One Night Stand (2016)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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One Night Stand (2016)

Post by bunniefuu »

It's said that human body cells change in every seven years.

That means he changes completely.

But sometimes a person needs only few days to change.

Or maybe just one night.

Like the way I changed.

How? Why?

I didn't get a chance to ask that.

I am on my way. So what are your plans after the Fashion-Week?

I am so excited.

I am feeling awesome right now.

Hi. Hey gorgeous.

Yeah, one sec.. She's too good, she's fantastic.

Get back to you.

Sir, you ready?

Okay, okay, coming. Please come.

"One night on a.."

"One night on a.." Urvil.


Let's go. Huh?

Where are you lost? Nothing, let's go.

We've much to do. Let's get to work. Okay.

I'll go check the settings.

Dilip, check the lights at the reception.

Sir. Yeah Models are ready, they are in position.

Okay, perfect. Just give me two minutes. Okay.

Okay, cameras 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6..all set?

Okay, come on guys, this is the moment we've been waiting for.

Let's give Rosy a show she will never forget.

Okay, Jib 2..pan to the left. Zoom in a bit.

Camera 4. Camera 4. Yes Sir.

The girl in the red scarf. Yes Sir.

Zoom in. Zoom in.

Any other angle. No sir.

Let it be.

Let's focus on the show.

Camera 1..Camera 1..hold it. Right there. Nice.

Slow. Nice and proper.

That's it.

Okay, now camera 3.

Zoom in a bit.

You missed her again.

Okay, guys. This is the important shot. Close of the event.

Let's put our hands together for the talented Rosy..

I don't want any surprises.

Very nice. Now pull out slowly.

A big round of applause.

Okay, guys. That was a good show. Let's keep it up.

And this would not have been possible without you'll.

Where did she go?

The party last night was awesome.

Of course. It was fun.

Urvil was with that model.

That's nothing new.

She gave me the wrong number.

This is enough for him.

Where's Urvil?

He must be busy.

Morning, guys. There he is.

What's up?

Hey, Urvil. How's everyone doing?

So early.

It's only 4pm.

What were you doing so late?

What do you think? What do you think?

Waiter, one beer please.

I get so tired, and you.. Boy, you need this.


You can thank me later.

Okay, guys..time for a toast.



And to Sid.

And to Urvil. Thank you.

Cheers. The machine.

Cheers. And the boss.

Perfect cure for a hangover.



Sid.. Yeah.

Stop staring.

She wants to be alone, let her be.

But, I..

Really? Yeah.

As if you never hit on a girl that's drinking alone.

Look..I never impose on anyone.


Look, you can tell from a girl's body language..

..what she wants.

So..what does she want?

Well..she's here with her boyfriend..

..but if I give her my number, she'll call as soon as she gets home.

Really? Really.

Urvil. Let see you hit on her.

I don't want to. How about for 1000 rupees.

You know what, 5000. Done.

Done? Done.

Keep the money ready. Relax, I got this.

Okay. All the best.


Okay, I am going to get straight to the point.

My friend's interested in you. Oh, really.

He would like to buy you a drink.

So I am sending him here.

Which friend? The one in blue shirt.


There goes my 5000.

He's a bit shy.

How sweet. I am not interested.

Okay, how about this? How about you leave him a message.. that at least he doesn't feel bad.


Tell him that he's very sweet.

But his very bad.

Oh come on, you're not that bad.

Thanks, I wasn't referring to myself..

..I meant his friend.

Poor guy..

Does he even know his friend's using his name to pick up a girl?

Nope. But even if he did..

..I don't think he would mind.

By the way, how much is the bet for?



But I guess I should've bet more.

So you've a habit of gambling.

No! of winning.

No chance.

Look, I know you don't want to waste your time..

..but, can you take a little longer to reject me?

What are they talking about?

Must be trying to convince her. What else?


Urvil, by the way.

If I shake hands, your friends will think you won.

They didn't shake hands. They didn't shake hands.


And if you tell me your name, I will think I won.

Will you split the bet money with me?

You know what?

You've just become my most favorite person.

In the whole wide world.


Don't worry, we've all lost bets to him.

You didn't tell me your name.

What's in the name?

Aadhaar card. Ration card. License. Passport, visa.


You see, if you don't tell me your name..

..I can't get a tattoo with your name.

It's Celina. Celina.

Well, it's an honor to meet you Celina.

What does Urvil mean? Sea.

Sea.. And Celina means the sky.

They never meet.

Look out there.

What do you see?

Away from our sights..

.. the sea and the sky meet.

Like us.

Where they meet..

..the world ends.

Are you always this romantic? Always!

"The fingers..touched an unknown dream."

"Why did my desires..wake up today?"

"This is a new restlessness."

"A new obsession."

"Where's my..heart taking me?"

"Where's my..heart taking me?"

I don't remember the last time I drank so much.

My dear, when in Phuket, just f***it.

What's there? Come on, drink up.

Come on, Drink. Drink.


I completely forgot.

The bet money.

For saving my honor in front of my friends.

You haven't won yet.

Well played.

You know, you look so beautiful when you laugh.

Another line. Absolutely true.

I would never lie to a beautiful girl and insult her.

You think you know everything about women, don't you?

Celina, your hair.

Urvil, please.

Give a break to your oneliners.

Okay, no problem.

But your hair's drinking wine.


"We just met..and walked a few steps."

"How did we..come this close?"

"We just met..and walked a few steps."

"How did we..come this close?"

"Is this true..or my imagination."

"I have no clue."

"Where's my..heart taking me?"

"Where's my..heart taking me?"

"Where's my..heart taking me?"

"Where's my..heart taking me?"


Are you ready yet?

Open the door. Urvil. We'll miss the flight.




See, I told you. You're not ready yet.

Sorry, I just overslept.

Urvil. What's this?

The bet money. No, no, keep it.

But.. No, keep it.

You guys go checkout, I'll go change.

Please hurry up.

Wait, wait, wait.. What?

Is she still.. Just go, take him away.

I'm here.


She left without telling me.

Hey, Sid. How was it the first time?

Just keep up the good work in future too. Thank you.

Urvil, do you remember.

After the party that night, his dance.

Alright. Just a second.

Hello Yeah, babe.

Where are you. Just two minute, coming out.

Okay. Bye.

What were you saying?

Let's take a prepaid taxi.

Everyone's making a nice buck, and you want to take a prepaid taxi.

Then drop us home. You're saying that.

We're tired. How can you be like Urvil?

Okay, duty calls. One second.

How are you? Sorry. Flight was delayed.

Welcome back.

Simran's here too. I didn't know.

Hi, Simran. How are you? I am good.

Hello. Hi.

Is this all the hospitality we'll get..

..or are you ever going to invite us home?


Fix it up with Urvil. We will.

By the way, Sim. Meet Sid.

He joined Event Craft last week.

Hi. Sid, this is Simran. My wife.

Okay, guys. It's getting late. See you.

Yeah, bye. Bye.

What can be done? What's there is there. We have to do it.

Urvil's married.

It's been 5 years.

Just because he's taken, doesn't mean he can't binge.

Let's go. Come on.

What happened? What?

Look at your face?

Didn't you get some sleep?

You ask too many questions.

I am okay.


Sorry. Just a bit tired.

You understand, don't you?

I know.

So..what should we do?

Cancel the party?

S*** I completely forgot.

Sorry, you had to do everything, didn't you?

Like you help me a lot.

True. Anyway, David's coming.

Oh, David's coming. Great. Yeah.

Awesome, tonight's going to be fun.

Urvil, how about that one.

The one at the office..with the parrot.

Are you crazy, my wife's here? What's he saying?

Once there was a parrot.. Hello, guys.

Hi. Hello.

Who invited her? Don't know.

Everyone in the office..had their eyes on Urvil.

I am sorry. But you..snatched him.

I'll serve dinner. Yes.

Wait, I'll help you.


Sim..I am so sorry. For what.

That Tanya.

Her marriage's going through lot of problems.

I thought if she joins us..

..she'll feel a little distracted.

But.. It's okay, Jo. I understand.

I just feel a little bad for her.



Come down, guys, food's been served.

Stop it.

Amazing, Simran.

Simply amazing.

Yeah, Simran.

You cook so well..that we face problems later.

Enough, stop praising me.

So don't work anymore.

I still's not a job anymore.

After shifting to Pune, I quit my job.

Nowadays I take small cooking orders from home.


That means you've devoted your entire life to Urvil.

But I am happy..with my typical housewife life.

Look, you're not typical..nor is your life.

You're the most special, beautiful woman I know.


So sweet.

Here's to the youngest Head of Operations..

..Event Craft Media. Thank you.

Absolutely.. Urvil Raisingh and his gorgeous first lady..



To all of you.

Intense romance, huh! Stop it.

Couldn't take your eyes off and all, huh!


When did it all change, Urvil?

What do you mean?

David, I love Simran.

I always did..and I still do.

That's not the question.. But my answer is still the same.

I only love Simran.

Did I ever leave any dearth in her life?

I mean you met her tonight.

You saw how happy she was.

What else does she want?

You don't get it, Urvil.

Come on.

Have you ever thought..

..what will happen to her when she finds out?

David, she won't find out.

Because I won't let it happen, okay.

Look, whatever I do outside the house..

..I don't let it in this house.

These things don't seek permission..

..before entering your home.

You really think that you understand women really well.

'I will never lie to a beautiful woman and insult her.'

'You think you know everything about women, don't you?'

Urvil. Urvil.

Urvil. Yeah.

Where are you lost?

Just had a long day.


Shall we go? Let's go.

I'll have to eat once I get home as well.


For you. Thank you.

At least take a look.

Even I want to see, come on.


So? Like it? It's lovely.


But why do you get me these gifts? What do you mean?

I don't want these gifts. Then what do you want?

I want you.

I am always yours.

'You won the bet..not my shirt.'

'Come on, take it off.'

'You know, I love the sea.'

'Is that why you liked me.'

'Hang liked me.'

'Look..there's no way to prove..'

'..whether the sky saw the sea first, or was it the sea.'

'You know, even you're like the ocean.'


'But hiding many storms inside.'

'Not a storm..I'm like the waves.'

'Someday I'll flow away.'

'I won't let you.'

'How can you stop water?'

'Then I'll flow away with you.'

'Who knows, maybe I'll feel at peace when I drown.'

Shut up.

Good morning. Good morning.


Hey sleepyhead.

Wake up.

I've heard that coffee speeds up your metabolism.


So why don't we take advantage of this speed up metabolism.

I see..

I was wondering..why coffee's being served on bed today.

You thinking about starting a family huh?

So let's practice.

So selfless.

You know what, coffee can wait..

I can't.

Simran, where are my keys?


Keys? Keys?

Give me.

Thank you so much, you have a good day.

Okay. Bye.


I want some yummy food at night. Yeah.

See you.

Good morning, Santosh. Good morning, sir.

Good morning, Sid. How are you? Hi, Good morning.

Good morning. Good morning sir.

Good morning, Deepa. Good morning.

How are you? I am well.

I heard that your event went really well. Yes, it did.

Well, tell Sid to send the presentation to me. Okay.

I want to see it before Walia's meeting. I'll be on that.

Don't forget. Right away.

Urvil, can I talk to you for a minute? Yes, of course. Come in.


Urvil, since you've been promoted now.. how about my salary increment..

How about that corner office too?

If you insist.

I'll talk to HR. Okay.

Okay. Thanks.



Good morning, Urvil. Good morning, sir.

How are you? I am very well.

You back at work? Yes, sir.

I think you need a break. Not really, sir.

Sit down, sit down. No, no, I am fine, thank you.

Well, actually I wanted to congratulate you.

I've got some excellent feedback from Rosy about our event.

Keep it up. I plan to sir.

Take that break, okay.

Have a good day.

"Just like the just flowed away."

"I was lost somewhere."

"Only you remained constant."

"Is this..the journey.."

"..from the body to the soul?"

Deepa. Yes, Urvil.

I want all the photos from Rosy's event.

I'll get them for you.

Thank you. Bye.

Yeah, come in.

Yes, Sid. What can I do for you?

You asked for the presentation. Yeah, just leave that over here.

I'll check it out, thanks.

So..did you see the photographs on Facebook?

Actually..I didn't get a chance to see it.

I'll check it out soon.

Urvil, can I ask you something? Yes, tell me.

You're.. You know.. What?

Why didn't you appoint some hot secretary?

Sid, you want to move ahead, right? Yeah.

Then take my advice.

Sexy secretary meaning temptation.

Temptation meaning complication.

Trust me..highly avoidable.

Okay, now let's do some work. Yes.

Sit down. Let's go through this together.

Give me this file. Yes.

This is slide no. 2.

'Why do you always stay behind the camera?'

'What do you mean?' 'I mean look at you..'

' should be in front of it.'

'No really, I mean it.'

'Come, let's take a picture.'


'I hate selfies.'

'But why?'

'I mean there are very few moments in life..'

'..that are worth capturing.'

'Can you capture this?'

'Will you remember..or will you forget?'


I still can't forget.

"I am still alive.."

"I'm obsessed with making you mine.."

Change your clothes, I'll serve dinner. Okay.

Urvil. Urvil.

You haven't changed yet.

Food's ready. Come on.

You know, Tanya's moved in with Jyoti for a while.

Tanya and her husband had a big fight.

And apparently..her husband's having an affair.

When Tanya confronted him..

..he yelled at her instead.

And also assaulted her.

What an ass*** he is.

Sounds like some daily soap's recap.

Why are you so worried?

Its Tanya's problem, she'll handle it, right?

How can you say that?

We're friends.

And..what if you find out that I am cheating on you?


Are you crazy?

Blabbering nonsense. I was just..

This is a stupid conversation.

Why would you have an affair with someone?

Someone else is having a crisis..

..and you're using our life as an example.

And suddenly Tanya's become your best friend.

You always ruin my mood before sleeping.

Okay, I am sorry..

I was just..

You're still possessive about me.. Simran, it's not funny, okay.

Don't get angry.

I love you.

I love you too.

Hi handsome.

Hi Urvil. Hey, Paras.

Aren't you getting late now? I've to get to work.

Yeah. I will see you later. Alright.





Come on..get going. Fine, I am going.

Celina. In Pune.

Can't be..

What if it was her?

Urvil. What?

Sid says he wants to discuss..

..the jewelry event with you.

So should I send him in? Not now.

Not now.

Ohhh.. and yes!

Simran's asked me to remind you..

..that her charity bake sale event is today.

Are you done reminding me?

Thank you? Now go.

Deepa, listen. Yes.

Deepa..I'm just having an off day, sorry.

I just love this white and pink combination.

Just like you and Urvil. Huh?

By the way, when is Urvil coming? I don't know.

I've messaged him.

And also asked Deepa to remind him.

Well guys, this jewelry launch means a lot to us.

All the VIPS in the city will be attending..

See you guys, bye.

Hey, Urvil..what are you still doing here?


Simran's bake sale? Ohhh..

Why do you make her wait?

You go, I'll wrap this up and join you.

Please, hurry up. Okay, I'll see you guys soon.

Bye, guys.

As I was saying, you handle F&B. Yeah.

Lucky a** he is, seriously.

He just got promoted..

..and got such a undemanding wife.

What else does he want?

He must be happy? Yes, he is happy.


Urvil was being so romantic the other day.

I'm sure he didn't let you sleep. Shut up.

You were just saying there's so much work.

Come on, work.

So this is important.

Tell me.


Look at this. He gave me this.


Pretty, right? This is very beautiful.

But this wasn't my question.

Don't try to dodge my question.

Diya! Fine. Don't tell me.

'Where are you from?'

'Asking the sky for an address?'

'What do you do?'

'Let me guess..'

'Are you a photographer?'

'You ask too many questions.'

'It's because you don't answer them.'

'What will you do with the answers?'

Here you go. Thank you.

And.. Here.


Those macaroons also look nice.

Will you pack those too, please. Sure.

Those are for Urvil.

Sorry, sold out.

It's okay. Come again.

I kept those for Urvil.

She kept those for Urvil.

Oh God, it's too late.

Is he coming?

Must be stuck in some important work. He'll be here soon.

No need to worry.

Just call him and ask where he is.

Call up. Okay.

Listen, please let me eat one. Please.


He's not picking up.

I told you.

Okay..can I just have one? No.

Let's pack now. Let me eat one.

You have to drop me home. Help me.

Okay, let's pack.

I'll eat one.



You know you're very clever.

Because whenever you're angry.. never show it or assert it.

This doubles my guilt.

First for making a mistake..

..and the other for your silence.



I've taken the day off tomorrow.

Let's spend the day together.


Trying to cajole me because your guilty.

No.. Celebrating our anniversary.

You remembered.

How about we start day afters celebrations from tomorrow?

But you should've come.

I know. I made your favorite macaroons.

Hey..I am sorry.

Next time, okay.

I missed those. As if I would let you.

What do you mean?

Oh my..God! Are you serious?

You know what..

Thank God I didn't turn up today. Why?

Otherwise I couldn't have eaten macaroons like this.

One more bite.

Me too.

I don't like people..

..who aren't excited about their anniversary.

I think it's a big deal.


Our special day.

I know.

So, what do you want?

That you wear this on our anniversary.

Don't change the topic.

We're talking about your gift.

Well, that's you, na! I see.

Come on, now go change.

Come on, come on, go quickly.

Wow, nice choice.

My husband and you have the same choice.

It's our fifth anniversary.. he chose this for me. Congrats.

But last piece.

In that case, you take this one.

I think it will fit you better. No!

It's looking really nice on you.

It's perfect fit.

You know, it's not necessary..

..that you buy every dress that fits you.

I saw it..tried it..but that's it.

You should buy it. Are you sure?

Yes. Happy Anniversary.

Thanks. You're welcome.



You're looking amazing.

Come on, we're taking it. Sure?

Done. Okay.

You know..there was this girl, and she was wearing the same dress.


And when my dress didn't fit, she gave me hers.

I guess the dress was destined for me.

How sweet of her.

Thank you so much.

How much? 15,000.

15,000! You sure?

It's okay. Come on.

Are you happy shopping? Do you want to shop some more?


I really loved it.

Are you sure? Happy? I really enjoyed.


Listen, that's the girl who gave me her dress.


Shall we go for dinner?

David and Diya will be there soon.

Let's go.

Due to Urvil's guilt, we're celebrating two days this time.

That's food..and that's drink.

There you go.

So Tanya has shifted in with Jyoti.

But Tanya is right, Diya.

Urvil, are you okay.


And now when she's asking for divorce..

..he's refusing alimony. What?

If I was in her place..I would've..

Simran, why would you be in her shoes?

What have I told you?

Don't interfere. Right?

Let her husband have as many affairs as he wants.

What do you care?

Urvil.. No, I am serious.

It's okay.

How many times do I have to explain you such a simple thing.

I am sorry, Urvil. Sorry.

I am sorry.

You know what, Simran.

When you don't mean it, don't say sorry.

Urvil, relax. We're just.. Diya!


What do you want to prove?

Whenever we've an argument..

"Urvil, I am sorry."

Without thinking, "I am sorry".

Without thinking, "I am sorry".

You make me look like the villain in front of my friends.

That's what you want!

Urvil..there are people around.

I don't care if there are people.

Enough if you don't, don't speak to her like that. Are you happy?


You've proven it.

In everyone's view, Simran the great..

..and Urvil the ass****.

What? What the heck.

What do you want?

What should I do?

Don't do anything.

Just keep me trapped in that guilt.

Keep you trapped?

Where is this coming from?

Yeah, I wonder where it's coming from.

I am sorry, guys. I have to leave.

Yeah, please go.

Simran.. Simran.

Listen to me.

What's this? What are you doing?

What's your problem? Seriously.

Why are you still here? You go. Fine.

Sit here alone.

Hi, Urvil.



Hello, yeah hi. Is this Pullman's Resort. Yes sir.

Yeah..I am calling on behalf of Event Craft Media.

Oh, from the show.

Right, that was us last week. How may I help you, sir?

I need the contact information of one of your guest..

..who had attended the fashion show.

May I have the name?

Yeah..her name is Celina.

Okay. And the last name.

That's all I have. I don't have a last name.

No Celina on the list, sir.

No one by that name.

No, sir.

Okay. Is there anything else?

Thank you so much.



Actually, I wanted to thank you. For?

You spoke to the HR..

..and they approved my raise. Oh, yeah.

It's more than I expected, Urvil.

So thank you.

You deserve it.

The team's waiting for you, so come soon.

Yeah, I'll be there.

Two minutes. Sure.

Did you do the 12 foot diameter platform? Yes, done that.

We need 24 screens for video display. I'll get that done.

Well stocked bar.

And the final projections, just go through it.

And we'll do a dry run. Okay.

No last minute surprises.

Rahul, come in. Yes, Sid.

Yes, the F&B manager..

..needs confirmation for tomorrow's menu.

Okay..just run the figures by David.

No, it's already done. It's approved.

Well done. Yeah.

Keep up the good work. Thanks.


Azad. Yeah.

Have the presskits arrived? Yes.

These are few options for presskits. Fine.

We'll use the red ones.

And put up a Rules Diamonds Logo as well.


On your way.



Not now, I'm busy. We'll meet later.

That can wait.


I'll be up.

Look, Urvil.

I am really proud of you that you're so efficient..

You called me here to say this? Seriously?

Can I talk? Speak.

Everything that's been happening in your and Simran's life..

..does it have anything to do with your recent trip?

You know,'s just the usual.

No, it's not the usual. It's something different.


She's from Pune. Okay.

And she saw me yesterday, at the mall with Simran.

You should've seen that look on the face of hers.

So? So?

You don't understand.

I didn't tell Celina that I am married.

Look, what's done is done.

All I want to say is..'s wrong that you misbehave with Simran because of her.

Yeah, I know.

I know that.

You know..

I think I should tell Celina everything.

Tell her everything, get that load off my chest.

Load off my chest?

According to me,'re unnecessarily complicating your life.

Give as much attention as it deserves.

Your wife, your career..yeah. Yeah?

If you concentrate on these things..

..then your sudden guilt will disappear.

That's all I wanted to say.

Oh yes..

Happy Anniversary, Urvil.

"How do I say.."

"How do I say.."

"I want to dwell in you till dawn."

"It's the season to.."

"..drink that sultry smile from your lips."

"Can I say something.."

"..I am addicted to your love."

"Can I say something.."

"..I am addicted to your love."

"..I am addicted to your love."

"Our feelings are uniting like one."

"I am craving for you.."

"..and its making me lose my senses."

"It feels like heaven in your arms."

"Can I say something.."

"..I am addicted to your love."

"..I am addicted to your love."

Okay announce a queue in the AV.

Dilip Are you ready? All set.

Screen 1&5 now.

Screen 2&4.

And.. central panel.


Now we have the man behind the brand, Mr. Adhiraj Kapoor.

Good evening everyone.

Tonight we have for you..

..the stunning and sensational, resplendent designs from Rules Diamonds.

The Imperial Collection.

Okay, guys, The media will address Mr. Kapoor now.

The floor is open to the media.

No, no, let's.. No, no, I am telling you..


Oh, Samar, hi. How are you?

I am fine.

Hi, David.

Mr. Adhiraj wants to meet you.

Okay, sure.

David, you carry on. I'll join you. Come soon.

Mr. Kapoor.

Mr. Urvil. Urvil Raisingh, Mr. Kapoor.

Mr. Raisingh, it was a wonderful show.

Pleasure, sir.

And such a great show in such a small time.

I am impressed.

We try our best, sir.

You should meet my wife. Yeah.

Ambar. Yeah.

Mr. Raisingh.

Waiter, one more.

Hello, ma'am.


Hey. Hey.

Celina. What are you doing here?

What are you doing with him?

What's all this?

You're married. You're in the Ladies room.

I don't give a s***

Why did you lie to me? Someone might drop in.

I didn't lie to you? But you didn't tell me the truth either.

What did you say your name was? Celina?

Celina? Really?

Just leave me. No!

I won't let you out of here..

..until you don't answer my questions.

Answer my damn questions.

Listen, you're drunk. I am not drunk.


Don't create a scene.

I am creating a scene!

Here! What is this?


Wait. Wait.

I said wait.

Wait. I don't trust you.

It might be a fake number.

Leave me.

Yeah, go back to him.


It was beautiful, right. Yeah, it was..

Who is he? I don't know.

All yours, ladies.

Forget it.

Do you get it? This is not my fault.

I've to also talk to my superiors.

It's not in my control.

If there's a last minute expense.. Urvil.

Will you ask?

Show me the bill.. Look at this.

I don't know what to make of it.


Are you drunk?

Urvil. Wasn't that her? The girl we bet on.

Tell me..

Mrs. Adhiraj Kapoor! Impossible.

Impossible? It's the 21st Century.


What are you guys talking about? Urvil will tell you.

Since he's seen her so closely.

Right, Urvil.

Don't you feel ashamed talking like this?

And don't you guys have work to do.

Get back to work.

Wants to make it big like me.

Take care of them.

He didn't feel ashamed doing it..

..and I should feel ashamed saying it.

Hello. Hello.

Celina..sorry I overreacted.


Who was that?

Wrong number.

Shyam, is Jahan asleep. Jahan is long asleep.


You two are back? Yes, father, we're bit late.

How was the event?

Father, you're still awake.

Did you eat? I ate..but only a little.

Because my medicines fill up half my appetite.

So tell me how was the event?

It was really great, father.

And the event managers did a wonderful job.

I am so happy.

Did Jahan trouble you much? Not at all.

He heard few stories and fell asleep.



He was pretending like he's fast asleep.

He's such an artist.

Make him an actor.

He must have heard our car coming.

I'll tuck him in.

I'll be right back. Sure.

Goodnight, dear.

Why didn't you sleep like a good boy?

Mom, if I sleep..I'll get nightmares.

Jahan, what did mom say about nightmares?

That they are not true.

If they were true..

..then someone would've taken me away from you.

No one can take me away from my Jahan.

Do you know why?

Because I am my superhero's supermom.


Pinky promise.

Come on, now sleep.

What happened?

I want to sleep with mom. I see..

Even mom wants to hug Jahan and sleep.

Come on.

Third time this week..

He can't sleep without you.

I don't blame him.

I forgot to tell you.

Father's appointment with doctor..

..has been confirmed for day after tomorrow.

Oh, Good. We'll go together.

Ambar, you just recently joined work.

And..if you keep cancelling meetings..

..they'll think you're not serious about your work.

My family is my priority, Adi.

They should know that now.

Everything else..comes later.

"Life's sometimes up.."

"..sometimes it down, down, down."

"Sometimes it's smooth.."

"..Sometimes like an abuse..round and round."

"Don't stress out."

"Forget your depression."

"Squeeze a lemon in your drink..and forget it all."

"Take a peg.."

"Take a peg..and forget it."

"Take a peg..and forget it."

"Take a peg..and forget it."

"Take a peg..and forget it."

"Take a peg..and forget it."

"Take a peg.."

"..let the booze wash down."

"Take a peg.."

"..let the booze wash down."

"Take a peg.."

"..let the booze wash down."

"Stop listening to sad songs on the radio."

"Tune your life to the happy mode."

"Happy..happy.. happy mode.."

"Stop listening to sad songs on the radio."

"Tune your life to the happy mode."

"It's the season to get drunk."

"A reason to live."

"Stop being stubborn..and forget it."

"Take a peg.."

"Take a peg..and forget it."

"Take a peg..and forget it."

"Take a peg..and forget it."

"Take a peg..and forget it."

"Take a peg..and forget it."

"Just chill and forget your worries."

"Forget it.."

"Booze rules the world."

"Chill out..chill out.."

"When the love's biodata corrupt."

"You lost big in the business of love."

"When the love's biodata corrupt."

"You lost big in the business of love."

"Don't lose your temper."

"Use an icecube."

"Don't leave any bottle empty,"

"Just forget everything."

"Take a peg.."

"Take a peg..and forget it."

"Take a peg..and forget it."

"Take a peg..and forget it."

"Take a peg..and forget it."

"Take a peg..and forget it."

"Just chill and forget your worries."

"Forget it.."

"Booze rules the world."

"Just chill and forget your worries."

"Forget it.."

"Booze rules the world."

"Chill out.."

"Take a peg..and forget it."

Come, Jahan. Let's go.

Thank you.

Mom, will you pick me up after school? Of course.

Remember, pinkypromise.

Jahan, let's go in the classroom.

I love you. Bye, I love you.

Is it a big order?


Planning to end the famine in the world?


Simran? What happened?

What happened?


I'll see you soon, bye. Bye.

Looking at our company's last quarter..

..I think we'll have to better that.

For which the goals have to be revised. Yes, sir.

Everyone will have to take extra efforts.


We're..wanting to expand our business space..overseas.

And for that performance.. important..and necessary.

As you all know we're coming up with a fundraiser event.

The details of which will be discussed tomorrow, when we meet.

Okay, sir. Sure.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you, sir.

When Urvil and I used to work together..

..he would often leave early.

And I would work late nights.

But whenever I would step out..

..he would be standing there.

Then we would have dinner together..

..and spend lots of time together.

But you know..

..what was the most special of it all.


Every time he looked at me..

..felt like some kid's watching magic.

Everything's still the same.

Then what's the problem.

I don't know.

I can't see it anymore..

That thing in his eyes.

I can't understand..

Have I changed..

..or has he? must be stress at the office..

..maybe that's why he's a bit tensed. That's it.

Don't think too hard.

Father, food's ready.


Coming, dear.

These telemarketers.

I wonder where do they get my number from.

I spoke with them politely once.

And now they've been harassing me.

They are asking me to invest.

I don't want to invest!

Cool down.

That's it. Thank you. Thank you.

'Don't you think we were destined to meet..'

'Like some special connection.'

'And how many girls have you said this to before?'

'Well..' 'You're no. 121.'


'Is this how you look at every girl?'


'Like you don't believe your eyes.'

'Like you're watching some magic.'

'You are kind of magic, Celina.'

'You're magic.'

'You can drive anyone crazy.'

Hi, who am I speaking with? Meghna.

Meghna! Hi, this is Urvil Raisingh speaking.

From Event Craft Media. Yes, Mr. Raisingh.

Meghna, I need your help.

Tell me.

Can you give me Mr. Kapoor's residence number and address?


We need to send over some gifts.

Oh, okay.

Just a second. Sure.

Yes, Meghna, sh**t.

9 Willows Garden, Koregoan Park,..

Koregoan Park.

And number.

25637621. 621..

Thank you, Meghna. You're welcome.

You've no idea how much help you've been to me.

Bye. Bye.

Jahan..come on, open your mouth, baby.


No, Adi isn't at home.

This is his dad.

Any message? Yes.

Ambar. Wait a minute.

Jahan. Yes.

Take the phone.

Ambar, call for you.

Come on.


Thank you.

Thank you.


Celina I need to meet you.

What do you call him?

How dare you call at my residence?

You forced me to.

First you give me your number and you don't answer my calls.

I am married, Urvil.

I can't talk to you whenever you want.

You should know that.

Then return my calls.

And don't even think about disconnecting.

I'll keep calling you.

Just stop it, Urvil. Then meet me, Celina.

My name isn't Celina.

Just forget what happened.

And please..let me forget too. No!


I'll keep calling you until you don't meet me.

Are you blackmailing me?


What will you do?

Tell Adiraj.

Okay. Be my guest.

What do you want from me?

You know what I want.

Facing East, Camp.


Be there, Celina.

Urvil. Celina.

God, I missed you. I missed you too.

But I can't..

Isn't this what you desire?

Desires are one thing..

..but I can't do this. Celina.

I am here.

Speak up, I don't have much time. are you?

What? What are you doing?

Sorry, couldn't control myself.

Please sit.

Then learn to control yourself.

It's over, don't you get it?

No, Celina. I thought the same.

But it's not true.

What? What's not true, Urvil?

It was just a one night stand, Urvil.

Nothing more, nothing less.

There was something special between us.

It was just a physical attraction.

That's it.

You're looking for illogical questions.

We met again..

There must be a reason behind it, Celina. Come on.

For heck sake.

My name is Ambar.

Celina doesn't exist. You got that?

Better get that straight.

And stop stalking me.

What did you say? You heard me, Urvil.

Stop stalking you? Yes!

You're calling me a bloody stalker? What else will you call this?

Do you know what a stalker means?

What is it?



Is Jahan okay?

No, no..I'll be right there.

I need to go. I am not finished yet.

Sit down.

Urvil, my son is hurt.

I need to go.


Son! You've a son!


You know, this just keeps getting better and better.

What other skeletons do you have in your closet?

A husband..son..

Do you have a few more like me? How dare..

Mama..I am fine, but there was blood.

But I didn't cry.

I am batman.

My superhero.

Are you sure you want to go back to class?

Let's go home. No, class.

Nothing to worry about.

But those are the rules, so we called.

Sorry. No problem,.

No, no, Ms. Pai. Thank you for calling me.


She called me a stalker. Who?

Do I look like a bloody stalker to you?

Ohh.. Mrs. Kapoor.


You know she even has a kid.

She has a bloody child.

Playing tease.

Stop abusing her.

You're behaving like a child. I am behaving like a child?

Yes. Me?

Yes, you are behaving like a child.

You two didn't tell anything about each other.

This should've ended right there.

I mean, dude, this is some serious sh** you're getting yourself into.

Please stop before it's too late.



I can't get her out of my head.

I tried really hard.

David, I can't get Celina out of my head.

What do I do?

She isn't Celina.

She's Mrs. Ambar Adiraj Kapoor.

And the sooner you understand, the better..

For you..and everyone else.

Please get a hold on yourself, Urvil.

It was a small scratch.

He's okay, nothing to worry about.

Great. Thank God.

Ambar, I read your travel blog's latest update. Yes.

But the last segment's missing.

Your special experience about every trip.

That was missing this time. Why?

I don't know..but, don't you have an appointment?

Oh my..I thought she forgot. really think Ambar can forget? No.

She never forgets anything.

What's wrong, Ambar?

What? Everything okay?

Yes..when Jahan gets hurt.. makes me a little restless.

It's part of growing up, Ambar. Get used to it.

Yeah, that's right.

Father, we're getting late.

Do we have to? Of course we do.

Okay, let's go.

As we were discussing yesterday..

..the fundraiser event is coming up.

The invites have come in.

I want this year's turnover a lotlot more than last year. Yes, sir.

Everyone knows the plan of action.

You have any suggestions, Urvil.

Urvil, I asked you a question.

Urvil? Do you have any suggestion?

I am sorry, sir. You were saying something?

Where's your attention?

Stay back after the meeting, I want to see you.

Yes sir. That's it

Please consider this as your last warning.

Yes, sir.

You're the blueeyed boy of this company.

The reason why you made it this far.

Don't make me regret that decision.

Pull up your socks, and sort out your life.

Sir, I would like to invite Adiraj and all of you..

For our event.

Yes, of course. Yes.

Where is it? Pune, Camp area.

It's day after tomorrow. And you all have to come.

Yes. We'll definitely come.

Thank you, sir. Come, dear.

Father, time for your medicines.

Let me introduce you.

He's here to invite us to his company's fundraiser.


We've met before, Mr. Kapoor. Call me Raghav.


Mrs. Kapoor.

Oh..I finally get to meet you, young man.

Introduce yourself, young man.

Wait, wait, let me guess.

Ranbir Kapoor.


Arjun Kapoor?

No, silly. I am Jahan Adiraj Kapoor.

Nice to meet you Jahan Adiraj Kapoor.

I am Urvil Shekhar Raisingh.

Hi. Hi.

Jahan, let's go inside.

It's quite sunny outside.

Will you play cricket with me? Of course.

But I am busy today.

I'll come back some other day.

I promise.

Okay, busy man. See you soon. Sir, I'll take your leave.

And I hope to see you at the event. Absolutely.

Mrs. Kapoor.

Bye, Jahan. Bye.

Thank God father's reports are normal.

I'll have to be more careful about his diet.

But I'll do it.

I'll put Jahan on duty.

It's not fair. Huh!

This isn't right.


You never give a reason to complain.

You're so perfect.

I am not even close to perfection, Adi.

Hey..mind your language.

You're talking about my wife.

What's the matter, Urvil?


Just a little stress at the office.

Urvil, after all these years I know..

..whenever you're stressed at work, you talk more.

Instead of keeping quiet.

We used to share everything, Urvil.

But now I're divided.

What do you mean to say?

Why do I feel..

..that something's come between us?

Look, it's not what you think.

Trust me.

I am trying to do that.

Hello. Here you go.

Take the keys too.

Come on, son.

I'll dry you.

Okay, grandpa. Jahan.

My child.

He's completely drenched. Are you okay?

What happened? Look, mom's here.

Jahan fell in the water, and Urvil jumped after him.

Urvil didn't know that Jahan can swim.

Are you okay. He got drenched for no reason.

It's okay.

How can he just fall in the water?

If you're playing with the kid..

..then you must be responsible.

Did you have to play here?

The tiles were wet and he slipped.

Yes, mom.

I'm sorry, I was standing you know, I jumped in.

Maybe he wouldn't have slipped if you weren't here.

Forget it, dear.

Come, I'll take care of him.

Urvil's completely drenched..

..give him Adi's clothes. Yes.

Come, son. Let's go. Yes, grandpa.


Don't you dare?

Aren't you ashamed?

In my room, my bedroom.


Don't you see the beauty of it?

What did you say?

"Stop stalking me."

In one day.. like you said.

I am in your home, your bedroom.. your husband's clothes.

That is stalking.


You've proven that you a stalker.

What now?

You know, Celina.

You always humiliated me.

I only wanted answers. That's it.

What answers? Nice bed.

There's no place for anyone in my life..

..except for Adi and Jahan.

Why don't you get that?

This Jahan.

What a cute kid.

Why did I do it? Sorry.

I don't know.

I thought I could handle it.

But I couldn't.

We all get weak sometime.

And while asking me for answers.. completely forgot that you're married.

You've a wife..who's probably looking for answers too.

That's between me and her, okay.

And the roof you're standing under, this my private matter.

My family.

Look at yourself, Urvil.

What kind of woman would like to be with you?

I feel pity for your wife.

Her husband is like a mutt.. Watch what you're saying.

He could never stick to one girl.

Get out of here!

Who does she think she is?

Get lost.

How dare she.. She insulted me again.


What's wrong, Urvil? Are you okay? What?

Leave me alone.

What's wrong? And whose clothes are you wearing?


You're drunk again. So what?

You always loved the smell of whiskey. So what now?

You would always be in your senses. What's wrong with you?

You're just disgusting, Urvil. I am disgusting.

Say it once again. You find me disgusting.

Urvil, you're hurting me. I'll show you disgusting.

Urvil, stop it.

You think I am disgusting, right?

I'm disgusting. It's paining.

Yeah..this is what you like, huh?

Leave me. Isn't this what you want?

This is what you want? Leave me.

Are you having fun?

Get off me!

Are you having fun?

Get off me!

You're hurting me. Let me go.

I know what you like.


I'll show you.

Shut up!

You know what, this is all your fault.

F*** you.

F*** you!

You dare insult me.

This is all your fault. Okay.

All because of you.

You like insulting me, don't you?

Are you having fun?

Urvil. Its painting, Urvil. Disgusting, right?

Yeah. You like this? No.

Please stop it. I am nothing, right?

I am nothing.

Why do you hate me so much?

Why do you hate me..Celina?


I'll drop you.

I am going to the office.

I know..I'll drop you.

You know, Urvil.

Last night you were taking some Celina's name in your sleep.

Stop talking nonsense in the morning.

You know, Urvil..

..I am not used to such love..

Which I am getting because of Celina?

Who is she?

What the heck is wrong with you?

This is seriously messed up.

So messed up, isn't it?

Who is Celina?

What are you doing? Drive properly.

Every time you lie, I'm going to speed up.

What childishness is this? Just drive properly, Simran.

I've always given priority to your happiness.

Simran, what are you doing?

I never asked you anything.

There's a car coming.

What are you doing?

Who is Celina? Just listen to me..okay.

Are you having an affair? No, I am not having an affair.

Then what is it? Simran, stop it. Seriously.

Tell me who's Celina.

Simran, stop the car! We're going to crash!

Can't you see we've already crashed, Urvil?

Simran, there's a truck coming towards us.

Answer my questions. Answer me. We'll meet with an accident.

Okay. I had a one night stand with her.

Sim stop! Sim! just started with a stupid bet..

..but this time things were different.


I am sorry.

Do you why it was different this time?

Because this is the one.

I am leaving you for.

Simran, are you crazy?

Please step out of the car. Simran, listen to me.

Let's talk this out, please.

Step out of the car.

Simran.. Step out now!


And don't come back.

"After shattering my dreams.."

"..why did you set out on a different path?"

"I miss you."

"What do I say.."

"..only thing that's left are your memories."

"What do I do?"

"What do I do?"

"My tears prick me."

"What do I do?"

"What do I do?"

"My fate's ruined."

"What do I do?"

"What do I do?"

Sim, I am sorry.

Simran.. Sim, please talk to me. Listen to me.

What are you doing here? Diya, please let me talk to her..

Urvil.. Simran doesn't want to talk to you.

This is what I had warned you off.

You knew!

"Only your shadow's left with me."

"All you left for me is loneliness."

"There's nothing..I desired except for you."

"Where do I go.."

"..I see no destination."

"You don't ask my condition."

"I think about you."

"I can't forget the past moments, listen to me."

"What do I do?"

"What do I do?"

"My tears prick me."

"What do I do?"

"What do I do?"

"My fate's ruined."

"What do I do?"

"What do I do?"

I want to meet you.


You're enjoying this, aren't you?

So your wife left you?

Celina, please..not today.

For the last time, I am Ambar. Not Celina.

Then why did you lie that night?

You didn't tell the truth either.

Yes, but.. What?

Just because you're a man..'ve a right to do this.

You ruined my life.

Not me. You did it yourself.

You were responsible too.

What's your problem, Urvil?

Is it that I did it, or because I got away with it?

What are you so arrogant about?

The husband you're so proud of..

..I would love to see his face when I tell him everything.


Is that all you have?

What will happen when you tell him?

He'll throw me out..

..and I'll come begging and pleading to you.

Isn't that what you thought?

Because I am a woman.

I cannot survive without a man.

Women like you can't live without a man.

Oh sorry, in your case..

Without men.

What's wrong, Urvil? Why this hatred?

Is it because your wife left you?

Or because I hurt your ego?

By the way..what gives you the right to judge me?

Is this why you called me here?


To tell you..that I will tell Adi myself.

You do not get that satisfaction!

Even if he throws me out..

Remember..I will never come to you.

Do you understand?

We both made a mistake.

Then why should I pay the price alone?

Because I won't..ruin my entire life over a single mistake like you.

And Urvil, a man that can..

..put his 5 year old relation at stake for a one night stand..

..can never be loyal to me.


Adi..there's something I want to tell you.

'And this way, my life ..came to a standstill.'

'That's the problem with life.'

'You make mistakes in a single moment.'

'But the punishment ..lasts for a long time.'

'I had two choices.'

'Either I consider this my end..'

'..or make a new beginning.'

'From where I was standing.. both the paths seemed faded.'

'I used to think.. I allowed myself to stagger.'

'Let's try to compose myself this time.'

'And turn this 'the end' into a new beginning.'
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