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21x20 - The Caves of Androzani - part 4

Posted: 10/31/04 08:10
by bunniefuu


Part Four

Original Air Date: 16 March 1984
Running time: 25:37

STOTZ: After him!

MAN (OOV.): Over this way! He went down that ridge!

KRELPER: Come on, get after him!

MORGUS (OOV.): Stotz, why have you disobeyed my orders?

STOTZ (OOV.): I'm sorry, sir.

MORGUS (OOV.): I told you to stay in orbit.

STOTZ: The Doctor tricked us. Somehow he got control of the ship.

MORGUS (OOV.): I don't want excuses.

MORGUS (OOV.): I'm on my way to join you. Put out a homing beacon.

STOTZ: Coming here?

MORGUS (on monitor): Yes. My plans may have to change drastically. I'm in beta-drive, so expect me shortly.

STOTZ: Something's wrong.

CHELLAK: Trouble, Major?

SALATEEN: Not sure of the route here, sir. I thought I'd memorised it.

CHELLAK: Just take your time.

SALATEEN: I remember this cave well enough. The vaulted roof and those pillars. Yes, we're only a few minutes away from Jek's headquarters now.

CHELLAK: Safety catches off.

TROOPER: Right, sir.

SALATEEN: Problem is, I was coming out of those tunnels, one of them, trying to keep one eye on the girl.

CHELLAK: I think we came this way when we first landed. There's a ventilation shaft on the left that runs through to the old refinery. The rest is unknown territory. We haven't surveyed this level yet.

SALATEEN: I'm fairly sure it's that opening there on the left.

CHELLAK: You go forward and recce. I'll call Red Force to get them to hold their advance. I don't want them leap-frogging us.

SALATEEN: We'll go left, sir. I remember dragging the girl over that rockfall.

CHELLAK: Very good, Major. Carry on.

SALATEEN: Come on, keep moving. It won't fire at the belt plate.

CHELLAK: Forward!

KRELPER: Come on, come on. Keep up, keep up!

KRELPER: It's all over, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Sorry, Peri. I can't make it.

KRELPER: Mud burst! Let's get back to the ship!

DOCTOR: Not enough time.

CHELLAK: Chellak to Red Force. Do you receive me, over? Our support group must have hit trouble.

TROOPER: There's a mud burst coming, sir!

CHELLAK: There's no time to go back.

CHELLAK: Follow me!

JAK: Chellak has too many troops. The androids are being overrun. Numbers four and nine, fall back to final defence posts. Four! Number four!

DOCTOR: Oxygen. No time. I must find Peri.

PERI: What was that?

JEK: It's the start of a mud burst. You'll be safe here.

PERI: Oh. I thought it was the General bringing up his a*tillery.

JEK: I have to see if any of the androids can be repaired. We need to hold Chellak back just a little longer.

JEK: The mud burst will sweep them away.

CHELLAK: All right, Jek, the w*r's over. Will you surrender?

JEK: Never!

KRELPER: Mud burst! Quick, it's started. Let's get out of here!

STOTZ: What about the Doctor?

KRELPER: Oh, we lost him.

MORGUS: Lost him? Why are you staring at me? Perhaps you think you recognise me?

KRELPER: No, sir.

STOTZ: Even if he does, Krelper won't say anything.

MORGUS: It wouldn't be wise. Stotz, I want to speak to you. Alone.

STOTZ: You two, out.

KRELPER: Come on.

MORGUS: Well, Stotz, no doubt you're wondering why I'm here.

STOTZ: Hey, you're the boss.

MORGUS: Yes, well, there's a possibility, I wouldn't put it any stronger than that, that my part in all this has been discovered.

STOTZ: You mean the g*n running and collecting?

MORGUS: Exactly. But my conscience is clear. I had to keep the supply of Spectrox flowing, and if I hadn't provided Jek with the arms, he would have found some other source. But the Praesidium will find my actions treasonable.

STOTZ: Yeah, well, I guess they'd execute us all if they could catch us.

MORGUS: Yes. Well, I have a contingency plan. There's a possibility that my part in all this was suspected only by the President. That's why he sent the Doctor here. But the President is dead, and if he shared his suspicions with anyone else, I shall know within a few hours. In which case, I shall not be able to return to Androzani Major. I have a considerable private fortune invested in other planets in the Sirius system, but before I go I want to take with me Jek's private hoard of Spectrox. That is the key to unlimited power.

STOTZ: (laughs) Jek isn't going to let that go easily.

MORGUS: Yes, but you know where it is.

STOTZ: Well, sort of. It must be close to cave twenty six on yellow level.

MORGUS: Stotz, before I left, Major was informed the army intended to attack Jek's headquarters in strength, tonight. Now, while he's fighting the army, we could locate the Spectrox store. What do you think?

STOTZ: Maybe. Yellow level isn't too deep. But what about these mud bursts?

MORGUS: If we go into the cave rigs after the first one we could be back here before the major expl*si*n, as long as we don't waste time trying to locate the Spectrox store.

STOTZ: Yes, well, that's the point. We don't know exactly where Jek has stored it.

MORGUS: I'm relying on you, Stotz. What about the others?

STOTZ: They'll want their cut.

MORGUS: Yes. Well, if they can carry fifty kilos each, that's a hundred to share between us.

STOTZ: You mean, us?

JEK: The mud!

CHELLAK: Jek! Jek!

JEK: Nothing can hurt you now.

MORGUS: Ah, Krau Timmin. I would like you. Are you sitting at my desk?

TIMMIN (on monitor): Yes, this call is on the secret line. I'm endeavouring to maintain your traditions.

MORGUS: Krau Timmin, I don't like your tone.

TIMMIN (on monitor): I wish that was all I didn't like about you.

MORGUS: How dare you speak to me like that. I'll have you punished for this insolence.

TIMMIN (on monitor): I don't think so, Morgus. You're finished.

MORGUS: What do you mean?

TIMMIN (on monitor): Washed up, Morgus. Kaput. The Praesidium has issued warrants for your arrest on seventeen counts, ranging from the m*rder of the President, to treason, grant fraud, embezzlement. Oh, and that little business at the Northcawl copper mine. They know about that.

MORGUS: Falsehoods, fabrications, malicious lies. They can't possibly have any proof.

TIMMIN (on monitor): It's all fully documented. They have an excellent witness.

MORGUS: Impossible. Who is this foul slanderer?

TIMMIN (on monitor): Me.

TIMMIN (on monitor): Does that surprise you, Morgus? Do you think I didn't know what was going on here?

MORGUS: You betrayed me after all these years?

TIMMIN (on monitor): Think of it this way, Morgus. I deposed you. I am now Chairman and Chief Director of the Sirius Conglomerate. Oh, and incidentally, the Government have also sequestered all your private assets, including those secret funds you'd salted away on the outer planets. Goodbye, Morgus.

MORGUS: I'm not beaten yet. There's still the Spectrox. There's four of us, that's enough to handle Jek. Now, pick up your g*ns. Let's go. Did you hear what I said? I said, let's go.

KRELPER: We ain't going anywhere, except back to Major.

MORGUS: I paid you well for those trips. Now do as I say.

KRELPER: The way we see it, we already got two kilos. That's enough for us.

MORGUS: Two kilos. Jek's got tons of it stored away.

KRELPER: Yeah, well, we ain't getting our heads blown off by Jek's dummies, or boiled in that mud. Not for twenty tons, we ain't.

MORGUS: You cowardly, miserable curs. What about you, Stotz? Are you staying here with this gutter trash?

STOTZ: Yeah, I'll go with you, Morgus. I have a few old scores to settle with Sharaz Jek. Bye, Krelper.

MORGUS: Stotz, you lead. You know the way.

STOTZ: Sure. But before we go any further, Morgus, let's get a couple of things straight.

MORGUS: What kind of things?

STOTZ: Well, an hour ago you were the boss. Now that's all changed. You're the same as me, just a man with a g*n.

MORGUS: I the same as you? I am Morgus. I'm descended from the first colonists.

STOTZ: You're also wanted for m*rder and treason. You're on the run, Morgus.

MORGUS: And you are wasting time, Stotz.

STOTZ: You want me to help you, right? Well, if we do happen to come out of this place with any Spectrox, there's going to be none of that four parts for you and one part for me stuff. This time we split right down the middle, okay?

MORGUS: Of course. Now, lead the way.

JEK: She's so beautiful, so very beautiful. So beautiful, so beautiful.

DOCTOR: Jek, how is she?

JEK: She's dying, Doctor. She has Spectrox toxaemia.

DOCTOR: I know.

PERI: Celery soup.

DOCTOR: Come on, Peri.

PERI: Hello, Doctor.

DOCTOR: That's more like it.

PERI: Goodbye, Doctor.

DOCTOR: No, no, Peri, don't give up. You mustn't give up!

JEK: What was that?

DOCTOR: Celery. It's a powerful restorative where I come from. Unfortunately, the human olfactory system is comparatively feeble. Jek, you know this cure Professor Jackij discovered?

JEK: The milk of the queen bat? Of course, but the dormant queens cannot be reached. There's little oxygen in those levels.

DOCTOR: It's her only chance. Jek, do you know where the queen bats are?

JEK: Of course. When I first came here, my androids surveyed and mapped the whole system. If only Salateen were here, I could send him down and possible save her life.

DOCTOR: I'm going down. Now, show me the route.

JEK: It's here, two hundred metres down, but you'll collapse before you get there.

DOCTOR: I can store oxygen for several minutes, Jek. Now, you must do everything you can to keep her temperature down until I get back.

JEK: Doctor, wait! I have just one oxygen cylinder left. I used it when I went into the baking chambers of the refinery. It will run out in minutes, but it might help.

DOCTOR: Thank you.

STOTZ: This is cave twenty six, yellow level, where we first met Jek. Down! Looks like the army got here first.

MORGUS: I didn't hear any firing.

STOTZ: Reckon the firing's over.

MORGUS: Where to now?

STOTZ: Down to blue level.

STOTZ: From there it's anyone's guess. That's where Jek came from, so let's go.

DOCTOR: It's not your lucky day, either.

STOTZ: Come on, Morgus. Move it! That main burst can't be too far away.

MORGUS: Listen, what is that?

STOTZ: Sounds like a motor. This way.

JEK (OOV.): She's dying, Doctor. She's dying, Doctor. She's dying, Doctor.

JEK: Peri, can you hear me?

MORGUS: Jek, where's the Spectrox?

JEK: Morgus.

MORGUS: You take one more step and we sh**t.

JEK: Do you think b*ll*ts could stop me now? You stinking offal, Morgus!

JEK: Look at me! Look at me.

JEK: Salateen, hold me.

DOCTOR: Peri? Peri, can you hear me? Open your mouth. You must drink this.

DOCTOR: Is this death?

PERI: Doctor, what's happened?

DOCTOR: Peri, I see Professor Jackij knew his stuff. Good old Jackij.

PERI: Jackij? You got the bat's milk?

DOCTOR: Contains an anti-vesicant, I imagine. Interesting.

PERI: Where is it?


PERI: The bat's milk!

DOCTOR: Finished. Only enough for you.

PERI: There must be something I can do. Tell me!

DOCTOR: Too late, Peri. Going soon. Time to say goodbye.

PERI: Don't give up. You can't leave me now!

DOCTOR: I might regenerate. I don't know.

DOCTOR: Feels different this time.

TEGAN: What was it you always told me, Doctor? Brave heart? You'll survive, Doctor.

TURLOUGH: You must survive. Too many of your enemies will delight in your death, Doctor.

KAMELION: Turlough speaks the truth, Doctor.

NYSSA: You're needed. You mustn't die, Doctor.

TURLOUGH: Too many enemies would be delighted.

ADRIC: You know that, Doctor.

NYSSA: You mustn't die, Doctor.

ADRIC: You know that, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Adric?

NYSSA: You mustn't die, Doctor.

MASTER: No, my dear Doctor, you must die! Die, Doctor! Die, Doctor. Bwahahahahahaha!

PERI: Doctor?

DOCTOR: You're expecting someone else?

PERI: I, I, I.

DOCTOR: That's three I's in one breath. Makes you sound a rather egotistical young lady.

PERI: What's happened?

DOCTOR: Change, my dear. And it seems not a moment too soon.

The Doctor
Colin Baker

Peri Brown
Nicola Bryant

Sharaz Jek
Christopher Gable

John Normington

Robert Glenister

Maurice Roƫves

Martin Cochrane

Roy Holder

Barbara Kinghorn

The President
David Neal

Ian Staples

The Master
Anthony Ainley

Matthew Waterhouse

Sarah Sutton

Tegan Jovanka
Janet Fielding

Vislor Turlough
Mark Strickson

Voice of Kamelion
Gerald Flood

Assistant Floor Manager
Sue Hedden

Andrew Rose

John Hurst

Film Cameraman
John Walker

Film Editor
Roger Guertin

Incidental Music
Roger Limb

John Nethercot
Shirley Stallard

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Juley Harding

Production Associate
June Collins

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Don Babbage

Studio Sound
Scott Talbott

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Jim Francis
Stuart Brisdon