Alice et Martin (1998)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Alice et Martin (1998)

Post by bunniefuu »


Scream if it gets too hot.

I'll get you a magazine.

- I saw a great jacket on sale.
- How much?

francs. Is that too much?

It'll be torn to shreds in a week.

I'll stop fighting.


Just a second.
Said, it's for you.

A customer.

No problem. When is your train?

It'll be close, but we'll make it.

I'm coming.

Martin, come back.

I want you in bed early.

- Tomorrow's Sunday. Right, Said?
- Keep me out of it.

Why do I even bother?

They can't hold on to a good player.

It's always about money.

Said, let's go. She'll yell at us.

- Can you drive?
- Don't worry, I'm fine.

Do I have beer breath?

It's OK.

We'll say we had a flat.

How would you like to
visit your father?

I don't even know him!

Maybe it's time you did.

There's no rush.

You've said that for years.

It'll only get harder.

I don't want to. Just drop it.

You don't want to...
That's not the point.

He's your father.

Stop pretending he doesn't exist.

His health isn't what it used to be.

One day it'll be too late.

I said no, so lay off me.

Like it or not, you're going.

Let's get it over with.

You can't force me...

I will if I have to.


For your future.

You can kick and scream
it won't change a thing.

These are pictures of you.

Your mother sent them.

I haven't found room for them yet.

These are your brothers.
I had three children.

Take a look.

Frangois, the eldest.
He works at the factory.

Frederic is at university in Toulouse.

This is Benjamin, the youngest.
The wildest of the three.

It's a little red.

Does it hurt?

Do you often get migraines?


is high.

Yes, it is.

- Is your husband in?
- He just got home.

I'll have a word with him.

- Can I close the shutters?
- Whatever.

When I was your age,
it's what I hated most.

The closing of the shutters.

I'd complain,
"But it's still light out!"

Later, I'll call your mother.

You know, Martin,
you don't have to stay.

But Victor is so happy you're visiting.

- Why is it so dark?
- He has a fever.

We'll see about that.
Can you leave us?

- Strip.
- Why?

Do as you're told.

I'll watch you take your temperature.

I took it.

Take it again.

You're not sick.

- I am so!
- You're lying.

How did you raise your temperature?
I'd like to know.

I'm listening.

It was easy.

I rubbed the thermometer
against the sheet.

It heats up. That's all.

Fair enough. Nice little trick.

It proves you're smart.

Why did you do it?

I don't have to say.

You have to tell me the truth.

Why? You can't make me talk.

My friend's parents beat him.
The teachers found out.

I won't beat you.
I want to know you better.

We have to talk openly.

If you lie, where does it get us?

I'll lie too.

Your mother kept you for years.
You're all she has.

What could I do?

It's time you grew up.

It's my turn to look after you.

I don't want to live here.

The change would be good for you,
broaden your horizons.

What for?

To help you succeed in life.

No, I don't.
I didn't ask for anything.

I'm tired of this.
Can I go back to my room?

No, come down and eat.

The game's over.

No, it's not. I am sick.

I've had enough. Is that understood?

years later

This time, we got him!

Everything OK?

According to our files,

you were reported missing
on August ,

after your father's death.


You can go.

Your step-mother agreed
to pay the farmer.

He dropped the charges.

You're going home in lousy shape.

You need to get a new ID card.

- I'm free?
- Mrs Sauvagnac's coming.

I'd rather leave. Can I?

You're an adult. It's up to you.

Who is it?


Who are you?

I'm Alice.

Can I come in?

Benjamin didn't say anything.

Does he know you're in Paris?

I don't know what to do.

Should I come back later?

No, it's OK.
Come in.

Are you his girlfriend?

It's not sexual.
Isn't that your question?

Did he mention me?

After you disappeared, a little.
Three weeks is a long time.

What did he say?

He was worried.
And now you just pop up?

When will Benjamin be back?

After work.
He usually comes back late.

Can I sleep here?
I'm beat.

I have an audition tomorrow.
I have to rehearse.

I may be at it all night.

- It's fine with me.
- Not with me!

If you start snoring...

Breathing, snoring...
I won't be able to concentrate.

Bathroom, basement, garage...
I'll sleep anywhere.

Got a car?

No. Neither does Benjamin.

Wait... Where are you going?
What will you do?

I'll find a place to sleep.

We'll manage for tonight.

You can use Benjamin's room.

He'll sleep with me.

He really freaked me out.

He's a total nightmare.

I like him a lot, so don't be mean.

I'm not being mean.

He's like a hobo from another planet.

He flipped out after my father died.
He'll get over it.

He totally stressed me out.

I peeked in on him,
to make sure I hadn't dreamt it.

He was fully dressed, his eyes shut,
talking in his sleep in a weird voice.

Lots of people talk in their sleep.

- Thank God you're back.
- Perfect timing, as usual.

Do you mind if I read?

- When is the audition?
- o'clock.

Get to sleep or you'll f*ck it up.

We're late with the electricity.

- Remind me tomorrow.
- As usual.

Good night.

Good night, Zorro.

Lights out?
I don't mind if you read.

It's fine. I could use
a good night's sleep for once.

"Tango Nuevo" isn't enough.

Take this down.
Got a pen?

Here you go,
"Some music exists to heal wounds.

"The tango keeps them open
so we won't forget."

I'll call you back later.

How are you?
Sleep well?

Anyone home?

Where's Benjamin?

He came home last night
and left this morning.

I don't get it.

It's Thursday afternoon.

You slept for hours.
Want some coffee?

Why didn't you wake me up?

Believe me, we tried.

Sorry about yesterday.
I was nervous.

About my audition.

I always take it out on everyone else.

I have a lousy temper.

Benjamin said you can
borrow his clothes.

The bathroom is here.

If showers aren't too
conventional for you.

If you want to see Benjamin,
he works at the FNAC in Les Halles.

He gets off at o'clock.

- It's September, right?
- The st.

ls Paris always this hot?

It depends. Like anywhere else.

How do I go to Les Halles?

By metro. It's easy.

You went overboard with his cologne.

We split up here.

You change at Odeon
and get off at Les Halles.

Your briefcase, please.


Welcome to Paris.

Are my clothes too small for you?

They're fine.
You could have woken me.

Alice didn't... Your bag, please.

It's hard to talk here.
Can we meet later?

- I have a break soon.
- Sure. Where?

At "Quick". It's three floors down.

Take the escalator over there.

Take this.

See you soon.

Your bag, please.

You'll like it. What do you do?

- Nothing.
- It's an opportunity.

Why not?

I'm counting on you.

I won't keep you any longer.
Make sure you call.

Thank you. So long.

Who the hell was she?

Ever hear of this?

"Tania de I'Etang, artistic director"

"Studio Creation."
What did she want?

She said I can make money as a model.

It could be for porn.

Would you like to be a model?

I don't know.

I don't care about modeling,
but I could use some money.

Why did you up and disappear?

Just drop it.

What did your mother say?

What do you mean?

You saw him fall down the stairs.

His skull broke open,
you panicked and ran away.

You just vanished.

You're not thirsty?

Give me the photocopies.

Martin, I'll be a minute.
I'll get someone to take care of you.

- You know her well?
- Not really.

She's nice.
She used to be at another agency.

She asked you to come?

- You do this often?
- It's the first time.

I haven't got lucky yet.

I came close. The last time
it was for France Telecom.

They chose someone else.

Follow me.

Jocelyn, this is Martin.

Start with a Polaroid.

Then use different photographers.
Try the Italian.

See what you can do with his hair.

Maybe it's fine as it is.

Come with me.

Over there.

- Should I smile?
- It's up to you.

We know there's
a public out there.

Two concerts a month
won't make ends meet.

Let's take some real risks.

If we offer quality music,
we'll find connoisseurs.

They won't pay our rent.

I'm sick of playing at weddings.

Right, Alice?

Enough. I want a drink.

We have stuff.

Beer is best cold.

I know you're in there.

I'm too old for hide-and-seek.

I'm not going to budge.

Why are you here?

Are you upset?

We're all exhausted.
No wonder we fight.

- This is the men's room.
- I know.

Ten days ago I kept my mouth shut.
Last week too.

But today I'm telling you,
I'm fed up.

I've been following you for a while.

I f*cked up once.
You've been on the look out since.

If you want me to, I'll stop.

I don't get it. We live together.
If you want to talk, talk.

I don't have anything to say.

I just want to see how
you spend your days.

I work, like everyone.
It's no fun.

You like the violin?

Not really.

I have lots of time and no friends.

I thought you were modeling.

Not every day.
And the people don't interest me.

It was stupid to hide down there,
but I felt dumb.

If you ask me, you're just immature.

How old are you?

OK, I'll leave you alone.

A beer, please.

Can you walk?

They stitched me up
and gave me antibiotics. I'm fine.

Yeah, right. As usual.

He was creepy,
but so f*cking exciting.

Still, I insisted on a hotel.

What happened?

I turned around.

He hit me hard with an ashtray.

Let's get out of here.

K*llers turn you on the most.

Stop it!

it's one in a hundred.

It's worth it. Believe me...

You're exaggerating.

You're happy. Totally fulfilled.

Exactly. Happy and fulfilled.

My ear is k*lling me.

When is your audition?

In days. I'll never learn it.

You just have trouble with one section.

What about tomorrow?

I'm working at Virgin all day

and playing tango all night.

We rented a place.
We've already broken even.

I'll get Martin to run my lines.

I sort of prefer candles to electricity.

Come on, Benjamin!
Candles are nice,

but no heat, no fridge, no phone,
no hot water. I'm fed up!

It's like with sex.
You court disaster.

No comparison.

I feel like you're putting me to the test.

If I resist, I'm a prude.

Sorry, I forgot to pay.

You spent the money
on something else.

To each his own. Way back when,
I never preached at you.

I'm not preaching.
I'm talking about concrete things.

Everything here is getting f*cked
beyond repair!

Well put.

I'm not joking.
It's hard to keep from sinking.

My ear hurts and I hate hysterical fits.

I'll stop bothering you.

No goodnight kiss?

Not tonight.

Can I show you my photos?

If it's not too long...

Some other time then.

- You're not cold?
- No.

Don't you mind this mess?

I think it's great.

It's like a camping car.

- How's the modeling?
- I'm starting to make some money.

By the way, since I live here,
I should chip in.

This is for the electricity.

Tell me a place where fish live
that ends in "ole".

- A fishbowl.
- No, guess again.

A punchbowl?

Come on, concentrate.
Try harder.

I give up. Tell me.

The ocean, you assh*le!

Not bad.

How dumb.

When you do a fashion show,
do you rehearse first?

No, you just rush to change clothes.

You have to be fast.

You never get stage fright?

I don't even look at the people.

I'm like a robot...
It's sort of fun.

Perfect for aphasics.

Come to the Armani show tomorrow.

We're showing next year's autumn line.


Tomorrow I can't.
We have tango rehearsals.

When I was your age,
at the Conservatory,

stage fright did me in.
Audiences were my ruin.

Come off it. That's too easy.

Maybe, but I couldn't deal with it.

I saw you play in front of crowds
and you managed.

With the group, I can.
But not alone.

Once I dreamt I was in a village square.

I started playing.

I concentrated, but I was all off key.

They ended up stoning me.

What did you do?

Nothing. I woke up. Life went on.

It was tough back then.
I was against everything.

Against music, against guys.

Against the whole world.
Thank God Zorro showed up.

Who's Zorro?

I am. But not every day.

One day I'm Zorro,
the next I'm zero.

Alice and I have found
a certain balance.

We take turns at being
each other's child.

So you just need each other
and no one else exists?

Other people exist, obviously.

But we just let them come and go.

It keeps us close without destroying us,

unlike other couples...


While we're on the subject,
I found a place.

A cheap hotel.
I won't overstay my welcome.

I don't get it.

Are you crazy?
We like having you at home.

Right, Alice?

It's up to him.

What should we toast to?

You'll find something.

To Alice!

I warned you.

Tonight was bad.
The others were good.

People don't go out on weekdays.

Believe me, I know about people.

If they stop coming,
they don't like it.

Let's not lie to ourselves.

Where is Alice's dressing room?

We dress together,
we die together.

Give us a break.
You enjoy our fiascoes.

It's nice of you to come.

Let's go have a drink.

Are you enjoying your new life?

My what? I don't have a new life.

I mean your hotel.

I'm not there too often.

I walk a lot.
I'm getting to know Paris.

The streets, not the people.

I often think about how you ran away.

Why didn't you contact anyone?

Can we change the subject?

When you took us out for dinner,

you started to open up a little.

I hate talking about me.

But you can talk about you.

No problem.
But I can't talk in a vacuum.

Ask me a question...

What's affected you most in your life?


Odile, my sister.

My grandmother brought us up.

She had a shoe store. In Amiens.

My sister was a genius.

She ran the store with my grandmother.

There were shelves of shoe boxes.

My grandmother said a number
and Odile found the right box.

No one understood how.

It was the same at school.
She was top of the class.

One Wednesday...

It was the busiest day.
She'd become an attraction.

My grandmother did their thing.
She said a number and...

Odile got it wrong.

She took the wrong box.

It was the first mistake of her life.

She came down with meningitis.

It lasted for three days and...

She died.

How old was she?


Everyone treated her like an adult.

She had no childhood.

So no more group?

What can we do?

Frank dumped us. I could feel it coming.

He's painting apartments again.
Better pay.

There are four of you. Become a quartet!

Not without Frank on bass.

He was the core of the group.
He was a loudmouth, but...

He found us all our work.
He'd kick ass.

What'll you do now?

It won't be easy.

Give lessons.

Three kids, twice a week.

- What did you ask for?
- an hour.

I went all out.
They didn't even blink.

What's dubbing like?

It's fun. A far cw from Shakespeare.
It's repetitive.

Too bad. It could be amazing.

It's Martin!

I'm sorry, I'm late...
One of my students.

He hates violin and me.

Forget it. You changed hotels?

Armani put us here.

We're doing private shows upstairs.
Four a day.


Another champagne.

I'm glad to see you.

I'd like to see you every day.
Like this, for a drink.

For me, once a week isn't enough.

If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't...

I wouldn't exist.

Why do you say that?
You exist without me.

You're doing incredibly well.
You've come a long way.

I got lucky. I found an easy job.

You always say
I have a hard time talking,

so I'll be direct.

It's the first time
I really want something.

I don't understand. What do you want?


Martin, thank God!
I need to talk to you.

Everyone's calling about the posters.
Lots of offers.

This is Alice.

Come party with us.

I can't...

The more the merrier, right Aline?

Not Aline. Alice.

I'm busy tonight.
I have to practice my violin.

Call me.

Too bad she left.
Next week you travel.

Marrakech for a week.

You forgot it.

I took a taxi. So here I am.

Why are you crying?

It's conjunctivitis.

I get it every year when winter starts.

It's nothing.

- You can still play violin?
- Sure.

Why are you here?

To be with you.

I forgot you still have a key.

Should I leave?
I don't want to bother you.

That's not it.
You live in the lap of luxury.

You're visiting poor relatives here.
It's funny.

I'll call a spade a spade,
to avoid any misunderstandings.

You can't jump my bones.

I don't care about luxury.

It's work I do for money.

Is it degrading?

For you, it's different.
You and Benjamin are artists.

I detect a note of contempt.
Benjamin is very talented.

I really admire him.
You couldn't understand.

You're smarter than me, more refined.
You win on brains.

But you're pig-headed and blind.

Now I know. Thanks for being sincere.

Don't mention it.

I'm not worthy of you?

What does that mean?

Worthy of being your friend.

Friend or lover?
You're really naive...

There are guys I f*ck and guys I like.

I keep them separate.

Benjamin's the same.
That's why we get along.


Benjamin has brainwashed you.

What category do I go in?

I don't know...

It's not like with Benjamin or my sister.

And sexually, you're not my type.
I don't like cute kids.

You know

I try not to show it,

but I'm fighting for you.

I'm hungry too.

No more eggs. Check, if you want to.

Let's stop seeing each other.

That's the one.

I've been waiting.

So I see.

You look tired.

I've been sleeping badly.

There are drinks in the minibar.
We can have a drink.

Do you have time?

I'm done. I have plenty of time.


Because if you still want me,
I'm yours.

I'm sorry we did it here.

I still have make-up on.

I was scared you'd change your mind.

I'm still hard.

I can feel it.

Why won't you come to Grenada?

I've given everything up for you.

I need to work.
I can't keep doing nothing,

like a sailor's wife.

Why bust your ass for jack shit?

If you ask me, it's masochism.

Without work, I don't feel well.

Will you answer ads?

I'm replacing someone
at Virgin for a week.

Too bad about Grenada. I'll say no.

Are you crazy?

We've never spent time apart.

A week isn't that long.

Do you mean that?

It'll be hard for me,
but I'll force myself.

Force yourself to suffer?

Absence is the best way to distinguish
real love from a flash in the pan.

I prefer presence.

- You like travelling like that?
- It's a nice change.

I'd love to go to Grenada.

There's a table.

It's always so crowded here.

How long are you staying?

A week. The storyboard is amazing.

They'll do more of the usual crap.

They think they're philosophers
with their concepts.

They'll stick you in front
of the Alhambra.

There's Yvan!

He insults me then runs away.

He spotted a guy.

He's a piranha.

You heard him. He's bitter now.

He's drunk. He hates commercials.

And you defend him.
I'm sick of his jealousy.

He's a little jealous of your success.

He's jealous of us.
And you know it.

Was there anything between you?

Sometimes we fooled around
with other guys.

But Benjamin is % gay.

Is that a problem for you?

What do you mean? I don't care.

But you've had so many affairs

and I have no experience.

That means nothing. Let's dance.

Let's do something else.
Can we go?

No books?

You can keep them.
I just need summer clothes.

You could have come to my play.

It ran for two nights.
Both shows were sold out.

Martin's exhausted after work.

Try doing stuff without him.

You've become a hermit.
Is that love?

Last month's rent.

You don't live here.
Why should we share the rent?

It's just until you find someone else.

You can't pay francs alone.

Why not? I'll work full-time.

You can't give up acting.

Maybe acting's not for me.

Stop it.

You have to believe in yourself.

Since you left, I've been having doubts.

Doubts about everything.

Martin's sh**ting a film.

It's a commercial, but still...

After a year here, he's made it.

I've been at it for six years.
I'm in over my head.

You're different.

Maybe not.

That's why we avoid each other.

Anyway, you've chosen your side.

You've chosen sides too.

Can you be monogamous?

You're right. I'd rather die.

I won't take Martin's money.

If it's yours, OK. If it's his, keep it.

Pain in the ass.

How long will you be there?

A week or so.

I'll take care of the cat.

I forgot about him.

This place is a mystery,
inspired by a temple

that we have no trace of.

The books explain it.

They explain the era and context,
but not the essential.

What's the essential?

The architect's science. His secret.

Are you OK?

I don't want to make any trouble...

How shall I put it?

I saw a doctor and it's confirmed.
I'm pregnant.

I don't want it to be a problem.

I'm exhausted.

You want to be a father?

Did you hear what I said?

What's wrong?
What is it?

Your friend came here
in a kind of coma.

But after a series of tests

we discovered that his state

isn't due to an organic lesion.

- No physical problem?
- None.

His state is the result
of a psychological trauma.

Does he need medicine?

He'll need medicine later.

But it will be prescribed
by a psychiatrist.

I brought your razor.

I can't remember a thing.
It's a black hole.

You're OK. Even/thing's normal.

You heard the doctors.

It doesn't seem normal to me.

You're overworked.
You haven't stopped.

I feel weak.

You just need some rest.

What did Tania say?

They found someone else.

No one's irreplaceable.

Anyway, I'm giving up modeling.

We'll see. It's too soon to decide.

Get up and start walking.

- Are you OK?
- Yeah...

Everything's spinning.

The world is, not you.
And you haven't eaten.

You do too much.

I do what I can.

What time is it?

I don't know.


On the dot.

It's the first time.

For what?

That it's exactly when I look.
The hands are touching.

“My dear Benjamin,
Martin and I are on vacation.

“We've rented a house in Spain,
in the middle of nowhere.

“There's no electricity or water,
but it's cheap.

“Martin won't see anyone.

“He swims all day long.

“His coma shook him up
and he needs to regain confidence.

“I rented a scooter,
Today VII go into town,

and send you this,
All my love, Alice.“

I saw the owner.
He asked how long we're staying.

I don't want to leave.

And where would we go?

How about home?
It's been two weeks.

Two weeks is nothing.

I called your bank.
You're down to zero.

We can't stay here.

With everything I made?

You can't imagine.

Your hotel bill alone was , .

They'll give me credit.

On what?
You want to stop modeling.

You want me to continue?

Be honest for once.
You liked me acting like a woman?

You hated what I did, but you lied.

You've lied since the beginning.

You wrote to Benjamin in secret.

Why are you with me?

Because I love you.

You love me? Bullshit!
You don't know who I am

or where I'm from or what I did.
You know nothing.

Why are you here?

You need sleep.
You're drained.

You'll break down.

The heat is suffocating.

I only feel good in the water.
At night.

You should try.

There's no use attacking me.

You can't make me hate you.

There's no turning back for me now.

Once you said
you were fighting for me.

Now I'm fighting for you.

It's not worth rehashing.

What I said yesterday was simple.

I don't know why you love me.

I had a nightmare.

I wanted to swim to the rocks
behind the house.

It's just a few miles.

I started drowning.

It's bad for me to sleep.
It's always the same dreams.

It's better if I don't.

We have to go back to Paris.

I can't, I swear. I'm not ready.

What will I do in Paris?

I don't know. Start living again.

Listen, Alice...
I need to stay here alone.

All alone.

- I can't let you.
- Why not?

You're not well.

That's why.

We have to break up.
It'll be better.

I'm starting to hate you.

It doesn't matter.

I don't care.

Excuse me.

I thought you were swimming.

It'll get bigger than my d*ck.

It'll be Ret*rded

with a father like me.

It's the reason you've changed.

Ever since Grenada...

I should have kept quiet.

Show me.

I'm sure Benjamin will agree.

You saw the figures...

A , franc deficit.

I'm not the real boss here.

He blocks my every move.
He won't invest in anything.

You'll screw up.

Trust me, for once.
Just give me three months.

We'll go bankrupt by then.
What did the supermarket offer?

They want the land.
They'll tear everything down.

Let me save the factory.

What a load of crap.

f*ck off!
You have your job at City Hall.

I'm the only one who works here.

It's the results that count.

Don't blame me if you're a loser.

It's over. I'm ready for welfare.

He's f*cking strong.

You started all this.

I started nothing.

When I let you choose,
I'm a weakling.

When I give you orders,
I'm a tyrant.

You went to university.
Tell me what to do.

Assume your responsibilities.

You're the father, not me.

Why don't you ever say anything?

You have no opinions.

years old. Imagine!

Imagine what?
It's the same me.

I hate birthdays. They're stupid.

You never enjoyed celebrating anything.

Why celebrate birthdays?

Like New Year and Christmas. Crap.

It's the crucial moments in life
that should be celebrated.

You realise they're crucial years later!

Except when you fall in love.

I'm tired.

Open that. We'll make a toast.

To your future.

My future?
Forget business school.

I'm scared to tell him.
School's not my thing.

Don't worry. He knows.

Isn't there something you like?

I don't know. A line of work?

Honestly, no.
The harder I think, the less I know.

For ten years,
I've tried making Victor happy.

I haven't been able to.

I've let him down.

I have to find myself now.

Who can that be?

- Hi, Mom.
- Benjamin?

You should have called!

I promised Martin. Happy birthday, kid!

I have a present.

You'll think of me every morning.
It's cologne.

Have you eaten?

A sandwich in the train.

What's the programme?
I'm leaving tomorrow.

Come on, sing!

Can you make less noise?
I feel like crap.

You want earplugs?

Whenever you come here,
it's to provoke me.

It's systematic and boring.

Next time, save yourself the trip.

He's a brick wall.

A brick wall.

Don't say that. He's suffering.

He makes all of us suffer.
That's all we do here.


I'm happy and fulfilled.

It pisses him off.

Let's take a ride on your motorcycle.


Not a good idea. I'm drunk.

What a fun night.

Why don't you stay tomorrow?

Come on, you saw how he greets me.

It's the same every time.

Anyway, I'm glad you came. Thanks.

Yeah, let's keep drinking.

"I, curtailed of this fair proportion,

"cheated of feature by dissembling nature,

"deformed, unfinished

"sent before my time into this
breathing world half made up,

"so lamely and unfashionable
that dogs bark at me

"as I halt by them.

"I, in this time of peace,
have no delight to pass away the time

"unless to spy my shadow in the sun

"and descant on mine own deformity.

"Since I cannot prove a lover
to entertain these fair days,

"I am determined to be a villain

"and hate the idle pleasures
of these days."

Was I a ham? Tell me!
You didn't like it?

No, I'm just surprised
you chose that role.

You don't look like a monster.

The main thing is
understanding what he feels.

I was made to feel like
a black sheep and I finally became one.

That's why we're close.
Bastard and f*gg*t.

Come to Paris. You can't stay here.
What's keeping you?

What'll I do there?

Live your life.
You're paralyzed here.

You're expecting a sign from
Victor that won't ever come.


It must be for you.

You'll wake them up!

No, it's not Martin.
You don't recognise my voice?

Why are you at the factory?

Why should I tell Victor?

It was Frangois. He hung up.

Frangois? What did he say?

He wants Victor at the factory.


Why are all the lights on?
He's crazy!

"The Gospel according to Saint John,

"Six days before Passover,
Jesus said unto his disciples,

"A corn of wheat fall and die not

"it abideth alone,

"But if it die,
it bringeth forth much fruit,

"He that loveth his life shall lose it."

Why are you back here?

I'm not part of the family.

Get out of here
or you'll get swallowed alive.

Will you take me to the station?

You're not staying?

- Did I drive too fast?
- Forget it.

You deal with it so well.

Frangois wasn't my brother.

Do you have a Kleenex?

I hate them.
If I'd stayed here, I'd be dead too.

- I need coffee.
- No time.

It's a bad idea anyway.
I need to relax.

Why do you hate them?

When I told Victor I wanted
to be an actor

he asked if I'd use a stage name
or keep his.

Can you imagine?

That's all he said.

I said his name was mine
and I could even turn tricks with it.

For ten years, he wouldn't see you.

For the next ten

you were his prisoner.

- Why do you say that?
- It's true.

So handsome!
Still a virgin?

Cut it out!

- Use my cologne!
- Next time.

In Paris.

Your train's about to leave.

My helmet!

A beer.

A beer for Mr Sauvagnac!

What are you up to?

Busy at school.
They put me in a business school.

We had such fun!

I thought you were in Paris.

I left. No work.

With the rugby team here,
they need taxis.

You see your mom?

Once a week.
And we talk a lot.

I hear she's doing well.

Everyone gossiped here.
Moving was a good idea.

You never saw her again?

I tried, but it didn't work.

She'll never find a guy.
Your dad f*cked her up.

What do you mean?

He promised he'd marry her.
He got other women pregnant too.

She forced him to give you his name.
He resisted.

"Legitimate". It was her big thing.

She was obsessed with it.

I never understood
why she insisted I go there.

She was thinking of your future.
Good job, good schools...

She suffered.
She never let you know.

Mothers like sacrifice.

You understand.

Why did he take me in?

I never understood that either.

I thought he was interested in me,
but not at all.

He's always been cold, closed up.

- Like a judge.
- Claro, as your mother says.

He judges everyone
and finds them stupid.

You're there to piss off his other sons.

That's all there is to it.

It's weird. I can't explain it...

He forces me to talk
when he knows I can't.

He tries to trap me.

He tries to humiliate me.

You understand?

You're already up?

What are you doing?

I'm going.
I've had enough of you.

What's wrong?

Where are you going?

- Answer.
- I'll do what I want.

Stay here. Put down your bag.

Why are you leaving?

Talk, you dumb shit!

That's not a crime.
It's an accident.

It wasn't an accident.

I wanted to k*ll him.

I really wanted to.

And so I did.

What's so sad is I don't
know why I did it.

I really don't know why.

Sometimes I think
it didn't happen.

Then I realise it did.

I did it.

At first, I was happy with you.

I stopped thinking about it.

But now it's all I can think of.

I can't make love any more.

I can't get hard.

Now let's deal with stupid,
concrete things.

The rest can wait.

First, let's go back.

We have no money.
And as for the ticket...

I ripped it up.

We'll manage.

Come back!

It's just outside Paris.
It's nice and quiet.

What does the doctor say?

Martin's exhausted.
A nervous breakdown.

I can't even call him.

Locking people up that way!

Martin wanted it.


He was suicidal.

They say it's a good sign
he sought shelter.

Is that all?
What are you hiding?

I don't know much.
I know he's sedated

and that he keeps quiet.

They'll make a vegetable of him.

Don't lose hope.

It just takes time.

Thank you for coming.

I'm happy to have met you.

He wrote to me about you.

Did he write often?

He sent post cards.

Certain things happened
that are gnawing away at him.

I'll go see Lucie Sauvagnac.


Did you call?

I tried. She won't take my calls.

Does the train go there?

There's a bus.

You can't go yet.
We'll have a nice dinner.

You can spend the night.

You can visit the old bitch tomorrow.

You like my scissors?
They're original.

Have a seat.

I have lots of old ladies.
Colour jobs.

It's easy.

Your roots are oily.

Not a good sign.
Seborrhoea today, bald tomorrow.

You want a shampoo?

Maybe some other time.

Don't make a fuss.
We have plenty of time.

Just a shampoo.

Relax. I'll massage your scalp.

It's good for stress.

- I'm glad we ate out.
- The end of summer...

Make the most of it.

I'm totally plastered.

Me too. It feels great.

If I'd lived in Paris
I'd have danced every night.

We never regret our follies.

Don't you agree?

Yes. I look sensible,
but you don't know me.

I'm starting to.

You know

Victor and I were happy together.

We paid for it dearly,
both him and me.

I was alone when I had Martin.

He was born three months early.
He was tiny.

The doctors were very worried.
I hit rock bottom.

But the simple fact
that he was alive was a miracle.

I decided to celebrate.

And now at my age,
I still know how to enjoy life.

Who cares what people say?

I work hard all week.
Saturday night, I have fun.

Just like the girls who work for me.

Go out. It's Saturday.

- I can't leave you alone.
- Go have fun!

- I won't leave you.
- I'm tired.


Maybe I will.
Otherwise, I'll be sorry all week.

You'll knock them dead!

Don't tease me.

I'm not.
But the necklace is a bit too much.

You're right.

I have to be careful. I love jewellery.

I'm sorry to ask,
but am I unfit to be a mother?

Not at all.
Why lock yourself up like a nun?

You know,
I think about Martin a lot.

I know.

I was scared you'd think ill of me.

No, I have a lot of respect for you.

Thanks again for coming.

I got lipstick on you.

As for you hair,

I haven't figured it out yet.

You called twice.
Mrs Sauvagnac won't see you.

Please stop ringing the bell.

I have to see her.

Stop insisting.

What do you want Grandma for?

- Where do you live?
- Paris.

Passing through?

Yeah, but not for long.

Go see my dad at City Hall.
He's more fun.

She never goes out?

Never. Except to see my uncle
and grandfather at the cemetery.

She doesn't stay long,
but it's a nice walk.

Dad wishes she wouldn't
but she goes by foot.

What time does she go?

Around in the summer,
when it's less hot.


Hide, it's my mom!

Don't stay there.

I'm having fun.

Having fun doing what?

Counting cars.

It'll interest Dad for his statistics.

You're making me angry.

I have snails for Grandma.

We can't eat snails every day!

- I'd like to see Frederic Sauvagnac.
- Concerning?

It's personal.

He's in a meeting. Afterwards,
he has appointments until noon.

It's not a good day.

I asked for the unemployment
figures in the region.

Can I see them?


I've heard a lot about you.

I don't have much time.

Can we go somewhere else?

As you can see,
I'm in a meeting with my team.

Go on, I have nothing to hide.

I need to see
your mother about Martin.

The family doesn't have
a very high opinion of Martin.

He skipped his father's funeral.
He no longer exists for us.

He's very sick.

I heard he's in an asylum.

What a way to end up.

It's not the end. He'll be fine.

I sincerely hope so.

Change the free enterprise stuff.
We need concrete examples.

The postal service?

Come with me.

You're not in Paris.

We all know each other here.

And we notice strangers.

I'm running for Congress.

I'm very busy.
I can't deal with someone

who's harassing my mother.

If it's the will that interests you,

feel free to see our lawyer,
on my behalf.

He'll explain. It's not my job.

As for the rest,
please respect our privacy.

Martin's mental health

no longer concerns my mother.
Leave her alone.

If you keep violating her privacy,
I'll lodge a complaint.

Are you staying tonight?

I haven't decided yet.

There's no rush.
We're never full.

So you know our mayor?
I hear you saw him today.

He's busy.

It's normal. He has to hurry.
Elections are next month.

Hello, Mrs Sauvagnac.
What would you like?

Nothing, thank you.

I've come to see this young woman.

I have nothing to say to you.

Can we take a walk?

If you like...

Martin wrote you a letter.

You never answered.

That's right.
I ripped it up without reading it.

He's written you again.
I decided to bring it myself.

He should have brought it himself.

I had no choice.

You've gone to a lot of trouble,
for nothing.

It was worth it. You're here.

You bothered my son at work.

I don't want you to do it again.

Give it to me.
Let's get this over with.

You won't read it. Forget it.

Make up your mind.

I need my reading glasses.

I'll read it to you.

"Mrs Sauvagnac,

"Today the psychiatrist
said I was better.

"He doesn't know
what I'm suffering from.

"A m*rder*r needs a judge,
not pills.

"I am asking to be judged.

"All alone, I'd die.
Alice gives me the strength to fight.

"I've decided to turn myself in.
It's the only way.

"I need your help.
You were the only witness.

"Fear of scandal kept you quiet.
Now the truth must be told.

"Please write back. Martin."

They need water.
The heat makes them wilt.

Maybe I should read it again.

Don't bother.
My eyes are going, not my ears.

- I heard it.
- What do you think?

What's to think?
He wants to be judged.

Do you believe in the law?
I don't.

The dead remain with us.

Victor wouldn't want his name sullied.

If' the dead were silent

Martin would be living peacefully.

His father's memory is tormenting him.

What can we do?

It's between them.
You and I are helpless.

Let them work it out.

Victor adored Martin.
Martin realised it too late.

Do you think a judge can decide?

There's no law for this.

So Martin should join his father
and work it out?

Your son Frederic doesn't know,
does he?

No. I am a woman who
keeps her secrets.

Damn bug!

Cemeteries are full of animals
especially underground.

I like tending to the tombs.

They need care, like houses.

You only love the dead.

Someone has to love them.

Five in a row is my record.

I was totally wasted!

I came down
because I couldn't sleep upstairs.

Why don't you come to my place?

It's in the country. It's quiet.

I'm not after sex.
It's so you won't wait up.

I don't mind waiting.
I have nothing else to do.

So you're a big fan
of our cemetery.

I love tombstones.

I can stare at them all day.

I'm sorry.

Sorry about before.

I couldn't wake up.
I'm hung over.

I can't dive,
but I love watching.

The owner said you were here.

I've been waiting.

Do you like it here?

It's one of my brother's projects.

It keeps his constituents happy.

It's strange that you came.

What a nerve!
What's strange is that you're here.

Are you visiting the area?

You leave Martin in the hospital

to come here and bother my family.

They told you?

Good guess!

I couldn't tell you.
I mean it...

Now I know.
That's what secrets are for.

Mom told Frederic and he told me.

What did they tell you?

They talked about this.

I searched your room.

It's all underway now.

You win. Mom is testifying.

The truth is out.
It'll make the papers.

A titillating courtroom drama.

Transparency is Frederic's policy.
He has no choice.

The law is the law.

Where are you going?

I'm taking the plunge.

Don't be stupid.

Is that better?

Not really.

I'm going back.

No way.

You drop your b*mb and run away...
It's too easy.

What can I do?

My mother wants to see you.

What are you thinking about?

My father.

Hands up!

Piss off.

Grandma's asleep. Hands up!

Beat it!

I hate kids. They're all brats!

f*ck off, f*gg*t!

I'll get you!

I'll bash your head in!

Benjamin's a bigger baby
than Christophe.

There's no stopping them.
Once they broke my china.

Come in.

I have something for you.

Come on! Attack that assh*le!

Martin left all this.

I haven't touched a thing. It's his.

Do as you please with
these photographs.

My flowers!

Too cool! Now I have to pee.

Stay for dinner.

I can't.

I have to go back.
I have rehearsals.

I missed today's.

A real role in a real play!

This time, I'll come.
You haven't eaten.

- I'm not hungry.
- Just a sandwich.

Let's get going.

Ham or chicken?

Do you have cheese?


With butter.

You said she gave you pictures.

Show them to me.

I'll keep them. They're mine.

Why are you staring at me?

I couldn't tell you before.

I was a coward.

Get out of here.

Did you hear me?

You knew it and kept quiet.

You told them first.
I'm his mother.

You're a piece of shit!

You want a beer?

That's better.

I did what I had to.

I'm closer to Martin.
Now I know what I'm carrying inside me.

Are you keeping it?


Mr Sauvagnac!

Don't stay out in the rain.

Come back to your room.

When did you get back?

I've been phoning for days.
You weren't taking any calls.

That's not it.

I'm no good on the phone.

It's done. I went there.

I did what you said to do.

Good. Thanks a lot.

What did they say?
What did they decide?

Nothing. They're waiting.

For what?

For you to show up.

They won't turn you in.

You can still change your mind.

I saw a lawyer.
He'll defend you if you insist on

turning yourself in.

You can't stay here.

Go tell your doctor you want to leave.

He won't let me.

You committed yourself.
They can't keep you.

You can sign a discharge.

I found a place.

It needs a paint job.
It'll be vacant next month.

In the meantime,
we can stay at a hotel.

I know a cheap one.

I'm sure we'll find a solution.

We're accountable to no one.

We need to find
the courage to be happy.

I've thought it over.
I'll tell you what I decided.

I love you, despite what you did.

The only thing I want is to be with you.

I am Jean-Louis Peignot,
the examining magistrate.

You are appearing before me
to be charged.

You are accused of the m*rder
of Victor Sauvagnac,

with the aggravating circumstance,
that the victim was a relative

that is, your father.

Pursuant to article .
of the penal code,

this is a triable of fence.

Do you have anything to say?

I came to be judged.

If I could have judged myself,
I wouldn't be here.

Take note.

We've taken your statement.

You realise the consequences
of this confession.

Turning yourself in

is a mitigating circumstance
in a court of law.

I shall now bring in the prosecutor

who has asked for your detention.

After his argument,
your lawyer will present your side.

Would you like to add anything?

Yes. I'm responsible for what I did.

If I weren't, I'd be insane.

I'm not crazy, Your Honour.
I'm not crazy.

“Dear Alice,
I'm glad you write me every day.

“I hope you're managing to
make ends meet.

“I said no to the flu,
The epidemic here is almost finished.

“Send me a sweat suit,
I got the socks and sweater.

“My lawyer says I can have visits
starting next week,

I'll see your big belly.

“I'm off the tranquillisers,
things seem in order now.

"The verdict doesn't scare me
whether it's harsh or indulgent.

All I have is you
and that's enough to fill my life.“
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