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07x26 - Meanwhile

Posted: 02/07/22 09:55
by bunniefuu
Remember this
place, Leela?

Yep. The moon. It's been
here for quite a while.

Yeah, but it's also
where we came

on our very first
delivery together.

Oh, right.

Man, we sure used to
try harder back then.

Get your likeness in the
form of a balloon sculpture.

A cherished family keepsake
for hours to come.

One Leela, please.

And use your
finest balloons.

Wow, you're good.

Five years of art school.


Want a corn dog?

Then your mom should
have bought you one.

- Ooh, fancy.
- Hold tight.

The Mecha-Hexadecapus is about to
flail erratically into action.


You know, I'm feeling a little...



Poor Leela. I never
even told her I loved her.

What! You told her,
like, 140 times.

Yeah, but she paid very
little attention to me.

Oh, Bender.

I always thought me and her
would grow old together.

You gotta
live in the moment, baby.

And in this moment,
Leela's dead.

Sir, we have some good news
and some bad news.

The good news is, we found
your stuffed animal.

What's the bad news?

Your wife is dead.

She wasn't my wife.

Oh, then there
is no bad news.

Leela. You're alive.

She gave her
life to save mine.

Bender, can
I come in and talk?

I'm kind of busy.

Seeing Leela fly
off the Hexadecapus

and crash through
the moon dome

and survive inside a stuffed
animal by breathing a balloon

was a dose
of reality.

Come in.

All this time,
I've been wondering

if I can spend
my life with her.

But what I realize now is, I
can't spend my life without her.

So, tomorrow, I'm
asking her to marry me.

Uh-huh. Good talk.
We're done here.

My little
meatbags growing up.

Computer, Jamaican Joy Juice,


Behold the Time Button.

A pocket-sized
device that sends the

entire universe 10
seconds into the past.

I will now demonstrate.

Joy Juice, hot.

Pretty cool, eh?

I'm over here where
I was 10 seconds ago.

Somethings cool'?
Show it to us.

Oh, right.

You were outside
the button ball,

so you don't remember
a thing I said.

Let's try again,
but this time,

everyone cram
into my time shelter.



It's coated with
antichroniton-resistant grout

to shield you from
the effects of the button.

Come on. Get in.
Hurry up.

Friends, I found $10.

$10, you say'?
Let me see.

It fell off a man.

The man got into a taxi,
but the money did not.

Friends, I found $10.

You found some
money? Show me.


Say, check out
the money I found.

It fell off a chump.

Hey, Professor,

couldn't you go back in time
as far as you want

by pressing the button
over and over?

Certainly not.

Each time the button
sends you back 10 seconds,

it takes 10
seconds to recharge.

There, it's recharged.


Again, again.


What if you had
a special moment

that you wished
could go on forever?

Could the Time Button make
it last as long as you wanted?

Hell, no. This button is
for scientific use only.


Yes, I'd like an engagement
diamond, please?

You come to
the right joint, ace.

I'll take this one.

Classy choice, chief.
She'll crap her pants.

That'll be five bills.
Hey, give me back my stones.

Hello, stranger. This
is my first time here.

Do you sell diamonds?

You come to the
right joint, ace.

I guess what I'm saying is,
the next time you almost die,

I want it to be as my wife.

The clam, Elzar.

Clam, bam, thank
you, ma'am.



Leela, my love,

will you...

I'll have what
she's having.

Oh, God. I ruined everything.
I blew my one chance to...

Hey, wait a second.

Clam, bam,
thank you, ma'am.


Wait. Allow me.

Leela, my love,

will you marry me?

Oh, my gosh. This is all
so sudden after 13 years.

Don't answer yet.

I want this to be
a special moment,

so I rented the roof
garden on top of

the tallest building
in New New York.

The Vampire State Building?

Uh-huh. If your answer's yes,
be there tonight at 6:30,

half hour before sunset

And if my answer's no'?

Then just don't show up.
I'll get the message.

Big night,
eh, Mr. Fry?

The biggest, Janos.
Check this out.

What is that?
Some kind of time button?

Exactly. If she
says yes,

I'll use it to make the sunset
last as long as we want.

Strange things happen
when the shadows lengthen.

to the 237th floor men's room.

Six o'clock. She'll be
here in half an hour.

6:30? Maybe she's
stuck in slow traffic.

I know she'll come.
I know it.

I really thought
she was gonna come.

I traveled a thousand
years forward in time,

but without Leela,
I have no future.

This is the end.

Good-bye, my love.


Hey. It's only 6:25.

So why does my
watch say 7:03?

Of course.
My watch is fast because it

kept running every
time I hit the button.

So Leela's actually on time.

Hi, Leela.


It's okay,
I'm gonna die happy.

No, wait. I'll go back 10 seconds
till when I was on the roof.

Rats. Guess I was falling
for more than 10 seconds.

Hi, Leela.


Everything's cool.

Wait a second. There's no possible
way out of this situation.

Help, help!


I'm stuck in a loop.
This isn't the

moment I wanted
to last forever.

Careful. This is the most valuable
thing we've ever delivered.


This is the most...

Into the time shelter.

Someone stole the Time Button, and
they're pressing it every 10 seconds.

The universe is
caught in a time loop.

Then let's go
out and stop them.

Are you mad?

Because that
would make two of us.

You're right.
We'd never get anywhere.

We'd just keep jumping back
to where we started.

Also, we'd die horribly.

You see, we're
shielded in here.

So if we leave
the time shelter

and the button gets pressed
less than 10 seconds later,

the antichronitons wouldn't
know where to send us back to.

We'd be shredded across the time-space
continuum like human coleslaw.



Listen, I know who
stole the button.

I wasn't gonna tell, because
I don't like being helpful.

But I do like
ratting people out, so,

it was Fry.

He took it to
the Vampire State Building.

We've got to get
to him. But how?

We can't leave
the time shelter.

Hooray. I'm trapped in a
tiny fun room with friends.

Man, falling from
a great height an

infinite number of
times can be stressful.

At least I have Leela's comforting
scream to look forward to.



Hurry, hurry,
hurry, hurry, hurry, stop.

Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry
hurry, hurry, hurry...

My boyfriend
gave me a diamond

Hurry, hurry, hurry...

Fry. We're hereto rescue you.





He's... He's dead.

It does look
that way.

My poor sweet puddle.

The button.
I can still save him.

No, don't.

You'll shred me
into a zillion...

It worked.

But you k*lled
the Professor.

Yeah, but it worked.

I d*ed. I'm dead.

I'm gonna die.

Come on, come on.

Fry, what's happening?
Did you fall off the building?

Actually, that's
kind of a funny story...

He sure has a lot of
blood for a skinny guy.

And I didn't
want to go on living

without you,
so I jumped, and, well...


That's so sweet, Fry.

You know those dreams
where you're falling,

and right before you hit
the ground you wake up?

Those are great.

If only there were
a way to make Fry

land softly, this
would all be over.

Ooh, I know.
My airbag.

Leela. I'm coming
to save the day.

Hang on, Fry.

You're just one death
away from being saved.

And then we can
be marry me?

Okay, I'm gonna
run out there.

Then, you guys
form a human bus

and crash into me
at 40 miles an hour.



We did it.


What happened?
Did I break the button?

I think you
broke the universe.

Everything but
us is frozen.

What are we gonna do?

First, I'm gonna get back these
earrings I loaned Amy three years ago.

After that,
I don't know.

This is surreal.

Whatever we want is
ours for the taking.



I guess it's just
us for all eternity.

Listen, Leela, I'm not
sure what kind of life

we can make together
in this frozen

time-sicle, but if it's
not too weird...

Will you still marry me?

I would marry you even if you
weren't the last man on Earth.

What was that?
I don't know...

But I'm scared.

Well, maybe we just
need some rest.

We can get married
in the morning.

Except there
won't be morning.

We can worry about
that in the morning.

Do I, Philip J.
Fry, take you,

Turanga Leela, to be
my lawful wedded wife?

You do.

Do I, Turanga Leela,
take you, Philip J. Fry,

to be my lawful
wedded husband?

Uh, yes?


There it is again. Leave my
wife alone, you glimmer.

It's okay, Fry.

If it keeps bugging us, we'll
either k*ll it or adopt it.

Meanwhile, what do
you say we get started

on a very, very, very
long honeymoon?

I think it's about time

we drank the champagne Janos
poured all those years ago.

May I read the toast
I was going to make?

Go for it.

I'm in no rush, after walking
up 240 flights of steps.

And across those oceans.

"To us.

"If I could make one
moment last forever,

"this is the one
I would choose)'

I'm glad you did.

It was a good life.

Kind of lonely,
though? Maybe?

I was never lonely.

Not even for a minute.

I guess we'll never figure
out what that glimmer is.

Nope. Pretty, though.

Hey, hey, wait...
It's doing something.

I'll protect you.

Hi... Ow!


You're alive?

Yes, it's me.

Boy, did somebody hit you two
with an old-and-ugly stick.

I thought I k*lled you
with the Time Button.

I thought so,
too, at first.

But it seems I was simply
rotated into an orthogonal time

that runs at right
angles to this one.

I've been
tunneling for decades,

searching every instant
from yesterday to tomorrow.

We've been right
now the whole time.

I wasn't looking for you, I was
looking for the Time Button.


I landed on it
and time froze.

I tried to fix it once, but then
I got mad and hit it some more.

I guess it's good we
didn't have children.

Oh, give me that,
you senile old idiot.

Let me see...

That goes there...
Lefty loosey, righty tighty,

and, fixed!

What? I could've
fixed it that easily?


Okay. I've modeled
the device to release

a single huge
antichroniton blast.

It should rip
us out of stasis,

back to the instant before I
conceived of the Time Button.

You mean we'll all get to
live our lives over again?

Oh, my, yes.

Even that nasty robot,

Of course, we won't remember
anything that's happened.

What do you say?

Want to go
around again?

I do.