Mad Love (1995)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Mad Love (1995)

Post by bunniefuu »


Hey, Leland!

What's up, Mr. Dennison?
How you doin'?

- Slap me.
- On time, I'm impressed.

It's very important to me.

So what'd you do last night?

Nothin'. What's up, Dunc?

Hey, guys. What's up?

What'd you do last night, Eric?

Me? Funny you should ask.

Let me see...
yeah, I got laid.

- That's what I did.
- Really?


I thought your family
got rid of those farm animals.

That's good.

Like I was humping a chicken or
a cow or somethin', not Elena.

That's good. That's really good.
You're a comedian, right?

So, Elena?

Did you just get that open, Dunc?

- Dunc.
- d*ck.

What's the deal? I thought
you just started dating her.

Well, what can I say, man?
She digs tall, skinny guys.

- OK.
- It happens for some of us.

Dunc, what the hell
are you doin'? Let's go.

Let's hit it, Dunc.

Come on, guys!
Concentrate. Pull together!


OK, let's go! Let's go!

That's it, you guys.
Pull it together! Power!

Nice. Nice.

You need somebody to talk to.
I'm telling you.

Dude, check that out.

Who or what is that?

She's new.

She must be.

Babes like that don't grow in Seattle.

You know her?

At least talk to your daughter,
'cause I gotta...

It's rodeo time!

Sister's Rodeo. The biggest
little show in the world.

I look like a total geek.

Hey, Adam, give it a rest, all right?

I'm checking the weather,
see if they're all the same.

Look out the window.

Geek City. Why don't you
just make me a sign?

'Cause you'd lose that, too.

But also a little bit of
sunshine starting to show up...


Rain with a chance of more rain.
Let's go. Come on.

Hurry up.




All right, here you go. Wait
for me in the car. Hurry up.

Hey, airhead, your inhaler.

You're a boy.
That's why you're so clumsy.

Especially little boys.

- Where's my book bag?
- In front of you.

Slow down.
Slow down. Slow down.

I'll beat you to the car.

Matt, have you seen
my extra computer battery?

- It's in the charger.
- Which is...?

By the toaster. I need
some money for groceries.


And gas.

- Where does it all go?
- Life, Dad.

Life. You know, I used
to have one, you know.

Now you got us, Cliff.

No videos or Gameboys for the twins

till they finish their homework.


Hey, you guys. I'll be home
around six, all right?

Yeah, OK.

Wait up!

You forgot your book.

All I'm asking is her name.
Talk to me, Matt.

I know women. I am here for you.

You know women?

Mr. Sensitive. Mr. "Hey, guys,
I just got laid."

This crude exterior masks a
very sensitive soul, Matthew.

Casey, all right?
Her name is Casey.

Casey. That's a good name.
You talk to her yet?

You haven't even talked to her?
Matt, advice... talk to her.

'Cause it's, like,
one of those necessary steps.

This cookie's stale.
Look how hard it is.

It's a biscotti, you dumb-dumb.
It's supposed to be hard.

I ought to pop...
Two for flinchin'.

Come on, we're gonna miss the movie.

Hey, you guys go ahead without
me, all right? I gotta bail.

Why? Casey.

What are you gonna do, go over to her
house and stake it out or something?

Stake out her house? Right. Maybe
that's how you pick up chicks.

Yeah? So what?
All right, man. Whatever.

Abandoning your friends for some chick you
haven't even talked to yet. Whatever.

You boys have fun.


What if I get caught?

I won't know.
I'll be outta here.

I'm just joking. Come on. Go do it.
It's not a major crime.

It's a minor crime?

It's not a crime.

All right? Come on.

Record's seconds. Hurry up.

Who is this Casey?

Is she your girlfriend?

Are you gonna have sex with her?

What do you know about sex?

Enough. You're
changing the subject.

Did it!

Good job, Superman.
Tear any muscles?

No! Shut up!


You! Shut up!

- Why don't you?
- Shut up!

- You!
- You!

Get down!

Shut up!

You! You!

You! You!

You! You!

Stay down. Come on.

- Hey.
- Hi.

Got two, man.

Hey, you got the time?


Hey, wait up, man!

What a coincidence.

Why didn't you just ask me?

You know.

In case I said no.

I guess.

What's your name?

Matt... Leland.

Well, I'm Casey, but somehow
you already seem to know that.

Look, if you want to go on a date,
you're gonna have to ask me.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

Come on.



Casey. Hey, would you
wait a minute, please?


I feel like an idiot.

You look like an idiot.

I am an idiot, all right?

Would you go out with me?

I want it! Give it to me!
I love it!

Me! Me! Me!

Me! Me! Me!


So when it's not raining in this lousy
town, what do you do with yourself?

Hang out. Usual stuff.

Hang out. Rob convenience
stores, roll doobies.

Yeah, like that.

Yeah, like that.

Do you ever notice that no one
uses their car horns here?

I mean, like, in Chicago,
it's a g*dd*mn symphony.

You like rudeness?

Yeah, I like rudeness.

Noise. Honesty. Danger.

So, if Chicago's got so much,
rudeness, honesty and danger,

why'd you leave?

Well, my dad got a job over at UW.

He's an art professor, but...

he wouldn't know a Caravaggio
if it was shoved up his ass.

You've got a charming way
of turning a phrase.

Yeah, well, it was a gift I was born with.

So what about you?
Your family. Details.

Well, my Dad's an exec over at Boeing.

And I've got a brother and a sister.

They're nine. Twins.

Twins can be tricky.

So what about your mom?
What does she do?

Nothing. What's the
fascination with twins?

Well, I've read a lot,
and I'm a triplet, actually.

- Really, a triplet?
- Yeah.

Well, nobody else knows but me.

Well, and me.

So I guess it would be our,
you know, little secret.


Are there any other... secrets
you want to tell me about?

This one, that one.


How'd you get that?

Horsing around with my little brother.

You know, families.

Shit, look at the time.
I gotta go.

It's still early.

I know, but I've got a bunch of stuff to do.

Thank you for the ticket and
the concert and... everything.

Call me sometime.


You could blow up the school, if you
came up with the right formula.

Why don't you just worry about
passing the class, all right?

Einstein got D's in high school.


Einstein. He got D's
in high school.


Well, it's...

Matt, come out and play.

I think I gotta go to the bathroom.

Wow. Hey, Teach,
Matt has to pee.

I have some free study time.
What are you doing?

- Well, specifically?
- Yeah.

I am doing an experiment

involving the solubility of sodium chloride.

Salt. It's soluble.
Let's go somewhere.

- Now?
- Yeah.

I didn't say anything!

This is a closed campus.
We're not supposed to be...


Leaving during school hours.

Yeah, well...

it's a beautiful day.

We make our own rules. Come on.

Nice parking place.

Yeah, well, I pulled it up
just for you. So get in.

Well, I guess I could do my experiment...


OK. Sounds good.

Matt, I have a question.

If you had the choice to know when you
were going to die or not to know,

what would you choose?

You don't have anything, immediate
and specific planned here, do you?

No. I'm being serious.
What would you choose?

Not to know, I guess.


Because then you'd always be aware of it.

I mean, that day
just kind of waiting for you.

I'd want to know.

Do you have any idea
where you're going right now?

Not a clue.

Do you want me to make a suggestion?


I like it here.

Yeah. I used to come here
when I was a kid.

Long time ago.


Well, now I'll be your new memory of
this place, and you'll be my first.


- I made you some hot chocolate.
- OK.

I like your home.

It's, nice and lived in.

My prison since I was a kid.

Yeah, I'm sure you were one
of those little smart-ass kids

who got straight A's
and won all the spelling bees.

Yeah, yeah, you got me figured out.

What about you, though?
Tell me about you.

Well, you know, what do you think you know?

Well, number one, you answer
questions with questions.

- You know a little bit about
Volkswagen Beetle engines.
- Go on.

You don't give a shit about school.

You like rude people. And
car horns and noise and danger.


That's it?
You're not gonna offer anything?

I'm here.

All righty...

you like butterflies.

You like books. Not just reading
books, but books themselves.

You know that I like you.

How do I know that?

Hey, get the key in the lock.

That's the twins. Come here.

Change in my room. Come on.

- It's just on the right.
- OK.

Here, go back there.
Just go right.

Watch it!
Whose is the Herbie car?

It's a cc Volkswagen
Beetle, Spam for brains.

Yeah, there's some useful knowledge for you.

I'm starving. What's to eat?

Hey, I said that first!

Matt, there's some girl on the phone.

And she better be right.
This better be important.

Hello? It's me, Casey.

Go look through your telescope.

Dad, could you...
Do you have something to do?

Yeah. Sleep.

Look, Casey, about the telescope...

It's OK, I understand.
Just go look.

- Can you see me?
- Yeah.

Take a good long look, because it's
the last one you'll ever have.


Casey, wait!

g*dd*mn it!


Could you wait up, please?

Wait. I know you're pissed at me,
all right? You have a reason to be.

- You think I lied to you.
- Actually, I don't think about it at all.

- Would you let me explain?
- Explain. What a pervert you are?

I look at the stars.
That's what I do.

And one day you appeared to me.

Out of nowhere,
suddenly you were in my life.

God, what a desperate hunk
of romantic bullshit.

You spied on me. Do you have
any idea how that feels?

How do you think I felt?

I mean, if you were me and you
saw you, wouldn't you look?

- Listen, that's dumb.
- You're damn right it's dumb.

You violated me.
I mean, you saw everything.

My books and the color of my
walls. My bed, my toothpaste!

I didn't see your toothpaste. All
right, I did not see your toothpaste.

What else?
What else did you see?

I saw you, Casey.

What am I gonna do with you?

You must be Matt. Come in.

How you doin'?


This is Matt, Casey's friend.

- Good to meet you, Matt.
- Pleased to meet you, too, sir.

- I'll tell Casey you're here.
- Call me Richard.

We're not much on formalities
around here. Come on.

So, we're neighbors.
Nothing but a lake between us.

- And a beautiful lake
it is, sir. - Richard.

Sir Richard. I like that.

Would you like anything
to drink? A soda? Beer?

A beer would be great..

Actually, I'll just take a soda. I'm
more in the mood for a soda, actually.

Very good.

- Mom, it's fine.
- OK. I'm sorry.

- He seems like a nice boy.
- He is.

But Dad's probably down there
giving him the third degree.

Can you keep him off my back, you know,

if I'm not exactly home on time?

I'll do what I can.
You know how he is.

I trust you. You know that.

My beautiful girl.

That's a globular cluster,

where tens of thousands of stars
are held together by gravity.

And those?

The constellation of Gemini. The
top two are Castor and Pollux.

They were twins and Pollux was immortal.

And when Castor died, Pollux asked
the gods if they'd let him die, too.

So the gods turned them into the stars,

so that they could remain up
there, side by side forever.

For eternity..

- I like that.
- Yeah?





Students, stop the exam.
Put down your pencils

and make your way to this exit.

- Matt! Matt, come here!
- Mr. Gallant! Mr. Gallant!

- You won't believe this.
- Casey, what are you doing here?

SAT's are going on.
What? Did you forget?

No, but Carolyn Krieg is signing
books over at Elliot Bay.

- Come on, we gotta go.
- Who is Carolyn Krieg?

She's this photographer
that I really, really love.

And anyway, I tried to get your attention,
but... so I pulled the fire alarm.

- You pulled the alarm?
- Yeah.

- What are you, nuts?
- Yeah. So?

Casey, we were in the middle
of taking the SAT's.

What the hell are you thinking?

Well, she's really, really
beautiful and I want to meet her.

- Can I have your attention, kids?
- She's really, really beautiful?

It appears to be a false alarm.

So it means we'll have to
reschedule the test.

- Great.
- Great! Now you can go.

No, Casey, I can't.
Look, this is important.

I mean, you're not
the center of the universe.

Well, sometimes I am. I mean,
come on, aren't I? Aren't we?

You're Casper and I'm Pollack.

- Pollux. Castor and Pollux.
- There she is. That's her.

- She's that little blonde gal...
- No, Casey, I gotta go.

Well, fine then.
I'll go by myself.

Tell her I'll want to see her in my office.

No! No! No! No! I'm not gonna go away!
I'm not going away!

Casey, wha...

Jesus, Casey, wha...!


Come here.

He says you're...
you're a bad influence.

He's gonna send me away to boarding school.

He can't do that. Here.

That was so stupid, what I did today.

I'm sorry. I just
wanted to be with you.


You're all right. You're safe.

I'm scared.

I do these things. And the closer
we get, the more scared I get.

And I try and... destroy it.

It's not because I don't care,
it's... it's the opposite.

You understand?


- You all right?
- I'm cold.

Here. There you go.
There you go.

Here you go.

- Is this your mom?
- Yeah.

She's beautiful.

She left when I was nine.

What was it like when she left?

I don't remember.


One day she didn't pick me up from school.

So, I, I walked home in the rain, and...

our neighbor was there with the twins.
They were just babies.

God, they seemed so scared.

Dad said she didn't love us enough to stay.


She didn't love him.

Come here.


Casey, it's me.

Hi, listen, it's probably not a good time.

- I got suspended today...
- Casey.

- And nobody's too happy around here.
- Casey.

May I have the phone?
Give me the phone.

- Who's this?
- Matt Leland.

Matt, Casey's been suspended from school.

And because of her behavior last night,

we feel it would not be a good
idea for you to see her anymore.

- She's grounded until further notice.
- But sir...

I don't have time to debate about this.
We've made the decision.

And I'd appreciate it if
you wouldn't call here again.

OK, Matt?

How you doin'? Is, Casey
here? I'm a friend of hers.


Do you, do you know where she
is or when she's gonna be back?

Her parents took her to the hospital.

Is she all right? What happened?

What hospital is she at? Do you
know the name of the hospital?

I don't know. I'm sorry.

Is there a history?


- What kind of history?
- Maybe something in the family.

Is there any record of psychiatric illness?

- There could be a clinical condition here.
- No, no, no, it's not that.

She does this to get back at us.

No matter where we take her,
it's always the same.

This isn't the first time.

We told you she's tried this before.

She thinks we're trying to control her.

This is her way of getting back at us.

Do you know what it's like
living with someone like this?

Why does she think
you're trying to control her?

Who knows what goes through her mind?

Because we set limits. Because
we're her parents. I don't know.

- It's not that simple, Richard.
- Yes, it is.

We've tried everything else.
Hospitalize her.

See if that helps. Maybe it'll
scare some sense into her.

I think she's already
terrified, Mr. Roberts.

I love my daughter.

I've tried.
God knows, we've tried.

We just don't know what to do anymore.

- Yes? - Hi, I'm here to
see Casey Roberts.

Casey's brother's here.

There's a young man here
who says he's Casey's brother.

He's not Casey's brother.
Get him outta here.

I'll deal with it, Richard.
I'll deal with it.

Please, have a seat, sir.
We'll take care of it.

Where's Casey? Is she all right?

She's OK. She was admitted
here this morning.

What is this place?

It's an acute psychiatric unit.

We have to keep her here for a while.


She tried to k*ll herself, Matt.

She took an overdose. I found her
in the bathroom, unconscious.

Where is she? Can I see her?

This isn't a good time.
Go home, Matt, OK?

- Well, when is a good time?
- I don't know.

How long are you gonna keep her here?

Right now we're uncertain. Please,
go, Matt. We're all very upset.

And your being here is not helping things.

- What do we got?
- Personal effects.

OK. Doctor, these belong
to Casey Roberts.

- Should I bring them to her?
- Leave them in her room.

- And I want her kept quiet.
- All right.

- Casey. - I don't want you
to see me like this.

What happened?

My dad wouldn't stop about sending me away.

And we got in a fight so...

I took some pills 'cause I couldn't sleep.

I didn't mean to do it.

I tried to escape, but they pinned me down.

They're gonna keep me here
for a long time, I know it.

I can't be here. Locked up.

I know.

I know.

Casey, I'm not supposed to be in here.

I'm gonna go, all right?

- All right?
- OK.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Where the hell have you been?

You were supposed to pick
the twins up from the pool.

They had to call me at work.

I also get a call from your vice principal

wondering where you were
for the SAT's today.

Did you forget they got rescheduled?

- What does he care?
- Well, apparently, he does.
More than you do.

Dad, I don't need this right now.

What, "you don't need this?"

This is your future, Matt. This is
the next four years of your life.

What could be more important than that?

- Look, a friend of mine was
in trouble, all right? - Who?

This little girl
you've been running around with?

The one who pulled the fire alarm?

Yeah, I know about her, too.
Some friend.

You don't know anything.

Well, I know that you've
got responsibilities here.

To yourself and to this family.

And now you've met this girl and
nothing else seems to matter.

- Yeah? Well, it's my life, all right?
- No, it's our life!

Here in this house!
It's our life!

What the hell's the matter with
you? Do you think I need this?

To get dragged out of work
to pick up two nine-year-olds

who are scared out of their wits? To
find out you're jeopardizing your future

for some delinquent?

You are so friggin' blind,
no wonder she left you!

No, she left us, Matt.
Don't fool yourself.

She left this whole family.

- And I deal with it every day of my life.
- Dad? Daddy?

- Why are you fighting?
- It's between Dad and I.

Come on, let's go to bed.

I'm glad you're here.

She's over by the window.
She's feeling pretty low.

- Hey, crazy girl.
- Hey.


Everything's gonna be all right.

- Peter, it's time for your medication.
- I don't want it.

- Peter, is there a problem?
- This is the problem. Get away from me!

Get away from me!

I don't want any more.

Remember yesterday?

- Do you remember yesterday?
- What?

You took your medication and you felt
a lot better. Didn't you, Peter?

Get out of here!

Just get away from me!
Get out of here!

I think I'm gonna need some help over here.

Easy does it. Easy, does it.


Don't anybody touch me.

It's gonna be OK.
No one's gonna touch you.

All right, stay away!

- Stay away from me!
- Calm down! Calm down!

- You think I'm crazy?
- You're asking me?

Science rules.

It's not like Matt to do
something like this.

He's always been a responsible boy.

I don't know your son, but he broke my
daughter out of a psychiatric hospital.


There's no need to deceive ourselves here.

This kid has done a stupid
and dangerous thing.

First we gotta find them.

- Hello?
- Joanna, it's me.

Don't say anything.

I just want you guys to know
that I'm OK. Tell Dad that.

I'm gonna be gone for a little while.

- Are you coming back?
- No, not right away.

Is it him? Is it Matt?

Dad! Daddy!

- Is that Adam?
- Matt is on the phone!

- My God, I think it's them.
- Everyone's been crazed, Matt.

That girl's parents are here and everything.

Tell 'em she's all right, too. All right?
I gotta go, Joanna. All right?


- I love you.
- Love you.

- You guys take care.
- OK. Bye.

Yeah, Matt? Matt!

He's gone.

- Like?
- I like.

- Come on. We gotta go.
- Done? OK. Bye.

I could get used to this.

$ .

Plus your dad's card.

He'll cut that off soon. Besides,
they could trace us with that.

OK, well, then, we keep moving.

- Well, we gotta stop somewhere.
- Why?

- Well... - OK, you're right.
We need a plan.

- A plan?
- Yeah. We need a plan.

- OK, what's our plan?
- Our plan is...


The next song that comes on,
if it's western, we go north.

If it's rock, we go south.

Yes! OK...

If the next song that comes on
is a girl, then we go west,

and if it's a boy, we go east.


That's it. Southwest.


- Mexico?
- Mexico.

- Mexico?
- Mexico. Mexico.

- Mexico?
- Mexico.

All right.

This is forever, isn't it?


This is forever.

Wake up! Let's go!
Let's go! Let's go!

What are you doing?!

We're going to Mexico! Wake up!

Come on! It's a new day,
we're going away!

Let's go! Come on!
Come on! Come on!

Did you ever play trust me?

You know, when you fall back
and someone catches you?

Not since grade school.

Some kid stepped back
so I never trusted him again.

Well, I got a new one to play.

- Really?
- You want to play?

How do we play?

Casey, come on! Casey, don't!

Trust me. Turn right. Trust.

- Casey, this isn't...
- Trust me, OK?

- Just stay straight. Stay straight.
- f*ck, Casey, come on!

A little to the right. A little.

- How'm I doing?
- Good.

Good. OK, stay straight.

Stay straight. Stay straight.

I'm doing all right?

Yes, you're doing great.

- OK.
- It's fun, isn't it?

Well, no, but...
that felt good anyway.

Left. Left.
OK, right. To the right!

Is it clear?

Sort of.

Casey, sort of's not good
right now, all right?

OK. OK. It curves to the left.
A little bit. To the left.

Slow down a little bit.

A little bit of brakes.

OK, go left. Easy left. Left.

Go to the right! Shit!

- Come on!
- I'm sorry.

- Jesus, Casey!
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

OK. Just stay straight then.

Go ahead. Go faster.

OK, go to the left. Good.

Left. Left.

OK, straight. Straight.
Straight. OK, good.

Jesus. OK, good. Good. Good.

Come on! Good. Good. Good.

No way! Good.


God. Go to the right.

Right, right.
Straight, straight, straight...

OK, steady.



My God!

Shit! My God!

Shit. You OK?

- Yeah. I, I...
- You sure?

Yeah, are you OK?


Damn it!


Damn it, the axle's broken.

Stupid game! God, am I an idiot?

It's only a f*cking car!

It's a useless friggin'
car now, you know that?

We're hundreds of miles away from home.
What do you think we're gonna do?

Tap our heels three times?

I'm glad you're amused by this.

It's called a forgiveness flower.

Prettiest darn thing you
ever did see, ain't it?

What's going on with you, Casey?

Outta sight.
Hide... OK?

Hi. How you doin'?

Where you headed?


Your lucky day.


That's cool.

Got some cigarettes here.
You want one?


g*dd*mn it!

- What the hell happened?
- Dammit!

- What's wrong with him?
- Shit!

Get out of the car.
Get the hell out of the car!


You f*ckin' bitch!

Casey, get in the car!

- Where you goin', girl?
- Watch it! Casey!

Let me in! Slow down!
Casey, stop!


Casey. Casey.

- Jesus! What the hell are you doin'?
- It'll be OK.

It'll be OK.



It'll be OK.

It'll be OK. It'll be OK.
It'll be OK.

I'm sorry.

It's all right. I'm OK.

We had to do it, right?

Come here.

We just called to say that we're OK.

No, you're not OK, Matt.
Where are you?

- Don't worry about it.
- Worry about it?

Matt, you gotta get home.

If you don't get home, her parents
are gonna call the police.

- Don't thr*aten me, Dad.
- I'm not threatening you.

- The girl needs help.
- She's fine, all right?
We're both fine.

No, Matt, she's not fine. She's sick
and she needs psychiatric help.

Matt, you gotta get her back here.

Tell the twins that I miss 'em, all right?

- Yes, I will tell them, Matt...
- Can you do that for me?

Don't, Matt. This is more
serious than you think.

- Dad, I'm gonna hang up now.
- Matt...

- All right?
- Don't hang up. Matt...

- We're OK. Bye.
- Matt!

g*dd*mn it!

I'm really proud of you.

You two look like a nice,
tidy pair. Hi, girls.

- Afternoon.
- You married or what?

- Well...
- Hey, hey, hey, no problem.

I've been married. I ain't
gonna recommend it to ya.

Watch the railing when we go up.
It might be a little loose.

The phone's over there if you need
it until you get your own, OK?

Thank you.



We'll take it. Is it all right if
we go week by week in the rent?

Well, I need a week in advance.

Here you go.

- Thanks.
- And watch the noise.

The old lady below you
complains if you blink too loud.

We won't blink.
We won't breathe.

You were talking in your sleep last night.

You said your brother's name.

I worry about him.

He's such a...


A little dork.

Were you a dork?


I've taken you away from them.

You haven't taken me away.

You should leave me...

as punishment for what I've done to you.

Casey, you've done everything for me.

All right, fine. $ . OK.

I think I can manage that.
Let's get you some money.

OK, great.

OK. Sign here.

, , , , , .

- There ya go. Thank you very much.
- Thank you.

- Come back.
- All right.

All right. Let's go.

Wait here for a minute, will ya?

Believe in Jesus.

Dare, dare to stand up...

So dare to be different.
Dare to stand up for Jesus.

The way is hard, friends...

Look at that little filly.
Hoo, dog. Get a load of her.

I'd stick my spurs into that any day.

Mikey, heads up.

Would you look at that?

Stop it! Hey! Hey!

Come on. Now, sit down.

No! No!

I said sit down.

Billy. Stop it.

Stop it now! Stop that crying!

Come up here?

All right. Come up here.
You want to sit on my lap?

No, leave me alone.

- No, give it to me!
- I said be quiet.

Now, don't make a fool of yourself.



I've done that wall and that wall
and that wall and that wall.

Almost done over here.

They're for our protection.
They're after us.

Do some.

Why aren't you helping me?

Why aren't you helping me?

Why is this happening to me?

These look marvelous.


May I take your order?


- Here.
- The shrimp.

How's that sound, Casey?

- That sounds good.
- OK, we'll take two of the shrimp.

Two shrimp? Excellent choice.

Thank you.

Look, I got it all figured out,
what we're gonna do.

We'll ditch this car we got.

- Try this wine, sweetheart.
- Lovely.

And tomorrow we'll put
a down payment on a new one.

You can choose. OK?

- All right?
- Thank you.


after that we're going to, you
know, stake our claim for Mexico.

It'll be good. And once we get there
we'll just, you know, figure it out.

We'll learn a little Spanish and,
you know, take things as they come.

Make our own rules..

- How's that sound?
- That sounds good.

Now, you know that she's old
enough to go away to school.

She may be old enough, but she's not ready.

There's no reason for her
to be staying at home.


I think it's just the other way around.

You're asking for trouble when you try to...

Sorry. My dad took me and my mom to a
place like this when I was little,

and I wanted a hamburger,
but they didn't have one

and he wanted me to order duck
or some shit like that.

I was kicking and screaming, so Mom said...

"Don't worry."
And when Dad's steak came,

she cut it up into little pieces and put
it between two slices of bread and said,

"Here. Here's your super deluxe burger."
And it was the best burger I ever ate.

- Excuse me.
- Yes?

- Can I get another light off you?
- I'm sorry. I'll be right back.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Anyway, it was really good.

And Mom knew how to do things like that.

On the ride home, Dad was so pissed.

Do you know where there's a bathroom here?

It's back here.

Excuse me.

- Here's some salad to get you started.
- Thanks.


Come here. Come here.

Come here.

- Is she all right?
- No, she's not all right.

She was banging on the walls.
She was screaming.

She's hysterical.

My goodness.

- Hello?
- Mrs. Roberts.

This is Matt. Matt Leland.

Thank God. Where are you?
How's Casey?

- Who is it? Where is she?
- Matt, talk to me.

- Is she OK?
- No.

I mean, she's not hurt or anything, but
something's wrong with her, isn't it?

Yes, yes, she's clinically depressed.

She needs treatment. She needs
dr*gs to control her mood swings.

Where can I get the dr*gs?

It's not so simple. They
have to monitor the dosage.

It can be dangerous.
Now, we need her here.

Please, Matt, they can help her. Just
bring her back and let them try. Please.

No. They're just gonna
lock her up again.

No, no, that won't happen again.
Not like that, I promise.

She can be a voluntary patient.

She won't get through this alone, Matt.
I know you're with her now, I know.

But you're scared. Something happened to
scare you to make you call me, right?

- Right?
- Yeah.

Right, well, it will happen again. It wasn't
the first time she's attempted su1c1de.

Now we have got to
work together to help her.

And I want you to be part of things, OK?

- What about Mr. Roberts?
- No, you're talking to me now.

OK? You'll lose her to the
sickness sooner or later.

Now just tell us where you are,
and we will come and get you, OK?

No. Matt, OK, please?


No. No, I can't.

Hey! Hey! Hey!



Go away, Matt.

I don't want you here.
I've made my decision.

Casey, you're just scared, all right?

Just like I'm scared.

I'm not scared.

What the hell are you doing?

Why did you call them?

They don't know where we are.
All right?

I didn't know what else to do!
I... I'm sorry.

No, I'm sorry.

For everything I've done to you.

That is bullshit, Casey.

- I don't want to be sick anymore, OK?
- You don't have to.

I don't wanna live like this!

You don't have to!

- They'll lock me up!
- No!

I'm not gonna let 'em, all right?
But you can't do this by yourself!

Neither can I, all right?
I tried! I can't do it!

Well, then go, OK? If it's
too much for you to handle.

I can handle it, all right?
I mean, I'm here, aren't I?

I'm here right now!
I'm not leavin'!

OK, stay.

That's great, Casey!

Just go and throw away
everything we got, all right?

And k*ll me while you're at it,
why don't you?

Casey, what are you waiting for?

Go on, sh**t me!

Are you sure about this?

Come on, I'll go with you.


What were the names
of those two twin stars again?

Take it easy.

Back in Chicago, enjoying the noise.

At least now not so much of it
is coming from inside my head.

I guess I have the doctors
to thank for that.

I had a dream last night -
you were in it.

You waved to me.
Maybe you were waving goodbye.

It doesn't matter. Whatever happens,
I'm proud of what we went through.

It helps me get through the
day. That, and you in my heart.
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