02x18 - The Last Dance

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Vampire Diaries". Aired September 2009 - March 2017.*

Moderator: DelenaForever

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A high school girl is torn between two vampire brothers.
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02x18 - The Last Dance

Post by bunniefuu »

[Alaric's appartment]

(Klaus/Alaric opens the closet and takes 2 shirts. Katherine is tied to a chair)

Klaus/Alaric: Oh! Who is this guy, Safari Sam?

(He shows the shirts to Katherine)

Klaus/Alaric: Ok, bad, or badder?

Katherine: The dark colors suit you better

Klaus/Alaric: Oh, thank you, honey. Ok, pop quiz. The dagger and white ash are in the Salvatore's possession, correct?

Katherine: The dagger was used to k*ll Elijah. You'll find him in the basement of the Salvatore house

Klaus/Alaric: Ok, that dagger needs to stay exactly where it is. The last thing I need to do is resurrect Elijah. Ohh, that guy is a buzzkill

Katherine: Don't forget you're on the outs with your girlfriend Jenna

Klaus/Alaric: Right. Elena's aunt. For all the lies about Isobel. What else?

Katherine: That's it

(He gets closer to her and touches her face. She seems afraid)

Klaus/Alaric: Oh, so jumpy

Katherine: Please, just... k*ll me. I've told you everything that I know

Klaus/Alaric: You see, I believe that you believe that but what would you not know? What could they be keeping from you? Hmm? Anything? Tell me

(She looks at him and he compels her)

Katherine: They were trying to see if Bonnie could find a way to k*ll an Original without a dagger

Klaus/Alaric: Bonnie the best friend? And then you said she didn't have her powers anymore

Katherine: She doesn't or didn't. I don't know. You kidnapped me, remember? I'm kinda out of the loop

Klaus/Alaric: Well, we'll have to get to the bottom of that

Katherine: Please, just k*ll me, Klaus, and be done with it

Klaus/Alaric: And show you kindness? I've searched for you for over 500 years. Your death is going to last at least half that long

(He takes a knife from his pocket)

Klaus/Alaric: I want you to take this knife... And s*ab yourself

(She takes the knife and stabs her thigh)

Klaus/Alaric: Now take it out

(She takes it out. Her wounds heals)

Klaus/Alaric: Now while I'm gone, I want you to do that over and over and over again and if you get bored, switch legs

Katherine: Where are you going?

Klaus/Alaric: I'm gonna go lay eyes on my precious doppelganger

(He kisses her on the forehead)

Klaus/Alaric: Oh, don't look so glum, Katerina. The fun is just beginning. Again, please

(He leaves. Katherine stabs herself again)

[Salvatore's house]

(Elena and Bonnie are with a lawyer. Elena is signing papers)

Lawyer: Please sign here and here

(She takes the pen)

Elena: Okay

Bonnie: So this place is all yours? They just gave it to you?

Elena: For now. As sole owner, I'm the only one who can invite a certain type of person in here, if you know what I mean

Bonnie: Your own personal safe house

Elena: That's the idea

Bonnie: Wouldn't want to clean it

(Elena laughs)

(Stefan and Damon are waiting outside)

Damon: You really think Bonnie can take on Klaus?

Stefan: She said she could channel enough witch's power to k*ll him. Elijah thought that would work and he was an Original, so…

Damon: We just need to find him

Stefan: Yeah

Damon: Could she do one of those witch tracking spells?

Stefan: Nope. Not without something that belongs to Klaus. Believe me, I already asked

Damon: Do you think he k*lled her?

Stefan: Katherine? Probably

Damon: It's not like she didn't have it coming

(Elena opens the door. The lawyer leaves)

Elena: Thank you, Mr. Henry

(Stefan and Damon can't enter)

Elena: I'm sorry. I completely forgot

(She looks at Stefan)

Elena: Stefan. Would you like to come inside my house?

Stefan: I would love to. Thank you

(He enters. Elena looks at Damon)

Damon: What are we, 12?

Elena: One of us is. If I let you in, do you promise to obey the owner of this house?

Damon: No

Elena: Seriously, Damon. My way. You promised. I call the sh*ts. No lies, no secret agendas. Remember?

Damon: Yes, Elena. Sure

Elena: Then please, come in

(He enters and looks at Stefan)

Damon: Shut up

(Bonnie rejoins them and gives Elena her jacket)

Elena: Thanks

Stefan: Wait, where are you going?

Elena: To school

Stefan: Huh?

Damon: No, no, no. We didn't create a safe house for you to leave it

Stefan: Yeah, guys, Klaus is out there. We know that

Elena: Right. But where? No one knows. Look, I really appreciate what you guys are doing. And I'll be able to sleep at night knowing that I'll be safe here, but I'm not going to be a prisoner

(She looks at Damon)

Damon: Your way, Elena

Bonnie: Don't worry, I'm ready. If he shows his face, I can take him. Know how

Elena: The way I see it, next to Bonnie is the safest place that I can be. Come on

(They leave. Stefan looks at Damon)

Stefan: Wait, um, coming

(He leaves with them)

[Caroline's house]

(Matt knocks on the door. Liz opens the door)

Liz: Caroline left early for school

Matt: I know. I came to see you. I don't know what to do. What to say, how to act around her

Liz: You can't let on that you know

Matt: She wants me to take her to the dance. What am I supposed to do?

Liz: Take her to the dance

Matt: I'll never get away with it. She knows me too well, she'll figure it out

Liz: Damn it, Matt, just do it. She's my daughter. She's my baby. I just, I need some time

Matt: I know, but...

Liz: Look, if what Caroline told you is true, she's not the only one. The Salvatore's are vampires. The Gilbert family is in on it. Tyler Lockwood is God knows what

Matt: A werewolf

Liz: There's no one in this town I can trust. I just need to take a beat and figure out what to do

Matt: That'll never fool her

Liz: Yes, you will. As far as she knows, you don't remember anything. Buy me some time. Please, Matt

[Mystic Falls' high school]

(Everyone sits down. Elena takes the poster for the decade dance and shows it to Stefan with a smile. He says no. then, she shows it to Bonnie. She says yes. Elena looks back at Stefan. Alaric/Klaus arrives)

Alaric/Klaus: Hello, class. Are we learning today?

Dana: With the decade dance tonight, we've been covering the sixties all week

Alaric/Klaus: Right. The sixties

(He sees Elena. He looks at her for a while and turns to the board)

Alaric/Klaus: The, uh, ahem...

(He writes on the board)

Alaric/Klaus: The sixties. I wish there was something good I could say about the sixties, but... Actually, they kind of sucked. Except for the Beatles, of course. They made it bearable. Uh, what else was there? The Cuban m*ssile thing, the... we walked on the moon. There was Watergate

Elena: Watergate was the seventies, Ric. I-I mean, Mr. Saltzman

Alaric/Klaus: Right. It all kind of mushes together up here, the sixties, seventies. Thank you, Elena

(Caroline rejoins Dana but sees Matt)

Caroline: Hey, Dana. Um, can you take care of these?

Dana: Sure

Caroline: Ok, thank you

(She gives her some posters and leaves)

(She rejoins Matt)

Caroline: Hey

(He kisses her)

Caroline: What was that for?

Matt: Just practicing for tonight

(She laughs)

Matt: So I... found a suit. If you still want me to be JFK

Caroline: Perfect

(Bonnie and Jeremy are in the cafeteria)

Jeremy: Do you think Elena knows what it's going to take for you to do that Klaus spell?

Bonnie: No, and you're not, either

Jeremy: Well, she's gotta know you can't do it

Bonnie: You don't know I can't. Have a little faith in me

Jeremy: That's not fair. You can't harness the power of a hundred dead witches. It'll k*ll you

Bonnie: Shh! We don't know that for certain. You promised to keep my secret, I'm trusting you. I'm going through with this, and if you tell anyone, I swear...

Jeremy: what? What are you gonna do?

(Elena rejoins them)

Elena: Hey, Jer. How you doing? Are you ok at the house alone with John?

Jeremy: It's not ideal

(He gets up)

Elena: You haven't heard from Jenna, have you?

Jeremy: It looks like she's staying on campus instead of coming home. I'm late for class

(He leaves. Elena sits down with Bonnie)

Elena: What's going on?

Bonnie: I told him he had to dress up tonight and he got all uptight

Elena: Oh

(She laughs. Dana rejoins them)

Dana: Hey, Elena, there you are. Ok. This is going to sound freaky, but this totally hot guy just asked me to ask you if you're going to the dance tonight

Bonnie: Tell him she has a boyfriend

Dana: You could at least meet him. He'll be at the dance tonight. Look for him. His name is Klaus

Elena: I'm sorry, what did you just say?

Dana: His name's Klaus. I know the name's stupid, but I swear he's hot

(Bonnie looks around them)

Bonnie: Where is he? Is he here?

Dana: I don't know

Bonnie: She's being compelled

Dana: But he wants to know if you'll save him the last dance. How cute is that?

[Salvatore's house]

(Stefan, Damon, Bonnie and Elena are in the living room)

Damon: So we go to the dance, we find him

Stefan: Really? How are we going to do that? We don't even know what he looks like

Damon: Something tells me he's not going to be 16 and pimply

Stefan: He could be anywhere at any time. He compelled somebody at school

(He looks at Elena and Bonnie)

Stefan: I guess it's not as safe as you guys thought, huh?

(Someone knocks on the door. Alaric/Klaus enters)

Damon: There you are

Alaric/Klaus: Sorry I'm late

Damon: Hey, I need you to put me down as a chaperone at the dance tonight. Klaus made his first move

Elena: Ok, so we find him and then what, hmm? What's our plan of attack?

Bonnie: Me. I'm the plan. He has no idea how much power I can channel. If you can find him, I can k*ll him

Alaric/Klaus: That's not going to be that easy. I mean, he is the biggest, baddest vampire around

Damon: Alaric has a point. I mean, what if he...

(He rushes over Bonnie but she throws him on the other side of the room with her powers, without touching him)

Stefan: Well, I was impressed

Bonnie: It doesn't matter if he's an Original. I can take down anyone who comes at me. I can k*ll him, Elena. I know I can

[Alaric's apartment]

Alaric/Klaus: Ah, you're right. This witch is all juiced up and aiming to k*ll

(Katherine legs are bleeding)

Katherine: That's terrible

(The warlock is in the kitchen)

Alaric/Klaus: We're gonna have to k*ll her, Maddox

(He opens a drawer)

Alaric/Klaus: Do you think this Alaric guy has anything vintage?

(He looks at the shirts and sees that there's something under. He opens it and sees a lot of weapons to k*ll vampires)

Alaric/Klaus: Crossbows, wooden b*ll*ts and automatics? Who is this guy, again?

Katherine: He's the local vampire hunter

Alaric/Klaus: Ahh. Well, that explains the clothes

Maddox: All I could find. Guy likes his bourbon

(He gives him a glass. Alaric/Klaus takes it)

Alaric/Klaus: I knew there was something about him I liked. There's a high school dance and I'm gonna need you to take out witch bitch

Maddox: If she has that much power, she can sense me coming from a mile away. I won't be able to get near her. You have to do it

Alaric/Klaus: In this body? I'm a Haggard history teacher. She can easily hurt me. I mean, not me, Klaus me, but you know what I mean

(Katherine is listening to them)

Maddox: No witch could handle channeling that much power. It'll k*ll her. It would k*ll me. You just have

to make her use it

Alaric/Klaus: You mean like provoking her to death?

Maddox: Won't take long. Just keep attacking her until it kills her. His body, Alaric's, will last longer than hers will

Alaric/Klaus: How? He's human

Maddox: I can help in that department. I can do a spell to protect you

(Alaric/Klaus looks at Katherine. She lowers her head)

[Caroline's house]

(Caroline is all dressed up. Liz arrives)

Caroline: There you are! You almost missed me. How do I look?

Liz: Jackie O?

(Caroline laughs)

Caroline: Duh

Liz: You look good

Caroline: Thanks. Is everything ok?

Liz: Ughh, just some work stress

Caroline: Well, you work too much

(Matt knocks on the door. Caroline laughs and opens the door)

Caroline: Mr. President

Matt: Hey

Caroline: Hi

(She tries to kiss him but he looks at the sheriff and goes back. Caroline laughs)

Matt: Sheriff

Caroline: Sorry

Liz: Have fun

Caroline: We will

(Matt looks at the sheriff and leaves)

[Salvatore's house]

(Stefan and Elena are in his bedroom. She's looking into some boxes)

Elena: Your relatives were such packrats

(She takes two outfits and shows them to Stefan)

Elena: Ok, so what do you think? Twiggy or sexy hippy?

Stefan: Ooh. You know it's not too late to back out, right?

Elena: And what, miss out on all the fun?

(He gets closer to her)

Stefan: Hey

Elena: All this time spent worrying about Klaus. I think I convinced myself that he's not real but he is

Stefan: And tonight, we will put an end to him

(They kiss)

Elena: I love you

Stefan: I want you to tell me that when the night's over

(They kiss again)

Damon: Any time tonight

[Mystic Falls' high school]

(It's the decade dance. Everyone's dancing. Alaric/Klaus arrive, dance and rejoins Dana and her date)

Dana: Nice outfit, Mr. Saltzman. Totally far out

Alaric/Klaus: Thank you, Dana. Thank you. Now who is your date?

Chad: It's Chad, Mr. Saltzman, from third period

Alaric/Klaus: Chad, of course. How would you and your friends like to earn a little extra credit?

(Bonnie and Jeremy are outside)

Jeremy: Wait

(He takes off is ring)

Jeremy: Look, I, um, I want you to have this

Bonnie: If you're asking me to go steady, I think that was the fifties

Jeremy: No, I'm serious, Bonnie

Bonnie: The ring won't work on me, Jeremy

Jeremy: But it was made by a witch

Bonnie: To protect from the supernatural, not for someone who is

Jeremy: Well, I have to do something. I can't just... I can't just let you get yourself k*lled

Bonnie: Just because a bunch of dead witches gave me a warning doesn't mean I'm going to die

Jeremy: So you're saying there's a 50-50 shot you won't? Look, I'm sorry. But... you know I don't have the best luck in the girlfriend department

Bonnie: Hey. Listen, I... I can't explain it. But I can feel them. I'm empowered, Jeremy, I can do this. I know I can. I'm strong enough

(She embraces him and sees Damon)

Bonnie: Damon

Damon: Evenin'

(He enters. Elena and Stefan rejoin them)

Elena: hey you two. Oh, you look nice

(She embraces Bonnie)

Bonnie: You too

Stefan: You guys ready to do this?

(Everyone is dancing. Dana goes on the stage)

Dana: Thanks for being here, everybody. We have a special shout-out tonight

(Elena, Stefan, Bonnie, Jeremy and Damon stops in front of the stage)

Dana: This is for Elena. From Klaus

(A song starts playing. Elena seems stunned)

Damon: That was a lame, cheap shot. He's just trying to bait us

Elena: I know everyone here

Stefan: Maybe he's not here. Just wants us to believe that he is

Damon: It's a party, people. Blend. Let him come to us

Bonnie: Good idea

(She takes Jeremy's arm)

Jeremy: No, no, I really don't feel like dancing

Bonnie: Too bad

(They go on the dance floor. Damon sees Alaric/Klaus)

Damon: There's Ric. I'll be back

(He leaves)

(Damon rejoins Alaric/Klaus)

Alaric/Klaus: Special dedication, huh? This guy's a little twisted

Damon: I'm not impressed

Alaric/Klaus: No?

Damon: Let me know if you see anything out of whack

(He leaves)

(Jeremy and Bonnie are dancing so are Elena and Stefan. She sees Caroline and Matt arriving)

Elena: Caroline's here. They don't know what's going on. We have to tell her

Stefan: I'm on it

(He looks at Damon and leaves. Damon takes Elena and they dance)

Damon: How you doing?

Elena: Um, freaking out a bit. You?

Damon: Cool as a cucumber. Come on, remember the last decade dance? The vampires were all, "ahh!" And you were all, "aahh!"

Elena: Right. And you won

Damon: Yes! We did

(He makes some moves with her)

Elena: You're good at this

Damon: I've got moves you've never seen

(She laughs)
(Matt and Caroline are in the dance floor)

Caroline: Dance with me

Matt: I'm a really bad dancer

(She laughs and takes his arm)

Caroline: I know better than that

(They dance. He's weird)

Caroline: What?

Matt: You look really pretty tonight

(Stefan rejoins them)

Stefan: Hey, guys

Matt: Hey, man, what's up?

Stefan: Hey. Do you mind if I steal your date for a moment?

Matt: No, not all. I'll get us something to drink

Stefan: Thanks

(Matt leaves. Stefan dances with Caroline)

Caroline: What's wrong?

Stefan: Klaus is here

Caroline: What?!

Stefan: Yeah

Caroline: Where?

Stefan: We have no idea. But keep your eye out for anything that might be weird, ok?

(Bonnie and Jeremy are dancing. Damon rejoins them)

Damon: May I?

(Jeremy looks at him and leaves. Damon dances with Bonnie)

Bonnie: You heard Jeremy and me talking, didn't you?

Damon: Is it true?

Bonnie: Yes

Damon: The part about you having a 50-50 shot of surviving? Is that true?

Bonnie: He was upset. I didn't want him to worry

Damon: So you lay it out on the line for Elena, no matter what

Bonnie: No matter what

Damon: Good

Bonnie: You can't tell her

Damon: Your secret's safe with me, but I mean... With all that power, isn't there a way to increase your odds?

Bonnie: Careful, Damon. I might start to think you actually care

Damon: We wouldn't want that

(Elena rejoins Jeremy. She looks at Bonnie and Damon)

Elena: What are they up to?

Jeremy: Who knows?

Elena: Is there something going on, Jer? You ok?

Jeremy: Fine. I'm fine

(He leaves. Stefan rejoins her)

Stefan: Everything all right?

Elena: I'm not sure

(Jeremy is in the hallway. Stefan rejoins him)

Stefan: Jeremy. What are you doing? Elena thinks we should stick together

Jeremy: Yeah, I'm fine. I've got my ring. It's... it's Bonnie

Stefan: What is it? Hey, you got something on your mind, spit it out

Jeremy: If Bonnie takes on Klaus, channeling all that energy's going to k*ll her

Stefan: What?

Jeremy: But she doesn't want Elena to know, 'cause if Elena knows, she's gonna try to stop her. And it's Elena that could turn up dead, so... What am I supposed to do?

(Everyone is dancing. Damon is dancing with two girls. Bonnie looks at him and smiles. Elena rejoins her)

Elena: I need to talk to you

(They leaves. Damon's looking at them. Bonnie looks at him. Stefan rejoins Damon)

Stefan: Come here, come here, come here. Please tell me you didn't know that Bonnie was on a su1c1de mission

Damon: Oh, great. Jeremy told you and of course you told Elena

Stefan: Yeah, I told her. You promised her no more secrets

Damon: I changed my mind

(Elena and Bonnie are outside)

Elena: How could you not tell me?

Bonnie: 'Cause I knew how'd you react

Elena: No. No way, it's not an option

Bonnie: It's our only option

Elena: Then we'll find another way, ok? Bonnie, you're not dying to save my life

Bonnie: I have the power to save you! If I don't use it and something happens, that would k*ll me more

Elena: I can't let you

Bonnie: Just answer one question... if the situation was reversed, would you do it for me?

(Elena doesn't answer)

Bonnie: So you know I have to

Elena: No. No!

(Jeremy is in the hallway. Chad and two other students rejoin him)

Jeremy: What's going on, guys?

Chad: You ok, Gilbert? You don't look so good

Jeremy: Dude, seriously? Wrong day, wrong guy

(They start fighting. The two other boys punch Jeremy. Stefan and Damon arrive. One of the guys throw a stake on Damon with a crossbow)

Damon: Let me guess... Klaus says hi

(They have weapons. Stefan rushes over them and fights them. Damon catches another boy and is about to k*ll him)

Stefan: No, no, no, no, don't k*ll him. He's compelled

Damon: So?

Stefan: So, the whole thing's a distraction. Go find Bonnie and Elena. I got this. Go

(Damon throws the guy against the lockers and leaves)

(Alaric/Klaus rejoins Bonnie and Elena)

Alaric/Klaus: Elena!

Elena: What is it?

Alaric/Klaus: He has Jeremy

Elena: What?

Bonnie: What?!

Alaric/Klaus: Yeah, Klaus has Jeremy. Come on

(They follow him in the school. They're running in the hallway)

Elena: Ok, so where are you taking us?

Alaric/Klaus: Just a little further

Elena: What... Something's not right

Bonnie: Where's Jeremy?

(They stop. He laughs)

Alaric/Klaus: I just had to get away from that dance. The sixties, uchh. Not my decade

(He laughs)

Alaric/Klaus: I mean, whose call was that, anyway? I much prefer the twenties. The style, the parties, the jazz

Elena: Alaric. Are you on vervain?

Alaric/Klaus: Now why would you ask me that question, Elena?

Elena: He's being compelled

Alaric/Klaus: Nope. Try again

Elena: What's going on?

Alaric/Klaus: Ok, I'll give you a hint. I am not Alaric

Elena: Klaus

Alaric/Klaus: Surprise!

Elena: Oh, no. No, it's not possible

Alaric/Klaus: Just relax, Elena. I'm not here to hurt you. You're not on my hit list tonight

(He looks at Bonnie)

Alaric/Klaus: But you are

(She throws him against the wall with her powers. He gets up)

Alaric/Klaus: Now, did I mention that I knew a witch? You're gonna have to hit me a lot harder than that

(He rushes over her so she throws him against a display case. He laughs)

Alaric/Klaus: By all means... Fire away!

(He gets up)

Alaric/Klaus: If you k*ll this body, I'll just get a new one. Maybe Jeremy

Bonnie: Go. Run. Run!

(They run. Bonnie closes the doors with her powers. Damon rejoins them)

Damon: What happened?

Elena: Klaus is in Alaric's body

Damon: What?

Bonnie: He's possessing it or something

(He looks at Elena)

Damon: Go find Stefan. Now

Elena: Okay

Damon: Now

(She leaves. Damon and Bonnie are alone)

Damon: Can you k*ll him?

Bonnie: He's got some kind of protection spell

Damon: You have the power of a hundred witches. Break it

Bonnie: I'm trying! If I k*ll Alaric, he'll just possess someone else. He knows I have my power, Damon. He's trying to k*ll me

Damon: No. Klaus does not get to win tonight, no way. You still willing to do whatever it takes to k*ll him?

(Elena is on the dance floor, looking all around her. Caroline sees her. She's with Matt)

Caroline: Hey! Are you ok?

Elena: Um...Yeah. I'm just... I'm looking for Stefan

(She sees him)

Caroline: Seriously, what's wrong?

Elena: Uh, just, um, stay with Matt, ok?

(She leaves to rejoin Stefan)

Matt: What was that about?

Caroline: Oh, you know, just same old drama

(Bonnie is in the hallway, alone. She enters the cafeteria. Alaric/Klaus is sitting on a chair, a knife on his hand)

Alaric/Klaus: What took you so long? Now, do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way?

(She breaks his wrist with her powers. He replaces it)

Alaric/Klaus: The hard way. Got it

(He gets up. She breaks his shoulder with her powers. He groans)

Alaric/Klaus: What? You'd k*ll your favorite history teacher?

Bonnie: It's what Alaric would want. And he'd want you to suffer first

(Her nose bleeds)

Alaric/Klaus: Look at you

(She wipes her nose)

Alaric/Klaus: Is that all you got?

Bonnie: Let's find out

(Elena and Stefan are running in the hallway, Damon rejoins them)

Damon: There you are

Elena: What are you doing? Where's Bonnie?

Damon: She's doing what she has to do

Elena: What?

Stefan: Where is she?

Damon: Stefan, let her do this

Stefan: Damn it, Damon, where is she?!

(Bonnie is still fighting Alaric/Klaus with her powers. Her nose is bleeding a lot. Elena and Stefan arrive)

Elena: Bonnie, no!

(Bonnie fights Alaric/Klaus. Elena screams. Stefan tries to open the doors but he can't. bonnie looks at Elena with a smile and then she falls on the floor. Everything stops. Elena and Stefan open the doors and rush over Bonnie)

Elena: No! Oh! Bonnie! Bonnie, Bonnie!

(She takes Bonnie in her arms. Stefan looks around them. Alaric/Klaus is gone)

Elena: Stefan, she's not breathing!

(She cries)

Elena: Stefan! Stefan, I can't find her pulse! Stefan! Do something, please! Stefan, please! Just give her blood, do something, please!

Stefan: It's too late. I'm sorry

(Elena's still crying)

Elena: No! No. No, no, no, no, no! Bonnie! Bonnie, please, no! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

(Damon arrives)

Damon: Stefan, get Elena out of here. I'll deal with this

Elena: What do you mean, deal with this?

Damon: The sheriff can't know about this. Last thing we need's another mysterious death

Elena: This is Bonnie!

(Damon looks at Stefan)

Damon: Get her home. Now

(Stefan catches Elena and helps her to get up)

Stefan: Hey, hey, hey

Elena: No. Jeremy. Oh, my God, Jeremy. What about Jeremy?

Damon: I'll find him

(Elena gets up. She looks at Bonnie's body, crying and screaming. Stefan takes her and they leave. Alone, Damon closes Bonnie's eyes)

(Damon puts Bonnie's body in the trunk. Jeremy rejoins him)

Jeremy: Damon! Hey, I got your message, I can't find anyone. Where's Elena, where's Bonnie?

Damon: We need to have a little talk

[Salvatore's house]

(Elena is sitting next to the chimney. Stefan rejoins her with a glass)

Stefan: Hey. Here, drink this

Elena: I can't

Stefan: Yeah. Yeah, you can. Yeah. Yeah, you can

(She takes the glass but cries)

Elena: This is my fault

Stefan: No, no, no, no, no. No. Hey. This was Klaus. Listen to me. Klaus did this

(Damon arrives)

Elena: What did you do with her?!

(He looks at Stefan)

Damon: Will you please calm her down?

Elena: Don't talk like I'm not standing right in front of you

Damon: Please calm down

Elena: You knew! Didn't you? You knew that if she harnessed all that power, that she would die, didn't you?

Damon: Yes. Yes, I knew

(She slaps him)

Damon: You need to listen to me, and prepare for what I'm about to say. Bonnie had to die. Klaus using Alaric's body was a total surprise. She wasn't prepared for that. And he wasn't going to stop, and we weren't going to be able to stop him until he knew she was dead. He had to believe it

[Abandoned house]

(Bonnie is laying on the floor. Jeremy is lightening candles. She wakes up. He rushes over and embraces her. They laugh with joy)

[Salvatore's house]

Damon: She cast a spell. She's alive, Elena. Bonnie's ok

(He goes to the stairs. Stefan follows him)

Stefan: You know, you could have told me

Damon: How do I know when you're going to go blabbing things to your girlfriend?

Stefan: You even understand what you put her through?

Damon: See, that's why I didn't tell you. 'Cause you would have never been able to do it. Don't get me wrong, Stefan. I don't mind being the bad guy. I'll make all the life and death decisions while you're busy worrying about collateral damage. I'll even let her hate me for it. But at the end of the day, I'll be the one to keep her alive

(He goes upstairs)

[Abandoned house]

(Jeremy has his laptop on his legs)

Jeremy: You sure it's safe here?

Bonnie: Yeah, I'm sure

(He takes something from his bag)

Bonnie: What is that?

Jeremy: It is MiFi. If we're gonna be stuck here, then we might as well have Internet

Bonnie: You don't have to stay down here with me

Jeremy: Hey, look, I'm not letting you out of my sight

Bonnie: I... I need you to talk to Elena for me. Tell her how sorry I am for what Damon and I had to do

Jeremy: Well, um... Why don't you tell her yourself?

(He turns the laptop so Bonnie can see Elena thanks to the webcam)

[Salvatore House]

(Elena is talking with Bonnie via webcam)

Bonnie: Elena, I'm so sorry

Elena: It's ok, it's ok. I just needed to see you from myself

(Bonnie's crying)

Bonnie: There wasn't enough time for me to tell you

Elena: It's ok, seriously. Damon explained it all to me

(Damon is in his bedroom. Elena rejoins him)

Damon: Ugh. Look. Klaus had to think she was dead. Your reaction had to be real

Elena: I understand why you did what you did. Klaus was fooled, and Bonnie's alive

Damon: Here's to duplicity

Elena: But let's get one thing straight, Damon. Bonnie will not die for me, I will not let that happen

Damon: We need to k*ll Klaus, Elena. Real Klaus. Who will probably be coming to pay you a visit soon now that he knows that Bonnie is dead. She's the only one who can do it

Elena: We'll find another way

Damon: I hope so

Elena: Look, I shouldn't have hit you

Damon: Apology accepted. Let me be clear about something. If it comes down to you and the witch again, I will gladly let Bonnie die. I will always choose you

(She doesn't say anything for a moment)

Elena: Good night, Damon

Damon: Good night

(She looks at him and leaves)

(She goes in the basement. Opens the cellar, looks at Elijah's body and removes the dagger. She sits down next to the body)
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