In Love & w*r (2018)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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In Love & w*r (2018)

Post by bunniefuu »

After Denmark lost the w*r in 1864,

large areas of Southern Denmark became
part of the German Empire.

When World w*r 1 broke out in 1914
more than 30.000 Danish men...

...were forced to leave their families and
head to the front in German uniforms.

In Love & w*r

October 1917
The Western Front, Cambrai - France

if a Frenchman died every time you
looked at that, the w*r would be over.

I wonder how big he is now.


When I get home
I'll be making kids of my own.

Over and over again.

Help me fix the mill first.

- We'll never finish that shit hole.
- Speak German, god damn it!

- What did you say?
- You sound like a throat disease.

What are you saying,
you bloody Kraut? Eh?

- Just say that again.
- You shut up!

You were yapping away in Danish
right in front of the Sergeant.

And now we're on this cosy, little
su1c1de mission because of that.

- He stole my field ration!
- He was probably hungry.

Just say you're sorry
and then we can move on.

(In German) Sorry.

(In Danish) Thanks.

Remember. No sh**ting
until it's absolutely necessary.

Get in quickly, get close,
destroy the target, -

- then get away damn fast.

Werner, the cutter.

Quiet! Quiet!

Shut up! Shut up!

Quiet, Werner!

Werner? Werner!

Let's move. Let's move.

We have to go around.


Jes! Jes!

Jes! Jes!

You have to get me some morphine.

I can't do that, Jes.

- You'll die then.
- Yes!

You heard what the doctor said.
I can't go home like this!

Get me some more!

- I need some sedatives.
- Now!

- I need some more right now!
- Easy now.

There. There.

Let me see your hand.

You're a good shot.

- What do you mean?
- The b*llet didn't hit any bone.

Can you just write that I ...

That I've lost the use of my arm?

I have to get home
to my wife and son.

Do you think you're the only one
with a family at home?

You're the fifth soldier this week
with a self-inflicted wound.

- Is there a problem here?
- Sergeant, no.

Private Mikkelsen
is just angry because I'm ...

...sending him home.
We can't use him here anymore.

Show me your hand.

In the name of the Emperor ...
Corporal ...

Thank you for your service!

Have a safe trip home.
You've earned it.


- Why?
- I'm from Prague.

I also know what it's like
to fight under the wrong flag.

- Thank you.
- Yes.

Thank you so much!
Thank you.

Nurse. Clean his wound.

Sønderborg, Northern Schleswig - Germany

Look! It's dad.

Hi, Karl. Hi.

You're such a big boy now.

You are almost a full-grown man!


What a nice aeroplane
you've got there. Can I see it?

Sorry. I'm so sorry!

I'll fix it for you.

Get over here. We need your help.

- Yes, I'm coming!
- Hi.

- I'll get him.
- I want Gerhard to repair it.

Thank you.

- Marie.
- Hi.


Sergei. Our Russian helper.

- Thanks for your help.
- He only speaks a little German.

You fixed the mill. Thank you.

No. Only helped Gerhard.

Hello. Hello there, my big lad!

What's happening?

He broke it.

I'm sure he didn't mean to do it.

It's easily fixed.

- Esben, this is ...
- Captain Bauer.

- Head of the border police.
- Esben Mikkelsen.

I wanted to welcome you personally.
I'm sorry if this is a bad time.

Has he told you how proud you should
be of him? He's a German w*r hero.

If you'll excuse me.

Of course.

- Are you coming to the funeral?
- Of course. We'll be there.

My apologies for the interruption.

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

Is Jes ever
going to be able to walk again?

What happened down there?

You never wrote much about it
in your letters.

It seems as if you left out
a few details in your letters as well.

I thought you'd be happy
that the mill finally works.

Did Gerhard see to that?


Did he help with anything else?

- Is this an interrogation?
- No, I'm asking a simple question.

I'd really like to know if a man
has been visiting my home a lot.

Our home!

What exactly are you implying?

I was gone for a long time, -

- and you didn't know
if I'd ever make it back.

And you needed help. We're at w*r.
We do what we need to do to survive.

- I'd never do anything like that!
- Kirstine, I've done terrible things!

I did them to survive,
and to get back home to you and Karl.

And what's more important than that?

That we don't lose ourselves.


I don't think I can do this.

Why did they head
towards neutral territory?

We assume they couldn't
make it back due to turbulence.

Let's hope so.
I've no sympathy for deserters.

Of course, Mr Müller.

Don't even think about it, Gerhard.

This model is new and completely
different from the one you flew.

A fully elliptical,
cross-sectional fuselage.

32 kilos lighter than the classic
flat fuselage on the D3.

With 170 horsepower and an artificial
horizon, she can even fly at night.

You're not going back to the front.

Your influence on the Danes here
is far more valuable to the Emperor.

By arresting old ladies who put red
and white flowers in their windows?

Hansen can do that.

From what I hear,
not all of them are old.

- There are more important matters.
- Is there?

Running away is not a solution.

Why don't you let someone else
go to w*r?

In love and w*r, my boy.

In love and w*r!

- Stop. Stop.
- Let me help you.


Well, it's a lovely day.

You don't usually say such things.

I notice these things more
now that I'm not just strolling along.

Marie, I know things are
very different right now.

It's lovely to have you home.

Marie, there's something
I've been thinking about.

There's this orphanage
in Flensburg ...

- Don't you think we should ...
- Can we talk about it another day?

Don't overdo it.

- I'll take him.
- Thanks.

What's new, cr*pple? Are you ready
to be blessed and forgiven?

- I'd rather have some schnapps.
- A schnapps, yes.

Can you get us a schnapps? Kirstine
says you've got a job at the inn.

That's right.
Serving beers to the Germans ...

As long as they pay me, I'll serve
them, whether we like it or not.

Yes, we are so thankful
for those Germans.

Yes! We'd have lost our house if
it wasn't for the beers I've served -

- while you were gone.

Who's allowed you to
talk to me like that?

I'm still your husband.

You go on ahead. I'll take him from
there. We'll see you at the church.

You have to be strong.
You can't give up now.

Give up?
I don't have anything left to give.

Stop that! Stop that! Stop!

We're home now.

The two of us.

We just have to figure out
what home is again.

There ...

Ladies. Enchanting as always.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

(In German) Mr. Mikkelsen.
Mr. Winther. Welcome home.

Easy now, Hansen. You do still
understand Danish, don't you?

- (Danish) Sorry about your accident.
- Don't worry about it.

Now I know what it's like to be you,
with a cock that doesn't work.

Yes, yes ...

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt.

We think of your son
with the utmost respect.

Our honourable Captain Bauer
has asked to say a few words.


As my father said
shortly before he passed away:

Death is a community
that we will all be a part of.

But a parent should never have to
experience outliving their child.

My deepest condolences.

But in his might and mercy, God has
offered us a light in this dark hour.

Esben Mikkelsen, Jes Winther,
welcome home.

For their heroic deeds in France
our local heroes have received -

- the Iron Cross 1 st class.

Of course, Jes Winther will also
receive a fitting compensation -

- of 80 Marks for his sacrifice.

Esben Mikkelsen
showed great courage at the front, -

- when he single-handedly
brought down a t*nk -

- and led his wounded friend through
enemy fire and carried him to safety.

Such courage. Such passion.

That is exactly what we need
in these difficult times.

And that is why it is my great honour
to tell you all, -

- that Esben Mikkelsen
will return to the front, -

- as soon as he is fully recovered.

He will avenge the pain
that we are all sharing today.

I would like to invite everyone
to the inn after the ceremony.

We will once more
remember the dead -

- and celebrate these
brave Nordic sons!

Thank you.

I'll say goodbye to Marie
and then we'll leave.

- I want to go with you, mum.
- Stay here.

Karl, stay here with your father.

(In German)
Cheers, my brave Nordic son!


Who the hell's the idiot here?

- Are you blind?
- Karl, stay here. Karl!

Are you blind?

You're not making any sense.

Does that up there make sense to you?
Karl is already fluent in German.

Isn't that right?

And now the German
is sending you back to France.


Esben, as I was
just telling your wife ...

- Come on, Karl.
- Let him be.

Perhaps you're not
such a big hero after all.

Coming from a man
who hides from the w*r, -

- that rings a little hollow
in my ears.

July 1915. Lunéville.

And now ...

...can I see your hand?


Stop! Kirstine!


What do you want?

I don't know who you are.

And now I have to wait for you again.

You won't have to wait for me again.
I'm not going back to that w*r.

Do you hear me?

I'll die down there.

I need to be here ...

...with the two of you.

I want to be the one
who repairs the mill.

I want to be the one who wakes up
in our bed in the morning next to you.

And kisses you.

I want to be Karl's father.

It's me.

We'll cross Lillebælt. Tomorrow
we'll be drinking coffee in Denmark.

And what about the mill?
What about our home?

Our home?
That's the three of us together.

What if we did
what the Vesterhøj family did?

He signed the farm over to her
so they couldn't take it from her.

- He'll return when the w*r is over.
- No one knows when it'll be over!

I've been away for more than
three years. I can't do it anymore.

- Esben, it's locked.
- I'll get the key from Tobias.

Go and hide there.

I really need your help, Tobias.

I need your boat.

I'll die
if I don't get away from here.

I forgot the key. Wait for me
by the boat and I'll be right there.

Yes, he's here now.
He asked for the key to my boat.

Apparently, he's trying to get
to Funen in Denmark.

Yes, sir.

Come on.
Tobias has ratted on us. Come on.


Did Tobias see me and Karl?


- Where's Esben?
- I don't know.

Don't make things worse, Kirstine.

He was just gone all of a sudden.
We went out looking for him.

I think he's fled to Denmark.

Is that true, Karl?

Take him inside so he can get warm.

What if Mikkelsen tries
to flee across the bridge?

We have guards posted there.
He'll never make it.

Ride to the lighthouse
and look for him. We have to find him.

Hansen, search the area.


- What the hell's going on?
- Winther, go home.

- This doesn't concern you.
- (In Danish) The hell I will.

- Then tell us where your friend is.
- (In Danish) How should I know?

Speak German, damn it!

What are you staring at?

What are you star...

Leave me the hell alone!


Come out now
or I'll sh**t this cr*pple.

You don't have what it takes.

He's helping a deserter escape.



Run, Esben!

Run, g*dd*mn it, when I tell you to!

Mikkelsen, stay here!

Give me your coat.

- Mikkelsen ...
- Give me your coat!

Stay away from my family.
Do you understand?

Get out of here! Get out of here!

Thank you.

Thank you.

- Are you sure this is alright?
- Yes, of course.

Ingeborg? Did you hear?
Esben Mikkelsen has deserted ...

- We have a guest.
- Have you completely lost your mind?


Thank you very much for the coffee
and dry clothes.

- I better move on.
- And where will you go?

Stop this madness.
He's not our problem.

- He has nowhere to go.
- He's a deserter!

I am truly sorry for your loss.

- The g*n.
- Of course.

- I'll leave now.
- Stay.

You're safe here.

Everyone knows my husband here. He
would never harbour a Danish deserter.

Who said he could stay here?

He cannot have vanished into thin air.

We're expanding our search. It's only
a matter of days before we find him.

There are more and more deserters.

We have to make clear that
we won't tolerate that sort of thing!

We must remove the Russian
from the Mikkelsen family.

And what about the wife?
Should we lock her up?

That would really
get the message across.

Not a good idea. We need
the Mikkelsen mill for our troops.

Removing the Russian
already sends a strong message.

We could send her to the front
to warm up the soldiers?

Hansen, we're not animals
like the French!

Gerhard, keep patrolling the island
and talk to the wife again.

Mikkelsen must be found
and sent to the front to do his duty.

- Go to the prison. Talk to Winther.
- Yes, sir.

- Never do that again.
- What do you mean?

- Do not question my authority.
- I am sorry if I offended you.

It's fine. I got it.

We haven't found him yet.

I'm happy to hear that.

Pack your things and get in the car.

- I can't do everything by myself.
- Now.

He's trying to survive.

Everything would be normal
if he'd just done his duty.

Normal for you maybe!

If you need any help ...

I don't need your help.

I want my husband and my life back!

Where could he be?

This is Ingeborg Schmidt.

Could you please put me through
to Captain Gerhard Bauer? It's urgent.

Yes, Mr Bauer. I fear that something
terrible is about to happen.

My husband caught
the deserter Esben Mikkelsen.

If you haven't found him yet
you never will.


Come on.

Let me out!

Hansen told me
you wanted him dead or alive.

Why are you angry at Gerhard?

I'm not angry. I'm sad.


Because ...

You don't remember Esben
very well, do you?

Do you remember
when you broke your arm?

Yes. Gerhard took me to the doctor.

No. That wasn't Gerhard.
That was Esben, your dad.

You always wanted to sleep
in the attic of the mill, -

- but Esben thought
it was too dangerous.

But that night you were allowed to.

He sat by your side all night.

Did he sing a song?


Do you remember that?

My child sleep tight

on your pillow at night

so sleep in peace

like the birds in the trees

like the flowers
that nod their heads

our Lord up above

sends angels with love

to guard His children in their beds

as God's mighty hand

protects our land

He crosses your chest

makes sure you are blessed

no devil can harm you my child

no one can destroy

our hope and our joy

your soul and your heart are so mild


Easy now. It's me.


Esben ... what ...?

- It's really you.
- Yes.

So, Schmidt ... stole a body.

And you're not afraid
that they'll find out it isn't you?

They can't.

The only thing left was ashes.

You're dead.

Karl can't know either.

Three months later
Als, January 1918

- Damn it.
- Hurry upstairs.

(In Danish) It's lovely to see you
in colours again.

(In German) Black never suited me.

He came to say
that I could have Sergei back.

So I invited him over for dinner.

- I can control him when he's close.
- Thank you.


You can't work in the mill anymore.
It's too risky.

You have to hide in the attic.

Would you like me to throw him out?

I think I can handle it.

- Put out the lights and ...
- Lock the doors.

Schüster, go home to your wife.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

Not unless you want blood
on your hands.

That's alright.

Why aren't you at the front then?

We can just hold each other.

If that's what you want.

Shut up, Morten.

We had an arrangement
and this wasn't part of it.

- It had to end when Jes came home.
- Yes ...

But we've already broken
that rule a few times.

I miss my husband.
Is that so hard to understand?

You know I'm doing
what I can to take care of him.

And he's just fine.

Also, he will never
find out about this.

That's for damn sure!

I take it that
you're not smiling because of me?


I received a report from
the Beck family

They're saying that Mrs. Vesth is
breaking the flag prohibition.

- Talk to her.
- Yes sir.

And then there is this case.

"We've noticed that the body
of the Russian c*ptive is missing".

I'll talk to the undertaker.

It says here that the Russian
has been dead for four months.

- When will you get to see Jes?
- They won't say anything.

Hansen has promised to help me.

- How are things with Gerhard?
- How do you mean?

Well, he's a man and you're a woman.

He's just a good friend.

I've been sleeping with Hansen.

What? Are you in love with him?

No, not at all. There's just something
alluring about him.

I know it's wrong. I ...

I just couldn't stand being alone.

I wanted to stop it
when Jes returned but ...

I'm a bit bad, aren't I?

Again! Again!

- Give Gerhard a moment's peace.
- Cleared for take-off ...

It's turbulence from the clouds!
Watch out!

Pull it towards you to fly upwards.

Do you see the beautiful, clear sky?
Up here no one can harm you.

And now we're landing.

- One day we'll fly together for real.
- When?

- Ask your mother.
- The flight lesson is over.

Can you take this out to Sergei?

- Do you miss it?
- What do you mean?


I'm considering
becoming a pilot again.

Are you going back to the front?

I'm not going back to the front.

But there might be a position
as a flight instructor in Tønder.

I love flying
and it's not dangerous at all.

So the Zeppelin that exploded
and k*lled 10 people wasn't dangerous?

That's the least of my worries.

- What was that?
- It's just a house marten.

A house marten? Has it been up there
for long? They can do a lot of damage.

- Should I take care of it for you?
- Wait!

- Sorry. I'm really sorry.
- Don't be.


It would be best if you left now.

I'll see you soon, Karl.

Can you help mum with the rest?

Do you like the soup?

Yes. it tastes great.

That means a lot, sir.

You say it makes a difference for
our troops. That's all that matters.

Hansen? Do we have an appointment?

I'd like to talk to you
in private, Mr. Müller.

Excuse me.

Esben Mikkelsen is alive. I found
a big hole in the ground in the barn.

You think Mikkelsen is alive
because of a hole in the ground?


No. You asked me to investigate
the missing body of the prisoner.

The undertaker couldn't explain
what had happened.

So I went to the barn.

The body was so badly burnt that we
were unable to identify it properly.

What if Mikkelsen dug a tunnel?

- Have you informed Gerhard?
- No.

I'd rather that we didn't include him.

Because of his feelings
for Mrs. Mikkelsen.

Look into it
and report back directly to me.

Thank you.

- I owe you a favour.
- You don't owe me anything.

Besides, I came to get some gossip.

- How did the dinner go yesterday?
- Fine.


Did he kiss you?

- Did he?
- I don't need a new man.

I like that it's just me and Karl.

No one says it has to be
just you and Karl forever.

- It's nice when someone holds you.
- It's not going to happen, Marie.

But he's nice, and when the boys
were gone he came here all the time.

- No, he didn't.
- Yes, he did. Come on.

- He just helped with the mill.
- He came to dinner, too.

Stop it, Marie!

Sorry. I didn't mean to insult you.

I think you need a change of scenery.

Come celebrate the Emperor's
birthday at the castle with me.

Schüster and the staff are helping.
I could use an extra pair of hands.

And maybe someone you know
might show up.

- Stop it.
- Stop it yourself.

What are you doing here? Marie
just left. She could have seen you.

What have I done?

I miss Jes!

When he gets out
we'll go to Flensburg.

And then we'll get a little boy
or girl or whatever it might be.

Hello, Kirstine.

How can I help you?

The mill is running.
Karl is getting ever so big.

Life is not so bad.

I was just wondering about one thing.

Before you got
your Russian prisoner of w*r back, -

- how did you
run the mill all by yourself?

What is it you want?

You've had a visitor.

I'd like you to leave now.

When I find him ...


- What the hell are you doing here?
- Esben is alive.

- And she knows it.
- Have you gone completely mad?

Gerhard. Understand it please.

This has nothing to do with love.
It's pure prostitution.

I should report you.



I'm so sorry about this.

There will be consequences.
I promise.

I'd have helped you if I could.

I'm pregnant.

That's so wonderful!

Don't you get it? They'll figure out
that you're alive if I'm pregnant.

- You've been dead for months.
- Then let's run. Now.

Esben, we can't run.
It's too dangerous.

You're thinking of Gerhard.

Stop that.

You have no idea
what I'm going through!

No ... But apparently you
know everything about how I feel.

- Do I?
- You definitely know what I do.


I'm glad you told me.
I'll talk to him.

Well ... Got something for me?

Can we talk somewhere else?

What are you doing here?

Serving port
to the Emperor's birthday guests.

Well ... Perfect!


- Please stay.
- Only as long as you drink.

I'm here to work.


- What the hell were you thinking?
- We could discuss morality.

And what's right and wrong.
Would you like that?

It's over between us.

Honoured guests.
Ladies and Gentlemen.

It's time to telegraph
Emperor Wilhelm ll -

- to send him our regards and wish him
a happy and victorious year.



Let me go. Let me go! Stop!

Don't you ever touch me again.
You understand?

The Emperor respectfully thanks us.
And he asks us to raise our glasses -

- to the happiness and future
of our realm.


- I can't dance.
- That makes two of us.

Tell me one thing.

Is it your sense of humour?

Is it your happy demeanour?

Because it's definitely
not your position in society.

Do you also find
her little scar hot?

The scar that she has right here.
Right by the groin.

- What have you done to her?
- No. It's about what we did to you.

I can't quite figure it out. I can't
figure out her taste and her scent.

Do you remember it?

Is it lavender?
Or is it freshly-cut grass?

I'm quite sure about the taste.
It's honey.

A very brutal taste.

Don't you think?

I think Marie should see you now.




Is there anyone here?

You shouldn't be here.
I want my mum.

There ...

My dear boy.

Don't be afraid.

- It's all just a dream.
- Are you a ghost?


But I'm a friendly ghost.
Lie down again. Close your eyes.

My child sleep tight

on your pillow at night

so sleep in peace

like the birds in the trees

- Esben.
- Yes ...?


He had a nightmare.

So now Karl has to
carry that secret around.

No, I ... told him I was a dream.

What was I supposed to do?
Just leave him crying in the dark?

You weren't here.

I told Marie.

She thinks Gerhard is the father.

She gave me the address of someone
in Sønderborg who can help.


You can't do that. I forbid you.
You can't do that! That's my child!

But I don't want to run away, Esben.
I belong here.

Then we might as well let people think
what they already do.

Make Gerhard a father.

We both know he wants to.

Look at me.

You want it, too.

Just admit it.

I'm leaving now.

Don't you have anything to say?

I love you.


Come in.

Was it your idea
to send Esben back to the front?

Yes, it was.

Would you like something
to drink? Coffee?

Or do you want some port?
I have a very good port.

It's my little reserve
for unexpected company.

I had no idea that ...

He has really looked forward
to seeing you.

No! Jes!


They're moving all the troops
from the Eastern to the Western Front.

It's all or nothing now.

This could be
the beginning of the end.

Hopefully, my dear.


- Good morning.
- Please leave my property, Hansen.

- Go back to the bedroom, Ingeborg.
- Do you have a secret tunnel here?

- Where you and your wife can hide?
- I must ask you to leave.

And I must ask you to shut
your damned, traitorous mouth.

- What do you want?
- The truth! Understand, traitor?

With such shitty parents
it's no wonder that your son died!

You have no idea
how long I've wanted this.

I feel so stupid.


I can sense the w*r but I don't know
what's going on anymore.

There's nothing
to understand anymore.

One moment.

- Yes?
- I'm sorry to disturb you, Captain.

- What is it?
- We have received a call.

Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt
were assaulted this morning.

Normally, I wouldn't disturb you,
but it was Hansen who assaulted them.

Hansen? Drive to the Schmidts and
find out what happened. See you there.

Drive me home. Now.

Hansen's horse.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Mikkelsen. I'm sorry!

Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

Leaving him all alone with
a Russian prisoner of w*r.


- Did he hurt you, Karl?
- No.

Karl has told me
a very interesting story.

About a ghost.

You just have to call out for it
and there it is.

Would you like to try it, Karl?

Enough of this charade!
You are relieved of your duties.

I don't think so.


I'll go to the Schmidt family.

Jes was my best friend.

He was always funny.

And happy.

You all know that.

But you don't know that he ...

...begged me to leave him behind ... France.

And it wasn't because
he didn't love you.

Because he really did.

It's because the w*r
had taken away his ...

His greatest dream.

The dream of becoming a father.

I couldn't leave him behind.
I wouldn't accept it.

I didn't understand him.

I thought it was about survival,
no matter the cost.

But I was wrong.

Because if you lose yourself, -

- what is there left to love?


I think this show is over.

Call Müller and tell him -

- that Esben Mikkelsen has been
arrested and that we're on our way.

Sit down, Mrs. Winther.

(In Danish) Sit down!


Thank you.

The gatekeeper, please.

Hansen and Bauer are on their way
with Esben Mikkelsen.

Bring them to me.

What are you doing?

Would you really prefer
that he goes to France a w*r hero?

That he tells them about
how he made fools of us all?


Give me the r*fle.

Grab his jacket. Quickly.

Get your jacket.

- Karl, get your aeroplane.
- What's happening?

There's no time for explanations,
but we have to go. Right now.


- What's going on?
- Go. I'll be fine.


Take care of the mill.

Take good care of them.


Hide the g*n.

Care to tell me
what the hell is going on?

Hansen's body has been found.

You're helping a traitor.

What's treason?
Trying to survive?

We need something to make up
for what we're doing in this w*r.


Even if you make it to the border
you won't make it across.

You should know that
better than anyone.

Do you know what birds fear the most?

When their chicks are about to fly
from the nest for the first time.

They know
they have to let them try.

Even if they might die trying.

I'll give you a 10-minute head start.
That's all I can do.

Thank you.

- Esben!
- Yes.

I need two minutes
to get the aeroplane ready.

Kirstine, get water
from the supply room.

Esben, stay outside
and keep watch.

Yes, of course.

Here you go, Karl.

Can you fix it?

I can't.

I'm not going the same way
you are, my boy.

But Gerhard. He can fix it.

But aren't you my father?

Yes. Yes, I am.

But so is Gerhard.

I'm so proud of you.

You're such a big, strong boy.

Are you coming?

I'm not going.

Of course you're coming, Esben!

Of course you're coming, Esben!

They're coming now,
but you can still make it!

But only if I stay.

But I don't want
to lose you again. No.

- I don't want to lose you again.
- You're not going to. You're not.

You're not going to.

Look at me. You're not losing me.
You're not going to.

I'm right here.

And here.

He's a good man.

We have to go.

(In Danish) Take good care of them.

Don't sh**t!
There's a family on board.


- It was me! I shot Hansen.
- We'll talk about it later.

Give yourself up.
Don't do anything stupid now!

No, Esben. Esben!

Of the 30.000 Danish men that were sent
to the front during World w*r I...

...more than 2.500 deserted and more than 5.000
were k*lled in combat for the German Empire.

In 1920 most of the territory that Denmark
had lost to Germany was reunited with Denmark.

To this day Danes and Germans still live
side by side in the border region.
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