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05x02 - Feet Don't k*ll Me Now

Posted: 02/07/22 09:58
by bunniefuu
- Hey, Gus.

What are you doing?

- Just playin'...

Board grass.

- Gus, let me see
what's behind your back.

- Tap shoes?
Are you kidding me?

- Shawn, I like tap dancing.

In fact, I'm pretty good at it.

When people pick on me, I just

Pull out that tap board
and show 'em who's bad.

- Dude, all your permanent
teeth are in, okay?

You're playing for keeps now.

- You should try it.
It's cool.

- All right, what have we got?
- Female victim.

Looks like she was trapped
inside her vehicle and drowned.

Must have been horrible.

- Whoa! O'hara,
maybe I should handle this one.

You know, until you get
your sea legs back.

- I am fine.
I want to help.

- Okay. Take notes.

Tall coffee, black.
I'm off the cream and sugar.

- Carlton.
- I'm sorry, o'hara.

I'm pulling rank on this one.

There will be plenty
of other females

Who die horrific deaths,

And you can investigate
all of them when you're ready.

Get yourself something too.

I'll get the next one!

Hope she doesn't remember that.

Listen, McNab,
I'm still covering

A butt-load of cases I took on
while o'hara was on vacation.

- She was on stress leave.

- Tomato, tomahto.

Point is, until she's
ready for duty again,

I need an extra set of hands.

So pad up.
- Copy.

- Spencer...
keep your pie hole shut

Until I assess my crime scene.

- Nothing shuts my pie hole
but pie.

- Come on.

- We're gonna have to get
close enough to that body

To get a reading.

- Why do you need to get
a reading off a soggy corpse?

Why can't you just
point at it from here?

Or touch the car instead?

Why don't you get a reading
off of that bird over there?

- All right, this vehicle
matches the description

Of the one our missing person
was last seen in.

- Copy.
- Stop saying copy.

- Roger.

- Victim is identified as...

Desiree Blake.

Rained last night, right?

- Yep.

- She took this curb
too fast, lost control,

Went down the embankment,
drowned in the car.

Put time of death as sometime
yesterday on the 12th.

- She wasn't in the car alone.
We're on.

I'm afraid we don't have

An accidental drowning here.

Our Desiree Blake was m*rder*d.

- You are so predictable,

- As predictable
as your next date

Ending with the words,

"I hope this never happens
to someone else"?

- Spencer,
stop wasting my time.

You know how this works.
You want in.

You make your case
to your father

Who's done nothing
but say no to you

Ever since he was made head
of the consultants... thank God.

- I'd be lying if I said

I like having to ask my dad
for case assignments.

I'd also be lying if I said

Val Kilmer still
looks like val Kilmer.

- I still have hope.
- Me too.

We gotta convince Lassie
to put us on this case.

- Uh, you have to do that.
I don't have time.

My new tap class
starts in half an hour.

- Hey, hey, hey, hey.
You're really taking...Tap?

That wasn't just a bit
we were doing?

- Dude, I'm doing something
for myself,

Getting back to things I love.

- For a brief period in '93,

I was known as DJ cold cuts.

Now, do you see me
dusting off my turntables

And playing the curves

- The curves
burnt down last year.

- No wonder they won't
return my calls.

- I'll see you after class.

- Guster.
May I have a word?

Am I to understand
you're taking a...

Tap class?
- Yes.

- Is it court-ordered?
- No.

- Will it make you faster?
- No.

- Are you investigating some
sort of dancing drug ring?

- No.
- Well, then, why on earth

Would a grown man
do such a thing?

- Look, it's something I've
been doing since I was a child,

And I don't care whether
you or Shawn don't get it.

- One, two, three, four.

All right, let's try that
one more time.

Uh...Some of your timing
was a little off.

- Not necessary, Mr. Guster.

I can see everyone
in the mirror.

- Oh.
- Nice moves, by the way.

- Oh. Thanks, well, you know,
I been tapping since...

- One, two, three, four.

- Excuse me.
Excuse me.


- Oh, let me guess.

They wanna move me
to the advanced class?

no. There's a coworker

Waiting for you in the hall.
- What?

I'm so sorry about this.


What are you doin' here?

I thought you were working
on your drowning case.

- I gotta wait for
the science monkeys in forensics

To analyze the evidence
from the scene first.


I know this is a little weird,

And I can't believe
I'm here myself but, um...

Long story short,
ever since the divorce,


Has advised me to step
out of my comfort zone

And try new things...
And since I don't like books

That aren't about
military strategy

Nor do I care for
the platonic company of women,

I thought I'd see if you can get
me into your little class here.

If you're doing it,
how hard could it be, right?

- You realize
you're insulting me

And asking me for a favor
at the same time.

- Give me a break.

My insurance only covered
four therapy sessions.

- Lassiter,
the kind of tap that I do

Is not something you can just
jump into without experience.

- Yeah. Yeah. I'll have them
send over the transcripts

From walking
and chewing gum school.

Can you get me in the class
or not?

I don't have much time
before the lab calls.

- I'll see what I can do.
- You're a peach.

- One, two,

A-one, two, three.

- Cramp! Got a cramp!

- Uh, all right, hold on.

You were...

It's a wrap for today,

Uh, great work.

Keep it in the pocket.

I'll see you all next time,
all right?

- Yeah, great.

- All right.

You okay?

- Yeah!
This is...Awesome.

I'm fine.
- I mean, don't worry about it.

Everyone has a hard time
the first time around.

- It wasn't hard.
It was just a waste of time.

I just hope my therapist
doesn't make me come back.

- Wait... you're quitting?
- No, I'm not quitting.

I'm simply choosing
not to continue.

- Lassiter, I wanted you
to realize how hard it was.

I didn't want to make you quit.

Especially because I believe
that people who carry g*ns

Should do what
their therapists say.

All right, look,
let's try it again.

Come on.

- It's ridiculous, guster.

- It'll be something simple.

All right,
let's try a cramp roll.


- That's it?
- That's it.

Just like that.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- Hey...

I think I'm actually
starting to get it.

There might be something
to this pansy stuff after all.

- I don't know if pansy's
the right word.

- I know, but the alternative
seemed a little offense,

So I thought I'd water it down.

I gotta tell ya...

I'm actually starting
to feel a little more relaxed.

- All right, let's try
something different.

Let's try a shuffle.

- Uh-huh.

- Just like that!

- You know, it's like...
Focusing on the step,

It's actually helping me
clear my mind.

- Exactly.

- This is the clearest
my mind's been in years.

I actually feel the stress
just melting away.

- All right, try this one now.


- Yeah.

- Oh?
- Yeah...All right!

- So what are you
stressed about?

- Ah...Work.

The neighbor's suing me
for k*lling his squirrels.

Mostly work.

You know that, uh,

Case you guys
walked in on earlier?

- Yeah?

- Something about it
just doesn't add up.

Found this bag
of unmarked pills in her purse.

- What?

- While I'm sitting here
fooling around with you,

I forgot to call the lab
about the results.

Yeah, it's lassiter.

Did you analyze that sample
I brought in yet?

Are you kidding me?
How long does it take?

Oh, I don't know,

I thought maybe you could
tell me something,

Like what they are,
where she bought 'em, anything.

- Those pills weren't bought.
They were made.

- Huh?
- They're lab trial samples.

- How do you know?

- I'm in pharmaceutical
sales, remember?

- Since when?
Doesn't matter.

Can you tell me who made these?

- Well, there's only
a handful of local labs

That use that pentagonal shape.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- Gus, are you busy right now?

- Gus! There you are.

Your class let out
just in time.

Kfc is giving away
double downs.

Dude, they're just
giving them away.

What are you doing here?

- I discovered, after you two
left the crime scene,

That I have a need
for Guster's...

Pharmaceutical expertise
on this case,

So I came here to find him.

- You convinced Lassie
to put us on the case.

Good work, buddy!
- I said Guster's expertise.

Not yours.
- Yeah, we're a package, Lassie.

You don't get
Jake "the snake" Roberts

Without Damien the python.

Gus doesn't work solo.
Tell him, Gus.

- Well, that's not
actually true...

- You have offended him
by merely suggesting it.

Don't be angry.
- I'm not.

- Oh, no.
Now he's indignant!

You'd better back off, Jack.

Gus, without breathing fire

Through your sweet, sweet
nostrils, tell him to back off.

- I don't have time for this.
Guster, if you decide

You wanna
help on the case alone,

You're welcome to come with me.

- Ha! Why aren't
you laughing?

- I'd only be helping
with research... it's no big deal.

- No big deal? You'd be
working a case without me.

- You've worked tons of cases
without me.

- Yeah, because I knew
I could solve them.

- Are you saying I can't
solve a case without you?

- No. I'm not saying that.

- Because if we've learned
anything over these few years

It's that you really can't
do it without me.

- First of all...

We haven't learned anything
over the years.

Second of all,
I'm the one with this.

- So?
- So, all you have is this...

- You know what?
It's on.

- It's not on.
- It is on, Shawn.

Like mascara on prince,
it is on.

Lassie, count me in.
It's on.

- I'm thrilled. Get in the car.
- And you know who has shotgun?

- You.
- Me.

- Because Lassie's
already behind the wheel.

- Because it's on.

- All right, fine.

If this is how you wanna
play it, it is on.

- No, no. I decide
when it switches from off to on.

- So it's off?
- Yes.

Now it's on!

[the friendly Indians'
I know you know]

♪ ♪

- ♪ in between the lines
there's a lot of obscurity ♪

♪ I'm not inclined
to resign to maturity ♪

♪ if it's all right ♪

♪ then you're all wrong ♪

♪ but why bounce around
to the same damn song ♪

♪ you'd rather run
when you can't crawl ♪

♪ I know you know ♪

♪ that I'm not telling
the truth ♪

♪ I know you know ♪

♪ they just don't
have any proof ♪

♪ embrace the deception ♪

♪ learn how to bend ♪

♪ your worst inhibitions ♪

♪ tend to psych you out
in the end ♪

- I'm Detective
Carlton lassiter.

This is my associate
Burton guster.

What's wrong?

- I'm not used to getting
introduced by my real name.

- Ma'am, are you familiar
with these pills?

- Yes.

Those look like our trial
h-c-g hormone pills.

- A fertility drug.

- You are correct.

- Very nice, guster.
- Thank you.

- They're an experimental
fertility treatment

Currently in phase three
of clinical trials.

But they're not for public use.

- Any idea how someone else
could have

Gotten ahold of those?
- Not a clue.

- Unless they were
a test subject.

- True. But I ran
the trials alone

And kept all of the test
subject logs to myself.

- Ma'am, those pills were found

On a dead woman.
- Oh, my goodness.

- So we're gonna need to see
those logs immediately.

- Of course.

- You scared the crap
outta her!

- Yeah.
- But a phase three trial

Is a double blind trial,

Meaning there has to be
at least two administrators.

That way,
the test group can have

A different administrator
than the placebo group.

- So you're saying she lied?

- There has to be
another research technician.

- Nice insight, guster.

But why didn't you say something
when she was still here?

- You know Shawn.

I usually can't get
a word in edgewise.

- Oh, that's funny.

O'hara usually just
blurts out her opinions.

As if I asked for them.
Or wanted them.

Or needed them.

Because women ruin everything.

- Maybe now's a good time
to call your therapist.

- No, let's check out
those logs first.

I'm gonna see where she went.

- Look, Gus.
I'm getting handsy.

- Shawn...
- Oh...

How's your little m*rder
investigation coming along?

- What are you doing here,

- You missing a m*rder w*apon?

You can take the knife
out of my back.

- How did you find me, Shawn?

- I installed GPS
parental controls on your phone.

- Is that why it keeps beeping?

- It also tells me
if you use your credit card

To buy condoms,
liquor, or glue.

It's a little wasteful,
don't you think?

- I'm a player, Shawn.
- You're not a playah.

- What are you doing here,

We already interviewed
the technician.

- If Gus is allowed
to show off his expertise,

Then I'm allowed
to show off mine.

- Spencer, we don't have time

To watch you make a snowman
out of mashed potatoes.

- That's funny.

- I'm getting something.

There's someone else...

Someone el... writing...

With their right hand,

- Yes. She had a partner.
We already know that.

- You do?
- Yes. We do.

Now, if you'll excuse us.

- Good luck getting hired
on a case that I'm already on.

- Good luck getting hired
on my case that you're not on.

That doesn't make any sense.

Listen, dad, I know
exactly what you're gonna say.

- Yes. You can work on the case
with lassiter and Gus.

- I had no idea
you were gonna say that.

- Even though lassiter
only requested Gus,

We still have to pay psych
your full rate.

I don't like the idea

Of you sitting around
on your ass all day

Collecting a check
for doing nothing.

So I'm putting you to work.

- So even when you do
something I want,

It still counts
as some sort of punishment?

- You're welcome...Now I need
to find you a partner.

- Oh! I'll do it.
What case are we talking about?

- The one Lassie's
working with Gus.

- Even better.
He's been treating me

Like a rookie
ever since I took leave.

I am itching to get
back out into the field,

Even if it means
babysitting Shawn.

- Fine. You two are working
the case together.

No reason for anything
to fall through the cracks.

- Babysit? Really, Jules?
Come on.

- Shawn, what have you
done today?

- Well, let's see.
I watched some Phineas and ferb.

Took a nap.
Had a snack.

I'm a little tired.
- Exactly.

- I just wanna beat
Lassie and Gus.

- And...Catch the k*ller.

- Sure, yeah,
if that's what it takes.

As long as we get to do
our thing, chop it up,

Pound the pavement,
walk the bzzz-neat.

- First catch me up on what
we're dealing with here.

- I really am exhausted.

But...I'm having a vision
that the lab technician lied

About not having
another partner.

- Well, then, let's call her in
and see what she's hiding.

- What!

- Oh.

- Hey...What are you two
doing here?

- We're interviewing a witness.

- What are you two doing here?

- We're interviewing a witness.

- Are you two
working together now?

What happened, they bust you
down to the minors?

- You go where
you're appreciated.

- I got two different calls

Asking me to come in
for questioning.

- Oh, really, who called you
first, us or them?

- Who'd you meet first,
us or them?

- Would you two stop it?

Miss, we have reason to believe
you lied to us

When you told us that you worked
on a clinical trial alone.

- Which, if true, could land
you an obstruction charge.

- Okay.

Okay, I'm sorry.

I was trying to protect
my partner Ben.

Protect him from what?

- Desiree was Ben's girlfriend.

He was supplying her with
fertility pills under the table

Because their insurance
wouldn't cover

The thousands of dollars
in treatments.

- Wait. They were trying
to have a baby?

But they weren't even married.
- Gus.

Get with the times.
It's 2008!

- It's 2010.
- Ha. Nice try.

That would mean we're at w*r
with the machines.

- How much did you know
about this Ben?

- Ben Stephens.

He's not a lawbreaker.
He's a very decent guy.

He was only trying
to be a good boyfriend.

I lied to keep him
out of trouble,

But I certainly don't think
he's capable

Of something like this.
- Neither do we.

Guster, would you care
to get a cup of coffee,

Maybe take a little break?

- Sure thing.

- Yeah. Jules...

Aren't we due for a break?

How would you feel about
a little, uh, heavy petting?

Just a little over the clothes
third base action?

- Eew!
- Maybe get some coffee?

- Sure.
- Great.

- Carlton, what are you doing?

- Me? What are you doing?
- You pinned me in!

- This is my and Guster's lead.
- No, it's my and Shawn's lead.

You should leave.
- What are you smoking?

I am head Detective.
All leads go through me.

- Right. Like I haven't
heard that one before.

I know your tricks.

- O'hara, I am ordering you
to get back in that vehicle

And drive away.

- That's gonna be tricky,

- Give me those!

- Oh, nice senior
officiating there, Carlton.

- Shut it!
- Ooh.

- You guys are letting
your lead get away.

- Ha! You just let your lead
slip through your fingers.

- Will someone explain to me
how the four of you

Let him get away?

Someone else.

- We were about
to question the suspect

When we got...Sidetracked
by a disagreement.

- Disagreement.

Well, your little disagreement

Has led to a state-wide

- He likes to use
your own words against you.

- Look, this reflects poorly
on me too,

And I'd like to keep my job at
least till the end of the month.

Now, I want the four of you
to get your acts together

And find him!

- You can't yell at me.
You're just a consultant.

- Oh, yeah? I know what happened
to your neighbor's squirrels.

- Carry on.

- I take my job
very seriously, guster,

And I don't like being

All right,
we've gotta figure out

Where Ben fled to.

All we have to go on
is that he was last spotted

Heading West on highway 101.

What the hell are you doing?

- It helped you
clear your head last time.

- What?
You gotta be kidding me.

- Just follow my lead.

Did you notice anything
when we were at Ben's house?

- No. It all happened
too fast.

first thing I know,

We were arguing,

Next thing I know, he was
crashing through the garage.

Wait! The DMV report
that came out today...

It said that the car
that Desiree's body was found in

Belonged to Ben.
- Right. They shared it.

They were living in sin
and driving in sin.

- So whose car did Ben
crash through the garage in?

- Good question.

Maybe a loaner?
- Ah...

No. A rental.

We should have McNab check
all the local rental companies.

- Nice!

- I gotta tell you,

I can't believe this stuff
actually works!

Even though I look like
a total moron doing it.

Oh, crap.

- Look at that.
Christmas came early.

- So that's what the two of you
have been doing together...

Tap dancing?

- Okay, the truth is...

Lassiter happens to be
in my tap class.

- You've been taking
tap classes together!

How sweet! What's next,
singing into hair brushes?

Beachside pilates?

Quick, Jules, chime in
while I think of more zingers.

- What's next...Bridge?

- Yeah, bridge...

Thanks for k*lling the bit.

- Tap happens to be something
we both enjoy.

- While you two are sneaking
around and spying on people,

We have a new lead.

- You finishing each other's
sentences now?

But we have a lead too.

- Well, technically,
ours is more of a hunch...

- Hamburger!

- Shawn, why in the world

Would I have been about
to say hamburger?

- Let's roll, guster.

- That doesn't even
make any sense.

- I just heard you make
an "h" sound.

- So you go to hamburger?

So we have to figure outbe w hd,

But I don't think
they're going to be cooperative,

Seeing that
we don't have a warrant.

- Jules, don't be Canada.
I'll handle this.

- Hello.
- Hello. How can I help you?

- I would like to sell
my body to science.

- Well, I'd like to make
the first bid.

- Is this a...Silent auction?

What? She started it.

Oh, uh, actually, we...
Would like to sign up

To be human Guinea pigs...
for money.

- Our current volunteer
study only pays 20 bucks.

- I'll do it.
- Uh, sorry. Women only.

- She'll do it.
- What?

- Don't act like
you can't use 20 bucks.

I've seen your place.

- Well, if you're interested,

You'll have to sign
the consent forms.

You'll be put under anesthesia,
and there's a chance

The hormones
may make your feet grow.

- She's interested.

- What are you doing?
- What is anyone doing?

In the grand scheme of things?
- Stop.

- Your negativity is...

Is clogging up
my psychic signals.

Do you mind keeping her busy

While I attempt to unclog them?

- And how am I supposed
to do that?

- Gus would turn into smooth
Gus and try to pick her up.

- I am not hitting on a girl.
- Why, does that scare you?

Or does that not scare you?
And does that scare you?

- Shawn...
- What?

- For you know,
this girl could be dangerous.

- You'd better make sure of that

Before you enter into
a relationship with her,

'cause she probably
won't change.

- Right this way.

I'll be back
to get your information.

- I'll be right here.

- All right, put the time of
death down sometime yesterday

On the 12th.

- So, Shawn...
- Hey.

- I turns out I am taking
all of the medications

That Tonya here
says disqualifies somebody

From being a part of the study.

- That's... no.

A bummer.

Oh, well.
We tried.

I guess we should roll?
- Mm.

- And if they ever
discover a drug here

That makes me as strong
as an ox...

But only when
I'm fighting another ox...

You let me know.

- I will.
- All right.

- We are gonna nail
this guy, guster.

- Are you sure Ben's guilty?

- 100%.

- Okay, here's the, uh,
rental agreement.

Mr. Stephens' car
was due back yesterday,

And we haven't heard from him.

D-do you think he stole it?

- I'd say your chances

Of seeing that vehicle again

Are about as good
as your chances

Of turning this job
into a viable career.

Hey, this antitheft
tracking device.

That a lojack?

- Yeah.

- We're gonna need
that tracking I.D.

We've got clear motive,
all right?

They've been together
for a while.

She's been pressuring him,

Putting the squeeze on him
to have kids.

They're common law
husband and wife.

She'd get half of everything
if he left her.

That's not an option,
so he k*lled her.

- I don't know, lassiter.

Who helps his girlfriend
obtain fertility pills

If he's not planning
on being with her?

This doesn't feel like m*rder.

- Guster, you've gotta grow up.

People have sex,
and they k*ll each other...

That's the real world.

Not some magical feelings

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

Let's go get a warrant.

- We're gonna eat first, right?
- Yeah, we'll eat on the way.

I got an ashtray
full of sunflower seeds.

- We're so sorry
for your loss, miss Blake.

Now, this must be
very difficult for you,

So we won't take up
a lot of your time.

- I wish I could be
of more help,

But I don't know where Ben is.

Believe me, if I knew,
I would tell you.

- Was there animosity
between the two of you?

- He was a cheating bastard.

Desiree found out,

And they had this huge fight
right before she disappeared.

- I wonder what she did
to make him cheat.

- Shawn.
- What?

- What are you doing?

- You will thank me later.

Mrs. Blake...

I'm sensing that Ben felt
great remorse for his actions,

Tried to reach out
to you personally.

- You mean the flowers
he kept sending?

As always, too little too late.
I never trusted that man.

- When did you last see Ben?

- Right after
they found Desiree's body.

He came by
to offer condolences.

I...Promptly kicked him out.

I'm not so sure he's not
the reason she's dead.

- Well...We have taken up
enough of your time, miss Blake.

Thank you.
- We're just gonna...

- Shawn!

- Let's go.

- Ben's looking
more and more guilty

The more we learn about him.

- I don't know, Jules.

What kind of person
kills someone's daughter

And then sends her flowers
the next day?

- A crafty k*ller...
that's who.

We need to go back
to the station

And start putting
these pieces together.

- Back to the station? Can't we
do this over a jamba juice?

- My graph paper and colored
pencils are at the station

So that we can chart
what we know

And extrapolate what we don't.

- What was that word?
- Extrapolate.

- That doesn't sound
very fun at all.

- Whoever said work
was supposed to be fun?

- Ron Jeremy, for starters.

Tell you what,
you go back to the office

And put all that boring
stuff together

That...I already
forgot what it was,

And I'll see you there
in half an hour.

- Okay.
Half an hour.

- Sweet.

- Good work, Gus.
You found Ben.

- Shawn, what are you
doing here?

Dude, I know
you're not psychic.

- Sorry, buddy. It's hard
to keep track of who knows what.

I broke away from Juliet,

Tracked you
on your little thingy.

How'd you find him?

- Lassiter used the lojack
tracking system on his car.

I saw the location,

Snuck away while lassiter
was working on the warrant.

- Figured you guys were close.
And like me, you broke away...

Because you thought
Ben was innocent.

- Dude, you're doing it again.

- Am I?
It's ridiculous.

- Is that why you broke away
from Juliet?

- Yep. Needed to check it out
for myself.

- Hmm.

Since we're both here,
we might as well do it together.

- Sure. Whatever.

- Ben.

No, wait, no!

Ben, we don't...

- Whatever the police
think I did,

I didn't do it.

- I'm a psychic
with the police department.

This is my partner,
Santonio Holmes.

We don't think
you did it either.

- Really?
- Really.

You were more distraught
than anyone

To hear that Desiree was dead.
- Of course I was.

Just thinking about it
makes me sick.

- I want to find the person
who did this more than anything.

I've loved Desiree like...

We'd been living together
since we graduated.

- When did you graduate?
- 2005.

- Lassiter's theory
that he k*lled Desiree

To protect his money
doesn't make sense.

They weren't common law
husband and wife.

Those rights don't kick in

Until a couple has been
together for seven years.

- And they moved in together
in 2005,

Which was only three years ago.

- Five.

- I should start carrying
a pocket calendar.

- Ben, why did you run
from the cops?

- Desiree's mom,
she practically accused me

Of causing Desiree's death.

I thought she was the one
who called the cops on me,

So...I panicked.

- Ben, listen to me.

But also hear me.

You didn't do yourself
any favors by hiding, okay?

I can convince the cops
that you're innocent,

But only if you trust us.

- And you're sure...
- I'll do the touching.

- You're sure
they'll believe I'm innocent.

- I can guarantee it.

- Freeze,
you murderous dirt bag!

- Ish.

I can guarantee it "ish."

- Guys, please help me out

- Hang in there, Ben.
- Shawn...Santonio?

Can I at least
get my phone call?

- All right, so what if it
wasn't a common law marriage?

If he was innocent, he wouldn't
have run from the police.

- I have a very strong hunch
that he's not our k*ller.

- We don't deal in hunches.
- "we"?

- I'm sorry, Shawn,
but it's over.

- I understand.

It was fun while it lasted.
- No, it wasn't.

- We made a great team.
- No, we didn't.

It was a disaster!

Partners don't lie
to one another,

And partners don't run off

And partners do not
go through my purse,

Find my phone,
and text photos of my dog

To every guy in my address book

With the caption,
"this is you."

- Partners support
each other's theories.

- We never support each other.

- Yeah. We're constantly

And running.

I miss that.
- Me too. What!

- We're still hired
on this case, Gus.

Let's get to work.

- But first can we get
something to eat?

I'm kind of hungry.
All I've had all day

Are sunflower seeds.
- Are you kidding me?

I haven't eaten
in almost two hours.


- And then we try to free Ben.

- And then...Japa dogs.


- Well, one thing's for sure
from all this.

It's nice to have you back.

- Thanks. I'm sorry you got
stuck with an extra caseload

While I was gone.

- That's okay.

Besides, it's your extra
caseload now.

- It's good to be back.

- Woodrow, my good man.
- Shawn!

Always nice to see you
walk through that door.

- Well, let's hope you never
see me rolled in on a gurney.

- Let's.
Although I'd be honored

To saw through your chest

And remove your good-natured
heart from its cavity.

- I'm touched.

Woody, in your professional
opinion, how do I die?

- m*rder.
Gangland-style execution.

We never find your head.
- That's a shame.

- You slip in a tub.

- We need you to tell us
everything you can

About, uh, the death of this
here Desiree Blake.

- Cause of death
in our victim...

- Oh.
- Is confirmed to be drowning

Evidenced by the presence
of fluid in the lungs.

- Yeah, and what about this mark
on her ankle there?

- Yeah.
Interesting, isn't it?

Almost looks like freezer burn.
- Freezer burn?

How would she get freezer burn
in 70-degree water?

- Better question is
why would a drowning victim

Show no signs of struggle?
- What do you mean?

- Well, there's no bruising
on the body

Or... or cuts
or any kind of struggle.

- Hey. It's Ben's lab partner.

- When Ben called and said
that he'd been arrested,

I rushed right over.

There's no way
that he did this.

- We don't think so either.

- Yeah, but we need proof.

- You know, Gus and I...

Discovered something
pretty interesting.

- Did you two know that when
a tech enters Ben's lab,

They have to swipe a security
card to gain entrance?

- Gee, Gus, I wish
there was some kind of record

Of exactly what time
he entered and exited

On the day of the m*rder.

- Some kind of log.
- Or a registry.

- Ledger.
- Duckit.

- Docket.
- I've heard it...

I haven't.

hey, what is that
behind your ear?

- Will you look at that?

It's the entrance record!

- Oh, according to this,

Ben was working
at the time of the m*rder.

- What?

There's no way he could
have k*lled Desiree.

- And now we revel.
- Alien-style.

- Congratulations.
- Ee...

- But you two
are forgetting something.

- What's that, officer dad?
- Part-time officer dad.

- There's still
a k*ller out there.

Get to work.

- Mmm.

All right, what do we know
about this case?

One...There's a woman
who's dead.

- Two, Ben didn't k*ll her.

- Three, these japa dogs
are delicious.

- I hear that.

- You gotta give it
to the Japanese.

And not just because
they invented the Chinese.

- You know,
I almost took lassiter

To the japa dog cart once,
but I felt like I was cheating.

- Oh. That's so sweet,

- Mm.

- He was a cheating bastard.

Desiree found out,
and they had this huge fight

Right before she disappeared.

- Wait a minute.

Ben...Cheated...On Desiree.

- Yes, he did.
- We never figured out with who.

- He didn't say.

She would have motive
to k*ll Desiree.


- We gotta get that out of Ben.

How come you're allowed
to say bingo when I'm not?

- The same reason you're not
allowed to say "true DAT."

- True that.
- Exactly.

- Buzz, what's going on, man?

- They just pulled a dead surfer
out of the water.

- Dead...

- Ben.

Oh, no.


- He... he's dead, Shawn.

- Oh, man.
- Once again...

No sign of struggle.
Fluid in the lungs.

If this happened once,
I wouldn't think as much of it,

But twice in one week with
two victims who knew each other?

That's more than suspicious.

What would be really awesome

Is if it happened a third time.

- You're saying that Ben
and Desiree both drowned,

But neither of them actually
died in the water.

How's that possible?

- They were dry drowned.
- Oh, come on, Gus.

Now you're just putting words
next to other words

That sound like things
we're talking about.

- No! Actually...
He's right.

Dry drowning can give
all the appearances

Of actual drowning.

It would have to be caused
by something like a...

Methane gas leak
or an overdose of anesthesia.

- If you're interested,

You'll have to sign
the consent forms.

You'll be put under anesthesia.

- Gus, we gotta get back
to the lab.


- All right, we came down here
ya asked.

Now what?
- Let's be honest.

We need you, and you need us.

Let us all work together.
Watch it and feel it.

- I refuse to watch,

And I'm sure as hell
not gonna feel it.

- Feel what, Shawn?

- We're about to get
ourselves a confession.

Got bad news.

These are cops,
this is Dion Richmond...

- No, I'm not.
- I'm a psychic.

I see things,
and I feel things.

- Do you wanna feel
what you see?

- I can't lose with this girl.

- Have you no shame?

- I'm not here to play
Twist and pull!

Not with
a cold-blooded k*ller.

You're the one that had
an affair with Ben.

Don't deny it.
- Guilty as charged.

- Boom...Shaka!

That's gotta be a new record.
- What!

- Cuff her, Lassie.
- What? It's not like

He croaked
while we were doing it.

- You wanted Ben
all for yourself.

- No, I didn't.

We hooked up once,
and he totally freaked out.

He loved his girl.
Whatever. The beat goes on.

- Not Ben's.
- Likely story.

You had access
to the anesthesia

That dry...

Drowned him.

- I'm a part-time assistant.

I mean, do you think they
actually let me near that stuff?

My security badge gets me
in and out of the front door

And into the bathroom.

I don't get anywhere near

The actual experiments.

You'd have to go to Devry
or something for that.

- Yes. Interesting, indeed.

Almost looks like freezer burn.

I'm calling an audible.

I'm sensing something
very strong.

I'm getting a strong,

Spirit vibe here.

Right...In here.

It's strong here,
but mostly here.

You. Lillian.

You were jealous of Ben
and Desiree's relationship.

- That's ridiculous.
- Miss, excuse me.

We'll get to you in a second.
Spencer, what's the deal?

Am I cuffing Charlotte
the harlot or what?

- No. Sorry.
You and I are back on dirty.

Lillian k*lled Desiree Blake

Because she wanted Ben
all for herself.

- That's crazy.
- Maybe it isn't.

In your statement to us,
you did refer to Ben

As a great boyfriend,

And you showed up to get him
out of jail

Before we'd even
finished processing him.

- Come on.
Of course you fell for him.

He was your partner.

He shared his problems
with you.

He confided in you.
He trusted you.

- But Ben never referred to her

As anything other than
a coworker.

Come on, it's obvious
why he'd go for that one...

She's easy.

- I was more than a coworker.

I cared for him.

Everyone knew that Ben and
Desiree were getting married.

Ben made a mistake

And cheated on Desiree.

She moved out,

And you saw that
as your opportunity.

- Hey, who are you
calling a mistake?

- Isn't it obvious?

- How did I miss this?

- What is he doing?
- It gives him clarity.

- Yeah, Lassie, I don't think
we have time...

To give the savion glover

- Shh!

- Even after Ben cheated,

He still pined for Desiree.

He wanted her back,
and you realized

You would have to
get rid of her for good.

So you brought her to this lab

And gave her
a high dose of anesthesia

That caused her to
dry drown!

- I taught him that.
- Trust us, we know.

- Then you just had to
get rid of the body.

So you put Desiree
behind the wheel of her car,

And you drove it into the Lake,

Weighing down the accelerator

With one of those big blocks
of frozen water

That you use
for freezing lab samples.

- Dry ice is not frozen water.
It's carbon dioxide.

They do share the same
principle in terms of...

- Not now, Gus.
I can't do this with you now.

The point is,
the evidence melted.

Very clever.

And all you had to do
was be there for Ben,

And he would fall for you like
you had already fallen for him.

- Except he didn't feel
the same way about you.

- I wanna find the person
who did this more than anything.

- You were so delusional,

You thought he would be touched
by your murderous act.

Of course, he was not,

Because you are
a crazy dry drowner.

And in the heat of the moment,

It was either you or him.

- And you chose you!
- Nice, Lassie.

Way to tap your way
back to the party.

- A second review of the body
will trace the anesthesia

Used to k*ll them
back to your lab.

- He should have been with me.

This is all her fault.

- Hands behind
your back, please.

- Well played, Shawn.

- Well played, everybody.

Way to roll with the punches.

You just never know which
way it's gonna come and go.

Psychically speaking.

- Thank you for
agreeing to meet me.

- Sure.
- Let's hope this goes better

Than the last couple of days.
- Yes! Let's.

- Not that they were...
That bad.

- They were horrific.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- Yo, you all right?
- I'm okay.

- All right, again, again,
from the top.

♪ ♪

- That's my partner up there!

- Black guy's my partner.
- They're both black.

♪ ♪

- I know who
the West Side r*pist is.

- And that's...My partner.

- Kids, come on, freestyle.
One, two, three, four.