Eating Air (1999)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Eating Air (1999)

Post by bunniefuu »

In this world, I walk alone.

Aunties, take your laundry in!

It's raining!

Bloody RD biker.


Hornet .

g*dd*mn aeroplane.

What's the time?

One plus one plus one o'clock.

Three freaking o'clock.

Time for lunch!

Ah Gu, someone's screwing with your bike
in the carpark!

Hey, whacko, got a light?

If you can't afford to pay off the loan,

you shouldn't be riding a bike.

Give me a break, boss.

This is my wife, you know?

{\an }Come on, help me out here.

{\an }The money I owe you,

{\an }I guarantee I'll get it to you tomorrow.

{\an }Want to go down to the arcade?

Cao He Lang here says that
he can beat my high score.

You go ahead first.

I've got to help my parents deliver food.

Work faster, you slow coach!

Boss Ng, here's today's lunch.

How about settling last month's
bill today?

Mrs. Quek, your photos
are ready for collection.

Are they beautiful? Of course, they are.

That I guarantee!

Okay, thank you!

Are you deaf or what?

You g*dd*mn punk!

You think I can't afford to pay you
your stupid money?

Do you know how much money my shop
makes in a day?

And don't get me going on your
mom's cooking.

It's like shit! Day after day,
it's either egg or salted vegetables.

Pretty good, isn't it?

This stuff is of hotel standard.

So what the hell
are you complaining about?

Come on, have another bite.

Come on, come on. That's a good boy.

Don't need a spoon?

Hello, the boss is having his lunch.

Please call back later.

Remember to wash up after your meal!


your mom's cooking really
does taste like shit.

What's the hurry?

Meeting a boyfriend?


Then let Sister Porsche take you to
that salon in Tampines.

I'll get that David to redesign
your hairstyle.

Don't want?

Fine, you're beyond hope anyway.

Mom is going out for a while.

I'll be back at closing time.

Have you eaten?

Want me to buy something back for you?

Do you want rice or noodles?

You're at it again.

Don't be like that.

He's different from the others.

He's very gentlemanly.

One day, I'll bring him over
and introduce him to you.

Okay, I've got to go.

I'll be back at closing time. Bye!

My buddies!

Heard you two got whacked last week.

What a disgrace!

Couldn't even outrun a lousy Datsun.

You guys are just not
rock 'n' roll material.

You should learn from me.

When I was a young man,
nobody messed around with me.

Whoever screwed with me, I'd squeeze
them dead with just one finger.

Let me tell you a story.

When I was years and months old,

at minutes seconds

past nine o'clock,

I can still remember...

Come out! Get out here, you scumbag!

How dare you sell us fake soccer boots!

Come out! We're going to thrash you!

That is why, till this day,
no one dares to mess with me.

Are you sure?

What do you think?

I've always thought your mouth
is the biggest.

Now I know your assh*le is even bigger!

Say whatever you want.

I've got to run.

You guys carry on relaxing in this corner.

Lao Beng, that stinking con man!

Told us it was a porn tape.

Turned out to be a blank tape.

I'm going to thrash him.

Quit whining.

We've got to find that scumbag first.

Hey! Off to settle a score?

You'll want someone like me on your side!

Ah Gu, you punk! How are you doing?

I'm all right.

I heard your boss
Tua Tau is really well-connected.

How about hooking me up with him?

- Are you for real?
- Who do you think you are, kid?

You expect a big boss like him
to sit down with a lowlife like you?

He's not going to stand for that, man!

Give me a break.

All I want is a chance to chat with him,
that's all.

Fine. Since you look sincere,

I'll fix you up to meet my boss.


Hello, little girl. When do you knock off?

Want to catch a movie with me?

The daily or the evening paper?

Come on, don't be shy.

We'll go see any movie you want.

The daily or the evening paper?

Why don't you decide for me, little girl?

If you say the daily, I'll buy the daily.

If you say the evening paper,
I'll buy the evening paper.

You decide, honey.

Are you out of your mind?

Why were you talking to those guys
at the arcade?

You know they are g*ng members.

A swordsman travelling alone on the road
needs as many friends as possible.

Got that?

Hey, you! If you've got guts,
race with me!

Hey! Let him hear your engine.

- Let him hear your engine.
- Come on.

The lights are changing.

Come on, race these assholes.
Let's go, let's go!

Race them!

What are you doing?

Look! We're eating their dust!

Quick! Damn it, catch up with them!

Quick! There they are! Come on!

You know where he brought me?

Like two lovers in an old movie,

we went to watch a romantic movie.

Then, he took me
to a seafood restaurant for dinner.

We had crabs that were this big!

Even bigger than your head!

After dinner, we strolled along the beach.

I took off my heels.

He held my hand.

I almost fainted.

I'm so excited, I'm getting dizzy.

He's asked me out
on another date tomorrow.

I'm going to shower
and have an early night.

Or my eyes will be puffy
like a panda's tomorrow

and he won't want me anymore.

So, what are you going to do
about your bike?

What can I do? It's gone.

I hope you crash and die
at the next junction!

Hurry up with those plates.
We're short of saucers outside.

- Dad's getting pissed off.
- He's angry?

Tell that old monkey
to come wash these damn plates himself!

What the hell is that?

Are your eyes stuck in your ass?

See for yourself.

I told you to bring a pig's head,
not a stingray!

This is revenge, not a freaking barbeque!

You dumbass!

You know I work at a fish market.

How the hell am I supposed to
find a pig's head at a fish market?

This had better be good.

I've got to hand in an assignment
at school tomorrow.

Let's get to work!

Leave that bloody stingray here,
you idiot!

- Come on!
- Don't get handsy.

What if that tigress wife of yours
comes back?

My wife? Don't you worry about her.

She'll be out playing mahjong
till the dawn.


Of course!
Why would I lie to you, darling?

Come on!

No, stop!

Come on!


Come on!

No, don't! Help!

Come on!

Tonight, you belong to me!

No! Don't!

Come back, you assholes!

If I ever see you bastards again,
I'll chop you to pieces!

Come back, you assholes!

Young Master,
I've driven you right to your doorstep.

What more do you want?

I don't want to go home yet.

My dad found out about my bike.

He'll k*ll me.

So what do you want do?

I want you to take me to somewhere quiet.
Some place where no one can find me.

Drink me!

Legendary Drunkard of the East!

Drink me!

That's enough for tonight.

Come on, the night is still young.

Young? It's almost dawn.

Come on, I'll give you a ride home.

No need. I'll get home myself.

Hey, Boy!


Got any change? For the bus.

I, Ah Gu, always repays what he borrows.

Make sure you remember that.

Sleep tight

The company sent me on a business trip
out of the blue.

What do you expect me to do?

I understand that
you're busy with your work.

But you don't have to treat me this way.

Damn it,

let's call this whole thing off then.

Father, Mother,
I shall avenge your deaths.

Yet another idiot
who thought he was Superman?

It's not a su1c1de. It's a m*rder.

The police found the body this morning.

Heard it was some dope pusher who got
stabbed forty-something times last night.

New helmet? Where did you get it?

I found it. Must be my lucky day.

Who knows, maybe I'll find a new motorbike
to go with it today!

What time is it?

It's exactly : in the afternoon.

Let's go get something to eat. My treat!

Your treat?

Are you sh1tting us?

Me and Cao He Lang are going to
duke it out at the arcade.

Damn ingrates. How about you?

If Ah Gu is buying, the pleasure is mine.

Hey! I've got all sorts of videos.

From Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand, USA.
Good stuff.

Any with animal in it?

Damn pervert! Animals!

As a matter of fact, I do.
The Wanton Cock And The Little Duck.

It's a nature documentary. Very hot!

Really? Of course!

Meet me here tomorrow.

Got a smoke?

Give me the whole damn pack.

Meet me here tomorrow!

Crazy man.
Trying to catch my eye all the time.

Hey, does he hit on you too?

The other day, he tried to sell me
one of his porn videos.

I should call the cops on him.

Loitering here all day.

I saw your mom yesterday.

She's looking kind of hot these days.

I saw her with a man.

Is he her boyfriend?

He's quite handsome,
but much too old for me.

Hey, aren't you the least bit embarrassed?

Your old mom's got a boyfriend
and you don't.

You don't really have to be embarrassed,

since your mom doesn't seem
the least bit embarrassed herself.

I'm going to get some tea.

No milk for mine!

Time for tea!

Ah Boy, eat up.

Have you been avoiding me, Ah Gu?

I've been hunting high and low for you.

Why haven't you been returning my calls?

Haven't eaten for three days, huh?

Come on, girls, eat up!

It's my treat today.

Hey, Ah Gu, did you strike the lottery?

Or maybe you've got cancer?

Hey, even if you're dying,
you shouldn't splurge like this.

Keep your hands off my food.

Your breath stinks like garbage.

The rest of you lovely ladies,
order anything you like.

Today, I am in a fabulous mood.

Besides, my wallet is bursting.

So, you girls eat up till you explode.

Hey, Ah Gu, happy as a freaking lark, huh?

That's right!

What's up with your arrogant buddy
over here?

He's a mute.

Leave my pal alone. Eat up!

He's not mute, just shy.

Excuse me, sir. What's your name?

Let's go. Aw Tau and Cao He Lang
just paged.

They're in serious shit.


Go get them!

Hey, Ah Gu! Where's your Ferrari?

Your engine died on you again?

And where did you get that lovely helmet?

It's red like a monkey's ass.
You look like a sissy.

What's wrong with you?

Why are you so pissed off?

The weather's hot,
so I got a little heated up.

Hey, Boy! Do you want to date me?

If you'd like to, just say so.

Why do you keep hanging around my shop?

Hey, don't run away!
You don't have to be shy!

Back in the good old days, I was a king.

Whenever my enemies saw me, they vanished
like smoke on the water. Gone!

You know what is the most important lesson
I've learnt all these years?



We wanderers of the world must unite.

You may laugh now, but I still remember.

, June .

It was minutes, seconds
after : that night.

Don't run, you cowards!
Come back if you've got guts!

What bullshit!
That's why once we're united,

we can overcome any enemy.

Where's your buddy, Ah Gu?

I don't see him around today.

Did he fall into a drain or something?


Have you had your dinner?

Not yet.

You're so skinny. You should eat more.

When do you knock off?

When I finish selling everything.

Okay, I'll buy everything then.

That's not enough money.

Besides, I'm not selling you anything.

I'm going now.



Which one's your house?

That one.

Which one?

That one.

Show me.

What's going on here?

Beats me.

It sure doesn't look like he's praying to
the gods for some lucky lottery numbers.

He's so serious.

Like he's paying respects at a grave
or something.

Do you know what this is?

Those who don't think I can cut it,
they can take a long hard look at this.

This bag of shit is worth big bucks.

I'm on a roll.

Where did you find this?

Keeps your paws off.

One hit, fifty bucks. You've got fifty?

- Put it away.
- What are you scared of?

Where did you get this?

The gods smiled on me. The bag just fell
out of the sky into my lap.

Remember that drug pusher
who got whacked here the other day?

I was there when he got stabbed.

Dead man dropped the bag of dope.
So, finders keepers.

Keep it out of sight.

Stop being such a gutless coward.

Gutless? Screw that.

You keep walking around
showing off that bag of shit,

I guarantee you'll be the next one
who gets whacked.

Me, get whacked? Let them try.

No g*n or knife can k*ll me.

Once I sell this bag of shit,
I'll be rolling in cash.

You want to sell it off?

Okay, let's look for Lao Beng.

He knows a lot of people.

He can help you get rid of it fast.

Lao Beng? That charlatan?
Are you for real?

Go ahead! Why don't you let the
world hear you?

Damn it, do what you want.

But I'm telling you,
Lao Beng is no better than a lump of shit.

Hey, guys! Bullseye!

Hey, Ah Gu, relax, dude!

This is my buddy.
Sell him anything you've got.

He'll give you the best price in town.

Gotta go. Soccer match on TV is starting.

So, how much are you gonna pay me?

Show me the shit first.

How much?

Let me hold it. Let me hold it.

Let go! Let go!

Sell it to me! I'll buy it!

Let go, you nutcase!

Where are you going?

Lao Beng really knows the score, huh?

How could he have recommend
that dumb-ass junkie?

What are you going do?

I'm going to
find a way to sell the stuff myself.

The only thing
you're going to find is trouble.

Damn it! You're just like everybody else.

So you think I can't cut it?

Just watch me.

Okay, if you get whacked,
don't come crying to me.

I'm going to make you eat your words.

Hey, Miss, don't be angry.

Come, let's go to the market.

Hello! This is the police!

Please open up!

Happy New Year!

It's me, your Uncle Ah Gu!

Did you rob a bank?

How did a punk like you
get hold of so much money?

Stop gaping like a goldfish.
Count the money.


Where did you get all that cash?

I struck the lottery.

Quit staring at me.

You wanted me to sell it to Lao Beng.

I sold that bag of shit
to a bunch of professionals.

Now I'm rolling in dough.

I'm a brand new man.

I am filthy rich now.

Hey, are you tired of counting?
Want to count that cash all over again?

No need.

Take whatever you like.
My shop is open to you any time!

Let's go for a ride!

Eat shit and die!

Hey! What the hell are you honking for?

My kids are sleeping!

Honk! Honk! Honk!

Go to hell! Shut the hell up!

Let's go for a ride!

I need to work today.

Come on in!

Don't be shy. Get in.

We're all wearing underwear.

Come in! I'll protect you!

You show-off!

Are you gay?

Where to next?

You guys go ahead. I'll page you later.

Wow, someone's acting
all arrogant suddenly.

Where are you going? On a hot date?

Once some people get hooked,
they really change.

You got infected real bad this time.

You even abandoned your friends.

What do you do every day?

Eat, sleep, take a crap.

Wow, you're really busy.

Why don't you go to school?

Books don't read me,
so I don't read books.

What about you? Don't you go to school?

I do. But not today.

Then when?

Tomorrow. School is restarting tomorrow.

Where's that place over there?

Johor Bahru.

I know.

What's after that?

The rest of Malaysia.

After that?


After that?


After that?


After that?

My grandma's house.
Shall I take you there tomorrow?

I'll give you a ride to school tomorrow.

Look! There's a % discount
on tours to Bali. Shall we go?

Wanna go?

We haven't been
on a holiday together for a long time.

I heard Bali is really fun.

Lots of couples go there, but what's
stopping mothers and daughters from going

there too? I'll go book the tour tomorrow.

We have to set up the shop.

We won't starve
if we close for a couple of days.

Okay, it's confirmed.
We are going to Bali.

Wait. Maybe we should go to
Langkawi instead.

The beaches there are very pretty.

We can wear our swimsuits and get tanned.

Look. You're so pale as if you're ill.

You should get some sun.
Get tanned and look pretty.

I don't know.

You must be tired.

Let's close up,
go home and have an early night.

Sorry. We're closed.

Tired? Close your eyes.

So, are we going to Bali?
Shall I book the tour tomorrow?

Let's talk about this tomorrow. I'm tired.

Langkawi is very nice too.

Wait. What about Hong Kong?
We can go shopping.

Okay, okay. Go to sleep.

- What are you doing?
- You've got a pimple.

Don't touch it.

Don't! Don't touch it.

Okay, I won't touch it.

Close your eyes. Go to sleep.

Do you have any idea what time is it?

It's : in the morning!

I need your help.

Now? You need me
to help cover you with a blanket?

I've got something on at : .

I really need your help.

See you downstairs in five minutes.

No need. They're going to give us a ride.

- Who?
- The people who bought the shit from me.

Why are you still meeting them?

I thought the deal was done.

It is.

They gave me the cash the last time round.

Today, I'm giving them the goods.

Don't tell me you have been walking around
with that bag of shit on you.

Don't be such a chicken.

The whole thing will be over
in a few hours' time.

When those guys get here,
everything will be settled.

Piece of cake!

Piece of cake?

Then why do you need my help
at this god-forsakened hour?

You have no choice,
since we're childhood sweethearts.

Where to?

Let's go for a ride.

Can't we talk here?

What's wrong? You're scared of me?

Wow! So many little kiddies in here!

Shall I take you all to the zoo?

Let's see the money.

Let's see the goods.

Don't run! Come back!

You said they've already paid you.

How come you were asking those guys
for cash just now?

Where did you get the money for the bikes?

You're mute or what?

You're always talking very loudly.

There's no one here now. Tell me!

Where did you get the money
to buy those bikes?

You really want to know? I'll tell you!

That money was from Tua Tau.

You're something else.

Borrowing money from a loan shark.

You're good. You're the man.

Don't you like the bike I got you?

Don't you like riding it around
with that girl of yours in the back?

So now it's my fault?

No, it's not your fault. It's my fault.

I'll settle Tua Tau's debt myself.

Settle? How are you going to settle it?

Thirty thousand dollars.

The most I'll pay him with my life.

You're really something else.

Let's go find those bastards
and get your stuff back.

It's the first day of school.
You must eat more.

What if we can't find those bastards?

We'll find them.

Bloody punk!

I've been looking for you all night!

Do you know who you're screwing with?

How dare you sell me soap powder!

Soap powder. Damn it.

Who do they think they are trying to kid?

That bag of shit is the real thing!

I overslept.

And then fell out of bed?

I don't care what happened to you today.

All I want to know is
if you will stand me up again.

Let me think about that.

Did you see Ah Gu?

Did you? What about you?

You! Did you see Ah Gu that damn kid?

Don't screw with me.

If you've seen him, you'd better tell me.


So, did you find him?


He's gone. Let's go!

Let's go to the races!

I'm feeling lucky today!

Why is your hair in such a mess?

It's as if you got electrocuted.

Let Porsche take you to the salon.

If you come with me,
I'll get you a discount.

I'll tell David
to give you a nice hairstyle.

Something like mine.

Don't you want to look like me?

With a new hairstyle,
guys will be falling at your feet.

Look at your weird clothes.

Can't tell if you're a boy or a girl.

Let Porsche take you shopping.

I'll help you pick out some nice dresses

and some accessories.

Don't you want to look like me?

What are you doing now?

Oh! Someone's got a boyfriend!

I don't even have one.

Mom, I'm...

Girl, look after the shop.
I'm stepping out for a while.

- I said I'm going out.
- Where are you going?

I'm meeting a friend.

Can't you meet him tomorrow?

He's waiting for me.

I've got good vibes about him.

I was talking to him on the phone

when I heard a strange noise
in the background.

I asked him what it was.
Guess what he said?

He told me he was ironing his clothes.

Where can you
find a man like that these days?

Oh, really?

It's true. Okay, I've gotta run.


We are in serious shit.

Those guys are out to get us.

They're gonna k*ll us.

We are in serious shit. Damn it.

Everything's all screwed up.

What are we going do? Damn.

Look, we'd better lay low.

We'll hide out for a few days
and see what happens next.

Hide in the mountains.

What are you doing?

I'm making you a Shaolin Temple disciple!

You're still joking at a time like this?

Nobody's there.

{\an }Exactly how old are you?

{\an }Guess how old am I?

I don't know.

You see that old man in the shop opposite?

He's always looking in this direction.

Do you think he's eyeing you?

No, he's staring at me.

How old is your boyfriend?

What's his name? What's wrong?

You paged him, but he's not calling back?

Boys are like that.

When they're hot for you,
they'll call you.

When they're not,
they'll avoid your calls.

Forget it! He's over you.

Poor thing.

Lao Beng got kidnapped!

Damn it! What are you two doing here?

What if you were followed?

Didn't I tell you two to stay away?

Are you trying to get us all k*lled?

Sit your ass down.

No one's getting k*lled.

If those bastards can find Lao Beng,

they'll be able to find us.

Get out of here, you two.

And stay away!

It's me. Call me back.

He won't be calling you.

I'm going to look for something to eat.

I'll understand
if you tell me you're busy.

But why didn't you call me?

I want to use the phone, Mom.

Do you know
I stood outside the cinema for two hours?

I know you were having a meeting.

But couldn't you have pretended
to go to the toilet

and called me?

I just wanted to use the phone, Mom.

How can you say that about me?

You did not apologize for your behavior

and now you are criticizing me.

No, don't get me wrong.



Not having some?

I'm full just looking at you
eating like a pig.

Where did you get this food from?

I got it from home.


It doesn't taste like your mom's
usual cooking.

Her skill has improved.

Hey, Girl! Your mom's here.

I've broken up with him.

You came all the way here
just to tell me that?

Come out for a while.
I've got something to tell you.

I've got to work.

You can work later.

I need to talk to you right now.

When you're happy, you're never around.

When you're sad, you come running to me.

Do you know I'm fed up?

You know what you're like?

You're like one of those
motorbike acrobats in the circus.

Day in day out, all you do is

ride around and around
inside a steel cage.

When you meet a man, you go bananas.

When you break up,

you act like it's the end of the world.

Aren't you tired?

I'm tired.

I'm so tired... Forget it.

Don't leave, Auntie!
I've ordered some tea.

Your mom's in a hurry, isn't she?

Let's go.

You bastards! I'm going to k*ll you all!

Don't do anything stupid.

Drop it!

- Put your hand down.
- Take it easy!

Put that knife down and we'll talk.

Don't listen to him, Boy!

Do you want to play?

You've got him and I've got you.

You think you scare me?

Just try it! You want to play?

Let's see who's faster with the knife.

Watch that knife!

Take it easy.

You're sh1tting in your pants now?

Or do you want to play for real?

I'm game if you are.

I had no idea that bag of shit was fake.

Someone dropped it. I picked it up.

I didn't know it was soap powder.

I believe you.

No one has to play the hero here.

I'll count to three.
We'll all put our knives down.

You better not play punk with me.

One, two, three.

Let them be!

Damn it! Not so hard!

It hurts? Rub it yourself then.

Take it easy.

Just be gentler.

Where's that girl of yours?

I don't know.

She really hurt you inside, didn't she?

I'll hurt you inside!

I was passing
the bus interchange this morning

when I saw this shop selling this.

Half price!

Lots of people think
DIY furniture is a hassle.

But I think it's fun.

Tell you what. Let's not open shop today.

We'll go to that furniture store

and buy a table and some chairs.

The ones in our house are so old.
It's time we bought new ones.

Stop it, you assh*le.

Hey, Lao Beng! You're still alive!

Shut your stinky mouth.

I thought you were kidnapped?

Me? Kidnapped? Who told you that?

I went up to the mountains to meditate.

It was minutes, seconds
after : that morning.

I suddenly realized that
life was meaningless.

Earthly life is too chaotic,
too confusing.

I needed to find a peaceful place.

Only when one is at tranquil solitude,

can one fully understand oneself.

For three days and three nights,

I meditated in seclusion.

I elevated my powers
to the highest levels,

only then was I able to
confront this cruel, cold world.

Then suddenly, I had a revelation.
I saw a ray of light.

I felt an unspeakable warmth.

I felt I had reached paradise.

Stop speaking English.

Stop speaking English!

There are no mountains in Singapore.

Are you implying that I'm a liar?

Exactly. A relative of yours?

Him? Impossible.

My relatives are all good-looking.

He looks like an ape.

Say that again if you've got guts.

He looks like an ape!

Say that again?

He looks like an ape!

An ape!

Mad man!

My boss Tua Tau wants you to know

debts must be repaid.

Pay up the , he loaned you.

Today's the last day.

Tua Tau wants to
have a cup of tea with you.

Get moving!

Why don't you
go out with your friends tonight?

I can manage on my own.

I'll stay here with you.

I've got nowhere to go.

Young people always have somewhere to go.

Tell me, are you seeing a boy?


- Really?
- Really.

Fine. Tomorrow,
Mom will advertise in the papers.

I'll find you a boy.
One who does not iron his own clothes.

Ignore him.

Get lost before I call the cops!

We are running a business here.

Don't park your damn car here.

I'll tell him to go.

You don't have to
be nice to people like him.

Just call the cops.


Look after the shop.

He's got something important to tell me.

Don't go.

I'll be gone just for a while.

- Stop being like this.
- I won't.

I'll be at the carpark over there.
I'll be back soon.

You hungry, Ah Gu?

Shall I whip up a bowl of soup for you?

Save your bullshit.

I don't have the money.

So, what are you going to do about it?

Are those your bikes over there?

They're beautiful.

They must be expensive too.

Give me two weeks. I'll get you your cash.

Two weeks or two years?

Thirty thousand bucks, mind you.

How is a punk like you
going to raise that kind of money?

Don't push me, old man.

I'm pushing you?

You know, when the weather gets warm,

people tend to go a bit crazy.
You know what I mean?

If we dared to take your money,

we'll find a way to repay you.

Take it easy.

Take it easy?

You think I'm running a charity here?

You won't get your money back
even if you k*ll him.

Listen to me, old man.

Give us two weeks.
I guarantee we'll find the money.

Guarantee? With what? Your red ass?

You've got guts to talk to me like that.
You're amusing.

I'll give you two weeks.
I want to see my thousand then.

- Deal!
- But don't you forget.

The interest is an additional , .

Three thousand? Go to hell!

Pissed off? You're pissed off?

I'm even more pissed off than you are.

Even if I gave you years,

I doubt you'll ever
be able to pay your debt.

If you've got guts,

come down to the ninth milestone
this Saturday night.

Bring your motorbike along.

Let's have a little race.

Who knows? Maybe you'll even win
what you owe me.

Let's not meet Tua Tau tonight.

We've got to.

You took his cash.

The only way out is to race him tonight.

Race him?
He's got a damn fierce-looking bike.

Don't worry. Our faces are even fiercer.

Let's leave now.

What about school?

Books don't read me,
so I don't read books.

You want to leave? Fine.

But we can only go after tonight.

There's something
I've got to settle first.

After tonight.

Let's not meet Tua Tau tonight.

There's nothing he can do
if we don't show up.

That's right.

What's he going to do if we don't show up?

Chop us into little pieces?

He's lucky if we don't k*ll him first.

Where's Aw Tau?

I still haven't told him I'm leaving.

He's on his way.

When are you coming back?

I don't know.

What are you going to do about Tua Tau?

A boat approaching a bridge
will naturally straighten itself.

What if the boat does not straighten?

Then it'll just have ram the damn bridge.
Don't worry about me.

I'll find the money to pay Tua Tau.

There's no need to lose sleep
over a senior citizen like him.

You go on your honeymoon.
Don't worry about me.

You'll be fine.

I've known you for so long,

but I've never given you a gift before.

Here, a goodbye present.

Yeah right, a goodbye present, your ass.
I'll go make a call.

See you at the market.

I'll wait here till you come.

I'll go check if Aw Tau is here.

Don't run! Stop there!

Over there!

Hey, Ah Gu.

Having a party here all on your own?

We didn't see you
at the ninth milestone last night.

You've made me come all the way down here
to invite you over?

My boys are here.
So, what are you waiting for?

Get up!

Let's play!

Get up!

You want to play? Come on! Get up!

Get up!

Get off your ass!

Let's have some fun!

Don't you want to play?

Come on! Get up!

Hang in there! Hang in there!
We'll reach the hospital soon!

Don't let him get away.

Stop! Take your hands off him, punk!

Go ahead, if you dare.
You think you've got the guts?

You damn punk! Let go of our boss!

Where is he?

Ah Gu got whacked.

They must be on their way to the hospital.
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