have
come here.

Our business
was not your concern.

Your business...
Is m*rder.

Her death, though tragic,

saves our future.

You k*lled my little girl.

Um, what about us?

Honestly, far less tragic.

We barely know you.

I'm in my own special category.


Really, father?


Drop it, now.

How did you find us?

Aw, miracles happen
every day, Gus.

This is a miracle?

No, I called the detectives
before I came to town.

You sly old dog.

We ran into Jack,
and he led us here.

They thought
this place was a secret.

I've photographed every single
inch of this town.

Ah, good work, son.

We're over here.

Oh, Jack.

It's brighter than the sun.

It's nice to finally
have some alone time.

It is.

Though, you know,
we're not really alone, Shawn.

You were not lying
about the pie, Burton.

- It's heavenly.
- Right?

Now on to ecclesiastes.

- It's one of my favorites.
- Hmm?

Couldn't blow off a priest.
I'm pretty sure that's a sin.

It's not so much Gus, and
Father Westley, and Carlton.

That is a damn fine
cup of cider.

It's the other people.

Three cinnamon pies, please.

What do you say
we get out of here?

I'm in.