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07x17 - Fry and Leela's Big Fling

Posted: 02/07/22 09:40
by bunniefuu
♪ Two... two, three... ♪

Fry and Leela's Big Fling

Resync for WEB-DL by lost0ne

Ah, another successful day.

Deliveries were made,
nobody got hurt.


Yes, another successful day.

Well, see you guys tomorrow!

I'm going home, by myself,

as is normal for me.

Have a good night, Leela!

I won't see you again
until the morning.

- Good-bye. Good-bye now.
- Yeah, see you later, chumps.

Okay, everybody,
see you tomorrow.

Good night, everyone!

Professor, you live here.

Where are you going?

I have no idea!


Where are you?

Right here, baby.


Uh, could you help me?

Ah, alone and unhooked.

Let the evening begin.

LEELA: All right, all right,
where's the surprise?

Almost there.
Keep your eyeball closed.



Fry, this is amazing!

You did this all by yourself?


All with stuff I found
around the office.

Top Ramen in a Cremora sauce...

Xerox-blackened chicken...

Oh, and for dessert,

cherry throat lozenge jubilee.


What a wonderful nighttime
sneezing coughing

stuffy head so-I-can-rest

This really is lovely, Fry.

Thank you.


Don't pay me no mind.

Oh... Scruffy, could we please
have a little privacy here?

If you can't see me,
is that private?


Come on, let's go somewhere
we can be alone.

It's so quiet.

I'm surprised we're the only
couple out in Central Park.

In this remote, unlit area.

On Batman's night off. Oh!

This is a stickup!

Oh, hey, Fry and Leela.

What are you doing?

I'm just out for my
nightly crime spree.

Which reminds me, this is
still a mugging, so...

- Hee-ya!
- Ow!

(grunting) Ow!

Help, I'm being mugged!

(Fry and Leela laughing)

Mmm. A secluded table,

some big giant ants, and thou.


I'm Dr. Zoidberg.

I'll be your busboy tonight...

Fry! Leela!

It's me, Zoidberg.

From work, and LinkedIn?

Mind if I join you?

Very much so.

What with the bad economy
and Hermes never paying me,

I got a second job
clearing dishes.

♪ Dishes, dishes, dishes ♪

♪ Cleaning up the dishes. ♪

I'm a singing busboy.

No, you're not!

Let's just go to my place.

("Just the Two of Us" playing)

Finally, just the two of us.

Yeah, I knew it was on
one of these albums.

♪ Just the two of us ♪

♪ We can make it if we try ♪

♪ Just the two of us... ♪

Uh, what about...?

(snoring, muttering)

He won't wake up
if we stay quiet.




Nibbler! Scat!

(yelps, music stops)

(Nibbler chattering)

Why is it so impossible

for two people to
be completely alone?

Are you and another person

finding it impossible
to be completely alone?

Now what?

It's targeted advertising.

Can you shut it off?

Only if I cut off my arm.

I'll get a Kn*fe.

For true privacy and solitude,

visit Casa Ysolata Eco-Resort.

From the moment our automated
shuttle picks you up,

you'll be totally alone.

With no employees and just a
single well-appointed bungalow,

Casa Ysolata caters to only
one couple at a time.

So act now!

The perfect getaway awaits!

That sounds great!

Aw, but you can't
possibly afford to

take me to a place like that.

Oh, yes, she can.

As a return guest, Leela will
receive a 25% discount

and a complimentary waterfall.


This is exactly what we need!

Plus, you get a return
visitor discount.

Hey, wait,
you were there before?

Um... well...

With someone else?


With my old boyfriend Sean.

But look, that's
ancient history,

and we need some
one-on-one time.

I'm up for it if you are.

I don't know.

You'd probably be thinking
of Sean the whole time.

Oh, not the whole time.

Who ordered all
these old-timey cars?

The inhabitants of
Simian 7--

the Planet of the Apes.

And monkeys.

And tarsiers,
and several lemurs.

All primates, really.

Hey, guys.

We just stopped by to tell you

we're taking some
vacation days.

(tires squealing)
No, you're not!

You've got to
go on this delivery!

But we've earned
these days off.

We're not cattle,
we're human beings.

You're human beings?

Good Lord, you can't
go on this delivery.

Humans are forbidden on
the Planet of the Primates!

Okay, then.

See you in a week!


Bender, since you're not human,
you can still go.

And, Zoidberg,
you can replace Fry.


I'm the Fry,
with the cool red jacket

and the walking on sunshine!

But we still need someone
to pilot the ship.

Amy, what are you?

- Human.
- Damn!

Then you'll need a disguise.

Do you have a marmoset costume?


Just these marmoset pajamas.

They'll have to do.

Man, these hands do everything
but pick your nose.



Wow. Well picked.

I had a nice picking
last time I was here.

Come on, let's take a walk.

I'll show you around.

Hey, want to go skinny-dipping
by the light of the fireflies?


Somebody might see Wingus
and the Ping Pong boys!

No, it's just the two of us.

Come on!

(water splashing)

All right,
I'll just keep my top on.

Oh, what the heck.


Well, here we are,
alone and naked.

Want to play Marco Polo?


- Marco!
- Polo!



- Sean?
- Leela?

- Sean?!
- Polo!

What are you doing here, Sean?

I was on vacation.

Repeat customer discount,

free meals 'cause I brought
my own peanut butter.

Whole trip cost
less than 600 bucks.

But this is a private resort
for only two people at a time.

Yeah, my week is up,
but the shuttle broke down

and they're still
trying to fix it.

But, hey, they gave me two free
drink coupons for my trouble.

You want to buy one?

How about you?

Sean, I'd like you to meet Fry.

He and I are...

what would you say we are, Fry?

Nude and interrupted.


Listen, Leela,
I'd love to catch up.

What do ya say we split
a free drink at the robo-bar?

They've got unlimited pretzels.

Put a little peanut
butter on there,

they really fill you up.

Well, it has been a while.

Is it okay with you, Fry?

Sure, that'd be great.

I'll just sit here
and feed the mosquitoes.

(insects buzzing)

(tires squealing)

I'm not sure this marmoset
disguise is working.

I'm not sure either.

We'd better ask Amy.

Well, that's the last one.

But what does a monkey
financial-services corporation

want with a fleet
of classic cars?

We don't want the cars,
just the tires!

Gentlemen, the new
office chairs are here.

(hooting, chattering)


Sign here, please.

I'll just use
my opposable thumb.

You know, normally I don't
go for New World monkeys,

but I am digging
your upright posture.

Geez, Edwards, hitting on
a delivery marmoset?

Why don't you just show
her your big blue ass?

Oh, I'm getting to that.

(clicks tongue)

Call me.

Oh, my gosh. Amy?

- Amy Wong?
- Guenter?

From Mars University?

How have you been?

Ah, pretty good.

Working in financial services,

you really get
to help rich people

realize their expensive dreams.

Nice disguise, by the way.

I won't say anything.

After that, my music career
really started taking off.

I recorded a demo
and sh*t a video,

but then I lost my phone.

My life has been
equally exciting.

It turned out, I'm not
an alien orphan, I'm a mutant.

With wonderful parents.

Yeah, we've been through
a lot, me and my sax.

May I noodle?

It's been a long time.

♪ ♪


Look at them.

I came here to get romantic
with the woman I love.

Instead, she's with her
ex-boyfriend and I'm stuck with

a pair of skilled
mechanical hands.


Say, I don't suppose
you're free later?

Then I have no choice.

And now this part.

(playing rapidly)

If you want to steal my girl,
you'll have to fight me for her.

Stop playing that lovely song
and put up your dukes!


Fry, there's nothing
to be jealous of.

I've been sitting here
paying my bills online.


(plays discordant note)

Dude, you broke my reed!

You owe me, like, a dollar!

You'll have to k*ll me for it!


(karate grunting)

Just stop, you two!

I've had that reed
for 20 years!

It's irreplaceable!


I want my dollar!


What the heck are you doing,
you moron?

A little drinking,
a little fighting.

Get off my back.

Who are you?

This is my wife, Darlene.

We met at the
99-cent store.

You're married?!

Wait a dang minute.

One eye, purple hair--
you're Leela!

The crazy one that Sean dumped.

It was mutual!

Sean, why is this hussy
at our resort?

Your resort?
This is our vacation.

- Could've fooled me.
- Quiet, Fry.

This is between me and the
lady in the hooter hammock.

Listen, honey,

I'd love to stay here
and Denny's-fight you,

but they just told me
the shuttle's fixed.

We better leave

before they charge
us for another day.

Grab some complimentary
snacks and let's go!

(both panting)

I'm drunk, I'm grouchy, and I'm
gonna eat this peanut butter.

Want to watch?

Not really, but I will.





This is Christopher Colobus,
the brave monkey

who led a band of genetically
engineered primates from Earth

to colonize our planet.

Wait, if you guys
came from Earth,

why do you hate humans so much?

Oh, please.

Humans experimented on us,
chained us to organ-grinders,

made us ride around
in ridiculous tiny vehicles.

(Zoidberg yelps, horn tooting)

You're still riding around
in ridiculous tiny vehicles.

By choice.

Come on, let's grab some lunch.

It's all-you-can-eat, so just
pick off whatever looks good.

Ew, gross!

I'm gonna use the tongs.

We have our own
literature, music and art.

The smear lines are impeccable.

(elephant trumpeting)

Unlike your Earth zoos,

our zoo is a model of
compassionate encagement.

The animals don't even
know they're in captivity.

(loud thud)


Um... (clears throat)


I'm sorry I ruined
our vacation.


It's not your fault.

I wanted this week
to be special.

And then Sean had to show up.

Do you still have
feelings for him?


I mean, I'll always respect
his frugality, but that's all.

Well, the important thing
is, we're finally alone.

(camera shutters clicking)

(Amy and Zoidberg gasping)

Oh, your God!

Fry and Leela are in a zoo!


(whispers): Oh, sorry.


Those fireflies are going nuts.

Come here.

I've always wanted
to make love by bug-light.

(both moaning)

Shmoly crap!

We've got to get Fry and Leela
out of this habitat

before they humiliate

Please, Amy, the act of love
is a beautiful and natural...

Oh, my God, cover your eyes!

Come on, we'd better
talk to the zoo director.

Mr. Zoo Director,
we don't know you

and you're facing away from us,

but you have our friends
caged up and...


Dr. Banjo?!

The same.

Hang on.

Coming around.


Why, if it isn't Professor
Farnsworth's friends.

Zoidberg, Bender and...

Who is this fetching
young marmoset?

Uh... Sparkles?

Enough zoo director talk.

We know those guys,
and we want them freed.

BANJO: Ah, yes, our
famous Human Habitat.

This pair have been
our most popular specimens yet.

Especially the male.

I've never seen one have
so much trouble with zippers.

As fun as it is to watch Fry
try and operate his pants,

you can't keep him and Leela
here against their will.

Against their will?

My good robot,
they paid to be here.

They think they're on
a romantic holiday.

Humans have been vacationing
in our habitat for years.

In fact,
Leela's been here before.

When her previous mate, Sean,

returned here
with his current female,

we quickly invited Leela back
as a behavioral experiment,

keeping the first pair here

under the pretext
of shuttle repairs.

The human exhibit
has never been so popular,

all thanks to your friends.

Well, that's that.

What do you want to see next?

We have a great maritime museum.

Shut up, Guenter!

You can't just put people
on display.

It's cruel.


Was it cruel when humans caged

other primates in zoos
for centuries?

Wait, I know the
answer to this one.


Look, we're all agreed
humans are idiots.

But these idiots
are our friends.

Friends, eh?

Perhaps you wouldn't be
so worried about them

if you knew what they really
thought of you.

It's so great
being away from everyone.

Zoidberg and his awful stench.


Bender and his obnoxious ego.


And what about Amy?

Always prancing around in those
stupid marmoset pajamas.


You know who I hate most?

That monkey
we haven't seen in years.


You see?

Observing animals yields
critical scientific data.

For example,

that you, Sparkles
the marmoset,

are in fact Sparkles the human!


Wild human!
Wild human!


Dr. Banjo,
surely we can

discuss this like
recently civilized beings.



Cheese it!


(monkeys chittering loudly)


We still have to rescue
Fry and Leela!

Even if my stupid
marmoset pajamas

offend Leela's big fat eye.

After they said
I had an obnoxious ego?

Me, the magnificent Bender?



Back, you beasts!

Follow me.

The one who stinks,

according to Fry's
delicate nose.


(all panting)

This way.
We can get in

through the back
of the human cage and...

(trumpets loudly)

Prairie elephant!

Adorable prairie elephant!

(elephants trumpeting)

(all screaming)


(screaming continues)


(screaming) (barking)

(screaming) (snarling)

Okay, let's just get in,
get out and...

Now what?

Now we wait for nature
to take its course.

How long does it take
to pass through a moon worm?

All right, let's just rescue
them and get out of here.

Hooray, they're saved!

And the robot hands would make
you a strawberry shortcake

any time of day.

4:00, 7:00, any time.

No way!

I'm not lying.

Also, Leela and I...

Had a very nice, very
private vacation.

Let's just leave it at that.

Oh, can I tell them?

Please, please?

I got to tell them.

No. You'll only
make them feel bad.

Let's not humiliate them.

Listen to Sparkles.

Oh, no.

What happened to
your marmoset pajamas, Amy?

Fry and I were just talking
about how adorable those are.

(both laughing)

Also, nothing in here
smells like a rotting crab.

(both laughing)

Now can I?
Now can I?

Let 'er rip.

You were in a zoo!