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07x11 - 31st Century Fox

Posted: 02/07/22 09:24
by bunniefuu
♪ Two... two, three... ♪

Crew on deck.

How was the delivery to Tokyo?

Not bad... Mothzilla got into
the ship's closet, though.

Can we please get
new uniforms now, Professor?

You said you would replace them
a year ago.

You can't expect me to honor
what year-ago Professor said.

That guy was young and foolish.

There's nothing wrong
with these uniforms

that a few denim
patches won't fix.

Oh, all right.

To the garment district.

Come in, come in.

Can I offer you maybe a nice
macaroon cut in seven pieces?

Oy, such a stereotype.

Yes, I'm looking for
something in a space uniform

that's respectfully humiliating

but can come out of
an employee's salary

without his noticing.

You got it.

Tomorrow's clothes
at yesterday's prices.

Ah, you can't go wrong
with a stillsuit.

It recycles your solid waste
into a nice piece gefilte fish.

Ugh, is there a way to just
keep it as solid waste?

Now here's something
we can all agree on.

Ah, the Stardoz 2293.

Not for everybody,
but you pull it off.

Please don't pull it off.

Yo, squidward scissorhands,

you got this
in an adult robot medium?

The foxhunting uniform?

You, sir, must be a
robot of noble bearings.

Well, I am descended
from prince Albert's can.

I think we've seen enough.

Too much, actually.

Come on, let's try
somewhere else.

Wait, wait, perhaps discerning
customers like yourselves

would be interested in an item
from our discount rack.

Quality is
the most important thing.

How much is it?

90% off.

An unpleasant fellow ordered
them last year but never paid.

Most unpleasant, that one.

That sounds like something
year-ago Professor would do.

We'll take them.

Finally, a uniform I'd be
happy to be caught dead in.

And, boy, does it
wick away moisture...

gallons and gallons of it.

Plus, they're stitched
in such a way that,

no matter what angle
it's viewed from,

it looks like you're standing
in hero wind.

I just wish my fists
weren't sewn to my belt.

Hey, what's Bender wearing
instead of that crap?

Oh, lord.

Did you actually buy
that getup?

We foxhunters do not stoop
to buy getups.

I made free with it.

Since when do you care... or
even know... about foxhunting?

Foxhunting is an ancient
and noble pursuit

that's fascinated me

ever since I first heard of it
ten minutes ago.

Noble pursuit?

What's noble about k*lling
a defenseless animal?

Don't be naive, Leela.

We k*ll defenseless
animals all the time.

Look at Hermes's
tortoise-shell glasses.

The Professor's
walrus-ivory teeth,

and don't forget the
zebra-fur ship cozy.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

He's got a point.

See, Leela, there are two
sides to every shameful act.

What you call the
atrocity of crazed dogs

tearing a helpless
fox to shreds,

others call a pleasant
jaunt in the park.

The first thing.

Come see for yourself.

Join me on the morrow as I
embark on my maiden hunt.

I said join me!

This is my best
protest sign ever,

and it was easy
because I started

with a "save the ox" sign
I already had.

Wow, where'd you get the horse?

None of your business.

Young man, one does not drink
from a champagne fountain

in that manner.

But he's doing it.

Check out this dork.

I, sir, am the master
of the hunt

and I'll thank you
to behave like a gentleman.

You're quite welcome, sir.

Ah, yes, foxhunting.

If there's one thing I know,
it's everything about it.

What's that weird cat?

This is the fox
we'll be hunting today.

Wow, this is easier
than I thought.

The sport is in the chase, sir.

The fox gets
a 30-minute head start.

Man, it would have been
so much easier

to k*ll it in the cage.

Let the hunt begin.

Stop, this is cruel
and inhumane.

Well, now, in all my years
as a huntmaster

I've never seen
anything like this.

I mean, look at that sign.

It's magnificent.

Oh, thank you.

I used a ruler

and I erased all the pencil
lines when I was finished.


Now, into the ditch with you.

So the dogs do all the work

while we sportsmen enjoy
a nice horsey ride?


I see you've caught the fever.

Keep your wits about you.

I've blanketed these
woods with devious traps

to ward off poachers
and protesters.

Stop the bloodshed,
stop the v*olence.

I saw that coming
from a mile away...!

Be more careful, friend.

My antigravity snares
are virtually undetectable.

I saw it coming from a mile a...

View halloo, view halloo.

View halloo?
All right.

What does that mean?

The fox has been sighted.

Oh, yeah, get that fox.

Go, dogs, go.

Eh, either way.

Oh, God, this is horrible.

I can't watch.

You humans always say
you don't want to see v*olence,

but you know you do.

I defy you not to watch.

A robot fox?

Huh, I guess I'm okay
with this after all.

Well, I'm not.

Robot foxhunting is a crime
against robo-nature.

Stop the bloodshed,
stop the viol...

How can you do this to a poor,
defenseless robot animal?

You people are sick, and
you foxhounds are no better.

They're not foxhounds.

They're springer spaniels,
you twit.

Or rather
spring-powered spaniels.

Bot-on-bot v*olence?

Where will it end?

Not with the dogs.

Come here, sea gasket.



You, sir, are
a heartless monster,

and you will rue
the day you met me.

Also, can I get
my parking validated?

The time has come to end
injustice against robot animals.

No dog track rabbit should be
used to test cosmetics,

no robot cow
should have to be milked

by a milking machine,

and no milking machine
should have to milk a robot cow.

Those injustices
don't even exist.

Then, let's find some that do.

Robot chickens weren't made
to be jammed in cubicles

and forced to lay eggs.

Actually, they was.

I'll save you.

Run free, sweet robo-hen.

Enough with the tenderizing.

It's time for a Benderizing.

Hey, you people
can't just burst in like that

and cut off my hand.

You got to take a number.

sh**ting innocent robot ducks
is wrong.

Fly away.

Fly away, my pretties.

Congratulations, Bender,

you've ended robot
animal cruelty

within a 20-yard radius
of this building.

You ready to call it a day,

or do you have one
more score to settle?

The second thing.

The weekly hunt

is hereby called to order.

I'll drink some more to that.

As always, once I
release the fox,

it will have a 30-minute
head start before...

Stop the hunt.

Oh! You again.

I'm back, snooty.

We're here to liberate
that robot fox,

and that's what we're gonna do.

Uh, you mind showing me
how to open the cage?

Now, listen here, the hunt
is a hallowed tradition,

and you Bambi-loving
beatniks will never stop it.

Oh, no?

Well, for your information,

the robot fox has been declared
an endangered robo-species.

This injunction suspends all
robot foxhunting for 24 hours

while our motion
is under consideration.

We'll see you in court.

Motion destroyed.

The hunt shall resume at sunup.

He's crooked, but fair.

I'm not giving up yet.

I am.
I already did.

You can count on me.

Now here's the plan.

We're going to sneak onto the
grounds and free that fox.

Can we stop for ice cream
on the way back?

All right, fine.

And on the way there?

Okay, I'll hold the
ice cream while you two go over.

Where's the ice cream?

There was a bear.

Okay. You guys take him
back to planet express.

I've got one more shenanigan
up my sleeve.

But you promised us
way-back ice cream.

Oh, here.

But no chocolate...
it's bedtime.

With that odious robot
barred from the grounds,

the weekly hunt is hereby called
once more to order.

Let the hunt begin.

You, sir, have been outfoxed.

I spent all night on that.

It's clever.

I demand you return my fox.

Sorry, mutton-chump.

No fox, no hunt.

Oh, really?

Let the hunt begin!

Sir, I leave you
with this one final thought.

Oh, God, they're gonna k*ll me

El roboto mas importante.

And I only have
a 30 minute head start.

Uh-oh, a fork in the path.


There's more places to hide
in that dark forest.

On the other hand, I could run
faster through that open meadow.

But of course,
the forest might protect

my fair robot skin from sunburn.


Today, we hunt the most
dangerous game...

aside from lawn darts...

a cunning robotic adversary
so deviously clever that...

Oh, for God's sake.

Then again, a nice
run through a meadow,

who could say no to that?


Look here.
Hunting is a team effort,

and you're not pulling
your weight.

Now I'm going to be sporting

and give you one more chance
to run.


Nothing's more important
than sportsmanship.


It's so cute.

Horseshoe crab cute.

Fox news, everyone.

I've decided to make the fox
our new corporate mascot.

Hear, hear.

Let's put on our new uniforms

and take a staff photo
for the newsletter.

Right on!

Here they are,
freshly laundered and...

Our magnificent uniforms...
they're ruined.

And he peed on the
locker room floor.

That's my territory.

Also got in the henhouse

and k*lled Amy's prize-winning
Rhode Island red.

Not Penelope.

Cute or not,
I'll k*ll that robo-rat.

Let me at it.

I'm gonna pound it
with this chewed-up old stick.


It's just a poor, scared
wild robot.

What did you expect?

My sign.
It's ruined.

k*ll the fox.

Missed it by that much.

Oh, no, they caught my scent.

I better throw them off by
rubbing myself with something.

Ow! That's no good.

Wait, I know what'll confuse
those dogs.


You have made yourself an enemy,
my friend!

Dang it. He jumped on the
path train to New Jersey.

Of course.

He's commuting back
to his native habitat.

On top of everything,
I'm starving.

I'll have to carve a sandwich
out of this tree branch.

Ow! My finger.

I wish I remembered more
survival skills from boy scouts.

Too bad my only merit badge
was in interpretive dance.


I can use the universal language
of dance to signal for help.


That was my second favorite

Was that a horn?

Are those the dogs?

Is that two
caterpillars making sweet love?

Aw, you know what it's like
to feel hunted, too, eh, buddy?

Would it be too much
to ask you to stay with me

in my final moments
and die at my side?

And you die first?

You lousy son of a...!

Oh, I get it.
You freed me.

You lousy son of a...!

We're hot on his heels.


One of his heels.

(Ship approaching,
horses neighing

oh, these guys.

Can I help you?

Out of our way,
this fox is ours.


Ah, yes.
Have at it.

We're not hunting fox today.

Wait a second,
what are you hunting?

Oh, my God.

It's Bender's middle finger.

I'd recognize this anywhere.

What is it, little buddy?

Is it a layer cake?

Or maybe world series tickets?

A trip wire, hmm?

But who's tripping who?

Wait... whom.

Who's tripping whom?

I guess what I've been trying
to say is,

we should all be ashamed.

Me for my hatred of a mechanical
fox that tore up my sign...

and who I'd like to throttle...

and you,
for hunting an innocent robot.

Well, a robot who didn't
harm you personally.



But most of all,
I blame you, huntmaster.

Where's the huntmaster?

Remember when you said
"nobody leave"

and then you turned your head

He left an hour before that.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Whoa, whoa,

You disappoint me, Bender.

I'd've thought you'd
have learned to avoid

my antigravity snares by now.

I did.

Too bad you didn't.


Ye gods!

How does it feel
to be the hunted?

To be forever looking
over your shoulder,

like an owl
with that type of neck?

To die in agony

at the hands of the world's
greatest lover?

No! Please!

I can't sh**t you.

Bender, I found your
trigger finger.

Ah, now I can.

But I won't.

Not with so many witnesses.

You're a true gentleman.

Unlike me.

I can't watch...


Oh, no!

Hey, wait a minute.

He was also a robot? Dude!

So a robot fox
k*lled a robot human?

Eh, I guess that makes it okay.


k*lling of any kind is...

I don't know, well...

Let me think about this.


I guess it's okay.